Archive for August 14, 2024



Book Details:

Book Title:  The Silver Forest, Book Two by J.D. Rasch
Category:  Adult Fiction 18 yrs +,  438 pages
Genre:  Fantasy
Publisher:  Lamina Press
Release date:  July, 2024
Content RatingPG: Brief, non-explicit scenes of battles and one brief, non-explicit sex scene

“Engrossing, spiritual, thought-provoking and unique.” — Patrick J. LoBrutto, World Fantasy Award winning editor

“A respectable and compelling novel of accomplishment and discovery that introduces engrossing concepts accompanied by a moral and ethical fiber that compliments the story’s adventure.” — Midwest Book Review

Book Description:

Will the young wizard Asmar decide his own fate?

Asmar continues his quest to defeat Malzus and retrieve the powerful golden pulcher staff. Aided by a mysterious figure known only as the Wanderer, Asmar must combat the many types of influences that try to control his mind.

But Asmar is yet unconvinced of the Great Council’s true intentions when they sent him on this quest. Again, he wonders if he must follow the path created for him, or forge his own.

The Silver Forest is a literary fantasy adventure exploring magic, morality, and self-determination. Please note that Book Two is the direct continuation of Asmar’s story, and should only be read following Book One.

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Begin THE SILVER FOREST with Book One:


Book Details:

Book Title:  The Silver Forest, Book One by J.D. Rasch
Category:  Adult Fiction 18 yrs +,  466 pages
Genre:  Fantasy
Publisher:  Lamina Press
Release date:  May, 2024
Content RatingPG-13: Non-explicit mentions of sex, and non-graphic battle scenes.

Book Description:

Asmar, a young and naïve wizard, is sent on an impossible quest—to stop the renegade wizard, Malzus, from finding the tree of wisdom.

The Great Council of wizards, desperate to find the golden pulcher tree, the source of all knowledge, sent nine wizards over the impassable seas to the far away land of Bracat—only to face years of frustration and failure.

Until one of their own turned against them.

Armed with a golden staff to amplify his power, the rogue wizard Malzus fled the wizards’ city of Dolcere and began a ruthless hunt for the tree.

Meanwhile, in the small, protected village of Tuland, Asmar, a misfit, is suddenly called to Dolcere. There, he learns that he is to become a wizard, tasked with stopping the death and destruction caused by Malzus.

​The Great Council tasks Asmar with not only defeating Malzus but returning the golden staff to them. But Asmar doesn’t trust the wizards and their influence over him. Can he break the cycle of violence and selfishness and determine his own destiny?

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Meet Author J.D. Rasch:

J.D. RASCH is a writer, artist, social activist and author. His debut fantasy series, The Wanderer, explores social, political and religious themes. His writing, like his painting explores the mysteries of the world and our place in the greater scheme of the universe. For many years he worked in international finance, both in developed and emerging economies. Even in his work in finance he was interested in social justice, developing ways to assess the social behavior of companies. He also serves on a number of not-for-profit boards in an attempt to make the world a better place.

Connect with the author: website instagram ~ goodreads

Tour Schedule:

Aug 5 – Liese’s Blog – book spotlight of THE SILVER FOREST – BOOK ONE
Aug 5 – Country Mamas With Kids – book review of BOOK TWO / giveaway
Aug 6 – Liese’s Blog – book spotlight of THE SILVER FOREST – BOOK TWO
Aug 7 – Diane’s Book Journal – book series spotlight / giveaway
Aug 8 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of BOOK ONE / giveaway
Aug 13 – Ilovebooksandstuffblog – book series spotlight / giveaway
Aug 14 – Cover Lover Book Review – book series spotlight / giveaway
Aug 15 – China Sorrows – book review of BOOK ONE / giveaway
Aug 15 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review of BOOK TWO / giveaway
Aug 19 – WELCOME TO MLM OPINION’S REVIEWS – book review of BOOK ONE / giveaway
Aug 20 – WELCOME TO MLM OPINION’S REVIEWS – book review of BOOK TWO / giveaway
Aug 20 – China Sorrows – book review of BOOK TWO / giveaway
Aug 21 – Kim’s Book Reviews and Writing Aha’s – book review of BOOK ONE / giveaway
Aug 22 – My Tangled Skeins Book Reviews – Book Review of BOOK TWO / giveaway
Aug 23 – Kim’s Book Reviews and Writing Aha’s – book review of BOOK TWO / giveaway

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Mr. Absolutely Not!

by Alina Jacobs


(The Seattle Svenssons, #1)
Publication date: August 6th 2024
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance

Armed with comfy pants, overpriced coffee, and a highly anxious emotional-support corgi, I prepare to face him.
Corporate boss.

I step into his office. His perfect mouth twists into a sneer.
There is no heart of gold beneath that suit, just a big black pit. He’s a shark in the frothy waters of high-stakes finance.
He might be the quintessential asshole CEO, causing all in his path to quake in fear, but he’s never had to face down a basic bitch in her thirties.

I am exactly like the other girls—I adore Starbucks, greige home decor, and making snarky jokes with my bestie. I’ve even inherited a stalker from an ill-advised singles party.
Yeah, the stalker is… a problem, one I’m hoping will just go away if I ignore it.

I can’t ignore him, though.
He’s all broad shoulders and snide comments, picking apart everything about me as he circles me, going for the kill.
He would never fire me, though. There’s no fun in that. He wants me to quit, to have a mental breakdown.
Well, he can get in line behind my crazy gold-digging sister, my guilt-tripping mother, and the aforementioned stalker.

He pins me with his gaze.
I brace myself, waiting for the verbal blow to come…
Instead, he says, “I need a date tonight, and unfortunately, it has to be you.”

This is a full-length, enemies-to-lovers romantic comedy, complete with smokin’ hot-but-morally gray heroes, a smidge of suspense, and of course the perfect happily ever after!

Goodreads / Amazon


Enjoy this peek inside:

After a cold shower, I wrap a towel around my waist as I step out then lather up to shave. I’m just rinsing off the straight razor when something slimy and rough runs against my leg.

I strangle a curse as the pudgy corgi stumbles back, tripping over the bath mat.

“Mandy!” I bellow, wrenching open the slightly open door. “Mandy!”

“Scram,” I tell the animal. “Out.”

It runs under the vanity and stares at me.



Her footsteps are soft over the carpet as she hurries to the bathroom.

“Salinger? Salinger, what the—” The door opens a crack.

“Eep!” She jumps back out of view behind the door.

“Your dog, that’s what.”

The animal lets out a whine.

“Oh, Pepper, come. Come!”

The dog ignores her.

“Get in here now and get that animal.”

Mandy makes that squeaking nose again. The corgi sneezes.

“I can’t. You’re not wearing any clothes.” She’s still hiding behind the door.

“Mandy…” Warning laces my voice.

The door creaks open. Mandy, hand over her eyes, takes a hesitant step inside.

“It’s under the vanity.” I point.

Mandy walks into a wall.

“Oof.” Groping around with her free hand, she begs, “Pepper, come on. You know you can’t be in here. We talked about this, remember?” Her hip bangs into the side of the vanity. “Ow!”

“A few feet to the left.” I run some product through my hair. I’m not one of those men who rolls out of bed, washes their hair once a week with dish soap, and calls it a day. It takes time to look like someone you would trust with billions of dollars.

“Pepper!” Mandy’s voice is pleading. “Pepper, please just get out of there.”

“Christ.” Grabbing the robe that hangs on the back of the door, I shrug it on, sidestepping her as she walks straight into the glass door of the shower.

“Uncover your eyes.” I tie the belt.



Her fingers spread slightly, and her brown eyes peer at me.

“I’m wearing a robe. Get your animal. This is absurd.”

Mandy’s still peering through her fingers, and she gropes under the vanity, trying to grab the dog. It. Does. Not. Want. To. Leave.

It makes a wheezing sound as she finally drags it by its back feet out from under the vanity.

“I’m so sorry about that, Salinger.”

Mandy’s corgi side-eyes me as Mandy tries to scoop it up with one arm.

“You see me every day,” I remind the dog.

Its lip curls up.

“Mandy.” I point to her dog.

“She went out before I brought her up.” Mandy sounds out of breath.

“No. It looks crazy.”

The whites of the dog’s eyes are showing, and her ears are laid back against her head.

“That’s just how she is,” Mandy says.

“She’s not going to freak out at the charity function. Is she? Do you have medication for her or anything?”

Kneeling down in front of the dog, Mandy whispers, “Let’s try and keep it together. I’ll take you to Olive Garden for a personal plate of pasta, no garlic. But not ’til after the event because I know you’ll get an upset tummy.”

“This is going to be a fucking disaster,” I say to the ceiling. “And where is my date?”


About Author Alina Jacobs:

If you like steamy romantic comedies with a creative streak, then I’m your girl!

Architect by day, writer by night, I love matcha green tea, chocolate, and books! So many books…

Sign up for my mailing list to get the free novella, AFTER HIS PEONIES, along with special bonus content, giveaways, and more!

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