Archive for the ‘fiction’ Category

Recently, the author contacted me about doing a review of his book latter-day of the dead. The funny thing is, I had won this book a while ago in a  giveaway from Kriss at, and when I took a little hiatus to my sister’s house, I grabbed this book for a quick read by the pool. The request for the review and my taking this book with me before I had heard from the author is just so weird.

When I visited Kriss’s blog to enter her very first giveaway, the cover art caught my eye.

Then when I found out what the story line was, I knew I had to review it on my blog. A polygamist compound and zombies. Who would a thunk it? Well, Kevin Krohn did. What an ingenious plot.

Thanks Kriss. It was one of the first giveaways I won.

This book is not real long, took me a couple of hours to read it. But, there is so much in it. You have a secluded polygamist community dealing with a zombie outbreak. Now, where do you think the zombies came from? I can’t tell you how it started, but I will tell you that the victims and the zombies are all from the community. That’s right. Polygamist zombies.

Can you picture the community. These Latter-Day Saints chose to live away from civilization and its influence, raising large families and following their faith. Kevin Krohn writes this story, I want to say, in their language. You feel like one of them, and almost become a part of the community.


Told to you from the perspective of Brother Elias, their community doctor, you begin to understand the provincial lifestyle these people lead.  This is the last place you would ever want something like this to happen.

The bravery and fortitude these characters display is inspiring. This story takes a very dark turn, not even the children are spared. The author is able to write these scenes skillfully, which must have been difficult. Horror and children are a delicate balance. Just remember that these children are not children any longer. They are zombies and age doesn’t enter into it anymore. It makes me wonder about the cover. The blank face on the girl, could it be “not putting a face on it?”  

A well researched and thoughtfully written book, latter-day of the dead will satisfy all fans of thrillers and zombies. Rich in culture and rife with zombies, I have to say it hits the top of my list for originality.  You will not find another story like it.


The story does not end here, as you’ll discover. I also happened to spy the words book one tucked onto the cover. I will definitely be on the look out for the second book.

And now I have Kevin Krohn here for an interview. Get comfortable and enjoy.

Thanks for joining us and doing this interview Kevin. Let’s get started.

L.  When I visited your author pages on Amazon and Goodreads, they were somewhat sparse. Would you like to reveal a little bit about yourself with us?

K.  Haha, yes. I have kept my information pretty vague, and I am not sure why. I am a Sagittarius, a “Breaking Bad” junkie, and I don’t trust anyone with a Y in their first name when it should clearly be an I.

L.  The most obvious question I have is, wherever did you get your idea for Latter-Day of the Dead?

K.  I am really intrigued by cults and people completely removing themselves from the rest of civilization. I started writing from that perspective and the viral outbreak was a way to bring a fun aspect to the subject, although I am unsure if a viral outbreak could be considered comedic relief.

L. Your writing expresses the culture and language of latter-day saints as if you lived it. The research must have been extensive. Could you explain the process?

K.. I moved to Utah four years ago, and being a new resident, I wanted to be able to understand the culture and history. The state takes great pride in its history, so there is an abundance of information to get a full understanding of what all is happening out here. The fundamental polygamists are a little harder to research, but that helped allow me to create some uniqueness to the group in the book.

L.  I see where you have written two other books in a series, Severed Ties(Volume I and II). I’m curious as to why you went in a very different direction with Latter-Day of the Dead?

K.  That is something I hope I can continue to do. I will want the book after the Latter-Day series to go in a completely different direction as well. It may not be the best game plan to establish a readership, but I want to be able to explore many different genres through my writing. I typically let the characters dictate where the story goes.

L.  I couldn’t help but notice it says Book One on the cover. When can we expect Book 2 and is there anything you can tell us about it?

K.  I don’t think I can announce the release date for Book 2 quite yet, but it will be coming out this fall.  Obviously for those who have read Book I they will know there is a lot going on in Book 2 right from the jump. Brother Elias and the rest of the compound are going to have a tough time staying safe, and the future of the group has already been dramatically altered even if they are able to survive.

L.  The cover art for your book really caught my eye. Is there a reason why her face is blank and did you do the cover yourself?

K.  I chose the photo for the cover. I thought the blank face portrayed a great sense of “unknown” evil. There is also a slight nod to the underlying meaning of the way the many faceless women are treated on these polygamist compounds, but that discussion is probably for a much different interview.

L.  What are you reading now and is there a genre you prefer?

K.  I am just jumping into Kings of Cool by Don Winslow. It is a prequel to Savages. I saw the Savages movie directed by Oliver Stone, but never read the original book. I tend to lean towards crime thrillers, but will read anything that keeps me entertained page-to-page.

L.  Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

K.  I just thank everyone that has taken the time to read Latter-Day of the Dead. My only hope when publishing a book is to have people read it, so knowing that is happening brings great satisfaction. And people like you, Laura, helping spread the word about indie books gives us that opportunity, so thank you.

You are most welcome Kevin. The pleasure is all mine and thank you also.

Now for the giveaway. Kevin has generously offered me 1 signed paperback and 2 e-Books to give away.

Entry is easy, as usual. Just leave a comment with your e-mail address and please click on that tweet button:)

Although not required, it would be so appreciated if you followed my blog and visited Kevin at the links provided at the bottom of this post.

So let’s go!! Good Luck!

Contest ends on August 17th.

Other books by Kevin Krohn:

Click on the cover image to purchase a copy.

Author contacts:

I was just informed that it is Utah Author Month.


Thank you Jessica. I wouldn’t have wanted to miss out on this important celebration!


I am starting a wish list for hard copy books. I want to share my wishes with you. This will also help me to control those impulse buys on Amazon, you know, the one-click grab- its.

For today I WISH for:

The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker

From Goodreads

Luminous, haunting, unforgettable. The Age of Miracles is a stunning fiction debut by a superb new writer, a story about coming of age during extraordinary times, about people going on with their lives in an era of profound uncertainty.



On a seemingly ordinary Saturday in a California suburb, 11-year-old Julia and her family awake to discover, along with the rest of the world, that the rotation of the earth has suddenly begun to slow. The days and nights grow longer and longer, gravity is affected, the environment is thrown in disarray. Yet as she struggles to navigate an ever-shifting landscape, Julia is also coping with the normal disasters of everyday life – the fissures in her parent’s marriage, the loss of old friends, the hopeful anguish of first love, the bizarre behavior of her grandfather who, convinced of a government conspiracy, spends his days obsessively cataloging his possessions. As Julia adjusts to the new normal, the slowing inexorably continues.

With spare, graceful prose and the emotional wisdom of a born storyteller, Karen Thompson Walker has created a singular narrator in Julia, a resilient and insightful young girl, and a moving portrait of a family life set against the backdrop of an utterly altered world.

I browsed around and looked at but DIDN’T READ the reviews for this book. I just wanted to see the star ratings. They were all over the place, which makes me want to read this even more.

I also noted the genre classifications were varied.  Everybody has a different one. Here are some of them:


Adult Fiction




General Fiction

What is this book? It seems to defy classification and evoke different feelings with each reader. Definitely a must have. Can’t wait to read it and tell you what I think. It is now at the top of my Wish List on Amazon.

For more about the author and her book:


Looks good doesn’t it?

I really love reading books about Bigfoot(also called Sasquatch or Skunk Ape). Part of it stems from wondering if they could or do exist.

I’ll tell you this much, I wouldn’t want to meet a Sasquatch like the ones you come across when you read Bigfoot Hunters by Rick Gualtieri.

The creature opened its mouth wide and let loose a roar that sounded as if it had escaped from the gates of Hell itself.”

This book has all the elements of a great horror novel. Crazed Sasquatch’s bring their murderous rage down upon a small isolated town. Not just a few, but a whole tribe of them unleash bloody hell on the unsuspecting townspeople. Most don’t know what is happening until it is too late. The film crew and cast of the television show called Crypto Hunters, stand alongside a mixed bag of survivors and they are not going down without a fight. Once the action hits town, you don’t have time to catch your breath. Buildings are shattered, screams and roars echo through the streets,  and blood paints the walls.

Rick put a unique spin on his book. Throughout the story, parts of it are told from the creatures point of view. You will get a sense of what it is thinking, and it doesn’t look too good for any human they encounter.

“The Alpha was supreme, the Alpha of all alphas. He would kill the two-legged thing slowly… But first he would make the two-legged thing scream. It would scream long and loud, so that all others knew the futility of challenging him.

As for the characters, some I liked, some I wanted to slap silly, and some I felt got their just desserts. Don’t get too attached to them. They can’t all survive this horrific tale.

I loved this book. I had a feeling of deja vu while reading it. If you have ever seen

 or  you will know what I mean. I could just picture Lance Henriksen in 

this book. It just oozes foreboding.

Gratuitous violence scene: Don’t read this if you have a weak stomach!

“The hand grasped the front of Byron’s face, the fingers dug into his scalp. He barely had time for a muffled scream before the fingers cracked through the bone of his skull and pulled. The front of Byron’s head – face, eyes, bone, and muscle – was peeled like a ripe banana.

The creature’s head shot forward towards the raw bleeding cavern that had been Byron Clemon’s face. Its mouth closed around the gaping wound. For the next few minutes, the only sound that penetrated the woods was a thick slurping.”

I warned you. Creatures on a rampage, a well-developed cast of characters, and so much suspense you can’t stand it. Bigfoot Hunters is a horror smorgasbord. Hungry?

5 STARS and a big Thank You to Rick Gualtieri for a scary good story.

Rick has also written a humorous series about Bill the Vampire and has recently released the 3rd book in the series. To purchase these and other books by Rick Gualtieri, just click on the cover images.

For more about the author and his books:


This review is long overdue. It is not a quick read. The story is quite long. I was worried that it would drag on and on. Not so! The author provided all of the necessary elements to creat an entertaining and engaging read without bogging down my reading pleasure. So don’t be intimidated by the length of this book, it reads easily and takes you by the hand to show you the story.


My review of Revamp by Beck Sherman

Imagine  getting on a plane, and after landing you disembark to a deserted airport. In California! No way. That’s what happened to Emma Spade.

After a mad dash to turn in her psych paper on time and a weird encounter with her professor, Emma gets home in time to pack for her flight. A cab gets her to the airport with seconds to spare. Another night filled with horrible dreams left her exhausted and edgy so she pops a couple of melatonin and drifts off. More bad dreams. Emma awakens to a living nightmare. The plane is empty. Something is seriously wrong here.  And it isn’t just here, weird things are happening all over.

Book Blurb


News reporters scrambled. This was the biggest story to come along in weeks.

They called it a blackout.

The last one was in New York City in 2003, but this one was different, special, because the grids in six major cities across the country had been fried, kaput, see-you-next-Sunday. Everyone with some jurisdiction blamed each other, and when there was no one left to blame, terrorism rode in on its gallant steed.

It was the media’s fault. They were so busy stuffing fanatical Muslims with a penchant for Allah and decapitations down the American citizen’s throat, that they never saw it coming. I guess I shouldn’t  be too hard on them.

They were partially right. It was terror after all, but a whole new kind. And when the lights came back on, things had changed.

The dark had brought us visitors.

Back to my review

Did it get your attention? Great!.

What happens to Emma at the airport is just the beginning. Beck Sherman has a story to tell you, a story of the vampire resistance. A group of people who will not go quietly into the night, won’t surrender without a fight! Sorry, had to use that.

This creepy tale builds and builds, drawing you into the resistance and introducing new characters along the way. I had a love, hate, and really hate relationship with them. You have to remember that these people have been through some horrific ordeals. Keep that in mind when you meet them. Each one has been changed, and they are not all pleasant to be around.

The author has their own vampire lore. Some of the things you think would kill them, don’t, but Beck gives you new weapons that will. I like how the author puts their own brand on these vampires. Can’t wait for you to meet them.

When you read Revamp, ask yourself some questions. What would you do in this situation? Would you hide and hope it all goes away, or would you fight? Fight with everything you have, because this is your world, not theirs?! I like to think I would fight. I just hope I never have to find out.

I read this book slowly, taking in all of the nuances. It could happen. Maybe.

A great book. I’ll be keeping my eye out for more from Beck Sherman and will happily read anything this author writes.


A treat for ya!


About Beck Sherman

Beck Sherman was born and raised in Massachusetts,  attended Syracuse University undergrad, has a master’s degree in photojournalism from the University of Westminster, London, and when not writing, enjoys exploring abandoned insane asylums and photo-documenting the things that go bump in the night, when they’re kind enough to pose.

You can find out more about the author and the book here:

I have a really good book to tell you about and an interview with the author.

The Circle by RG Lawrence

I really like the title. It is important to me that the title be an integral part of the story inside.

So come meet The Circle

Cicely Manley is a Protestant teacher in an all Catholic school. Growing up on the streets of South Chicago toughened her skin and she’s not afraid to stand up for herself or to confront any obstacles in her path. Like a boulder, she crashes right through.

Recognizing all the classic signs of drug abuse and futility, Cicely sets her sights on Lisa Dennis. A rude awakening is called for and Cicely gives it to her in spades.

Now, Lisa has been given a soccer scholarship at Pittsburg State University, in Pittsburg, Kansas, far from her father’s heavy-handed control, and the world is her oyster. With her dream of freedom finally coming true, how did it all go so wrong? On the very day she gets her scholarship and a new lease on life, Lisa now lies on a cold metal table in the morgue. The police say it was an accidental heroin overdose. Maybe Lisa’s father and the police believe this, or find it easier to do so, but Cicely isn’t buying it. Not at all.

With her friend and landlord Margaret O’Connor at her side, they set out to find out what really happened that night and things quickly get complicated. When some teen-aged skateboarding assassins try to take Cicely out in her own driveway, the ladies agree.  Time to get help.

Margaret O’Connor used to be somewhat the socialite in her day and has a “Circle” of lifelong friends she can call count on. Tommy O’Malley, rumored to have ties to the IRA and hopelessly in love with Margaret, heads up the Irish Circle, a group of gentlemen mobsters.  She has only to ask and he comes calling.

The Circle, which now includes Cicely, dig deeper, checking all angles and infiltrating a murderous child pornography ring, with dangerous consequences.

Roger has given his characters life. They are genuine, with all the flaws and baggage of real people. The story is fast-paced and addictive. There is a lot of darkness here, but also a lot of special moments. Ones that make you smile, hope, shout, and sit up and pay attention. The story demands that you think.

The Circle is a juicy mystery/thriller with a believable story, characters so real they can walk off the pages, and a darker, seamier side we usually don’t like to think exists.

Not recommended for young readers.

I would like to see this book become a series. I see potential for some stand alone stories here. Many people will want to read more about the fiery, stubborn Cicely and her friend and cohort Margaret- a vibrant, intelligent, loyal companion with a lot of moxie. I would also like to know more about the early years of Margret and Tommy. Now that would be interesting.


I first met Roger some time ago when I first joined Twitter. We tweet to each other and RT each others stuff, but have never really talked.

With this interview, I feel I know a little more about Roger the person vs. RG Lawrence on Twitter. Please come meet Roger and get to know him.

L. Why don’t you start by telling us a little about yourself, Roger.

R. I live in Kansas on a small acreage with my wife. We have several dogs, a lot of cats, and a few goats. I have been writing for many years, starting with short stories that I sold to biker magazines. I also wrote fairy tales for my kids when they were small, putting them in book form. I wrote my first book, Summer With Fidel, a decade ago, and pit it in a closet, not thinking anyone would be interested. Several other completed books soon joined the stack in my closet. I only let my mother and my wife read my work. Last year my mother told me that one of her wishes before she died was to see me published. Although the idea didn’t appeal to me, Amazon made it too easy to refuse. I put three of my books on Kindle, and have truly enjoyed the process. I like the fact that there are people out there who enjoy my thoughts and stories, and I have made many new friends from the experience. I have two books started, one a pirate yarn I am writing that will entertain my two grandchildren when they are older, and another thriller in the vein of The Circle.

L. When did you know you wanted to be a writer?

R. I always enjoyed writing, and knew in high school I had a certain talent. I could write a paper for class at the last minute and get good marks, even without much effort. I find writing fiction a certain form of escape. I have sat down at a keyboard and started something, and looked up at the clock and realized I have been working for 12 hours. That is the ultimate high, knowing that I can transport myself into the middle of a story and never even know I’m gone.

L. What is your solution to writers block, if you get it?

R. I’ve never experienced writer’s block. I have a head full of stories that I need to get out, and the problem I have is remembering all of them. My characters dictate my stories, and I just follow along. If I ever sat down with nothing to say, I would grab my golf clubs and go do what I truly love.

L. Is there anything specific you do to stay motivated when writing?

R.  Motivation is not something that concerns me. My only motivation for writing is to do it well enough so that people will enjoy it. I know I’m not going to get rich writing. That thought never passed through my brain. My motivation is that people will like my stuff. If I didn’t think there were folks out there who would enjoy my stories, I would leave them in the closet. Writing is not life or death to me, it is something I do. But I also play golf, and I’m much more passionate about that then writing. I like goats, I love spending time with my wife, I love my kids and adore my grandchildren. So I’m not motivated to write, I just do it.

L. Do you have a favorite genre?

R. I wish I had a genre I could stick to, but that’s not how my brain works. There is no relationship whatsoever between the three books I have on Amazon. I love to read action/adventure like Lee Child, Harlen Coben and John Sanford. I’m addicted to John Locke’s books. And I’m totally hooked on vamp books, and someday will write a vampire story. I try to read all of the Indie stuff I can, and really enjoy many of the authors who I have come to know through Twitter. Many of them are first-rate, and I appreciate their work. Rachel Caine, Zoe Saadia, Wendy Potocki. Lisa Vaughn, Alana Siegel, Elise Stokes, Teri Heyer, Vicky Limbert, and C.L.R. Dougherty are just a few of the Indies who I have enjoyed. Lots and lots of talent out there.

L. Where did you get your ideas for The Circle?

R. The idea for The Circle just evolved from the character I created. I started with a high school teacher in a Catholic school, and then she kept finding herself in trouble. The Irishmen in the Circle just showed up one day on the pages to save the day. I never know what the story is, I just create characters. I know that is not conventional, but it is the way it is.

L. Would you care to add anything else?

R. The one thing that I think needs to be said to Indies is that they need to have their work edited by an outside person or agency before submitting to Kindle. There are so many books filled with grammatical errors and misspelled words, and it turns readers off to the idea that we are a legitimate force. And we do ourselves a great disservice when we give each other 5 Star reviews, knowing that the book needs massive editing. I am as guilty as the next person of this, and have decided that I will not post a review for a book that is poorly edited. I have sent e-mails to several writers, advising them that I think their work is worthy, but needs attention in the editing department. My e-mails have not been well received, but that’s their problem. I care about Indies, and we must put our best product out there to be taken seriously.

I want to thank Roger for sharing this with us. I hope you enjoyed the interview.

Contact info for Roger:

If you would like to purchase The Circle, The Golden Boy or Summer with Fidel, all written by RG Lawrence,just click on the cover images in this post.

I am so excited. It’s time for another giveaway! Today you have a chance to win one paperback copy of Wormwood or one of five e-book copies that D.H. Nevins has graciously supplied. There will also be my review and an interview with the author. After I am finished telling you about this book, you are going to really want it bad.

Details for entering the giveaway are posted after the review and interview, but make sure you read my review and the interview first. You don’t want to miss anything.

I am trying something new lately. When I start a new novel, I do not read the book blurb on the back flap. Many of the books I review are sent by the authors and they also send the book blurb and links to the reviews. By the time I start reading the book, the blurb is only vaguely in my memory. As for reviews, I do not read a books reviews until AFTER I have written mine.

I did a post on my blog asking for help choosing which two books I should read and review next. I had several other reviews and some giveaways to do first. You can go here to see which books were selected.

I am now ready to review the first book that was selected.

As I stated, I did not read the back flap before I started reading Wormwood. I had also received another book in the mail that day and mistakenly thought this was the book about aliens. Boy,  was I surprised.

The first chapter introduces you to Kali. She is a trail guide at Pinecrest National Park. A quiet hike up to her favorite spot, Lookout Peak, starts out normally enough, but a light breeze quickly becomes a tree snapping gale. The once clear skies have turned a heavy grey-black, the clouds tumbling over each other as they race towards her.

This would not be so bad if the woods had not suddenly gone silent. Not a sound could be heard. The winds had stopped and all was still. Not even a bird song was heard. Into this silence came a rumbling that turned into a roar. The ground began to vibrate under her feet and she could see something was coming. The trees started to shake and then to fall, the ground began to roll. Kali ran.

The earth twists and buckles as she tries to reach the safety of Lookout Peak.  Trees and shrubs reach out as if to grab her. She sees her goal and rushes forward. Stillness. All around her the earth is raging. Great rents appear, lava flows up from below, the skies open up and rain and hail lash down, but from her vantage point all she feels is a mild tremor under her feet. How can this be?

Kali wants to move out from under the overhanging rocks and edges around them to a clear space. The rocks could fall at any moment.  There is a campfire burning. She is not alone up here. A quick look around reveals a figure standing on the cliffs edge, his arms stretched out towards the devastation that is still raging below.


I tell ya, I was not prepared for this.  I was exhausted from the tension I experienced following Kali’s mad dash to safety. My description is just a wee bit of what she goes through.

I am so excited just thinking about what I want to tell you. This happened and that happened! And what? I have never read a story quite like this. There is so much going on. The story raced to its conclusion, leaving me stunned.

At times I was scared. Other times I was so mad. And at one part, I realized I was crying, and it hurt.

D. H. Nevins has written a fantastic story of the end of the world and the last survivors. Perhaps this description is too simple, but I hesitate to tell much of the story. I want you to read it like I did. Unprepared and wide-eyed.  I want you to get to know each character and discover just what is really causing all the destruction.

I hope when you read Wormwood, you’ll tell me how it made you feel. Did you experience it like I did?

A huge Thank You to the author for an extremely well written story in which to immerse myself.

Beyond 5 STARS

And now lets welcome D. H. Nevins

Hello Danielle. Thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions.

D. It’s my pleasure. I’m thrilled to be here, Laura! Thanks so much for having me.

L. From the first idea to the day it was published, how long did it take to write Wormwood?

D. I pretty much shelved Wormwood for a year before publishing it, so that made the whole process take a lot longer. Wormwood is something I wrote for myself, and at the time, I honestly didn’t have the nerve to publish it. But I’m so happy that I finally did! So in total, it took three years: almost two years of planning, research and writing, one year of letting it chill, and the final few months to publish.

L. Is there a favorite place you like to write and are there any must haves for your writing process?

D. Oh yes. We are lucky enough to live in the woods on a lake, and I enjoy taking my laptop down to the dock to write. The only problem is that I seem to do really cruddy writing down there! It’s true! I write best when I’m in this dismal little office we have, and there aren’t any distractions. As for must haves, I always set the mood by listening to music first. I’ve made a gigantic Wormwood playlist just for that purpose, and it always does the trick!

L. Do you have a favorite genre you read?

D. I’m all over the place. I had a historical fiction craze for the longest time, but now I lean towards paranormal, urban fantasy, fantasy, dystopian and some YA.

L. You mentioned a sequel to Wormwood. Is there anything you can tell us about it, maybe when we might expect it?

D. I’d love to tell you about it!  Here are some certainties:

1) The sequel takes place exactly where Wormwood left off.

2) There will be three books in the series. So if you liked Wormwood, especially the end of it, I think the next two will be even better! Kali and Tiamat were just getting started in the first book.

3) Wormwood originally had a prologue that told of Tiamat’s unusual birth. I loved the scene, but pulled it from the book because I wanted to use it as a basis for a prequel instead. So once I’ve done the three books for the Wormwood series, I’ll write the prequel about Tiamat’s very strange childhood. I’m planning to call it Monster.

As for when book 2 will be finished, a lot of that depends on how busy I am with work. I estimate about a year. If I’m lucky it’ll be sooner.

L. How did you select your cover art for Wormwood?

D. My husband was a big help with that. He’s a fan of Gustave Dore, an illustrator from the mid 1800’s, and he suggested we use something from one of Dore’s angel etchings, and while he also illustrated Dante’s Inferno,  we chose this etching by Milton. The mood of his illustrations is quite dark, and I felt that would be perfect for Wormwood. The one I used was taken from an illustration titled Nine Days they Fell,

which appeared in Milton’s Paradise Lost. Unfortunately, I’m finding out that the look of an illustrated cover seems to turn some readers off, so I’m considering an alternate. Perhaps you wouldn’t mind if I asked you and your readers for your opinions?

L. Please, ask away!

D. Awesome. Thanks, Laura! I’m thinking of replacing the cover with an image like this.

It’s something I’ve been playing with, so the image isn’t refined, and the titles been plunked on simply to get an idea of the overall look. But those things aside, what do you think? Which cover do you like more?

L. I, myself like them both, but I think I like the Dore etching better. Maybe it’s because I love the book and don’t want you to change a thing!

L. Would you like to share anything else with us today?

D. I’m presently working on a video trailer for Wormwood. It’s pretty intense! It should be ready in the next few weeks!

L. I can’t wait to see it! I love book trailers and this one should be very interesting.

Now, lets do a few fun shorts!

1. Riding a horse or a motorcycle?  Well, I own a motorcycle(I’ve named it Grendel), so motorcycle it is!

2. Margarita or martini?  Margarita.

3. Snow skiing or water skiing?  Snow skiing(or preferably, snowboarding.)

4. Potato chips or pretzels?  Miss Vicki’s Salt & Vinegar chips hands down.

Thanks so much for sharing with us today Danielle. I can’t wait for the sequel to Wormwood.

You’re most welcome, Laura! And thanks to you too. I really appreciate this opportunity to talk about my book. Hopefully, I’ll have the sequel ready soon!

Now for the Giveaway!  Danielle is offering 5 ebooks and 1 paperback of Wormwood. This is open to U.S. and Internationally so no one is left out!  The giveaway ends at midnight on August 4th.

While it is not required, it would be appreciated if you followed me on twitter and my blog. Also show some love and follow Danielle at the link/links provided below.

If you like this post, don’t forget to hit that tweet button. That always makes me smile!

Please leave your email address along with a comment for Danielle about which cover art you like the most! Easy peasy!

About D. H. Nevins: D. H. Nevins was born in Toronto and currently lives in a relatively remote area of Ontario, surrounded by forests and lakes. By day she is a personable, friendly school teacher. By night, she silently chuckles as she writes about angels destroying the world. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys hiking, camping, flying around on her motorcycle or dabbling in live theatre.

She loves to connect with others and can be contacted or followed a number of ways:





To buy Wormwood just click on the image at top of post.

I have been waiting for this book to be released since way back in April. It’s finally happened and now I get to read it!

Blurb from Goodreads

Ten -year-old Jack James has a secret. He’s found a teddy bear he swears is really a mysterious animal with supernatural abilities. Soon he discovers its name is Takota, a Tanakee on the run from some ruthless and sinister forces. After a storytelling enchantress teaches them of a centuries-old bond between humans and Tanakee as well as an ancient evil bent on destroying the entire universe, Jack and Takota are thrust toward their shared fate. On their journey for survival, Takota must conquer strong inner turmoil and learn the true nature of his emerging mystical powers, while Jack has to help harness a revolutionary device invented by his father in the hopes of rescuing them all from certain extinction.

Sounds great! You know you want it!

I can’t wait to read and review Tribe of the Teddy Bear so I can tell you all about my experience.

To find out more about this book and the author J. Joseph Wright go here:

To buy you own copy just click on the cover image.

I’ll be back soon with my review.

I am once again drawn to another Historical Romance.

Willow Vale reads like a true story, but Alethea assures us it is not. In her words:

“There is a legend growing around my novel, Willow Vale. While I am flattered that readers think Willow Vale is a true story, the fact is that my fictional account of Francesca Sittoni’s adventures of coming to America is truly just that: fiction…”

Alethea takes you back in time. Back to the 1920’s.

Willow Vale follows the life of Francesca Sittoni. Trapped in a loveless marriage, she and her young daughter are forced to immigrate to America with her husband. They settle into a life of hardship in a coal mining town in Wyoming.

Frances, pregnant, is left to fend for herself and her young daughter when she loses her husband to a mining accident. Fear and desperation drive her to answer an ad from Kent Reed, a twice burned Wyoming rancher.

 Amidst crowded quarters, these two grow to understand and respect each other, and maybe more.

Alethea has done her research. You can feel it in the richness of her detailed scenes, the familiarity they bring.

Here are some scenes that reached out to me:

“How she missed that sense of belonging to the land. Even though in the end Val di Non has failed to sustain her, she still loved the lush valley of her birth and wished she could find that love of place once again. That sense of belonging which she had yet to find in America.”

“If he had been a praying man, he never would have imagined that the answers to his prayers would be a pregnant Italian war survivor with a small child. It was all too strange, too unbelievable that after all they had endured, in France, Italy and then the raw new land of Wyoming in the United States, he and Francesca should both end up on his small ranch in Willow Vale. Strange…and wonderful…and terrifying.”

A superbly written tale of survival, of loss and of hope, Willow Vale is an easy, smooth read all the way to a most satisfying ending.

If you like reading about days gone by and romance with all its raw emotions, you really must read Willow Vale. My descriptions pale in comparison to Alethea’s writing. I really enjoyed the adventure.


From Alethea:

Western history has been the great interest of my adult life. I’ve lived in Wyoming, Colorado, and now Oregon. Although an amateur historian, I am happiest researching different times and places in the historical West. And while staying true to history, I try not to let the facts overwhelm my stories. Story always comes first in my novels, and plot arises from the relationships between my characters.  I’m always open to your response to my writing. You can comment on Willow Vale or ask questions about me or my work at:

I look forward to hearing from you.

Other books by Alethea Williams

First published as a monthly series of columns in the Green River Star, Green River, Wyoming, 1999 and 2000.

To purchase either of these books, just click on the cover images.

I am having a giveaway, well, just because!

While I was organizing(trying to organize) my bookshelves, I found so many books that I would probably never have time to read again. What better than to give them away.  They all came from my favorite book swap Inn and are very slightly used. In very good condition. Let me tell you about them.

Sullivan Quinn didn’t travel 3,000 miles from his native Ireland and his wolf pack to chase rabidly after the most delectable quarry he;s ever seen. Quinn is in America on a mission – to warn his Other brethren of a shadowy group willing to use murder and mayhem to bring them down. But one whiff of this Foxwoman’s delicious honey-suckle fragrance and he knows that she is more than a colleague or a conquest…she is his mate.Anthropologist cassidy Poe is a world-renowned authority on social interaction, but the overpowering desire she feels around Quinn defies every ounce of her expertise. Working by his side to uncover the Other’s enemies poses risks she never expected – to her own safety, to those she loves, and to her heart, as every encounter with Quinn proves more blissfully erotic than the last…

Now, with no one to trust but each other, Quinn and Cassidy face a foe that’s edging closer every day, threatening to destroy the life they’ve always known, and the passion they’ve just discovered…

When regina’s friends insist on setting her up on a “Fantasy Fix” to help her get over her cheating ex, she dreams up some kinky out-of-this-world encounters that they could never possibly bring to life. But the next thing Regina knows, her friends have got her laced into a shiny black corset, tight leather pants, and a sexy pair of stilettos. It’s time for some downtown vampire-fantasy fun…

The Vampire Ball in Manhattan’s East Village isn’t really Dmitri Vidame’s idea of a good time, but as a member of the Council that governs The Others, he has to keep an eye on all the young vamps who prey on the pretenders. After he feasts his dark eyes on fiery Regina at the bar, he knows that he must have her. But for the first time Dmitri meets a woman who is more than a match for his indomitable will. And he may be the fantasy Regina hoped for…until she – and her feisty friends – discover her sexy new lover’s bloodsucking secret…

Missy Roper’s fantasies have revolved around Graham Winters since the moment they met. But the imposing leader of the Silverback werewolf clan always seemed oblivious to Missy’s existence. At least he was, until Missy collides with him at a party and then abruptly runs away – arousing Graham’s interest…and wild desires.

Lupine law decrees that every Alpha male must have a mate, and all Graham’s instincts tell him that the sensual, beguiling Missy is his. Trouble is, Missy is human – every delectable inch of her. Convincing his clan that she’s his destined mate, and keeping her safe from his enemies, will be the biggest challenge Graham has ever faced. And now that he is determined to have her – as his lover and his mate – Missy’s world is changing in ways she never imagined…

“I can’t stop the bleeding,” said the nighttime caller.

The intruder then compelled Dr. Lara West to remove the bullet from his shoulder. She treated his wound, but that quelled neither his desire for the sweet life pulsing through the flesh of her thigh, not the rampant animal lust that defines his existence.

The darkness has just begun. Dr. West’s identity, what she wants – all stands in danger of being devoured. Nothing is ever the same for those inducted into the sinister world of vampires, be they newly turned monsters or the government agents sworn to destroy them. Lara West has tasted both power and passion, and a price must be paid. Yet she’s glimpsed salvation in the night. Hope still remains for..

Love Without Blood

Sound good?  Okay then, let’s get you entered!

All I ask is for you to leave your email address in a comment so I can contact you if you win. It is not required but would be greatly appreciated if you would follow me on Twitter and here on my blog. Oh yeah, also could you hit that tweet button please:)

This paperback giveaway is open for U.S. and Internationally! Good Luck everyone. Contest ends on July 18 at midnight.

Bravo to Twist Literary. This is a whole new way to tell a story. Four authors, four 100 page books, one event.

Each author writes about one characters point of view. It is very unique and fun and it works with Alibi.

Everyone has an alibi.

No one is innocent.

The stories all revolve around the murder of a young girl, Abby.

Each author tells the mystery from their character’s point of view, recalling what happened leading up to and after the murder. I really liked how one story sometimes filled in the blanks left in another characters story. You get a feel for each of the suspects and get to see the events  through their eyes.

All of the characters are flawed, as are real people, and it makes them more genuine to me. They all have secrets that will be revealed, including Abby. You may not like all of them, but you will get drawn into their stories.

This is a great who-dun-it with all of the mystery, lies and alibis(had to say it) required to keep you searching for the clues which are doled out slowly. I had a sense of who the killer was about half way through, but as with all mysteries, you never know.

Alibi made me think and ask questions.  Polish up your detective skills and put on your thinking cap. Let’s solve a murder!


Authors for Alibi I-IV: The Complete Series

Volume I: Charles by Annie Miles

Volume II: Palmer by Isabel Eckersley

Volume III: Mason by John Byrne

Volume IV: Rowan by Sorrel Provola

For Twist Literary