Archive for the ‘fiction’ Category

Hail to the “KING”

Posted: July 9, 2012 in fiction, Zany
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When Scary Sherry and Nancy make it to the front gate, King, our lawn maintenance man is waiting. He has come to take care of business.

In no time at all he has taken out the predators and made my backyard safe again. He gets right to work, mowing down all obstacles.

We all shared a group hug, thankful that Scary Sherry and Nancy made it out alive.

I told King that he could not go on vacation again for at least a year! I don’t think any of us want this to happen again any time soon.

There was a lot of hard work to be done, but eventually we got the backyard back to pristine condition and the swimming pool repaired.

swimming pools photo: pool swimming_pools_tampa_m.jpg

Well, okay, maybe it doesn’t look this good. But this is what it looks like through my eyes!

Here’s to Happy Endings!

To start at the beginning go here:

My review on Twitter: One Word! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!


Okay. This Review will be longer.

Blood Lust Rising has been nominated for Best 1st Chapter and Best Cover.

This is one of the best first chapters I have read. I am not one to blush easily, but my whole face was rosy before I finished it.

You don’t have to kneel down and peek through the keyhole because Fayth Devlin leaves the bedroom door (or any door) wide open. The intimate, arousing sexual scenes fogged up my Kindle screen, they were that HOT!

About the story

They don’t get along at all. Micah and Ella are partners, working for the Shadow Agency. Their job, hunt vampires and demons.

A late night chase after a succubus through the cemetery does not go as planned. The Demon hits them with a spell that changes everything.

They awaken in a hotel 4 days later with no memory of how they got there. Both are exhausted and dehydrated, weak from a marathon of sex. Separating them is out of the question. The demon’s spell has awakened a yearning that can’t be ignored, an intense sexual need that was already there, just beneath the surface.

As their sexual desire deepens into something more, they join together, battling vamps, weres and numerous types of demons, while delving into Micah’s mysterious origins and fending off the unwanted and lethal attention of Julian, Ella’s sire.

What I felt

I feel a strong physical and emotional connection to Micah and Ella. I want them to be safe and I want a happy ending for them.


Ella starts out as a self-contained, don’t need anybody, kick-butt slayer. Fayth is able to show me Ella’s transformation, making me see all sides of her character, including her flaws. Ella is still tough as nails, but her fierce loyalty to family and friends, and her deepening love for Micah make her very real to me.

And Micah. I was already attracted to his oozing sexuality and sarcastic personality. As I read more, I was able to see his tender side, his love for family and his passion for and commitment to Ella.

Scenes to share – I want you to feel what I felt.

The green glow emanating from Micah’s eyes lit the night. Micah threw himself at Julian. The two men collided and rolled in the mud, a tangle of blood-smeared fists. They were both wearing black and, the more they coated themselves in mud, the harder it was to tell them apart.

Micah pulled his fist back, drove it into Julian’s face again and again. Crack. Crack. Crack. Julian threw Micah to the side, straddled his body. Blow after blow, they rolled and cursed, jockeyed for position. They pounded the holy living hell out of each other.

A body melting scene – Micah to Ella

“If you go upstairs with me. I’m not going to be able to stop from touching you, from stripping you naked. You’re tired and hurt and I can’t promise to be gentle. The Darkness.” He drew in a breath and corrected himself. “The demon wants you tied to my bed, wants you screaming and so drunk with pleasure you won’t be able to walk away from us. You are ours. The man and the demon. We need to claim you.”


It had to have been really challenging for Fayth to put her characters into very dangerous and compromising situations and make the conclusions believable and satisfying.   She has shown that she can and has what it takes.

Blood Lust Rising took me by surprise. My connection to the characters was deep. The story was flush with sexual tension, grueling fighting scenes and compelling dialogue. I found myself immediately engaged and immersed in the book without even trying.

Quotes I loved. You will understand it’s significance once you read the book.

Slaughter. Defend. Obliterate.

Murder. Guard. Destroy

Something Funny:

I had Vampire ED, on top of everything else!

Something tender:

Micah pulled back, gave Hannah a smile that melted solid objects.

Warning:If your kindle starts smoking while you are reading this book, don’t be alarmed. Mine still works fine!

5 STARS I Want More!

I just read the first chapter of The Vampire Queen Trilogy (Book Two). Another fantastic first chapter.

For more about Fayth Devlin:

The sun is peeking over the trees. It is time for Nancy and Scary Sherry to make their escape.

They begin tunneling through the long grass, keeping the fence in sight. The corner should not be far. “I see it!” Nancy whispers, “What in the Sam Hill is that?” Luck is with them. A huge mound stands in the corner. They can use it to climb over the fence.

But wait! Oh, no. It’s a fire ant mound. If you have ever been bitten by a fire ant, you know how bad this is. They like to swarm as a group, releasing a chemical to signal each other to attack.

Scary Sherry whispers to Nancy, ” Be very quiet and walk softly. Vibrations will bring them swarming out.”

After thinking for a while, Scary Sherry comes up with a plan. If they are to use the mound to escape, they are going to have to get rid of the fire ants. They will flood them out.

They make their way carefully to the watering hole – my pool. Scary Sherry warns Nancy to stand to the side and uses her knife to release the water. The water comes pouring out, rushing towards the fire ant mound.

It worked perfectly! The fire ants are gone and Scary Sherry and Nancy waste no time scrambling up the mound and jumping over the fence.

All that is left is for them to follow the fence until they find the front gate. Then they will be safely home.

Now What?

To read the first episodes go here:

For the final episode:

It won’t take long to catch up.

It looks like the most popular book was Lies Beneath. Several others were a close second, so I put the titles in a bowl and drew one out. Wormwood is the other book to read and review. To see the original post and book line-up:

To decide which one to read first, I took Emaginette’s suggestion and drew one out of a bowl.

The first one up is Wormwood and I am tearing through it. It opens with a huge event and never really slows down. Can’t wait to tell you all about it!


Synopsis from Goodreads

Against a devastated landscape, a legion of one hundred fierce half-angels is hell-bent on purging Earth of all humans. But one of them, the tormented Tiamat, struggles against his mission, and when he rescues a beautiful woman named Kali, he finds the attraction as troubling as it is miraculous. Can Kali trust the one creature who could be responsible for her ultimate demise?

Beautifully written and excitingly told, Wormwood creates a world that is as strange as it is compelling. Filled with brilliantly executed twists and turns on every page that are guaranteed to keep you guessing, Wormwood is one of the most exciting debuts of the year.

Next up for review is Lies Beneath. I started this one once before, but had to set it aside to catch up on other things that were pressing. It has haunted me ever since.

Synopsis from Goodreads

Calder White lives in the cold, clear waters of Lake Superior, the only brother in a family of murderous mermaids. To survive, Calder and his sisters prey on humans, killing them to absorb their energy. But this summer the underwater clan targets Jason Hancock out of pure revenge. They blame Hancock for their mother’s death and have been waiting a long time for him to return to his family’s homestead on the lake.

Hancock has a fear of water, so to lure him in, Calder sets out to seduce Hancock’s daughter, Lily. Easy enough – especially as Calder has a lot of practice using his irresistible good looks and charm on unsuspecting girls. Only this time Calder screws everything up: he falls for Lily – just as Lily starts to suspect that there’s more to the monsters-in-the-lake legends than she ever imagined. And just as his sisters are losing patience with him.

Both of these books hooked me in the first couple of paragraphs and I can tell you already that the writing is brilliant! I’ll be back with my reviews soon! Stay tuned.


Posted: July 5, 2012 in fiction, horror, Zombies
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It’s no secret that I loved this book!

I was just over visiting Stephen on his blog and discovered some great news!

He is very busy writing Books Two and Three of the ZED Trilogy and would welcome suggestions or ideas for what you would like Mr. ZED (or Chase) to do next.

You never know, he might just add it to the story (and credit you in the book).

In addition, If he loves your idea 100%, you might become a character in his story.

I myself would love to see Stephen add a young boy to the mix. You know the kind, a boy who idolizes Zed and follows him around, pestering him with questions and emulating him(except for the being a zombie part).

So hop on over to Stephen’s blog: and leave him your suggestions!

For my post about reviewing ZED:

For my review and interview with  ZED:


Grass (Photo credit: DBduo Photography)

The man who does my lawn maintenance is going on vacation.  I live on the coast of Mobile Bay in Alabama and even though we are in a drought, the grass grows  right before your eyes. I’m not kidding. With no rain to speak of, I can hear it growing. I fear that by the time he returns, he will not be able to find us, the grass will have grown so tall.

How tall can it grow, you ask? Well, I envision this after one week. I let my dog Quigley out to the back yard and when he steps off the patio, he disappears. Do you remember the scene in Jurassic Park 2 where they enter the long grass and you can see the raptors moving through, getting closer to the group. That visual of them weaving trails is what I picture happening in my own backyard.





Can you imagine running into this! Look at his eye. I swear he is daring me to come outside and play.

Quigley will enter this jungle and the only telltale signs  of his passage will be the waving grass as he tunnels through my backyard.

My mother is here visiting and she likes her afternoon dip in the pool. By now the grass has grown so tall, you can’t even see where the pool is. I got her one of those poles with a flag on top, you know, the ones they use for corn field mazes, so if you get lost they can find you.  I can see the flag above the grass and when she is done swimming I can direct her back to the deck.

Maybe I am exaggerating a little. Maybe there aren’t any Raptors prowling in my jungle. I just hope my lawn care guy isn’t on an extended vacation or who knows what will be out there when he gets back. For now, I await his return and listen carefully for signs of movement when I open my back door.

I dedicate this to my sister Nancy, who braved the backyard. She still hasn’t returned!

For episode 2:

For episode 3:

For episode 4:

Final Episode:


I have two things to tell you about today. First is my review of Black Warrior by H.D. Gordon. Second is really exciting. H.D. is here on my blog today for an interview. I love interviews, don’t you? Also a peek at Book 2 and her upcoming new release at the end of this post!

Here is my review of Blood Warrior (Book 1 of The Alexa Montgomery Saga)



Fighting is all Alexa has ever known. Her mother uses makeup to cover the bruises, the ones she herself caused. She never explains why Alexa has to learn, she only says it is necessary to be prepared.

Her younger sister Nelly couldn’t be more different. Always dressed in the nicest clothes, makeup tastefully done and not a hair out of place. She was slight of build, more delicate, and Alexa was glad Nelly did not have to fight their mother. Alexa adored her sister and would do what ever it took to keep her safe, but from what?

I admired how fiercely Alexa loved Nelly. Her protective instincts towards her sister were more lethal than a momma bear for her cub. I have three older sisters and they were  always standing up for me against others, but liked to tease me as older sisters do.

It was a good thing her mother prepared her physically for what was coming, but Alexa could have used some answers to the mysteries surrounding her.

They came late one evening. The Lamias.  They looked like humans, except they weren’t. Eyes completely black, pale white skin, emitting horrid shrieks. There for one reason only, to kill Alexa and her family.

Alexa and her mother fought well, shielding Nelly, but they were vastly outnumbered and when Alexa’s mother orders her to take Nelly and run, she knows there is no other choice. However much she hates leaving her mother behind,  knowing she can’t survive, Alexa must keep Nelly safe. There is no other choice.

I was a little confused in the beginning. It seemed like Alexa was being abused by her mother, but she was actually preparing her for what was surely coming. The Lamias – part demon/damned souls, their only purpose being to cause pain and to kill. Forced to leave their mother behind, the sisters seek refuge at Two Rivers, a spectacular city surrounded by water. They should be safe there. Lamias can not cross water.

At Two Rivers Alexa discovers who and what she is and some secrets are revealed.

Blood Warrior is a great introduction into this series about vampires and werewolves. There are several love interests for Alexa, but not what I would call a real love triangle, along with some intense fighting scenes-vividly written and a whole lot of mystery.

H. D. Gordon has built a marvelous new world. It is always amazing to me how an author can take something tried and true and make it unique and surprisingly fresh. Her writing is crisp, without a lot of fluff, and she tells the story fluidly, capturing you and putting you at the scene.

A great beginning to this series, Blood Warrior sets up the plot, introduces the characters and their world and fills you with anticipation. I already have Half Black Soul, the second book in this series, and am so glad I don’t have to wait to dive back into this world as this is not a stand alone book. I’ll tell you about it later!

I urge you to get Blood Warrior and enter a new world. You won’t want it to end.


And now for my interview with guest H. D. Gordon

How about we start by having you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I am 23 years old and the mother of two beautiful girls. My children get the vast majority of my time, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. They both will begin school next year and I’m not sure what I will do with myself when that happens. Well, yes, I do. I will read and write more. Those are the two activities that take up pretty muck all the rest of my time, and I wouldn’t have that any other way, either. A mother and a writer, that just about sums me up. I also play a little guitar, long walks on the beach, etc, etc.

How did you pick this genre and where do you get your ideas?

This genre was always a passion for me. I love all things fantastical. Ever since I was a child and obsessed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer(I used to carve chopsticks into stakes and carry them around with me, in case I had to slay a vamp, of course) and the obsession never waned. Stories, ideas? Well, they come from everywhere and from nowhere. There’s really no other way to describe it. With Blood Warrior, all I had was an opening scene, which I handed to my father to read. He then advised me to take the next semester off of college to write this book. He is huge on school, and this was unheard of from him. I took his advice and am so happy I did. I now write full-time for a living. It’s the best thing that has ever happened to me, other than the birth of my children, of course.

Does your character Alexa resemble you in any way?

Alexa is pretty much me only way, way cooler. Basically, she is everything I wish I could be(except for the homicidal tendencies). More accurately, she is me before children; reckless, hot-headed and young. I think the biggest similarity is our loyalty to those we love. Loyalty is the most valued quality I think a person can have. When I wrote this book I honestly never expected the success it is having. I wrote it for me, and so it indulges my fantasies, and I wrote Alexa to be like me because I sort of wanted to live through her. She is my hero. When I get scared I think to myself “Alexa could handle this.”

What are you reading now?

Lots and lots of Stephen King. Him and Poe are my literary heroes. Poe influenced a lot of my writing as a child, and King embodies everything I aspire to be. I just finished The Stand(awesome btw, so read it) and my fav book of all time is The Shining. I am currently reading The Dark Tower Series and I can’t get enough. King’s attention to the words is just…well, amazing. Someday I hope to be as good as him, and I believe I’m getting there. My new book Joe, due out on June 30th, will hopefully show my growth. Give me a few years and I hope to rival all the males dominating the world of books(Koontz, Patterson, King). I hope to show them what a female writer can do. I guess we will just have to wait and see. But,  I’m getting there.

How do you spend your spare time, if you have any?

Sparetime? Lol, I don’t even know what those words mean. My children come first, but I have gotten used to reading and writing around them, which is to say the least, distracting. But really that’s it right now. I read and write like crazy and make sure my girls get my full attention. There isn’t much time for anything else. But. really, for me, it is like living the dream. I can read and write anywhere, and I do. It’s a dream job. I get to stay with my girls 24/7 and do what I love in between. I couldn’t imagine a better life. (My daughter just came in to tell me about a boy who turns into a turtle and a boy who turns into a “T-wex” as I write this). Gotta love em.

Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

Yes, I am working hard to get books out. My new book, Joe, is my proudest work yet, and I hope to pull in a wider audience with it. After that, two more Alexa books will be released in 2012, the next one at the end of this coming August. I have a lot of stories to tell, and I plan to do just that. So, huge thank you to the fans! You guys have been so supportive, and for this I love you all.

Thank you for the interview!

You are welcome and thank you for being my guest and sharing with us today.

You can read an excerpt for Half Black Soul (Book 2 in the Alexa Montgomery Saga) at the end of the post. Also included is a blurb from her new book “JOE” scheduled to be released on June 30, 2012. That’s right. This week!

For more about H.D. Gordon and her books:



Her blog:

You can sign up for her newsletter and get all of the latest news at the bottom of her blog.


Mild Spoiler Alert

This is a blurb of book 2 in the Alexa Montgomery Series. If you have not read the first book , this contains mild spoilers.

 In the past few weeks Alexa Montgomery has had her entire world flipped upside down. She’s gone from living a semi-normal teenage life to a life full of vampires and werewolves who all expect her to deliver them from the control of an evil dictator.

Alexa is the last of her kind; a Sun Warrior, and now she has left the safety of Two Rivers to search for her mother, but she’s left her sister behind to do so, and Nelly is the one person that she was told that she must always protect. Kayden, a vampire who is Alexa’s other half, has followed her on her journey. But, secrets are about to come out, relationships will break and danger lies just up ahead. Will Alexa be able to get through all of this and make it out alive? And, will she be able to protect Nelly from danger when she is so far away?

Here is a blurb from Goodreads about Joe, H. D. Gordon’s upcoming new novel, scheduled to be released on June 30, 2012.

From the author of The Alexa Montgomery Saga comes a book that will take you into the mind of a genuine psychopath, the lives of six ordinary people and the world of a very special girl named Joe.
Joe is seemingly an ordinary college student. She works, studies and reads. But in between these activities Joe has a gift that promises to add a dose of color to her life at any given moment. Joe sees things before they happen. Bad things, and the worst thing she has ever faced is just around the corner. Someone is planning a massacre at the college university that Joe attends, and the only person with a hope of stopping the psychopath is her.
Oh, the beauty of foresight. More like a curse. Joe has four days to figure out the mystery, make plans to take down the psycho and save the lives of people. People like you and me. ordinary people.
You can find out more about Joe here:
Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

I have so many books to read. I am reading several right now. There are many more waiting for me. I can hear them calling “Pick Me!”

Here is a list of some of the books up next for me to read and review. I would love it if you would help me pick which two I should start with.

These are just some of the books I need to read or finish reading for reviews. I am currently working on several reviews, interviews and giveaways.

It would be great if you could give me some suggestions on which two I should do next! Let me know!!

English: Sunset on Mildred Island in the Sacra...

English: Sunset on Mildred Island in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta with view of Mount Diablo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Delta Legend is so much more than a scary creature story. It is about second chances, community, new friendships, budding romance, courage and honor.

There is an inner story that provides vital background for the legend. Kelan has really done a lot of research in order to tell you about this creature and where the events take place. Her descriptions of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta are almost visual.  You can almost feel the sluggish, dark water on your skin and the cold, silty bottom between your toes.

There are many characters that have their parts to play in this book. They are all essential to the plot and add depth, believability and some comic relief.

When Calvin has a brush with the juvenile court system, his mother, Angela, knows she has to do something. After losing her older son Leo to drug and gang violence, she does not want him going down the same path. Her solution is to send Calvin to stay with his great-uncle Samuel for the summer break.  He wants no part of the “cuts”, or back country life and arrives with a big chip on his shoulder.

Samuel was apprehensive about taking in Calvin, but is pleasantly surprised when his great-nephew shows a penchant for machine and engine repair. He proves to be a hard worker and an asset at Samuel’s Marine Repair Shop.

Calvin’s first encounter with Mei Li, a young Chinese farm girl, is confrontational. She sees through his tough guy persona and calls him on it. She is sassy and bold and he wants nothing to do with her.

Samuel takes Calvin into the local cafe and small grocery owned by Frances. It is also where the rental desk for Heron’s Harbor Marina, which her teenage son Jess runs. The locals come there to hang out, have a bite to eat and catch up on the daily news around town. It seems every small town has one of these.

After a little bit of juggling, Calvin and Jess start up a friendship. Mei Li is friends with Jess and includes herself on their outings. It is not hard for the others to notice that Jess has developed an interest in Lauren. She is a nice girl, but hangs with the town bullies. But soon enough Lauren sees them for what they are and joins up with Jess, Calvin and Mei Li.

Good old boys Terry and Neal just want to fish and drink cold beer. They motor to their favorite fishing spot and settle in to catch some dinner when they spot what looks like debris from a boat floating in the water. Seeing what they think is a wig, they hook  it and take a look. What they had on the end of that hook was someone’s face. Their return trip broke records. This is not the only encounter they have with body parts, it seems like they just can’t get a day of fishing in.

It soon becomes obvious that something is preying on the people of the Delta. Something hungry. The fatalities start piling up, and finally even Sheriff Ray Cruz has to accept that there is a deadly creature cruising the waters, killing and eating the unsuspecting .

The mish mash of locals,  along with Calvin and his posse of friends and Sheriff Cruz and bumbling Deputy Burt Watson, unite to combat this evil monster. There are many more characters that I’ve not mentioned, each one adding flavor and dimension to the story.  Kelan has the ability to weave them in without confusing you or slowing down your reading enjoyment. No flipping back and forth to see who’s who.

I particularly liked her characterization of Joe, Tak and Samuel. I smilingly think of them as the Over the Hill Gang.

There are a few surprises, you think something has been left out, but then Kelan slips it in effortlessly, providing all of the answers.

And I can’t wait for you to read the great “Oh No!” ending.

If you are looking for a unique monster story with lots of action, adventure and scares, I recommend you get Delta Legend and get reading. 

I loved this book and decided not to do a STAR rating. It deserves much more than 5 STARS.

I am so happy to have Kelan O’Connell on my blog today. She has been kind enough to do an interview.

Hi Kelan. Would you like to start by telling us about yourself?

Sure. I live in Northern California with my partner, Tom Size, who’s a sound engineer/producer. His profession makes for some interesting experiences, especially since one of his primary clients is the rockband Y & T. Considering I was never a rocker chick, it’s pretty funny that I’m now thrown in with that scene. But I truly love the Y & T family and the boys in the band certainly keep us all entertained – on stage, backstage, and on the road.

At home, we have Roxie(a pitbull/boxer mix) who”s a brilliant ambassador against breed discrimination. Everyone who meets her falls head over heels. We also have two cranky old boy cats(both named Jack) who live to wake us up at all hours of the night. These two are NOT good ambassadors for anything and really should be fired, but they’d only file grievances against us so what’s the point really?

When I’m not writing, I love to hike(especially along the Sonoma Coast where I used to live) cook, wine taste, and read. Sadly, I’m writing more than reading these days. When I see how many books you devour on a weekly basis, Laura, I am both impressed and extremely jealous. My idea of a great vacation is to be somewhere beautiful near the water where I can sit and read all day long, my only distractions being a dip in the pool or ocean, eating great food, and enjoying tropical beverages with umbrellas in them.

What was the inspiration for your book?

Delta Legend was a spec screenplay I wrote during my time as a struggling screenwriter in Hollywood. Teen Horror was all the rage back then and I was chasing the genre. In order to crank one out, I had to ask myself “What really scares me?” The answer came from my own young adulthood – swimming and waterskiing in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. I was always more than a little freaked out about what might be lurking in those deep murky waters. So, the story line, characters, and legend all grew out of that one fear, and the Delta itself.

By the time I finished the spec, however, it was such a budget-busting behemoth, no one in their right mind would have touched it. Tons of shooting in and around water, loads of Special Effects(at a time when they were far more expensive) not to mention a cast of thousands – okay, I’m exaggerating but more characters than advisable. Thank god I was deep enough in denial to complete the screenplay, otherwise I never would’ve had the blueprint for what ultimately became the novel.

You have many colorful characters in Delta Legend. Are any of them based on people you know?

None of them are based on any one person, though many of my characters possess some element or trait of someone I’ve known – especially the more extreme ones. I’ve always loved creating colorful(and whacky) characters. This stems from my days writing sketch comedy and one-act plays.

I think colorful characters provide a great balance to the more hip and controlled young adults in YA stories. While teenagers can be just as colorful and out there, most of them have a better cover on. As we age, that cover starts to come off more and we fly our freak flags a little higher without caring who sees it.

Is there one genre you prefer?

Seems I’m becoming partial to YA and its sub genres of Urban Fantasy, Adventure, and Horror. I never feel like I’m writing specifically for a younger audience, however, since people of all ages love YA and I create characters of all ages. I’m also a big advocate of multiculturalism in YA. I’d like to see more YA novels that reflect the demographics of our society.

Do you have a current project and would you like to tell us something about it?

In addition to working on a new “Legend” now and then, I’m finishing a fairly extensive article about the process of turning a screenplay into a novel. It’s not commonly done, and I want to encourage other screenwriters to go for it.

People have no idea how many brilliant stories with great characters have been created but are going to waste in unwanted specs. Of the countless spec screenplays written, only a tiny fraction of those will actually get picked up and made into a film. I now regret that I let Delta Legend languish in story purgatory for almost nine years. I won’t lie, turning a visual story into a narrative one was far from easy, but if I can do it, other screenwriters can as well.

Screenwriters know how to write creatively within a very limited format. This makes for a more deliberate novelist – we rarely wander aimlessly. And the cinematic quality screenwriters bring to a novel is undeniable. Most readers aren’t able to put their finger on why, they just know they’re experiencing a richer, more visual read, one that leaves them saying, “I can totally see this as a movie.”

What was the most challenging aspect of writing this book?

Aside from transitioning it from screen to novel, it was the amount of research required to create the historical fiction element. The novel version required far more detail and therefore more research in order to meld fictional characters with actual historical events. At one point, our kitchen wall was covered with a large timeline so I could visually see when different events took place in order to properly build the story around them. I still have that timeline somewhere. Thankfully, it’s no longer taking up an entire wall of our kitchen.

I’m extremely proud that Delta Legend teaches a slice of American and California history in a fun and interesting way. There’s a small but growing list of teachers who want to use it in their classrooms once the print-on-demand version is available. (I’m working on that.) If I could have learned a piece of American history from a fun YA novel, I would have been much more engaged in high school history class, that’s for sure.

Thanks for a wonderful interview with some really unique questions, Laura! I stalk you here and on Goodreads so I know what to put on my TBR list for that reading vacation I’m dreaming of.

Thank you also Kelan. This was a fun and enlightening interview. It is nice to be stalked, I think?! I am always on the lookout for the next great read. Give me a shout out when you take that vacation!

Exciting News!

Kelan is offering up some really cool stuff for a giveaway here on fuonlyknew! Stay tuned for more about when it will start. I’ll be posting it next week!

Be sure to visit Kelan’s blog:

and the Delta Legend website:

I hope you enjoyed the review of Delta Legend and the author interview with Kelan O’Connell. See ya’ll next week for the GIVEAWAY!

I went looking for a good zombie collection in my Kindle and look what I found.



Edited by TW Brown


How did it all begin for you? What was the instant you became a die-hard zombophile? For me, it was my fourteenth birthday when a neighbor took me to see Dawn Of The Dead. The funny thing is, I was actually there to see the other film playing in the double-feature (remember those days?).

S0 … think back to the past dozen or so zombie books you’ve read. How many really delve into how it all begins? It has to start somewhere … right? In these pages , you will find out how it all began.

Seven writers have given you a look at that first person to fall: Patient Zero. This anthology opens the door to the genesis of the zombie apocalypse in detail. Could it really be something as simple as a paper cut? The answer awaits you.

The Morning Show Host by Patrick Shand

Minnie Brown was the catalyst, the one that brought about the beginning of the end for mankind. And to think it all started with a paper cut.

Minnie tells her story in the form of a written apology to be read by a survivor, if there is one. It doesn’t look too good out there.

I loved her sass.

“I died forty times from a paper cut?” I said. “Wow, I’m a bit of a pussy.” “…Hey, you want to take any bets on how many times I’ll croak?”

She is witty and likes to tell jokes, especially dirty jokes, you know, ones about body parts.

Through all of the bloody, bone- gnawing gore she still thought of herself as “Just some crazy lady who told jokes on the radio at the asscrack of dawn”.

Number Two

The Zombie Curse by Bennie L. Newsome

This story takes place over the span of 96 hours.

Justin Burrows, ladies man, cheat.

He slinks home in the wee hours of the morning, trying not to get caught, but wifie is lying in wait for him. When she doesn’t buy his story, he figures, if all else fails, turn the tables on her. He lays a guilt trip on her and lies so well that he actually convinces himself that he has been wronged.

His restless night on the couch was filled with vivid dreams of his sexual escapades with his  one night stand. In the middle of their activities, Justin opened his eyes and saw the woman is no woman. Her face has morphed into an evil visage of a demon. He should have run away screaming but…”Justin always thought with his smaller head, and he did not see why he should stop at that point. The man closed his eyes and enjoyed the ride”.

Now we know how it started. A romp in the sack with a demon. It was spread by a little love bite he gave his wife while having make-up sex.

Justin isn’t doing so well at work, a severe migraine sends him home. Figuring a quick shower would help, he jumps in and lathers up. A loud smack makes him look down. “The startled man looked between his legs, nothing there. Blood was not even present. His stuff had just … fallen off somehow. He returned his gaze to the bottom of the tub. There it was, the whole set, both the faucet and the two knobs”.

Boy, a lot of women would think that was poetic justice. I couldn’t stop laughing and read the whole story out loud to my mother and my sister. We all laughed our asses off.

Fatal attraction with the ultimate twist. Maybe he should have just went home.

The Third One

Termination papers by Suzanne Robb

The goal of Project Re-Genesis was to alter the internal structures of the human body so when an injury occurred, the body would be able to heal itself within mere seconds.”

“Jerrod knew they meant well, but he didn’t think they had the interests of the soldiers at heart. First, they planned to inoculate the soldiers without telling them. Secondly, the kind of alterations happening would be painful and most likely result in the death of some. What they were asking his company to do would be an alteration of human DNA”.

What? The government is not concerned with our welfare? Big shocker there?

Months into the experiment, Spencer still has no results. It is do or die time, literally. Spencer makes a mistake and one of his test subjects takes a bite out of him. Now he is on the other side of the safety glass, while others observe him and take notes. Life is funny that way.

Fourth In Line

The Scientific Method by Nathaniel Phillips

A mere clerk for the Post, more of a fact finder than anything. Why send him to Russia?

“It seemed like a pretty simple assignment, and in fact, it was, but the repercussions of it all … good Lord, saying that it was merely out of my league would trivialize the whole situation”.

The assignment was to gather documents about one Dr. Fenstermacher, a former Nazi SS officer. The scuttlebutt was that, while not as notorious as Dr. Josef Mengele, he also committed experiments of a most atrocious nature.

What our clerk discovers is Fenstermacher”s journal, containing descriptions of an unknown contagion. Inside the pages, he reads about unimaginable horrors performed on young boys and their ramifications.

Welcome to Nazi Germany 1944.

Fifth In Line-Up

William by A. A. Garrison

A man, a woman, a child and a robotic babysitter.

A jingle from the commercial-

“Do the right thing for your loved one. Get a Swammy Sitter today.”

They seemed too good to be true. You could teach them to do damn near anything. Mow the lawn? Yep. Pressure wash the house? Sure, and you don’t have to worry, they don’t rust.

What you have forgotten is the golden rule. Never believe what you see on television and, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Next Up-6

Escarg-O by Chantal Boudreau

Business is booming at The Crystal Fountain Bistro. Mars Grimm a music icon and new patron, has made the restaurant extremely popular. To keep him coming back, Steve and Ray, cooks at the bistro, have to come up with new and unusual dishes.

You see, mars will not eat the same thing twice, except for snails. That’s what drew him to the restaurant in the first place.

desperate to hang on to their jobs, Steve and Ray go to the black market. Steve finds the ultimate snails – Novisuccinea Ovalis. They are unusual, with eye stalks that ripple and vibrate  a glowing, flourescent  green.

Truly revolting looking.

“Well, I was thinking of serving them raw.”

“Raw?! Are you crazy?!”

“Well, they serve sushi raw, don’t they? And we have to keep them alive to maintain the special effects. That’s the whole point, isn’t it – a weird novelty food? Mars will love them!”

Eating them raw probably would have been okay if Steve and a friend hadn’t given the snails a concoction of drugs to keep tem from crawling off the plate.

If I didn’t like escargo before, I definitely won’t be eating them now.

7 – The Finale

Quietus by Christopher Beck

One thing you could say about Reed is he is punctual. Every morning, at the same time, he arrives at the small pond to feed goldfish crackers to a pair of ducks. Also waiting for him is a starling. The bird also knows Reed’s feeding schedule and, knowing he is a food source, follows him to the lab where it finds an open window. Knowing people means food, if flies inside. Ever the opportunist, It samples what is left out in a petri dish. Reed enters the lab and spots the starling but is too late to stop its escape.

Now the bird has a new appetite. All it takes is a peck on a tiny hand to spread the contagion.

In the mood for some twisted zombie tales. Give ZERO a go!

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