Archive for September, 2024


 A crumbling bluff, two unsolved homicides, and a woman on the edge.
Haunted by her husband’s untimely death, Kate must navigate
treacherous waters and leave Crest Lake and her tragic past
behind…before it all unravels.



The Bluff


by Bonnie Traymore


Genre: Psychological Thriller




“A riveting, pulse-pounding, adrenaline
rush of a thriller. Do not miss this book!” -Noelle W. Ihli,
author of Gray After Dark


and full of surprises,
The Bluff
is a clever psychological suspense with layered characters and an
atmospheric setting. Traymore masterfully ratchets up the tension
little-by-little until the
explosive end.”
USA Today bestselling


What do you have to lose, Kate?” Ryan asked me, as we stood on the bluff
looking out on Lake Michigan.


Turns out, almost everything.



When I first moved
from Manhattan to this small town six years ago, I worried about many
things. I worried about finding a job. I worried that I’d be bored.
I worried that my relationship with charming photographer Ryan
Breslow was moving too fast. But I never worried about whether the
ground beneath my feet would crumble—both literally and


My marriage didn’t
go as I’d imagined. A year ago, Ryan met his untimely death in a
car accident that’s still under investigation. Isolated and alone,
all I wanted was to sell my home and leave Crest Lake and its painful
memories behind.


But with my home
inching ever closer to the edge of the crumbling bluff, the property
has become unmarketable. All of us on the lakefront have lost chunks
of property, and tempers are at a boiling point about what to do


And now, on the
evening of a contentious vote about how to fix this pressing issue,
my nemesis on the shoreline committee has been murdered. I know how
it looks, but it’s not what it seems. I have to get my plan passed
and cash out.


Because I have secrets.


And they won’t stay buried forever.


**On Sale for Only .99cents for a limited time!**


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I awake to find myself rubbing my forearms vigorously with my hands and realize that I’m freezing cold. Something goopy and wet pushes into the space between my toes.

I look down.

I’m standing in mud.

Perilously close to the edge of the bluff.

My eyes widen. I gasp and take a few steps back. I turn to look behind me, and my heart races. A trail of footprints on the pavers stretches to my back door, illuminated by the motion lights in my backyard that pierce the black of night. I look down at myself, the spotlight shining on me. My sheer white nightgown is stuck to me, and my skin shows through the gossamer fabric. I’m wet, I realize. I look up at the night sky. It’s drizzling, and I need to get back inside. But I’m still foggy, not quite grasping what’s going on.

How did I get here?

Then it hits me. What must have happened. I head back to the house. My racing heart starts to slow, but the pounding in my chest is replaced with an uncontrollable shivering that rattles my bones. I get inside and lock the door behind me.

But then I remember the brick. And I think about the fact that somebody could have slipped into my house while I was outside. The alarm people are coming in a few days, but that does nothing for me now.

The chances are slim, I tell myself. But still. I look around, and I don’t see anyone. Then it dawns on me that if someone wanted to kill me, they could have simply pushed me off the cliff. So, I head upstairs to take a hot shower before I catch my death of cold.

I haven’t had a sleepwalking episode in decades, not since my father died and left me parentless, but I remember all too well what they feel like. I’m devastated. I wonder what triggered it. I had one of those feelings again last night before I went to bed. Like someone was watching me. That’s nothing new, though, and it doesn’t explain why this is starting up again.

I need to get ahead of it. It’s dangerous. And suddenly, prison isn’t my biggest fear. At least in prison, I wouldn’t be able to plunge myself off an eighty-foot cliff, shattering my body into a thousand pieces on the rocky shore below.

I laugh out loud at the thought and wonder if I’m starting to lose my mind.



Bonnie Traymore is the award-winning, Amazon best selling author of
page-turner mystery/thrillers that hit close to home. Her books
feature strong but relatable female protagonists. The plots explore
difficult topics such as jealousy, infidelity, murder, and the impact
of psychological disorders, but she also includes bits of romance and
humor to lighten the mood from time to time. She’s an active status
member of International Thriller Writers and Mystery Writers of


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Welcome to the cover reveal of Book Four of the LESSER KNOWN TRAVEL TRIPS series, How to React When Woken at 3am by Drunk Argentinian Backpackers While Staying in a Youth Hostel and Other Lesser Known Travel Tips.

Author Simon Yeats will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B&N gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.



Genre: Non-Fiction Humorous Memoir


Book 4 of the hilarious book series that those in the know will want to read when arriving at Paris airport so they laugh so freaking hard that it will intimidate any suspicious characters looking to abduct them and sell them into the human trafficking game.

Life was not meant to be easy, Simon Yeats’ father used to tell him. Well, it sure as hell was not meant to be this bizarre and witty. Australian ex-pat Simon Yeats shares his stories of travel misadventures and dubious personal introspection with comedic insights into the unusual and uproarious elements of living his life abroad. All while having a sense of Wanderlust as pervasive as Mongol hordes in the 12th century.

From how to negotiate getting abused in Los Angeles when you will only drive at 5 miles/hr., to what to do when locked out of your hotel room in your underwear, to the emotions of attempting the world’s second highest bungee when you have a pathological fear of heights, to how to deal with the trials and tribulations of staying in a youth hostel with travelers who have no respect for the other guests.

Simon Yeats has gone into the world and experienced all the out of the ordinary moments for you to sit back and enjoy the experience without the need to empty your bank account, get squeezed sitting in a middle airline seat, or deal with border security at the Ukraine/Russia boundary..


Enjoy this peek inside:

Big Wednesday was my first day at work as a liftie on the Burgess Creek lift at the Steamboat ski resort as a wide-eyed 20-year-old. I do not remember the exact date, but I am absolutely certain it was a Wednesday because everyone who was present at the resort that day referred to it as ‘big Wednesday.’

Overnight, between ‘ordinary Tuesday’ and ‘big Wednesday,’ the town and resort received a mammoth amount of snowfall. It absolutely dumped. A biblical amount of snow. Even though I do not recall snow being mentioned once in either the old testament or the new testament. But I could have missed the reference.

And Moses went up the mountain at God’s direction and there was fresh dump of powder snow, and he cried out, “ye verily, gonna cut me some wicked turns.”

To get to work on my first day, I take the shortcut straight down the hill to the main road and bus stop. I am decked out in my official Steamboat resort onesie ski suit. The snow level is over my belly button. It is like wading through waist high surf for a half mile.

I scramble onto the bus, and I am on my knees huffing and puffing while dripping with sweat.

An inauspicious start to the day.


About Author Simon Yeats:

Simon Yeats has lived nine lives, and by all estimations, is fast running out of the number he has left. His life of globetrotting the globe was not the one he expected to lead. He grew up a quiet, shy boy teased by other kids on the playgrounds for his red hair. But he developed a keen wit and sense of humor to always see the funnier side of life.

With an overwhelming love of travel, a propensity to find trouble where there was none, and being a passionate advocate of mental health, Simon’s stories will leave a reader either rolling on the floor in tears of laughter, or breathing deeply that the adventures he has led were survived.

No author has laughed longer or cried with less restraint at the travails of life.

Author Links: Amazon / TikTok / Instagram

Pre-order link: Amazon


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by Naima Simone


Publication date: September 3rd 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Sports

USA Today bestselling author Naima Simone heats up the page with intensity and wit in this romance between a pro hockey player and a firefighter, both struggling to move on from the past.

Being a firefighter isn’t easy. Especially for a Black woman. Working with family helps a little. But when somebody from your company doesn’t come back from a call, it’s brutal—as in, “How’m I supposed to go on?” brutal.

And one death took me to a really dark place.

A year later, I’m at the Pirates’ hockey training facility. Just another day on the job. Until I find a charred journal. I look inside for the owner’s name, but the words on the page punch me in the gut. It’s like reading my own thoughts. Reliving my own pain.

The journal belongs to Solomon Young, left-winger for the Pirates—a father and widower. When I return it, I’m racked with guilt for the invasion of privacy. The look Solomon gives me is cold as ice.

But damn if that man isn’t hot as hell.

Now he’s stuck in my brain. And fate seems intent on making us face off.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble


Enjoy this peek inside:

Hours later, after the call to the hockey training facility, I finally sink to my bunk, the leather-bound book in my hands. I stare down at the journal, flipping it from front to back. Why am I so drawn to it? Hell, right now, I really am feeling like fucking Gollum with the One Ring.

This holds someone’s personal, most private thoughts. Yet I trace the Celtic tree of life emblem on the front, then toy with the leather string wrapped around it. The longer I hold it, touch it, the stronger the curiosity stirs inside me.

It’s wrong to pry. Wrong to even consider opening the cover and . . .


Even as the . . . ickiness writhes inside me like a pissed-off nest of snakes, I loosen the strap and slowly open the journal. There’s no name on the inside flap or on the first page where it’s typed This journal belongs to . . . with a line for the identification of the owner. Conversely, that makes me feel an iota better about violating this faceless and nameless person’s privacy.

Or I’m just trying to justify what I’m about to do.

What I can’t seem to stop myself from doing.

Slowly, as if I’m opening a box of precious treasure, I flip to the first page.

August 2

Dear Kendra,

Goddamn, I feel so stupid even writing that. You know I don’t do this shit. The most I’ve ever written was a grocery list the one and only time you let me go shopping by myself. And we both remember how that turned out. A $500 bill and a shit ton of beer and beef jerky. But here I am, writing in a journal of all things. The therapist your father insisted I go see gave me this as homework. And if I want to keep seeing the ice, I have to cooperate. Apparently, I have an anger problem that’s not getting any better. Your father better be glad he’s not just my in-law but the owner of my team or else I’d tell him and the therapists to go fuck themselves. Yeah, sorry. I know that’s your dad.

Well, since I have to do this and you’re the only person I want to talk to, I’m writing this shit to you. Besides, as crazy as it sounds, I swear I can hear you in my head. And I feel closer to you. Like you’re here right next to me. I said it sounded crazy, right?

I don’t have anything to say.


Except I miss you. I miss you like fucking crazy, sweetheart.

And I need you.

August 8

Dear Kendra,

Last night I dreamed about you.

It was so real. You still wore that peaches and cream body lotion. Your voice, smile, touch—they all were the same. And even though I was holding you again, talking to you again, a part of me knew that it was a dream. That I had to take advantage of this time with you while I had it. But even knowing that, I woke up reaching for you. And the pain of patting those cold, empty sheets sent pain through me all over again. As sharp as if you’ve been gone two days instead of two years. I lay there in bed, staring at the ceiling, unable to move. Like the pain, the grief were physical weights pressing me into the mattress, smothering me.

For a moment, Kendra, I thought the unthinkable.

I wanted to follow you.

Shit, I can only admit this here, to you.

I haven’t had those thoughts since the days right after you left. Why is it so hard for me to say “died”? I can’t. Even years later, I can’t say it out loud. Because it makes you being gone so fucking final. As if death isn’t. And yet, I haven’t said it in two whole goddamn years.

Which makes no fucking sense, right? If I want to follow you there, I should have the balls to say the words. I can hear you cursing me out for even thinking about it. You were always the bravest out of the two of us. I might fuck people up on the ice for a living but you? You were the one who was fearless, rushing into life, enjoying the hell out of it. Forcing me to go along for the ride.

I can’t fucking do this without you, Kendra. I don’t want to.

But we have Khalil.

He’s my lifeline, my saving grace. I hate to put that kind of pressure on a five-year-old kid, but I swear, if it wasn’t for him, I don’t know . . .

Sometimes I believe . . . Shit, I feel ridiculous for even saying this. But sometimes I believe you somehow knew you wouldn’t be here, so you gifted me with him. I will always have a piece of you here as long as I have him.

Yeah, I’m done after that.

I’m out.

I don’t stop reading until the last entry. I close the leather cover, my heart slamming against my rib cage, pumping hurt, anger, and sadness through my veins.

At some point, I realized the identity of the book’s owner.

Solomon Young.


About Author Naima Simone:

Published since 2009, USA Today Bestselling author Naima Simone loves writing sizzling romances with heart, a touch of humor and snark. Her books have been featured in The Washington Post and Entertainment Weekly, and described as balancing “crackling, electric love scenes with exquisitely rendered characters caught in emotional turmoil.”

She is wife to Superman, or his non-Kryptonian, less bullet proof equivalent, and mother to the most awesome kids ever. They all live in perfect, sometimes domestically-challenged bliss in the southern United States.

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She’s Got The Time

by MO Mack


(Suite #45, #3)
Publication date: August 29th 2024
Genres: Adult, Thriller

From author M.O. Mack comes the third, heart-stopping thriller in the Suite #45 series, SHE’S GOT THE TIME.


Emily has broken plenty of rules. Some she regrets. Others, well, not so much.

Running from her husband Ed for example? No regrets. He was a controlling predator who trafficked women while working for the FBI. But had she known she’d end up working for a group of hit men, she might’ve made different choices. Big regrets.

On the bright side, the group only kills bad guys. On the not-so-bright side, every cartel south of the border wants the group dead, and she’s number one on the cartel’s list.

Emily also regrets trusting Charge, her hit man boss. She regrets caring about him more than she should.

But when the feds arrest her for the murder of her ex, Emily knows she’s been set up, and all signs point to Charge. Why would he do this to her? The prison is filled with cartel gangs, and there’s a price on her head.

Can she find a way out before her time is up?

The clock is ticking…

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo


Enjoy this peek inside:

“I thought you loved me,” she said, knowing now that the confession he’d made after she’d saved him all those weeks ago had just been another lie.

Charge jerked his head back, like she’d taken him off guard. “What’s that have to do with anything?”

“It’s everything.” Because he’d told her that while he’d been preparing to do the hit on Ed, he’d watched her from afar and fallen for her. He’d said it was the reason he’d helped her after she’d run from Ed. “You’ve been playing me this entire time. Haven’t you? The story about you loving me was a scam to get me to keep working for you.” And it had worked. He’d probably done it because he believed she’d eventually lead him to Ed.

“I don’t have time for this right now. And I’ve proven my loyalty to you.”

“No. You said whatever you had to in order to make me trust you.” She hung her head. “I can’t believe I fell for it.” Not to mention, she’d started having feelings for Charge. She’d taken a life for him. She’d risked her own ass, too.

“I’m sorry you think that,” he said smugly, “but it doesn’t change the situation or what has to be done next.”

“And just what’s that? Am I supposed to take out the warden next? Or the head of one of the gangs here so you get paid?” She pushed back in her chair. “I’m done, Charge. Done.”

“Don’t be silly. You won’t get out of this prison alive unless you pull your head from your ass, Justine, and follow my instructions.”

This again. And why did he always call her Justine when he wanted to control her? Did he think it was some kind of psychological magic wand to garner compliance?

He went on, “You only have a day, two max, before someone realizes you have a ten-million-dollar price on your head. You don’t have much time, but it’s enough time to—”

“No, Charge. No more. I’m not buying into your crap. I mean, look at where I am.” She tried to throw her hands in the air, but they were chained to the table. “We both know I’m not getting out of here. Not after I killed that guard. At best, I’ll survive a week, and if it’s all the same to you, I’d like to enjoy what little time I have left.”

About Author M.O. Mack:

Obviously, M.O. Mack is a cover. Don’t bother looking for the author’s true identity. She must remain secret due to the sensitive information written in her stories…

Okay, most of all that is total rubbish! M.O. is a full-time author from the great state of Arizona, who loves making stuff up and hates a slow story. The faster the better! Most days, M.O. tries to avoid the news (too icky) so it doesn’t interfere with writing nail-biter stories.

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Instagram / Newsletter


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I am so excited that MIDNIGHT FALLS by John Evans is available now and that I get to
share the news!


If you haven’t yet heard about this
wonderful book, be sure to check out all the details below.


This blitz also includes a giveaway
for a finished copy of the book of Rowan Prose Publishing & Rockstar Book Tours. So if you’d
like a chance to win, check out the giveaway info below.




Author: John Evans



Pub. Date: September 3, 2024

Publisher: Rowan Prose Publishing, LLC

Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook

Pages: 356

Find it: Goodreads


After a series of disappointments and
mishaps at college, Josh Blevins returns to his small hometown, loyal dog in
tow, and begrudgingly settles in. Though he feels like a failure and his life
is at a crossroads, he’s made new friends and even found a girl.


But the pleasant façade of Midnight Falls he remembered from childhood hides a
sinister evil. One that goes beyond the hate festering within the borders and
etched in the streets to something much deeper and chilling. Anyone and
everyone could be a monster lurking behind the mask of hospitality. Knowing who
to trust is impossible, especially when he’s constantly butting heads with the
sheriff, who has a grudge against him, an axe to grind, and no intentions of
burying it unless it’s in Josh’s back.

Somehow, he’s become an outsider in a place he once called home, and is
suddenly forced to choose between facing his problems or to keep running for
the rest of his life. And what lingers in the dark may not let him survive long
enough to decide.






Enjoy this peek inside:


“I really wish you hadn’t found
that,” the elderly woman repeated as she stepped forward.


In the light of the naked bulb, it
was obvious there was something wrong with her. Her eyes were bloodshot, but
they had gone over all white like someone who had cataracts. Which wasn’t the
worst part. The skin of her face was…moving. Not muscular as with
expressions or speech. No, it was more like something was underneath her skin,
shifting, like insects crawling or burrowing.


Lizzie gasped, palms extended in a
paused motion somewhere between wanting to reach for her grandmother and push
her away.


I couldn’t move. This was the thing
B-horror flicks were made of, I thought as my brain tried to reason with
reality. An allergic reaction. She’d fallen and hit her face. Anything to
explain the sight before us. My heart pounded in my ears, and I could feel it
pulsing in my temples as my head swam.


Then, the elder woman’s face bulged
as if her head was made of clay, and someone had shoved their fist into the
back of it. It made a sickening crackling sound like dry wood in a fireplace.
My breath caught as I recognized it as the same sound I thought I’d been
hearing off and on for weeks, making me questioning my sanity.


Her head then abruptly jerked to an
inhuman angle, jaw sideways and the top of her head nearly flush with her shoulder. Her whole body began to shudder as it contorted in alien, horrific ways, accompanied by the same
terrifying dry snapping.


Neither of us shifted an inch. Fear
trapped us in place as our minds struggled to witness the horror. Lizzie let
out small pathetic whimpers. My own throat clenched as my lungs forgot how to
breathe. The sheer terror made me feel so small and helpless before the grim


Oh God, and then it got worse. 


About Author John Evans:



 John Evans is the debut author of the
pulse-pumping book Midnight Falls. He also writes the “Tobias Halson Vampire
Hunter” series and various short stories. Inspired by greats like Stephen King
and Gary Brandner, he loves all things “old school” horror, and often claims
his purpose is to give readers a little bit of fun Lovecraftian escapism from
the scarier real world.

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1 winner will receive a finished copy of MIDNIGHT FALLS US

Ends September 10th, midnight EST.



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For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for A Curvy Girl’s Haven organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Kristabel Reed will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

A Curvy Girl’s Haven

by Kristabel Reed



Genre: Contemporary Romance


Dr. Arabella Stanton is back in Havenbrook, California, seeking a break from her work with Doctors Without Borders. Exhausted and haunted by memories of the refugee camps, she finds solace in the familiar yet changed landscape of her grandmother’s old town. She plans to rest, recuperate, and plan out her next steps—until a persistent knock at her door changes everything.

Garret de la Rosa, a Navy SEAL with his own shadows from missions past, is back in Havenbrook to recover and find some peace. When a mutual friend brings Arabella to his door, he’s bleeding from an injury, and neither expects the connection that sparks between them.

As Arabella and Garret navigate their growing attraction, they also face their personal demons and the reality that their lives are on different paths. Amidst the tranquil beauty of Havenbrook, they find themselves questioning their futures and what they truly want.


Enjoy this peek inside:

Why subject herself to disappointment? No matter how attractive she found him, he was only being grateful. The fact she was ready for a new chapter in her life did not mean Garret would be any part of that new chapter.

“It was nice to see you. If you have any problems”—she made a small gesture to his side—“let me know.”

Arabella offered another smile and nod, and turned to leave.

“Doctor!” Garret called again. “I’m experiencing a problem.”

Frowning, she turned back around, already in doctor mode. “Oh, does it hurt? Is the pain more intense—”

“This beautiful woman,” he interrupted, “refused to go out with me. Twice! I need your advice. Is there anything I can do to convince her that lunch is harmless enough?”

Shocked, she wanted to give a sharp retort about leaving the woman alone if she said no. And then Arabella realized Garret was talking about her. She blinked and laughed, shaking her head at the ridiculousness of it all.

“Depends on where you want to have lunch.”

After all, if she had lunch with him, he’d stop trying to thank her. Because he’d already have thanked her. And they could both move on. Or something. That was logical reasoning, wasn’t it?

About Author Kristabel Reed:

I’m an East Coaster with an insatiable love for pizza and movies. This love has also produced a chubby girl who thought it would be fun to write a few romances for the fuller ladies. And after a long break from writing, I decided to explore the small, California community of Havenbrook; where curvier ladies find hot guys who fall madly in love! After all, curvier girls need love too.

Author Links: Twitter / Blog

Purchase Link: Amazon


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Look, Don’t Touch

by Meg Everly


(Pieces of Us, #1)
Publication date: August 27th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Dark Romance, Romance

The scars you see are only the beginning.

Hailey Fitzpatrick

When people see me walking on a New York City sidewalk, they think mousey b*tch and stuck-up c*nt. How do I know? It’s NYC. They yell it to my face. I smile to myself and keep walking. After all, I have clients that need me.

I’m wrapping up my first decade as a licensed clinical psychologist. Things are as good as they’ve ever been. Still, I get the itch. The tattoos worked into my skin take the edge off.

When one of my first clients goes on s*icide watch and on of my newest challenges the very ground on which I stand, I seek relief only being blindfolded and bound can bring.

Arlo Judge

Look all you want. Don’t f*cking touch me. No one does.

I’m no longer that little boy who cowers in fear. I’m six three, two hundred fifteen pounds of muscle, and own the largest conglomerates in the States. Still, that boy’s demons live inside me. One in particular looms over my shoulder, always ready to strike.

When I see her, perfectly poised and in command, I think nothing of the beautiful exterior. Then I see the demons lurking in her striking green eyes. I’m intrigued. Hooked. Obsessed.

I need to know how they came to be and how she hides them so well. I need to dig them out and set her free. I never expected that she could do the same for me.

Doctor Fitzpatrick is now accepting new clients!

Look, Don’t Touch is a dark romance. It is the first in the Pieces of Us Trilogy. It’s an MF, four jalapeño, HFN novel with graphic depictions of s*x and k*nk. Trigger Warning for talks of ab*se, death by s*icide, and m*rder.

Pieces of Us is a polyamorous romance trilogy. Book 2, Forever We Fall is an MM, three jalapeño, HFN novel. Book 3, Hard to Judge is an MMF, four flaming jalapeño, HEA novel.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble


Enjoy this peek inside:


My lips part, but I don’t know what to say. I don’t know if I can say anything without sobbing. So I let him go. The door whispers open and, after a moment, closes with an abrupt snap.

I crumple. My hands engulf my face, and I wail. Thoughts of Matt’s handsome face and his bright and tortured eyes haunt me. Sobs burn in and out of my lungs as though they might catch fire. I cry for what seems like forever. My abs cramp, and my fingers begin to tingle.

“Fuck!” I scream for all I’m worth, thankful for soundproofing, and wish I could have it installed in my brain. Where I could turn it on with the click of a button.

Sobs pull a vacuum on my lungs. My chest feels like it may cave in on itself. If I pass out, I can at least avoid this for a little while.


My epic cries stop instantly, caught in my shock.

The heavy whispering voice is still in the room and closer than ever. He’s just over my shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

I leap from my seat and rush to the window, wiping at my tears and commanding control over my sorrow as I go. My legs wobble but hold me up.

“You weren’t supposed to see that.” My shaking hands smooth down my pants. “The door opened and closed. I thought you were gone.”

“Your aunt…I was going to get her for you, but she’s not here.”

I’m nodding and not understanding anything.

Why is he still here? Why is Matt dead? Why couldn’t I save him?

I stare out at the endless sky.

Mr. Judge’s large frame fills my periphery. He stands no more than a foot away to my left. He faces the window.

“I could tell the call you got wasn’t a good one. I thought your aunt could help.”

No one can help.

“You didn’t answer my question,” he reminds me as if I’m the patient and he’s my therapist. It’s apt for the moment.

I swallow, knowing I shouldn’t say anything. Knowing I can corrupt his treatment more than I already have. If he knows I’ve failed one client, what would that mean for him? Plus, confiding goes beyond the realm of professionalism.

“I just lost a patient.” I choke down a sob. “My first.”

He stuffs his hand into nice slacks. “Patient or loss?”

“First patient and first patient loss.” He’s taller than me by a lot, and I’m not considered short.

“How long have you been doing this?”

I notice a cross-hatched design on the sleeve of his suit jacket before I force my eyes away and back to the sky. The sunset is just beginning to blend its colors into the clouds that are no longer heart-shaped but gray and droopy. They promise rain.

Cold. Darkness. Sorrow.

“Six years licensed with my PhD. Thirteen, if you include all the practicums and internships.”

“It’s never good to lose someone, but it seems almost inevitable in your line of work.” His words are soft.

Sure, colleagues of mine have lost patients. But I don’t specialize in suicide prevention. I’d tried to talk Matt into seeing a psychologist who does. I even set up appointments for him. Time and again, he refused to show up at a single one.

“I specialize in cognitive and behavioral therapy. In the beginning, I saw patients dealing with severe depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Slowly, that shifted into phobias, relationships, and sexual disorders. I’ve been lucky.”

“Or good at your job,” he offers.

My throat aches from my cries and screams. It’s thick and cumbersome. Because of his kindness, the threat of more raging sentiments sits on the precipice of erupting.

“Considering I left you raw and vulnerable with no resolution, cried in front of you, and told you things I shouldn’t, I’ll go with luck.”

The room goes quiet for a long time. We stand side by side, staring at the birds, the trees, the people, the nothingness and everythingness of life in front of us. There’s a calming reassurance in the silence, in his disposition.

“I am sorry.” His words vibrate with meaning.

“Whatever for? You’ve done nothing wrong.” I breathe.

He takes his hand out of his pockets. They hang by his side. He has long fingers, and when he balls them into fists, the veins and muscles in his hands bulge.

“I can’t offer you comfort.”

For a moment, I want to cry for him. For all the comfort and pleasure that he’s lost. For all the connections he’s been unable to make in his life. For his discomfort. For his perennial solitude.

“You don’t have to touch, talk, or even allow me to look at you to provide me comfort, Mr. Judge.” I pull my sneaking gaze away from him and focus on the horizon. The sky has turned dark, drained of all its color. For this moment, it looks brighter than it did thirty minutes ago. “I appreciate your thoughtfulness and presence.”

He nods. I can barely see the movement in my periphery.

“Can I call someone for you?”

There is no one to call.

“No. You’ve helped quite a lot. Thank you.”

“Then I’ll leave you to it.”

I nod. “Goodbye, Mr. Judge.”

He retreats from view. This time, I watch his silhouette as it appears in the light of the exit room in the reflection of the window. He stalls in the doorway.

“Goodbye, Hailey.”

Then he leaves and closes the door behind him.

About Author Meg Everly:

Meg Everly writes stories with sentiment, smut, and love with no bounds.

Website / Goodreads / Instagram / TikTok / Booksirens




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.Today SamiJo McQuiston and Rockstar Book Tours are
revealing the cover & trailer for THE HAUNT, her new cozy urban fantasy
with humor which releases October 8, 2024! Check out the awesome cover and
enter the giveaway!


On to the reveal! 






Author: SamiJo McQuiston


Pub. Date: October 8, 2024

Publisher: Hats Off Imaginarium

Formats: Paperback, eBook

Pages: 253


Find it: Goodreads


My name is Hecate Grimm, and I own a
bookshop. It’s pretty average as far as bookstores go. Nothing special to see
here, or at least that’s what my regulars believe. They also think I’m a
ventriloquist, special effects guru, and dedicated actress.


Clearly, when it was raining brains,
the vast majority went out with umbrellas. I’ve told them, time and time again
that I’m a witch, and this is a haunted bookstore, which is why it’s called The


But no, it’s much easier to believe I
wasted time learning to throw my voice and hanging invisible wires all over the
place. After all, you’re modern people. How could anything supernatural be
going on right under your noses?


Maiden, Mother, and Crone—the
stupidity of it makes me sick. I guess you can come in if you must. Look around
and actually buy something since you’ve had the audacity to interrupt my book.
Just don’t wear out your welcome or waste my time with your idiotic questions.
I have fictional characters to get back to, and they’re all more interesting
than you.





Enjoy this peek inside:


My name is Hecate Grimm, and I own
a bookshop. For those of you not into myths and legends, you pronounce my name,
Hecka (like we’re going to have a hecka of a time) and Tea (Like that ambrosia
from the gods that keeps me kicking). Heh-kuh-tee. I have two sisters, Eos and
Nyx, who are also named after Greek deities. What can I say? My parents love
their mythology.


   Now, the shop is
fairly normal, as far as bookstores go. Nothing special to see here, or at
least that’s what my regulars believe. They also think I’m a ventriloquist,
special effects guru, and dedicated actress. No one said they were the brightest
crayons in the box. After all, they’re modern people. How could anything
supernatural be going on right under their noses?


   We call the store, The
Haunt. I inherited it from my grandmother, but it’s not one of those family
things. Sometimes it works out that way, but The Haunt must be inherited by a
witch or warlock and, hopefully, one who’s interested in books, though that
hasn’t always been the case either.    


   “Come on, Hecate,”
Jason whined. “They’re in good shape. Just give me two credits for the lot.”


   “No,” I said without
looking up from the newest Harry Dresden novel. “That box smells like cigars
and unwashed genitals. I’ll never be able to flip them.”


   “I’ll admit I should
have ditched the box, but the books are solid. Look, they don’t stink at all.”
He said, taking a big whiff of a paperback with a black and orange cover. I
moved my head to the side as he shoved it under my nose. There was no
noticeable smell, but I disliked anyone in my bubble.


   “Jason, you have two
seconds to vacate my personal space before you’re banned for life,” I said. He
backed up quickly.


   “Sorry, Hecate. They
really are good books, though. Come on, just one credit, then? That’s a
bargain. All these for one measly credit.”


   I glared at him and
glanced into the box. There were likely a few salvageable items, but he was
being pushy, and I couldn’t reward that type of behavior. 



About SamiJo McQuiston:



SamiJo is a first-class shenanigator, decorated coddiwompler,
narrator, creator, and author of The Abney Kelly series and The Haunt (coming
October 8th). She also has a short story, One Samhain Night, published in the
UJ Plainsong literary journal in April 2024, and a poem, The Bottom, coming out
in collaboration with other North Dakota authors in late 2024. She lives in
North Dakota with her husband (Andy), dogs (Puck, Enzo, and Bailey), and three
cats (Horus, Anubis, and Snow Kitty). In her spare time, she reads, writes,
listens to audiobooks, plays video games, and enjoys D&D on the weekends.


On a more serious note, writing is everything to SamiJo. As a
sickly child, she often spent her time indoors or at the hospital before they
figured out she had asthma. At that time, books were her best friends. Without
fairy tales, the Dear America Books, and authors like Diana Wynne Jones, Jim
Sukach, Anne Martin, and Richard Peck, she would have been unthinkably lonely.
She aims to write stories that give people a much-needed escape from reality
and create places to go when getting out the front door is too much to bear.


Website | Blog | Twitter | Bluesky | Facebook | Instagram | TikTok | Goodreads | Amazon



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1 winner will  receive
a tote, water bottle, hardback copy of THE HAUNT, and a $25 Amazon gift card, US



Ends November 5th, midnight EST.


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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


 For it is written in the stars…



The Girl in the Toile Wallpaper


The Star Writers Trilogy Book 1


by Mary K. Savarese


Genre: Fantasy Adventure, Romance



 Alice may have fallen through the looking glass and created a
relationship with the Cheshire Cat, but it was twelve-year old Tyler
who falls into the toile wallpaper and unwittingly bonds with
thirteen cats.


Want Fantasy, Adventure, Romance?


Lyly’s heart yearns for true love
until family loyalty is betrayed by a greedy Noble.
Imprisoned by the evil Wizard, she became The Girl in the Toile Wallpaper.


That is, until fate beckons…


Will the young American tourist Tyler Charles remember his class physics
in time to reverse the ancient curse and save the love of his life?

Mary K. Savarese, an award winning author created another world for her readers to enjoy.


* Bookbub
* Goodreads





It is said, “Where evil rages, hope prevails.” This is not about evil for hope shall find a way …


He watched as the dark shadows swirled across the room. A wind, as strong as a summer tornado, spun and yet moved nothing. Dante hid in the shadows and the sound of squalls raged through his ears. He inched his way toward the massive windows and darted behind the heavy drapery. His heart raced and he gasped when shards of light flashed through the room and threatened his reality. When a lightning bolt shattered, he winced and stepped deeper into the folds of the fabric. Standing in the middle of the study, a boy held tightly to a girl in his arms. Dante wanted to help them but how? The evil man’s robe glimmered with each wave of his arm. Dante watched in horror as the man threw the sheets of paper onto the floor. His long, golden fingernails glowed in the dim light. As the pages floated, each piece crawled toward the couple as if alive. Awkward sounds filled Dante’s ears as ghost-like buildings hovered through the air as if they were nothing more than a whisp of smoke. Now, a medieval scene flashed before his eyes, and the curtains vibrated in his hands. A flicker of an olive tree and then a farmhouse and then a vineyard … are those sheep? Dante tried to inch closer but his feet refused to move. He was glued in place behind the drapes. The ghostly objects disappeared into the paper and he trembled in terror. The shadows formed into a miniature print, each arranging itself according to the direction of the evil man. The man was painting a distressing scene through the movements of his symphonic hands. The wizard swiped along the floor and the girl was jerked into the air. She hovered for only a moment before spinning as easily as a spinning wheel. Then as if no friction ever existed, the girl screamed and the wind sucked her into the cloth paper … the girl was gone…



The Star Writers Club


The Star Writers Trilogy Book 2



The perfect summer read!


Enjoy Book II of The
StarWriters Trilogy, 
The StarWriters Club; following
the 2021 release of the award winning fiction novel, The Girl in
the Toile Wallpaper (Book I). The Girl in the Toile
Wallpaper explores the fantasy genre, with mysterious worlds,
magic cats and romances through the ages. Set in the medieval Tuscan
cities of Siena and Florence, Italy, readers will relish in the rich
detail and beautiful scenes presented by Savarese.


The StarWriters Club follows twelve new arrivals to the band that
surrounds Heaven. Together, they must train to deliver His Plan to
the stars.


But when the evil Beck decides otherwise, the
StarWriters are called into action to save three members who were
just sucked through the gates and into the pits of Hell.


Follow our StarWriters as they trek across the villages of the band and
learn how His Plan is distributed by those working in His Plan room.
Will the good/evil clocks continue to click toward evil, or will our
StarWriters prevail and turn the fate of time?


It is only by combining their strengths and wisdom not yet learned that they
just might succeed. Perhaps by accepting their last few moments on
Earth, they might endure what awaits. For it is Written in the


* Goodreads



I was born and grew up in Brooklyn, New York, going on to earn a business
degree in accounting from City University, NY. Soon after I found
myself working in insurance and financing and went on to marry my
wonderful husband. We moved to New England.


I have spent thirteen years as
a religious education teacher and have lived and worked in New York,
Connecticut, and Massachusetts. For the past decade, I have served as
a Eucharistic minister at my local Catholic church, bringing the
Eucharist to community nursing homes. After raising a family in CT,
my husband and I became Florida Residents though continue to spend
time in CT where I continue in my ministry.


My debut novel is a
contemporary Spiritual Mystery that transcends three genres: Mystery,
Spirituality, and Romance. I love to write imaginative stories for
all ages! I hope you enjoy this story and look out for more to
follow! Tigers Love Bubble Baths & Obsession Perfume (who
knew!)has received 5 Stars from Readers’ Favorites and global award
from Royal DragonFly.


* Facebook
* X * Instagram
* Bookbub
* Amazon
* Goodreads



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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


Buried on a Sundae (Coffee & Cream Café Mysteries)
by Lena Gregory


Buried on a Sundae (Coffee & Cream Café Mysteries)
Cozy Mystery
4th in Series
Setting – Long Island, NY
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Gemma Halliday Publishing (August 27, 2024)
Digital : Number of Pages 225
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CW1B4V2Y


From author Lena Gregory comes a delicious new mystery…

Things have been looking up for Danika Delany’s business—her uncle’s old fashioned malt shop on eastern Long Island. But for her love life? Not so much. After a disastrous date with Detective Jake Barlow, Danika lets her best friends, Gwen and Eli, talk her into a night out at the hottest new nightclub in town. Only, while there, Dani finds her sort-of boyfriend secreted in the shadows on the beach behind the club with crime boss Patrick Johansen’s wife, Angelique! An upset Dani leaves without giving Jake a chance to explain, but when he doesn’t get in touch the next day, she takes a long walk along the beach to reevaluate her love life. That’s where she suddenly stumbles across Angelique’s body buried in the dunes near where she last saw her with Jake. Sure that Jake is innocent—of murder at least—Danika and her friends set out to prove Jake had nothing to do with her murder and stop a killer…before they strike again!

About Lena Gregory

Lena Gregory is the author of the Bay Island Psychic Mysteries, which take place on a small island between the north and south forks of Long Island, New York, the All-Day Breakfast Café Mysteries, which are set on the outskirts of Florida’s Ocala National Forest, the Mini-Meadows Mysteries, set in a community of tiny homes in Central Florida, and the Coffee & Cream Café Mysteries, which take place in a small town on the south shore of eastern Long Island, New York.

Lena grew up in a small town on the south shore of eastern Long Island, but she recently traded in cold, damp, gray winters for the warmth and sunshine of central Florida, where she now lives with her husband, three kids, son-in-law, and four dogs. Her hobbies include spending time with family, reading, and walking. Her love for writing developed when her youngest son was born and didn’t sleep through the night. She works full-time as a writer and a freelance editor and is a member of Sisters in Crime.

Author Links: Newsletter / Website / Twitter/X / Goodreads / Pinterest

Facebook / Facebook Page

Purchase Links – AmazonB&NKobo


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August 27 – Mystery, Thrillers, and Suspense – SPOTLIGHT


August 29 – Reading Is My SuperPower – REVIEW

August 29 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

August 30 – Read Your Writes Book Reviews – CHARACTER GUEST POST

August 30 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – REVIEW

August 31 – Sarah Can’t Stop Reading Books – REVIEW

September 1 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

September 1 – fundinmental – SPOTLIGHT

September 2 – Baroness Book Trove – REVIEW

September 2 – Books, Ramblings, and Tea – SPOTLIGHT


September 3 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

September 4 – Elizabeth McKenna – Author – SPOTLIGHT

September 4 – Guatemala Paula Loves to Read – REVIEW

September 5 – MJB Reviewers -SPOTLIGHT

September 5 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW

September 6 – Reading, Writing & Stitch-Metic – CHARACTER GUEAST POST, INDIVIDUAL GIVEAWAY

September 6 – View from the Birdhouse – REVIEW

September 7 – Ruff Drafts – AUTHOR GUEST POST

September 8 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW

September 9 – Mystery Thrillers and Romantic Suspense Reviews – SPOTLIGHT




Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

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