Archive for the ‘Children’s books’ Category


 A coloring book about the health benefits of eating chicken.


Title: Nurse Florence for Beginning Readers Coloring Book: Why is Chicken Healthy to Eat?

Author: Michael Dow

Publication Date: May 6, 2024

Pages: 43

Genre: Children/Coloring Book

Jean, Condi, and Sonia see Nurse Florence in the cafeteria and ask if they can sit with her so they can learn something new.  The nurse is eating chicken, and the girls ask her why it is healthy to eat.  Nurse Florence discusses the types of nutrients inside like vitamins, minerals, and protein.  The nurse mentions that research shows eating chicken with lots of vegetables is very healthy for you.  The girls are amazed at how the body works and how chicken can help them have a healthy lifestyle.  They can’t wait to see Nurse Florence again and keep learning new things about the body.

You can purchase your copy at Lulu.


Enjoy this peek inside:


This is a health book series meant to help kids take their first steps in their journey of healthy living.  A friendly nurse, Nurse Florence, guides three girls named Jean, Condi, and Sonia as they ask questions about their body and how to live healthier.  The title character, Nurse Florence, is in honor of Florence Nightingale, the pioneer of modern nursing.  We hope a new generation of kids get interested in nursing and other health careers.


– Excerpted from Nurse Florence for Beginning Readers Coloring Book by Michael Dow, Michael Dow, 2024. Reprinted with permission.

About Author Michael Stephen Dow


Michael Stephen Dow is married to Perla in Arizona and has 3 kids.  Michael was on a path to attend medical school and then the events of September 11, 2001 occurred.  Michael became angry at the terrorists and decided to join the US Air Force.  He went through Officer Training School and then graduated specialized Navigator training to become an Electronic Warfare Officer.  Michael deployed 6 times for the Global War on Terror between 2005 and 2009 with the EC-130H Compass Call mission.  Michael medically retired in 2010 and then became an US Army contractor serving Wounded Warriors and ensuring they received all of their entitled benefits for 8 years.  Michael always had a love for science and the human body so he then used his GI bill to go through nursing school and graduated in August 2020.  Michael now works as a Registered Nurse at an inpatient psychiatric hospital.  Michael’s education is as follows: B.A. in Psychology from Auburn University in 1999, B.S. in Biology from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2001, M.S. in Management from Troy University in 2010, Masters in Health Administration from the University of Phoenix in 2017, and M.S. from the University of Arizona in 2020 through its 15 month accelerated Masters Entry to the Profession of Nursing program.  Michael is the Founder and Manager of Dow Creative Enterprises, LLC.  His books have garnered the Silver Nautilus Book award in 2020 (Nurse Florence, Help I’m Bleeding) and an Award-Winning Finalist in the Religion category for the 2021 International Book Awards (A Prayer to Our Father in the Heavens: Possibly the Greatest Jewish Prayer of All Time).  Michael believes we will need the best of science and religion to successfully navigate ourselves, our civilization, through the future obstacles we will face.  More information can be found at and  Nurse Florence® is a federally registered trademark by Dow Creative Enterprises.  The Nurse Florence® series seeks to promote science and health among children and to help increase the health literacy levels of our society.  With teamwork, inclusion, faith and perseverance, we can bravely face our problems and help each other reach our better selves as well as our best collective good.



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Book Details:

Book Title:  Muddy Spokes by Katie Kuperman
CategoryChildren’s Fiction (Ages 4-10), 31 pages
GenreChildren’s Picture Book. Children’s – emotions, life lessons, self-esteem
Publisher: Katie Kuperman
Publication Date: June 11, 2024.
Content Rating: G



Book Description:

This is a fun and comical story about resilience and resourcefulness.

Spokes is a bicycle wheel who wakes up happy and excited for the day ahead. Everything doesn’t quite go as smoothly as expected, however, and after a few tricky twists and turns, Spokes is covered in mud! This isn’t exactly an ideal situation for a wheel who’s trying to roll efficiently through the town to make it to school on time. Now Spokes is muddy, discouraged, running late and moving very sl-o-o-o-o-wly.

​How will this cute and lovable wheel get out of this mess?

It’s going to take strength, determination and a wee bit of courage. Written for children aged 4-10, this is a story of resilience and resourcefulness because I truly believe these are two of the greatest teachings we can impart on our younger generation.

After all, life is full of mud. And we all get a little muddy sometimes, don’t we?

The mud isn’t the problem. It’s what we do next that counts.

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Meet Author Katie Kuperman:

Katie Kuperman is an imaginative, captivating and inspiring book author and illustrator. Honing in on meaningful topics, her goal is to make her readers FEEL, LEARN and DO with each new story she pens. Situated in Toronto, Canada, Katie is also a business owner, entrepreneur and public speaker in schools and other settings.

So far, she’s focused her authorship career in two key areas:

  1. Anti-bullying and positive mental health for young adults
  2. Inspiring and enjoyable stories for children

No matter what she writes, one thing remains constant: her books are designed to evoke emotion, raise awareness, ignite learning and empower readers to take meaningful action in their everyday lives. Each book donates and gives back to great causes, and she is thrilled to have her work used in schools and other teaching environments.

It is Katie’s hope and vision that through her writing, she may touch hearts and inspire positive change.

When she’s not writing, you can find her goofing around with her kids, enjoying the great outdoors, cooking healthy and delicious meals for her family, teaching dance, mother-ing, wife-ing, spending time with good people, developing herself personally and trying to make the most of every minute she’s got.

connect with the author: website X/twitter ~ facebook ~instagram bookbub ~ goodreads

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MUDDY SPOKES by Katie Kuperman Spotlight Book Tour Giveaway



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Ralph & Murray

by Rick Glaze



Synopsis (from Amazon):

In the quaint backdrop of a small southern town, circa 1959, an extraordinary tale unfolds through the charming narration of an unlikely storyteller – Ralph, a spirited four-legged companion with a knack for punchy humor.

Amidst a world where most dogs merely wag their tails and feline neighbors purr quietly, Ralph and his witty counterpart, Murray, emerge as remarkable exceptions, gifted with extraordinary abilities.

As they traverse the idyllic landscapes of their hometown, encountering ghosts, hobos, and even the iconic twist dance craze spearheaded by Chubby Checker himself, Ralph and Murray’s adventures take on a whimsical, yet deeply resonant quality.

Through their escapades, readers are treated to a delightful journey brimming with empathy, kindness, and compassion, serving as a poignant reminder of the power of standing up for others.

From unraveling the mysteries of why pencils have erasers to discovering who might have alligators for lunch, Ralph and Murray weave a tapestry of nostalgia from a bygone era with heartwarming humor and infectious charm.

Readers of all ages are invited to immerse themselves in a world where the bonds of friendship and the beauty of diversity reign supreme, leaving behind a trail of laughter, wisdom, and unforgettable memories.


Enjoy this peek inside:

Chapter 1 


After the car ride across town when they first brought me home, my stomach was rumbling around, and I upchucked on the kitchen floor. That’s when they  named me Ralph. It’s an average name for a dog. Especially suited for a pound puppy with short, white hair from the neck down, black and brown fur on my head distributed judiciously, lanky legs not quite eight inches long, and a nondescript tail wagging most of the time. I lie around the house and yard like dogs tend to do, waiting on some action from the people around here.

A cat started wandering over my fence and I raced out and pretended to catch him in my lockjaw fangs and tear him to shreds. Actually, it’s Murray next door and if he didn’t show up occasion- ally, it would be even more boring when the kids are off at school. So, I race out to intercept him, he screeches and arches his back and pretends he’s a vicious lion, and king of the fence. We have a Mexican standoff for a minute from his perch on top of the fence; then he jumps back to his yard and I go back to the shade of my patio. It breaks up the afternoon, what can I say?

Like most Americans, I don’t have a notable pedigree. And no, I don’t try to fabricate  the pedigree thing by showing off “designer” labels. Well, I actually don’t wear  labels. But if I had a well-placed blush of color across my back, I might have a  pedigree…at least for some folks. It’s a fun game, but actually I have more fun with  the Murray thing.

When I joined the family, Tommy was eleven, and Ricky was nine. I was almost six  months old and didn’t know much about a dog’s life or how people acted, but I  started watching everything. I noticed there was a hierarchy in the family, a kind of  pecking order, and it adjusted itself depending on who was in the house. For  example, when Dad was home, there was an unwritten deferral to him as the top dog, no pun intended. Mom was the default when Dad was on a trip, and when in  their rooms, big brother Tommy was the alpha, leaving Ricky on the bottom  rung…except for me, but I’m just a dog.

So telling a story from a dog’s perspective, you’d think it would be pretty limited. After all, I can’t speak, and I don’t have a place at the supper table to talk over the

day’s events, and all that sort of thing. But two things happened that changed all  that.

One April afternoon when the springtime sun was breaking through a cloudy gloom,  and drying the winter-soaked yard, I was making a security check around the  periphery of the back fence. I turned the corner and looked up to see Murray sitting  leisurely on a cross beam at the top. He was sprawled out so his red-white-and touches-of-black coat caught the waning sunlight in an almost shiny glisten. While  standing there motionless dismissing my gut reaction to defend the sanctity of my  turf, a small, quiet voice spoke into my ear. “How’s it going today, buddy?” I tilted my  head at this strange sound while I looked up at Murray. His mouth was stretched out  in a big grin and it looked like he actually winked at me. Bewildered, my head turned  back the other way. “It’s okay, you can do this,” the voice whispered. Looking back to Murray, I thought, “Are you talking to me?” “Yes, and it’s okay,” the voice said.

Over time, Murray showed me how to listen to everything around me including, and  most intriguingly, people. When he climbs to the top of the fence, I still run out as if  tearing him to pieces, because we both like doing it. But the world changed, and a lot  of the things that happen are no longer a mystery.

Okay, as if that’s not enough. In the evenings after dinner, the boys go to their rooms  and do homework. As I had no homework of my own to do, I broke up the boredom by shuttling back and forth between the two bedrooms. Snuggling into Tom’s bedspread, I watched him stare at books and quietly turn the pages, sometimes fast and other times deliberate, while writing on an adjacent pad. Watching Ricky was a different experience, and led to the second life-changing event. For one, he usually sat on the bed with a couple of pillows behind his back. Sometimes he had a pad of  paper out, but other times he leafed through books with a steady even pace, and  then I noticed the thing that was the defining moment. He was moving his lips as he read, literally mouthing the words. And get this, about half the time he actually whispered each word as he read…so low that people didn’t notice, but I have better hearing than people. After a while I found a position to sit where I could watch the page while hearing the words. Now sit down and take a deep breath, because what  I’m about to tell you is hard to swallow. Ready? Okay, here goes. Under this strange confluence of circumstances, I taught myself to read. Okay, I know. Believe me I get  it. I’m a dog. Dogs can be very smart, and some can think and even outwit their masters. But read?

Well, let it settle in for a bit while I tell you some stories of growing up in this small  Southern town.



Try to imagine navigating the world through the eyes and ears of a dog or a cat. You can enjoy that experience with Ralph and Murray. From grasping our language to learning how to read, their adventures are a delight to experience. Murray takes the young dog, Ralph, under his wing and guides him with a grudging tolerance that becomes a true friendship.

As people, we tend to give our beloved creatures human characteristics. It’s called anthropomorphism. What makes this such an enchanting, fun story is how the author makes me see the world as Murray, a cat, and Ralph, a dog. I walk in their shoes, or I should say paws. What fun.



Guest Post

How Ralph & Murray Came to Be


Ralph & Murray is a pandemic book. Yes, it was easy to find time to write while literally everything was shut down. But, as I’ve heard from writers and others, the whole uncertainty and anxiety of this unknown event took a toll on mental space. I’m grateful that a lighthearted book was on my agenda. Ralph and I shared serious chuckles writing it.


I had planned a memoir incorporating growing up in a small southern town in the 1950s, leading later to the abrupt changes and unhinged people I encountered in Silicon Valley. It had some nice twists to it. The California segment was planned to be live interviews with a group of disparate characters that I was hoping to be quite juicy. Sounds kind of fun, right?


Okay. Maybe you’re guessing what happened. My March 8, 2020 flight to Silicon Valley was postponed for a week or two until this little virus thing blew over. Instead, it blew under the rug, under the sheets, and stole all the toilet paper.


The interview format was going to be a stretch for me in the first place, because it was a new approach. So, with no visits to the west coast and no interviews, I was relieved to enlist Ralph, my dog, to tell this story. I gave serious thought to the format, because I had some concern that there was little in the way of a fixed plot running through the various vignettes.


One of the most popular contemporary memoirs was a favorite of mine, and this was a perfect time to re-read Tuesdays With Morrie, a deeply touching and intimate story where the only plot was that the story took place every Tuesday. Like with every book, I was worried whether or not the book would find an audience. Ralph and his zany buddy, Murray saved the day, and as you can tell there is overwhelming, laugh-out-loud interest.


During the writing, there is a chance if you were around me and had something whacky or offbeat going on, you got a little ink or maybe your own chapter. For example, I escaped to Florida for a week and visited the Everglades. The fan boats skidded across the swamp and the guide explained details of the food chain, as in the adult racoons eat the baby alligators and the adult reptiles eat the racoons. As you may know, Murray chewed this one up in the chapter called, “The Big Ones Eat the Little Ones.” Thank you, Murray!


Now a confession. When Ralph is reading the letters from Uncle Art, it may be pure plagiarism. Is it stealing if I wrote in a different format? I hope not. A couple of these came from my previous weekly column in Silicon Valley, The Uncle Art of Investing. I’m not surprised these short, whacky pieces made it into the book. But I am surprised they made it into the newspaper in the first place.


There is a grain of truth in most of the vignettes in the book, even though the dog and cat mix things up a bit. That is, except for Zeke, down by the creek. I created Zeke so he could wind through some stories and places that the dog, cat, and the kids couldn’t go. In the end this is my memoir, even though I recruited Ralph and Murray to do the heavy lifting, so the last chapter finishes on a nostalgic note, which makes me feel just fine.


Interview With Author Rick Glaze

On writing:


How did you do research for your book?

I did research during the pandemic by inviting my friend Buddy to reminisce about those times and our adventures when we were ten years old. Also, I took the short drive from Nashville to my hometown, where the book is set. I drove around and walked around the neighborhoods. I stopped frequently in front of my childhood home and studied the whole place letting my imagination run free.


In your book you make a reference to Zeke, the neighborhood character. How did you come up with this idea?

We were small-town kids and didn’t know much about the outside world. Zeke purported to have traveled the world and didn’t mind telling stories about exciting places and things he’d done…even if he made up most of them. His stories opened their world up to many possibilities.


Where do you get inspiration for your stories?

I listen a lot looking for twists and turns in people’s lives that might make a story. I also try to frequently read both fiction and non-fiction. I generally latch onto a big story idea and then watch and open up to elements that fit. For example, with Ralph & Murray, I toured the Everglades while writing it, and came back with a really fun twist on “who eats alligators for lunch.”


There are many books out there that are memoirs or about dogs. What makes yours different?

This book is a memoir about my growing up in a small southern town in the late 1950’s, but the narrator is two-feet high and walks on all fours. How could you not be Laugh-Out-Loud funny with that?


What advice would you give budding writers?

ABCD. Apply butt to chair daily. Okay…and get some training so you have a baseline to work from.


Your book is set in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Have you ever been there?

I was born there.


Do you have another profession besides writing?

I retired from a business career.


How long have you been writing?

I started writing a weekly business column for a local newspaper in California around 1995, but didn’t try fiction until I was in classes at Stanford University in 2006.


Do you ever get writer’s block? What helps you overcome it?

Writer’s block is just losing focus. I try to turn the anxiety and frustrations of the moment into great scenes or dialogue. I stand back and embrace the feelings, and learn not to let these emotions slip away unused. I try to not think about myself too much.


What is your next project?

We are editing Book two in the Pieces of Eight series called Eight Pieces of Eight. A new dog and cat book is on the drawing board called Ralph & Murray: The Parrot, the Poison, and the Ghost.


What is a favorite compliment you have received on your writing?

One reader said, “I had to leave the room, I was laughing so hard.”


If your book were made into a movie, what songs would be on the soundtrack?

I expect that I’ll write them.


Which authors inspired you to write?

My favorite writer is Jack London.


Where do you write?

I write in my home office.


Do you write every day?

When in the middle of a manuscript, I try to write 5 or 6 days a week for a few hours.


Fun stuff:


If there is one thing you want readers to remember about you, what would it be?

He is really good looking and he’s nice to dogs. But seriously, I like to paint word pictures for the reader. I like my characters to show their feelings and be relatable to readers. I want readers to be intrigued by the story and the plot.


What is something you’ve learned about yourself during the pandemic?

It’s okay to be alone!!


What is your theme song? 

I wrote a song called, “Nickel Beer.” It’s on Spotify, iTunes, and you’ll be glad you listened to it.


What song is currently playing on a loop in your head? 

I wrote a song for Ralph to sing about the mom of the house called “Looking After Me.” The recording is almost finished, but I haven’t released it, and it’s rolling around my head.


What is your go-to breakfast item?

I usually have Greek Yogurt, blueberries, granola and bacon on the side.


Tell us about your longest friendship.

My longest friendship is made clear in the pages of Ralph & Murray. He’s Buddy in the book.


Who was your childhood celebrity crush?

I wanted to be Elvis.


About Author Rick Glaze:


Rick Glaze published the kayaking adventure, The Purple River in 2021, Spanish Pieces of Eight, a sailing adventure/mystery, and Jackass: Short Story Collection in 2022. He was a Columnist at San Francisco’s Nob Hill Gazette, attended the Stanford University Creative Writing Program, and is a graduate of Peabody College, Vanderbilt University, and MTSU.

He is an award-winning songwriter with two CDs, a Pandora radio station, credits on Country Music Television (CMT), BBC Radio, as well as radio airplay. Rick has rafted the Grand Canyon, the Salmon and Rogue Rivers as well as sailed throughout the Caribbean Sea.


Author Links: Website / Facebook / Twitter/X / Instagram

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Purchase Links: Amazon / Goodreads


“”Rick Glaze does an amazing job of sharing what life was like in the 50s and 60s through the perspective of a dog and it makes for a hilarious and unique book.”

Red Headed Book Lover Blog


Ralph & Murray is a delightful journey into nostalgia that will resonate with readers of all ages, making it a perfect shared experience for the entire family.”

Going Dad Blog


“A funny, smartly observant, and philosophical animal tale; a heartwarming read.”

Kirkus Reviews (starred review)




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July means Shark Week and have I got something fun to share with you.

The Nat Geo Kids Sharkfest 5 Book Bundle Giveaway.

Dive into this post and don’t forget to enter!

Welcome To The Nat Geo Kids Sharkfest 5 Book Bundle Giveaway!
1 Winner ($66 TRV!)

This giveaway is part of our SMGN 2024 Back To School Gift Guide – Stop by to see all the giveaways and great products!

Co-hosts for this giveaway are
Pink Ninja Blog, Beautiful Touches, Golden Goose Giveaways, Gifts for all seasons, Home Jobs by Mom, Marksvilleandme, My Silly Little Gang, The Stuff of Success, & Versatileer

Below is a list of all the bloggers involved in the gift guide.

A Rain of Thought, Beautiful Touches, Contest Corner, Deliciously Savvy, Freebies Deals & Steals, Giveaway Gator, Golden Goose Giveaways, Home Jobs by Mom, Honey Can Do It, MarksvilleandMe, My Silly Little Gang, Pink Ninja Blog, Sweeps Madness, The Stuff of Success, This Frugal Grandmom, This Frugal Family, Versatileer


This Giveaway’s Sponsor Is:

1 Lucky Winner Will Win A 5 Pack Bundle Of Nat Geo Kids Shark Books With A TRV Of $66!

Check Out The Books Included In This Must Have Collection Of Shark Books From Nat Geo Kids!

1) 1,000 Facts About Sharks

Dive into 1,000 sensational facts about these fierce and fascinating predators, from great whites to whale sharks, reef sharks, goblin sharks, and more!

From the bizarre frilled shark to the wide-headed hammerhead, discover all you have ever wanted to know about sharks! Each page of this book is brimming with bite-sized facts, incredible shark stats, and unbelievable photos of sharks in the wild. Inside, you’ll glimpse fossils of prehistoric sharks, learn exactly how many pointy teeth are in this apex predator’s mouth, and meet awesome shark relatives, like stingrays. You’ll also learn about new technologies inspired by sharks and find out what conservations are doing to help protect this misunderstood fish.

With a fun-fact format that makes learning feel like a breeze, and expert-vetted, up-to-date shark info—plus backmatter about shark anatomy, genealogy, and more—this book is your go-to reference for shark enthusiasts young and old. Plus, hundreds of thrilling photographs bring the facts to life in this dazzling dive into the watery world of these incredible creatures.

2) National Geographic Kids 5-Minute Shark Stories

Dive into amazing true tales about baby sharks, surprising shark friendships, daring shark rescues, swimming with sharks, and more about these fierce and fascinating fish.

These 12 fin-tastic true tales about sharks are all the ideal length to be read aloud in five minutes, making them perfect for bedtime, story time, or any time.

Kids come face-to-face with great white sharks, hammerhead sharks, whale sharks, and more as each 5-minute story takes them into the wild world of these incredible creatures. Join National Geographic underwater photographer Brian Skerry as he meets sharks with surprising personalities, and learn all about the king of the sea—the great white shark! Illustrated with colorful photographs of one of the planet’s top predators, these awe-inspiring true stories are perfect for any time you’re ready for a jaw-some reading adventure. Shark-crazy kids and other animal lovers will want to dip into this collection of true stories again and again!

3) The Ultimate Book of Sharks

Dive into the wild world of sharks! Get up close to learn the truth behind these fantastic, ferocious fish with famed National Geographic photographer and explorer Brian Skerry.

Join this amazing underwater adventure to track the sharks of the world, from the teeniest dogfish to the everfeared great white. This ultimate book features every species of shark on the planet, with awesome photos, fascinating facts, the latest science, and firsthand stories of real-life encounters with these incredible creatures. Learn how sharks live, how they eat, the challenges they face, and whether or not you are actually on the menu.

4) Weird But True Sharks

Whale sharks have tiny teeth covering their eyeballs! It’s Weird But True! And this fin-tastic, photo- and fact-packed book in the best-selling series is the most jaw-some yet!

Sink your chompers into these wild facts:

*Great white sharks can detect a single drop of blood in the water from one-third of a mile away.

*Fossilized dino poop has been found with ancient shark bites in it.

*Ninja lantern sharks glow in the dark.

They’re all weird, and they’re all true. And there’s A LOT more where that came from!

From bizarre creatures in the ocean today to gigantic prehistoric sharks and even some pop culture shark weirdness, this portable, browsable, supercool book is full of incredible facts, amazing photos, and fun illustrations about everything sharks.

5) National Geographic Kids Sharks Sticker Activity Book: Over 1,000 Stickers!

Rule the ocean in this shark-tastic sticker and activity book from National Geographic Kids! This super engaging activity book is packed with mazes, spelling and pattern games, drawing activities, shark facts, and more. Shark-crazy kids are sure to love these pages loaded with fun, learning as they go!



Click Below To Enter & Good Luck!

This giveaway/sweepstakes is in no way endorsed, affiliated, or associated with Facebook, Twitter or any other Social Media Networking Site. This Giveaway is valid to continental United States residents only, Entrants must be 18+ years of age to enter. This giveaway event will end at 11:59 PM (EST) 08/05/2024. The winner will have 48 hours to email their information back to mcushing7 at hotmail dot com and pinkninjablog at hotmail dot com or a new winner will be drawn, you may want to put these email addresses as safe as it could go to spam. The giveaway is not valid where prohibited! By entering you are authorizing us to collect the information on the form below, this information is used only to contact the winner! No purchase necessary, Void were prohibited by law, and the number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Winners are chosen randomly by the Giveaway Tools program. The sponsors are each responsible for shipping of the above prizes. No blog associated with this contest are responsible for prize fulfillment. If you would like to be a sponsor in a giveaway like this please email Melissa Cushing at mcushing7 (at)hotmail (dot) com. If you take an entry you must stay following for the entire contest or you will be disqualified.

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It’s July and you know what that means? Yep, Shark Week is back. A week of all things big teeth!

What better way to celebrate than the SHARKFEST GIVEAWAY. Numerous generous hosts are offering

five children’s books all about sharks. Check out the books and enter to win!


Welcome to the SHARKFEST Five-Book Giveaway! 

Hosted by MarksvilleandMe

Co-hosted by Reviews by Dennis

This giveaway is part of our 2024 Back To School Gift Guide – Stop by to see all the giveaways and great products.

One winner will receive this 5 Book Collection from National Geographic Kids with an ARV of 65.95.



1,000 Facts About Sharks

Discover 1,000 sensational facts about these fierce and fascinating predators, from great whites to whale sharks, reef sharks, goblin sharks, and more! Each page of this book is brimming with bite-sized facts, incredible shark stats, and unbelievable photos of sharks in the wild. Inside, you’ll glimpse fossils of prehistoric sharks, learn exactly how many pointy teeth are in this apex predator’s mouth, and meet awesome shark relatives, like stingrays. With a fun-fact format that makes learning feel like a breeze, and expert-vetted, up-to-date shark info—plus backmatter about shark anatomy, genealogy, and more—this book is your go-to reference for shark enthusiasts young and old. 


5-Minute Shark Stories

Dive into amazing true tales about baby sharks, surprising shark friendships, daring shark rescues, swimming with sharks, and more about these fierce and fascinating fish. These 12 fin-tastic true tales about sharks are all the ideal length to be read aloud in five minutes, making them perfect for bedtime, story time, or any time. Illustrated with colorful photographs of one of the planet’s top predators, these awe-inspiring true stories are perfect for a jaw-some reading adventure. Shark-crazy kids and other animal lovers will want to repeatedly dip into this collection of true stories!


The Ultimate Book of Sharks

Get up close to learn the truth behind these fantastic, ferocious fish with famed National Geographic photographer and explorer Brian Skerry. Join this amazing underwater adventure to track the sharks of the world, from the teeniest dogfish to the ever-feared great white. This ultimate book features every species of shark on the planet, with awesome photos, fascinating facts, the latest science, and firsthand stories of real-life encounters with these incredible creatures. Learn how sharks live, how they eat, the challenges they face, and whether or not you are actually on the menu. 


Weird But True Sharks

From bizarre creatures in the ocean today to gigantic prehistoric sharks and even some pop culture shark weirdness, this portable, browsable, supercool book is full of incredible facts, amazing photos, and fun illustrations about everything sharks. It’s the perfect book for shark superfans, trivia buffs, reluctant readers, and animal-loving kids of all kinds.


Sharks Sticker Activity Book

Rule the ocean in this shark-tastic sticker and activity book from National Geographic Kids! This super engaging activity book is packed with mazes, spelling and pattern games, drawing activities, shark facts, and more. Shark-crazy kids are sure to love these pages loaded with fun, learning as they go!
Open To US entrants and must be 18+ to enter
Giveaway Dates ~ 7/7 12:00 AM EST through 7/31 12:00 AM EST
MarksvilleandMe would like to wish all those who enter
Good Luck!
Disclosure: This giveaway/sweepstakes is not endorsed, affiliated, or associated with Facebook, Twitter, or any other Social Media Networking Site. This Giveaway is valid to continental United States residents only, Entrants must be 18+ years of age to enter. This giveaway event will end at 12:00 AM (EST) 7/31/24. The winner will have 48 hours to email their information back to or a new winner will be drawn, you may want to put this email address as safe as it could go to spam. The giveaway is not valid where prohibited! By entering you are authorizing us to collect the information on the form below, this information is used only to contact the winner! No purchase is necessary, Void where prohibited by law, and the number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Winners are chosen randomly by the RaffleCopter Tools program. The sponsors are each responsible for shipping the above prizes. No blog associated with this contest is responsible for prize fulfillment. If you would like to be a sponsor in a giveaway like this please email Pamela Marks at If you take an entry you must stay following for the entire contest or you will be disqualified.



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Have I got an awesome giveaway to share today! The hosts have come together to offer all six books in the Cookie Chronicles series.

Be sure to check out the fun children’s books and then enter the giveaway!


Welcome To The Complete ‘Cookie Chronicles‘ Books 1 – 6 Giveaway!

1 Winner

This giveaway is part of our SMGN 2024 Back To School Gift Guide – Stop by to see all the giveaways and great products!



Co-hosts for this giveaway are

Pink Ninja Blog, Beautiful Touches, Golden Goose Giveaways, Gifts for all seasons, Home Jobs by Mom, Marksvilleandme, My Silly Little Gang, The Stuff of Success, & Versatileer

Below is a list of all the bloggers involved in the gift guide.

A Rain of Thought, Beautiful Touches, Contest Corner, Deliciously Savvy, Freebies Deals & Steals, Giveaway Gator, Golden Goose Giveaways, Home Jobs by Mom, Honey Can Do It, MarksvilleandMe, My Silly Little Gang, Pink Ninja Blog, Sweeps Madness, The Stuff of Success, This Frugal Grandmom, This Frugal Family, Versatileer



This Giveaway’s Sponsors Are:

Matthew Swanson & Robbi Behr


Giveaway details:

*1 winner will receive Cookie Chronicles 1-6 (Ben Yokoyama and… the Cookie of Doom, the Cookie of Endless Waiting, the Cookie of Perfection, the Cookie Thief, the Cookies of Chaos, and the Cookie War)

That is right……1 Lucky Winner Will Win The Complete ‘Cookie Chronicles’ Series (Books 1 – 6)! Book 6 Releases August 6th!

From the husband-and-wife, author-and-illustrator duo that brought you Ben Yokoyama and the Cookie of Doom comes a tale about keeping your friends close—even when they start to look like enemies


Cookie Chronicles #6

By Matthew Swanson and illustrated by Robbi Behr

In the latest installment in the highly-acclaimed Cookie Chronicles series, BEN YOKOYAMA AND THE COOKIE WAR (Knopf Books for Young Readers | On sale August 6, 2024 | Ages 8-12), two best friends are pushed to the breaking point when a class election gets out of hand. Rivalry and ridiculousness abound in this delicious, delightfully-illustrated adventure for readers who love Wimpy Kid and Dog Man.

It’s the start of a new school year at Honeycutt Elementary and that means one thing: student council elections! Best friends, Ben and Janet are determined not to let mean girl Amy Lou Bonnerman win for the fourth year in a row, but when they both decide to run against her, they become rivals!

At first, it’s all funny posters, free candy, and pie-in-the-sky ideas for how to make the school a better place. But before long, the campaign turns sour—with mean rumors, dirty tricks, hurt feelings, and even sabotage! Ben and Janet’s legendary friendship is put to the test. To make things right, they must expose a conspiracy, swallow hard truths, and remember what’s most important—their friendship.

The Cookie Chronicles series has been hailed by Lemony Snicket (New York Times bestselling author of A Series of Unfortunate Events) as “marvelous… If I could, I would eat it.” In each installment, literal-minded Ben Yokoyama gets a new fortune cookie fortune, which he takes far too seriously—prompting humorous misunderstandings, ill-fated adventures, and a deeper understanding of language and life. The series is funny, heartfelt, and loaded with illustrations that will delight confident readers while drawing in reluctant ones, and stars a half-Japanese young boy whose mixed race family is drawn from the illustrator Robbi Behr’s own experience growing up Asian American.

COOKIE WAR is a great way to engage kids with politics in an accessible way. Timely for the US presidential election this fall, the book promotes the idea that politics should be about:

1) sharing your ideas for a better world and letting people decide if they like them

2) saying nice things about yourself instead of bad things about others

3) the idea that people should be able to have differing viewpoints but still respect each other (and get along)

About the creators:

MATTHEW SWANSON and ROBBI BEHR are the husband/wife, author/illustrator team behind the Cookie Chronicles, The Real McCoys, Babies Ruin Everything, and Everywhere, Wonder (Imprint Books). Until recently, they also ran two small presses: Bobbledy Books and Idiots’ Books. These days, they spend most of their time making books and raising four kids in the hayloft of an old barn in Chestertown, Maryland. They spend the rest of their time speaking, teaching, and leading workshops on collaboration and creative entrepreneurship—and the rest of the rest of their time running a commercial salmon-fishing operation on the Alaskan tundra. Visit them online at, and follow them on Instagram at @robbi.and.matthew and on Facebook at @robbiandmatthew.

Praise for the Cookie Chronicles:

“Our time on Earth is limited. Cookies are delicious. These are two of life’s most important truths, and this marvelous book contains both of them. If I could, I would eat it.”
—Lemony Snicket, New York Times bestselling author of A Series of Unfortunate Events
This highly illustrated novel will have middle grade readers laughing out loud. The comic-style illustrations take a central place in this novel, as they not only tell part of the story, but also infuse humor into almost every page. Careful layouts keep the plot moving at a quick pace. Among the high jinks are some tender moments as well, including important lessons imparted by teachers, neighbors, and friends…

VERDICT This series will be a huge hit for readers of “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” and “Big Nate.” A great addition to all middle grade collections.”

School Library Journal, Ben Yokoyama and the Cookie of Perfection (CC #3)
“This fast-paced book is filled with hilarious happenings as Ben gets himself in—and out of—trouble… Joyfully silly illustrations add to the hilarity and action. Like the well-placed speech bubbles, the illustrations and text intersect to create a visually captivating story… Full of laughs and excitement.”
Kirkus, Ben Yokoyama and the Cookie of Doom (CC #1)
“Hugely heartfelt, very funny, and delightfully illustrated, Ben Yokoyama and the Cookie of Doom is sure to be deeply loved by young readers.”
—Jasmine Warga, Newbery Honor author of Other Words For Home
A great blend of witty text and dynamic illustrations. My family can’t get enough of Ben Yokoyama!”
—Minh Lê, New York Times bestselling author of Drawn Together
“Ben Yokoyama is the sort of character—and these are the sorts of stories—that kids will find impossible to resist.”
—Lincoln Peirce, New York Times bestselling author of the Big Nate series
“WARNING: This book will make you crave noodles. And cake. And more Ben Yokoyama books, because they’re amazing!”
—Susan Tan, author of the Cilla Lee Jenkins series



Click Below To Enter & Good Luck!

This giveaway/sweepstakes is in no way endorsed, affiliated, or associated with Facebook, Twitter or any other Social Media Networking Site. This Giveaway is valid to continental United States residents only, Entrants must be 18+ years of age to enter. This giveaway event will end at 11:59 PM (EST) 07/30/2024. The winner will have 48 hours to email their information back to mcushing7 at hotmail dot com and pinkninjablog at hotmail dot com or a new winner will be drawn, you may want to put these email addresses as safe as it could go to spam. The giveaway is not valid where prohibited! By entering you are authorizing us to collect the information on the form below, this information is used only to contact the winner! No purchase necessary, Void were prohibited by law, and the number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Winners are chosen randomly by the Giveaway Tools program. The sponsors are each responsible for shipping of the above prizes. No blog associated with this contest are responsible for prize fulfillment. If you would like to be a sponsor in a giveaway like this please email Melissa Cushing at mcushing7 (at)hotmail (dot) com. If you take an entry you must stay following for the entire contest or you will be disqualified.

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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Playtime Clothes organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Kim MacLean will award a randomly drawn winner a $15 Amazon or B&N gift card. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Playtime Clothes

by Kim MacLean



Genre: Children’s Book


The young boy’s room is an undeniable mess. Did he actually clean his room, as he is telling his mom? Or do his clothes come to life and play?! They are, after all, playtime clothes. Is he learning a lesson to tell the truth and be accountable, as we all do in life? Or is it a world of make believe? It is for you to enjoy while you decide.

Enjoy this peek inside:



About Author Kim MacLean:

Kim MacLean was inspired to be creative while she and her little girls made their own fun inside their home on long, cold winter days. Her girls sat for hours painting and gluing crafts into works of art on paper. Oh, the rows and rows of finished masterpieces drying on the floor while Kim sat and wrote! And there were the hundreds of books that they read and enjoyed together that further inspired creativity and an adult love of children’s books!

Tia Bates is an artist, illustrator, and storyteller from London, Ontario. She is inspired by the beautiful illustrations she grew up looking at in children’s books just like Playtime Clothes, the first children’s book she has illustrated! Currently pursuing a master’s degree in fine art, Tia’s personal artwork is all about the stories we tell.

Purchase Links: Amazon / B&N / Book Depository


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a Rafflecopter giveaway


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Let’s Hide From Mom organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Parimalasri Doktor will award a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Let’s Hide From Mom

by Parimalasri Doktor



Genre: Children’s Fiction


Let’s Hide From Mom is a true story of Radha having difficulty going to sleep. Every night she finds different places to hide since she does not want to go to bed. Krishna tries to go along with her game but ends up going to sleep in some corner. Mom tries her best to calm Radha down every day by giving her a treat: a small piece of cucumber. Radha learns that when lights are turned out, she must wind down and try to go to sleep. She also learnt that she must learn to fall asleep on her own and that Krishna cannot always play with her, since he goes to sleep early. Radha is still trying to find her comfort zone. She is very active and loves to play. Just like us humans, pets also have sleeping issues or sleeping disorders that we are not aware of, until we tune ourselves to their senses.



I never wanted to go to bed when I was a youngster. To be honest, I still don’t. I’m a night owl at heart. That said, I found this children’s story about avoiding bedtime to be such a delight.

The author using tortoises as her main character’s was a great idea. The illustrations of Radha and Krishna‘s scrambling to find the best hiding spots to avoid going to bed were fun and brought back some precious childhood memories of my own.

The author also included a couple of fun games at the end of the book, along with photos of the real, Radha and Krishna.

A lighthearted tale that’s sure to capture a young reader’s attention. And perhaps give them some great hiding spots!




Enjoy this peek inside:


About Author Parimalasri Doktor:


Parimalasri Docktor, the author of Where is he? Tank the Tortoise, Tortoise Goes to the Vet, and Let’s Hide From Mom, was featured in CBS-3 News coverage in Philadelphia. She has had the opportunity of book-signing events in and around the Philadelphia region. She has sold her books internationally as well. This book, Let’s Hide From Mom, is a sequel to her second book, Tortoise Goes to the Vet.

Being called the “tortoise whisperer,” the author enjoys her interactions with her pet tortoises. Having four tortoises helps the author to be more creative and encourages her in writing and illustrating her own books. The author self-taught digital art, and this is her second book that is fully illustrated by her.

Author Links: Website / Facebook / Instagram / Goodreads


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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Two Polar Bears organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Crystal Beach will award a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Two Polar Bears

by Crystal Beach



Genre: Children’s Picture Book


What could possibly be better than One Polar Bear? Two Polar Bears! Join this charming polar bear couple as they try to have a peaceful soak in the tub only to be interrupted by four very dirty cubs! This delightful rhyming story chronicles a lovable polar bear family as they go through their nightly bedtime routine. Celebrating individuals with a variety of abilities and disabilities, readers are introduced to early learning skills such as bedtime routines and grooming. With fun and humour, this book also helps children establish healthy sleep habits. Two Polar Bears is an entertaining story and a beautiful addition to your child’s own bedtime routine.

If you can be anything, be inclusive.



I loved Crystal’s first book, One Polar Bear. It was precious. I knew I had to read Two Polar Bears. And it was every bit as fun and adorable.

I remember the routines of bedtime when I was a young girl. I never wanted to go to bed and found creative ways to postpone it and my mom was patient with me.  Couldn’t have been easy as she had six kids to get to bed.

I just know children will love the colorful, cute illustrations as much as I did. And they’ll be having so much fun with the rhyming context, searching for items and learning how to say goodnight in different languages.  What a fun way to teach and learn.



Enjoy this peek inside:




Click on the cover below for my review of the first book, One Polar Bear.



About Author Crystal Beach:

Crystal Beach is an adoptive mother and caregiver of two adoptive children who have complex medical needs and disabilities. Her children are often represented in her work as strong, caring individuals with special gifts and powers. Her writing projects are intended to ensure financial support for her children’s future.

Crystal has a B.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Her focus is in children’s literature, publishing, and journalism. She has had many careers including ten years as a MedA with the Canadian Naval Reserve, advertising with a daily newspaper, communications and marketing, training as an EMT, and continued studies in developmental psychology.

She and her family live in Regina, Saskatchewan in a simple little house with two giant support dogs.


Author Links: Website / Facebook

Purchase Link: Amazon


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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for I Think It Might Rain organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Rick Marchand will award a $15 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

I Think It Might Rain

by Rick Marchand



Genre: Children’s Fiction


Meet Bartholomew, a curious, kind and sweet third grader. One day, Bartholomew wakes up and is convinced he sees a black cloud forming in the clear blue sky. “I think it might rain,” he proclaims. But what happens when his family, friends, and classmates don’t believe him? Will he be able to stand up to the bullies who call him names? Will he hold firm in his beliefs?


Enjoy this peek inside:

As the sun beamed brightly through his bedroom window, Bartholomew pulled on his tee shirt – the one with his favourite Pokémon design. As his head popped out, he noticed a small black spot far in the distance. That doesn’t look good, he thought.

Grabbing quickly for his telescope, he pointed, focused the lens, and peered out through its long-extended tube to see just what the small black spot might be.

 His imagination scaring him a little, he thought out loud: “Could be an assault helicopter? Maybe even a stealth bomber? Are we being attacked by aliens?”

Bartholomew raised the telescope. Refocusing the lens, he decided to have another look. What if it’s just one of those huge hot air balloons?

Straightening back up, scratching his head, a puzzled look now on his face, he thought, No way; I’ve never seen one of those around here.

Taking one last look, squinting as he focused out towards the black dot, “I GOT IT!!” he yelled out, loud and proud. “That’s a storm cloud and it’s heading our way. I think it might rain!!!”


About Author Rick Marchand

Richard Marchand and Nicole Herbut are a father/daughter, grandfather/mother, author/illustrator team creating picture books for young boys and girls. Their stories centre on a young boy named Bartholomew and his family and friends. They are designed to convey a simple yet meaningful message that can help young children learn from and grow with. Rick’s stories were developed with his own daughters who at a very young age wanted him to “read a story from his mouth” and not a book.


PURCHASE LINKS: AmazonIndigo / B&N / Booktopia / Walmart


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Join Bartholomew’s journey of belief and courage! Enter to win a e-copy of ‘I Think It Might Rain’—a heartwarming tale of kindness overcoming doubt.



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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.