Archive for the ‘Action/Adventure’ Category



The Niagara Falls Power Grid is down and a snow storm is


The Cold Winter

The Cold Winter Series Book 1

by Chris Underwood

Genre: Disaster, Survival Fiction


The Niagara Falls grid is down.
A snowstorm traps the unprepared.
A cold winter lies ahead.

The Northeast corner of the US goes dark. The rest of the country has power,
and desperate travelers jam the roads to get there. They can’t make it.
Millions of people are displaced as a massive snowstorm descends.

The Vesper family lives in a small town in central Ohio. They’ve prepped, but
not enough. They vow to do the right thing for any person in need. The radio
promises that everything will be back to normal soon. Instead, it’s a cold,
brutal winter.

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Call To Arms

The Cold Winter Series Book 2


The power is still out.
Help isn’t coming.
The fight for America begins.

As central Ohio families struggle to survive through a snowy blackout, an
organized effort to take over the country unfolds around them. A coup plays out
against a backdrop of systemic failure, and village residents must band
together to stay true to their values while strengthening borders against

An in-the-know ham radio operator aids the villagers in their defense
preparations, and in doing so, uncovers a secret advantage—one that gives them
a chance to stop loving in reaction mode. As a call to arms goes out, Ohioans
fight back against the attempted takedown of everything they love.

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Battle on the Ohio River

The Cold Winter Series Book 3


The Grid is Down.
A VIP upriver needs to be rescued.
Modern Engines can’t be trusted.
To win, the battle must turn unconventional….
And a little Historical.

A modern minuteman militia is operating out of Steubenville Ohio with a VIP to
deliver. Their Huey helicopter is grounded so travel is the old-fashioned way
on the Ohio River. Then it gets even more old-fashioned. Another militia in
Evansville Indiana has the World War 2 LST-325 in their command. Seven hundred
miles of river is between them, but the historic battleship is pushing upstream
to help. The battles along the Ohio River come to a conclusion in an epic
battle on Wheeling Island!

The Official Release date of this book was June 6, 2024, the 80th Anniversary
of D-Day. Chris Underwood was on the actual LST-325, docked on the Ohio River,
signing books for this official opening date. He has volunteered on this
historical ship and proud to include it in this book.

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CHRIS UNDERWOOD lives in central Ohio with his wonderful
wife and three children who are one by one being pushed out the door for
college. His passions have included woodworking and the completion of a 10 year
historical home restoration, in addition to his Computer Consulting career.
More recently his passions for sailing and writing have been given more
attention in his life. Chris openly pines for the day that writing and sailing
completely consumes it. Creative Writing was always an interest, even decades
ago when in college at Ohio State. Business Writing courses were pushed to the
side in favor of Short Story and Sci-Fi. In the end, a Computer Science and
Accounting degree seemed more promising in today’s world and writing was put on
the back burner. Until a few years ago. A subject matter and storyline were
generated that created enough passion to put pen to paper. Now writing is a
daily event, with two more stories in process!

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Will Logan and his friends expose the lies that have haunted him for years, or will they be Dragged Down Deep into the swampy, secretive underbelly of a town that guards its mysteries with deadly intent?




Title: Dragged Down Deep

Author: Michael Okon

Pages: 331

Genre: Action Adventure/Monster

Logan Osborne has spent his life chasing the shadows of the past.

As a child, he watched helplessly as his father was snatched from a fishing boat by what he swore was a mermaid. No one believed him then. No one believes him now.

Determined to prove that mythical creatures exist, Logan is drawn back to the small coastal town where his nightmares began after another mysterious disappearance stirs the waters.

Teaming up with his pragmatic colleague Elliot Sheppard and his fiercely loyal friend Penny Swanson, Logan dives headfirst into an adventure packed with danger and deception. As they dig deeper, the trio faces resistance at every turn—a secretive agency with its own agenda, a suspiciously unhelpful police force, and Logan’s old flame, who may know more than she’s letting on.

What they uncover is far darker and more terrifying than Logan ever imagined: the truth about his father, the secrets of Minatuck, and the horrifying reality of the Mermaid of the Hamptons.

Will Logan and his friends expose the lies that have haunted him for years, or will they be Dragged Down Deep into the swampy, secretive underbelly of a town that guards its mysteries with deadly intent?

Dragged Down Deep is available at Amazon.





I’m always searching for the next cryptid story. I even watch those cheesy documentaries where they search for mythical creatures. And Michael Okon is one of my favorite authors on the things that stay hidden, that prowl those hard to reach places. I’ve read all his books and when I spotted this one it was a no brainer. A mermaid? A killer mermaid? I was all in!

This had everything I could have hoped for. Big Brother cover ups. Threats of death around every corner. Believable characters that you can empathize with. Worthy villains. And a creature that mesmerized and terrified me in equal measures. The suspense was almost continuous.

Michael takes you from the past to the present throughout the book. His choice of telling the story that way was dead on. Kept me so invested in wanting to know all about the characters and the events that occurred. When I finished reading Dragged Down Deep, which is a perfect title, I felt like I could have been watching the movie. I could imagine myself sitting in the dark, the surround sound cranked up, hugging a pillow and covering my face with my hands, peeking between my fingers so I wouldn’t miss anything.

Bravo, Michael. You continue to make this lover of all things cryptid happy.




Book Excerpt

The creature was indistinct in the dark night. A howl split the air, the noise somewhere between the lolling of a cow and with the shrillness of a siren. It traveled through Logan, making the fillings in his teeth hurt. If an elephant and a Tasmanian devil had a baby, it would have sounded like this, Logan thought inanely.

     It began to move purposely toward them, its arms outstretched. Its eyes shone like blazing yellow neon, mesmerizing them. There was no place to hide in the tidal pool. Logan spun, pushing Elliot toward the parking lot. 

     “That was no turtle,” Elliot gasped. 

     Logan ran, his heart pumping feeling like it would jump from his chest. “Run!” he yelled.

     They splashed heavily in the shallows; their feet weighted with water. Clamoring through the tide, Logan slipped, Elliot pulled him under the armpit propelling him forward. Their clothes were drenched, glued to their perspiring bodies, their feet heavy with trapped fronds and weeds. They made it onto the beach.

     Logan was afraid to look behind them. “Move this way!” Logan pointed to a perimeter of shrubs lining the sand.

     They took off, their arms slashed by the tall grasses. Elliot clutched his phone. He turned for a second, but Logan grabbed the back of his shirt to drag him through the reeds. “Not now, you idiot!” Logan screamed.

     They could hear the heavy splashes of the creature following them. They burst out of the grasses, running at full speed onto the sandy area toward the car. The reassuring outline of the jeep greeted them at the same time a club grazed Logan’s shoulder. 

     Logan heard Elliot grunt with pain, the distinct sound of a fist meeting flesh echoing in the still night. Ham-sized hands gripped Logan’s shoulder, spinning him to plant a fist that landed under his right eye. The night went silent but for the sound of the roaring of the blood in his head. He felt the trickle of blood leak onto his lips after his nose connected with what felt like a brick wall. He was on his knees, looking down at two sets of biker boots, silver skulls dangling over the insteps right in front of him. 

     Logan caught sight of another pair of footwear, polished traditional lace-ups. He pushed himself up on all fours, reaching out and grabbing the legs connected to those shoes. He clutched a handful of beige trousers, the gabardine material slipping in his hand. He recognized the uniform. He felt rock-hard muscles underneath the pants leg. His assaulter kicked, Logan’s head snapping back to see a field of spinning stars. Their attackers were laughing. Logan was outraged. 

     They wouldn’t be laughing when the mermaid from hell pounced on them, he thought grogilly. He opened his mouth to let them know they were about to be surprised by the alleged wild dog or imaginary alligator but decided he’d have more satisfaction watching them wrestle with whatever was following them from the marsh. 

      A strong hand picked him up by the hair and another pounded his ribcage. He winced, his vision blurred, trying to see when the creature from the Black Lagoon would arrive like the cavalry.

     Except that pursuer never arrived. It appeared that the monster had more brains than he and Elliot put together. 

     Logan listened vainly for whatever was following them to break through the marsh, but it must have been scared off. He chose that time to swing wildly, his fist finding a face that must have been hewn of stone. The impact stunned him more than the beating his ribs were taking. His arm went numb from knuckles to elbow. 

     His cheek landed in the dirt while Elliot was thrown against the car wheel. A baseball bat made contact with the windshield, showering them with shards of glass. The bat sailed through the air to smash the side mirror. More glass rained down on them.

Logan lay on his face, every bone in his body aching, his head heavy. He heard new footfalls, lighter one, followed by the sound of a plank of wood connecting with a body.

“Ow!” one of his attackers howled. 

Next he heard several grunts, and the hard slam of bodies falling. 

Logan picked up his head, his vision fuzzy to see two figures in wetsuits beating the crap out of his assailants. Tilting his head, he squeezed his eyes, discerning one was decidedly curvy and feminine. “Penny?” he asked, the word garbled by his swelling lips.

Running feet penetrated the fog that was swallowing his brain. Everything sounded muffled, as if he could barely hear it. There was a loud ringing in his ears.

“Done,” a woman’s voice came to him from far away. “Cowards,” she spat. 

“What do you want to do with these too?” a male voice asked. 

“Leave them. They’re harmless.”

“The boss isn’t going to be happy.”

“I said leave them,” the voice commanded. 

Logan tried to rise, groaned and fell down into the wet sand. “Elliot?” his voice a thread.

“He’s coming around. We have to go!” a man’s barked.

The cold touch of a wetsuit made his skin goosebump as a person knelt next to him. He tried to roll over. Logan felt a soft hand brush back his hair. “Stop tilting at windmills, you silly man. Go back to school.” He caught sight of a smile with a mole on the upper lip.

Logan felt the blood drain from his head as it fell onto a cushion of grass. 

     “Did you see them?” Logan spit out a mouthful of dirt. He was sprawled on a small mound and couldn’t move.

     “My eye is swollen shut,” Elliot’s voice was gravelly. “I feel like I got hit by a train. Am I imagining it, or were we rescued by the creature?”

      “It wasn’t the creature.” Logan was breathless with the effort, wondering if he should share what he thought. “I think it was Aimee.”

“Aimee!” Elliot coughed. “What’s she doing here?”

Logan ignored the question; he was wondering the same thing. 

     Rising painfully to his knees he crawled over to where Elliot was propped against the wheel of the jeep. “Anything broken?”

     “Only my pride. I feel like I’m trapped in an eighties crime drama. What are you doing?” he asked Logan, who was pulling his phone from his pocket with a battered hand.

     “I’m calling the police.”

     “I think that was the police,” Elliot retorted weakly. “What happened to your mermaid?”

     Logan growled, “She’s not my mermaid.” 

     “Did you get any pictures?” Logan asked.

     “Let me see with my good eye.” Elliot squinted as he looked at his screen. “Nothing good. Maybe it was one of those goons setting us up.”

     Logan shrugged. “I couldn’t see much, but I know it was that monster, Mitch and his playmates,” he paused and continued, “And Aimee and some other guy.”

      “You think she was working with them?”

      Logan shook his head. “No, they beat the crap out of them. Mitch practically crawled out of here.”

      “Are you sure it was Aimee? This is a major complication.”

      Logan didn’t answer. He spoke into his phone. “Pen? Can you swing by the marsh, and Penny… don’t say anything to anyone.”

– Excerpted from Dragged Down Deep by Michael Okon, Chelshire Publishing, 2024. Reprinted with permission.


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About Author Michael Okon



Michael Okon is an award-winning and best-selling author of multiple genres, including paranormal, thriller, horror, action/adventure, and self-help. He graduated from Long Island University with a degree in English and then later received his MBA in business and finance. Coming from a family of writers, he has storytelling in his DNA. Michael has been writing from as far back as he can remember, his inspiration being his love for films and their impact on his life. From the time he saw The Goonies, he was hooked on the idea of entertaining people through unforgettable characters.

Michael is a lifelong movie buff, a music playlist aficionado, and a sucker for self-help books. He lives on the North Shore of Long Island with his wife and children.

Website & Social Media: Website / Twitter / Instagram




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by Brooke L French
October 24, 2024 Book Blast



A Letty Duquesne Thriller

  The last one they sent didn’t come back.

Disease ecologist Letty Duquesne is barely settled in to her new job when a colleague goes missing in the field. Letty arrives in Alaska’s Katmai National Park to take over the investigation, only to find a violent welcome and the case in shambles. No record of the last scientist’s work exists. His footsteps at the incident site disappear into nothing. And the polar bears Letty has been sent to find are hunting for human prey a thousand miles from the pack ice where they belong. If Letty can’t figure out why, more people will die. An unimaginable threat lurks under the icy waters of the Arctic, animals stalk the people of a tiny seaside village, and the greatest danger waits where Letty least expects it.

Praise for Unnatural Intent:

“Field research has never been so riveting—and potentially deadly. Unnatural Intent is a tense combination of scientific detective work and corporate intrigue, set within the brutal but starkly beautiful landscape of the Arctic, where man is no longer an apex predator.” ~ Regina Buttner, author of The Revenge Paradox

Unnatural Intent is like Michael Crichton’s State of Fear meets Michael Connelly’s The Rapture of the Deep…” ~ Cam Torrens, award-winning author of Stable and False Summit

“French weaves a complex tale of corporate greed, ecological disaster, and survival in this thriller, inserting you deep into the minds of her characters. The science is as accurate as it is terrifying, and the plot twists will keep you engaged until the final chapters.” ~ Gary Gerlacher, author of the AJ Docker thriller series

Book Details:

Genre: Action and Adventure, Medical Thriller

Published by: Black Rose Writing Publication Date: October 24, 2024 Number of Pages: 319 ISBN: 9781685134976 (ISBN10: 1685134971) Series: A Letty Duquesne Thriller, Book 2 | Each is a Stand-Alone

Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Goodreads | Black Rose Writing

Enjoy this peek inside:
Chapter 1
October 16, 2018 San Diego, California

Letty Duquesne wound her way through the ornate Spanish architecture of Balboa Park, dodging tourists and scanning the crowd. Even on a weekday, the place was packed. Families taking photos, school kids on their way to one of the twenty-plus museums spread throughout the park, and an assortment of street musicians playing everything from Mozart to Bon Jovi.

She dropped a few dollars in an upturned hat and aimed for the shade of an archway. As much as she wanted to pretend otherwise, her shift from the familiar comfort of working in academia to her current situation — a new job, in a new company, in a new city — hadn’t been exactly smooth. No matter how committed she was to making the Jessa Duquesne Foundation a success, the past month she’d spent “starting over” was harder than she’d expected.

Lonelier. Which was how she’d wound up on the friendship equivalent of a “first date.” Letty scanned the crowd again and, this time, spotted Gemma on the opposite side of the lily pond, waving to her from the foot of the Botanical Building. The JDF’s office manager and general jack-of-all-trades looked like Debbie Harry. She had a shock of what had to be home-dyed platinum-white hair, Doc Martens, and jeans that had been hacked off mid-calf. Gemma pointed to a short stone bench, her eyebrows raised in a question — this good? Letty gave her a thumbs-up and made her way through the crowd to where Gemma now sat cross-legged on the bench. “This is perfect.” Letty smiled as she sat beside her. “Thanks for meeting me.” “Thanks for the invite.” Gemma slid a silver packet from the pocket of her oversized blazer, her voice kissed with a South London accent. “I usually eat at my desk. But with everything that’s been going on, I’m glad for the break. I’m knackered.” “I bet.” Letty pulled a takeout salad from her bag and balanced the plastic clamshell on her lap. “Seems like getting Mark ready for tomorrow’s presentation took a full-court press.” The handful of people that made up the foundation’s on-site staff had been in and out of his office all day, every day for the past week. Mark would be at his desk when she arrived in the morning and still there when she left each night, poring over binder after binder of data. Reviewing everything the foundation had been able to find about the rise in animal attacks, the increase in zoonotic diseases crossing over to the human population, and the myriad governmental responses… or failures to respond. In a reasonable world, the volume of the data alone would’ve been enough to establish the need for greater action. The need for some centralized agency, like Jessa’s foundation, to manage a response. But, of course, things didn’t work that way. Not when half the congressional committee formed to look into the public’s concerns were the same folks who claimed climate change was a hoax. The thready notes of “Livin’ on a Prayer” slipped through the courtyard, the street musician’s violin shrill but on beat. “You have no idea how mad it’s been.” Gemma ripped open the silver packet and pulled out a rainbow-sprinkled Pop-Tart. “Usually Mark’s only in after hours. He’s got to be at Stafford Oil during business hours, but lately he’s at the foundation all the time. And he’s stressed as hell.” She picked a sprinkle from the top of the pastry and popped it in her mouth. “At least Kathryn came to the rescue. I can’t imagine how we would’ve gotten Mark ready without her helping to manage his Stafford Oil work load this week.” Gemma chewed another bite and swallowed. “Even if having her here does set my teeth on edge.” “Really?” Letty forked through her salad, building the perfect bite of chicken, feta, and cucumber. “She seems nice enough.” And the day Kathryn had arrived had been the only time Letty had seen Mark smile since she’d come to California. “She’s alright, I guess. Does so much for the JDF, she should be on payroll.” Gemma shrugged, brushing crumbs from her jeans. “I just don’t trust anyone that doesn’t age.” Letty laugh-choked on a piece of lettuce. Kathryn’s Upper East Side vibe was sort of intimidating. “Well, Botox or not, I’m glad she’s gonna be there tomorrow to back him up.” They had too much riding on what happened at that meeting for Mark to go it alone. There was only so much the foundation could do to identify what might be causing the changes they were seeing in the animal world without having access to real-time information about what was happening globally. As much good as they were doing handling any individual case, it wouldn’t be enough to make a real difference unless they could see the trends and follow them back to the source. Poor Mark had to know how much was riding on tomorrow’s presentation, had to feel the weight of what failure would mean. Especially when the foundation’s future would be decided by a bunch of political cronies. “I can’t imagine how stressed he must be. I mean, who gets called to speak before a congressional committee?” “He didn’t exactly get a summons. He volunteered, so that’s a little less scary. And he’s there for the greater good. Maybe he’ll get a nicer reception than they give their usual lot.” “True.” The other CEOs who spoke before congressional committees were usually there to get a public reprimand. A slap on the wrist after they’d used the corporate structure to get away with one form of mass destruction or another. And those people were nothing like Mark. She felt an odd sense of pride in her once almost brother-in-law, now boss, even though she couldn’t claim responsibility for all the work he’d done in Jessa’s memory. For all the things he was still trying to do. Letty picked her way through the salad. Where would he be now? On a plane? Probably halfway to DC, with his dark head bent over another binder. Wearing the glasses that made him look so much more serious than he did in her memories. The ones she shouldn’t be thinking about. Gemma popped open an energy drink. “All we can do at this point is keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.” “Yeah, for sure.” Letty cleared her throat, forcing herself back to the present. To reality. “I’m glad we did this.” She looked up at the palm trees swaying above them, then to the giant lath structure of the Botanical Building reflected in the pond. Built for a world’s fair more than a hundred years before, it still stood proud and beautiful, giving them shade on a day too warm for October. “It’s nice to be outside for a bit.” “Careful what you ask for.” Gemma broke off another piece of pastry. “I’m surprised they didn’t just skip orientation and send you out into the field already. We’ve been swamped all summer and now into the fall, every scientist on the team out on assignment since the doors opened. Seems like every other day we get a request from somewhere. Mountain lions turning the hiking trails in Oakland into a buffet. Or some crazy hyper-virulent bird flu popping up in the middle of Copenhagen. God knows what’s next.” Letty shoved a bite of salad in her mouth, chewing it along with the guilt she’d been trying to ignore since she’d realized how understaffed the foundation was. A situation that was in some part — maybe a large part — her fault. She’d been meant to start working with the foundation in August. But it had taken longer than she’d expected to end her lease, to close up her life at the university, to say goodbye to Bill and Priya. And, then, she hadn’t wanted to miss Andrew’s wedding. A smile flickered over her face. Renee had been beautiful at the ceremony, she and Andrew both glowing over Renee’s baby bump. Of course, she hadn’t realized her delay would leave the foundation short a scientist. She cringed. It was not an ideal situation for them to be in as Mark prepared to offer up their services to the world. Literally. Gemma finished her Pop-Tart and took another deep swig from an eye-poppingly chartreuse can of caffeine. “You know, if Mark convinces the committee to let the foundation manage the country’s national response, you may never see the inside of an office again.” Letty couldn’t imagine anything better. She stabbed a cucumber with her fork. “I’d almost always rather be in the field.” And a little space from Mark wouldn’t be a bad thing either. He’d be back in a few days, and so would the awkward silences that cropped up anytime the two of them were alone together. It wasn’t that he was rude. He’d taken her to lunch when she first started, said all the right things — he was so glad she was there, she should let him know if she needed anything, maybe they could grab a coffee or he could help her get settled. But it was stilted, and no matter how nice he was when they ran into each other in the halls or at the office coffee pot, she could never think of what to say. She put her fork down with the cucumber still stuck to the tines. It was like the past clogged up her throat, wrapped her brain in cotton, and nothing but basic banalities would come out. If that. He had eventually stopped trying. Which was almost worse. Gemma’s phone rang from her purse. As she went digging for it, a huge brown bird with white markings swooped through the promenade. It narrowly missed a camera-laden tour group, the crowd ducking and screeching as it swept past. A red-shouldered hawk. Letty tracked the bird’s ascent back into the sky as it rounded over the Botanical Building and came back for a second pass. What was it after? She scanned the ground for a mouse or chipmunk. Maybe a smaller bird? Hawks would eat most anything their size or smaller. Although it was odd for it to be hunting here, in a place so crowded with people. “This is Gemma.” Her new friend finally answered the call, her tone now formal and pure Queen’s English, which meant the call must be important. Something for the foundation. “I’m sorry. I didn’t quite hear that. Could you start again from the beginning?” The hawk swept back across the pond, its trajectory lower as it headed toward the entrance to the Timken Museum. It landed on the handle of a baby carriage. The mother stood with her back turned to the stroller as she searched for something in a diaper bag. Gemma lowered her voice. “What do you mean missing?” Letty glanced back to Gemma. Whatever that was, it didn’t sound good. She kept half her attention on Gemma, the rest on the bird. The hawk leaned forward, as if trying to see past the cloth draped over the carriage to find what soft morsel might wait inside. Letty’s mouth went dry, and she clapped her hands, hoping to startle the bird into flight. It ignored her. The animal would have no reason to hurt a child. But if the past year had taught her anything, it was that she couldn’t assume it would act predictably. Things were different now. Very different. Letty shifted to the edge of her seat. The bird turned, meeting Letty’s gaze. Its eyes reflected a flat, predatory black. “Shoo.” She stood, clapping her hands again in its direction and moving closer. “Excuse me?” She called out to the mother, who was still busy digging through the baby’s bag. The hawk kneaded its claws against the stroller’s handle. “You’re not going to believe this.” Gemma turned her way. Letty didn’t break eye contact with the bird. “Hang on.” She strode toward the carriage, the bird not moving an inch. A few other tourists turned to look, but no one moved to help. The mother plucked a pacifier from the bag and turned. A shriek tore out of her, and she threw herself toward the carriage.The bird took off in a flutter of indignant feathers, and a wail came from inside the stroller as the mother hurried to wheel the child away. Letty finally let go of a breath and turned back to Gemma, who seemed only now to have realized what had been happening with the hawk. They both watched as the bird disappeared over the roof of the museum. Gemma refocused on Letty, and lines creased around her eyes. “Cody Crawford’s gone missing.” “Crawford?” Letty tried to place the name. “That’s the large mammal guy, right?” “Yeah. That’s him. He’s been up in Alaska working on our polar bear case. Seems he went out to the incident site and got lost in the woods.” She cringed, whether from worry or as an acknowledgment of how bad that sounded, Letty couldn’t tell. Gemma dropped the phone back into her purse. “Search and Rescue’s out looking now, but they say it doesn’t look good. No sign of him.” Letty sat on the bench, watching the sky for any sign of the hawk. The idea that Crawford might just “get lost” in the woods didn’t sound right. She’d spent an hour after work one night browsing the bios for the foundation’s other scientists, mostly out of a perverse desire to know how she stacked up. From what she remembered, Crawford was an experienced field researcher like her, mostly working with large carnivores. He would have known not to go out to the site alone. And, even if he had, he wouldn’t just wander off and not be able to find his way back. When you spent your life working in one unknown wilderness after another, navigation was part of the basic skill package. Letty closed the lid on her salad, her appetite gone. If Crawford was missing, chances were good he wasn’t coming back. *** Excerpt from Unnatural Intent by Brooke L French. Copyright 2024 by Brooke L French. Reproduced with permission from Brooke L French. All rights reserved.



About Author Brooke L. French:


Brooke L French

Brooke L. French is a recovering lawyer, author, and boy mom. Her debut thriller, Inhuman Acts, hit number one on Amazon’s kindle charts in both medical thrillers and suspense in 2023, and her second novel, The Carolina Variant continues climbing the charts. Brooke got her undergraduate degree in English from Emory University, followed by a law degree, which, after many long and sometimes fulfilling years of practice, she mainly uses now as a coaster for the cup of coffee she puts down only to type. Brooke lives with her husband and sons between Atlanta and Carmel-by-the-Sea, California.

Catch Up With Brooke L French: Goodreads BookBub – @brookelfrench Instagram – @brookelewisfrench Threads – @brookelewisfrench Facebook – @brooke.l.french


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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2024! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


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I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!



by Michael McBride


Genre: Horror



“They come at night.”

“And no one ever survives to betray their existence.”

Catch your attention yet? It sure caught mine. I ate this scenario up. Four guys go on their annual elk hunt in the Rocky Mountains. I love it when the environment of cold and snow plays a role in survival. There are some other hunters out there. But it’s not elk there after. The have a different trophy in mind. There’s a beast out there. Who’s hunting who?

I loved this book. From the first page I was rubbing my hands together, excited and eager. And the author didn’t let me down. I loved this book. It read so fast yet I still became familiar with the characters. Rollicking good fun.




They come at night.


A stranger staggers out of the wilderness under the cover of a blizzard and stumbles into a diner full of people. He collapses in the entryway, unzips his jacket, and allows the object hidden inside to fall out. Screaming commences.


Four old college buddies embark upon their annual elk hunting trip into the Rocky Mountains. This promises to be their last, for the passage of time is as merciless and unpredictable as the Colorado weather. And they’re not alone.


There are other hunters in the mountains, stalking game of a different breed. They know exactly what they’re doing, because they’ve been hunting in these woods for a long, long time. And no one ever survives to betray their existence.



Click on the covers for more Thrills And Chills reviews.



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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Stilettos & Gunpowder organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Gail Koger will award a $15 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

  Stilettos & Gunpowder

by Gail Koger



Genre: Action / Adventure / Romantic Comedy


My name is Gemma Stone. I’m a Maricopa County Sheriff’s Deputy and not only must I deal with the sweat-soaked misery of the Arizona desert, I get to respond to a bunch of crazy 9-1-1 calls all day long. Like a parakeet up a tree, or a car accident where a tractor trailer full of fireworks is hit and the 4th of July comes a bit early.

But some days crime takes a deadly turn. Police cars are suddenly blowing up. Detective Sergeant Dante Delgado, the love of my life, was assigned to track down and stop the bomber. Am I worried? You betcha. There’s a madman on the loose and he is very, very good at making bombs.

Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, the Feds think I’m in cahoots with an Iraqi warlord who deals in stolen antiquities, Ichabod, my murderous ex-dance partner, escapes from prison and I’m suddenly in everyone’s crosshairs.


Enjoy this peek inside:

Someone hit the service bell on the front counter repeatedly.






Julie frowned. “What the hell?”

“Hey! I want my fucking gun back,” Chief yelled.





My temper flared to life. “Enough is enough.” I threw open the restroom door and stormed down the hallway.

Mom and Julie were right behind me.




“It’s about fucking time. Did you hear me, or do I need to repeat myself?” Chief bellowed.

Totally ignoring my throbbing lip, I gave him my Debbie Sunshine smile. “I suggest you take it down a notch or I’ll be happy to arrest you for disturbing the peace.”

Chief sneered. “You think I’m frightened by a bunch of itty-bitty females?” His gaze crawled over my face. “And it’s obvious, you can’t fight worth a damn.”

“Wanna find out?” I challenged.

Julie stepped up. “It’s my turn to deal with obstinate jackasses who won’t listen to reason.”

“It’ll mean another arrest,” I pointed out.

Julie pulled out her cuffs. “If I book another prisoner, I meet my quota for the day, and I’ll have enough points to get that toaster oven I’ve been eyeing.”

“Oh, I thought you wanted the microwave?”

A perplexed frown on his face, Chief growled, “What the fuck are you babbling on about?”

“Hey! Wait!” Frank edged in front of me. “I haven’t met my quota for the day, let me take the arrest.”

Lucas elbowed Frank out of the way. “No, I want it. I almost have enough points to get the fishing pole.”

“Oh, hell no. I need the arrest, before someone snags the tool chest,” Jacob shot back.

Chief backed away from the counter. “You’re all fucking nuts.” He turned on his heel and left.

“Come back tomorrow and talk with Sergeant Bergman,” Julie yelled after him.

“You know, he’s right,” Sheriff Maxwell commented. “You are fucking nuts.”

Dad grinned. “Bamboozling suspects is much more fun than beating the crap out of them.”


About Author Gail Koger:



I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher for the Glendale Police Department and to keep from going totally bonkers – I mean people have no idea what a real emergency is. Take this for example: I answered, “9-1-1 emergency, what’s your emergency?” And this hysterical woman yelled, “My bird is in a tree.” Sometimes I really couldn’t help myself, so I said, “Birds have a tendency to do that, ma’am.” The woman screeched, “No! You don’t understand. My pet parakeet is in the tree. I’ve just got to get him down.” Like I said, not a clue. “I’m sorry ma’am but we don’t get birds out of trees.” The woman then cried, “But… What about my husband? He’s up there, too.” See what I had to deal with? To keep from hitting myself repeatedly in the head with my phone I took up writing.

Author Links: Website / Facebook / Goodreads / Twitter / Instagram / BookBub / Amazon

Buy Link: Amazon


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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for The Legendary Mo Seto organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author A. Y. Chan will award a $25 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The Legendary Mo Seto

by A. Y. Chan



Genre: Middle Grade, Martial Arts, Action/Adventure


Mo Seto, martial arts movie star! Has a nice ring to it doesn’t it? Too bad there’s a height restriction to audition. But 12-year-old Modesty (Mo) Seto has never let her height get in the way before, not when she became a black belt, or when she fought the meanest boy in her class, and she’s not going to let it stop her this time! Now if only she can figure out a way to grow five inches and fool everyone at the auditions…and find time to search for her missing father (who just might be harboring a dangerous secret of his own). Join Mo on an adventure (and audition) of a lifetime and find out if powerful things really do come in small packages!

Publishers Weekly calls THE LEGENDARY MO SETO “Adrenaline pumping”, Kirkus Reviews says it “Packs a punch”, and Booklist calls it “Remarkably relatable.” Leap in and join the fun!


Enjoy this peek inside:

I tap the arm of a boy next to me. He’s around my height, though he looks like he’s probably a good couple of years younger. “What’s everyone looking at?”

The boy cocks his head toward the crowd and frowns. “There’s a poster about auditions for a Cody Kwok movie, but—”

Cody Kwok? Cody Kwok! Aaaaaaaah! Every thought inside my brain disappears, except for the words “CODY KWOK” in capital letters, surrounded by flashing lights.

I need to see that poster.

I crane my neck, but it’s no use. What would Cody Kwok do? Cody wouldn’t let buildings or bridges or trains or nuclear explosions stand in the way of what he wanted—let alone a few people.

“Nacho, meet me out front. I’ll be right back.” Slipping through cracks, under armpits and between legs, I duck, crawl, and push my way through until I’m standing in front of Cody’s magnificent face. I’d recognize it anywhere. His black eyes are narrowed, and his lips are curled, as if daring his opponent to strike. His fists are held in a classic fighting stance.

“Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.”

Below the picture are the words:



Inviting all young martial artists to participate in our open auditions to star alongside CODY KWOK in his next movie.

Sign up for an audition spot on Sunday, July 7

2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Auditions begin Saturday July 13.

Sign-ups are—I double-check my phone—in a week.


About Author A. Y. Chan:


Y. Chan grew up in Canada’s Greater Toronto Area reading all the middle grade and young adult books she could get her hands on. To this day, those remain her favorite genres. After achieving her black belt in Taekwondo, she explored other martial arts, such as Wing Chun, Hapkido, and Muay Thai. These days, she continues her martial arts training some mornings, writes in the afternoons, takes long walks to muddle out plot points, and falls asleep reading.

Buy Links: Amazon / B&N /

A.Y. Chan Social Links: Twitter / Instagram / Facebook

 Book Links: Website / Simon & Schuster


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The Poseidon Project (The Herb Society Mysteries)
by E William Podojil


The Poseidon Project (The Herb Society Mysteries)
Mystery- Suspense – Adventure
1st in Series
Setting – Tucson, AZ and Dubai, UAE
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Wild Rose Press (August 26, 2024)
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 270 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1509256849
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1509256846
Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CW1BKWS3


Molly Halloran and her friends have a secret past. Their bucolic retirement is suddenly upended when Molly’s husband is abducted and held for a steep ransom. Now she, her friends, her tech executive son, Lukas and his Air Force pilot boyfriend must race against the clock and travel halfway around the world to meet the kidnappers’ demands. But when they learn why her husband has been abducted, they realize how high the stakes truly are. Molly and her friends now must face their past in order to save the future. But not only their futures; the world’s.

About E William Podojil

E. William is an international business executive and novelist. He has traveled extensively and visited over sixty countries while based in Europe and the USA. Podojil works as an executive business advisor, strategist, and coach while also pursuing his love of storytelling and writing.  His second novel, The Poseidon Project, will be published in 2024 by The Wild Rose Press and is the first in a series of adventure thrillers. Podojil writes personal, humorous stories of his life and travels with his husband and three sons in his blog at

Author Links
Website/Blog  Facebook   Instagram    X    Threads

Purchase Links
AmazonB&N  – 


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August 26 – Mystery, Thrillers, and Suspense – SPOTLIGHT

August 26 – Novels Alive – REVIEW

August 26 – Books, Ramblings, and Tea – SPOTLIGHT

August 27 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

August 27 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

August 28 – Eskimo Prince Book Review – SPOTLIGHT

August 29 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

August 29 – MJB Reviewers – SPOTLIGHT

August 30 – Boys’ Mom Reads! – SPOTLIGHT


August 31 – fundinmental – SPOTLIGHT

September 1 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – AUTHOR GUEST POST

September 2 – StoreyBook Reviews – AUTHOR GUEST POST

September 3 – Cozy Up With Kathy – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

September 3 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW

September 4 – Ruff Drafts – SPOTLIGHT




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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


Prince. Fugitive. Exile. Necromancer.


To celebrate the
16th release anniversary, Chronicles of the Necromancer
has been re-issued with new hardcovers, and two commemorative



The Summoner


Chronicles of the Necromancer Book 1


by Gail Z. Martin


Genre: Dark Epic Fantasy Action Adventure


Fugitive. Exile. Necromancer.

Martris Drayke, second son of King Bricen of Margolan, never
coveted the crown. But when his older half-brother Jared and Jared’s
dark mage kill the king and the rest of the royal family, seizing the
throne, Tris’s comfortable world shatters and he finds himself
running for his life.

Tris flees with three friends: Soterius, captain of the guard;
Carroway, the court’s master bard; and Harrtuck, a member of the
royal guard. They seek sanctuary and the chance to plot the overthrow
of the usurper, gaining unexpected helpers along the way.

Tris has a secret—one that might well determine the fate of
Margolan and the Winter Kingdoms. In a land where spirits walk openly
and influence the affairs of the living, he is the mage heir to the
power of his grandmother, Bava K’aa, once the greatest sorceress of
her age. That magic makes Tris a Summoner, arbiter between the living
and the dead.

Can a half-trained mage-prince and his unlikely allies take back
his kingdom and avenge his family—or will his wild power destroy
him before he has the chance to set things right?

The Summoner is an action-packed epic fantasy adventure filled
with magic, occult lore, honorable ghosts, loyal friends, found
family, immortal creatures, secrets, curses, forbidden love—and a
necromancer hero!


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* Kobo
* Books2Read * Bookbub
* Goodreads



The Blood King


Chronicles of the Necromancer Book 2


prince. Mage heir. Necromancer king.

Prince Martris Drayke of Margolan escaped the bloody coup that
murdered his family and put his half-brother, Jared, on the throne.
He fled with three close friends, found allies along the way, and
gained the backing of loyal deserters, the undead vayash moru,
and the vengeful ghosts of Jared’s many victims.

In just one year under the Usurper’s thumb, Margolan has gone
from prosperity to chaos and starvation. Jared’s troops hunt down
any who oppose him, filling the gibbets and scaffolds and carrying
out a reign of terror.

Tris has risked destruction to gain control of his spirit magic,
and harness his power. But when he and his allies return to Margolan,
Tris must confront Foor Arontala, Jared’s blood mage, and stop him
from freeing the soul of the Obsidian King from its crystal prison.
If Tris fails, Arontala will set the Obsidian King free and take on
his power, becoming unstoppable and destroying the last chance to
free Margolan from Jared’s rule.

Can Tris stand against the blood magic of the Obsidian King to
take back the throne and save his kingdom—or will his half-mastered
magic bring about an even greater destruction?

The Blood King is an action-packed epic fantasy adventure filled
with magic, occult lore, honorable ghosts, loyal friends, found
family, bloody battles, immortal creatures, secrets, treachery,
forbidden love—and a necromancer hero!


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* B&N
* Kobo
* Books2Read * Bookbub
* Goodreads




Dark Haven


Chronicles of the Necromancer Book 3


King. Necromancer. Warrior.

Martris Drayke fought the Usurper and defeated both the blood mage
Arontala and the spirit of the Obsidian King.

As the newly-crowned King of Margolan, Tris must rebuild a kingdom
shattered by betrayal and bloodshed. Some of the usurper’s
loyalists evaded capture and remain a danger. Famine and hardship
threaten to bring more chaos and divisions. And in his Court of
Spirits, the necromancer-king is overwhelmed by the ghosts seeking
retribution and release.

With their royal wedding just weeks away, Tris and Kiara
Sharsequin, heir to the throne of Isencroft, will unite the rule and
succession of two allied kingdoms. Not everyone is pleased to see
that happen. As threats multiply, Tris and Kiara must guard against
traitors and enemies both inside and outside the castle, determined
to destroy them and everything they fought to gain.

Meanwhile, former smuggler and mercenary Jonmarc Vahanian, the new
Lord of Dark Haven, finds himself at the center of a power struggle
among the undead vayash moru. As he untangles a web of
deception, Jonmarc realizes that the conflict in Dark Haven threatens
not only the future of the Winter Kingdoms but also the fate of the
living, dead and undead.

Dark Haven is an action-packed epic fantasy adventure filled with
magic, occult lore, honorable ghosts, vampire politics, loyal
friends, found family, bloody battles, immortal creatures, secrets,
treachery, and star-crossed love!


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Books2Read * Bookbub
* Goodreads



Dark Lady’s Chosen


Chronicles of the Necromancer Book 4


Honor. Magic. Sacrifice.

Treachery & blood magic threaten King Martris Drayke’s hold
on the throne he risked everything to win. As the battle against a
traitor lord comes to its final days, war, plague & betrayal
bring Margolan to the brink of destruction.

Civil war looms in Isencroft, forcing Kiara to make hard choices
between her duty to her kingdom-by-blood and her commitments to her
kingdom-by-marriage. Thrones and successions are at stake, and a
wrong choice could change the history of the Winter Kingdoms forever.

In Dark Haven, Lord Jonmarc Vahanian has bargained his soul for
vengeance, plunging into a conflict among ancient immortals based on
grudges centuries in the making. If he succeeds, Jonmarc preserves
the truce, stops the bloodshed, and saves what matters most. Failure
brings destruction—and dooms his soul for eternity.

Dark Lady’s Chosen is an action-packed epic fantasy
adventure filled with magic, occult lore, honorable ghosts, vampire
politics, loyal friends, found family, bloody battles, immortal
creatures, secrets, hard choices, and star-crossed love!


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The Shadowed Path is back in print and ebook with an updated
cover! Explore the first of two books revealing Jonmarc Vahanian’s
backstory years before his heroic role in the Chronicles of the


Get it here:


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* Goodreads



the 16th anniversary of the release of the Chronicles of the
Necromancer series with two different commemorative special
limited-edition collections! **



Get a limited lettered and signed special edition with an all-new
color artwork/dust jacket!


Includes books 1 &
2 in the first volume, and books 3 & 4 in the second
volume—signed and lettered so there will never be more than 26


Grab Volume One HERE

And Volume Two HERE



 Or grab a numbered special edition with completely different
​black-and-white laminated covers – two volumes containing all four
books, signed and numbered and limited to only 250 copies!


Grab Volume One HERE

And Volume Two HERE



Gail Z. Martin writes urban fantasy, epic fantasy, steampunk and more for
Solaris Books, Orbit Books, Falstaff Books, SOL Publishing and
Darkwind Press. Urban fantasy series include Deadly Curiosities and
the Night Vigil (Sons of Darkness). Epic fantasy series include
Darkhurst, the Chronicles Of The Necromancer, the Fallen Kings Cycle,
the Ascendant Kingdoms Saga, and the Assassins of Landria.

with Larry N. Martin, she is the co-author of Iron & Blood, Storm
& Fury (both Steampunk/alternate history), the Spells Salt and
Steel comedic horror series, the Roaring Twenties monster hunter Joe
Mack Shadow Council series, and the Wasteland Marshals near-future
post-apocalyptic series. As Morgan Brice, she writes urban fantasy MM
paranormal romance, with the Witchbane, Badlands, Treasure Trail,
Kings of the Mountain and Fox Hollow series. Gail is also a
con-runner for ConTinual, the online, ongoing multi-genre convention
that never ends.


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Twitter * Instagram
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* Goodreads



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Book Details:
Book Title:  Squirrels In Antarctica​ by Sari Karplus
Category:  Children’s Fiction (Ages 3-7), 34 pages
Genre:  Children’s Picture Book
Publisher:  Tip Top Story Shop
Release date:   Mar 2024
Content Rating:  G.  Suitable for everyone.

Book Description:

This fantastical book of animals in unusual places will tickle your brain, leading readers of all ages imagining their own silly combos. You’ll see a skiing seal in Switzerland, a pufferfish piloting an airplane, a sloth who runs a marathon (but isn’t ever done), and so much more! With fun illustrations and an educational twist, this book encourages readers to embrace their limitless imagination, explore the world, and experience animals big and small in their not-so-natural habitats. Perfect for bedtime reading or as a classroom favorite, Squirrels in Antarctica sparks boundless imagination. So, come along on this epic journey and “Let your thoughts fly limitless like snails on shooting stars.” Is it a book? Is it a word game? Can it be both?!

Buy the Book:
Amazon B&N
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I had such fun reading this book. If I had to choose what was my favorite part I’d be hard pressed. The tongue twisting descriptions written in rhyme. The delightful, silly animals doing insane things. Or the funny, adorable illustrations of those critters, even bugs, doing those silly things. Even the title promised silliness and fun.

If I got so much enjoyment from this book, I’m sure young ones would too. Whether read aloud to them, read together, or reading it on their own, the fun to be discovered is endless. I recommend you grab a copy and join the fun.


Interview With Author Sari Karplus:

Your book has a number of worldwide locations featured. Have you traveled to any of these places?

I love to travel internationally, but I have only gotten to see a few of these spots so far: New York, Hollywood, and Spain. I have yet to visit Antarctica, Greenland, Peru, Berlin, Switzerland, or Cabo. This may surprise you to hear, but I’ve also never been to Saturn. 🙂

Are there combos that you wrote for this book that didn’t make the final cut?

So many actually! With more than thirty combos in this book, there were dozens that didn’t make it in. The reasons vary, too. Some of my early animal choices were too obscure where even the adult readers were getting tripped up. This is why the tardigrade, who many folks hadn’t heard of, got replaced by a zooplankton. Some others didn’t make the cut because the rhyme didn’t really pair nicely with any others. Here are a few of the combos that were early cuts: A yak visiting his grandma in South Palm Beach, a shark on the Acropolis, a tick in Timbuktu, and a cricket at a cricket match.

What authors are you most inspired by?

If you know my body of work at all, you would know that I am big into rhyming. As such, I’m particularly inspired by Shel Silverstein and Dr. Seuss. Their books were some of my favorites as a kid, and they remain favorites for me to read to my kids. I love that both of these authors’ works make you think and smile and sometimes laugh, which is exactly the space I’d like my books to occupy.

You are a mom as well. Do your kids take an interest in your books?

So far my kids are some of my biggest fans. I’ll be bummed when they fully outgrow being my in-house beta readers. But for now, I delight in how they share my excitement when my books arrive and repeat back lines from my stories. It’s the best!

Your book is a wild mix of animals and places. Any page that’s your spirit animal?

The page I can most relate to is the snails on shooting stars. When it comes to dreaming big, I never shy away from making a cool book or film project or performing standup comedy. The sky’s the limit! But much like the snail that looks terrified by being hurled through the universe, sometimes I’m white knuckling it through the unknown.

Meet the Author:

Sari Karplus got her storytelling start as a comedian and filmmaker in Los Angeles. But when an improvised bedtime story to her three young children inspired her first kids’ book, she officially joined the ranks of the book writing world. Sari loves to create stories with fun journeys and teachable moments… with a healthy side of humor. Sari has written all 3 books of the Robotastic! series. “Sari” rhymes with “Mary.” Sari loves rhyming.

connect with author: website ~ instagram 


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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for The World Council organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Norm Meech will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The World Council

by Norm Meech


Genre: Science Fiction / Action / Adventure


Ricky Montgomery had just graduated high school in June 1976 and was enjoying life as an 18-year-old teenager. He was hired by the Dawson City Police Force, and after graduating from police college he was assigned to work as an undercover operative in a motorcycle gang.

Ricky, although happy, was struggling living his double life as a cop and biker. Then it happened: during a biker war, Ricky’s life was saved by agents from the World Council (TWC). TWC was created by the world’s leaders to prevent manmade disasters from happening and to liaise with aliens who have been monitoring mankind for hundreds of years. TWC’s mandate, with the assistance of aliens, is to ensure mankind’s continued existence.

TWC is a highly secretive organization, whose agents have the ability to travel through time, to change history, and to take lives to save lives. Ricky becomes a TWC agent and discovers that TWC’s command staff is making unethical decisions, hiding secrets about aliens and trying to reduce the world’s population through biological warfare. Ricky teams up with other agents and tries to save mankind and the world from disaster.

Enjoy this peek inside:

There were overhead cranes that slid on the metal tracking in the ceiling running the distances of the corridors. I was not sure why, but my gut was telling me there was something really strange going on. Something wasn’t right, I really felt like I was in danger. We were walking in a large group and being a Prospect I was at the back of the pack. Although I was walking, I became scared something was wrong. I didn’t even have a gun with me. This was supposed to be a peaceful patch-over.

Then it happened, the shooting started. There were muzzle flashes all over the place. It appeared that we were surrounded and the guys were being shot and were dropping everywhere. Some of the guys were trying to return fire, but the shots appeared to be coming from everywhere.

I suddenly observed these strange metal objects rolling around with guns shooting at us. Something was killing us and there was blood everywhere. Suddenly these metal walls started falling from the roof, blocking doorways and corridors herding us into areas, to be slaughtered.

I had taken cover behind a large metal shelf and I heard somebody yelling at me to climb up the ladder to the roof. I looked over to the right and two corridors over someone else was climbing up another ladder to the roof.

I looked again and the guys were still being slaughtered. Out of fear and self preservation I climbed the ladder as fast as I could. Although I was afraid of heights I was more scared about being shot and killed.

I periodically glanced down and it was so strange, those mechanical things were still rolling around firing shots at everyone. I got to the top of the ladder and saw that there was a metal platform to stand on. I stood on the platform and I glanced down to where the other guy had climbed to. He had pushed some type of button and suddenly he went shooting down the corridor ceiling on some type of overhead crane track out of sight.

I saw some buttons on the adjacent panel and l pushed the green button. Holy shit! I went flying down the ceiling. It was a fast ride, like I was almost travelling through time. It appeared to have taken me thousands of feet in a few seconds. Then suddenly I stopped and I looked around. Off in the distance I still saw these weird metal walls dropping from the ceiling. They were blocking corridors and exits. They were still isolating the guys into smaller areas, to be slaughtered.

I then saw the adjacent guy diving into a room just before a metal wall blocked his exit. The large metal wall came down fast, then slowed for a few seconds before locking into the other metal wall. I looked to my left and saw a strange thing. There was a group of people all dressed in white coloured laboratory coats, rushing around in a room that had a large window overlooking the warehouse.

I was concerned that a metal wall was going to come down and that I was going to be trapped so I decided that I had to jump through the window and escape into that room. I took a few steps and jumped through the window as a metal wall started to come down. Shit!, I was going to be squashed and I was going to lose my legs. At the last second I was able to lift both my legs out of the way, while flipping over on my back. With a clang the metal wall crashed down.

I was laying on my back trying to figure out what the fuck was going on when I saw an Asian girl approaching me. She said, “Hi Rick, I’m Irene and I’m glad you were able to get out in time. You have to come with me now.”

“What the hell is going on?” I managed to ask.

She looked at me, “I will explain everything to you in a few minutes but we have to get decontaminated right away.” She turned and started walking. “Follow me, stay close and do what I do.”


About Author Norm Meech:

Norm Meech has been retired for nearly two years, capping a distinguished forty-four-year career in policing. He fondly recalls the camaraderie of work friends forged during his tenure and the unique experiences as a police officer.

While missing aspects of his former profession, Norm keeps himself engaged by maintaining fitness and pursuing various hobbies. Additionally, he channels his creativity into writing, aiming to produce a book annually. His latest work delves into science fiction, inviting readers to ponder questions about the existence of aliens, unidentified flying objects, government involvement in secret conspiracies, the potential for time travel, and the impact of human activities on the planet. Norm hopes readers enjoy the fictional stories he crafts, sparking contemplation and curiosity.

Author Links: Facebook / Blog / Instagram

Purchase Link: Amazon


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