Archive for the ‘fiction’ Category

It’s release day for Kenya Wright! The tour is upon us!

The Burning Bush (Book Two in the  Santeria Habitat Series) is available NOW!

The Burning Bush (Habitat, #2)

I love this cover! What do you think?

If you think it’s amazing, wait until you read the story. It starts out with a bang.

Let me tell you something about it. But before I forget, I should tell you that this is Book Two in the series and may contain some mild spoilers.

Now they’ve really stepped in it. Zulu and Lanore blew up Linderman‘s Blood Factory. It just happens to be owned by Dante, a very powerful vampire that wants them dead.

To complicate matters, the bumbling cop, Rivera, was tracking them with their brands and knows they did it. He uses that knowledge to blackmail Lanore into helping him with a case.

A burning bush has been left in front of the police station. Inside is a naked dead girl showing no signs of burnt flesh or decay. It has to be magic that keeps the bush burning. Hence, Rivera’s need for Lanore. He is inept and lazy, and plans on taking full credit when Lanore solves the mystery. The mystery deepens when she discovers that this is the second burning bush that was dropped off.

I really liked this part:

Rivera took off his blood spattered jacket and slung it over the chair in the corner. “This is the second burning bush with a girl tied to it.”

“Two bush victims.” I shook my head. “And why doesn’t the public know about this?”

“The first victim was just a female mixbreed. A poor one.”

The prejudice portrayed in this scene made the story very genuine.

Let me give you a little background. Lanore is a mixbreed, or mixie for short, the product of parents from different magical species. They are considered the lowest form of trash. Each species in the caged cities, or habitats, are given a brand on their forehead signifying what species they are.

Lanore has a secret, the power of fire. She also has white cords sewn into her arm, put there when her lover Zulu claimed her as his mate during lovemaking. He did this without her consent and she wants them gone.

Zulu has multi-colored cords sewn into his skin from his wrists to his shoulders. They are a spell that lets him shift into a lethal Fairy beast called Prime.

And then there is MeShack. He is a were-cheetah and he makes my blood start racing and my heart go pitter-patter.

Lanore has a lot on her plate. She has to solve the burning bush mystery and keep Zulu and Meshack from killing each other. They both claim her as their mate.

Meshack had his chance and he blew it. He cheated on Lanore. Of course he is in his season, his beast is beginning to mature and is quite randy. The season lasts for seven years and Lanore isn’t putting up with it for that long. But Meshack doesn’t give up that easily. I love his purring when he is aroused. How she resists him, I can’t figure.

She has hooked up with Zulu. A body from heaven with beautiful flowing dreadlocks and a sarcastic wit that adds to his charm. He is her lover and protector and is fiercely possessive. A real alpha male. He is called The Heart Ripper and not because of his sexual prowess.

Here are a couple of  scenes I really loved.

Meshack – “I have you alone in a cellar where no one can hear you call for help. You’re lucky I still have my pants on.”

Lanore – “You’re like a romantic serial killer.”

and this one:

Lanore – “Zulu said, and I quote,”Meshack can look but if he touches, I get to rip off the hand he used.” Then I explained that we weren’t committed and that he was acting like a possessive psycho.”

“His response?”

“Zulu just shrugged and said, “I am a possessive psycho.”

I don’t know who I want Lanore to end up with. I go back and forth, Meshack or Zulu, Zulu or Meshack? Either one warms my blood. The sexual tension just oozes from the pages.

There are also some very funny scenes all throughout the book. They add genuineness to the story, making it very believable.

I laughed out loud at this one! It takes place over the phone.

“So how would a fire witch cast a spell to create the burning bush?”

“The witch would attach their fire to the bush and then have the bush hold the girl in place like magical glue.”

Something banged and then crashed on her end of the line.

“Fox Jr.! I am on the phone!” Vee yelled and then cleared her throat. “Take your sister out of the toilet now! Partricia, get her out!”

The book is chock full of this stuff.  It’s like every page wrings some emotional response out of you. Anger, lust, disgust, glee and triumph. Sometimes more than one.

You would think keeping track of all of the species would be difficult and the explanations of their abilities a drag. But Kenya writes like a master, puts it in laymen terms you could say, making it easy to follow and understand. There is always something thrown into the scene to draw a reaction from you. Very powerful writing.

There is so much sexiness in this book, but not a lot of explicit sex scenes. The author’s innuendos are more than enough to heat up your blood.

The bad guys are really bad and the good guys are so darn likeable. These characters are the friends I would want  to hang with and have on my side if I lived in Santeria.

I could go on and on, but I can’t. I would be telling too much. You will just have to hurry over and get your own copy of The Burning Bush and enter the habitat at your own risk:)

  This book is on Fire!!

You can read my review of Fire Baptized (Book One) here.

About Kenya Wright
Join the mailing list to stay up-to-date with free books, giveaways, and new releases!Kenya Wright always knew she would be famous since the ripe old age of six when she sang the Michael Jackson thriller song in her bathroom mirror. She has tried her hand at many things from enlisting in the Navy for six years as a Persian-Farsi linguist to being a nude model at an art university.However, writing has been the only constant love in her life.Will she succeed? Of course.For she has been coined The Urban FantasyQueen, the Super Iconic Writer of this Age, The Lyrical Genius of Our Generation. Granted, these are all terms coined by her, within the private walls of her bathroom as she still sings the Michael Jackson thriller song.Kenya Wright currently resides in Miami with her three amazing, overactive children, a supportive, gorgeous husband, and three cool black cats that refuse to stop sleeping on Kenya’s head at night.

You can purchase Kenya’s books by clicking on the images below.

Time to announce the winners!




I will be e-mailing the winners and sending their information to the author.

Thanks to everyone for entering and for your comments. You made this giveaway a huge success.

Thanks so much Anne, for allowing me to host the giveaway and for a wonderful story. I enjoyed our interview and look forward to having you back again!

Go here to read my 5 Star review and interview with Anne.

You can purchase Dangerous Waters by clicking on the image below.


You can find Anne here:

I really do like to be scared. I have always loved books that make me jump at every little noise.  I have read so many books and watched so many movies, that it takes something to really scare me.

When Diane Wing asked me if I would be interested in reading and reviewing her collection of scary stories, I was all for it. Nothing like a good fright to get those endorphins pumping!

Thorne Manor: And Other Bizarre Tales

Diane is being very generous. She has one paperback copy of her book to giveaway on my blog! AND she has agreed to an interview! Just keep reading:)

My thoughts and ramblins

Thorne Manor is the longer story in this collection.

Heather has finally found the strength to leave her abusive husband and start out on her own. She has always wanted to run her own business, and when the house of her dreams seems to call out to her, she ignores her friend’s advice and buys it. Thorne Manor has been empty for five years. It’s dark history has many people believing its haunted. That doesn’t worry Heather. The mansion, with its three levels will be perfect.

The house needs some TLC but no major reconstruction. While the workers are doing the repairs and adding the cosmetic touches, Heather sets out to get some tenants to rent the available rooms. Her plan is to make Thorne Manor a place of psychic entertainment and she needs to find various occult practitioners to provide  services to the clients. Kind of like a psychic smorgasbord.

There is one major problem with the old manor. It comes with some very unwelcoming inhabitants. Gypsy, a trance medium, suggests a good cleansing ritual. It’s going to take more than that. Heather needs to clean house of these nasty spirits  before her tenants move in. It proves much more difficult and dangerous than she thought.

My thoughts

This was a really creepy haunting. Diane knows how to create an atmosphere that makes the hairs stand up on the back of your neck. I was almost looking over my shoulder while reading it. With a limited amount of words, she got me engaged with the characters. I felt protective  and proud of Heather, and her psychic friends were my kind of people. Someone I would want on my side when things got bad.

Don’t get too comfortable. This story moves fast and the scares are many and intense.

By Invitation Only

Loretta is lost without Toby. He was her constant companion for 15 years.

Five years have passed and  her grief is just as heavy.  She really should move somewhere so she isn’t constantly reminded of Toby, her silken haired dog, but she fears losing the good memories.

Something strange starts to happen. There is something in the wall of her bedroom. Something trying to get out, chipping away at the plaster.

My thoughts

I would have moved. If something was pushing, trying to get out of the wall, slowly making a bigger and bigger hole, I would be so out of there. Curiosity killed the cat, people!!

This was an eerie tale, making me edgy and fearful of what was going to come out of that wall!

Dream State

Judith has a problem. A big one. There are living things in her mouth. Worms! Then she wakes up. It was only a dream. Or was it?

My thoughts

The title of this book says …and other bizarre tales. Well, this one is very bizarre. It is also kind of gross, which makes the creep factor high. For some reason, maybe I’m bizarre, I liked that.

Good Riddance

That’s it! Justin has had it with the mangy cat that keeps sneaking up onto his porch, covering his expensive furniture with its hair. The hair was everywhere. Finding out where it lived proved impossible and it just kept coming back, night after night. Something would have to be done.

This went on for months and Justin began to fantasize a gruesome ending for the nasty feline. He should have been more careful what he imagined.

My thoughts

This was a goodie!  What Justin conjured up in his imagination is unspeakable and the ending was not what I expected to happen.

Guardian of the Gate

Anzuth makes the long, grueling climb from the bowels of Hell to Earth’s surface, but he is not where he expected to be.  Spotting a beauty salon that’s still open, he decides to get cleaned up there, knock the stink off of him.

He gets a makeover straight out of The Twilight Zone!

My thoughts

Loved this. It was so different. I don’t know where Diane found this idea, definitely from left field. I think we need more beauticians like the one you meet in this story.

The Black Sheep

Amy can’t explain it. It’s a mystery to her. Why is she so drawn to The Black Sheep. It’s just a restaurant, isn’t it?  Given, its outside is coated in red paint and there is a skull of a ram, complete with horns, displayed in the window, so maybe that’s where her sense of foreboding comes from.

She seems unable to stay away from the building, despite repeated warnings from her guardian spirit to stay clear. Each time she passes the building, the pull to enter is stronger.

My thoughts

I would have never entered that building. If something made me uneasy, I would avoid it, not seek it out. I don’t know, maybe she was meant to enter.

The Quiet Neighbors

Ever since Henry lost his job, it seems all Emma does is clean up after him. He stays glued to his chair, stuffing his face with Cheese Doodles, chasing them down with sweet tea, and watching endless TV. She longs for the future that should have been theirs. Not this.

Then she finds this book, Manual of Retribution – A Guidebook for the Oppressed. What she finds in it just might be able to make her life better.

My thoughts

Good for Emma. No one should have to put up with a loser like Henry. I don’t know if I could have done what she did, but since it’s a story, I say go Emma.

My overall review

Excellent writing. Diane quickly lays out the plots and gets right to the heart of each story. There is something for everyone here. Each story has its own atmosphere or flavor.  She makes you connect with the characters. I was surprised at which characters I was drawn to. I felt a slight nudge towards them by the author. I got everything I hoped for out of this collection, and more.

     Very Scary Good!

A special treat today! Diane is here to answer a few questions.

Welcome Diane. Thanks for agreeing to answer a few questions. It gives us a chance to get to know you.

 1) Most of my readers know I love to read and review short stories and collections. I find them very challenging to review without giving too much away. Can you explain your writing process when doing short stories?

I start with a scenario and let it run from there.  I get into a zone where I am experiencing the story as it unfolds and love to see where it takes me.

2) Where do your ideas come from?

Inspiration comes from many places and can happen at any time.  I carry a notebook with me, for the idea can strike while having dinner with friends, walking in the woods, or looking at an object, person, or situation and asking myself what if?  People-watching can trigger all sorts of ideas.

3) What do you think makes for a good story?

Atmosphere, intriguing characters, and the strange and unusual introducing itself into daily life.  Having an out-of-the-ordinary component that brings about a mental or emotional reaction is important to keep my attention.

4) Do you have a favorite story in this collection, or perhaps a favorite scene?

Guardian of the Gate is the one I had the most fun writing. It’s hard to say more about that without giving away the plot.

5) Did you draw on anything from your own life when writing Thorne Manor… and other bizarre tales?

I think every writer draws a piece of themselves into their writing.  Even in fictional works, a writer’s underlying philosophy is exposed, albeit taken to the extreme within the storyline.  By Invitation Only was written while grieving the loss of my own beloved pet.  Thorne Manor incorporated experiences from a controlling relationship and an actual business idea I had.  A house that was in severe disrepair where I live sparked the idea for The Quiet Neighbors.

6) What is your favorite thing you like to do when not writing or working?

I like walking in the woods and going to concerts – a wide variety from classical music to classic rock.  They are such opposite types of activities – one peaceful with few people for contemplation and rejuvenation and the other loud and crowded, to stimulate new ideas.  Each of these activities serve to move thought in new directions – one internally and one externally.

7) Are you writing something now, and if so, can you tell us something about it?

Right now I’m working on The True Nature of Energy: Secrets of Energetic Consciousness.  It is an exploration of the energetic dynamics between the physical and the divine and ways to interpret the energies we are exposed to, as well as the energies we create ourselves.  By increasing energetic awareness, it increases the ability to see things objectively, reduces drama, and enhances personal growth.  My vibrational scale and associated quiz are included, so readers can determine their energy level and find ways to raise their vibrational level.  Target date for release is early 2013.

The other manuscripts I’m working on include five new short stories, a book of tarot combinations, and Coven II (sequel to Coven: The Scrolls of the Four Winds).

Now for Five Fun Shorts!

1) What psychic power would you wish for?  To hear the thoughts of all living things

 2) What is your favorite animal?  Hawk in the wild; dog in the house
 3) Have you ever had a supernatural encounter?  Many!
 4) What is the scariest book you’ve read?  The Shining and Salem’s Lot by Stephen King
 5) What is the scariest movie you’ve seen?  I’m still looking for the movie that is the scariest.  There is a 15-second scene in Exorcist III that creeps me out and stays with me.
 I really enjoyed this opportunity to get to know you Diane. Thanks so much for everything!

And now for the giveaway! Giveaway is over. Thank you.

I have one paperback copy of Thorne Manor…and other bizarre tales to giveaway. US and Canada only.

To enter just leave your email address along with a comment, Do you like to be scared?

Not required, but you’d make me smile if you followed my blog and twitter.

Giveaway end September 26th.

You can find Diane here: and

More about Diane

Diane Wing, M.A. is an author, teacher, personal transformation guide, and intuitive consultant. She has a Master’s degree in clinical psychology and has been providing valuable insights for the highest good of her clients for over 27 years.

Diane is the author of the books “The True Nature of Tarot: Your path to personal empowerment,” a collection of short fiction titled “Thorne Manor…and other bizarre tales,” and the novel, “Coven: The Scrolls of the Four Winds.”

Diane works her clients to find meaning and fulfillment in their lives by helping them find their Inner Magick and empowering them to create the lives they really want.  Her website is

You can purchase Thorne Manor by clicking on the image below.

I have 3 e-book copies of Revamp to give away to some very lucky people. Beck Sherman’s story will make you afraid of the dark, as you should be.


I loved this book and will read anything  Beck writes. You can read my 5 STAR review and interview with Beck Sherman here .

Here’s the book description to wet your whistle.

News reporters scrambled. This was the biggest story to come along in weeks.
They called it a blackout.
The last one was in New York City in 2003, but this one was different, special, because the grids in six major cities across the country had been fried, kaput, see-you-next-Sunday. Everyone with some jurisdiction blamed each other, and when there was no one left to blame, terrorism rode in on its gallant steed.
It was the media’s fault. They were so busy stuffing fanatical Muslims with a penchant for Allah and decapitations down the American citizen’s throat, that they never saw it coming. I guess I shouldn’t be too hard on them.
They were partially right.
It was terror after all, but a whole new kind. And when the lights came back on, things had changed.

The dark had brought us visitors.

For your viewing pleasure:


Okay! Let’s get ya’ll entered shall we?

All that is required is to leave your email along with a comment. When the lights go out, what scares you?


My sister Sherry and I are doing a tag team giveaway! For another chance to win, just hop over to Fundinmental .

Though not required, I would love it if you followed my blog and twitter.

To follow Beck or learn more:

Contest ends September 30th.

To purchase Revamp just click on the image below.

About this author

Beck Sherman was born and raised in Massachusetts. Beck attended Syracuse University undergrad, has a master’s degree in photojournalism from the University of Westminster, London, and when not writing, enjoys exploring abandoned insane asylums and photo-documenting the things that go bump in the night, when they’re kind enough to pose.

Check out this amazing cover!

I am so excited- done soon!

Underworld (Book Two of the  Dark Passage Series)

Read this!

Underworld is part 2 of the Dark Passage Series~
In a green ocean of pine trees and twisted branches it seems impossible that light can penetrate the darkness. I find myself outside the strange house in the coolness of a pine forest with my backpack slung over my shoulder. The pine scent lingers in the air and I can hear the faint sound of music from far away.

The pleasure of the light is so intense that I don’t care about anything else. All I have ever wanted is to be loved and to be held just like this. I want to stay forever and never to go back to my life. I savor the experience for a few more moments and then let my body fall out of the light. I know what I must do and slowly close the locket.

“The white horses belong to the third realm. When we saw him in the field this morning Emma said he was yours. How did you ever get your hands on one? He will prove right useful to you here.”

“How can I be equipped when I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do?” I feel a sudden feeling of panic rising up in me as the words tumble out. I don’t understand what I have done to deserve this and the thought of what I will have to face is terrifying.

“The way you are to go will come to you. You will be led by an inner feeling and when the time is right you will know what to do. The light will find you and show you other dimensions and doorways which you may pass through”.

My eyes never leave her face. She radiates warmth and looks as she had long ago, before the world had left its cruel marks on her. It’s a sliver of time I will never get back. It’s been a lifetime and I can’t forget her face, she is the one who completes me. It’s a fragment of time that I have hidden away in the inner recess of my mind. Nothing more than a promise of the reality of what could have been. We had chosen different paths and were never to see each other again.

I often dream the impossible dream. Can this sliver of time, this chance meeting, ever lead to an eternity with her?

I am so excited! I hope it will be ready soon. Until then, I will have to wait:)

If you read my review of Dark Passage here , you’ll see it’s no secret how much I love Michele’s writing. If you want to get to know her better, my interview with Michele is here.

You can find Michele here:

You can find her on Goodreads:
http://www.goodreads .com/author/show/5767871.M_L_Woolley
For updates about Underworld – Book 2 of the Dark Passage Series:
To purchase Dark Passage (Book One in the series) just click on the image below!

These books just get better and better.

Read this excerpt from The Rise. Come see what Alexa and her monster, along with Kayden have been up to. Nelly has been very busy also!

No spoilers here. Just a tease for you.

I don’t have the cover to show you just yet but read this!

Scene from Book 3: The Rise

Set to be released on September 25, 2012!


I stood beside the Mercedes my friend Tommy had lent me, my hands clenched into fists at my sides, watching the numbers on the gas pump roll up. We were still two hours away from our destination; from Nelly. We had pushed on as far as we dared before stopping to fill up the empty tank. As anxious as I was, I might just rip the nozzle out of the tank without letting it fill. Time was ticking and ticking.

Kayden had gotten out with me, even though I had jumped out before the car had come to a complete stop and rushed to get this inconvenient task accomplished. He had probably needed a break from my Mother. I knew I did. I didn’t disagree with anything she was saying, but that didn’t mean I wanted to hear it right now.

I watched the numbers on the pump roll and roll. I could feel Kayden’s eyes studying me.

He was leaning back against the Mercedes, his left arm slightly raised because of the bullet wound he’d received back at Dangeon. A slight sheen covered his handsome face, his arms and neck. He should be resting right now, recovering. He hadn’t uttered a word of complaint.

When he took my hand I sighed at the comfort he gave me, releasing a tense breath I hadn’t realized I had been holding. I did my best to keep a neutral face, to not let all of the emotions I was feeling leak out there. Not that it made any difference. Kayden knew I was afraid, terrified even. Of course he did. He could see it as surely as I could see the tension in his muscles and the perfect lines of his face.

“She’s going to be fine,” Kayden said, his deep voice softened to a rumbled whisper. I pulled my gaze away from the rolling pump numbers and looked up into his golden eyes. I found a bit of peace there, but only a bit.

“She’s probably asleep in her dorm room right now,” he continued, speaking gently. “Safe and sound. We have only been gone a couple days. Nelly’s a smart girl. She wouldn’t get in any trouble. She’s probably just as worried about you right now.”

Kayden pulled me to him with his good hand, and I laid my head against his chest. I listened to his heartbeat. Slow and steady. “I know,” I said, releasing another heavy breath. “So why do I have the awful feeling that something’s happened? That we’re going to be…too late? I could barely bring myself to say those two words. They came out sounding the same as they felt: choked.

Kayden said nothing to that. I felt my heart drop, took a step back, my eyes returning to the rolling gas pump numbers. Kayden reached into the pocket of his jeans and produced a tiny leather box. He held it out to me. I stared at it. “I never gave you your birthday present,” he said, and his voice sounded strange… apprehensive, almost.

I looked up at him and found that he could not look back at me. For just a tiny moment, my worries melted away and a small smile touched my lips. My big, strong Kayden looked…nervous. It took me a moment to recognize it. It was an expression I had never seen him wear.

I took the box and pulled back the lid. My breath caught in my throat. Inside, set in black velvet was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. Rose gold, topped with a sphere of diamonds so brilliant that the stones caught bits of light even on this dark night and threw rose gold tinted light every which way.  I was not a person who wore a lot of jewelry, but even the simplest folks would pause to admire this ring. Now I was the one who could not look up. If I so much as tilted my head, a tear or two might just spring from my eyes. I’m not so fond of crying.

Finally, I choked them back and cleared my throat. My words still came out a little rusty. “Thank you,” I said. “It’s beautiful…like a tiny sun.”

Kayden took the ring from the box and took my hand. I felt my knees loosen. “Well,” he said, his slight Scottish accent seeming to caress the word. I stared into his eyes, the color of a lion’s, and wondered at how such a fearsome creature could purr so sweetly. “I’m partial to silver myself,” he continued, running those lion’s eyes over the silver on my skin. I shivered. “But it has been in my family for over two hundred years. My father gave it to my mother, my grandfather to my grandmother.”

He slipped the ring on the third finger of my left hand. It fit so perfectly on my finger, and somehow, even amidst all the jagged and discolored scars that my hand had picked up over the years, it managed to look…right. Just right. I choked back more tears. I have no idea why I felt like crying.

My monster, quiet for once in what seemed like an eternally long time, either had nothing to say, or was graciously allowing me this moment. Either way, I was grateful.

I stared down at my hand. Took a deep breath, opened my mouth. I had no idea what was going to come out. “I-I…belong to you,” I whispered, and the words were a slow thought, processed as they were spoken. They held no question.

Kayden’s hand came up and tilted my chin back. I stared at my lion; his golden skin, his carved muscles, the strong line of his jaw, and those eyes. A tear escaped my own. It rolled down my cheek, warm and wet.

Kayden’s rough but gentle thumb brushed it away. “Yes, my Warrior,” he said, “and I you.”

More tears joined the first. Kayden pulled me into his arms again, and I sank into the strength of them. I lay my head on his chest, drying my eyes on the soft fabric of his gray t-shirt. I felt him rest his chin on the top of my head, the short hair of his beard pleasantly prickling me. For a moment, all was okay. Right with the world. Just right.

But of course, because it was my world we were talking about here, it was only a moment.

Then I remembered something that sent a pang of guilt through my stomach. Then I remembered Jackson.

I didn’t wasn’t to hurt him. Jackson had always been good to me, had saved my ass more than a couple times. He loved me. And I loved him. But…

Not in the way I love Kayden. I don’t love anyone the way I love Kayden. I love him as much as I love Nelly. Well…almost.

I would have to tell Jackson about us. He deserved to know. That made my heart hurt.

I took a step back from Kayden, who studied my face as I did so. “Kayden,” I began, then realized I didn’t know what to say.

A small, rare smile played at his lips. “You’re worried about him,” he said. It was not a question.

I hesitated, then gave a small nod. “He’s my friend,” I said lamely.

Kayden nodded once in return. “Which is why haven’t killed him,” he said, his golden eyes never leaving mine. His brow furrowed for a moment, and those lion’s eyes went distant, hard. “I came close once,” he admitted.

I raised a brow at that. Kayden chuckled, a soft, deep rumble that vibrated in his chest. “That night I saw you two outside of your dorm room. He had his arms around you, and you were…it took a lot of self-control to keep myself from ripping him away from you and snapping his neck.”

A small laugh bubbled up from my throat, and it sounded odd. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d laughed. “How romantic,” I said. I tried for a grin, and succeeded only partly. I remembered that night. It seemed like it had been ages ago now.

“So you were waiting for me,” I said, “I knew it.”

Kayden’s hand came up and rested on my cheek. “Alexa, I have been waiting for you for a very long time.”

I leaned forward. I didn’t care if my Mother was probably watching us through the car window. Kayden drew me to him like a magnet. I was through resisting the pull. Just before our lips touched, the gas pump beside us clicked off.

In a blur of motion and slammed car doors, we were back in the Mercedes and peeling out of the gas station lot. I removed a cigarette from my pack and placed it between my lips once we were back on the highway. The fact that Kayden had moved the same way I had, so quickly and uncaring of witnesses, to get back in the car, not even taking a tiny moment to let our lips meet told me one thing: he was as worried as I was. He had the same bad feeling I had. I didn’t want to believe it. I had no reason to believe it. But Kayden felt it, too.

Nelly was in trouble.

Let’s hope we’re not too late, Warrior.

I cringed. Lit the cigarette, crushed it between my teeth. My monster felt it, too.

Oh wow! I am so ready for more Alexa and Kayden! Miss Nelly also!

To read more about this go here.

You can read my reviews of Blood Warrior and Half Black Soul (Books One and Two of the Alexa Montgomery Saga)  by clicking on the title below.

Blood Warrior

Half Black Soul

To purchase the books just click on the images.

  and her other novel

For more about the author:




Her Blog:

You can sign up for her newsletter and get all of the latest news at the bottom of her blog.

Just like I promised, I am having a giveaway of New Blood: Vampire in the City Book One.

Each week of this month I will have something new about this series. So stay tuned!

You can go here to read my review and the fun interview with author Donna Ansari.

Here is my show and tell about this great book!

cNew Blood

Emma Hammond is a normal young woman living in New York City whose life changes forever when one misstep brings her very close to death. Luckily, Alex Thompson, a handsome stranger (who also happens to be a vampire), jumps in to save her, turning Emma into a vampire. She quickly discovers the numerous advantages (no more allergies, glasses, or acne) and slight drawbacks (wanting to eat her boyfriend) of joining the ranks of the creatures of the night. But Emma soon finds out her new undead life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be when she gets pulled in to an age-old dispute between two feuding vampire clans.

 Loved it!!

Now for the giveaway.

Donna has been generous. I have 5 e-books of New Blood to giveaway!

Thanks so much Donna.

Entry is easy. Just leave a comment  or answer this fun question! What would you do if you found out your roommate was a vampire? Don’t forget to leave your email address! 

While it isn’t required, I would love it if you followed me on twitter and my blog. To follow Donna, just click on the links provided below.

Contest ends September 15th.

And next week I ‘ll be reviewing Wild Blood: Vampire in the City Book Two and I’ll also be inte….oops! Not supposed to tell ya that part. Since it slipped out I’m going to tell you. I will be interviewing Emma and Tammy, the roomies from the Vampire in the City series. I’ll have another surprise then!

If you liked this post please hit that tweet and Like button. It would make me smile! Thanks so much.

How to find Donna


This just in from Nicole Bailey! Read on to hear it in her own words.

If you haven’t read in the midst of darkness , Book I, I will warn you that there are spoilers ahead. If you want to learn more about it you can go here and  read my review and  interview with Nicole and enter to win Book I.

Return to Darkness-Prologue

Well, here it is, the much anticipated prologue to book two. If you haven’t read book one yet, then you probably shouldn’t read any further. For those of you who have read book one, I hope you’re excited after reading this. My intention is to suck you in like I did with the first book. Let me know what you think.
It was all happening again. It was like a horrible nightmare. I had replayed that first time in my head so many times. The only difference this time was that I was alone. But, I had gotten stronger and faster. At least, that’s what I kept telling myself. I had learned how to fight and attack better, so that would make a difference. Won’t it? I thought to myself. I can do this. I wanted this, after all. Now, if I could just keep myself from getting killed. But he was much stronger and older than I was. I guess I really hadn’t thought this through as much as I should have. And now wasn’t the time to start thinking about it. Now was the time to act. The only thing going in my favor was that I was on my own turf, and I was the one who found him. “Hello, Bird,” he said with an evil smile. I wanted to slap that smile right off his face. This wasn’t the time for a chat, but I couldn’t help myself. “How many times do I have to tell you never to call me that, you stupid git?” I could tell that he was going to say something, so with the vision of Finn’s beautiful face implanted in my mind, I attacked.
Sounds exciting. I will be watching and waiting for Return to Darkness!
If you just can’t wait, You can purchase you own copy of Book I by clicking on the image below.

Contact: Nicole Bailey

I was so excited when I finished reading New Blood: Vampire in the City–Book One! I just had to ask the author, Donna Ansari,  if she would do an interview with me. And she said yes!

Even better! Each week this month, I will have something new about this series! So stay tuned.

First I want to tell you about the story.

cNew Blood

Great job with the cover art Donna. This face is now Emma for me. And the graveyard looks familiar. I recall a certain something that happened there:)

Now for my thoughts and ramblins.

Her night starts normally enough. Emma spends the evening at work. Her job at the advertising agency is not like they portray on TV. Most of the work is tedious and time-consuming. Then along comes the night supervisor, dropping on her desk a rush job which keeps her late.

Staying late to finish it is why Emma winds up in the wrong place at the wrong time, or is it? Well, that is for later.

Exiting the subway, Emma is only a block away from her house when she sees them. Two young men are assaulting another man.Before she can stop it,  her scream slips out and their attention turns to her.

She can see one is holding what looks like a knife and the other a stick. Huh?  As they rush her, she realizes she is mistaken, the knife is actually a metal cross. Screaming still seems like a good idea, but just seems to spur them on.

She manages to get her can of Mace out and let’s go into the eyes of one of her attackers, while the other one just places the cross on her skin. What’s up with that? She keeps screaming and they run off. A quick glance at the victim reveals he is none the worse for wear. She takes a long look, thinking “He’s beautiful.”  He assures her he is fine and after she accepts his thanks, Emma scoots towards the safety of  home, ready for this night to be over.

The whole encounter leaves her feeling strange. What did the boy with the stick mean when he yelled”Looks like we’re going to dust two blood suckers tonight!?” And why was it so hard to walk away from the stranger afterwards?

What Emma doesn’t realize is, that night  set something in motion. Her next encounter with the stranger is not by chance. And when Emma wakes up at his place, feeling great, wearing someone elses pajamas, with no idea how she got there, she is none to happy.

“You had better tell me exactly what happened, bub, because the last thing I remember, I was crossing Queens Boulevard…”

Emma’s life is changed in an instant and it will take all of the courage and take-charge attitude she has to get her through the rough times ahead.

And I do mean rough. Emma gets out of one situation and ends up in another and another…. It is amazing she is still walking around.

She has some new friends, strange friends, and gets a roommate, which really complicates things. How do you hide the fact you are now a vampire from your roommate and best friend? This leads to some sticky and funny situations.

Check out this scene where Emma and Alex are looking up how to kill a vampire on the computer.

I turned back to the computer, where I did a search for :”anatomical position of the heart.” A few minutes of searching and we found out that the heart is two inches to the left of the sternum, between the fourth and fifth ribs.

“Great,” I said. “Now how are we supposed to practice this?”

Alex started unbuttoning his shirt and I reflexively turned away…

“What are you doing?” 

I thought you could practice on me using the blunt end of the stake, and it’s easier to see where the ribs are without my shirt on.”

Still flustered, I said,I guess you should lie down for this.” I stood up and went back into the living room, where I had left the stake. While I was doing that, Alex completely removed his shirt and laid down on the couch.

I hadn’t really gotten a good look at his naked chest in adequate lighting before. Now that I had the chance, and was technically supposed to be studying it anyway, I gave it a good long look. His muscles had good definition without being beefy. You could see the indentations where his ribs were, but just barely. His chest was mostly hairless, except for a small tuft between his nipples. Looking farther down, I saw that he also had a slim, vertical strip of hair from his navel to the top of his pants.

If you’re confused, count,” he said, unexpectedly.

Alex must have seen the confused expression on my face, because he looked highly amused and said,I mean, you should count my ribs.”

“Right,” I said, desperately trying to concentrate on the task at hand. I held the stake in my left hand and used my right index finger to trace down from his collarbone, feeling for ribs. “One…two…three…four…here.”

“That’s too far over. Remember the website we looked at? Go a little more towards the center.”

I slowly moved my finger over a few inches. “How hard do I have to push it in?”

“As long as you aim between the ribs, you shouldn’t have to push that hard. But the main thing is that you will want to do it very quickly, so you don’t give them the chance to wake up before you finish.”

I definitely did not want that to happen.

“Also, I think sitting on his crotch may wake him up,” Alex added.

Did I forget to mention there is some fun, sexual situations in New Blood. They are more hints than explicit, but still sexy.

Lots and lots of surprises, plenty of schtick, and,yes, some romance and sexual encounters, New Blood delivers.

I had a great time following Emma, reading about how she juggles all of the new complications in her life, or is it un-life? You will too.

Like the supernatural? Vamps and other such characters? You’ll enjoy New Blood. Plenty of strange for everyone.

  I loved this book and highly recommend it!

And now I want you to meet Donna.

 Hi Donna. It is so nice of you to stop by and talk for a while.
 My readers are anxious for this interview to get rolling, so why don’t you start by telling us about yourself.
I live in New York City with my husband and two-year-old son. I’ve lived here most of my life and love it, which is why I wanted to write a series based here. When I was a child, the two things I’ve always wanted to be when I grew up were a writer and a mother, so I consider myself pretty fortunate that I’ve been able to accomplish both of those goals.
 I loved how the story started. It felt like it could’ve been me on any given night at work. Did you draw on past experiences when you wrote about Emma’s job and her boss?
You’ve discovered my horrible secret–yes, I work in an advertising agency, just like Emma. Although I work in the editorial department, which is probably more boring than working in the art department. Any job where you get excited over the misuse of a semicolon is probably boring by definition. And as for the demanding and annoying co-workers, no comment!
 I am always curious about how a story gets started. Where did your idea for Emma and New Blood come from?
I’m a long-time Buffy fan, and I love a strong female lead character who learns to overcome adversity. So I wanted to write a story where the protagonist became a vampire and had to deal with all the different dramatic lifestyle changes that it entails. 
When you started New Blood, did you already plan on writing it as a series, or did it just grow into one?
It’s a little hard to remember at this point. The truth is I wrote New Blood about six years ago. Then I didn’t touch it for a number of years, during which time I went through some major life changes. Then, when finally I read it again, I realized both that I wanted to publish it and that the story had to continue.
 Is there a part of the story you really liked but had to remove, and if so, could you tell us why? I know you can’t relate the scene in detail as it would be a spoiler.
Technically no, but I did at one point consider writing slightly more explicit romantic scenes. I may have even tried writing a sentence or two, but only ended up embarrassing myself.
 Another thing I keep forgetting to ask is, do new characters just pop into your head while writing or do you build them first and then add them in?

I am a big believer in outlines, so it’s rare for me to write anything at the spur of the moment, although it does occasionally happen as the story is coming to a conclusion. But part of my writing process is to come up with backgrounds for all the characters, even ancillary ones. 

 Now that we have the serious questions done, let’s have some fun shall we?
 Who was the first boy you kissed?
My first “boyfriend” was a kid named Thomas in my first-grade class. We insisted on being partners when walking to and from the lunchroom and kissed each other hello and goodbye every day.
 What is your favorite reptile?
My favorite reptile is a leopard gecko named Spot. Once when I was in an unhealthy relationship, my boyfriend said he would break up with me if I bought a reptile for a pet. The very next day I went out and bought Spot. 
If you could have any automobile, which would you have?

The DeLorean from Back to the Future so I could time travel! Seriously, I live in NYC, so driving is the least effective means of going from place to place.

 What would you like to be called if you had to change your name?
My mother told me that when she was pregnant with me, she was approached in a dream by a being who said she would have a daughter and she should name her Donna Marie. I find it hard to argue with that. For awhile, I was thinking about changing my last name to Lancaster (my mother’s maiden name), but then I got married and changed it to Ansari instead.
 Say you are locked in a room by yourself. What book would you like to have with you?
Can I just have a Kindle and internet service? I know it’s strange but I don’t read that many books in my genre. Right now I’m reading A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth. It’s about 1,500 pages. I’d be fine in the locked room for days!
 Thanks for answering all of my questions Donna. I can’t help myself sometimes. Curiosity gets the better of me and I forget how busy you must be.
Thanks! It was fun!
Hey Donna.  Should we tell them about the upcoming giveaway? I really want to tell them!
To celebrate the upcoming release of book three in the Vampire in the City series, I am giving away five free copies of the book that started it all, New Blood!
You heard it folks. Next week I will be having a giveaway. Five chances to win New Blood: Vampire in the City – Book One. And there’s more. After that I’ll be…….oops, can’t tell you yet!
About the author:
Donna Ansari was born in New York City and has lived there for most of her life. Donna graduated from Pace University with a BA in Literature and Communications. Since then, she has been working as an editor, primarily in the field of medical education.
Donna lives in Queens with her husband, son, and large black cat. She is not currently aware of any vampires in her neighborhood.
You can find Donna here:
To purchase your own copy, just click on the cover image below.

I was just over on Ella’s blog and look what I found!

I kept this cover art large so that you could appreciate its awesomeness!!

The authors are working hard on polishing this up for us. I, for one, can’t wait!

Ella says she will keep us posted and give us some excerpts soon. Eternal Island is due to be released on October 31st. Appropriate, as she tells us there are vampires and witches making appearances.

Eternal Island has it’s very own home. For news about this new series go here or on Facebook here.