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Book Details:

THE AFTER by Joanne Taylor

Category:  Middle-Grade Fiction & YA Fiction (10 to 15 yrs old),  183 pages
Genre: Fictional Dystopian
Publisher:  FriesenPress
Release date:  October 2024
Content RatingG. No swearing, drug use, sex scenes, violence (minimal)

“Taylor’s debut is a taut tale of survival in a post-pandemic world that’s buoyed by an amiable protagonist and a well- developed setting. … A riveting beginning to a promising new series.” – Kirkus Reviews

The After introduces an intrepid teenage heroine as she explores a changed world… this first series title lays ample groundwork for the coming volumes.” – Foreword Clarion Review

Book Description:

Despite the deadly virus that caused borders to close and governments to fall ten years earlier, fourteen-year-old Charlotte and her family have lived a challenging yet relatively peaceful life, isolated on their acreage in rural Nova Scotia. However, when Charlotte discovers that an interloper has infiltrated their property, she must decide between keeping the potential threat a secret or embracing the potential for companionship that the intrusion represents. As the chaotic world that lurks outside the fence surrounding her farm disrupts Charlotte’s life even further, she must reach deep within herself and find the courage to become the mature young woman she claims to be—or risk losing everything that she and her family have worked so hard to build.



Being a fan of the dystopian genre I was excited to read one written for middle age readers. I was curious if the character dynamics would be as intriguing, and they were.

Charlotte is 14 years old and lives with her family on their farm in Nova Scotia. The virus that collapsed society ten years ago and caused her isolation from others is all she remembers. Her quiet existence changes when she meets a stranger, another girl around her age named Anna. A friendship is forged.

These two girls were so genuine. I walked in their shoes. Understood their decisions. Felt their insecurity and fear. And applauded there bravery. A world such as theirs was a difficult one to navigate and they persevered, despite the odds against them. I was really caught up in their story and was anxious to read where the author took the young girls. What obstacles and dangers she put in their paths. The closer I got to the end the more curious I became.

The ending was good, but it was also a cliff hanger. I didn’t mind as I enjoyed the story and knew I would continue with the series. I recommend this to all readers who enjoy the dystopian genre and character driven adventures.


Author Interview

What’s your favourite spot to visit in your own country? And what makes it so special to you?

For those of you who’ve been to Canada, how could you ever choose? 

I mean, we are the second largest country, by area, in the world. We have the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans cradling our coasts (which make up the world’s longest coastline) and the Great Lakes in the middle of our country (the largest freshwater system in the world). We have many mountain ranges including the Rocky, St. Elias and Laurentian Mountains and the flat—yet majestic—prairie provinces.

Basically, Canada has something for everyone! 

What really makes Canada special, however, is its people—especially those on the east coast where the novel, The After, takes place—in Nova Scotia. In my travels throughout my country, I’ve never met more generous, kind, fun, happy, big-hearted people than those in Nova Scotia.

 If you ever get the chance, visit the four Atlantic provinces (Newfoundland & Labrador, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia). It will be the trip of a lifetime!



Will Dreycott is a superhero. In his dreams…and in yours.


The Hollow Boys

The Dream Rider Saga Book 1

by Douglas Smith

Genre: YA Urban Fantasy


“Thrilling YA fantasy” —BookLife (Editor’s Pick)
“A must-read story for YA fantasy fans.” —Blueink Review (Starred
“Inventive, engaging, and boundless fun.” —The Ottawa Review of Books

Vanishing street kids. An ancient evil. The end of the world.
Our only hope? A hero who can’t leave home.

At seventeen, Will Dreycott is a superhero…in his dreams. And in yours.

Eight years ago, Will’s parents, shady dealers in ancient artifacts,
disappeared on a jungle expedition. Will, the sole survivor, returned home with
no memory of what happened, bringing a gift…and a curse.

The gift? Will can walk in our dreams. At night in Dream, Will hunts for
criminals—and his parents. During the day, his Dream Rider comic,
about a superhero no one knows is real, has made Will rich.

The curse? Severe agoraphobia. Will can’t go outside. So he makes his home a
skyscraper with everything he needs in life—everything but the freedom to walk
the streets of his city.

Case, an orphan Will’s age, survives on those streets with her younger brother,
Fader. Survives because she too has a gift. She hears voices warning her of
danger. And Fader? Well, he fades.

When street kids start vanishing, the Dream Rider joins the hunt. Will’s search
becomes personal when Case breaks into his tower to escape her own abduction.
Fader isn’t so lucky.

As Will and Case search for Fader and the missing kids, an unlikely romance
grows between the boy with everything and the girl with nothing except the
freedom Will longs for.

But as they push deeper into the mystery, they confront an ancient power
feeding on these forgotten kids to restore itself. And once restored, no one in
the world will be safe.

To defeat this creature, Will must do the impossible.

Go outside.

Indiana Jones meets Teen Titans in The
Dream Rider Saga
, a fast-paced urban fantasy trilogy from “one of Canada’s
most original writers of speculative fiction” (Library Journal).

Praise for The Hollow Boys:

“This arresting series kickoff grips from the start as it
introduces its inventive milieu, its flawed but fantastically powered hero, its
playful worldbuilding, and a host of tantalizing mysteries. … [A] vigorously
imaginative scenario. … Takeaway: Thrilling YA fantasy” —BookLife (Editor’s

“An assured, confident novel … A must-read story for YA fantasy fans.” —Blueink
 (Starred review)

“Inventive, engaging, and boundless fun.” —The Ottawa Review of Books “A
fun supernatural tale with well-developed characters and a touch of
romance.” —Kirkus Reviews

Praise for Douglas Smith:

“The man is Sturgeon good. Zelazny good. I don’t give those up easy.”
Spider Robinson, Hugo and Nebula Awards winner

“A great storyteller with a gifted and individual voice.” —Charles
de Lint, World Fantasy Award winner

“His stories are a treasure trove of riches that will touch your heart
while making you think.” —Robert J. Sawyer, Hugo and Nebula Awards

**On Sale Until Jan 11!**




At seventeen, Will Dreycott was a superhero.

In his dreams.

Happily for Will, right now, he was dreaming.

To start his night as the Dream Rider, he “awoke” as usual on the Bed of Awakening in the House of Four Doors. Will knew he wasn’t really waking. He was asleep. But entering Dream always felt as if he had finally woken up. As if his time spent in the “real” world was time spent asleep, waiting to return here.

To return to Dream. To be the Dream Rider.

Brian, his favorite Doogle, waited for him. The creature sat beside the bed, its head on the covers, staring at Will.

Doogles were dog-shaped—sort of. Kind of like a Dalmatian, white with black splotches, or the other way around. But with a snout like an anteater, ears like a koala, and eyes like an owl.

Big nose, big ears, and big eyes. The better to smell, hear, and see you with, little girl. Or old man. Or middle-aged woman. Or whoever or whatever Will set his Doogles to search for in Dream.

Okay, so they weren’t much like dogs at all. But they were his creations, his logical constructs in Dream, and he thought of them as his dogs.

Dogs that searched.


Will stood and looked around. The House changed each night. Tonight, it was a round, domed chamber of white marble with dark wooden doors of varying shapes—rectangular, round, oval, and square. The four doors were carved with writings in Latin. Or Greek. Or something. Languages weren’t his strongest school subject.

He scratched Brian behind his ears. “Evening, Bry. I missed you, buddy.” In reply, Brian curled his long, whip-like tail into a spiral, a Doogle display of happiness.

Will tugged at the costume hugging his slim frame, again regretting the form-fitting spandex. But by now, hundreds of millions of people recognized the Rider—and that recognition gave him power in Dream. Too late to change his appearance.

Besides, the costume looked cool. It was black as the night sky, its surface speckled with blazing red comets with silver tails. Gray clouds drifted over his chest, obscuring then revealing the moon behind them. The moon, which changed phases like the real one, was full and bright tonight.

A black cloak, its hood currently thrown back, completed the look. A jeweled clasp in the shape of a twelve-pointed crystal star fastened the cloak at his neck.

Yeah. Cool.

He considered the four doors the House presented tonight. Which to choose?

“Nyx!” he called.

A cloud of gray mist the size of a beach ball formed before him. Inside the cloud, a woman’s face appeared—blue skin, violet eyes, and long, purple hair floating around her head. She was striking, but too sharp-featured to call beautiful.

Seeing Will, Nyx rolled her eyes. “Really? You again?”

“Uh, since you’re my subconscious, who did you expect?”

She pursed dark blue lips. “Someone better looking? I mean, a girl can dream, can’t she?”

“You are dreaming.”

“Have you ever wondered why your subconscious appears to you as female?”

“I’m in touch with my feminine side. Just give me the data file I prepared on the missing little girl, please.”

“Lisa Carter? Well, at least you bothered me for a good reason. Here.”

He held out his hand. A crystal sphere the size of a baseball appeared with a “pop,” dropping into his palm. Inside the sphere, words, numbers, and images scrolled and tumbled, appearing and disappearing.

“May I go now, oh Great Master?”

“Please. And lose the sarcasm,” he said. Nyx made a rude sound and disappeared.

He offered the data ball to Brian. “Here you go, boy. It’s everything I know about Lisa.”

The Doogle bent his snout up to sniff at the sphere. A long black tongue shot out, wrapping around the ball and sucking it into his mouth.

Brian swallowed the ball. Sparks of light danced in his black eyes. He began a circuit of the House. After sniffing at each door, he returned to the oval one, cocking his round ears forward. His tail sprang straight up, then bent into an arrow shape pointed at that door.

Will walked up to him. “You sure?”

Brian’s tail whipped out, smacking Will on the leg before forming the arrow again.

“Okay, okay. Don’t get grouchy.” He patted Brian’s head. “We have to be sure, pal. Tonight may be our only chance to find her before…” He didn’t finish. Before it was too late. Before Lisa Carter was dead.

He pulled up the hood of his costume. Now anyone meeting him in Dream would see only blackness where his face should be. A blackness no light could penetrate.

He grabbed his skateboard from beside the bed. Across its black surface, constellations spun behind a thin veil of cloud. He touched the door. It swung open, and he stepped into Dream, Brian at his heels.


The Crystal Key

The Dream Rider Saga Book 2

Sequel to the AURORA AWARD WINNER and the Juried IAP
AWARD WINNER, The Hollow Boys

“Give me the Crystal Key!”

Will Dreycott is the Dream Rider, the agoraphobic teenage superhero who can
walk in our dreams but never in the streets of his city. Case is his
girlfriend, a survivor of those streets who hears voices that warn her of
danger. Fader is her brother, who is very good at disappearing. Together, they
defeated a body swapper and a witch to save the world (The Hollow Boys).

Now, Case battles guilt over living sheltered in Will’s tower home while her
street friends still struggle. Blaming his affliction for Case’s sadness, Will
searches for a way to live a normal life with the girl he loves—a way to go

But his efforts draw the attention of dark forces. Sinister figures hunt Will
in Dream. Intruders scour the vast warehouse of antiquities
“acquired” by Will’s missing parents. And a masked swordswoman
attacks Will, demanding “the Crystal Key” before disappearing into
thin air.

Are they all searching for the same thing? Something from Will’s parents’ shady
past? For the swordswoman leaves behind a flowery scent, Will’s only memory
from the lost expedition eight years ago that gave him powers in Dream but cost
him his parents and his freedom.

A trail of dark secrets leads Will, Case, and Fader to a mysterious world.
Trapped between warring cults willing to kill for the Crystal Key, the three
friends must master strange new powers that grow stronger and wilder the closer
they draw to the truth.

This time it’s not just the fate of the world at stake…but the multiverse.

~ ~ ~

Indiana Jones meets Teen Titans in The Dream Rider Saga, a
fast-paced urban fantasy trilogy from “one of Canada’s most original
writers of speculative fiction” (Library Journal).

Praise for The Crystal Key:

“The richly inventive Dream Rider adventure
continues in this second appealing entry…with an exciting plot… always
enlivened by the Smith hallmarks of crack dialogue, fun sleuthing and
puzzle-solving, a strong throughline of emotion, a swift pace…and a principled
refusal to settle for the familiar. Takeaway: This thrilling superpowered urban
fantasy series continues to grip.” (New readers should start with book
one.) —BookLife (Editor’s Pick)

“The engrossing second installment of Douglas Smith’s
Dream Rider Saga trilogy. … Smith continues to demonstrate an ability to
expertly weave multiple complex fantasy elements into a cohesive whole. … This
fast-paced story delivers in a big way—and Smith has all his ducks lined up for
an explosive conclusion [to the series] that readers won’t want to miss.”
Blueink Review ( Starred review)

Praise for Douglas Smith:

“The man is Sturgeon good. Zelazny good. I don’t give those up
easy.” —Spider Robinson, Hugo and Nebula Awards winner

“A great storyteller with a gifted and individual voice.” —Charles
de Lint, World Fantasy Award winner

“His stories are a treasure trove of riches that will touch your heart
while making you think.” —Robert J. Sawyer, Hugo and Nebula Awards

“Stories you can’t forget, even years later.” —Julie
Czerneda, multi-award-winning author and editor





Lawrence Kinland was afraid. Ridiculous, he told himself. He had no reason for fear. He was exactly where he wanted to be.

Even if he had no idea where he was. Or how he came to be here. Or why he wanted to be here.

He sat alone at a round white-clothed table in the largest banquet hall he’d ever seen. And the strangest.

The room was a huge cavern, carved from a shining black stone, running at least fifty paces by a hundred and rising to a high vaulted ceiling. At scores of tables throughout, men in tuxedos and women in evening gowns talked and laughed, ate and drank. All wore animal-headed masks.

Servers, male and female, dressed only in loin cloths and leopard masks, wove between the tables. Each balanced a tray laden with a steaming roast of an unknown meat on their heads and carried a wine flask in one hand. On the cavern walls, torches burned with scarlet flames, washing the room in a bloody light.

Why was this scene so familiar? Had he been here before? If so, he couldn’t remember. Just as he couldn’t remember how he’d arrived here tonight.

Tonight? Was it night?

An oval dance floor of polished hardwood filled the middle of the cavern, large enough for a hundred couples, but currently empty. Circling that space, every twenty paces or so, flames leaped from bronze pots squatting waist-high on clawed feet, their smoke mixing with the torches and the smell of cooked meat.

Kinland’s table sat at the end of the room on the edge of the dining area. Beside him, the dance floor ended at a semicircular dais a meter high and ten across, sculpted from the black stone. The dais jutted from the cavern wall, tall red curtains hiding whatever lay behind. Two men dressed as Victorian footmen flanked the curtains, each holding draw ropes. They wore bear-head masks and sword scabbards.

Concentric circles lay carved into the platform, with spokes radiating outwards from the innermost circle. On the floor below where each spoke ended, a golden goblet rested, as if waiting to be filled.

Masked guests occupied every seat at every table in the room. Except at his. He sat alone, unmasked. The other diners paid him no notice, yet his isolation and proximity to the dais felt both threatening and ominous. He felt exposed, naked, unwanted.

At the opposite end of the cavern, a broad red-carpeted staircase led up from the dance floor to a tapestry-draped landing. A movement on the staircase caught his eye. A man wearing the formal attire of a Victorian gentleman and a boar’s head mask descended the stairs. Walking the length of the room, the man seated himself across from Kinland and removed the mask. Long white hair. Blue eyes, bright and cold. A hooked nose under snowy eyebrows.

Another jolt of surprise shook Kinland. They’d met before. Here. In this place. His memories rushed back.

The man’s name was…Beroald. He was a powerful man. A man who had offered to share that power with him—if Kinland performed a certain task.

Cold sweat trickled down his back. He remembered more now. Remembered the agreement he had made, the task he had promised to do.

Remembered, too, that he had failed in that task.




The Lost Expedition

The Dream Rider Saga Book 3

The Thrilling Conclusion to the Multi-Award-Winning

Will is the Dream Rider, the superhero who walks in our dreams but never in the
streets of his own city. Case is his girlfriend, a survivor of those streets
who hears voices warning her of danger. Fader, her brother, is very good
at disappearing.

In The Hollow Boys, they defeated a body swapper and a witch to
save the world. In The Crystal Key, they battled warring cults to
protect an ancient artifact tied to Will’s affliction.

The Chakana. The Crystal Key. But the key to what? To finding answers, they
hope, to the questions that rule their lives.

What caused their strange powers? And Will’s crippling agoraphobia? Can he be
cured? Why did their parents travel to the jungles of Peru eight years ago? Are
they still alive?

Behind every question is the Chakana. What is the mysterious relic? Why will
people kill to possess it? What hold does it have on Will?

As creatures from Inca myths haunt the three friends, another attack on the
Chakana threatens Will’s life. To save him and solve the mystery of the lost
expedition, only one choice remains.

Return to Peru. With the Chakana.

There, they find friends and foes, both old and new. And behind it all, an
unseen enemy moving them like pieces on a chessboard.

To win this deadly game, Will, Case, and Fader must master new powers to defeat
the most dangerous adversary they’ve ever faced—a god.

At stake this time? Every life, every world, every universe. Everything.

Indiana Jones meets Teen Titans in The
Dream Rider Saga
, a fast-paced urban fantasy trilogy from “one of Canada’s
most original writers of speculative fiction” (Library Journal).




When her plane landed on the Isle of Man, or Mann as the locals called it, the red-haired woman rose from her seat in the otherwise empty first-class cabin. Empty, because she had arranged it so.

A male flight attendant hurried up to her. She lifted her long tresses to allow him to fasten her hunter-green cloak around her neck. She wore tight black slacks and green low-heeled pumps. A white buttoned shirt with French cuffs completed her look, with enough buttons undone to expose impressive cleavage. Better than a spell for most men, she always said.

At the baggage claim, she stabbed a manicured finger on her left hand at the first person she saw, an overweight, balding man in a plaid suit. A bird-shaped shimmer passed in the air between them, then vanished.

She pointed to her suitcase on the carousel. “Get that. And follow me.”

The man opened his mouth as if to protest, then stiffened. Retrieving her bag, he scurried in her wake as she strode through the crowded terminal of the small airport, her cloak and hair billowing behind her.

At the taxi stand outside, she ignored the line of waiting passengers and got into the first car. The driver glared back at her. “Lady, there’s a queue. You—” His words died as he stared at her face, wide-eyed. Stared, she knew, at the golden runes that now lay there.

She felt them flowing across her face and down her left arm, arranging themselves into the script she desired. She flicked her left hand at him. He stiffened and stopped talking.

Vel Gaelg ayd?” she asked.

He blinked at her.

She sighed. “You don’t speak Manx?”

“Few do anymore, Mistress.”

“Augh. Put my bag in the trunk.”

Getting out, he took her suitcase from the man in the plaid suit, who gazed around as if lost, then wandered back toward the arrival doors. The driver got into the cab. “Where to, Mistress?”

Cashtal Rusien.

He blinked again.

“Castle Rushen, you idiot.”

“Ah, Castletown. Yes, Mistress.”

She settled back as he pulled into traffic, letting the scenery scroll past her tired eyes. So much had changed, but one thing matched her fading memories. The grass still glowed in the summer sun, a blazing lime green that almost hurt the eyes. “There’s no green like that in the world,” she whispered.

“Are you from here, Mistress?”

“Many years ago,” she said, lost in the past. Catching herself, she scowled at him. “Shut up and drive.”

In Castletown, the harbor was familiar, although a sweeping curve of cement had replaced the old stone jetty, and the small lighthouse at its tip was new and freshly painted red and white. The turns in the roads matched her memories, but the low stone houses of old were now three-storied brick buildings, steep-roofed and shoulder-to-shoulder along each narrow street. She shivered at how little she recognized.

Until the driver turned a corner, and the castle rose before her, looming above the modern structures of the small town.

The gray stone of its thick walls and squat towers was streaked with white, randomly from bird droppings, deliberately from new mortar. A carpet of green moss covered the slanting stones topping the sea-facing walls. She smiled. Castle Rushen stood as it had for centuries, a physical memory of a past none here had lived.

Except her.

“By the Goddess,” she said. “It still looks the same.”

“Best preserved medieval castle in Europe, they say,” the driver said, pride in his voice.

It better be. Or at least one particular room.


Douglas Smith is a five-time award-winning author described by Library
as “one of Canada’s most original writers of speculative fiction.”

His latest work is the multi-award-winning YA urban fantasy trilogy, The
Dream Rider Saga
. Other books include the urban fantasy novel, The Wolf
at the End of the World
; the collections, Chimerascope and Impossibilia;
and the writer’s guide Playing the Short Game.

His short fiction has appeared in the top
markets in the field, including The Magazine of Fantasy & Science
, Amazing Stories, InterZone, Weird Tales, and
many others.

He is a 4-time winner of Canada’s Aurora Award as well as the juried IAP Award.
He’s been a finalist for the Astounding Award, CBC’s Bookies Award, Canada’s
juried Sunburst Award, the juried Alberta Magazine Award for Fiction, and
France’s juried Prix Masterton and Prix Bob Morane.

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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Scars And Secrets organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Thomas Grant Bruso will award a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Scars And Secrets

by Thomas Grant Bruso



Genre: LGBT Mystery


Ralph Ashton gets more than he bargained for when police question him about the death of his ex-boyfriend Elijah Ray, whose body is discovered at the edge of the Saranac River.

When the local police visit Ralph and ask him about a critical piece of case evidence, Ralph becomes a prime suspect. He sets out to learn what happened to Eli the night he left his apartment and is startled to learn about his former boyfriend’s shady past.

As Ralph pursues a dangerous investigation, he discovers things about Eli he did not know while they were together.

Ralph’s life starts to unravel when he loses more people close to him as his mother lies in a hospital bed dying of cancer. Is learning about the truth of Eli’s death worth jeopardizing his safety?


Enjoy this peek inside:

I find it hard to hold Dr. Matheson’s gaze. Shyness overcomes me and I wring my hands. My anxiety levels heighten. My stare darts across the room at the sudden arrival of hard balls of sleet beating the glass and the braying wind cutting through the tops of snowcapped trees across the lake.

My breath catches, and I hear Dr. Matheson talking, his voice muffled, the tail end of his last words: “…do you want to talk about it?”

I cringe and feel his eyes on me when I turn away to the ice-crusted window on the far wall. My eyes close, and my lips clamp shut in a jagged line as rage seethes under my thin layer of vulnerability. My gut clutches.

“Ralph?” he says.

My name means nothing to me. Foreign, a stranger, someone I left in the past.

I lift my head slowly, and it is as if an unseen, supernatural force presses down on my shoulders, forcing me to keep quiet.

I am guarded as the walls go up around me. A nerve twitches under my right eye. Maddening!

Dr. Matheson shifts in his chair, and I sense that I have kept him waiting too long; his displeasure is like a bulldozer digging through the tendril of roots and dead zone of my brain, demolishing my thoughts. He’s got to get home to his girlfriend, wife, whoever. Maybe it’s a blind date, I imagine, invoking vulgar and naughty thoughts of Dr. Matheson in a heavy-duty threesome. One of the bottoms is me. I lift my dreamy gaze to his masculine, model-thin face, chiseled jaw, and rugged handsomeness. I can smell the citrus scent of his cologne ten feet from where I sit. Heat crawls into my face, aroused, my interest and other unmentionable areas proudly piqued.

I want a man like James: Built like a Greek God, Zeus or Ares. Tough. Striking. Dominant.

“What are you thinking about?” he asks, curling his small puckish lips. “You seem far away.”

Clingy cobwebs of darkness thicken inside my head, gauzy and wet, sticking to the wall of my brain like silly string. “Deadness,” I say, uncertain where this conversation is heading.


About Author Thomas Grant Bruso:


Thomas Grant Bruso knew he wanted to be a writer at an early age. He has been a voracious reader of genre fiction since childhood.

His literary inspirations are Ray Bradbury, Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Jim Grimsley, Karin Fossum, and Joyce Carol Oates.

Bruso loves animals, reading books, and writing fiction, and prefers Sudoku to crossword puzzles.

In another life, he was a freelance writer and wrote for magazines and newspapers. In college, he won the Hermon H. Doh Sonnet Competition. Now, he writes and publishes fiction and reviews books for his hometown newspaper, The Press-Republican.

He lives in upstate New York.


Purchase Links: Amazon / B&N / NineStarPress


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For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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Welcome to my stop in the virtual book tour for Lethal Impulse organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Steve Rush will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Lethal Impulse

by Steve Rush



Genre: Crime Thriller / Romantic



He’s riddled with guilt. She’s annoyed with the status quo.

The death of a crime boss’s daughter forces Detective Neil Caldera to leave NYC. He seeks refuge in the tranquil embrace of a small town, where he finds himself entangled in the labyrinth of a teenage girl’s murder.

Tess Fleishman’s pale skin and extreme weight loss portrays a disease she wants others to see. While inside, a compulsion for Neil fuels her passion to have him or destroy him.

As Neil delves into the heart of the town’s secrets, will truth deliver solace? Or will Tess prevail?


Enjoy this peek inside:

Happenstance played no role in the display now before him. The artist’s rendition displayed evidence of a warped mind. Malevolence flaunted in the form of a portrait painted with blood.

Neil widened the beam of light with a left twist of the flashlight’s head. Shock jolted him. The likeness on the barn wall stared back at him with remarkable resemblance.

“Holy mother of Moses. I understand why you didn’t want to come back.”

Neil looked at the front and rear doors. Light from an approaching vehicle rose on the front of the barn. Gaps around the door allowed enough streaks of light through to make shadows look as if the light infused them with life. The vehicle continued onward. Every shadow around Neil returned to stationary ominous forms. He half-turned toward the front and listened. The whine of tires on pavement diminished. Silence again filled the barn.

The hinges squawked against Neil’s shove on the right-side door. Chad turned his head in Neil’s direction. He was sitting on the ground with his back to the weathered wood. Knees drawn up, arms wrapped around them and his right hand clamped on his left wrist.

“It’s you.” Chad shuddered, tilted his head toward the barn. “In there. The picture on the wall looks like you.”

Neil glanced inside. The image renewed in his mind. “Is that the reason you called me? To have me look at someone’s depravity smeared on a barn wall?”

Chad shook his head. “No, sir.”

“Then why?”

“I know what you did.”


About Author Steve Rush:

Steve Rush is an award-winning author whose experience includes tenure as homicide detective and chief forensic investigator for a national consulting firm. He worked with the late Joseph L. Burton, M.D, under whom he mastered his skills, and investigated many deaths alongside Dr. Jan Garavaglia of Dr. G: Medical Examiner fame. His specialties include crime scene reconstruction, injury causation, blood spatter analysis, occupant kinematics, and recovery of human skeletal remains.

Steve’s book Kill Your Characters; Crime Scene Tips for Writers was named finalist in the 2023 Silver Falchion Award for Best Nonfiction and Honorable Mention in the 2023 Readers’ Favorite Awards. Lethal Impulse won the 2022 Public Safety Writing Association’s Writing Competition for an unpublished novel, longlisted in the 2022 Page Turner Awards and joint first prize in the 2020 Chillzee KiMo T-E-N Contest.

Publishing credits:

Kill Your Characters; Crime Scene Tips for Writers, Genius Books, June 2022
Blood Red Deceit, Wings ePress, (thriller) September 2023
After Her Deceit, Wings ePress, (thriller) October 2024
Lethal Impulse, The Wild Rose Press, (romantic suspense/crime thriller) October 2024
Upcoming 2025 releases:
The Shocking Truth (crime thriller) presale 02/15/25, and Deadline 4:59 (crime thriller), Wings ePress

Purchase links: Amazon / Wild Rose Press / B&N / iTunes / BooksAMillion

Author links: Website / LinkedIn / Substack / Goodreads / Amazon


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The Magical Tea Shop

by Aimee O’Brian


(Charmed Love, #1)
Published by: Tule Publishing
Publication date: January 7th 2025
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

In the small town of Hazard, finding your soulmate might require magical intervention.

Ivy Wayland has a bet with her sister, who says you can’t have it all—success in business or love, but not both. Since opening her tea shop, Ivy knows where her priorities should be, but she has her heart set on her landlord. All her life, she’s heard the family lore about how their antique cookie press infuses homemade cookies with so much love that the recipient will fall head over heels for the giver. Ivy decides to take the chance.

Jaxon Langford is ready to move on. The only thing stopping him from selling up is concern about how some of his small business owners would fare with a greedier landlord. When one of his enthusiastic tenants brings him a tin of delicious-looking cookies, he’s charmed. He takes the cookies to his baseball team’s practice, only to watch them be devoured without getting so much as a bite.

Suddenly, Ivy has her pick of the town’s eligible bachelors—except Jaxon. How can she prove her sister wrong and win Jaxon’s heart?

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo


Enjoy this peek inside:

Ivette Wayland caught her breath. With the sun shining down on him, Jaxon Langford always caught her just a little unawares. He only lived upstairs, but every morning she found herself anticipating his first appearance of the day. She gazed through the plate glass window of her cozy tea shop as his little black Scottie dog scampered to keep up with his long strides. Jaxon halted just outside her door.

Would he enter?

She ached to run her fingers through that molasses-brown hair, still damp from the shower and sparkling like sugared ginger crinkles. It was ridiculous how much she yearned to touch him. He was her landlord, for goodness’ sake. Ivy reined in her longing. Jaxon paused on the sidewalk and quickly stepped over to hold open the door for the tiny, elderly Hazel Bestwick, president of the Hazard Historical Society.

Please come inside, Jaxon.

A couple of young boys on their way to school, backpacks swinging, asked him a question. Jaxon leaned down to answer. He fist-bumped the taller of the two boys and grinned. Jaxon’s smile shot straight to her core. As if sensing her watching, he glanced at the window, trying to see through sunlight bouncing off glass, his eyes the color of a well-steeped Irish breakfast tea.

She let out a little sigh. What she wouldn’t give to have him for…

“Focus,” said a voice behind her.

Ivy jumped and blinked twice to bring herself back to reality. “You have customers.

Remember your goals.”

Her older sister’s constant criticism put her on the defensive. Ivy swung abruptly to face her, causing her high blonde ponytail to smack her own cheek. She shoved it back. “Business is steady.”

My business is steady.” Holly drew herself up straighter in her pink bakery smock smoothing a hand over her flawless updo before sweeping an arm out to draw Ivy’s attention to the nearly empty tearoom. “Your business is slow. And he…” She flapped her hand toward the window “…is a distraction to success. You can’t have it all.”


About Author Aimee O’Brian:

Having lived in both California and Texas, award-winning author Aimee O’Brian now resides in the beautiful wine country where she writes dark, sexy, funny romance. With her three children grown and experiencing their own adventures, she and her husband are free to explore the world. When she’s not reading, writing, or planting even more flowers in her garden, she can be found stomping through ancient ruins and getting lost in museums.

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Instagram / X



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A small-town vet discovers she’s the prophesied multimorph
who can transform into any animal and must unite rival clans against an ancient
evil while navigating a dangerous romance.


Shifters Awakening

Shifters Destiny: Willow Creek Shifters Book 1

by SK Prince

Genre: Paranormal Romance

A small-town vet discovers she’s the prophesied
shifter who can transform into any animal and must unite rival clans against an
ancient evil while navigating a dangerous romance.

Emma Carter’s life as a small-town veterinarian is turned upside down when a
violent attack reveals her hidden ability to shift into any animal. Thrust into
a world of rival shifter clans and ancient prophecies, Emma must quickly master
her newfound powers.

With the help of the enigmatic wolf shifter Logan, she discovers she’s destined
to unite the warring factions against a common enemy. But as Emma struggles
with her feelings for Logan and the jealousy of other shifters, an ancient
sorcerer threatens to destroy everything she’s come to love. Can Emma embrace
her destiny and her heart in time to save the shifter world?

If you love sexy shifters, action-packed battles between good and evil, and
Alpha vibes that sizzle on the page, you’ll love Shifters
from paranormal and urban fantasy romance author SK

Read it now!

Amazon * Bookbub * Goodreads



Emma stopped beside me and tapped the low back of the stool. “Anybody sitting here?”

“You are,” I said, turning it toward her with my foot.

“Great,” she said, easily straddling the stool, and I wondered what it would be like if she wrapped her long legs around me like that. She dropped my credit card on the bar between us. “I wasn’t sure when I’d run into you or Sheila again, so I went back and grabbed it before I left the office.”


“Do you want to know how much it was?”

“Don’t care. You have it in your system now, so you can charge it whenever Sully comes in. If it doesn’t work, call me.”

Appreciation and admiration warmed her eyes, and she laid her hand on my forearm. “I’ll do that.”

Her touch seared my skin, sending my brain to feral places, so I broke the contact by standing up to fish my wallet out of my pocket. But I didn’t miss it when her gaze dropped to my belt buckle, and I hid my smile as I returned to my seat. Lack of self-control was about to be a problem—or a solution—for both of us.

Sheila appeared with Emma’s drink, deposited a small napkin square in front of her seat, and then placed the drink on it.

Emma gasped. “It’s like my hair.”

“Nothing less for our Rainbow Vet.”

Emma snapped a photo. “For social media later,” she murmured, and then she took a drink, a long one. When she placed the drink back on the napkin, she grinned. “It’s delicious.”

“Need a menu?” Sheila asked, glancing at me.

“I’d better, or I’ll be tipsy in five seconds,” Emma said. “I skipped lunch.”

Sheila turned to me. “What about you?”

Instead of answering Sheila, I leaned closer to Emma. “Would it bother you if I ate beside you?”

“Not at all,” she said, hesitating. Then she added, “I think I’d like that.”

“I’ll take a menu,” I said, giving Sheila a glare, hoping a dose of ire would dim her glee. Did it take the edge off my cousin’s smile? Hell no.

At least she hurried away before she ruined everything. “Let me grab those menus.”

Emma pointed to the nearly empty glass in front of me. “What are you drinking?”

“I’m devouring a mouthwatering Animal Doctor.” I held up the drink and drained the last of it. “It’s one of the best things I’ve tasted in a long time.”

“Is that so?” Her pupils dilated, and she took a breath. Had she shuddered? Her next drink nearly emptied her own glass. “Do you like to… devour… Animal Doctors?”

Oh, fuckity, fuck, fuck.


SK Prince lives in Texas where she gets to write about every
shifter she can, gleefully making mischief when their fated mate steps into
their lives. Her books are full of misdirected magic, supernatural sass, and
hot alpha-holes just begging to be tamed. She’s always planning the next
weekend research adventure, even though she can’t wait to get home.

Website *
Facebook * X * Instagram * Bookbub * Amazon * Goodreads

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Wine and Whispers: A Cozy Mystery
(Sophie Brooks Mysteries)
by Daisy Landish


Wine and Whispers: A Cozy Mystery (Sophie Brooks Mysteries)
Culinary Cozy Mystery
2nd in Series
Setting – California
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Beaches and Trails Publishing (January 11, 2025)
Digital : 170 Pages
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0DF63G3B5

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In the heart of wine country, secrets run as deep as the vines.

Sophie Brooks, a food blogger and digital nomad, heads to Sonoma’s wine country to explore its famous vineyards. But when a mysterious disappearance shatters the idyllic landscape, Sophie must uncover the truth hidden among the whispers and the wine.

Food blogger and digital nomad Sophie Brooks is on her first stop in Sonoma, California, where the wine flows as freely as the secrets. Eager to showcase the region’s farm-to-table dining scene, Sophie is ready to indulge in the local wines and meet the passionate people behind them. But when one of the vineyard’s owners goes missing, the peaceful countryside takes a dark turn.

As whispers of betrayal and old grudges swirl through the vines, Sophie finds herself caught in the middle of a mystery that threatens to unravel the very fabric of this picturesque wine country. With her sharp instincts and a love for uncovering the truth, Sophie must navigate the delicate balance between tasting fine wines and untangling deadly secrets.

Can she solve the mystery before the whispers turn into something more dangerous?

About Daisy Landish

Daisy Landish is a sweet romance and cozy mystery author, whose clean and sweet stories have tugged at readers’ heartstrings around the world. When she’s not writing love stories, Daisy spends her time reading, hiking at dawn, and riding into the sunset on her horse, Rosebud.

Author Links: Facebook / Twitter/X / Goodreads / BookBub / Instagram

Books 2 Read / Overdrive / Newsletter / Amazon / Website

Purchase Link –  AmazonB & N –  PublisherAppleSmashwordsEverandfable


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January 6 – Jody’s Bookish Haven – SPOTLIGHT

January 6 – Baroness’ Book Trove – REVIEW

January 7 – Books, Ramblings, and Tea – SPOTLIGHT


January 8 – StoreyBook Reviews – AUTHOR GUEST POST

January 8 – Read Your Writes Book Reviews – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

January 9 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – CHARACTER GUEST POST

January 9 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

January 10 – Angel’s Book Nook – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

January 11 – Sarah Can’t Stop Reading Books – REVIEW

January 12 – Cozy Up WIth Kathy – REVIEW, AUTHOR GUEST POST

January 12 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

January 13 – Deal Sharing Aunt – REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW

January 13 – Frugal Freelancer – CHARACTER GUEST POST 

January 14 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW

January 15 – Cinnamon, Sugar, and a Little Bit of Murder – REVIEW, RECIPE

January 15 – Novels Alive – REVIEW

January 16 – Boys’ Mom Reads! – REVIEW

January 17 – Ascroft, eh? – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

January 17 – Christa Reads and Writes – REVIEW

January 18 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

January 18 – Cassidy’s Bookshelves – SPOTLIGHT

January 19 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT




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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Sanctuary organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Ginny Fite will award a $15 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


by Ginny Fite



Genre: Dystopian Speculative Fiction


Sometimes losing your children is the only way to save them. The year is 2039. Chased by government goons determined to quarantine her and a virus that might kill her at any time, Jean Bennett races a thousand miles to Canada to get her five children to safety. On a journey unlike any they’ve ever taken, Jean learns who she is and what she must do to save her children.


Enjoy this peek inside:

Caro wipes sweat from her forehead with her wrist, keeping the dirt-covered fingers of her glove pointed away from her face. She doesn’t want to streak her cheeks with mud.

“What about angels?” she asks, pulling off her gloves and adjusting her broad-brimmed sun hat.

“Angels?” I laugh. She hasn’t given up, only changed tacks. “What about them?”

“Do you believe in them?”

I look at her angular, still unlined face and wonder why she’s strug¬gling with this idea of deity today. “Why is this important now?”

“I saw something,” she says. “Hovering over the kids yesterday when they were playing in the trees. Something I don’t know how to explain.”

“Heat haze,” I guess. “Northern lights during the day. Electromag¬netic activity caused by sun flares. Auras.”

She lowers her eyes, a signal that she thinks I’m being flippant. In the world of all possible answers, I haven’t stumbled upon the right one.

“It’s a portent.” She stares into my eyes as if to send me a telepathic message. “You know, like Mom said. Something we’re supposed to notice.”

I tense. Our mother was not an oracle I would believe, but whatever Caro saw has meaning to her. I should pay attention instead of making light of it, even though I can’t resist teasing her. She’s always so serious.

“Okay. What does it portend?”

“I did something you’re going to be angry about.”

I stretch my neck, close my eyes to shutter my annoyance, and wait.


About Author Ginny Fite:

Ginny Fite is an award-winning journalist and author of nine traditionally published novels, three collections of poetry, a collection of short stories, and a book of humorous essays on aging. A graduate of Rutgers University and Johns Hopkins University, her 40-year career in communications included posts in newspapers, government, higher education, and a robotics R&D company. Pushcart Prize nominated, shortlisted for the 2019 SFWP prize, a finalist for the 2020 Bakwin Prize, winner of the FAPA gold medal in fiction for the collaborative novel Thoughts & Prayers, her stories have appeared in The Delmarva Review, Women Arts Quarterly Journal, Heartwood Literary Magazine, Coffin Bell, and the Anthology of Appalachian Writers. Writing about ordinary people who grapple with extraordinary circumstances, her novels span the genres of mystery, thriller, adventure, speculative, and women’s fiction. Learn more at


Published novels:


Leave Everything You Know Behind

The Physics of Things


Blue Girl on a Night Dream Sea

No End of Bad

Lying, Cheating and Occasionally Murder

No Good Deed Left Undone

Cromwell’s Folly

Thoughts & Prayers (co-author)


Author Links: Website / Instagram / Twitter / Facebook / Threads

Buy links: Amazon / Sunbury Press


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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Where Is Love? organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Annie Caboose will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Where Is Love?

by Annie Caboose

Genre: Children’s Book


While walking in the garden one day, Annie, a curious little ant from Hillsville, meets a single poppy flower called Love. They become instant friends, sharing stories, laughing and talking for hours on end. Then one autumn day Annie goes to visit Love, but Love is not there. Remembering the rhyme that Love told her, she sets off on an adventure to find Love.

Love is with you every day.
Love is never far away.
Go search, go find and then you’ll see
All the places Love can be.

But don’t forget to look within
For often, that’s where Love begins.

May Annie’s story inspire anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved being, to look and perhaps still find them within their lives and within themselves.


Enjoy this peek inside:


About Author Annie Caboose:

Annie, a.k.a. the Caboose, is the youngest of nine children. Her loving mother read her lots of children’s stories, including some she wrote herself. Inspired by her mom, Annie wrote her first book, Where is Love? She resides on a lake in the beautiful Okanagan Valley, fascinated by the many birds that live there too.

Author Links: Website / Amazon / Instagram


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Avenge Me

by Tamela Miles


Publication date: December 30th 2024
Genres: Adult, Horror, Paranormal

Hands Clean: Afterburner
A costly mistake, that set in motion a horrific chain of events, seemingly have Lili paying for eternity. One being, walking the world’s oldest streets and dirt pathways, has the power to save her – if there is any of her soul left to save.

Witch Bitch: Assassin
To the people in Mason’s world, Luna deserves every bit of sympathy as his grieving girlfriend. But does she, really? A long buried and probably best forgotten secret fuels the fire of a vengeance that keeps Mason alive and guarantees the demise of unfortunate others.

Zayne is having a bad week. He’s lost his girlfriend, his part time job, and he’s failing two classes. The only bright spot in his life is time spent in his car, talking with his technologically enhanced GPS. The navigation system seems to truly know and understand him. It also knows things, dark things, that may put him on the path towards an evil force that just won’t quit.

Lauryn is not the girl she used to be. Her demanding life as a struggling, single mom takes its toll and leads to a night out with friends and poor choices – choices that open a door to an otherworldly force that’s straddling the fine line between not so good and ungodly.

Hotel Paper
Las Vegas is losing its charm, but Zach and Paris decide to stick around for one more unforgettable night of sin. He finds himself in her embrace in the darkest of ways and begins to question how well he knows Paris – and how well he knows himself.

**This is a short story collection that is closely related to Tamela’s last release, Kiss Me Deadly



Enjoy this peek inside:

(from the short story, “Hands Clean: Afterburner”)

Perry, as he was better known, stood on a grassy hill, overlooking the expanse of the beach and the churning waves just past sunset. Warm fur rubbing against his ankles reminded him he wasn’t alone, and he looked down with a gentle smile. A black cat weaved her away around his legs, purring loudly and looking up at him expectantly.

“Calling you “Cat” sounds straight ridiculous, but you refuse to tell me your name.”

The cat meowed and he chuckled. “Fine. Just “Cat”, it is.” He lifted her into his arms and rubbed noses. “It’s not often I ask animals to do my dirty work, so I thank you and promise to feed you.” Perry locked eyes with the cat and spoke softly in her mind. “Do you remember the plan? Are you ready to strike? When you get to the bar, be sure to give me a visual.”

At her reassuring purr, he put her down and let her run to her destination. He kept his eyes trained on the huge wood door of the Blue Rose bar, which stood several yards from his position on the beach hill. Cat approached the bar’s entrance and sat on the walkway, patiently waiting, as she licked a paw. Soon enough, the heavy door swung open, and a laughing couple emerged from the bar. Cat darted inside the dimly lit front area and, within seconds, gave him the visual he needed.

Perry almost immediately spotted his target, seated at a table with a large man. She was unchanged, both in face and body, even after a millennium.


About Author Tamela Miles:

Tamela Miles is a school psychologist with Ed.S degree and a graduate of California State University San Bernardino and California State University Dominguez Hills. She is also a former flight attendant. She grew up in Altadena, California in that tumultuous time known as the 1980s. She now resides with her family in the Inland Empire, CA. She’s a horror/paranormal romance writer mainly because it feels so good having her characters do bad things and, later, pondering what makes them so bad and why they can never seem to change their wicked ways.

She enjoys emails from people who like her work. In fact, she loves emails. She can be contacted at or her Facebook page, Tamela Miles Books. She also welcomes reader reviews and enjoys the feedback from people who love to read as much as she does.

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Instagram / Amazon



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