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The Dead Detective Casefiles by Tj O’Connor Banner

by Tj O’Connor
October 28 – December 13, 2024 Virtual Book Tour



  Detective Oliver Tucker’s dead—murdered—and back as an earth-bound spirit to help his wife, Professor Angela Tucker, crack the most important case of his life—his own. But, this is not a ghost story; it’s a murder case. Tuck knows why he is back among the living but not one of them—Detective Solve Thyself. Perhaps he was murdered because of his last case—a murder involving a retired mob boss, a local millionaire land developer, a New York hit man, and the local university elite. Or could it be that Bear Braddock, his best friend and partner for more than fifteen years, wants Angela? Tuck knows that everything surrounds Kelly’s Dig where the discovery of Civil War graves may put an end to a multi-million dollar highway project. If it does, who stands to gain the most? Enough to kill? Using his unique skills, Tuck weaves through half-truths and generations-old lies chasing a madman. And he’s not alone—others, dead and alive—are hunting the same killer. Still nothing can change the truth—it is the living, not the dead, who are most terrifying.



  Still an earth-bound spirit-detective, Tuck is on the case of the murder of a mysterious philanthropist with ties to the Russian mob and 1930’s gangsters. With the help of his wife, Professor Angela Tucker, and his former partner, Detective Bear Braddock, they must find the killer and be the first to read “the book”—an old gangster’s journal of the roots of espionage, racketeering, and corruption leading to the identity of modern-day powerbrokers and spies. Tuck finds a colorful cast of allies in a tough Assistant U.S. Attorney General, a secretive FBI agent, and the spirits of a long-dead 1930’s gangster and his sassy girlfriend. As Tuck searches to learn the secrets of “the book,” he begins to unravel his own ancestry of mobsters, adventurers, and wayward spirits. Is being a ghost hereditary?





Detective, or should I say former detective, Oliver Tucker, likes to be called Tuck, describes hinself as a puff of dust. That’s because he’s dead. But that doesn’t stop him from detecting and theirs one heck of a muder and mystery to be solved.

While his widow, Angel is on board and accepts he’s still around, albeit as a ghost, friends and his former partner, Bear, are still in denial. I had many a chuckle as Tuck used his ghostly presence to give them a spooky Boo now and then and steered them where he wanted them to go with comments from beyond the grave.

I realized pretty quickly this was the second book in a series, but the author caught me up quickly on the history. The first book is about Tuck’s own murder and how he stayed around afterwards and helped solve his own case. I imagine it was just as fun as this book and I’ll be going back to read it too.

So the skinny is, Angel, Tuck’s widow, holds a swanky charity ball and someone gets murdered right in front of everybody. To top it off, all the charity donations get snatched right out from under their noses.

As Tuck digs into the case, he meets some other ghosts, those being mobsters, the sexy Sassy, and even some relatives from long ago. All of them are tied to this case, which stems from events about a book back during the cold war and before.

Russian spies. Mobsters from the 30’s. Dead guys, several of them. A mysterious book. And a trail that leads to Tuck’s own ancestors. Lots of shenanigans and mystery in this one.

Tuck is a hoot. He gets a kick out of taunting his former partner, Bear. The poor guy is in denial and Tuck likes to give him a creepy boost now and then. Bear better get on board before people start looking at him like they do Angel.

Angel is a sweetie and she’s got a lot of sass herself. She likes having Tuck around and even gets jealous when he has an encounter with the sexy Sassy, another ghost. People are starting to look at her funny as she talks to Tuck, sometimes forgetting others can’t see or hear him. She takes it in stride.

You’d think after solving his own death, Tuck would have moved on, seen the bright light. But nope, his remaining here was a bit of a mystery even to him. He might have some of it figured out, as other ghosts do approach him to help with their murders. Tuck can do what they can’t, he can interact with the living, be heard and talk to them. Well, some of them. So he’s still detecting and will keep on doing it until it’s time to go.

The end of the book was such a hoot. You tore from one event to the next, all of it culminating in the big bang ending. I wanted to read the end, yet I didn’t want the story of Tuck and his gang to be over. I have a feeling there will be more in this series as Harry has some ancestral mysteries yet to solve. One of them being about his mother and father. Hope to see that soon.




  Detective Oliver Tucker never knew how perilous dying was until he stumbled onto William Mendelson—murdered in a hidden vault where Egyptian relics and World War II secrets were once stashed. Now those relics are missing. The secrets are coming out. The dead are talking. Tuck, the detective for the dead—the Dead Detective—is pulled into the case by the spirit of a World War II Office of Strategic Services operative with his own agenda. OSS Captain Ollie Tucker I—Tuck’s namesake—knows the past is catching up to the survivors of an Egyptian spy ring from more than seventy years ago. With the help of his beautiful and brilliant wife, Angel, and his gruff former partner, Detective Bear Braddock, Tuck must unravel a tale of spies, murderers, and thieves. As Tuck’s case unfolds, he confronts the growing distance between his death and Angel’s life—and the solution is a killer of its own.


Praise for The Dead Detective Casefiles:

“O’Connor’s The Dead Detective Casefiles series is a must read for those who like mysteries with a dash of history, a hard-boiled twist, and a pinch of paranormal.” ~ Heather Weidner, Author of the Jules Keene Glamping Mysteries “Tj O’Connor is a master storyteller who can have you gasping in suspense one moment and snorting coffee through your nose the next. In the Dead Detective Casefiles, he seamlessly merges mystery, humor, and paranormal so authentically that the reader never gives a second thought to the concept of the main character, Detective Oliver Tucker, actually being dead. ” ~ Annette Dashofy, USA Today Bestselling author of the Zoe Chambers Mystery Series


Book Details:

Genre: PI Cozy Mystery

Published by: Level Best Books Publication Date: September 2024

Series: The Dead Detective Casefiles

Read an excerpt from DYING TO KNOW:
Dying is overrated. Murder, on the other hand, is not. Trust me, after fifteen years as a detective, I know a lot about both. Like death and murder are always complicated, but not always related. You can have death without murder, but not the other way around. That’s what I used to think anyway. I changed my mind after an episode of my recurring nightmare. I’d been having it for years and it always turned out the same. While chasing a bad guy in the dark, he turned and shot me. I was about to die when something always pulled me from the nightmare. This time, it was Hercule’s hot breath. My four-year-old black Lab was standing beside my bed alternating between low growls and a tongue-lashing. Both demanded my attention. When my eyes first opened, he lapped at my face and nudged me with his big, wet nose. I forced my eyes open wider and at the same time realized that Angel was not snuggled beside me in bed. She was standing across the room and listening at our bedroom door. “Angel, did you hear something again?” She always heard things late at night and always felt compelled to share them with me. “Are you sure?” “Yes, Tuck. Herc can hear it, too. Wake up, will you? What kind of detective are you?” “The asleep-kind.” “Just get up. Please?” Hercule froze, nose down, staring at me as we both heard creaking floorboards in the downstairs hall. I rolled sideways and sat on the side of the bed. Hercule crept away and crouched near the door. For the third time, something interrupted Angel’s sleep. The first two times were just our old house’s creaks and groans, and both failed to wake Hercule out of a stone-cold sleep. Now, after summoning me, he was poised for homeland defense. I got to my feet and gathered my clothes littered in a strategic path across the room. I nearly toppled over slipping on my jeans and a black tee shirt and did manage to trip over my running shoes. Angel motioned for Herc to return to the bed. To me she whispered, “Hurry up.” “Look, if I’m going to get killed tonight, I don’t want to be naked.” I grabbed my 40-caliber Glock from the nightstand and checked the chamber. Then, I retrieved a .38 revolver from our walk-in closet and handed it to Angel. “Just in case.” “Okay. Be careful.” “Keep Herc close, babe. If it’s your imagination, stay awake and lose those pjs. If it’s trouble, give me fifteen minutes—then lose them.” Even in the dark, I could see her eyes roll. “Just be careful.” At the door, I listened but heard nothing. I winked at Angel and Hercule on the bed and whispered, “I love you—you too, Angel.” Hercule wagged his tail. In the hallway, I waited for my eyes to adjust a little more to the darkness. I shifted them to use my peripheral vision, looking for any telltale movement. Still nothing. From the top of the stairs, I could just make out the foyer below and did not see or hear anything. There were no wispy shadows, no running feet, and no creaking floorboards. Yawning, I eased down the stairs with my Glock out in front of me. At the bottom landing, I stopped. Darkness and the grandfather clock greeted me—it chimed two. The downstairs was quiet and I checked the front door. It was still locked and there were no signs of splintered wood, broken glass, or other forced entry. The only sound I heard was my own breathing. The only curious sighting was the half-dressed, frumpy guy in the hall mirror who looked tired and irritated. Maybe Angel would be losing those pjs sooner rather than later. I started with the kitchen and worked my way around the first floor, searching room by room—all five of them—ending in my den. Nothing. The most dangerous thing I found was Hercule’s squeaky frog that scared the crap out of me when I stepped on it. I felt foolish and decided to head back to bed. It hit me when I reached to turn off my desk lamp. The light shouldn’t have been on. I looked around. My briefcase wasn’t in its ritual place on my credenza. It was on my chair and the contents strewn over my desk. Everything was dumped out—my gold detective’s badge and I.D., several files, a notepad, tape recorder, and my .380 backup piece. No, the Walther wasn’t there—the holster was empty. “Angel …” I bolted to the stairs and looked up. Floorboards groaned above me. A door opened in the darkness beyond the landing. Movement—a shadow. Somewhere above, Angel called, “Tuck.” There was a flash at the top of the stairs … a shot. I lunged for the third stair. A figure stepped out of the darkness twelve feet above me. Another flash. “Angel!” *** Excerpt from DYING TO KNOW by Tj O’Connor. Copyright 2014/2024 by Tj O’Connor. Reproduced with permission from Tj O’Connor. All rights reserved.



About Author Tj O’Connor:


Tj O’Connor

Tj O’Connor is an award-winning author of mysteries and thrillers. He’s an international security consultant specializing in anti-terrorism, investigations, and threat analysis—life experiences that drive his novels. With his former life as a government agent and years as a consultant, he has lived and worked around the world in places like Greece, Turkey, Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, and throughout the Americas—among others. In his spare time, he’s a Harley Davidson pilot, a man-about-dogs (and now cats), and a lover of adventure, cooking, and good spirits (both kinds). He was raised in New York’s Hudson Valley and lives with his wife, Labs, and Maine Coon companions in Virginia where they raised five children who supply a growing tribe of grands.

Catch Up With Tj O’Connor: Goodreads BookBub – @tj37 Amazon Author Instagram – @tjoconnorauthor Twitter/X – @Tjoconnorauthor Facebook – @TjOConnor.Author YouTube – @tjoconnorauthor3905



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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for The Vicious And The Virile VII organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Luki Belle will award a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


The Vicious And The Virile VII

by Luki Belle



Genre: Dark Fantasy


A collection of short horror stories, The Vicious and The Virile VII offers a captivating combination of unique and varied short stories emblematic of the dark fantasy genre.

Karan Lloyd Hamilton: when touring a fictitious national park in India a wealthy American couple, Judas and Priscilla Hamilton are attacked by tigers and get physically separated. The mortally wounded wife, pregnant with male twin, dies giving birth in the wilderness to healthy babies. Only one twin is found and returned to Judas who survived the attack. The grieving father returns to America with his newborn and the corpse of Priscilla. The boy, Karan Lloyd Hamilton, grows up to be a Wall Street investment banker. He bears a physical scar from his traumatic birth which has transformed Karan into a predator by night in the streets of Manhattan.

Kartik Shiv Yuvarajan: the second twin boy of Judas and Priscilla Hamilton did not die but was taken by the mystical tribe of the national park. The tribe hides the baby until he is stolen and given to a tour guide of the park, Arjun. Afraid of the consequences of taking the baby to the American embassy, Arjun adopts the child, gives him the name Kartik Shiv Yuvarajan and then returns to his ancestral village. Kartik bears a similar mark upon his body like his twin Karan. This mark brings about strange physiological changes in Kartik and leads to unexpected events that threatens his life in the village. Arjun must now decide whether to let Kartik know of his identity or whether to flee once again with the teenager.

Hounds of the Monks: a warrior flees with his family to save his daughter from the lustful, cruel king of the land. When the king’s army gives chase to bring back the young girl, the warrior separates from his wife and daughter to protect them. Mother and her girl seek shelter in a monastery only to realize that the holy surroundings may be equally dangerous.

Desert Frogs: a film producer with her adolescent twin sons and a film crew travel to a fictitious nation, Gapharkh, to shoot a few scenes in the country’s legendary desert. A civil war is imminent in Gapharkh between the military regime and the nomadic tribe of the desert. Unexpected connections quickly form between the twin boys and the nomads while the war heats up in the backdrop as the film crew rushes to complete their work. Discovering that there was a dark motive behind allowing the foreign film crew to shoot in the desert, the producer desperately tries to escape Gapharkh with her sons and her crew.

Stolen Princess: Rosemarie, a young woman rescued from prostitution, finds herself alone and homeless when her husband is lost at sea and her in-laws throw her out of her husband’s home. Rosemarie’s fate momentarily worsens when she is raped and almost killed but, miraculously, she is saved by strange old women who take Rosemarie to a secluded, enchanting island. The heavenly place seems like freedom until Rosemarie realizes that there are sinister forces around her who intend to keep her captive in the isle. Rosemarie’s past may be her only salvation.

Bastard of the Mist: Angeline a young widow, arrives at a remote and beautiful rehabilitation center for veterans to work as the assistant of the institution’s co-founder. Angeline is supernaturally gifted. Her dark powers clash with evil forces that exist in the forests surrounding the institution when she discovers a sinister plot by her employer Professor Kvalish, a man with a mysterious past. An unraveling thus begins and threatens the existence of everyone at the rehabilitation center.

Nature’s Call Girl: in a futuristic Earth a global war is ongoing between humankind and nature. Here, a fictitious country Parakrytheon, has built a nation devoid of plant and animals with artificially created weather to protect its humans from natural predators. On a fictitious island Kamin, humans live harmoniously with nature and beast. This place has the resources that Parakrytheon needs to defeat its natural enemy. Twin brothers Hagaath and Laksha, and their sister Kamina, are the means to this end.


Enjoy this peek inside:

Excerpt from Story 3 – “Hounds of the Monks”


The doors of the monastery noisily opened as though the hinges had not been used in the longest time and lacked grease. Shamini slowly stood up and called to her daughter, but Zehera had fainted. Shamini was about to stoop down again when through the open wooden doors appeared a hooded monk in a brown garb, holding a thin candle in the grip of his bare palms, his arms cloaked under the bulky sleeves of his robe.

Shamini could not see the monk’s eyes which were covered under the garb’s hood. From the light of the candle’s flame, she saw that the person was a man, from his chiseled jawline, mouth, and chin.

“Holy monk…please help my daughter…please help us…there are hounds chasing us…please we are fleeing danger…” Shamini said frantically as she knelt beside Zehera.

“Zehera…my girl…Zehera…get up…look…we are safe…look!” Shamini nudged her daughter, gasped momentarily thinking the worst, then hastily put her ear against Zehera’s chest to listen; her daughter’s heart was still beating with life.

“She needs food and water!!” Shamini exclaimed and looked up desperately at the monk who was quietly standing by the door. She tried to lift up Zehera in her arms but lacked the strength to do so.

The door opened wider on its own and now Shamini could see a large rectangular empty room behind the monk.

The place was mostly dark except for at the far end, on the other side of the chamber, in front of an arched entrance, stood two more monks in hoods, holding tall candles in their hands.

“You may enter woman” said a deep youthful voice of the monk who stood by the monastery’s open doors.

“My daughter…” Shamini said in an exhausted tone still trying to lift up Zehera.

“Brothers!” the monk called loudly over his shoulder while placing the candle in his hands by the foot of the doors.

Quietly then the monk lifted Zehera in his arms and turned around.

“Go with my brethren” the monk said as he carried Zehera with him into the large rectangular room behind him.

“She is bleeding and badly injured! The dogs bit her…she has fainted…”Shamini said anxiously while following the monk. The other two monks were approaching her from the other direction, and they blocked her path.

“Your daughter is in holy care. Have faith” said the second monk.

“You woman must come with us” said the third monk “Your body is weak and your soul needs salvation.”

Their voices sounded almost like the first monk to Shamini, their tones were hypnotic. They stood around her,

hooded and taller than her. Their breaths smelled sweet, the fabric of their garbs exuded a flowery freshness, their lips bore faint smiles. Shamini watched as the first monk with Zehera, disappeared through the dark arched entranceway.


About Author Luki Belle:

 Luki Belle works in the media industry. In addition to The Vicious and the Virile VII, she is the author of three other novels: The Delicate Affair of Colonel Baquiste, The Sexy Seven Supernaturals, and Shakti of the Illuminated Lotus. Storytelling has been a fixture since Luki’s childhood when she would listen to stories told by her grandparents, parents, sisters, and cousins reading to her from diverse cultural fiction books. Paranormal characters existing as and amongst humans-while exalting in their mystical powers-have always fascinated Luki. She loves to explore magical, futuristic, fantastical, and ancient realms in her stories where her human and supernatural characters are thrust together, and their conflicted and tormented natures collide.



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It’s Mother-Pucking Christmas!

by Alina Jacobs


Publication date: November 21st 2024
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Holiday, Romance

When your grandmother stalks the star hockey player on the rival team because “You need a husband, Dakota—you’re not getting any younger!” it’s Christmas crazy on ice.

It is not, however, the start of our great love story.
I don’t date guys on that team.
He doesn’t do casual, drunken hookups, which is all the captain of the Icebreakers is getting from moi.

I give him the finger and tell him I hope he loses his teeth out there.
He smirks and wins the game because both this Christmas season and this hockey season are a fucking scam.

Then my younger, much dumber brother informs me that he owes his bookie a bunch of money and really needs the Icebreakers to lose their next game, and could I pretty please be an amazing big sis and date their captain then break his heart so he’ll suck and lose the game—otherwise little bro will get killed, or worse, our mom will find out.

As much as I eye roll my overly large, overly loud family, I’d do anything for them.
Including date the captain of the Icebreakers.

Ryder is a Boy Scout. He doesn’t swear. He uses words like ma’am and sir. On our date, he opens my door, pulls out my chair, and helps me with my coat. He even volunteers at the local animal shelter and loves handmade sweaters.
No, it is not cute! Three warm, gooey cinnamon rolls dressed up as a six-five, hot AF hockey player are not my type.
At all.

Santa better bring me something nice this Christmas for all my pain and suffering!

In bed though?
Let’s just say sleeping with the captain of the Icebreakers… is not going to be a problem.

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Enjoy this peek inside:

“You’re stalking my client,” Hudson yelled at the old woman, who was completely unfazed by his anger.

My teammates’ eyes bugged out like the pugs’, then they all collapsed, howling with laughter, at my feet. Even Coach snickered into his gloves.

“You’re the Crusher?” My mouth dropped open. “You’re the one who’s been stalking me for the last five months?”

“Stalker? Pshaw!” Granny Murray was offended. “I’m not stalking anyone.”

“You’re going to be arrested.” Hudson bore down on the woman.

“Don’t arrest my grandmother,” Dakota snapped at him.

“She’s stalking him.” Hudson made a knife hand in my direction. “Do you know how much goddamn money this woman has cost me?”

“I’m not stalking. I’m leaving him presents and nice notes,” Granny Murray shouted.

Hudson slapped a hand to his forehead. “Notes? They’re fucking pornographic.”

“Now see here.” Granny Murray wagged her finger at the tall man. “I’m just trying to rile him up for Dakota.”

“You frightened him, Gran,” Gracie scolded.

“Oh my god.” Erik gasped at my feet, holding his side. “College Boy is afraid of a little old lady.”

I sputtered, “Shut your mouth, Canada.”

“Are you going to ‘oh heck’ him?” Pete snickered.

“Sonny, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. You seem like a nice boy.” The old woman patted me on the arm.

Hudson slapped her hand away.

“As an apology present”—she grabbed Dakota and pushed her toward me—“I will let you have sex with my granddaughter. She puts out, and her boobs are real.” She squeezed Dakota’s chest.

“Oh, uh…” I rocked back on my skates. “That’s very kind of you, ma’am, but no. No thank you.”

Dakota had the nerve to look offended.

My teammates’ mouths dropped open, then they laid into me.

“Who the hell are you?”

“Fucking Boy Scout.”

“Come on, Ryder!”

“Jesus Christ, College Boy.”


“Shame! Shame to the family. Shame to the team…” Rick slapped his glove.

“I’m not having relations with her,” I stammered. “I don’t even know her.”

Dakota raised an eyebrow.

Pete muscled up to Dakota. “I’ll take the apology present, beautiful. I have a very nice hotel suite—hot tub, big bed. Expense account.”

“No! No expense accounts,” Coach barked.

Erik shoved Pete aside. “How about a two-for-one deal?”

Dakota looked interested. The pretty brunette put her finger to her lips like she was seriously thinking about it.

I sucker punched Erik.

“Hey!” Coach slapped the back of my head.

I didn’t even feel it.

“You’re not sleeping with her. Certainly not both of you, ingrates,” I snarled.

“Ooh, College Boy is mad!” Rick giggled.

“All of you, shut the fuck up!” Coach yelled. “Shaddap!”

I sniffed.

“Ryder, you’re kind of a prude.” Coach turned on me. “Dial it back. You’re almost thirty, for Chrissake, and for someone who says he wants a family, you’re about as effective as a panda in that department.”

Mike applauded.

“But they’re trying to… you know… with a fan. That’s against the rules,” I argued.

Coach sighed loudly.

“Oh.” Dakota piped up. “I am definitely not a fan. In fact, I hate your team. Arctic Avengers all the way. I’d never date the captain of the motherfucking Icebreakers. I will, however, sleep with you all.” She blew me and my teammates a kiss.

“Fuck that!” My friends refused. “We’re not traitors.”

“Dammit, Dakota!” Granny Murray scolded, “All that work down the toilet.”

“Definitely snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory,” Gracie said.

Dakota scowled.

“Well, that is how the Arctic Avengers do it.” I sneered at her.

Dakota gave me the finger. “I hope you lose all your teeth out there.”


About Author Alina Jacobs:

If you like steamy romantic comedies with a creative streak, then I’m your girl!

Architect by day, writer by night, I love matcha green tea, chocolate, and books! So many books…

Sign up for my mailing list to get the free novella, AFTER HIS PEONIES, along with special bonus content, giveaways, and more!

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The Dead Detective Casefiles by Tj O’Connor Banner

by Tj O’Connor
October 28 – December 13, 2024 Virtual Book Tour



  Detective Oliver Tucker’s dead—murdered—and back as an earth-bound spirit to help his wife, Professor Angela Tucker, crack the most important case of his life—his own. But, this is not a ghost story; it’s a murder case. Tuck knows why he is back among the living but not one of them—Detective Solve Thyself. Perhaps he was murdered because of his last case—a murder involving a retired mob boss, a local millionaire land developer, a New York hit man, and the local university elite. Or could it be that Bear Braddock, his best friend and partner for more than fifteen years, wants Angela? Tuck knows that everything surrounds Kelly’s Dig where the discovery of Civil War graves may put an end to a multi-million dollar highway project. If it does, who stands to gain the most? Enough to kill? Using his unique skills, Tuck weaves through half-truths and generations-old lies chasing a madman. And he’s not alone—others, dead and alive—are hunting the same killer. Still nothing can change the truth—it is the living, not the dead, who are most terrifying.



A confession. I read the second book, Dying For The Past, before this first one in the series. I absolutely loved the second one and had high hopes for Dying To Know.

Cozies are a favorite for me in the mystery genre. Fun titles and colorful covers. And those characters, often a bit quirky, who you feel you know. What’s even more fun is a paranormal cozy. And that’s what I got. A detective, Tuck, who wakes up dead, killed in his own home. There stands his wife, crying over his body. Being a detective, his first case as a dead guy is to solve his own murder. But, who can he turn to for help. The only one who can see and hear him is his dog, Hercule, and he ain’t talking. I couldn’t wait to see how he sorted it out.

There’s a lot to sort out. Tuck doesn’t like what he’s learning about his partner, Bear. It couldn’t be him, could it? Bear is close with Tuck’s wife, Angel. Does this put her in danger? How can he, a dead man, protect her?

And what is it with spirits anyway? Tuck’s spirit guide, Doc, raises more questions than answers. Just get to the point already. There must be a reason for it. But, Doc ain’t saying. It’s up to Tuck to decipher the information.

There’s a serious mystery to solve. But there’s fun and plenty of humor too.  A great start to a series I must continue reading.





  Still an earth-bound spirit-detective, Tuck is on the case of the murder of a mysterious philanthropist with ties to the Russian mob and 1930’s gangsters. With the help of his wife, Professor Angela Tucker, and his former partner, Detective Bear Braddock, they must find the killer and be the first to read “the book”—an old gangster’s journal of the roots of espionage, racketeering, and corruption leading to the identity of modern-day powerbrokers and spies. Tuck finds a colorful cast of allies in a tough Assistant U.S. Attorney General, a secretive FBI agent, and the spirits of a long-dead 1930’s gangster and his sassy girlfriend. As Tuck searches to learn the secrets of “the book,” he begins to unravel his own ancestry of mobsters, adventurers, and wayward spirits. Is being a ghost hereditary?



  Detective Oliver Tucker never knew how perilous dying was until he stumbled onto William Mendelson—murdered in a hidden vault where Egyptian relics and World War II secrets were once stashed. Now those relics are missing. The secrets are coming out. The dead are talking. Tuck, the detective for the dead—the Dead Detective—is pulled into the case by the spirit of a World War II Office of Strategic Services operative with his own agenda. OSS Captain Ollie Tucker I—Tuck’s namesake—knows the past is catching up to the survivors of an Egyptian spy ring from more than seventy years ago. With the help of his beautiful and brilliant wife, Angel, and his gruff former partner, Detective Bear Braddock, Tuck must unravel a tale of spies, murderers, and thieves. As Tuck’s case unfolds, he confronts the growing distance between his death and Angel’s life—and the solution is a killer of its own.


Praise for The Dead Detective Casefiles:

“O’Connor’s The Dead Detective Casefiles series is a must read for those who like mysteries with a dash of history, a hard-boiled twist, and a pinch of paranormal.” ~ Heather Weidner, Author of the Jules Keene Glamping Mysteries “Tj O’Connor is a master storyteller who can have you gasping in suspense one moment and snorting coffee through your nose the next. In the Dead Detective Casefiles, he seamlessly merges mystery, humor, and paranormal so authentically that the reader never gives a second thought to the concept of the main character, Detective Oliver Tucker, actually being dead. ” ~ Annette Dashofy, USA Today Bestselling author of the Zoe Chambers Mystery Series


Book Details:

Genre: PI Cozy Mystery

Published by: Level Best Books Publication Date: September 2024

Series: The Dead Detective Casefiles

Read an excerpt from DYING TO KNOW:
Dying is overrated. Murder, on the other hand, is not. Trust me, after fifteen years as a detective, I know a lot about both. Like death and murder are always complicated, but not always related. You can have death without murder, but not the other way around. That’s what I used to think anyway. I changed my mind after an episode of my recurring nightmare. I’d been having it for years and it always turned out the same. While chasing a bad guy in the dark, he turned and shot me. I was about to die when something always pulled me from the nightmare. This time, it was Hercule’s hot breath. My four-year-old black Lab was standing beside my bed alternating between low growls and a tongue-lashing. Both demanded my attention. When my eyes first opened, he lapped at my face and nudged me with his big, wet nose. I forced my eyes open wider and at the same time realized that Angel was not snuggled beside me in bed. She was standing across the room and listening at our bedroom door. “Angel, did you hear something again?” She always heard things late at night and always felt compelled to share them with me. “Are you sure?” “Yes, Tuck. Herc can hear it, too. Wake up, will you? What kind of detective are you?” “The asleep-kind.” “Just get up. Please?” Hercule froze, nose down, staring at me as we both heard creaking floorboards in the downstairs hall. I rolled sideways and sat on the side of the bed. Hercule crept away and crouched near the door. For the third time, something interrupted Angel’s sleep. The first two times were just our old house’s creaks and groans, and both failed to wake Hercule out of a stone-cold sleep. Now, after summoning me, he was poised for homeland defense. I got to my feet and gathered my clothes littered in a strategic path across the room. I nearly toppled over slipping on my jeans and a black tee shirt and did manage to trip over my running shoes. Angel motioned for Herc to return to the bed. To me she whispered, “Hurry up.” “Look, if I’m going to get killed tonight, I don’t want to be naked.” I grabbed my 40-caliber Glock from the nightstand and checked the chamber. Then, I retrieved a .38 revolver from our walk-in closet and handed it to Angel. “Just in case.” “Okay. Be careful.” “Keep Herc close, babe. If it’s your imagination, stay awake and lose those pjs. If it’s trouble, give me fifteen minutes—then lose them.” Even in the dark, I could see her eyes roll. “Just be careful.” At the door, I listened but heard nothing. I winked at Angel and Hercule on the bed and whispered, “I love you—you too, Angel.” Hercule wagged his tail. In the hallway, I waited for my eyes to adjust a little more to the darkness. I shifted them to use my peripheral vision, looking for any telltale movement. Still nothing. From the top of the stairs, I could just make out the foyer below and did not see or hear anything. There were no wispy shadows, no running feet, and no creaking floorboards. Yawning, I eased down the stairs with my Glock out in front of me. At the bottom landing, I stopped. Darkness and the grandfather clock greeted me—it chimed two. The downstairs was quiet and I checked the front door. It was still locked and there were no signs of splintered wood, broken glass, or other forced entry. The only sound I heard was my own breathing. The only curious sighting was the half-dressed, frumpy guy in the hall mirror who looked tired and irritated. Maybe Angel would be losing those pjs sooner rather than later. I started with the kitchen and worked my way around the first floor, searching room by room—all five of them—ending in my den. Nothing. The most dangerous thing I found was Hercule’s squeaky frog that scared the crap out of me when I stepped on it. I felt foolish and decided to head back to bed. It hit me when I reached to turn off my desk lamp. The light shouldn’t have been on. I looked around. My briefcase wasn’t in its ritual place on my credenza. It was on my chair and the contents strewn over my desk. Everything was dumped out—my gold detective’s badge and I.D., several files, a notepad, tape recorder, and my .380 backup piece. No, the Walther wasn’t there—the holster was empty. “Angel …” I bolted to the stairs and looked up. Floorboards groaned above me. A door opened in the darkness beyond the landing. Movement—a shadow. Somewhere above, Angel called, “Tuck.” There was a flash at the top of the stairs … a shot. I lunged for the third stair. A figure stepped out of the darkness twelve feet above me. Another flash. “Angel!” *** Excerpt from DYING TO KNOW by Tj O’Connor. Copyright 2014/2024 by Tj O’Connor. Reproduced with permission from Tj O’Connor. All rights reserved.



About Author Tj O’Connor:


Tj O’Connor

Tj O’Connor is an award-winning author of mysteries and thrillers. He’s an international security consultant specializing in anti-terrorism, investigations, and threat analysis—life experiences that drive his novels. With his former life as a government agent and years as a consultant, he has lived and worked around the world in places like Greece, Turkey, Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, and throughout the Americas—among others. In his spare time, he’s a Harley Davidson pilot, a man-about-dogs (and now cats), and a lover of adventure, cooking, and good spirits (both kinds). He was raised in New York’s Hudson Valley and lives with his wife, Labs, and Maine Coon companions in Virginia where they raised five children who supply a growing tribe of grands.

Catch Up With Tj O’Connor: Goodreads BookBub – @tj37 Amazon Author Instagram – @tjoconnorauthor Twitter/X – @Tjoconnorauthor Facebook – @TjOConnor.Author YouTube – @tjoconnorauthor3905



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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for The Brave Prince In The Enchanted Forest organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Beverly Brown will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The Brave Prince In The Enchanted Forest

by Beverly Brown



Genre: Children’s Book


In the heart of a lush, beautiful serene forest, where butterflies, birds and bees freely dance in the gently breeze, a magical tale unfolds. Meet Prince, a majestic Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, who loves this serene place that they call The Enchanted Forest. As the appointed guardian of this homeland by the beautiful Forest Fairy Princess Jenna Joy, Prince learns things about himself, makes new friends and protects the sanctity of the forest. This story is a heartwarming tale of courage, friendship and the beauty of nature. Follow Prince’s pawprints as he navigates his way through the forest and you will be immersed into a world of wonder and joy. You will be enchanted and reminded of all the magic and extraordinary powers that lie within the hearts of our loyal, furry companions.


Enjoy this peek inside:

In recognition of the Cavalier’s promise, Princess Jenna Joy placed a golden crown with red jewels, a symbol not only of royalty but also of untapped magical powers, atop his little head. She named him Prince, in honor of becoming the first leader of the forest.

At that time, a bolt of energy went through Prince’s body.

He felt different.

He felt special.

He felt more responsible.

He even felt taller.


About Author Beverly Brown:


Beverly Brown is an author who has a passion for storytelling. With a 20-year career as a Human Resources Leader, she has honed her understanding of people and their unique stories – a skill she brings to her writing, infusing her tales with warmth, empathy, and insight.

Beyond the pages of writing and outside the corporate world, Beverly is a culinary enthusiast who finds joy in cooking and sharing meals with her family in Atlanta, Georgia.

She is an avid traveler, seeking inspiration in the diverse cultures and landscapes she encounters, and a dedicated gardener, nurturing her plants with the same care she pours into her storytelling. As a lifelong learner, Beverly is constantly seeking new knowledge and experiences, whether in her professional field or her personal pursuits.

Beverly is a certified Pet Grief Counselor and uses those skills to support families in managing the grief cycle of their beloved family pet. Through her Facebook group Paws in Paradise Support Group, she is helping to build another community where members support each other with compassion and understanding.

Her writing reflects this curiosity, offering readers stories that are as enriching as they are enchanting. Drawing inspiration from her personal experiences with her own fur babies, her stories are a testament to the gentle nature and loyal spirit of these charming canines.


Website / YouTube / Facebook / Facebook Group / Instagram

Purchase Links: Amazon / B&N


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I am so excited that NEIGH KID by Alan
Mayfair is available now and that I get to share the news!


If you haven’t yet heard about this
wonderful book, be sure to check out all the details below.


This blitz also includes a giveaway
for  finished copies NEIGH KID courtesy
of Tielmour Press &
Book Tours
. So if you’d like a chance to win, check out the giveaway info below.




Author: Alan Mayfair & Gabi Moraes (Illustrator)



Pub. Date: December 7, 2024

Publisher: Tielmour Press

Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook

Pages: 36


Find it: Goodreads

Read for FREE with a Kindle Unlimited membership.



The city has a new protector, and


Join in and read one of the
most incredible adventures ever told about a boy who goes through an
astonishing transformation to become the superhero we all need!

In Neigh Kid’s debut adventure, a young, unassuming boy dons his horse mask and
cape (it’s actually a towel) and sets off into the night to keep the city safe.
His mission? To rescue his beloved cat, who has escaped into the moonlit

The vibrant illustrations add a touch of ‘cheeky’ humour while remaining
perfectly tasteful. With its playful storyline and endearing characters, this
book will become a storytime favourite read for children and caregivers alike
as it also celebrates bravery, imagination, and the bond between a boy and his

What do you do when there’s calamity afoot? GET NEIGH KID!









About Alan Mayfair:


Mayfair’s debut picture book, “Neigh Kid,” is a ‘cheeky’ adventure
about a young hero who keeps his city safe by becoming NEIGH KID!

Instagram | Amazon







About Gabi Moraes:

Gabi Moraes
is an award-winning illustrator that loves all things nature (including bugs).
She lives in Brazil.







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For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

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Voices from Beyond by Fran Lewis Banner

by Fran Lewis
December 9-13, 2024 Book Blast



As the book unfolds, each person you meet is given a chance to repent or suffer the mirror’s unique form of hideous justice. Be careful doing wrong because the mirror waits for you…

Here are seven stories that will bring chills down your spine and make you wonder: what lies behind the stones? Who lives here? Each voice you will hear has been silenced by the evil of others. Rosie and many others in the camps were tortured and enslaved, and not allowed to speak out at all. Bertha’s voice was never heard by her aunt, who used her for cooking, cleaning, and even servicing men for money. Next is a teacher who believed that children should be seen and not ever heard, and their opinions were off limits. Sarah Jones knew the secret that her cousin Benita was hiding, and what she had done to her mother. Sarah would bide her time and take on not only Benita but others, too. This is the story of how Sarah Jones decided to fight back. But did she succeed?

Finally, there are several who have wronged so many, and these last three remain behind stones that barely stand straight, where their names are engraved but covered with mud and soil so that no one will ever give them the honor of saying a prayer over them or mourning their deaths. These three come from different walks of life: one is a lawyer, another an accountant, and the third a judge. What are they guilty of? Read their stories as they tell them, and you decide if their fates were just or not, as they blackmailed and threatened so many whose voices, you’ll learn, were silenced in fear.

Within this world, many gain wealth by taking what belongs to others. There is a catch to this, as I will decide the fate of each person as they spend time in my special mirrors facing what they have done. If they show remorse, they have one fate. If not, they will belong to me!

Book Details:

Genre: Psychological Thriller

Published by: Royal Flush Publishing Publication Date: October 28, 2024 Number of Pages: 60 ASIN: B0D1QM7Y9Z

Book Links: Amazon | Goodreads


About Author Fran Lewis:


Fran Lewis

Fran worked in the NYC Public Schools as the Reading and Writing Staff Developer for over 36 years. She has three masters degrees and a PD in Supervision and Administration. Currently, she is a member of Who’s Who of America’s Teachers and Who’s Who of America’s Executives from Cambridge.‬‬ ‬ Fran is the author of more than 14 titles including three children’s books. She has written several books on Alzheimer’s disease in order to honor her mom and help create more awareness for a cure. These include Memories are Precious: Alzheimer’s Journey; Ruth’s Story and Sharp as a Tack and Scrambled Eggs Which Describes Your Brain?. She also wrote A Daughter’s Promise about her walk through the disease with her mother. ‪Fran is the author of the Faces Behind the Stones series, a middle school series featuring stories growing up in the Bronx with her sister and MJ magazine. Voices from Beyond is her latest book which was preceded by Mirror Image, What If?, Population Zero, and Accusations.‬

Catch Up With Fran Lewis: Just Reviews Book Talk with Fran Lewis Radio Show Goodreads BookBub Instagram – @ferndine49 X – @franellena Facebook


Tour Participants:

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This is a giveaway hosted by Partners in Crime Tours for Fran Lewis. See the widget for entry terms and conditions. Void where prohibited.


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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Jury Duty Is Murder organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Kate Damon will award a $25 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Jury Duty Is Murder

by Kate Damon



Genre: Cozy Mystery


The verdict is in; a famed athlete is headed for prison. The jurors have done their job and are free to go back to their lives.

But after being sequestered for four months, life as some knew it no longer exists.

HAROLD ASHMAN’s house is almost destroyed by a careless driver. Exotic dancer, CEECEE LAINE, discovers that her boyfriend is two-timing her, and she no longer has a job. Actor ALEX MANNING learns his career is down the tubes, and 72-year-old, HELEN RYDER, discovers her family is plotting to put her in an old folks home.

Then things take a turn for the worse. When former jurors start dropping like flies, CeeCee, Helen, Harold, and Alex are convinced there’s a killer on the loose. Now the feuding foursome must find him before he kills them—or before they save him the trouble by killing each other.


Enjoy this peek inside:

The ringing telephone woke me up. Without opening my eyes, I felt around until I touched the nightstand and finally, my phone. “Hello.”

“Wake up.”

I groaned. “Alex, what do you want?”

“I need you to wake up.”

I forced myself to sit up. The clock on the radio said it was after ten. “This better be important.”

“Something is terribly wrong,” Alex said. “It’s the thirtieth and nobody’s dead.”

“Hallelujah.” I hung up and dived back into my pillow. The phone rang again, and I groaned. Only Alex would think that no dead bodies meant something was wrong.

I rolled over and grabbed the phone. “Now what?”

“No one’s dead.”


About Author Kate Damon:


When Kate Damon is not writing, she and her husband enjoy RVing, spending time with family and friends, raising Monarch butterflies, and playing a wicked game of bridge.

Writing as Margaret Brownley, she has published more than 40 novels and is a New York Times bestselling author. Known for her memorable characters and humor, she is a two-time Romance Writers of America Rita finalist.

Not counting the book she wrote in sixth grade, and the puzzle of the missing socks, this is her first mystery.


Author Links: Twitter / Instagram / TikTok / Facebook


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  Grammie And Pupa’s House

by Daisy Butterfield

Category:  Children’s Fiction (Ages 3-12),  72 pages
Genre: Children’s Fiction
Publisher: Daisy Butterfield Press
Release date:  September 30, 2024
Formats Available for Review: print-softback (USA and Canada) and ebook (EPUB, PDF)
Tour dates: Nov 18 to Dec 13, 2024
Content Rating:  G:The story follows Daisy during an afternoon at her grandparents house making snacks, planting the garden, playing cards, and enjoying the warmth and love of her grandparents.

Book Description:

Welcome to Grammie and Pupa’s House!
The door is always open and everyone is welcome in as the smell of fresh baked pies and cookies lingers in the kitchen air. So, pour a cup of tea and sit down and relax. It is my pleasure to share with you a day in the life of Grammie and Pupa as seen through the eyes of their granddaughter, Daisy.

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Oh my, this delightful story brought back some special memories. Daisy was such an endearing character and it was special to walk in her footsteps and remember the wonder of visiting my own Grandma. She had a little house on a small lake and we’d play games, eat her yummy food and read together.

Grammie and Pupa are wonderful grandparents and Daisy is a sweet young girl. Young ones will have their own memories while reading it with their grandparents or parents. I adored it!



Meet Author Daisy Butterfield:

I was born in a small New England town. Growing up I lived just two houses away from my grandparents, and spent countless days hanging out with Grammie and Pupa playing games and gardening. I loved flowers, and still do. I would roam the fields picking wild Lupine, Queen Anne’s Lace, and, of course, Daisies. This book is a legacy to my grandparents, a way of saying thank you for the sweet memories. May you make sweet memories with your little ones as you read this book with them.

connect with author: website ~ facebookinstagram ~ goodreads

Tour Schedule:

Nov 1 – @michellegodardricherauthor * – book mail
Nov 7 – @book_withquotes * – book review
Nov 18 – @this.human.reads * – book review
Nov 18 – Cover Lover Book Review – book review / giveaway
Nov 18 – @Leannebookstagram – book review
Nov 18 – Liese’s Blog – book spotlight
Nov 19 – @adeela_books * – book review
Nov 20 – @Junebug_reads – book review
Nov 20 – @onceuponafrida * – book review
Nov 20 – @jilljemmett * – book review
Nov 20 – Frugal Freelancer – book review / guest post / giveaway
Nov 21 – Cheryl’s Book Nook – book review / giveaway
Nov 22 – @adriftinfictionalworld – book review
Nov 22 – @michellegodardricherauthor * – book review
Nov 25 – @ira_reads_4 * – book review
Nov 26 – Gina Rae Mitchell – book review / guest post / giveaway
Nov 26 – Library Lady’s Kid Lit – book review / author interview / giveaway
Nov 26 – @bookscape__ * – book review
Nov 27 – Country Mamas With Kids – book review / author interview / giveaway
Nov 29 – @stars.and.embers * – book review
Nov 29 – @lizzies.reading.recs * – book review
Nov 29 – @thisreadergirl * – book review
Nov 29 – @bearyintobooks * – book review
Nov 29 – @onceuponamaltesereader * – book review
Dec 1 – @Enjoyingbooksagain – book review
Dec 2 – Paws.Read.Repeat – book review / giveaway
Dec 3 – My Reading Getaway – book review / author interview / giveaway
Dec 4 – @nissa_the.bookworm * – book review
Dec 4 – @speedreadstagram * – book review
Dec 5 – @Alyssas_book_obsession * – book review
Dec 5 – @kiv_coffeeandpages * – book review
Dec 6 – @joannasbookshelf * – book review
Dec 6 – From the TBR Pile – book review / giveaway
Dec 9 – @readsandmusic * – book review
Dec 9 – FUONLYKNEW – book review / giveaway
Dec 10 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / giveaway
Dec 10 – @just_another_mother_with_books * – book review
Dec 11 – Sandra’s Book Club – book review
Dec 11 – @bookameme * – book review
Dec 12 – Faith And Books – book review / giveaway
Dec 12 – @acourtofspinesnpages * – book review
Dec 13 – Reading is My Passion – book review / giveaway
Dec 13 – Books for Books – book spotlight
Dec 13 – Reading Authors Network – book review / giveaway


Enter the Giveaway:



GRAMMIE AND PUPA’S HOUSE by Daisy Butterfield Book Tour Giveaway


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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for One Night Stands And Lesson Plans organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author M. Jayne LaDow will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

One Night Stands And Lesson Plans

by M. Jane LaDow



Genre: Romance


In the close-knit town of Marchfield, where gossip spreads faster than a teenager’s texts, English teacher Audrey Fremont and Algebra instructor Oz Taylor find themselves at the center of a scandal—and a romance neither saw coming.

A few too many drinks at Happy Hour and a glimpse of his infuriatingly sexy shoulders lead to a one-night stand that should have ended there—but didn’t. Relentlessly organized and a bit of a perfectionist, Audrey is horrified to discover that Oz is one of her new coworkers. Yet, stolen glances in the hallway, moments in the copy room, and snarky banter make keeping it “no strings attached” nearly impossible to maintain.

With meddling friends and nosy colleagues already placing bets on their romance, Audrey and Oz can’t ignore the chemistry simmering between them. But just when Audrey thinks she’s got everything under control, a surprise confession from Oz leaves her questioning everything she thought she knew about love.

In a town where everyone’s watching, Audrey and Oz must decide: will they keep playing it safe, or risk their hearts on a love that could change everything?


 Enjoy this peek inside:

The wind turned, and the warm night air chilled. Clicking open the locks on my car, I tried to get in and drive away. Slowly, I turned to scan the area for Oz. He stood by his truck, watching me with his hands in his pockets. His eyes were dark, and I could feel the heat of his stare.

I should have waved goodbye, hopped into Green Lightning, and headed home. I should have taken a cold shower and written in my journal all the reasons why we should Never Ever, Get Back Together. Thanks, Taylor Swift.

I should woman up.

But there he was, giving me sexy, smoldering eyes as he leaned against his truck. He looked like a modern-day cowboy, all hard and rugged after a day on the ranch. I have always had a thing for cowboys. They were hard, tough, weather and work-worn on the outside but warm and loyal on the inside.

The logical side of my brain warned me to stay away, but he’d lassoed me with an invisible rope. I stepped toward him and watched his eyes widen, and his chest rise as he drew in a deep breath. It was all the encouragement I needed to close the space between us.

I stood inches from him, staring into his eyes, searching for a sign. His mouth hitched up on the right side, and I felt myself rise up on my toes, my hands on his wide shoulders, and kiss him.


About Author M. Jane LaDow:

M. Jayne LaDow is a playwright and author who leapt into writing romance after spending thirty-three years wrangling middle school English students. Her rom-coms are hilariously inspired by her years in education, where she was regularly pied in the face, sang classroom karaoke, and dressed up like characters from novels. She resides with her very patient husband, two brilliant yet snarky children, three cuddly rescue cats, a toe-biting tortoise, and a bearded dragon who judges her life choices from his terrarium.

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Instagram / BookBub / The Story Graph / Goodreads


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