Welcome to my stop on the Book Blast for Vegas Vacation.
After you read the synopsis and fun excerpt, enter the giveaway to win some great prizes.

It’s spring break, and a group of teachers from Half Moon Bay Middle School are planning to cut loose. History teacher Meg Phillips hadn’t planned on being one of them—Vegas isn’t really a town for a bookworm—but somehow she let her friend Anne talk her into it.
Though honestly, she’d rather indulge in some poolside reading than co-star in an R-rated edition of Teachers Gone Wild.
It took some major arm twisting for Finn Walsh to convince his fellow gym teacher, Anne, to do whatever it took to get Meg to Vegas. For over a year he’s been looking for the chance to get to know her outside of work. He’s drawn to her quiet beauty and intelligence—and the hint of fire beneath her understated exterior.
When he finally gets the opportunity to peel away those layers, the result is far more explosive than he ever fantasized. Now to convince her that the week isn’t a wildly out-of-character mistake, but the start of something amazing…
Meg got stuck in the middle seat on the plane.
She should have known it was a bad sign. The seventh grade science teacher, Carla, dumped her rum and Coke all over Meg’s white shirt and tan capris on the flight to Vegas. No amount of dabbing in the miniscule airplane bathroom had managed to get the sticky stain out or removed the stink of distillery that floated in a cloud around her.
Awesome start to the vacay.
She slumped in her seat, feeling disgusting, and cranked up the volume on her iPod to drown out the two English teachers’ giggling. How had she let Anne talk her into this? How could her three best friends have conspired against her this way? She could be home with a glass of wine—in her hand and not on her clothes—reading the new Cleopatra biography, sitting in the wicker chair on her balcony with her feet propped on the railing. She clenched her teeth as turbulence made the plane shudder and her stomach flip.
Thank God this was a short flight.
Thirty minutes later, she was waiting for her luggage to come around the carousel. The flash of bright lights and jarring sounds from the slot machines made her head ache. The cacophony seemed to permeate every inch of the airport. She really should have stayed home and played a hermit—it had to be more fun than this. The rum and Coke had formed a stiff crust in her shirt, bra, and capris. All she wanted right now was a hot shower in the hotel. Her stomach rumbled loudly—a reminder that she’d been trapped in the plane during lunchtime. Food would be good too, but cleaning up and a new set of clothes came first.
She refocused on the luggage carousel just in time to see her bag go trundling past her. Leaning forward, she made a grab for it. And missed. “Crap!”
“Got it.” Finn plucked the heavy suitcase from the conveyer belt as if it weighed nothing.
Of course, it had to be him who came to her rescue. The smile he gave her was enough to melt any woman’s resistance and leave her panting after him. With his auburn hair, laser blue eyes, and body to die for, he was too gorgeous for words, and he clearly knew it. She stiffened her spine when he beckoned her toward him. She knew she needed to retrieve her bag, but getting anywhere near the man was a hazard to her mental health.
She wanted him. It was as simple and as complicated as that. She wanted to use his very fine body as her personal jungle gym. All night long. This kind of visceral reaction to anyone was completely foreign territory for her, but her hormones did a tango every time he was nearby, reminding her it had been a very long while since she’d made time to go on a date, let alone get laid.
Crystal will be awarding 5 digital copies of her backlist story, “All Tangled Up” to randomly drawn commenters during the tour, and a grand prize pack of a copy of “All Tangled Up”, a $10 Amazon or BN gift card, and a Vegas-inspired playing card necklace to one randomly drawn commenter during the tour.
So leave a comment for Crystal. Something about the cover or the book or just say hello!

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Crystal Jordan is originally from California, but has lived all over the United States. Currently, she serves as a librarian at a university in her home state, and she writes contemporary, paranormal, futuristic, and erotic romance. Her publishers have included Kensington Aphrodisia, Harlequin Spice Briefs, Ellora’s Cave, and Samhain Publishing.
Website: http://www.crystaljordan.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/crystaljordan
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CrystalJordanFanPage
Buy links will be added to the book’s page on my website as they become available: http://www.crystaljordan.com/books/vegas-vacation