Archive for May 30, 2024


It appears you can go home again,
but sometimes, you shouldn’t.



Come Home to Death


by Marilyn Levinson

Genre: Suspense, Thriller



“A master of the mystery and
suspense genre.”
—Midwest Book Review

Parker has barely been a bride nine months when two thugs show up at
her apartment while her husband is away on one of his infamous
business trips, claiming he owes their boss a large gambling debt.
Frightened for her life, and without any other options, she heads for
her childhood Long Island home she escaped three years ago. And swore
never to return.

The aunts who raised her are as
interfering and controlling as ever, but soon as the family attorney
advances the rest of her trust from her parents’ life insurance,
she can return to normalcy. Except he refuses, instead spouting
nonsense about how, if she waits, she will soon inherit millions. On
her twenty-fifth birthday.
Problem is, someone doesn’t want
her to live that long.

Her aunts are harboring secrets,
people are turning up dead, her husband is nowhere to be found, and
someone’s trying to kill her. It appears you can go home again, but
sometimes, you shouldn’t.

*Fans of Janet
Evanovich, Lisa Gardner, and Mary Russell will enjoy “Come Home
To Death” by Marilyn Levinson


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A former Spanish teacher, Marilyn
Levinson writes mysteries, romantic suspense, and novels for young
readers. Her Golden Age of Mystery Book Club series was a King Rivers
Life Magazine’s “Best of 2014,” and on Book Town’s 2014
Summer Mystery Reading List. She’s an Agatha nominee, a Library
Journal “Pick of the Month,” on Goodreads’s list of the 200
“Most Popular Books Published in 2017,” a Suspense Magazine
Best Indie, and was on Book Town’s Summer (and) Fall Reading Lists.
She also writes under Allison Brook.  She is co-founder and past
president of the Long Island chapter of Sisters in Crime. She resides
in New York with her family.


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Curiosity might get this cat killed.





Maw of Mayhem MC Book 3

by AK Nevermore

Genre: Paranormal MC Romance


Grimdarke James’ problems have gone from bad to worse. Ousted from his MC and on the run, all he wants is to keep Kit safe while he sets things right. But calling in a favor drops more than trouble into his lap.

As he tries to salvage what’s left of the Maw of Mayhem, forces close in on them and tensions rise. New allies are found and old loyalties are put to the test. So is Grim’s relationship with Kit when someone from his past tries to come between them.

Kit doesn’t share and the threat to her position as Grim’s mate raises her hackles. With her heat triggered, she’s running on instinct and battle lines are drawn. Can Grim win back his MC, and prove he’s the man for her, or will he lose it all?

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Maw of Mayhem MC Book 2


So much for sanctuary.

Kit Parson doesn’t feel any safer than she was before she first stepped into the Maw of Mayhem, and things are going from bad to worse. Something big is definitely going down in the paranormal community… and inside Kit. Now that her inner beast has awoken, all it wants is out. The only thing Kit wants is Grim, but he’s got issues of his own.

Fingered for a crime he didn’t commit and injured by the witch’s spell, his cat Darke has control of their form. He doesn’t play well with others, and tensions with the crew are at an all-time high.

With the witches’ elite assassins on their trail, can Darke and the crew put aside their differences to keep Kit safe and get back to the MC? And as the clock ticks toward the vote with Grim’s reputation in shambles, will there be an MC to go back to?


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Maw of Mayhem MC Book 1


Out of options and on the run after her psychotic father’s released from prison, Kit Parson heads to the only place she might be safe from him, the Maw of Mayhem MC. The unexpected move buys her time, but also puts her at risk. Surrounded by shifters, her inner cat begs to be released, and after witnessing a brutal attack on her mother as a child, she refuses to let the monster out. Totally doable, provided no bodily fluids are ever exchanged.

That takes the MC’s hot-as-hell VP, Grimdarke James, officially off the table. Mourning the recent murder of the club’s alpha and struggling to control his inner cat, the tattooed Viking god is on thin ice. If he goes feral again, he’ll be put down. Which makes his cat’s insistence that Kit belongs to him problematic, upsetting the delicate balance of the MC’s internal politics, and the woman blackmailing Grim.

But when Kit’s father catches up with her, Grim has no choice but to trust his cat, and Kit can’t deny their chemistry. Can they hold on to each other when everything is trying to tear them apart? After a gruesome triple murder propels them deeper into the paranormal world, they find themselves with unlikely allies, even as their enemies threaten to destroy everything they hold dear.


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Get the Prequel story, The Maw of Mayhem FREE!





Get Bites of Mayhem FREE and check out outtakes, flashbacks and more reader extras!



AK Nevermore enjoys operating heavy machinery, freebases coffee, and gives up sarcasm for Lent every year. A Jane-of-all-trades, she’s a certified chef, restores antiques, and dabbles in beekeeping when she’s not reading voraciously or running down the dream in her beat-up camo Chucks.

Unable to ignore the voices in her head, and unwilling to become medicated, she writes Science Fiction and Fantasy full time.

She pays the bills editing, wielding a wicked hot pink pen and writing a column on SFF. She also belongs to the Authors Guild, is a chapter treasurer for the RWA, teaches creative writing, and on the rare occasion, sleeps.


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