Archive for the ‘Contemporary Romance’ Category


One summer. Three separate love stories. And summer doesn’t last forever.



Summer Stay


Montana Beach Book 1


by D. Allen


Genre: Sweet Contemporary Romance


Jessie moved back to picturesque Montana Beach after a heartbreaking split with her ex. She’s since thrown herself into her grandparent’s inn, which has been struggling financially thanks to the town having seen better days. With few options available, Jessie considers accepting a developer’s offer to buy Montana Manor, seeing it as a way to save her family’s legacy, until she learns that he wants to tear it down.

Meanwhile, Mason’s tired of working at his father’s advertising firm in New York City, although his father wants him to become his replacement. Unsure if that’s the course he wants his life to take, Mason escapes to Montana Beach and the only inn in town to consider the proposal. But after he meets Jessie, he seems to gain only another reason not to take up his father’s offer.

When Mason offers to help Jessie launch a campaign to save Montana Manor, the two quickly find themselves relying more and more on each other. But summer doesn’t last forever, and Mason’s stay is coming to an end.




The best part of waking up at five in the morning is getting out on the beach for my run before the other joggers, walkers, or scavengers get out here and get in my way. Often times I don’t even play music, preferring instead to listen to the waves crash along the shore. It helps me relax and prepare for the day ahead of me. The only thing on my mind is the sand under my feet and my breathing as I run my usual two-mile stretch.

It’s not an easy run, that’s for sure. The traction I get in the sand is quite different from what I used to get on the treadmill when I lived in the city. But the extra exertion is what I need to make this precious time count. There aren’t any gyms in Montana Beach. There isn’t much of anything, really.

When I reach the end of the beach where it starts to get marshy, I see that the sun is sitting just on the horizon over the Atlantic Ocean. As I turn around to head back to Montana Manor, my long shadow stretches inland, interrupted only when I pass under the pier.

Grandma Ethel is sitting on the back patio with a cup of coffee watching the sunrise as I come up. I’m sweaty but energized.

“Enjoy your run, Jessie Girl?” she asks.

I nod. “The sunrise is really beautiful today.”

She smiles. “It always is.”

Knowing that I’m short on time, I tell Grandma, “I’ll be back down soon to help you with breakfast. Just going to run up and take a shower real quick.”

“Take your time, dear. I’m content right here.”

Racing up the steps to the attic apartment I share with her, I head straight for the bathroom and hop in the shower.

This is the same routine I do every day. Up with the sun, run on the beach, quick shower, and then start breakfast for the guests. It’s the same routine I’ve had for most of my life. My grandparents built Montana Manor when they first got married and have been running the small inn ever since.

It’s the only place for overnight accommodations in town since the Montana Motel closed down several years ago. Well, it’s the only one if you don’t count the many rental houses that sit throughout the small village now that a lot of the permanent residents have moved away.

Like Montana Beach, the Manor isn’t perfect. It could use a new roof, updated fixtures, and I’m sure the wiring isn’t up to code. But it’s home.

Braiding my wet hair, I make my way back down to the kitchen where Grandma is already frying up some eggs. I grab a pan, throw some bacon on it, and fire up the burner next to her.

“How many do we have this morning?” I ask.

“Only the Harmons. Janet said they’re early-risers, so I expect them to come down anytime now.”

“How long are they staying?”

“Until tomorrow night, although they still have to pay the rest of their bill. They mentioned something about paying today, but I told them they can wait until they check out, too.”

“Okay.” I wish Grandma wouldn’t tell people that. They’re our only guests and it’s the middle of June, which should be the start of our busy season, but we haven’t seen an uptick in guests yet. When I was a little girl the Manor used to be filled with guests from May into October. Now we’re lucky if we can fill up in July.

Grandma reaches around me to grab two plates and flips the eggs onto each of them with a spatula. “Now, if they do pay today, I want you to run to the bank to deposit some of it. The rest will have to go toward groceries.”

“Did we get another reservation?” I toss the bacon onto a plate and dab away as much of the grease as I can with a paper towel.

“One couple, yes. They’re arriving tomorrow. I think they may be honeymooners.”

“What makes you say that?” I ask.

Grandma picks the bacon from the paper towel and arranges it on the plate while I pop some bread in the toaster.

“Their reservation came through as the Newmans, but her credit card was under a different last name.”

“Then they probably are.”

There isn’t a lot to do in Montana Beach, but we still get a lot of honeymooners. I guess the quiet beach town is a lure to many newlyweds. Still, most of the guests we used to get are now more interested in the many activities up on North Beach, which is highly-commercialized nowadays.

The toaster pops and we hear footsteps on the stairs.

“I’ll get them started with drinks,” Grandma tells me. She pulls a pitcher and a Tupperware of fruit out of the fridge and sets it on a tray with two glasses. “Can you cut this up, please?”

“I’m on it.”

“Thank you, dear.”

When she disappears into the dining room to greet them, I pop open the Tupperware and start cutting the fresh pineapple and cantaloupe into cubes.

“They want to eat out on the patio,” Grandma tells me when she comes back in. She sets the plates on the now-empty tray.

“I can’t blame them.”

“Neither can I. Now hurry up with that fruit, dear, their food is getting cold.”



Summer Job


Montana Beach Book 2


When Robyn was promoted to manager of the Montana Beach Pier amusement park, she helped save it from near extinction. But her employees are still having a hard time adjusting to her new leadership role. With her father gone and only a few friends in Montana Beach, the stress at work carries over to the rest of her life. That is, until her newest employee steps through the door.

Jaden’s just looking for a summer job until he can find something more stable in the fall. Montana Beach might be a slower pace than his hometown, but his new boss and the romance that sparks between them makes the sleepy little town exciting.

When a coworker discovers their relationship, he threatens to reveal their secret, which could put their jobs and the future of the Pier at risk.




My alarm wakes me at six in the morning. It’s the first day of work this season at the Montana Beach Pier amusement park. Or just the Pier, as everyone calls it. I don’t have to be at work for another five hours, but I want to squeeze in some painting time before the day gets started.

With my eyes slits from the cruel bathroom light, I brush my teeth before hopping in the shower, readjusting to my familiar routine from last summer.

I wish I could say I’m excited about starting the season again. I mean, I guess I am, but that’s more to see the families stroll through the gates again. The kids are always so excited and they usually don’t know which ride to try first. And then, by the afternoon, they’re so hyped up on sugar and their parents are so drained from the sun that it makes for hilarious entertainment, even though I’m technically working.

But the door won’t open to guests for another week. In the meantime, my employees and I have to get everything up to snuff for opening day. Which means they’ll be cleaning up the rides after the maintenance guys check to make sure they’re running okay and I’ll be stuck in the office doing paperwork and getting our marketing materials together.

I step out of the shower, wrap a towel around myself, and walk into the second bedroom I use as part walk-in closet, part art studio. I don’t have too many clothes, but I do have more than the tiny closet in my bedroom would allow. Still, there’s enough space for my art supplies too. And all the paintings that are waiting to be sold. The perks of living alone, I guess. Anyway, I’m going to miss spending all day to paint the landscapes from around town, but I’ll squeeze in time to keep painting when I can.

As I pick out clothes to wear, I try to remember everything I have to do when I go in today. I made a couple trips to the Pier office last week to start getting some paperwork started. I also hired two new people: a cleaner and a concession person, bringing our total number of employees up to fifteen. Including me. Not a lot, but it works.

Actually, I have another interview today. If he seems sane enough, I think I’ll make him a ride operator. Out of the two other new employees, one is barely old enough to work, meaning I don’t feel comfortable putting him in charge of a ride for kids under ten, and the other doesn’t seem to even want a job, so I stuck her as a cleaner.

It seems mean, but that position is the easiest to make up for if we lose someone midseason. The guy I’m interviewing today might even spend half his shifts cleaning. We don’t have the budget to hire too many designated cleaners, so everyone has to chip in.

Once I’m showered and dressed, I return to the spare bedroom and really look at my work in progress. It’s starting to come together. I squeeze out some paint, dab in a brush, and get to work.

Usually I like to paint in the midst of my inspiration. Plein air, as it’s called in the art world. It helps me really get in touch with my surroundings, but since I don’t have a lot of time now that I’m working, I have to make do with a photo hanging on the wall above the canvas.

I work for a couple hours, filling out the canvas with more colors, bringing to life the sunrise scene that fills me with so many happy memories. Before I know it, it’s just after ten and I rush to clean up my paints in the bathroom sink that’s stained with colors from previous paintings; a work in progress itself.

Once I’m all cleaned up, I grab my bag and my keys and walk down to Atlantic Street, where there’s a tiny little coffee shop on the corner with First Street.

“You’re here early,” Nancy says from behind the counter. “Your usual?”

“Yes, please,” I respond. “It’s my first day back at the Pier.”

“Is it that time of year already?” She fills a to-go cup with a dark roast blend.

“Sure is. Creeps up faster each year.”

“And passes by just as quickly!” She chuckles, passing me my order. “Here you go, dear.”

I take the cup from her and hand her my card. “Maybe next year we’ll be able to expand the season a bit, but I still need to whip my employees into shape. I’ve got a few new ones this year.”

“I’m sure you’ll be able to, honey. I’ll have to bring my granddaughters down if I have time this year.”

“Oh yeah! That would be fun!” I take my card back and slip it in my wallet. Slinging my bag back on my shoulder, I head to the door. “Thanks, Nancy. Have a good day!”

“You too, dear!”

My assistant manager, Peggy, is already in the office when I get to work. She’s never early, so I must be a few minutes late. She has her feet up on the desk and is filing her nails while she snaps her gum.

“Sorry I’m late,” I mutter. She probably doesn’t care.

“Oh, you actually came back this year.”

“I just knew it would make your day.” I boot up the computer and take a sip of my coffee.

“I see you still haven’t found a real job,” she says.

“And neither have you,” I say as polite as I can.

This is our relationship each summer. Verbally jabbing each other under the veil of a joke. I think she might want me to quit, but it’s not like the owners would make her manager. They live up in North Beach and own several attractions up there. This tiny little pier all the way down in Montana Beach isn’t on their radar too much, but they’re still funding our operations, so that’s good. I can imagine the attractions up north are making a lot more money than we are, though.

If they’re forced to hire a new manager for the Pier, it might be easier for them to just close it. That’s where it was heading before I started. I trimmed the budget, beefed up policies, and started advertising to the right audience. In the three years that I’ve had the position, the annual number of visitors has gone up by thirty percent.

Of course, in the process of turning this place around, I had to lay a few people off, argue with the  remaining employees about my new policies, and took on the reputation of bitch. Collateral damage for saving a small town business.



Summer Nights


Montana Beach Book 3


On the surface Adrian has it all: he’s the owner of the Nine—the only source of nightlife in Montana Beach—and he has his boyfriend Malcolm. The only problem is: Malcolm’s married. Although he promises to leave his wife, Adrian still wonders if he’ll always be “the other lover,” and whether that’s enough for him.

Tyler has watched his best friend pursue his relationship with a married man knowing that it won’t end well. He knows that he could treat Adrian better, but he’s never expressed his feelings to anyone, let alone Adrian.

After Adrian and Tyler share a special evening together, Tyler sees a future for them, but Adrian is still loyal to Malcolm.




It’s nearly four in the morning, but the digital clock on the nightstand has my full attention. I watch as the blinking light counts each passing second, wondering how long I’ll get to lay here with Malcolm before he gets the phone call.

I pray that it doesn’t come. Every night I pray, but his phone inevitably rings. Even though I’m still wrapped in his arms, I can’t help but think about him leaving.

I suck in a shuddering breath and close my eyes. Maybe tonight my prayers will be answered and we’ll wake up in the morning together. This is the latest he’s stayed in a while. Usually he’s out the door shortly after we finish, which makes it nearly impossible to get to sleep.

That’s the worst part about loving him. The loneliness that follows his exit. He always tries to move quietly, telling me to go back to sleep when I get up to walk him out, but it’s no use. I’m always left feeling empty. Alone. Sad.

I focus on his steady breaths, letting it soothe me so I can fall asleep, but the sudden burst of his ringtone makes me jump. Malcolm stirs. He pulls away from me and reaches for his phone on the opposite nightstand.

I know the drill. Stay silent and still. He’s never come right out and told me to, but it’s kind of obvious that he wants privacy since he leaves the room every time it’s a phone call.

“Hello?” He says once he’s at the door.

I close my eyes and pretend that the call never came. That he’s still lying beside me. But his voice carries from the living room and I know this is really happening.

“I was tired, so I pulled over to take a nap.”

I stare at the clock again, watching more seconds pass by.

“I’m about forty minutes out,” he says.

It’s quiet. My heart races in fear that I was heard somehow.

“No, just tired,” he finally says. “Like I just said. Go back to sleep. I’ll be home soon.”

I close my eyes and try to think of something else to ease the heartache. I know what’s coming.

“Love you, too.”

It’s like a physical pain in my chest.

Malcolm comes back in when he’s off the phone and shakes me gently. “Hey, I have to get going.”

“Yeah, I heard,” I mutter. I keep my eyes on the clock. 3:52. That has to be a record.

“I’m sorry, babe, but I have to keep up appearances.” He rubs my arm. “At least for a little while longer.”

“I know.”

He pauses, then asks, “Remember what I promised you?”

I don’t say anything. It almost seems like it’ll never happen at this point.

“Hey.” He nudges me until I roll over to look up at him. “Someday soon it’ll just be me and you. You’re the one I want to be with. I love you.”

Hearing him say it helps make me feel a little better. “I love you, too.”

He kisses my forehead and then disappears into the bathroom.

Despite my best efforts, I retreat to my negative thoughts. I love him and he says he loves me, but a part of me also thinks that if he truly loved me that this would be an easy choice for him.

I’m always wrestling with myself, wondering if I’m a bad person or just a man in love. I’m not the one deciding to betray a commitment. I’ve made my commitment. To him.

Malcolm’s the one who’s married.



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D. Allen is the author of small town romance, including the Montana Beach series and the Small Town Christmas series.


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Winter Wonderland Romance

by Shanna Hatfield


(Winter Wishes, #3)
Publication date: January 25th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Holiday, Romance

She never wanted to return to her hometown.
He needed an escape from his family.
When a chance meeting brings them together, will their attraction keep them from drifting apart?

Doctor Olivia Burton never intended to return to her hometown of Pinehill. After graduating high school, she set off on a new path, eager to leave her past behind. However, years later, an unexpected phone call from her mentor pulls her back to Pinehill to take over a thriving medical practice as the town’s primary physician. Determined to avoid the local gossip mill, Olivia attempts to keep a low profile as she settles back into the community.

Alex Adams is desperate for an escape from his well-meaning but suffocating family. After a life-altering explosion ended his military career, he finds himself plagued with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Surrounded by his loud and overbearing family only intensifies his struggles. Seeking respite, he retreats to his aunt’s mountain cabin in Pinehill, desperate for peace and quiet.

When a chance encounter brings Alex and Olivia together, the sparks begin to fly. Olivia, cautious and hesitant to let anyone into her guarded heart, begins to question if it’s time to leave her past behind and embrace the possibility of a winter wonderland romance. Alex, yearning for connection and understanding, finds himself drawn to Olivia’s warmth and kindness.

As they spend more time together, will Olivia and Alex discover that love, much like freshly fallen snow, has a way of blanketing everything in a layer of beauty?

Uncover the joys that come with new beginnings, the transformative power of love, and the magic that can be found in the simplest moments in this sweet, wholesome, and tender romance.

Goodreads / Amazon


Enjoy this peek inside:

When no one answered, she stepped inside and reached for the light switch she knew was on the wall.

“Alex? I’m not leaving until I make sure you’re okay, so you might as well answer me.”

She cocked an ear and heard water running. He wouldn’t try to drown himself, would he? Olivia tossed off her coat, set the ice cream and cookies on the counter in the kitchen, and was just headed down the hall to the master suite when a light flicked on and Alex stood there wearing nothing but a towel.

The wise thing for her to do would have been to spin around and give him his privacy. However, she was too worried about him and still too keyed up from what had happened to listen to the voice telling her to retreat.

She walked the rest of the way into the room, fisted her hands on her hips, and studied him from the top of his head where water droplets clung to the tips of his hair, down his stoic face, past that delectable cleft in his chin, and along the impressive muscles in his arms, chest, and abs. The physician in her categorized his scars, making note of several burn marks and one spot on his side that looked like a gunshot wound. She walked around him, convinced the corresponding wound on his back was the exit point.

What terrors had this man survived?

Her admiration for him climbed several notches. Alex was a survivor, whether he realized it or not.

“Hi,” she said softly, walking back around to face him. His nearly naked state left her feeling wave after wave of things better left alone, but despite how much it unsettled her, she wasn’t quite ready to return to the kitchen.


About Author Shanna Hatfield:

USA Today Bestselling Author Shanna Hatfield writes sweet romances rich with relatable characters, small town settings that feel like home, humor, and hope.

Her historical westerns have been described as “reminiscent of the era captured by Bonanza and The Virginian” while her contemporary works have been called “laugh-out-loud funny, and a little heart-pumping sexy without being explicit in any way.”

When this farm girl isn’t writing or indulging in rich, decadent chocolate, Shanna hangs out with her husband, lovingly known as Captain Cavedweller. She also experiments with recipes, snaps photos of her adorable nephew, and caters to the whims of a cranky cat named Drooley.

To learn more about Shanna or the books she writes, visit her website or find out more about her here:

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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Fashionista’s Playbook organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Candi Scott will award a randomly drawn winner a $50 Amazon Gift Card. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Fashionista’s Playbook

by Candi Scott



Genre: Steamy Contemporary Romance


The door to the New York fashion world shut firmly in her face, Moriah Stanhope’s only option seems to be to return to her small-town home as a failure. At least, she would go home in disgrace, but her car was just repossessed. In front of the hottest guy she’s ever seen.

Travis Madera is supposed to hire an assistant. One with qualifications and experience. Someone who won’t be starstruck by the fact he’s a professional football player. But he never could resist a damsel in distress, especially one with all those curves.

Moriah’s been humiliated in front of guys like Travis before. But as his assistant, she has access to every moment of his day-to-day life, so surely she can stay ahead of any potential problems.

Until the past comes rushing into the present.

Enjoy this peek inside:

“Travis…” I whispered, half questioning-half pleading.

He jerked his hand away and sat up straight on the couch. “I’m sorry, Moriah. I didn’t even realize—”

I placed my fingers against his mouth, the heat of his breath rushing across the digits. My touch was so sudden, it surprised even me. His lips were warm and oh so kissable. My pulse hammered away against my ribs, desire blazing through me. I would have kissed him, but Travis was completely still, his face an unreadable mask.

When he didn’t react, I pulled away. I’d made a mistake, misread his touch, something. Panic turned to sheer horror. “Oh my God, I’m sorry.”

His hard exterior softened and he grabbed my hand. He sighed a bit, half-closed his eyes, then brushed his lips across the tips of my fingers in the softest kiss.

I relaxed a little.

“When you touch me, it makes me want things I can’t afford.” I offered weakly, not trusting myself to say much more.

From behind thick lashes, his eyes darkened; an intimate change of his features that spoke to me in a truly primal way. He kissed my fingertips, stroked his hand down my wrist and back up before rubbing small circles against the beat of my pulse.


About Author Candi Scott:


Candi Scott is the spicy contemporary pen name for award winning author of Two Hearts, One Stone and the Arkadia Fast Series, Leslie Scott. She has been writing stories for as long as she can remember. The happier the ending, the better. Currently, she lives and writes amidst her own happily ever after with her soul mate, son, and domestic zoo.



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Spider’s Web is a dark, emotional journey of two lost souls finding one another and overcoming loss.


Spider’s Web


Merciless Few MC West Virginia Book 2

by M. D. Stewart

Genre: Contemporary MC Romance


Spider’s Web is a dark, emotional journey of two lost souls finding one another and overcoming loss.

Jericho “Spider” Hodges

I was wrongly convicted of murder, and I’m forced to navigate life as a free man after a decade behind bars. But I’m not alone – I find myself welcomed into the fold of the Merciless Few MC, a brotherhood of rebels who live by their own code. Forgetting my past is easy with enough booze and women. But when Nova Frazier enters my life, everything changes.

Nova Frazier

I’m on the run from a life of forced prostitution and abuse. I’m a woman with a past as tortured as Spider’s. I can’t let myself fall in love, I’m too messed up for anyone. But Spider and I understand each other’s fear of loving and losing someone special. Can our shared traumas forge an unbreakable bond between us? Is it impossible for two broken people to learn to trust each other?


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**Don’t miss book 1 of the series!**



Almost Heaven


Merciless Few MC West Virginia Chapter Book 1


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I was born and raised in southern West Virginia. At eighteen, I married a man I met in college and even though we went our separate ways, he gave me two wonderful children. I’ve always loved reading and I’d write poems and short stories for as long as I could hold a crayon, pen or pencil. Once I realized I could self-publish I got excited and started writing down the stories of my characters that live in my head. When I’m not writing my husband and I can the vegetables we grow in our garden, take care of our pet chickens or play with our two cats.


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$10 Amazon giftcard

-1 winner each!


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An Heir Made in Hawaii

by Emmy Grayson


Published by: Harlequin Presents
Publication date: December 26th 2023
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Tough negotiations turn to tempestuous nights in this surprise-baby romance by Emmy Grayson.

Claiming his baby…
after one hot Hawaiian night!

Anika Pierce refuses to have her family hotel swallowed into tycoon Nicholas Lassard’s property portfolio, despite his offers. Their heated negotiations in Hawaii lead them to his penthouse. One electrifying encounter won’t change Anika’s mind…but discovering she’s pregnant might!

Nicholas never planned to be a father. Yet, on hearing Anika’s bombshell, he vows to give his child the happy upbringing he never had—which means winning over the woman who challenges him at every turn. Except to do that, he must admit that their connection runs far deeper than their scorching passion…

From Harlequin Presents: Escape to exotic locations where passion knows no bounds.

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Enjoy this peek inside:

She missed home, missed the crispness of fall sliding into winter as snow danced down from the Alps and dusted the town and the adjoining lake. Lake Bled was becoming better known as a travel destination, although it had held on to its small-town European charm.

But Hawaii had rekindled a wanderlust she hadn’t felt in years. She hadn’t even known she’d needed to get away from Slovenia until she had stepped out of Kauai’s airport into tropical heat that had slid across her skin like a lover’s caress. Palm trees had provided shade, mountains covered in velvety green instead of snow had stood proudly against a turquoise sky and, perhaps her favorite part of all, were the chickens that had run about with carefree glee.

Determined to relax before she walked back up for the conference’s opening session, she lay back on her towel. Slowly, she focused on relaxing her body, tension seeping out of her muscles as the sun gently wiped away her worries and lulled her into a dreamlike state. Schedules and overdue bills and marketing plans slipped away. For once her mind was completely, blissfully clear of everything except where she was.

The word drifted through her mind again—heaven—and she let out a sigh of contentment.

“Be a shame to burn that beautiful skin.”

She froze as the deep, gravelly voice rolled over her, each of the words pronounced with emphasis and tinted with his rasping accent. The rigidity returned, invading her body and tensing her limbs into tightly coiled springs as her pulse kicked up a notch.

Because he’s annoying as hell, she reassured herself.

A shadow fell over her, blocking the sun. Reluctantly, she opened her eyes and blinked.

“I was wrong.”

Nicholas loomed over her, white smile flashing against tan skin that said he had recently been traveling, or more likely partying, abroad.

“About what?”

“I’m not in heaven. I’m in hell.”



About Author Emmy Grayson:

Emmy’s interest in romance can be traced back to her love of Nancy Drew books, when she tried to solve the mysteries of her favorite detective while rereading the romantic chapters with Ned Nickerson. Fast-forward a few years when she discovered a worn copy of “A Rose in Winter” by Kathleen Woodiwiss on her mother’s bookshelf, and she was hooked. Over 20 years later, Harlequin Presents made her dream come true by offering her a contract for her first book.

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Good Elf Gone Wrong

by Alina Jacobs



Publication date: November 14th 2023
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance

When you catch your fiancé cheating on you with your sister on Christmas Eve, the elf hat comes off.
I’ve always been the good girl—the anti Scrooge—the one who sacrifices for her guests, bakes cookies for her neighbors, and stays late after a party to clean up.
I don’t mind. I like being on the nice list.

I kept smiling when I caught my fiancé coming down my sister’s chimney on Christmas Eve.
I gave polite congratulations when they got engaged on Christmas morning.
And I even offered to help decorate for their holiday wedding despite the fact that was supposed to be my dream wedding.

But when my sister cuts up our great-grandmother’s one-hundred-year-old wedding dress and turns it into a skank show, even though that was the dress I was going to wear on my wedding day?
Well, this elf is torching down the North Pole.

And what better way to get revenge than giving those cheaters a taste of their own medicine?
This good elf is bringing the bad boy home for Christmas.
Hudson is a six-foot-five, coldhearted, tattooed bad elf with a perpetual sneer and washboard abs.
He’s exactly my sister’s type.
And he’s going to help me nuke her wedding from orbit on the night before Christmas.

What he is not supposed to do is grab my ass in the kitchen while I bake gingerbread.
Or crawl in my bed half naked.
And he’s definitely not supposed to smirk and tell me to commit to our fake relationship right before he goes down on me.

Guess there’s a reason the good elves stay far away from the bad.

Good elves of Christmas unite! We’re ogling the tattooed chests of shirtless bad boys, baking massive amounts of cookies, drinking all the wine, and trying to survive recently divorced grandmothers who have a pathological obsession with our love lives. This standalone holiday romantic comedy has all the Christmas cheer you can fit in your stocking and a happily ever after, guaranteed!

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Knitting clutched in my hands, I turned to the bad boy sitting next to me.

“Do … um …” I cleared my throat. “Do you have a girlfriend?”

His finger paused on the page he was turning. He fixed those pale-silver eyes on me, a dusty gray like the winter sky.

“No. Why? Are you offering?”

“Sort of. See, I kind of need to break up my sister and her boyfriend. She’s dating my ex. He’s a jerk. It’s complicated. But I need you to be my boyfriend so I can ruin her wedding. I don’t know if you do that type of work?”

I smiled hopefully.

The book closed with a loud thud.

He looked angry.

“Er, never mind,” I squeaked and held up my knitting. “I’ll get started on those baby socks. Forget I said anything.”

But he didn’t go back to his book.

“So you want a fake boyfriend.”

“Um, yeah. I mean that was the plan. But plans change …”

Those ghostly eyes still locked on mine, he leaned over, his huge body crowding my space.

I scrunched against the window.

“You sure you can handle it?” he asked in a deep, gravelly voice. He smelled like leather and the winter wind.

No. No, I don’t think I can.

I swallowed. The empty Advent calendar was digging into my side.

“Yes,” I squawked.

“Prove it,” he said, his breath cool on my cheek.

He twisted out of his jacket, the ridges of muscle under the tight gray T-shirt flexing and rippling as he shrugged off the garment.

“Give me a hand job.” The baritone voice deepened. “I have my jacket on my lap. No one will know. Just go for it.”

My eyes were about as big and round as Pugnog’s and ready to pop out of my head.

“Unzip my fly,” he breathed against my mouth, “and stroke my cock.”

My stomach was flip-flopping. The air between us was supercharged, and my skin felt tight and prickly.

“I-I can’t,” I stammered.

He huffed out a laugh, smirked, and pulled his jacket back on, the leather creaking.

“Thought so.” He sat back in his seat and opened up his book. “You’re weak. You have an elaborate revenge plan all mapped out, yet you clearly can’t handle having a fake boyfriend.”



About Author Alina Jacobs:

If you like steamy romantic comedies with a creative streak, then I’m your girl!

Architect by day, writer by night, I love matcha green tea, chocolate, and books! So many books…

Sign up for my mailing list to get the free novella, AFTER HIS PEONIES, along with special bonus content, giveaways, and more!

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Tricking Christmas: A Sweet Western Holiday Romance

by Shanna Hatfield


Publication date: November 30th 2023
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Holiday, Romance

Will an innocent offer of help lead two obstinate hearts along the road to love?

Truitt Lucas is the guy who brings laughter wherever he goes and refuses to take life too seriously. Beneath his carefree exterior, though, he yearns for more adventure and excitement than he’ll find working on the family ranch alongside his cousin and grandmother. When the opportunity arises to assist a trick rider, Truitt eagerly lends a hand. However, he soon finds himself drawn to the perplexing woman who barely tolerates him.

Jolee Judson is living her dream as a trick rider on the rodeo circuit, using her lifelong passion for horses and gymnastics to wow the crowds. But when her partner unexpectedly abandons her, Jolee is just desperate enough to accept a good-natured cowboy’s offer to help. Fascinated and infuriated by Truitt and his shenanigans, Jolee struggles against her growing feelings for him. Falling for Truitt could spell disaster for her future and derail everything she’s worked for.

Can the two of them find common ground where trust is earned and love becomes a cherished gift?

A sweet holiday novel full of the magic of Christmas, Tricking Christmas brims with small-town humor, heartwarming moments, and wholesome romance.

Goodreads / Amazon


Enjoy this peek inside:

Obviously insulted, two twin lines created furrows between his eyebrows. “I’m not doing this for the money, Jolee.” He scoffed at her and swirled the ice around in his tea glass.

“Then, why are you offering to save my bacon, so to speak, if you don’t mind my asking?”

Truitt shrugged. “Because you’re a good person, Jolee Judson, and you’ve worked hard to establish your act with a sterling reputation. You’ve always been the driving force behind it. Amy even said as much. It’s not fair that you’ve been put into a bind because your partner quit without any notice.”

“Amy had a good reason. She needs to be with her family.”

“She does, but I got the idea she’s had one foot out the door for a while. She mentioned last time we spoke about going back to school to become a veterinarian.”

Shock widened Jolee’s eyes. “I had no idea she was considering it. I think she’ll do great in that field, though. She loves animals.”

“She does.” Truitt took the last bacon tot from the bag. “Dibs on the last one.” He popped it in his mouth, drained his glass, and stood. Once again, the trailer felt cramped by his presence.

Jolee wondered if it was his large personality as much as his muscular physique that made the space seem smaller.

“I better get going. I promised Troy I’d help him with a few farrier jobs he’s got lined up. Do you want me to try to perform with you tonight or during this rodeo?”

“No. Let’s leave things as they are this week, although I wouldn’t mind if you had time to help set out props.”

“Sure. Troy and I are scheduled to rope in the slack tomorrow afternoon, but I can help you out during your performances. Just let me know what you need, honey.”

Jolee bristled as Truitt opened the door and stepped outside. When he turned to face her, his smile melted faster than the ice cream cone she’d attempted to eat the previous afternoon. She’d heard Truitt call babies in diapers, old women with walkers, and females of every size, shape, color, and age in between “honey.” And she didn’t like it. Not one bit.

“You will not ever, under any circumstance, call me ‘honey,’” she commanded in a tone dripping frost despite the heat already surging outside. “Understood?”

“Yes, ho—Yes, ma’am.” Truitt ducked his head, but she caught the hint of his smile.

About Author Shanna Hatfield:

USA Today Bestselling Author Shanna Hatfield writes sweet romances rich with relatable characters, small town settings that feel like home, humor, and hope.

Her historical westerns have been described as “reminiscent of the era captured by Bonanza and The Virginian” while her contemporary works have been called “laugh-out-loud funny, and a little heart-pumping sexy without being explicit in any way.”

When this farm girl isn’t writing or indulging in rich, decadent chocolate, Shanna hangs out with her husband, lovingly known as Captain Cavedweller. She also experiments with recipes, snaps photos of her adorable nephew, and caters to the whims of a cranky cat named Drooley.

To learn more about Shanna or the books she writes, visit her website or find out more about her here:

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The Vet’s Shelter Surprise

by Elle Douglas


Published by: Harlequin Special Edition
Publication date: October 24th 2023
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance

An unlikely volunteer…

Saving more than the shelter!

When Georgia O’Neill bursts into the Sunset County Animal Shelter, wary veterinarian Mel Carter doesn’t know what’s hit her. But soon, Georgia’s California rays of sunshine are lighting up even the darkest parts of Mel’s heart, still raw after a heart-wrenching betrayal. Still, PR pro Georgia is set only on rehabbing her image while cleaning out her beloved aunt’s cottage. Mel’s life in rural Canada can’t possibly compete with LA glamour…can it?

From Harlequin Special Edition: Believe in love. Overcome obstacles. Find happiness.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo / Google Play


Enjoy this peek inside:

“Alright. Follow me,” Mel said, leading Georgia down the bright hallway toward the back room. Time to see how she’d do with their resident reptiles. “Right in here,” she said, motioning to the open door at the end of the hall. “After you.”

Heels clicking against the linoleum, Georgia breezed by, leaving the floral scent of her shampoo in her wake and causing Mel to take a deep breath before following her into the room. How was it that something as inane as hair soap could make her heartbeat rev up to double time, and make her palms sweat like a cold glass of lemonade on a hot day? It really had been too long.

Mel surveyed Georgia’s reactions as she walked between the reptile tanks, silently peering into each one with a curious expression.

“Who’s this one? What’s his name?” she asked, pointing to the iguana.

“That’s Sherbet. And she’s a she,” Mel said.

“Okay. Cute. And who’s this?” Georgia pointed to the turtle.

“That’s Pixie. Careful with that one. She almost took my finger off last time I fed her,” she said. She followed Georgia to the gecko tank. “Lollipop is the brown-and-white one, and Gummy Bear is the yellow one.” She waited for Georgia to approach the final tank, which housed a ball python snake named Slinky. Slinky was mellow and gentle, as well as nonvenomous, but Mel knew very few people who liked being in the presence of his sort. Time to see how much Georgia really wanted to volunteer at the shelter.

To Mel’s surprise, Georgia scanned the tank and tapped quietly on the glass. “A snake,” she said matter-of-factly.

“Slinky,” said Mel. Georgia was full of surprises, she was starting to realize. “Most people don’t want to go near him with a ten-foot pole.”

“I lived outside the desert for a few years as a kid. Place was teeming with snakes,” she said. “Okay, next stop?” Her sparkling hazel eyes ratcheted up Mel’s heartbeat from double time to a full-on Ginger Rogers tap dance.

Next stop was the bunny room. Mel was doomed.



Author Elle Douglas:

Elle Douglas writes small-town contemporary romance for lovers of warm, feel-good stories that are on the sweeter side. Elle’s novels feature strong, relatable characters living in tight-knit communities, with a backdrop of stunning Canadian wilderness.

Elle is a lover of 90’s alternative music, a wannabe chef specializing in comfort food and a sometimes reluctant but usually dedicated gym-goer who lives in Toronto with her romance muse partner and their cat Lucy (or Lucifer, depending on the day). Between writing romance novels and working as a high school guidance counsellor, Elle works exclusively in helping others find their happily-ever-afters.

She is a graduate of TMU’s Radio and Television Arts program, OISE at U of T, and the U of T Creative Writing program, and is a member of Toronto Romance Writers, Romance Writers of America and Georgia Romance Writers.

Visit her website at or find her on Instagram at @elledouglaswriter

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A Match Made in Ireland

by E.D. Hackett


Publication date: September 23rd 2023
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance

A semester abroad was exactly what she needed, but falling in love with her roommate was not part of the lesson plan.

When Rory, a driven American seeking a much-needed break from her hectic life, lands in Ireland for a semester abroad, she never imagines sharing her space with Jaime, the charming yet irksome redhead from her flight. A twist of fate entwines their paths, forcing them to live under one roof for four months.

Despite his laid-back demeanor clashing with her meticulous nature, Rory finds herself irresistibly drawn to Jaime’s infectious Irish charm and tight-knit family bonds. As they traverse the breathtaking landscapes of Ireland, Rory relies on Jaime’s wisdom to navigate the challenges of their travels. It doesn’t take long for her to fall for the enchanting Irish experience he offers, which extends far beyond the usual tourist trails.

But as the end of the semester draws near, Rory is faced with a heart-wrenching decision. Will she leave a piece of her heart in Ireland, or was Jaime merely a dream meant to be left behind?

Immerse yourself in E.D. Hackett’s A Match Made in Ireland for a delightful romantic comedy that delves into the magic of Ireland, the beauty of unforeseen bonds, and the transformative power of self-discovery. Buckle up for a journey filled with laughter, tears, and love that you won’t want to miss!

Goodreads / Amazon


Enjoy this peek inside:

It was him. The man from the plane sat on the bed, staring at a drawing pad on his lap. The spiky red hair, the smattering of freckles, and the creased eyes triggered a series of flashbacks that ran through my mind: the lack of spatial awareness, the soda down my leg, and the stolen dinner roll.

I pulled the covers over my head, my heart racing and the pit in my stomach digging into my pelvis like a concrete boulder. I dragged the duvet below my eyes and squinted, trying not to be obvious. Am I dreaming? Ha! Maybe I’m having a nightmare. The same red hair, now tousled from sleep, rested against the wall. I pushed the blanket down to my shoulders and said, “Hello, again.”

He looked up from his drawing pad and tilted his head to the left, tapping his pencil against his scruffy chin. “I remember you. From the plane.”

I tried to smile, but my lips refused to rise. I pushed my body against the back wall and pulled the sheet closer to my armpits. “What are you doing here, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“I could ask you the same thing. I live here.”

My eyes bulged and I scrambled to a seated position. “You can’t live here. You’re a guy. This is an apartment with women. Foreign exchange students. A bunch of Americans.” I spoke slowly, as if that would make him understand.

Jaime chuckled and looked down again. “Yes, I am aware, but this is my apartment now. I forgot to renew my housing paperwork last semester, and they gave my room away. This was all that was left. They told me I was living with Rory, Zoey, and Marissa. I take it you’re Rory?”

I nodded.

“I thought you were an Irish lad.”

I swallowed loudly, the saliva crawling down the back of my throat. Reaching across my bed to my nightstand, I downed a bottle of water. Cloudiness from the alcohol still in my system slowed down my brain’s processing ability, and I struggled to understand his words. “You can’t live here,” I said again.

“I wish I didn’t. Living with a bunch of Americans during my last year of college is the last thing I want to do, but it’s that or be homeless so I’ll suck it up.” He returned to his drawing and spoke to his paper. “Nice to meet you, Rory.” His amber eyes looked over, scanning my top half. “Fun time last night?”

My brain beat against my forehead, and I massaged my temples. “Yeah. Sorry if I woke you.”

“No worries. I spent the night with my old flatmates. They live downstairs, and I came up here to crash. I didn’t even hear you come in.”

I grabbed the hooded sweatshirt sitting at the end of my bed, and pulled it over my body. “Are you sure they said there was nowhere else? I mean, I don’t know, Jaime. You’re a guy, a stranger, really, and I have a boyfriend. I don’t think he will be too excited when I tell him my roommate’s an Irish guy.”

His liquid gold eyes looked me up and down. “I asked to be moved and they put me on a waiting list if some other American no-shows, but I want my old flat and my old flatmates. Unless they can squeeze me back in there, I’m staying here. So, there it is. An Irish bloke and an American lass living together. That’ll make a good story for the grandkids. Promise, you won’t even know I’m here.”



Author E.D. Hackett:

E.D Hackett is a Speech-language pathologist by day and a writer by night. She writes novels that investigate layers of self-expectations, family dynamics, self-love and self-acceptance. She hopes that her novels create a safe and cozy environment for her readers to fall into and explore.

She writes women’s fiction novels with one foot in romance. And every story has a happy ever after.

She lives in New England but in her heart, she feels that she belongs in Ireland. She reads women’s women’s fiction and romantic comedies, prefers books to movies, ice cream to cake, and fall to spring.

Please visit for more information! You can also find her on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Goodreads.

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Redeeming Rabbit

by Harley Stone


(Dead Presidents MC Book 11)
Publication date: September 25th 2023
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance


They say combat trauma can be the noose you hang from, the cross you bear, or the cliff you scale to survive. But I was a f*ck up long before my Army enlistment and the resulting PTSD. Thanks to the veteran MC that took me in, I’m coping with my condition. Mostly.

Until her.

The Complete Package. She’s way out of my league. I shouldn’t have a chance in hell with Elenore, but I got a peek under her hood and the sexy scientist has a screw loose.

Good thing I’m the best damn mechanic in Seattle.


I never once contemplated murder until my sister showed up bruised and bloody on my doorstep. Now, my intellect has overridden my morals to create an extermination plan with a 98.3% success rate.

Relax, I won’t actually kill anyone. Probably.

But he might.

Who knew I’d find a kindred spirit in my self-appointed tattooed biker bodyguard? Rabbit’s alarmingly protective but the most fascinating person I’ve ever met. And the sight of his bare chest just made the lock on my bedroom door spontaneously combust.

A tempest on the outside with a soft, gooey center, he could be the one.

If I’m strong enough to love him.

The Dead Presidents MC is a brotherhood of military veterans formed to help vets reintegrate into civilian society. They’re the good guys… mostly. Complete, standalone HEA love stories. No cheating, no cliffhangers.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo / Google Play


Enjoy this peek inside:


Elenore hadn’t flipped out on me for invading her privacy. Nor had she asked me to leave. If she dropped her towel and started dressing right there in front of me, I’d likely cream the inside of my jeans. She was perfect. And not just because she was brainy, beautiful, and had her shit together, but because she was fucking weird. I’d been through her entire apartment, and nothing was out of place. Her closet was arranged by color with pictures of her goddamn outfits to keep them straight. Nobody was naturally this clean, organized, and meticulous.

Elenore had a screw loose.

Which meant I might actually have a chance with her.

“You left the door open,” I blurted out, sounding like a fucking idiot.

“To my apartment. Not my bedroom.”

“It wasn’t locked.”

She added pants to the pile of clothes in her arms and turned to face me. “I need to get dressed.”

I wanted to tell her to go right ahead but decided not to push my luck. Still clutching the sexy photos I’d filched, I said, “These are mine.”



About Author Harley Stone

International bestselling author Harley Stone specializes in imperfect characters, realistic storylines, scorching hot sex scenes, and fun, witty dialogue. She’s always up for a good adventure (real or fictional), and when she’s not building imaginary worlds, she’s dipping her toes into reality in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and their five sons and two dogs.


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