Archive for the ‘Fantasy’ Category

Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Beyond The Birch organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Torina Kingsley will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Don’t forget to enter.

You can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Beyond The Birch

by Torina Kingsley


Eleven year old Macy dreams of action and adventure that will take her far beyond her family’s farm. But what will happen when that adventure finds her?

Long ago, faeries were banished from the land after a legendary battle. So long ago that many wonder if faeries really exist or if the battle was just a tall tale. But one mysterious night, Macy’s mother is attacked, and ever since, unusual things start happening. Missing items, changing moods, and most strange of all, the family’s sheep start behaving unusually.

Her mother is suddenly determined to get rid of the sheep, and Macy suspects that the reason may be sinister. When Macy meets a boy her age, the aloof and sarcastic Jay, they embark on a journey to discover the truth and save her mother. In this twist on The Wonderful Birch, you won’t find kings, queens, or evil stepmothers. Instead, you’ll find two courageous pre-teens from the outskirts, ready to defend Odele from the magical forces that threaten it.


Enjoy this peek inside:

It wasn’t long before the sun disappeared behind a hill, leaving Laurel to wander in darkness. It’s no use, she thought, I’m not going to find him tonight. I’d best be getting back home. Maybe Macy can help me search in the morning.

She turned around searching for the lamplights that lined the Jensen farm. She could barely make them out in the distance. Steeling herself for the long walk back, she gathered her skirts once again.

SNAP! The sound of a twig snapping nearby alerted her that she may not be alone.

It was probably just an animal, Laurel told herself. The wind stopped suddenly—as if holding its breath too.


“Hello?” she called out. She whirled around frantically, her eyes searching for the source of the sound. “Is anyone there?”

A frail voice answered her, “I’m sorry, my dear. I didn’t mean to scare you.” An old woman peeked her head around the tree trunk. Upon seeing Laurel, the woman’s face relaxed a little, and she slowly hobbled over. “There are wolves in these woods, and I fear I don’t stand a chance if I run into one. Best I can do is hide and cross my fingers.”

Laurel squinted in the dark, trying to get a good look at her. Her clothes were worn, and her skin was paler than anyone from around these parts. “Are you traveling to Grimsby? You don’t look like you are from around here,” Laurel replied, eyeing the stranger.

About Author Torina Kingsley:

Author Torina Kingsley masterfully creates a world where things aren’t always as they seem. Beyond the Birch is an imaginative spin on an old folktale that reminds us all to hold our loved ones close and always believe in own our capabilities.




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Mermaid of Paris
Jincey Lumpkin
(Mermaid of Venice, #4)
Publication date: May 16th 2022
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance

The latest action-packed installment in the Mermaid of Venice series finds Gia Acquaviva, the world’s most famous mermaid, reconnecting with a mysterious man from her past. Will he punish Gia and get the revenge he deserves––or will they fall in love all over again?

Meanwhile, Gia attempts to rebuild her broken business empire just as the Mermaid world descends into a bitter and dangerous civil war. Gia already picked her allies, but will she make good on her promises––or will she cut sail when the winds shift?

Fans of Killing Eve and Fifty Shades of Grey will love the Mermaid of Venice series. These page-turning thrillers have lush fantasy elements and showcase the billionaire lifestyle that you secretly covet.

Goodreads / Amazon


Enjoy this peek inside:

When Florent’s jet landed and he exited the plane, Moussa led his people in a round of applause. After much embracing, Moussa escorted Florent onto Gia’s plane.

Florent wore a sweater, just like the last time she’d seen him, several months ago. He carried a Domenico Vacca alligator duffle—a custom bag that cost him no less than eighty grand.

Bon soir, Gia,” Florent said, lowering his head to nod hello. “These days you can’t seem to stay out of trouble, can you?”

Gia wanted to gain the upper hand, to throw him a little, so she gingerly pulled the cashmere blanket off her chest—exposing her breasts—and moved Serena to the other side to continue her feeding.

The plan worked. Florent was transfixed.

“I would get up,” Gia whispered, “but as you see, I am dealing with a hungry baby.”

Florent’s eyes flashed, and in that blaze echoed a multitude of memories, unrealized dreams and resentments. Over the years he had fantasized about everything from embedding himself back in Gia’s life and marrying her, to strangling her and tossing her in the ocean. And now, here she was right in front of him, chest exposed, the very picture of radiant motherhood combined with unfettered sexuality. It was difficult for him to reconcile this scene with what he knew to be true about her—her killer instinct, to be specific. After all, he had the scar to prove just how dark her true impulses were.

Moussa shifted from one foot to the other and swallowed hard as he watched the pair before him. He offered a brief, “ahem,” and broke the awkward silence. “Bisset, how long before we leave for the port?”

“I have a fleet of trucks coming in half an hour,” Florent replied, finally tearing his eyes away from Gia.

“Then I have some work to do to get everyone ready.” Moussa bowed at Florent before heading down to wrangle the merfolk, happy to leave the plane.

When Moussa was gone, Florent sat across from Gia, trying not to fidget. He wanted to telegraph an air of cool serenity. Gia, of course, didn’t buy it.

“Why are you here, Florent?”

“I want to help. Am I not a gentleman, Gia?”

“I never knew you to be one, no.”

“Then you don’t know me.”

Gia studied his face, narrowing her eyes. “I find it odd that you harbor an impulse to help in any circumstance that involves me.”

Florent smirked. “Oh, but you see, Gia, I’ve been waiting for the moment you need me the most. I have been watching and waiting for a very long time. What luck,” he commented, raising his eyebrows. “It appears that the moment I anticipated has finally arrived.”

Author Jincey Lumpkin

JINCEY LUMPKIN is a writer and creative director in Luxury Beauty. She is the author of the Mermaid of Venice fantasy thriller series. Recognized as a thought leader on women and culture, Jincey has written more than 50 columns for the Huffington Post and Playboy. She headlined Sex Week at Harvard and gave an infamous TEDx talk, “Are Robots the Future of Sex?” She has been profiled by Dateline NBC, Vice, and GQ, among others. Out Magazine listed her in its “OUT 100”, naming her as one of the world’s most influential LGBTQ+ people, alongside celebrities like Laverne Cox and Ricky Martin.

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Bad Girls Drink Blood
S.L. Choi
Published by: City Owl Press
Publication date: May 17th 2022
Genres: Adult, Fantasy

Part sun fae, part blood fae, all abomination.

There is only one hybrid fae in existence, and that dishonor goes to Lane Callaghan.

After a life spent dodging slurs, threats, and assassination attempts, Lane gave her past the one finger salute and ditched her former fae home for good. The detective agency she and her sisters run on the edge of Las Vegas continues to limp along, with Lane doing more debt collecting and intimidating than investigating, but anything to pay the bills. Between working for low-lifes to bring down even lower-lifes, eating cheesy poofs by the bucket, and flirting with the criminally attractive bartender where she conducts business, life is good.

That ends when a routine job goes sideways, leaving Lane with a sack full of stolen sun shards—the source of sun fae power. Without the shards, the sun fae face giving up their magic completely, or risk death if they use their power. Considering they would rather see her dead, good riddance, as far as Lane’s concerned—except her father and adopted sister are sun fae. Lane must choose—return home to save the fae bastards that almost killed her, or let them burn.

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Enjoy this peek inside:

Better luck next time, hybrid.

Fury roared through me. My ears burned and scalp tingled.

“What the hell is that?”

I spun with a snarl. My fangs elongated instantly, painfully.

Teddy’s tall, lean frame bent over my shoulder as he read the napkin. My body thrummed with the surge of unspent adrenaline and possibly the intimate proximity. I flexed my fingers, curled them, flexed again.

“It’s nothing.” I snatched the napkin and jammed it into my jacket pocket. I’d deal with how exactly that woman knew I was a hybrid later. That was a secret for me and my sisters, and I aimed to keep it that way.

There was only one hybrid, and I was the unlucky genetic winner. It wasn’t for lack of fae mixing, that was something they did often and copiously, but offspring were always of one race. It kept their magic powerful, and if fae worshiped anything, it was power. My existence wasn’t an exalted position.


“It’s nothing,” I stressed, my gaze steady on his. I meant business.

“Okay, okay.” He tipped his forehead toward my face. “You should holster those things before you hurt someone besides yourself.”

Crap, not again. All at once my lip became a persistent throb, reminding me of the pain from my fangs punching out. I dragged a finger along the edge of my mouth. It came away sticky, warm, and wet. When startled, I had zero control of the things. It was embarrassing.

Teddy tucked a clean napkin into my palm and pulled me close to whisper, “You shouldn’t be wasting blood when you refuse to drink it.”

His hot breath warmed my neck and tickled my ear. The heady mixture of woods, earth, and vanilla—Teddy’s distinct scent—filled my nostrils, made me dizzy. Something melted and puddled in my core. My gaze fastened on the way my dark red hair danced with his bourbon-brown strands. The way they both brushed against the hard line of muscle leading from his neck to his shoulder.

Damn it.

That delicious scent shouldn’t be so strong. My olfactory sense was the same as any other fae, unless I’d smelled their blood. Then again, with the amount of brawls Teddy broke up in this joint, he was bound to have bled at some point.

I stepped away and scowled in a desperate attempt to hide my reaction. “And you should mind your own business.” What was wrong with me lately? I’d known the guy for years, but recently Teddy seemed more flirt than friend. I felt disgustingly girly when he got near.

“Whatever you say, sweet fangs.” He chucked a knuckle under my chin, letting it linger long enough to turn the gesture from playful to intimate.

I rubbed my chin on my shoulder. This was Teddy. He couldn’t possibly be flirting. He’d known me since I roared into Interlands at fifteen with way more balls and bravado than sense. More importantly, I wasn’t his type—empty headed and easy.

He swaggered toward the end of the bar, and some mysterious magnetic force pulled my appreciative gaze to the way he filled out his denim. My view disappeared as he stepped behind the counter. When I looked up, Teddy watched me with a knowing grin. I bared my fangs. He laughed.

I growled under my breath and turned to leave as he circled the bar and headed for the spot across the counter from me.

“Why take these jobs, Lane? They’re bad. You’re so much more than this.”

Teddy’s earnest words stopped me, and I looked back. His bottomless black gaze gripped mine.

My chest tightened. Teddy didn’t know how misplaced his faith in me was. I grabbed a freshly filled tumbler full of amber liquid from the bar.

“Hey!” The owner of the drink turned, opened his mouth to say more, and laid eyes on me. I raised my brows in a dare. The guy wisely spun to face the bar and tapped the counter, ordering a new drink for himself.

“Because I’m really, really good at it. Besides, haven’t you heard?” I slammed my confiscated drink. The taste of gasoline chasing cinnamon scorched a path down my throat. My nostrils burned and eyes watered. I shoved down the sensation and flashed a smile filled with a whole lot of fang. “I’m a bad girl.”

Author S.L. Choi

S.L. Choi is an urban fantasy author with a deep love for humor, fast-paced action, and hit-you-in-the-heart feels. She grew up imagining goblins living in the rocks outside her bedroom window, while fairies flew through the flowers. Now she puts those stories to paper. When not writing, she is either photographing the beautiful New England area, hiking, gaming with her equally nerdy husband, or attending to the small furry overlords who rule them both.

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Mermaid of New York
Jincey Lumpkin
(Mermaid of Venice, #3)
Publication date: February 7th 2022
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance

Mermaid Gia Acquaviva’s thrilling adventures continue. She must travel to New York to fight a battle in the public arena with the powerful media moguls, Royce and Bronwyn Langley. Her casino empire is under attack, threatened by her Greek relatives. Meanwhile, Gia is paired up with a rising movie starlette to create the perceptions a tabloid romance tabloids. With tensions rising, will Gia survive after burning every bridge to get what she wants?

Fans of Killing Eve and Big Little Lies will love Mermaid of New York, a sexy psychological thriller with lush fantasy elements. The chic mystery of Patricia Highsmith’s The Talented Mr. Ripley with a juicy splash of the lavish lifestyle in E. L. James’s 50 Shades series. This is not the Little Mermaid you grew up with. Gia’s out for blood.

Mermaid of New York is the third installment of the Mermaid of Venice series, 6 novels about Gia Acquaviva.

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Enjoy this peek inside:

“Park Avenue? Four bedrooms? No. I told you six bedrooms at a minimum. I need a room for my daughter and space for my security staff. I do not care what the price is. Find me the biggest, safest apart- ment in Manhattan.”

Gia hung up and slipped the phone in her bag, pulling her hat lower on her head.

As Gia waited to board her plane, her thoughts were occupied with her journey to New York—and her ensuing custody battle for Serena. Gia didn’t notice that the other plane inside the hangar bore a familiar name: Bisset. Bisset Industries to be specific.

It wasn’t until she saw a face from the past descending the airsteps of the other plane that she snapped out of her rumination.

“Bonjour, Gia,” the man said.

“Florent, is that you?” Shocked, Gia’s mouth dropped open.

Her security guards closed in around her, forming a protective circle, but she gave them the signal to back off.

“Gia,” Florent winked, “you have not aged a day.” He lightly

tugged on the neck of his cashmere turtleneck to let in a bit of fresh air. It was much too early to wear any kind of sweater, let alone cash- mere, but Florent had his reasons for the choice of wardrobe—and they had nothing to do with fashion.

Gia was dumbfounded, confused. She never thought she’d see him again—much less witness him stepping off of a jet emblazoned with his last name.

As he edged closer to her, she took a step backward. “It’s all right,” he cooed. “I heard about everything that happened to you in Sicily. I am just happy that I was able to help you.”

“Help me?” Gia shook her head, trying to process everything. “I do not understand. What do you mean?”

“We share a common friend… Awa Diop.”

“Awa? How do you know Awa? I am sorry, but this is all coming as quite a shock to me.”

On the other side of the hangar, Gia’s pilot radioed to the flight attendant that the jet was ready to depart for Teterboro airport. The flight attendant then approached Gia’s security team to begin the boarding protocol. The head of security murmured into an earpiece, relaying that Gia would be ready to board the plane shortly.

Florent continued speaking. “Awa asked me to help coordinate smuggling you out of that psychopath’s compound.”

“Why would you do that?” Gia demanded.

“We are old friends, aren’t we?” Florent’s eyes narrowed, and inside them, Gia could see her own reflection. The corners of her mouth turned down.

“I do not think that we are.” She felt tingling in her chest and a gnawing sense of anxiety. “I… I left you in St. Moritz.”

“Indeed, you did. You left me in the snow all alone.” He approached her, leaning close to her ear, whispering to her. “But I lived.” He yanked his turtleneck down, revealing a thick diagonal scar that ran from the bottom left of his chin to his right shoulder. “You tried to kill me, Gia, but I lived.”

Author Jincey Lumpkin:

JINCEY LUMPKIN is a writer and creative director in Luxury Beauty. She is the author of the Mermaid of Venice fantasy thriller series. Recognized as a thought leader on women and culture, Jincey has written more than 50 columns for the Huffington Post and Playboy. She headlined Sex Week at Harvard and gave an infamous TEDx talk, “Are Robots the Future of Sex?” She has been profiled by Dateline NBC, Vice, and GQ, among others. Out Magazine listed her in its “OUT 100”, naming her as one of the world’s most influential LGBTQ+ people, alongside celebrities like Laverne Cox and Ricky Martin.

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This is my post during the blog tour for The Glass Stone by Sara Michaels. The Glass Stone is a magical tale of hope and love inspired by the traditional story of Cinderella. Sometimes, just a little bit of magic is all you need to change the world.

This blog tour is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours and the tour runs from 5 till 25 April. You can see the tour schedule here.

The Glass Stone

The Glass Stone (The Jeweled Fairytale Retellings #3)
By Sara Michaels
Genre: Fantasy/ Fairytale Retelling
Age category: Young Adult
Release Date: 5 April

Power can take many forms, but sometimes the greatest magic comes from inside you.

Asha has been a servant for the cruel Duke Bryce for as long as she can remember, and when he married Queen Ilma of the Wind Kingdom, she was dragged to the castle with him and his daughters.

Now, the death of the queen has thrown the castle into panic: if her son, Prince Aither, doesn’t marry before his 18th birthday, the throne will go to Duke Bryce.

Prince Aither knows he must choose a wife, and he’s resigned to his fate. But Duke Bryce has his own ideas about who his bride should be, and if he gets his way, no one will be happy.

Asha is used to watching everything unfold from her place in the kitchen, but she soon finds herself on an unexpected quest set to change her life forever.

Meanwhile, Prince Aither must find a way to make the best of what seems like a hopeless situation and use his powerful magic as a force for good in the kingdom.

The Glass Stone is a magical tale of hope and love inspired by the traditional story of Cinderella. Sometimes, just a little bit of magic is all you need to change the world.

Lose your head in the clouds with Asha and Aither on their magical journey.



Enjoy this peek inside:

“Asha, Asha!” A squeaky little voice made her spin around. Mouser reared up on his hind legs on the stone wall, reaching his tiny little paws out toward her.

Maybe… Asha thought to herself as she noticed the scrap of paper in Mouser’s hand. Maybe animals are just better than people could ever hope to be. Mouser sure had always come through for her when she needed him.

Smiling, Asha reached out for the paper. It was still fully intact, not like the scraps she usually found or that Mouser brought for her drawings from around the castle. “Where’d you get this…?” Her feet still in time with the princess dance, Asha flipped over the parchment and flowing script sprawled across. “The Sun Kingdom!” Her eyes scanned the paper as quickly as she could. “Until we meet at your coronation, Duke Bryce.” She could feel the breeze start to pick up, and she looked around, curious, before peering down at Mouser, a glimmer of anguish washing through her. “I need to get this to Prince Aither—”

The kitchen door burst open, and a gust of wind blew her long hair back. The wooden door splintered as it slammed against the rocky wall behind it and the red on Duke Bryce’s face was as crimson as a Firebrute’s mighty fists.

What do you think you are doing?” Duke Bryce’s instantly recognizable, dooming voice echoed in Asha’s ears and sent immediate shivers down her spine.

As nerves crept up her body, silencing her, Asha cursed herself for not having Sera’s Wind gift of hearing. Focusing on the Duke’s fuming red face, Asha stopped moving. Red fiery anger bubbled up his body and Asha felt her body crumple into itself. Why had she danced out in the open?

“C-cleaning,” Asha stammered, stuffing the paper into her dress pocket. She gulped, trying to steady her erratically beating heart. Her mouth dropped open slightly, but nothing would have come out, even if she could find the courage to speak.

“Who showed you that dance? I saw you through the window!” Duke Bryce’s voice ricocheted off the tall, stone castle walls that protected them from the outside. But while those walls might protect them from an attack, they were of no protection to Asha as Duke Bryce glowered down at her. “Where’s the mouse, the paper he stole from me?” He pursed his lips together and gritted his teeth so hard the pink in his cheeks turned to fire. “First the art… and now this!” Duke Bryce took two steps toward Asha, and she almost fell over herself, stumbling backward. His eyes scanned the ground—for Mouser? “Learning that dance, for someone like you…”

Duke Bryce gaped at Asha. His hands balled into fists at his sides and his shoulders seemed to shake as he stared at her. Asha was like a deer stuck in a hunter’s shadow, but Asha knew that Duke Bryce could see her even if she didn’t move a muscle. The ticking blood vessel in Duke Bryce’s temple silenced Asha’s every thought—except for those surrounding Duke Bryce’s power. What would he do to her? In the seconds of silence that seemed to stretch on forever in Asha’s mind, the vessel in Duke Bryce’s temple visibly throbbed. And the large clear stone embedded into his carotid artery caught the light as it pulsed in rhythm. An angry roar echoed against the castle’s stone walls as a heavy wind ripped through the quad.

“Give me that letter!” Duke Bryce demanded through gritted teeth. He lunged forward. Asha pulled away, but Duke Bryce grabbed her and tightened his vice-like grip around her forearm. “That letter was private…”

Asha took a few steps back and her legs knocked against the stone wall. “Private, because… because you plan to hurt Prince Aither? What scheme to you have cooked up with the Sun Kingdom—?” Asha gulped. Anxiety choked her. Had those words really just come out of her mouth?

“I will not let you mess up everything I’ve worked so hard to do…” Duke Bryce stomped his foot into the earth and lunged forward again, trying to grab her, but she slipped free of his grasp.

Asha slipped the gate latch and pushed through it, her heartbeat kicking into overdrive. “I’m telling Aither—” Asha balled her fists in her dress pocket around the letter Mouser had just given her.

“And you’ll ruin everything…” Duke Bryce shook his head, his eyes unfocused on anything but the barrage of thoughts that must have been streaming through his head. “Can’t take any risks…” He rushed her again, this time using his Wind magic to close the gap between them faster than Asha even realized he was moving.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry,” Asha stammered as she struggled against his grasp, trying to get Duke Bryce to let her go. Panic seized her. One hand twisted around her forearm, while the other squeezed her throat, choking her. Hurting her. “Let… go…!”

Honk! Honk!

Voda spat and hissed at the duke as she moved toward them, her wings and head up, staring pointedly at Duke Bryce as he mumbled wordlessly to himself. She beelined toward them, with her neck stretched out, hissing with every step. Asha tried to back away, but the duke’s grip on her arm didn’t allow her to move much. Voda’s gabble echoed in the small area. As Voda careened closer, Duke Bryce kicked at her, but she continued forward, dodging his flailing limbs until he let Asha go, pushing her to the ground. Dirt and pebbles lodged into her skin, and she cried out, gasping for air.


Earlier books in the series:
The Chaos DaughterThe Order Revived

The Chaos Daughter (The Jeweled Fairytale Retellings #1) by Sara Michaels
The Chaos Daughter is an action packed adventure of self-discovery inspired by the tale of Anastasia. Question everything, and trust no one: what Nastasya’s about to discover will change the world forever.
You can buy The Chaos Daughter here on Amazon

The Order Revived (The Jeweled Fairytale Retellings #2) by Sara Michaels
The Order Revived is a thrilling quest into the unknown inspired by the empowering story of Mulan. When your true calling is so clear, the only thing you can do is follow your heart.
You can buy The Order Revived here on Amazon

About Author Sara Michaels:
Sara lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two dogs. A lover of the written word from an early age, Sara reads everything from middle grade to young adult and adult novels. She loves genres ranging from science fiction and fantasy to contemporary and historical fiction, which is why she writes and plans to publish across several genres, including contemporary, romance, young adult fantasy, and science fiction.

When she’s not writing, you can find her playing video games, reading way too many books at the same time, singing to music, or riding her motorcycle around a beautiful Washington backdrop. She also writes for several online blogs and newspapers.

Author links:


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ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0927CQSSN
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Tordotcom (March 22, 2022)
Publication date ‏ : ‎ March 22, 2022
Language ‏ : ‎ English

A Most Anticipated Pick for The Nerd Daily | Autostraddle

“I love a good heist, and this is a beautifully constructed magical heist in turn-of-the-century Seattle.” ―Mary Robinette Kowal

“This fierce magical heist tale is as smooth as gin and jazz.” ―Beth Cato

“Catnip for those who like watching con artists walk the tightrope of trickery and lies.” ―Marie Brennan

“[A] captivating noir fantasy. . .Deeds presents all this intrigue in reverse chronological order, spinning out mysteries that will keep readers guessing till the end. The result is a well-crafted puzzle; readers’ only complaint will be that they want more.” ―Publishers Weekly, starred review

“A fun, fast-moving heist story that will immediately hook readers who love 1920s-era worlds and soft-fantasy world building.” ―Booklist, starred review

“Readers who love heist and caper stories will be thrilled with Dolly and her quest to deliver much-deserved comeuppance to those who believed they are above the law. The gas-lamp setting gives just the right touch of magic and creeping dread to Deeds’s novel.” ―Library Journal

“A deliciously fun novella set in 1929 Seattle is just what is needed for your bookshelves. . . .Beginning at the ending and following the path backwards through a magical heist, this story brings comeuppance to all.” ―Buzzfeed

“Deeds tells her story with nuance and subtly, luring you into a false sense of pleasantry. From the first page to the very last word, I was enthralled with this tale of thievery and lies.” ―Grimdark Magazine



Seattle, 1929—a bitterly divided city overflowing with wealth, violence, and magic.

A respected magus and city leader intent on criminalizing Seattle’s most vulnerable magickers hires a young woman as a lady’s companion to curb his rebellious daughter’s outrageous behavior.

The widowed owner of a speakeasy encounters an opportunity to make her husband’s murderer pay while she tries to keep her shapeshifter brother safe.

A notorious thief slips into the city to complete a delicate and dangerous job that will leave chaos in its wake.

One thing is for certain—comeuppance, eventually, waits for everyone.


Chapter One


november 4, 1929 (thirteen days before)


ambrose earnshaw, Seattle’s Commissioner of Magi, looked over his wide ebony desk at the young woman seated across it. “Mortimer Lester is a good friend,” he said, “but he is not a great a judge of character. I am, and I investigate thor- oughly.” He touched the open file folder before him.

The woman nodded. Her expression was serious but not anxious. She was pretty, with green eyes and black hair, un- fashionably long, tucked up bob-like under a gray cloche. Her hands were folded, but he could see where a tear in the thumb seam of one glove had been nearly perfectly mended. Her white blouse was impeccably pressed. The gray wool skirt she wore, which ended just below her knee, was not in the latest fashion.

“You came here from California, and you told me you at- tended Miss Meritage’s Young Women’s Academy in San Diego,” he said.

“My parents died when I was ten, and Uncle John was the only one who could take me in.” She had a low-pitched voice. “When I was thirteen, my aunt got sick. With the four boys, they couldn’t look after me, so I went to Miss Meritage’s.”

“I have her letter here.” He cleared his throat and read aloud,

“Miss White was a conscientious and obedient student. Even though she possesses no magical affinity, she is a careful and methodical mixer of potions. She is reliable, punctual, and tidy. If the position you are filling does not require great imag- ination, she will do well. I recommend her to you.”

If Miss White was hurt by this blunt assessment, it didn’t show.

“You cared for Mortimer’s great-aunt, in Tarzana, until she crossed over.”

“Yes.” Miss White shifted her hands. “I came to Seattle look- ing for work. Mr. Lester told me you might have a position.”

“I do,” he said. He glanced around the room, stroking his mustache with thumb and forefinger. His study always filled him with satisfaction, from the teak wainscoting to the mar- quetry ceiling carved of bird’s-eye maple. The rich Persian rugs—chosen by his wife, now five years dead—ran up to the French doors, their thin drapes drawn back to show a view of the flagstone terrace and the autumn garden.

“I’ve done a bit of research about you too, Mr. Earnshaw,” Dolly White said. “I understand you are the Commissioner of Magi, and your eldest child, Francis, is in the Order of Saint Michael the Protector, which I assume is a magical police force. Or part of your commission? I don’t completely under- stand.”

“The Order is less formal. Our police force is filled with shortsighted fools, too timorous to take necessary action. There’s a need for a volunteer force to pick up the slack.”

A puzzled frown wrinkled her forehead. “A vigilance com- mittee?”

“That’s an old-fashioned term, Miss White. The Order of Saint Michael merely protects the populace where the police

cannot.” He shot his cuffs. “As for the Commission, it’s a . . . well, a governing council. We recommend policy on magic to the mayor and the city council, and we investigate com- plaints. We’re responsible for the licensing of magical practi- tioners and the collecting of fees.”

“We didn’t have those in California, I think,” she said. “California is a hotbed of magical crime.”

A silence fell.

“Well,” Dolly said, “I admit I’m confused. You wanted a companion for your daughter, but I’ve seen her picture in the society pages, and she isn’t an invalid, is she?”

“My daughter is a drunkard.” Dolly White raised her eyebrows.


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Photo Content from Marion Deeds


Marion Deeds was born in Santa Barbara, California and moved to northern California when she was five. She loves the redwoods, the ocean, dogs and crows.

She’s fascinated by the unexplained, and curious about power: who has it, who gets it, what is the best way to wield it. These questions inform her stories.

Deeds has published Aluminum Leaves and Copper Road from Falstaff Books, with short works in Podcastle and several anthologies. She reviews fiction and writes a column for the review site Fantasy Literature.

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Join Us For This Tour From:  March 28 to April 15

Book Details:

Book Title:  Grey Dawn of Dharaven Bk.1: Katz Island by Katherine E. Soto
CategoryAdult Fiction (18 +), 417 pages
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Rhetoric Askew
Publication Date: February 24, 2022.
Tour dates: March 28 to April 15
Content Rating: PG

Book Description:

A fantasy adventure book about an archeology expedition that heads off into uncharted areas on Katz Island on the planet Dharaven. Earth Dragon Clan born archaeologist Grey Dawn Fields leads to a team of explorers and archaeologists into the wilds of Katz Island looking for a human
underground settlement. She’s seen it on an ancient map found in an antiquarian store. That’s when the problems start, and they’re not only coming from the island. When they arrive on Katz Island the expedition is forced to wonder why they are even there when they find little in the first valley the team ground searches. The second valley is more promising as it shows signs of old habitation in its cliff caverns. It’s still not what Grey is looking for.

When an Earth Dragon attacks the second camp looking for food, then dies leaving a baby Earth dragon behind; Grey realizes she has trouble on her hands. Between training a baby Earth Dragon and her archaeology expedition duties Grey is required to stretch her problem solving capabilities and is forced to rely on her friends, colleagues and even her Earth Dragon Clan for help.

​Is there an ancient human underground settlement on Katz Island or is Grey on a crazy quest to find something that does not exist? Grey’s archaeology career rests on her ability to solve every problem that stands in her way of success. Readers of fantasy adventure books will be captivated by this book.

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Meet the Author:Katherine E. Soto is a writer of fantasy novels. Her passion for writing started in high school with free form poetry writing, although she does remember creative story writing at an early age. Katherine enjoys composing short stories, flash fiction, poetry, sci-fi/fantasy novels, and nonfiction. She wrote her first fantasy novel in 2019 and it was published in 2022.

connect with the author: website ~ twitter ~ facebook ~ instagram ~ bookbubgoodreads linktree 


Tour Schedule:

March 28 – Working Mommy Journal – book spotlight / giveaway
March 28 – Cover Lover Book Review – book spotlight / giveaway
March 28 – Rockin’ Book Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway
March 28 – 
FUONLYKNEW – book spotlight / giveaway
March 29 – Celticlady’s Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway
March 29 – JB’s Bookworms with Brandy Mulder – book spotlight / giveaway
March 30 – Kam’s Place – book spotlight
March 31 – Splashes of Joy – book spotlight / giveaway
March 31 – TC Marti’s Action-Packed Book Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway
April 1 – Book Corner News and Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway
April 1 – fundinmental – book spotlight / giveaway
April 4 – From the Book Reviewer’s Desk – book spotlight
April 5 – Buried Under Books – book spotlight / giveaway
April 5 – Lamon Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway
April 6 – Ravenz Reviewz – book spotlight / giveaway
April 7 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book spotlight / giveaway
April 8 – Library Lady’s Kid Lit – book spotlight / giveaway
April 11 – Gina Rae Mitchell – book spotlight / giveaway
April 12 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway
April 12 – Stephanie Jane – book spotlight / giveaway
April 13 – Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway
April 13 – Books for Books – book spotlight
April 14 – Sadie’s Spotlight – book spotlight / giveaway
April 15 – Westveil Publishing – book spotlight / giveaway


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The Munchkins

Book 1

by Candice Zee

Genre: Upper Middle-Grade Fantasy


“Has all the “ingredients” for a fantastical, magical, YA story that also caters to adults who absolutely love the Potter-esque world that happens maybe twice in a lifetime.” – Reader Views

Thirteen extraordinary children with mysterious powers.

Their loving and protective father.

And a sociopathic neighbor who knows them better than they know themselves.

When Capricorn Munch and her twelve siblings appear outside a children’s home, no one, including themselves, knows who they are or where they came from. At ten years old they stop aging, as she and her siblings develop powers that gift them with incredible abilities, like healing wounds and manifesting objects. They keep these powers secret and their adoptive father restricts their use. Capricorn strives to live a normal life, blissfully playing with her favorite sisters, witty and bold Allie, empathic and wise Breezy, and giddy and sweet Hazy.

But now a sudden threat has intruded on their carefree lives: Their next-door neighbor, a man who calls himself Big Boss. Capricorn watches fretfully as Big Boss encroaches on her family like a malevolent force, feeding hostility between her siblings and causing them to be reckless with their powers. Capricorn knows Big Boss is plotting something sinister and can only pray it doesn’t end in ultimate doom for her and her family.

“Told in a fast-paced narrative voice with complex characters, the exhilarating fantasy will keep readers guessing until the very end—all while falling in love with the quirky cast. The book deserved to be made into a movie or a web series.” – The Prairies Book Review


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What can we expect from you in the future? 


The next book I’ll be publishing is the second book in The Munchkins series, titled Capricorn’s Journal: My Family’s Fight for Survival. The second book is already written because I wrote the first and second book together originally, but split it up when I realized the word count was way too high. It just has to be edited by myself and my editor, but I’m aiming to have it published either at the end of the year or at the beginning of next year. In fact, at the end of The Munchkins, there is a snippet of the beginning of the first chapter of the second book.


In every interview I’ve given so far though, I’ve been giving everyone this heads up: The second book is much more YA than middle grade. It is much darker and more intense than the first book. The Munch children go through a lot of trauma together, which the first book hints at, but the second book really delves into. The kids have to pull together and really depend on each other in order to survive. So it’s intense reading and not really suitable for young children due to the grave subject matter. A third book will follow the second, but that one isn’t written yet, although the Munchkins backstory and general outline are all mapped out.


Do you read yourself and if so what is your favorite genre? What are you currently reading?


I read a lot of nonfiction, mostly in the social-sciences genre. I’m passionate about social justice, so I try to educate myself as much as I can. When I want to just read something for fun though, I’ve been a huge fan of horror and thriller novels since I was a teenager. When I was growing up, Christopher Pike’s books and R.L. Stine’s Fear Street series were my go-to reads. Two of my favorite horror authors now are John Saul and Dean Koontz. My favorite author of all time is probably Stephen King. I’ve read many of his books and short stories, and he’s definitely influenced my style of writing. The Munchkins is filled with elements of suspense, and Big Boss is like a villain straight out of a horror novel. He is evil with a captial E.


I am currently reading The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix, How to Be An Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi, Amari and the Night Brothers by B.B. Alston, Do Better: Spiritual Activism for Fighting and Healing from White Supremacy by Rachel Ricketts, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by  Isabel Wilkerson, and Evicted by Matthew Desmond. I just finished The Perfect Family by Robyn Harding and The Institute by Stephen King. You can follow me on Goodreads if you want to see what else I’ve been reading at




Candice Zee is a middle-grade and YA fantasy writer who first dreamed the idea of The Munchkins as a child while playing make-believe with her brother in Wilkes-Barre, PA. She is an early childhood teacher with an M.Ed. in Elementary Education and has taught for over twelve years in Pre-K, Kindergarten, and primary grade classrooms. Like Casey Munch in her book series, she is passionate about creating a more just and equitable world. She savors vegan food, loves board games and podcasts, relishes horror movies and novels, devours social science nonfiction, spontaneously belts out tunes from musicals, and does some of her best writing while drinking coffee at 1 AM. She lives in Cleveland, OH with her wife Dana and their dog companion Solstice. The Munchkins is her debut novel. More information about her book series and the characters can be found at


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Mermaid of Venice
Jincey Lumpkin
(Mermaid of Venice, #1)
Publication date: March 15th 2021
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance

IndieReader Approved with 4.8 of 5 stars: “MERMAID OF VENICE is an electrifying series starter that immerses readers in a world filled with glamor, sex, murder, and mermaids.”

Dive into the extremely glamorous life of Gia Acquaviva, an ultra-rich Venetian mogul with a portfolio of clubs and casinos around the globe. Gia harbors dark secrets––and an underwater graveyard filled with the bones of her former lovers.

Her family’s roots descend from the mythological sirens of ancient Greece, but she’s taken every precaution to protect her anonymity and the existence of other mermaids. Gia lures in men with a beguiling façade, but inside lurks a deeply troubled soul, severely damaged by a mysterious past.

Despite her sinister desires, she longs for true intimacy and believes she may have found her match in Cameron Langley, a successful London-based banker and dead ringer for Chris Hemsworth. He offers Gia her first real opportunity for lasting love. They share an intensely passionate, deeply sensual connection… but is her growing affection for new lover enough to lull the murderous cravings she feels building within?

Fans of Killing Eve and Big Little Lies will love Mermaid of Venice, a sexy psychological thriller with lush fantasy elements. The setting is modern day Europe with all the chic locales, hot spots and vistas of Patricia Highsmith’s The Talented Mr. Ripley and a juicy splash of the lavish lifestyle in E. L. James’s 50 Shades series. This is not the Little Mermaid you grew up with. Gia’s out for blood.

Mermaid of Venice is the first installment in a series of 6 books about Gia Acquaviva.

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Enjoy this peek inside:

Gia closed up the house and locked every shutter before climbing aboard her sleek speed boat. The wooden vessel, while practically brand new, looked vintage. Its soft-top cover glided over Gia’s head with a clean, electronic hum. She steered through thick rain toward Marco Polo airport, with only a small black Hermès Kelly bag in the passenger seat. After pulling into her VIP boat slip, she sauntered to her jet, obscured from prying eyes by an ordinary black umbrella.

It was not until she was above the black storm clouds that she truly began to relax. Her demeanor prior to that, with the jet captain and the flight attendant, had been cool and aloof as usual, but it was an effort to appear so calm. She’d informed the flight attendant that she would not be needing anything on the two-hour trip to London. So, he sat in the front of the plane, in case the captain had any requirements. Gia was alone, on the other side of the curtain in the cream-colored cabin, resting in a suede recliner. She liked being alone, almost more than anything else.

The scene in Venice had become too frenzied. If the city had been busy during the festival, everything was three times as hectic now. Gia felt suffocated. They may as well have projected Nico’s face over the city like the Bat-Signal. Therefore, it was better for her to leave town.

When she arrived at her apartment in London, Gia poured herself a glass of Kentucky bourbon on the rocks—the cheap stuff, which in her opinion, was the best. This was maybe the one time in history when London was sunny while Venice got soaked. She slid the terrace’s huge glass doors into their pockets and invited fresh air into the space. Whisky in hand, she gazed out over the top of Harrods to Hyde Park. Kensington Palace sat on the horizon to the west, and Gia pondered where the Queen might be today and whether the old woman ever drank a strong whisky, or if it was tea all day, every day. Surely the Queen endured situations that called for stiff spirits?

Gia placed her nearly-empty glass on the Carrara marble that encased her bath. She drew steaming hot water from the tap and poured in the contents of a cylinder of French sea salt, as well as several drops of rose oil. She pressed a button that transitioned the window from opaque to clear, so that she might be able to spy on the Duke and Duchess a little longer.

Sinking into the bath, Gia stared out across the city as her tail came in scale by scale. The transformation from skin to scale tickled at first, and afterward had the intensely satisfying sensation of an itch that had scratched itself. She laid back, her tail swaying softly in the bathwater. Legs were fine, and hers were long and strong—good legs, if such a thing exists—but her tail… her tail was part of her soul. It’s what linked her to generations of mythical creatures through millennia. Man came from ape. Man, by nature, was competitive and clumsy and impulsive. Mermaid, however, had evolved in a completely different way. Certainly the sea had its brutality, but there was also much cooperation and an alien beauty that Man would never understand. The sea is in constant motion, while being on land is deceptive. The world itself changes all the time, but when you’re on bedrock, you feel that time stands still,as if the planet’s not moving, as if you’re the center of the fucking universe—and you’re not.

Many of the mermaids back in the colony were of the opinion that climate change was the ocean’s revenge, and that the days of Man were nearing their inevitable and welcome end.

Author Jincey Lumpkin:

JINCEY LUMPKIN is a writer and creative director in Luxury Beauty. She is the author of the Mermaid of Venice fantasy thriller series. Recognized as a thought leader on women and culture, Jincey has written more than 50 columns for the Huffington Post and Playboy. She headlined Sex Week at Harvard and gave an infamous TEDx talk, “Are Robots the Future of Sex?” She has been profiled by Dateline NBC, Vice, and GQ, among others. Out Magazine listed her in its “OUT 100”, naming her as one of the world’s most influential LGBTQ+ people, alongside celebrities like Laverne Cox and Ricky Martin.

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Sabrina and the Lady
Sonya Lawson
(The Comus Duology, #1)
Publication date: February 25th 2022
Genres: Adult, Fantasy

A tyrant occupies the Fae Palace and the only woman who could stop him is hiding in Kentucky, drinking wine with a Milton scholar. But that might be a good thing.

Sabrina, a small-town academic, spends her days teaching and hanging out with the kind but somewhat mysterious best friend she met a few years ago. Her life is steady, maybe even a little dull. Until her friend’s family arrives. Suddenly, Fae is no longer a fictional place. Magic is real. And, oddly enough, Sabrina’s knowledge of a 1634 play may hold the key to saving Nin and her realm.

Nin landed in Kentucky after escaping her captor, the tyrant she once loved. The human realm is calming for her, with moments of joy, but she hates how she hides who and what she is from Sabrina. When Nin’s family unexpectedly arrives at her greenhouse, a series of events force her to share her secrets and grapple with her place in Fae — past, present, and future.

Sabrina and Nin must trust in their friendship, themselves, and John Milton’s Comus to survive in Fae and save the realm from ruin. If they cannot, terror and destruction will reign far beyond the Fae Palace gates.

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Enjoy this peek inside:

She needed a plan, but she had nothing. Nowhere to go that she could easily reach. No one was near to help. Even if they were with her in this place, or she could miraculously find The Falls where her family now hid, being around her was a danger in this moment because of her uncontrolled magic and the forces that stalked her from the Palace. She missed her old home, she missed the Palace from before, she missed her family and her Queen and her ideals of love now horrifically dashed. She had missed her magic, and now it frightened her because she knew not how to rein it in at this moment. So much to do, to think, to remember, to fear, to hate. Too much. All too much. She finally gave it voice, scrunching her tear-stained face and releasing a scream so fierce and desolate, so filled with magic and loss and pain, that when she caught her breath afterward, she saw her wail had literally ripped a hole in the night air.

Another forest poked through, wild in its own right but smelling of strange soil, utter stillness, and, oddly, a hint of humanity. She approached the split with wonder. She knew of no one who had ever torn through the veil of the realms with only a scream, no spellcraft or intention. But it was just what she needed. A spell was traceable — formal magic scented the air, lingering long after casting and making it easy to follow. Her magic in that moment seeped everywhere, pouring out of her in a continual stream without a definitive ending point or anchor. Comus could not trace this type of magic, mostly because it was something new and unknown. Wouldn’t even consider the possibility of this wild, unwieldy magic because it was something far beyond his own power and therefore inconceivable to one such as him. No one in Comus’ power could come close to figuring this out, either. None of his lackeys had even the hint of that type of power because Comus liked to always be unquestionably the best and most powerful in any room.

Gin could do it. Maybe Mother. They could possibly find her again. They would be the only ones she would want to find her, as defeated and disgraced and dangerous as she was. It was her out, her way to save herself and the rest of Fae. After making up her mind, she slipped through the tear in her reality.

From the other realm, surrounded by new trees and earth and air, she watched the hole in the night heal itself without her intention. Knowing she was in the human world, untouchable by hate or love, apart from all she knew for good and bad, she felt adrift, but also relieved. She did not know this place or the people who inhabited it, yet it did not matter. She was safely away from Comus and utterly alone for the first time in years, her only companion the dense, cold, untouched forest. She breathed a sigh before laying on the leaf-strewn ground and introducing herself to this other earth.

Author Sonya Lawson

Sonya Lawson (she/her/they) is a recovering academic currently writing fantasy and other forms of speculative fiction. While she remains a rural Kentuckian at heart, she currently lives in the Pacific Northwest. She fills her days with writing, editing, reading, walking old forests, and watching sitcoms or horror films. You can find more information about current projects and upcoming releases at

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