Posts Tagged ‘Indie authors’

I have a really good book to tell you about and an interview with the author.

The Circle by RG Lawrence

I really like the title. It is important to me that the title be an integral part of the story inside.

So come meet The Circle

Cicely Manley is a Protestant teacher in an all Catholic school. Growing up on the streets of South Chicago toughened her skin and she’s not afraid to stand up for herself or to confront any obstacles in her path. Like a boulder, she crashes right through.

Recognizing all the classic signs of drug abuse and futility, Cicely sets her sights on Lisa Dennis. A rude awakening is called for and Cicely gives it to her in spades.

Now, Lisa has been given a soccer scholarship at Pittsburg State University, in Pittsburg, Kansas, far from her father’s heavy-handed control, and the world is her oyster. With her dream of freedom finally coming true, how did it all go so wrong? On the very day she gets her scholarship and a new lease on life, Lisa now lies on a cold metal table in the morgue. The police say it was an accidental heroin overdose. Maybe Lisa’s father and the police believe this, or find it easier to do so, but Cicely isn’t buying it. Not at all.

With her friend and landlord Margaret O’Connor at her side, they set out to find out what really happened that night and things quickly get complicated. When some teen-aged skateboarding assassins try to take Cicely out in her own driveway, the ladies agree.  Time to get help.

Margaret O’Connor used to be somewhat the socialite in her day and has a “Circle” of lifelong friends she can call count on. Tommy O’Malley, rumored to have ties to the IRA and hopelessly in love with Margaret, heads up the Irish Circle, a group of gentlemen mobsters.  She has only to ask and he comes calling.

The Circle, which now includes Cicely, dig deeper, checking all angles and infiltrating a murderous child pornography ring, with dangerous consequences.

Roger has given his characters life. They are genuine, with all the flaws and baggage of real people. The story is fast-paced and addictive. There is a lot of darkness here, but also a lot of special moments. Ones that make you smile, hope, shout, and sit up and pay attention. The story demands that you think.

The Circle is a juicy mystery/thriller with a believable story, characters so real they can walk off the pages, and a darker, seamier side we usually don’t like to think exists.

Not recommended for young readers.

I would like to see this book become a series. I see potential for some stand alone stories here. Many people will want to read more about the fiery, stubborn Cicely and her friend and cohort Margaret- a vibrant, intelligent, loyal companion with a lot of moxie. I would also like to know more about the early years of Margret and Tommy. Now that would be interesting.


I first met Roger some time ago when I first joined Twitter. We tweet to each other and RT each others stuff, but have never really talked.

With this interview, I feel I know a little more about Roger the person vs. RG Lawrence on Twitter. Please come meet Roger and get to know him.

L. Why don’t you start by telling us a little about yourself, Roger.

R. I live in Kansas on a small acreage with my wife. We have several dogs, a lot of cats, and a few goats. I have been writing for many years, starting with short stories that I sold to biker magazines. I also wrote fairy tales for my kids when they were small, putting them in book form. I wrote my first book, Summer With Fidel, a decade ago, and pit it in a closet, not thinking anyone would be interested. Several other completed books soon joined the stack in my closet. I only let my mother and my wife read my work. Last year my mother told me that one of her wishes before she died was to see me published. Although the idea didn’t appeal to me, Amazon made it too easy to refuse. I put three of my books on Kindle, and have truly enjoyed the process. I like the fact that there are people out there who enjoy my thoughts and stories, and I have made many new friends from the experience. I have two books started, one a pirate yarn I am writing that will entertain my two grandchildren when they are older, and another thriller in the vein of The Circle.

L. When did you know you wanted to be a writer?

R. I always enjoyed writing, and knew in high school I had a certain talent. I could write a paper for class at the last minute and get good marks, even without much effort. I find writing fiction a certain form of escape. I have sat down at a keyboard and started something, and looked up at the clock and realized I have been working for 12 hours. That is the ultimate high, knowing that I can transport myself into the middle of a story and never even know I’m gone.

L. What is your solution to writers block, if you get it?

R. I’ve never experienced writer’s block. I have a head full of stories that I need to get out, and the problem I have is remembering all of them. My characters dictate my stories, and I just follow along. If I ever sat down with nothing to say, I would grab my golf clubs and go do what I truly love.

L. Is there anything specific you do to stay motivated when writing?

R.  Motivation is not something that concerns me. My only motivation for writing is to do it well enough so that people will enjoy it. I know I’m not going to get rich writing. That thought never passed through my brain. My motivation is that people will like my stuff. If I didn’t think there were folks out there who would enjoy my stories, I would leave them in the closet. Writing is not life or death to me, it is something I do. But I also play golf, and I’m much more passionate about that then writing. I like goats, I love spending time with my wife, I love my kids and adore my grandchildren. So I’m not motivated to write, I just do it.

L. Do you have a favorite genre?

R. I wish I had a genre I could stick to, but that’s not how my brain works. There is no relationship whatsoever between the three books I have on Amazon. I love to read action/adventure like Lee Child, Harlen Coben and John Sanford. I’m addicted to John Locke’s books. And I’m totally hooked on vamp books, and someday will write a vampire story. I try to read all of the Indie stuff I can, and really enjoy many of the authors who I have come to know through Twitter. Many of them are first-rate, and I appreciate their work. Rachel Caine, Zoe Saadia, Wendy Potocki. Lisa Vaughn, Alana Siegel, Elise Stokes, Teri Heyer, Vicky Limbert, and C.L.R. Dougherty are just a few of the Indies who I have enjoyed. Lots and lots of talent out there.

L. Where did you get your ideas for The Circle?

R. The idea for The Circle just evolved from the character I created. I started with a high school teacher in a Catholic school, and then she kept finding herself in trouble. The Irishmen in the Circle just showed up one day on the pages to save the day. I never know what the story is, I just create characters. I know that is not conventional, but it is the way it is.

L. Would you care to add anything else?

R. The one thing that I think needs to be said to Indies is that they need to have their work edited by an outside person or agency before submitting to Kindle. There are so many books filled with grammatical errors and misspelled words, and it turns readers off to the idea that we are a legitimate force. And we do ourselves a great disservice when we give each other 5 Star reviews, knowing that the book needs massive editing. I am as guilty as the next person of this, and have decided that I will not post a review for a book that is poorly edited. I have sent e-mails to several writers, advising them that I think their work is worthy, but needs attention in the editing department. My e-mails have not been well received, but that’s their problem. I care about Indies, and we must put our best product out there to be taken seriously.

I want to thank Roger for sharing this with us. I hope you enjoyed the interview.

Contact info for Roger:

If you would like to purchase The Circle, The Golden Boy or Summer with Fidel, all written by RG Lawrence,just click on the cover images in this post.