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Be In My Bubble
by Maya Mason


Publication date: October 11th 2023
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance

London. 2020. Lockdown.

Emily has had a terrible year when it comes to love. And now she’s stuck in her apartment, alone.

Things change when—one fateful night—she trudges to the rubbish chute and bumps into Robbie. Robbie—tall, hot, Australian Robbie. Robbie—her brother’s friend from school Robbie.

Why on earth did I choose to wear my twerking corgi T-shirt tonight of all nights?

And that’s when her bubble of one becomes a bubble of two. Cue glorious meals, dancing the night away, and cuddling on the couch.

Can this love bubble stand the test of time, or is it set to burst? Read now to find out.

This is the coronavirus-era rom-com you didn’t know you needed.

Goodreads / Amazon


Enjoy this peek inside:

“You’re on top of me,” she blurted out, referring to his apartment’s location. The second the words left her mouth, her face erupted in an instant rash of crimson.

He chuckled, a low, warm sound that made her stomach flip. “Alright, Emily. It’s night one. Catch you later.”

Her rubbish hit the floor, instant-noodle and crisp packets flopping out, as she locked eyes with Robbie. The shock of seeing him made her feel as if she was standing in sand, immobile, stuck.

Robbie. Her brother’s friend Robbie. Tall, Australian, self-assured. His chiselled good looks and broad build made him look like the fourth Hemsworth brother, but his floppy dark hair and soulful eyes were more Dev Patel.

“What are you doing here?” she said, staring down first at her rubbish and then at her T-shirt, which featured an illustration of a twerking corgi. The lone pimple on her chin seemed to pulsate to house music.

He smiled, dimples deepening. “Maybe we could be in each other’s bubble a bit. Stop ourselves from fully hermiting. Seems safe if we haven’t seen anyone else.”


About Author Maya Mason:

I’m a New Zealander living abroad who loves dogs, trash TV, and every food under the sun.

I write books that I hope will make you laugh, smile, and maybe sometimes cry. My debut novel ‘Be In My Bubble’ is set during the Covid lockdown in London, and I actually wrote it during lockdown (doing so actually helped get me through those years). Please let me know what you think of it, I love to hear from readers.

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A completely new twist on Stoker’s tale.



by Ian Conner

Genre: Dark Paranormal Fantasy

A completely new twist on Stoker’s tale.

Nine Hundred years before Christ, God has cast his wife,
Asherah, out of heaven and condemned her to roam the earth as the first
vampire. Over the centuries, she created other vampires. There are also those
that she left for dead but survived her attack without being completely turned
into vampires. These survivors are called Cardinals. Scottish Countess Kellena
Donnachaidh and Lady Suzette Allard, our protagonists, are among these
cardinals. They are searching out Asherah for a final conflict.

Asherah has discovered a way back to heaven so she can exact
her vengeance. Using the Amulet of Cassiel she can call the Flaming chariot of
Israel to return to heaven Now, 3000 years later, there are groups working to
destroy Asherah and the vampires. The Vatican and other groups, fearing their
own destruction if she ascends, simply want to stop Asherah using the Amulet of
Cassiel to re-enter heaven. The race to recover the Amulet is full of intrigue,




The wolf was watching Angus and Kellena but displaying no aggression.

“Birds of a feather,” Angus said, looking between Kellena and the wolf.

“Timberland. That seems a fitting name.” she said with certainty.

“Tell the stable hand to bring more meat and water,” she continued to stroke the wolf’s fur. She seemed to accept the name she’d been given without objection.

Kellena nursed the wolf back to proper health almost overnight, much like Kellena and Suzette’s recovery in London. In a week’s time, the two were inseparable. Except for Angus, Suzette was the only other person in the household who could speak to or touch Timberland without a great deal of barking or growling. Kellena loved her just the same.

“That wolf makes me feel safe.” she told Angus.

“Lady Dartmoore attacked Timberland and my man Kinkaid.”

“Who else would leave marks like that on the neck?” Kellena asked.

She and Suzette had shared what really happened in London with Angus. Ever since Angus rarely let Kellena out of his sight.



The Inspiration Behind the Books 

Ian’s inspiration for Dark Maiden comes from a Native American legend.

Among the Wabanaki,this blight occurs when an evil sorcerer refuses to stay dead.

Descendants of the Wabanaki still survive in Maine, which was one of the reasons

why I set the story in the locale of Nollesemic. I felt the characters were solid enough

to appeal to a large swath of readers without offending anyone. LGBTQ characters fill

in the modern twists that would not have been accepted even a few years ago.

Similarly, my vampire novel Cardinals is a new take on the Stoker legend with a large dose

of actual historical events. Fictional additions and twists on biblical and historical occurrences,

keep the story interesting, the reader engaged. I have always been a fan of the 70’s vampire films

and wrote Cardinals with that in mind. I can totally see Ingrid Pitt as Asherah. I have taken a bit of

guff over casting a scandalous shadow over the catholic church, but they have given me plenty of ammunition. The faith fills in a good part of the story and fanaticism at both ends of the spectrum also gave me much to work with.

I love casting women in strong roles and minimizing the male influence. Sadly, reality has not caught up with that idea. Amy Radigan, Lilly Pham, Kellena Donnachaid, Cassie Wells, all epitomize women I have known and respect.

After being medically retired from the military in 2010, writing became a new identity for me. I take my time writing. The Long Game, for instance, took 3 years to write. Pulling from current events as I went along. Relations with China are now tenser than ever and the conflict in the south China sea is actually occurring almost following the theme of my story. I consider my readers intelligent enough to follow the multiple plot lines. I tend to keep the thrillers within the realm of possibility. Sometimes it might be a reach but nothing I write is impossible. Headlines are a big help. The saying is “You couldn’t write this stuff”. Well actually I can!

The political thriller is cathardic to write. Solaris is coming out in December, complicated story lines will keep the readers guessing.  Horror is a fun genre for me and I have two ideas on paper that need filled out. I have dabbled with Science Fiction and Fantasy.

Cooper’s Ridge  was another labor of love and quite fun to write. I love space travel, aliens and first contact.  Throw in some dystopian end of the world themes with a huge dose of multiple conspiracies and walah you have a novel. I am a huge Star Trek fan. I love Roddenberry’s approach to everyday issues with technological spins. Solving the barriers to space travel with reverse engineering seemed obvious enough to me. The genius teenager as the underdog with a cadre of friends to help fight the faceless government what can go wrong.


Ian Conner is retired and spent most of his adult life as a
Marine and Army Infantry Sergeant. A hundred percent disabled veteran after
multiple head and other injuries, he is part of a growing number of vets
classified as “neuro-diverse”, an MST survivor and have several issues such
regarding comprehension, concentration, and vision issues that he has OVERCOME
to write several novels. After witnessing a lifetime of destruction, the
thought of creating something tangible and lasting holds great appeal.

He finds writing a cathartic way to redefine himself both in
his eyes and in the eyes of others. Writing for fun, Ian has completed seven
novels with an eighth near done with two more ideas in the scribble/chapter
phase. He has written across four genres Fantasy, Thriller, Science Fiction and

He uses ProWritingAid, Beta Readers and professional editors
keep the product readable, he has recently began querying in search of a
professional agent and publisher.

Now living near San Diego California with his wife Bonnie, a
cellist, and their two dogs, Cookie and Isabella. Conner spends his days
fostering kittens, gardening, crafting beautiful stained glass and creating
worlds on the page.



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Twice A Target

by Susan Vaughan


(Task Force Eagle, #4)
Published by: The Wild Rose Press
Publication date: January 29th 2025
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Disaster strikes DEA Agent Holt Donovan twice, when a gunfight ruins his mission and a car crash kills his brother and sister-in-law. Home on the Colorado ranch to raise his infant nephew, Holt enlists a nanny—Maddy McCoy, the woman who once jilted his brother. The world-traveling photographer never expected to return to Colorado, the only real home she ever had, and to the man she never forgot. Burned out from covering too many starving children and refugees and short on funds, Maddy agrees, vowing to keep her heart safe. What neither of them knows is that by bringing her into his home, Holt has placed her in the crosshairs of a killer. As Holt and Maddy cope with their desire for each other and the resentments of the past, their investigation into the brother’s death leads them into escalating danger and a shocking discovery.

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Enjoy this peek inside:

Bobby’s siren wail penetrated Holt’s consciousness like a nail in his skull.

He opened one eye. The lighted digital clock beside his bed read two o’clock. Right on time, little guy. “Coming,” he mumbled.

One foot on the floor. The other. He raked fingers through his hair, then pushed to his feet. Starting for the door, he snapped alert as though slapped.

Maddy McCoy.

He’d finished some paperwork in the office, then slipped off to bed early. But escape didn’t work worth a damn. The image of Maddy’s sassy face and the memory of her scent kept him torturing his sheets for hours before he finally slept.

Damn, she was in the master bedroom. He couldn’t troop through the house in his skivvies. Blinking in the darkened bedroom, he stumbled back and forth like a drugged steer as he searched for his jeans. Didn’t he leave them on the chair? Or on the floor? No. He put away the clean ones and tossed the manure-smeared ones into the washing machine. Where they remained.

Bobby cranked it up a notch. He could rival that opera singer, Luciano something.

Hell with it. Holt hit the door and burst into the hall.

And collided with a slim figure in filmy white.

He stumbled to a halt and braced himself as his arms went around her to stop her fall. She emitted a small yelp like a cartoon eek. Under his hands, her slender body in the silken covering was a miracle of curves and soft, toned female flesh. His body tightened and his pulse raced off to distant planets. The hallway suddenly didn’t have enough air.

He immediately set her away a step. Then he stepped back another. “Sorry. Bobby.” The baby’s cry subsided to hiccups and whimpers. No emergency, to his relief.

“Thought that was my job,” she said. “Two o’clock bottle. Diaper change. Like that.”

“You’re here to spell me when I’m doing ranch work.”

“A rancher needs sleep.” She returned his scowl, although humor tugged at the corner of her lips. “Why do you want me here if you won’t leave Bobby to me?”

He opened his mouth, closed it again with a snap.

Bobby cranked it up again. Only taking a breather. His wail rivaled an air raid siren.

“If you’ll get out of my way,” she said, tossing her hair and smoothing her nightshirt so it highlighted her breasts, “I’ll see to the baby.” The grin popped out, accompanied by a slow perusal down Holt’s body. “Nice…legs.”

He blinked, shot a glance downward. Damn, betrayed by his tented boxers. His Adam’s apple jumped as he swallowed hard. He jerked to the side along the wall, as if someone had pressed a knife to his side. “Bobby’s all yours.”

“Great!” She turned and swung her hips as she flounced toward the baby’s room.


About Author Susan Vaughan:

I wanted to write as soon as I learned to read. I dabbled with stories and poems for years, but didn’t start writing seriously until many years later. My favorite books have always been mysteries and romances, so the mix in romantic suspense was a natural. I love writing romantic suspense because it throws the hero and heroine together under extraordinary circumstances and pits them against a clever villain. My books have been both a Romantic Times Magazine Reviewer’s Choice Nominee and a finalist for the Daphne du Maurier Award. Reviewers have called my books fast-paced, thrilling, action-packed, sizzling, and highly emotional.

I have also published a children’s Christmas picture book, Sleigh Magic.

I am a West Virginia native but I have lived for many years on the coast of Maine.

For more information about my books, please visit me at susanvaughan dot com

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Soft Serve Sleighing (Coffee & Cream Café Mysteries)
by Lena Gregory


Soft Serve Sleighing (Coffee & Cream Café Mysteries)
Cozy Mystery
5th in Series
Setting – Long Island, NY
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Gemma Halliday Publishing (January 28, 2025)
Number of Pages – 226
Kindle ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0DLHPWDNT

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From author Lena Gregory comes a delightfully delicious cozy mystery…

With most of Eastern Long Island closed down for a blizzard, Danika Delaney and her friends are holed up in her old fashioned malt shop, the Coffee & Cream Café, with ice cream and hot chocolate. However, their plans to wait out the storm in cozy company are interrupted when a popular YouTuber and her two companions show up at the door—they’ve been trapped by the storm, and Dani generously offers to serve them breakfast. But her generosity isn’t rewarded in kind, as the reviewer then tries to extort money from Dani in exchange for a good review! When the storm finally clears, Dani is happy to have seen the last of them.

Or so she thought.

Dani and her friends decide to go sleigh riding the morning after the storm clears, but instead of a winter wonderland, they find the extorting YouTuber…dead! To make matters worse, Dani suddenly finds herself accused of the woman’s murder. Intent on restoring her reputation, Dani sets out to prove she didn’t do it. This is one storm she’s not sure she can weather…

About Lena Gregory

Lena Gregory is the author of the Bay Island Psychic Mysteries, which take place on a small island between the north and south forks of Long Island, New York, the All-Day Breakfast Café Mysteries, which are set on the outskirts of Florida’s Ocala National Forest, the Mini-Meadows Mysteries, set in a community of tiny homes in Central Florida, and the Coffee & Cream Café Mysteries, which take place in a small town on the south shore of eastern Long Island, New York.

Lena grew up in a small town on the south shore of eastern Long Island, but she recently traded in cold, damp, gray winters for the warmth and sunshine of central Florida, where she now lives with her husband, three kids, son-in-law, and four dogs. Her hobbies include spending time with family, reading, and walking. Her love for writing developed when her youngest son was born and didn’t sleep through the night. She works full-time as a writer and a freelance editor and is a member of Sisters in Crime.

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January 28 – Jody’s Bookish Haven – SPOTLIGHT

January 28 – Reading, Writing & Stitch-Metic – AUTHOR GUEST POST, INDIVIDUAL GIVEAWAY

January 28 – fundinmental – SPOTLIGHT

January 29 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

January 29 – Reading Is My SuperPower – REVIEW


January 31 – Guatemala Paula Loves to Read – REVIEW

January 31 –  Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT


February 1 – Elizabeth McKenna – Author – SPOTLIGHT

February 2 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW


February 3 – Angel’s Book Nook – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

February 3 – Read Your Writes Book Reviews – CHARACTER GUEST POST

February 4 – Ruff Drafts – AUTHOR GUEST POST

February 4 – Cassidy’s Bookshelves – SPOTLIGHT

February 5 – Novels Alive – REVIEW

February 5 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW

February 6 – Ascroft, eh? – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

February 7 – View from the Birdhouse – REVIEW

February 7 – StoreyBook Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

February 8 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

February 9 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – REVIEW

February 10 – Deal Sharing Aunt – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

February 10 – Sarah Can’t Stop Reading Books – REVIEW




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Mending Broken Threads

by E.D. Hackett


Publication date: January 28th 2025
Genres: Adult, Women’s Fiction

Family secrets never stay buried for long…

Lynette Waller, a divorced Chicagoan, finds herself face to face with the demons of her past after her estranged mother passes away. Standing in her childhood home for the first time in decades, she learns of her mother’s past mistakes and regret through a magic suitcase, a medium, and her equally estranged daughter, Ruby.

To her parents’ disdain, Ruby Franklin traded security for chaos when she dropped out of college to pursue her modeling career in California. When an unexpected phone call sends her to Maine for her beloved grandmother’s passing, she finds herself emotionally unprepared for a family reunion.

The magic suitcase allows Lynette and Ruby to see into the matriarch’s past, but what lessons do her secrets hold? As they search for answers, they find that sometimes the truth is hiding in plain sight. With the help of Mema’s memories, will this mother-daughter duo heal old wounds and find the love buried within their past?

If you adore mother-daughter stories, heartwarming relationships, and transformative journeys, you’ll love this women’s fiction novel Mending Broken Threads.

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Enjoy this peek inside:

Later that night, Lynette lay in her parent’s old bed, huddled under the massive pile of blankets. Suddenly spooked by the shadows in the room and the anticipation of sleep, she pulled the blankets to her eyes and closed them tight.

Her heart raced when her body jerked at the sound of a tree branch breaking outside. It must be an animal or the wind. Lynette flipped on the bedside lamp and scanned the room. The closet doors remained shut, the hallway light spread from under the door, and a pile of dirty clothes sat in the far corner. Nothing looked amiss.

She closed her eyes again, and thoughts of ghosts, spirits, and mediums infiltrated her mind. Freaking herself out, she turned on the tv at a low volume and focused on the sound of the eleven o’clock news.

When her eyes became heavy, she closed them for a moment, praying that morning would arrive fast. When she opened her eyes, her body bolted upright and her fingers gripped the sheets. Tiny beads of sweat formed along the nape of her neck. She wiped her neck, closed her eyes, and rubbed her temples.

It was only a dream. The thought didn’t calm her mind, but solidified her hunch that Mom and Dad were expecting when they married, but in this dream, Mom was pregnant. Like, really pregnant and wearing that awful top from the suitcase. Dad stood at a grill, cooking outside, and Mom sat in a chair knitting. Knitting…was that Loretta? But Dad called the baby Lorraine. Lorraine, Lorraine…there was no Lorraine. And Mom looked sad, always sad. Lynette felt her unhappiness, which solidified her assumption that Mom didn’t want to get married. Whatever happened to Lorraine? Worst-case scenarios popped through Lynette’s mind. And why was she kept a secret all these years?

Unable to handle her thoughts any longer, she hopped out of bed and ran to her old bedroom. “Ruby.” She barged open and through the door, finding her daughter fast asleep. Gripping and shaking her shoulder, she said, “Ruby, wake up. I need to talk to you.”


About Author E.D. Hackett:

E.D. Hackett is a Speech-language pathologist by day and a writer by night. She writes novels that investigate layers of self-expectations, family dynamics, self-love and self-acceptance. She hopes that her novels create a safe and cozy environment for her readers to fall into and explore.

She writes women’s fiction with one foot in romance.

She lives in New England but in her heart, she feels that she belongs in Ireland. She reads women’s fiction and romantic comedies, prefers books to movies, loves ice cream over cake, and thrives in fall and spring.

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Love is Magical. Let it POOF into your life.



P.O.O.F. Please

Twilight Temptations Book 2

by D.G. Carothers

Genre: LGBTQ M/M Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy


Love is magical. Let it POOF into your life.
Hey there, it’s your favorite lovable P.O.O.F agent, Nozzag! Buckle up because
I’ve got a wild tale for you. Their meeting? Total “oops, my bad” moment, if
you catch my drift. Let’s just say, I may have given fate a little nudge! But
don’t fret, Tiki and Amalesh are in for a fabulously happy ending. *winks*


Thikoz aka Tiki – a Dragonkin, Sassy Dragon Esthetician, who is dominant and
longs to find his mate.


Tiki has countless fantasies about what his ideal partner would be like. He can
only hope that when he finally encounters his mate, they’ll be eager to delve
into the numerous interests on his Must Try Before I Die list.


Amalesh – a Vampire, Rare Blood Procurer, reclusive introvert, who simply
wishes to be left alone with his collection.


When Amalesh is thrown into Tiki’s path, almost literally, he realizes that the
world he has observed from a distance is far more enjoyable as an active
participant. It only takes a few hundred years and an energetic, dominant
dragonkin to uncover that little truth.


P.O.O.F. Please! is set in the world of Bloodlines of FateTwilight
 are instalove, high heat, low angst stories that feature
various creatures and a guaranteed HEA.


Twilight Temptations is a continuous series and while each story can be read
alone it is best to read them in order.

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**Don’t miss Book 1 of the series!**

P.O.O.F. Happens

Twilight Temptations Book 1

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Within the shimmering guise of a mortal walks D.G.
Carothers, a dragon of cunning intellect. A weaver of LGBTQIA Romance and Urban
Fantasy tales, this enigmatic being revels in crafting narratives that dance
between realms.

D.G. stands resolute in their commitment to unfurling tales unfettered by
constraints. For in their eyes, love transcends all boundaries, a truth woven
into the very fabric of their creations.


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Chasing Headlines

by J. Rose Black


(Chasing Victory, #1)
Publication date: January 2nd 2025
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, New Adult, Romance

They’re chasing the same dream…
Too bad they’re not on the same team.

When Breslin Cooper’s major league dreams go up in flames, he’s left with his backup plan: college baseball at Texas State Tech in Vanquer, Texas. But his public altercation with a reporter saddles him with mandated community service, therapy–and a toxic “Storm Cooper” reputation that no professional baseball scout will touch.

Liv Milline’s family name is practically synonymous with IML baseball. Yet despite her love for the game (the tight pants aren’t bad, either) and her dreams of becoming a baseball scout–her father holds one, ironclad rule: No baseball for Olivia (the corollary: no baseball players for Olivia is just downright mean).

Her one loophole? Playing baseball beat reporter for Texas State Tech.

Chasing similar dreams, Liv attempts to befriend Breslin. But the amazingly talented, pain in her aperture has only two words to say whenever she’s around: “No comment”.

Still, she can’t help but notice the troubled ballplayer’s running on overload. Emotionally wounded and reeling from his mother’s death, the only time Breslin seems close to “ok” is on the ballfield. Liv and his new teammates can’t seem to get through.

When a lapse in judgment catches Breslin in a real-world rundown, jeopardizing his probation and his baseball scholarship, his only choice may be to rely on Liv–the aggravating, attractive, and utterly relentless reporter, chasing her latest headline.

[Book one of a series, Chasing Headlines ends with a HFN, no cliffhanger, but lingering / unresolved issues waiting to bite them in the butt in Book 2.]

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Enjoy this peek inside:

Breslin POV

I threw my glove in my locker and grabbed my backpack from the hook. I imagined myself bounding out of the room, but my legs barely managed more than a shuffle.

Still, I must have gotten going a bit too fast because, the next thing I knew, Rally Girl was on the ground, phone skittering across the tile.

And I was the asshole. Shit.

She sat on her rear in the center of the hallway, rubbed her hip and winced. Fuck, is she going to claim I injured her—to get back at me for earlier? I glanced behind me at the locker room door. She can follow me. I looked at the exit door. I’d have to step over her. That would be ridiculous. I had more integrity than that.

Still . . .

She hissed through clenched teeth.

“You . . .” Dammit, what was her name? I had not been paying attention to anything other than, well, my shirt. On her body. Idiot.

“Well, what’s left of me. Geez, do you eat bricks for breakfast or what?”

Her legs, long and tan and open—they bent at the knee as she rested her elbows on them. And apparently, my body was not too tired to enjoy the view.

“I’m not hurt and I’m not upset. But maybe you could help me up?” She spoke in a soft voice. Dark eyelashes framed bright blue-green eyes.

I extended a hand and tugged her to her feet. She stood for a breath, two. So close. Connected. Something about the feel of her skin against mine . . . A small, but soothing warmth tingled through the nerves in my hand, sparking a heated rush from my palm to my neck.

A sharp breath, and then her fingers slid from my grasp. I missed the warmth of her.

“. . . maybe offer an apology?” She moved her hand up and down in a phantom handshake. “Sure, Coop. No hard feelings.”

“Sorry,” I mumbled. Can this be over? I panted for air and shifted back a step. Her being the hot chick in the water fountain had been one thing. I could have tried to find her, always wondered, haunted the student center in the hopes I’d run into her again.

Her being a reporter meant all of those things went on the “no fucking way, ever” list.

“I don’t know what you’re over there thinking, but, I wouldn’t hurt you. You mean too much to the team.” She frowned. “This was an accident. Not that it didn’t jar me to the bone. You missed your calling as a linebacker.”

I blinked. Opened my mouth. Re-ran the words through my brain. She just said a shit ton of stuff, and what the fuck was any of it about?

“I’m fine, really. You need to stop gushing over me. All the upset is really beneath you.” One eyebrow rose and she crossed her arms. How did she breathe while saying all those words?

“Um, are you OK?” She leaned closer.

I stared at her mouth. “You talk a lot.”

Her arms dropped to her sides. “That’s what you have to say? Not a ‘You OK?’ or ‘So sorry, I didn’t see you there. Can I help you with your things?’”

I didn’t catch all of it, but, maybe, if I did the last thing, she’d move out of my way? And I could get food, drink a gallon of water, take a shower? I stunk to hell and back.

Help her with her stuff. I set my backpack down and knelt at her feet. I tried not to think about those short running shorts or how good it’d feel to slide my fingers over the curve of her calf, up to her hip. I shoved her shit into her bag and tossed it to her. I retrieved her phone from the tile floor.

“That’s, um. Yeah. Thanks.” She pulled the device from my grip.

I pushed my sweat-soaked hair from my forehead. “You’re OK?”

“Yeah.” She pulled the bag over her shoulder. “Got bowled over by a human freight train, but lived to tell the tale. I pity any catcher that tries to get in your way.” She gave me a tight-lipped smile.

So many words. No wonder she had to write them all down. “But you’re fine?”

“What, do you need me to sign a waiver?”

Red hazed into my vision. “I’d say yes, but reporters are lying snakes in the grass. Wouldn’t matter.”

“I . . .” Her jaw worked, but no sound came out.

An errant thought about her mouth working flit through my brain.

“But, I–We’re on the same team, Coop.” She pointed at her jersey as if that was “proof”. It sure as hell wasn’t.

“We’re not.” I hefted my backpack onto my shoulder. “But you were right about one thing.”

“What do you mean?”

I leaned down and stared at her head on. She turned a deep dark pink.

“To pity the person who tries to get in my way.”


About Author J. Rose Black:

J. Rose Black weaves stories about obsession, redemption, and the transcendental power of love. From her early days writing fanfiction for a passionate following of international readers, to crafting novels with her own characters, Rose has always been drawn to broody protectors and plucky, no-nonsense women ready to fight for what they believe in.

When Rose isn’t deeply immersed in her latest manuscript, she’s working in cyber security and thwarting the next generation of internet bad guys. Out of the office, she’s #Shipping with friends over her favorite, swoon-worthy couples, heading to the gym to battle the great evil that is Unmovable Baby Weight, or complaining about her husband’s addiction to 3D printing. Also: nagging her children to eat something other than cheese.

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The Garden of Before
by Ryan Leslie


(The Between, #2)
Published by: Parliament House Press
Publication date: September 23rd 2025
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Horror

“That’s what happens here, Paul. Every power has its price. It always gets worse.”

For Paul Prentice things have gotten much worse. His house was destroyed in the battle with the Koŝmaro. He’s on thin ice at his job, where instead of working he loses himself in the Between’s computer game, trying in vain to find explanations. His best friend Jay has transformed into a shadowy killer. Corinne and Supriya have vanished. And it appears his wife, Julie, has finally had enough and left him.

Alone and near ruin, Paul receives a familiar visitor with a dire message: they are all back in the Between. Hunted, captured, doomed. For Paul, still wearing the serĉilo’s artifact on his wrist, escape was never an option. The game must be played until the end.

In the harrowing conclusion to The Between, Leslie once again invites readers into a mind-twisting world where the most terrifying monsters are the ones let loose inside of us.

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About Author Ryan Leslie:

Ryan Leslie oversees research for a large health system, where making stuff up is generally frowned upon. His creative outlet has always been writing fiction. He lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife, children’s author Lindsay Leslie, and their two sons.


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by Cindy Goyette

January 20 – February 14, 2025 Virtual Book Tour



A Probation Case Files Mystery

  There are two ways to get off probation early. The first is to be a model citizen and complete all requirements imposed by the court. The second is to die. In Early Termination, Phoenix probation officer Casey Carson’s clients aren’t civic-minded, but they are dropping like flies. She’s on a gang’s hit list, a detective’s suspect list, and is torn while two very hot men vie for her heart. As more clients die and a probationer accuses her of brutality, she becomes the focus of the investigation. Casey risks losing everything in her race to find the real killer, but doing so will put the target squarely on her back. She will need to find the person responsible for lightening her workload before she’s the one terminated.

Praise for Cindy Goyette’s Novels:

“A hard-charging crime novel powered by combustible realism and driven by a fresh, new heroine—probation officer Casey Carson. Buckle up for a wild, white-knuckle ride.” ~ Lee Goldberg, #1 New York Times bestselling author “A dynamite start to an excellent new series. This is the kind of book that can grow legs and take off just by word of mouth. The character Casey Carson has grit, loyalty and honor. OBEY ALL LAWS is a topnotch thriller and I can’t wait for the next one. Author Cindy Goyette is here to stay.” ~ David Putnam the bestselling author of The Bruno Johnson series “Cindy Goyette is a master with words. And she knows how to spin a tale! Drawing from rich life experiences in law enforcement, her characters jump from the page. Don’t miss a single sentence this gifted author writes.” ~ Judith L. Pearson, author of From Shadows to Life, The Wolves at the Door and Belly of the Beast “A rollicking ride through the gritty world of feisty Probation Officer Casey Carson, a fantastic character with a heart as big and vast as the Arizona desert she calls home. When her probationers keep stacking up as homicide victims, Casey realizes that someone is sending her a message, and they’re dead serious about it. Now, she must unravel the sinister plot before she becomes the next victim. A complex, entertaining story that includes a secondary theme of romantic frustration simmering in the background, and a twisty ending that ensures we’ll see more adventures from Casey Carson. A great read! Five thumbs-up!” ~ Kerry Peresta, author of the Olivia Callahan Suspense series and Back Before Dawn


Book Details:

Genre: Mystery, Suspense

Published by: Level Best Books Publication Date: January 7, 2025 Number of Pages: 320 Series: A Probation Case Files Mystery

Book Links: Amazon | Goodreads




I’ve read a lot of mystery and suspense book that had characters who were part of law enforcement like policemen, sheriffs and rangers. The main character in this  story is a female probation officer. I was intrigued. Something a bit different is always intriguing.

So, you know Casey Carson is a probation officer living in Phoenix. What you learn is she’s dedicated and hard working. She keeps tabs on her charges. But, she’s realistic. Not all of them assimilate back into society and become success stories. Yet, she never expected them to start dying. One by one, someone is killing them.

Casey is everything I like in a female protagonist. She’s smart, loyal and fierce when she needs to be. She also has a softer side. Two men want her. She’s juggling her personal entangles while also trying to solve the murders and stay alive. I felt suspense building for both cases. Who’s behind the killings. Who’s going to win her heart.

The characters who share Casey’s story are genuine and one especially stood out for me. Felony. Such a funny name for Casey’s sidekick. Just so you know, Felony is a dog.

This was a gritty, thrilling read and when I finished it I was curious if there there were more stories about Casey. There are and I’m excited to explore more.



Enjoy this peek inside:

In probation work, there’s no such thing as a routine day at the office. This morning, flashing red and blue lights guided me to the crime scene. Coming to a stop behind the coroner’s van, I parked my Jeep Wrangler and took a deep breath. Coroner meant someone was dead. Not a good start to my day, but even worse for whoever I’d been called here about. As I climbed out of my Jeep, I adjusted my sunglasses and surveyed the area. Yellow crime scene tape blocked off the entrance to the canal. Red tile rooftops peeked over six-foot walls that separated the waterway from the middle-class sea of stucco on either side. The canal, about ten feet wide, snaked smack in the middle of a dirt pathway that residents used to get their steps in. It was nearing the end of September, and I was grateful for the hint of the cooler weather that would dip below one hundred for the first time in months. Ninety degrees might seem hot to some, but in Arizona, it was sweater weather. I walked up to a uniformed cop and held out my badge. “I’m with probation. Detective Ramsey asked me to come.” It wasn’t unusual for the police to contact us, but it wasn’t common practice to be called to a crime scene. My curiosity mixed with dread. The cop glanced at my identification. “Ms. Carson. Welcome to the shit show. Don’t touch anything.” He held the tape high so I could pass. I ducked underneath and secured my badge to my belt so the other officers could tell I belonged there. Lots of Tempe Police blue uniforms and forensic staff mulled around the area, but I homed in on the tall, balding man standing close to the water. He had on plain clothes—khakis and a plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up. I figured he might be Ramsey, so I walked over to him. He scribbled something on a small notepad and glanced at me as I approached. “You the PO?” I nodded and dropped my gaze to the mound covered by a tarp at his feet. I wasn’t fond of seeing dead bodies. One reason I was a PO and not a cop. “Thinking this might be one of your charges, Ms. Carson,” he said. “I gotta warn you, it’s not pretty. He was in the water for a while and birds, and god knows what else got to him. You got a strong stomach?” No. At the mere thought of seeing the body, my breakfast threatened to make a reappearance, but I wouldn’t admit that. “I’m fine. Why do you think he was on my caseload?” Ramsey shrugged. “Someone stuffed your business card in his mouth.” I gulped air. “You’re kidding.” “Nope. You ready?” Ramsey reached down and pulled the sheet back before I could respond. A bloated, green face, missing chunks of cheek, greeted me. Bulging eyes looked skyward. Bran flakes swirled in my stomach and crested in my throat. Without a word, I ran to the canal and vomited so hard I thought I’d hack up a vital organ or two. “You okay, ma’am?” Ramsey sounded bored. I wiped my mouth on my sleeve and straightened. Memories of the same man, alive and animated, flashed in my mind. Not so long ago, he was proud of accomplishing a solid month of sobriety. Now, I hardly recognized him. “Could you put the sheet back?” I said, keeping my back to the body on the ground. “Sure.” I waited a moment to give Ramsey time to cover the corpse and to compose myself. But that would take a while, and the detective didn’t seem like he had a lot of patience. The relationship between police and probation was fickle. We often needed each other, but POs were on the lower end of the food chain. When I finally turned around, Ramsey was tapping his pen against his notebook. “So, you know the guy, or what?” “Brian Johnson,” I said. “He was on abscond status. Haven’t seen him for a few weeks, maybe a month. He was doing well, but then he stopped reporting. He probably relapsed. I was gearing up to request a warrant for probation violations. What do you think was the cause of death?” Ramsey shrugged again. “Too soon to tell, but most people who die of natural causes don’t end up in a canal or send a message like your business card does. They preserved it in a plastic Baggie, so we’d get the point no matter how long it took to find him. I felt even sicker. Was the message for me? “Couldn’t you ID him through fingerprints? I thought you had all kinds of tech gadgets for that.” “Sure,” Ramsey said. “But then I wouldn’t have seen your reaction. Plus, some of his fingertips are missing and what’s left probably isn’t usable. Dental records take time.” He pulled a business card out of his shirt pocket and handed it to me. “Call me if you think of anything else I might need to know.” I turned back to the canal and vomited until I had nothing left to give. In probation work, there’s no such thing as a routine day at the office. This morning, flashing red and blue lights guided me to the crime scene. Coming to a stop behind the coroner’s van, I parked my Jeep Wrangler and took a deep breath. Coroner meant someone was dead. Not a good start to my day but even worse for whoever I’d been called here about. As I climbed out of my Jeep, I adjusted my sunglasses and surveyed the area. Yellow crime scene tape blocked off the entrance to the canal. Red tile rooftops peeked over six-foot walls that separated the waterway from the middle-class sea of stucco on either side. The canal, about ten feet wide, snaked smack in the middle of a dirt pathway that local residents used to get their steps in. It was nearing the end of September, and I was grateful for the hint of the cooler weather that would dip below one hundred for the first time in months. Ninety degrees might seem hot to some, but in Arizona, it was sweater weather. I walked up to a uniformed cop and held out my badge. “I’m with probation. Detective Ramsey asked me to come.” It wasn’t unusual for police to contact us, but it wasn’t common practice to be called to a crime scene. My curiosity mixed with dread. The cop glanced at my identification. “Ms. Carson. Welcome to the shit show. Don’t touch anything.” He held the tape high so I could pass. I ducked underneath and secured my badge to my belt so the other officers could tell I belonged there. Lots of Tempe Police blue uniforms and forensic staff mulled around the area, but I homed in on the tall balding man standing close to the water. He was dressed in plain clothes—khakis and a plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up. I figured he might be Ramsey, so I walked over to him. He scribbled something on a small notepad and glanced at me as I approached. “You the PO?” I nodded and dropped my gaze to the mound covered by a tarp at his feet. I wasn’t fond of seeing dead bodies. One of the reasons, I was a PO and not a cop. “Thinking this might be one of your charges, Ms. Carson,” he said. “I gotta warn you, it’s not pretty. He was in the water for a while and birds, and god knows what else got to him. You got a strong stomach?” No. At the mere thought of seeing the body, my breakfast threatened to make a reappearance, but I wouldn’t admit that. “I’m fine. Why do you think he was on my caseload?” Ramsey shrugged. “Your business card was stuffed in his mouth.” I gulped air. “You’re kidding.” “Nope. You ready?” Ramsey reached down and pulled the sheet back before I could respond. The face before me was bloated, green, and missing chunks of cheek. Bulging eyes looked skyward. Bran flakes swirled in my stomach and crested in my throat. Without a word, I ran to the canal and vomited so hard, I thought I’d hack up a vital organ or two. “You okay, ma’am?” Ramsey sounded bored. I wiped my mouth on my sleeve and straightened. Memories of the same man, alive and animated flashed in my mind. Not so long ago, he was proud of accomplishing a solid month of sobriety. Now, I hardly recognized him. “Could you put the sheet back?” I said, keeping my back to the body on the ground. “Sure.” I waited a moment to give Ramsey time to cover the corpse and to compose myself. But that would take a while, and the detective didn’t seem like he had a lot of patience. The relationship between police and probation was fickle. We often needed each other, but POs were on the lower end of the food chain. When I finally turned around, Ramsey was tapping his pen against his notebook. “So, you know the guy, or what?” “Brian Johnson,” I said. “He was on abscond status. Haven’t seen him for a few weeks, maybe a month. He was doing well, but then he stopped reporting. He probably relapsed. I was gearing up to request a warrant for probation violations. What do you think was the cause of death?” Ramsey shrugged again. “Too soon to tell, but most people who die of natural causes don’t end up in a canal or send a message like your business card does. It was preserved in a plastic Baggie, so we’d get the point no matter how long it took to find him.” I felt even sicker. Was the message for me? “Couldn’t you ID him through fingerprints? I thought you had all kinds of tech gadgets for that.” “Sure,” Ramsey said. “But then I wouldn’t have seen your reaction. Plus, some of his fingertips are missing and what’s left probably isn’t usable. Dental records take time.” He pulled a business card out of his shirt pocket and handed it to me. “Call me if you think of anything else I might need to know.” I turned back to the canal and vomited until I had nothing left to give. *** Excerpt from Early Termination by Cindy Goyette. Copyright 2025 by Cindy Goyette. Reproduced with permission from Cindy Goyette. All rights reserved.



About Author Cindy Goyette:


Cindy Goyette

Cindy Goyette is a former probation officer who had a front row seat to the criminal justice system. She kept her sanity by finding humor in most situations. A mix of these things helped her create The Probation Case Files Mystery Series, Book 1, OBEY ALL LAWS won a PSWA Award for best suspense, and was published in January of 2024. Book 2, EARLY TERMINATION, released January of 2025. Her first cozy mystery, DIAMOND IN THE RUFF, will release in May of 2025. After spending over twenty years in Arizona, Cindy lives in Washington state with her husband and two Cocker Spaniels.

Catch Up With Cindy Goyette: Amazon Author Profile Goodreads BookBub – @ccgoyettewriter Instagram – @cindy.goyette Threads – @cindy.goyette X – @cindy_ccgoyette Facebook



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Harleigh Sinclair and the Kingdom of the Bristol Skull

by Tamara Grantham


(The Harleigh Sinclair, #4)
Publication date: February 4th 2025
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance

An Egyptian ankh. An Inuit mask. A Skinwalker’s scythe.
Three Neotact artifacts have been found. Only the shield and sword remain.
My name is Harleigh Sinclair. I have a gift to find lost artifacts, though there are some who call it a curse…
When I discover a riddle etched inside a goldstone skull, it may be the clue I need to discover not only the Viking shield, but the famed sword of King Arthur, Excalibur.
After my father was attacked by a Blood Raider over a decade ago, and his sword stolen, my life’s mission has been to find his attacker and bring justice to our family. But before I can find the attacker, I must first discover the original four artifacts before the Blood Raiders obtain them first.
With the aid of the insufferable and dangerously handsome Jagg Ransom, plus my sister and a team of handpicked experts, we follow the riddle’s clues. Our search leads us from a Viking museum in Norway, to underground crypts in Bristol, England, and finally to a forest haunted by a legendary hellhound. But we’re not alone.
The Blood Raiders have gotten desperate. And they’ve been following us. If we don’t find the shield first, they’ll attain more power than we can comprehend, and not only will we fail, but we’ll be doomed to die at their hands.

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Enjoy this peek inside:

I stepped into the office of Darius Greyson—my boss, my once savior. Some would call him my captor. Thunder rumbled as I looked through the vast windows ringing the room. Usually, the view from the fifty-seventh floor displayed an impressive panorama of the San Antonio skyline. Tonight, only a few pinpricks of light managed to punch through the storm clouds.

Muted pendant lights flickered as another peal of thunder shook the room. My footsteps echoed over the expansive marble floor, and my heart gave a sudden lurch when I approached the glass display cases sitting atop polished onyx pedestals.

Nothing but velvet cushions remained where the artifacts had once been displayed.

The Egyptian ankh. The mask of Kushtaka. The scythe. Where were they?

My hand went to the Glock holstered at my side. Questions swam through my head. After last month’s security breach, perhaps Greyson had moved the artifacts? I tried not to ponder the less pleasant theories.

“Greyson?” I focused on the marble and gold desk near the windows. His chair was turned away from me, and I couldn’t be sure who was sitting there.

“Greyson, is that you?” I addressed the chair, unsure of who might answer. He’d asked to meet at eleven p.m. sharp—not an unusual hour for him. But in the many years I’d been his employee, he’d never failed to meet.

I took another step forward when the chair spun around. Shock stunned me. King Khamron sat in Greyson’s chair. His dark skin blended with the night sky beyond the windows, and his expression, while congenial, held a look of warning. I’d only ever seen Greyson sitting in the chair. Seeing King sitting there unnerved me.



About Author Tamara Grantham:

Tamara Grantham is the author of more than twenty books and novellas, including the Olive Kennedy: Fairy World MD series, the Harliegh Sinclair, urban fantasy series, and the Twisted Ever After trilogy. Dreamthief, the first book of her Fairy World MD series, is a #1 bestseller on Amazon with over 1,300 five-star reviews.

Her numerous awards include: two first place Rone awards, first place in Foreword Reviews Book of the Year awards, a first-place Praiseworthy award, and first place in the WriterCon awards.

Tamara holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Lamar University. She has been a featured speaker at multiple writing conferences, and she has been a panelist at comic cons across the country speaking on the topic of female leads.

Born and raised in Texas, Tamara now lives with her husband and five children in Wichita, Kansas. She rarely has any free time, but when the stars align and she gets a moment to relax, she enjoys reading fantasy novels, taking nature walks, and watching every Star Wars or Star Trek movie ever made.

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