The Costume Box By Peter Hynes ~ Peek Inside And Giveaway

Posted: January 14, 2025 in Excerpt, giveaways, Poetry
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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for The Costume Box organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Peter Hynes will award a $25 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The Costume Box

by Peter Hynes



Genre: Poetry


This is the second edition of poetry written by Peter Hynes, after Under the Oak. I hope you enjoy reading these poems, and perhaps I can make you think about things you might not ordinarily think about.


Enjoy this peek inside:

fame and fortune


his voice insinuates itself

to repeat his songs

in your loving ears,

so that wherever you go

you see him in your mind

and hear his love returning yours

as the refrain echoes

in your lonely heart,

making your empty head think,

inspiring the realisation

that for all his supposed success

he’s still not really satisfied

nor immensely happy


that’s because he recognises

that fame and fortune

have led to old friends

turning their faces away

when they see him on the street

because they can’t stand to hear

how he’s eclipsed them—

not what he thinks,

but which they believe

in their dreamless,

too-frequently jealous minds,


all of them evidently incapable

of comprehending,

or perhaps conveniently forgetting,

the sacrifices he’s had to make

to achieve this level of celebrity,

or that he’s serious when he says

that he’d gladly chuck the lot

if only he could go back

to the days when he was poor,

struggling and sleeping on floors

and have his friends’ love again


which I would think

is probably what explains

the sadness which has crept

into so many of the songs

he’s writing nowadays


About Author Peter Hynes:


Peter Hynes is a Canadian. He began writing poetry many years ago, in high school. His poetry has been published in various anthologies and elsewhere since. This is his first book of poems. He was born in southwestern Ontario. He still lives in the province with his wife and their small menagerie.


Website / Instagram / Goodreads / Bookfunnel

Purchase Links: Amazon / B&N / Walmart / Booktopia


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  1. Mary Preston says:

    Congratulations on your collection.

  2. Thank you for hosting today.

  3. marcymeyer says:

    Sounds like a good book. I enjoyed the peek inside.

  4. Rita Wray says:

    Sounds great.

  5. Jennifer R says:

    The poetry book would be interesting to read. It is not something I read often but would love to learn.

    • Peter Hynes says:

      I hope you enjoy at least some of my book and that it sparks a greater interest in poetry in general for you.

  6. traciemich says:

    What responsibility do authors have to their readers?

    • Peter Hynes says:

      I’m not sure a lot of writers stop to think about having a responsibility to their readers. Personally I’m trying to “speak” honestly, and without malice; but at the same time I think a writer has to attempt to give their reader something to either enjoy or sink their teeth into.

  7. Melissa Cushing says:

    Poetry is one of my all time faves when it comes to reading as my dad is a poetry writer. I would love to add this to my reading collection!

  8. Sherry says:

    This looks like a very good book.

  9. susan12151962 says:

    This sounds like a good book. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Nancy P says:

    Love this cover!

  11. Jeanna Massman says:

    I love poetry and the cover is beautiful!

  12. allibrarycefdb51301 says:

    I always enjoy reading poetry!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  13. Katelynn Hunter says:

    This is a great change of pace for me. Thank you for sharing!

  14. Jon Heil says:

    Hope it does well!

  15. jalapenomamamn says:

    I enjoyed reading this well done excerpt!
    Thank you for sharing it.
    Barbara Montag

  16. Cynthia Conley says:

    Poetry is a neglected genre. It deserves more recognition.

    • Peter Hynes says:

      I couldn’t agree more. Poetry appreciation seems to go in cycles. We seem to be on the downturn at present.

  17. Daniel M says:

    looks like a fun one

  18. jalapenomamamn says:

    Did you have any writing education?
    Barbara Montag

    • Peter Hynes says:

      Not insofar as poetry is concerned, but I think some of my work at writing prose informs how I write poems. I’m not sure how one would teach writing poetry, as it depends so much in inspiration and capturing images as they ‘appear’ in the writer’s mind.

  19. Nancy P says:

    Look forward to any future books.

  20. Deborah Wellenstein says:

    I enjoyed the synopsis and the peek inside Thank you for the giveaway!

  21. lightnorthwinds says:

    I cannot wait to read this

  22. PIroska says:

    The books sounds wonderful. I love poetry.

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