Archive for the ‘horror’ Category

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


Haunted Tales

Stories from Beyond the Grave

An Anthology Compiled by Samie Sands


Genre:  Horror / Anthology


My Review

I do like short stories and collections. There are a bunch in here, along with some poems. It also includes authors I’ve enjoyed before and some new ones I’ll be checking out further.

While many of these were really good, some weren’t my cuppa tea. That often happens when there are this many to read in one book.  Way to many to review individually, and I don’t want to play favorites.  I’ll just say the ones that grabbed me were creeptastic.

Plenty to keep you entertained and the right time of year to enjoy some spooky. I’m glad I read these.




Find out what’s going bump in the night with stories and poetry from the most terrifying horror writers; Kevin S. Hall, Cecilia H. Doldan, Nicholas Boving, Stephen Downes, Kody Dibble, June Lundgren, Amy S. Pacini, June Rachelson-Ospa, Justin R. Beeman, Martha Jette, Debbie Johnson, Giselda Woldenga, Anthony V. Pugliese, Matt Mesnard, Rick Eddy, Michele Jones, Linda H. Gerald, Linda Jenkinson, Jake Elliot, Kally Jo Surbeck, Ekta Rawat, Mathias Jansson, Will Zeilinger, Delaina M. Waldron, Kimberly Klemm, Trisha Sugarek, Rae Desmond Jones, Jon Ospa and Samie Sands.

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The above cover is the one I own. Here is an alternative cover.


Which do you like more?


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Welcome to my stop on the tour for Nancy Gray’s Spine Chillers: Nig Bad Wolf, brought to you by Pump Up Your Book. The tour runs from September 17 – October 19th.

Spine Chillers Big Bad Wolf

Author: Nancy Gray
Publisher: Independent
Pages: 112
Genre: Middle Grade Horror

My Review

Big Bad Wolf was just what the doctor ordered for my Halloween reading list. Not that it has to be the spooky month for me to like creepy stories.

Little did Jane suspect that when she got the coveted role of Red Riding Hood in her school play she’d have to face off against a real big bad wolf. Well, it’s actually a moth eaten stuffed one used as a prop. Or is it.

It didn’t take long for this story to give me goose bumps. Jane had good reason to want to avoid the wolf. It seemed to become more menacing every time she faced it. When I was a young girl, I was given a stuffed mink. It seriously creeped me out and wound up spending it’s days hidden in the back of my closet.

  Jane’s nightmares gave me the willies and after strange things started happening I really felt for her. Who would believe that old stuffed wolf was out to get her? Where did it get it’s power? And why her? All of these questions were answered in some exciting and chilling events leading up to the big finish.

No matter your age, this will be one spooky read.




Jane is ecstatic when she gets the role of Red Riding Hood in her school play, but she didn’t realize that they’d be using the stuffed wolf prop as the Big Bad Wolf. That tattered old prop has always scared her and, lately, she has been having strange dreams about it that make it seem like it’s something more.

Jane will have to get help to save herself from the hungry spirit that has haunted her people and her nightmares before it consumes her, or worse, escapes the prison of the last creature it took to sate its horrible appetite.

Purchase on: Amazon

About Author Nancy Gray

Nancy Gray

Nancy Gray has published a number of works including her middle grade series Spine Chillers. She also published her YA fantasy series Blood Rain. Her short story “Chosen” appeared in Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal Author Quest: a Penguin Special from Grosset & Dunlap. Her work also appears in various anthologies.

Nancy Gray has been writing for over ten years. Gray lives in South Carolina with her husband and two daughters. She enjoys books, video games, anime, manga, and horror.

Her latest book is the mid-grade horror, Spine Chillers: Big Bad Wolf.


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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


Spine Chillers: The Beast of Black Pond
by Nancy Gray

The Beast of Black Pond


Genre: Horror
Age category: Middle Grade
Release Date: October 2018

My Review

Duane has an assignment for his creative writing class. Write about an urban legend. He chooses to write about something local, the legend of Black Pond. Several children have died in the pond and a legend has grown that something lives there and pulls kids under to their doom. Little did he know, he’d meet the legend up close and personal and he’d be in the fight of his life.

The author’s writing was spot on. The character’s read and acted their age and it took me back to when I was young. You might find yourself thinking I’d never do that when reading some of the events in these pages. Don’t be so sure. Kid’s do the darndest things and don’t stop to overthink or rationalize them.

Duane, his sister, and his best friend joined forces and faced off against something that shouldn’t be real. It got pretty hairy, and felt genuine. No adult was going to believe them so they’d deal with it their own way. I tell ya, what dwelt in the pond was very scary. I wouldn’t have wanted to meet it as an adult, let alone as a kid.

There was lots of action to keep the story moving at a fast clip. And some harrowing encounters to get those endorphins pumping. I would have ate this up as a kid and I did as an adult.


Stop back by tomorrow. I’ll be reviewing another Spine Chillers story, Big Bad Wolf.



“Mrs. Snider,” Duane asked. “Do you know anything about Black Pond?”
“There isn’t some monster drowning children. It’s a dangerous, polluted pond,” she said.

But there is a monster that lurks silently in the water, watching and waiting; hungry for its next meal. Duane has seen THE BEAST OF BLACK POND, and the beast has his scent. The beast hunts him from the pond, to the lake by the dam, even to his own swimming pool. Duane will need all his wits, and the help of his friends if he wants to avoid being pulled under to a watery grave.



About the Author:

Nancy Gray

Nancy Gray has published a number of works including her young adult fantasy series Blood Rain. Her short story “Chosen” appeared in Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal Author Quest: a Penguin Special from Grosset & Dunlap. Her work also appears in various anthologies.
Nancy Gray has been writing for over ten years. Gray lives in South Carolina with her husband and two daughters. She enjoys books, video games, anime, manga, and horror.

Other Works by Nancy Gray:
Blood Rain
Blood Moon
Blood God
Spine Chillers: The Scarecrow
Spine Chillers: Big Bad Wolf
Spine Chillers: The Beast of Black Pond
Spine Chillers: Empty Eyes
Spine Chillers: The Firefly

You can find and contact Nancy Gray here:

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I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


Cryptid Zoo

by Gerry Griffiths


Genre:  Horror / Science Fiction


My Review

I’ve read lots of horror stories about zoos. There’s the zombies, werewolves, vampires zoo. The dinosaurs zoo. A dragon, crocodile zoo. Why not a crytpid zoo.

So, the plot isn’t all that new. We know going into this that the zoo is a very bad idea. We know the creatures escape and wreak havoc. But this gal says, so what. It’s still bloody good fun.

There’s every kind of cryptid you can think of, and a few new ones for me. They all have their own special killing abilities and, one by one, the humans fall like dominoes.

The author gave me a few characters that I actually liked and wanted to survive.  That always adds to the edginess. And not being familiar with this author, I didn’t know if he was willing to kill off prominent characters. I found out pretty quick.

The monsters are out. There’s nowhere to hide. Watch the skies. Stay out of the water. Don’t look it in the eyes. Plug your ears. Stay out of dark places. Who knows if they can be killed.  All of this made Cryptid Zoo a fun, scary, atmospheric read for me.




As a child, rare and unusual animals, especially cryptid creatures, always fascinated Carter Wilde.

Now that he’s an eccentric billionaire and runs the largest conglomerate of high-tech companies all over the world, he can finally achieve his wildest dream of building the most incredible theme park ever conceived on the planet…CRYPTID ZOO.

Even though there have been apparent problems with the project, Wilde still decides to send some of his marketing employees and their families on a forced vacation to assess the theme park in preparation for Opening Day.

Nick Wells and his family are some of those chosen and are about to embark on what will become the most terror-filled weekend of their lives—praying they survive.



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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

You can find a list of my reviews HERE.

For a list of free eBooks go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE

I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!

I’m also hosting a spot on the tour today. Click the link after the comments to learn more, read the excerpt and enter the giveaway!


Planet Of The Dead

by Thomas S. Flowers


Genre:  Horror / Apocalyptic


My Review

An epidemic sweeps the planet. The dead rise, hungry for human flesh. Loved ones kill loved ones. The government denies it’s even happening.There’s no help coming and everyone must fend for themselves.

This scenario never gets old for me. I especially enjoy character dynamics. Seeing who actually comes up with a plan and implements it. Who falls victim through denial. And who turns on who. There’s that saying, I don’t have to outrun the killer bear. I just have to outrun you.

Flowers doesn’t disappoint. His characters are brought to life and thrown into the worst possible situations. The action is fast and bloody. And it’s anyone’s guess who survives and who doesn’t.

A rollicking and intense story and I now have this author on my radar for more books.




From the author of FEAST and Reinheit comes a new chapter in horror…


News reports speak of mass panic and violence spreading across the globe. Negligent leaders hide behind misinformation. But in an age of paranoia and suspicion, who can say what is true anymore? Struggling to survive against a sweeping epidemic that has engulfed the planet, survivors will have to make hard choices in a world that no longer makes sense.

Live. Die. Or become one of the undead.



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

You can find a list of my reviews HERE.

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE

I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

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Planet of the Dead
Book One
Thomas S. Flowers
Planet dead cover
Genre: Horror
Publisher: Shadow Work Publishing
Date of Publication: Oct 13, 2017
ISBN: 1988819024 / ASIN: B075X2WLX1
Number of pages: 268 (Kindle), 266 (paperback)
Word Count: 60K
Cover Artist: Travis Eck
Tagline: Live. Die. Or become one of the Undead.
Book Description:
News reports speak of mass panic and violence spreading across the globe. Negligent leaders hide behind misinformation. But in an age of paranoia and suspicion, who can say what is true anymore? Struggling to survive against a sweeping epidemic that has engulfed the planet, survivors will have to make hard choices in a world that no longer makes sense.


Seoul, South Korea.
There it is again. Scratching in the walls. Harold sat up in the queen bed he shared with
Silvio, his grey-haired miniature Schnauzer. He stared out into the darkness of
his room, turning his head to the wall. What was that sound? Scratching…was it
rats? Now it sounded like it was above him, that nails against wood kind of
sound. But that didn’t make sense. He lived on the first floor of a two-story
apartment building in one of the quieter neighborhoods in the Yongsan-gu area.
Nothing ever happened here. While in the past, he’d had his share of crappy
neighbors, Mrs. Kim was farthest from what one would consider to be a rowdy
neighbor. Kim was a sweet little old lady with poorly dyed hair that gave her thinning
white a touch of blue. She wore large red framed glasses and never made much of
a sound, even during the day. The only complaint he would have would be the
smell of kimchee that permeated through the walls whenever she cooked the awful
Still, the scratching persisted.
Silvio whimpered, turning his head upward at the sound, and then burying himself under
the comforter.
Harold looked to his quivering dog and back to the ceiling. Now there was something else. Was
that…moaning? Christ, what if Mrs. Kim fell and hurt herself. She could be
dying up there. I should probably call someone, emergency services…anyone. But
would they get here in time to help her? What if she’s really hurt? I need to
do something.
He flung off his warm blanket and hopped out of bed. Harold slid on his slippers and went for
the door. The hallway outside was empty, not very surprising considering most
of the residents here at Yongsan-gu were nearing or past retirement. The very
reason why he wanted to rent here was the quiet; nothing out of the ordinary
ever happened here. A sudden cold breeze tickled his neck and arms. Pulling his
robe closer to his chest, his skin breaking out in goosebumps, he quickly
shuffled to the stairs.
Hoping Silvio would be okay on his own, Harold climbed the short steps to the second floor.
Silvio will be  okay, he promised himself.
It’ll only be for a few minutes.
Mrs. Kim’s apartment was at the end, just above his own. Passing the door before hers he
thought he’d heard the tenants arguing inside.
Odd, he thought, tempted to press his ear against their door.
In all the years that Harold had lived here, he had never once heard or
seen Fred and Marcy fight. Not once. They were the picture perfect boring
couple, and the only other Americans living in the complex. Teachers, at some
private school. Not that Harold would know much about that; he taught at the
public institution, and had so for years now. As the saying goes, he was a
professional bachelor and had little to nothing keeping him from wanting to
return to the States. And besides, he liked it here. The culture, the food, the
purposefulness, and the discipline of the students were far advanced from what
he’d dealt with back in Kentucky. 
Harold took a step and stopped, thought better of it, and continued to Mrs. Kim’s.
He knocked on the red door.
“Mrs. Kim, you in there?”
No answer.
“Is everything okay? I thought I heard— “
The door to Fred and Marcy’s apartment flung open.
Harold jumped back, pulling tighter on his robes.
Someone ran out. A blur. Down the hallway to the stairs. Turning back, he stared at Harold.
“Fred? What’s going on?”
Fred, who was normally tan with tidily kept clothes, looked disheveled and ghostly. He’d
obviously been sweating, his hair ruffled and sticking up in areas. And on his
clothes, there were red stains, dark red, covering most of his untucked shirt
and pant legs. On his neck, an aggravated wound, crimson and purplish, oozing
down and soaking into his collar.
“Fred, are you okay? Are you hurt?” Harold took a step forward.
Wide eyed, Fred turned and darted down the steps.
Harold watched, silent and unmoving.
He eyed the open door to their apartment.
No sounds came from within.
He glanced at Mrs. Kim’s door and then back to Fred and Marcy’s.
Swallowing hard, he moved toward the open door. With his slipper foot, he slowly nudged it open.
The door creaked and stopped. No lights inside, just a dim glow coming from a
lamp in the living room. Chairs were turned over, dishes smashed and broken on
the floor in the kitchen.
“Hello?” he called. “Marcy? It’s me, Harold, from downstairs.”
“I don’t mean to intrude, but I saw Fred. He looks hurt. Is everything okay?” Harold stopped
short of coming into the kitchen completely. He saw legs and feet sticking out
around the corner, lifeless on the floor.
Harold gasped, covering his mouth with his cold trembling hand.
“Oh no,” he whispered.
He moved to the body. Marcy lay face down on the kitchen tile. Blood pooled underneath,
staining her yellow polka dot dress, wet in a gamey orange.
“Marcy?” Harold called out. He bent down and reached to check for a pulse.
He jerked back.
Marcy stirred.
“Oh, God, you startled me. Marcy, are you alright?” Harold shuddered, his breath coming too
fast, heart pounding against his chest.
Strangely, in odd twitching movements, Marcy got to her knees and turned.
“Oh no, Marcy…what…what happened? How can— “Harold wanted to scream, his breath and his
heart pumping too hard to allow him.  She
ground chunks of pink flesh between red stained teeth… Fred’s flesh, he was
Marcy groaned and lunged for him.
Harold moved back just in time.! He watched as Marcy fell face first onto the kitchen tile,
inching away as she began moving again, crawling, reaching out with reddened
fingers, clawing at his slippered feet.
“Marcy, what’s happened? What’s going?” he begged, again taking another step back out into the
living room, back towards the open apartment door.
Marcy groaned, annoyed and hungry, still in pursuit, still crawling.
Unable to watch anymore, wanting nothing more than to run back downstairs to his own apartment,
to lock and deadbolt the door, to hug close Silvio, his miniature Schnauzer,
wanting nothing more than to be somewhere else, somewhere not here with this
bloodied crazed woman who was no longer the Marcy he thought he knew.
She’s drunk… Or on drugs, has to be.
She’s not herself.
Harold turned and started for the open door.
He yelped.
Mrs. Kim stood in the entryway. Her bluish white hair ruffled and torn. Red swollen teeth-like
wounds on her arms. And her eyes, a creamy yellow white, but not a sunny
yellow, rather much more like decay that reminded him of rotting things eking
some measure of existence at the bottom of dumpsters. She shuffled toward him,
quickly grabbing on his robe and pulling herself to him.
Harold slapped at her. Hard.
But her hold was strong, manically strong.
“Stop, Mrs. Kim, please— “
She angled down and bit his exposed wrist. Blood pooled around her lips as she gnawed and
suckled, grunting with a sort of pleasurable ecstasy.
Harold screamed and fought to dislodge her, but he could not remove her bite.
Nails scraped his shins.
He glared down.
Marcy was clawing at his legs, nipping at his flesh.
He kicked away, but she held fast. With a quick sneer, she bit into his calf.
Harold shrieked, toppling over the couch. He rolled and hit the floor on the other side hard,
knocking his head against the coffee table. Dazed, he lay there, unsure if what
was happening was even real. Maybe he was still in his own apartment, fast
asleep with Silvio by his side.
Shuffling over, moaning deeply, Mrs. Kim reappeared, her lips wet and scarlet, dribbling down
onto her white ruffle blouse.
He watched, frozen, his body refusing to move.
“Please…stop…don’t— “he begged.
Another moaning, gurgling above him.
Harold angled and watched as Marcy crawled towards him from the other side of the couch. As
if driven by the smell of his wounds, she quickened her pace, scrapping along
the floor. Reaching his face, she thrust her sneering teeth clamping down on
his cheek, ripping, shredding loose flesh and tissue and fat, pulling back to
enjoy the chunky red and purplish glob.
Harold squirmed and squealed.
He stared in horror as Mrs. Kim kneeled beside him, reaching with greedy claws for his now
exposed belly. She tore into his flesh, bleeding him, reaching, wiggling her
fingers deep inside.
Harold lost his voice, whimpering and gnashing his gums as he watched in disbelief, watched as
Mrs. Kim ripped out a rubbery looking hose like noddle what he could only
assume to be part of his intestines. Dripping wet, she suckled and chewed
hastily and dug some more.
What about Silvio, he wondered, shuddering at the molten touch of Mrs. Kim digging farther
into him, pulling out more of his stomach, licking, eating him alive.

My dog, what’ll happen to my Silvio…

About the Author:

Who doesn’t love a good story? Thomas’s favorite books include All Quiet on the Western Front, Salem’s Lot, and Hell House.
In his own writings, he aspires to create fantastic worlds with memorable characters and haunted places. His stories range from Shakespearean gore, classic monster tales, and even stories that hurt him the most to write about, haunted soldiers and PTSD. Residing in the swamps of Houston, Texas, with his wife and daughter, Thomas’s debut novel, Reinheit, was eventually published with Shadow Work Publishing, along with Lanmò, The Hobbsburg Horror, FEAST, Beautiful Ugly, and Planet of the Dead.
His veteran focused paranormal thriller series, The Subdue Series, filled with werewolves, Frankenstein-inspired monsters, cults, alter-dimensional insects, witches, and the undead are published with Limitless Publishing.
In 2008, Thomas was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army where he served three tours in Operation Iraqi Freedom. In 2014, Thomas graduated from University of Houston-Clear Lake with a Bachelors in History. He is the senior editor at Machine Mean, a site that reviews horribly awesome and vintage horror movies and books from guest contributors who obsess over a wide range of strange yet oddly related topics.
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For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


The Monster Museum

Ellie Jordan: Ghost Trapper #10

by J. L. Bryan


Genre:  Horror / Paranormal


My Review

Ellie never does an investigation by herself. That’s the number one rule. She tells herself she’s only going to go and see what the deal is. Do some research. Maybe set up some equipment. And wait for the rest of her team. But there isn’t enough time to wait. Seriously bad stuff is occurring at  Dr. Weirdman’s Mountain Museum of Monsters, Curiosities, and Ancient Mysteries. Young ones are caught in the middle. They’ll all need lady luck on their side to make it through this alive.

I’ve been reading this series from the beginning and it never gets old. Ellie is my hero. She knows what’s out there, lurking unseen, waiting to harm the innocent. It’s her job to stop that from happening. People she loves have been hurt, and she’s got enough baggage to slow down a speeding train. But, she never hesitates to help someone in need.

Something I’ve been hoping for just might happen this time. Ellie used to have a significant other until he was possessed by an evil entity and she almost had to kill him. It seems he’s ready to talk, but she’s got a lot of guilt. Still loving him doesn’t mean she’s ready to let him back into her life. Who says it will ever be safe to care about someone that much again. Her life and that of those around her will always be at risk as long as she keeps doing what she does. I’d love for Ellie to have love in her life again.

One seriously creepy lizard thing creeps through the dark hallways. Stranger and stranger events happen. The suspense builds. I quickly devour every sentence, until I reach the end and immediately start thinking about what the next book might bring.

As long as the author keeps writing this series, I’ll surely keep reading it.




Just outside the small but colorful mountain resort town of Foxboro, Tennessee lies Dr. Weirdman’s Mountain Museum of Monsters, Curiosities, and Ancient Mysteries. Once a major tourist attraction, it offers travelers the amusement of touring unusual underground caves and pseudo-scientific exhibits ranging from strange creatures to the supposed artifacts of lost civilizations.

Now the museum is a crumbling relic of an older age, fallen into disrepair. Its longtime owner has died, leaving it in the hands of a younger distant relative who knows nothing of how to run a failing tourist trap of a museum, but who is desperate to make a living and provide for his own children.

The museum has a serious ghost problem, though, and Ellie Jordan is called in from Savannah to help. An unexpected old friend joins Ellie at the last moment so that they can spend a snow-filled Christmas together in the mountains…if the ghosts of the restless dead don’t turn the holidays into a horrific tragedy.

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The first book is free right now.

Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper by [Bryan, JL]

Click on the links below to grab a copy.

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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

You can find a list of my reviews HERE.

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE

I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


Megalodon In Paradise

by Hunter Shea


Genre:  Horror


My Review

Imagine winning billions in the lottery. That’s just what happens to Ollie. He decides to buy a tropical island and invites his friends from college to come live there. They’re the closest thing to family he has. Sounds like a dream come true. But, that doesn’t last long.

Hunter has a way of giving you genuine characters in quick, efficient descriptions. I could easily picture all of these. Then he bombards them with Nazi’s, government cover ups, Jamaican mobsters, the character’s own personal demons, a Cat 5 hurricane threatening the island and the largest shark to ever roam the oceans. The Megalodon. Once the action begins the hits just keep on coming.

Those of you who have read Hunter’s work before know he doesn’t spare his characters. Death comes quickly and from all directions. Some of which I can’t share.

It was terrific fun reading this book. I’ve read a bunch of his novels and short stories and was thrilled this was one of the longer ones, as I couldn’t get enough. Hunter made it even more fun when character’s referenced events from some of his other books. I notice he shared another fishy tale that I have to read. The Last Colossus. There’s an opening scene for it included at the end of Magalodon In Paradise. Confirms my decision to no longer swim in the ocean!

Did I enjoy this book? You know it! I got what I was hoping for.Would I recommend this book? Yepper. Treat yourself!




Island life can be deadly.

For Ollie Arias, owning an island in Micronesia is beyond his wildest dreams. Moving his best friends from college to share his dream…priceless. A little urban exploration of the abandoned military lab unearths strange, dark secrets. And awakens a slumbering beast that has gone decades without food. Ollie and his pals have unwittingly unleashed a deadly infection above, and a prehistoric killing machine below. The storm of the century is headed their way. Paradise has never been so close to hell.

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You can find a list of my reviews HERE.

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE

I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Cryptid: Discovery
Cryptid Trilogy Set 1
by Douglas E. Roff and Jacob A. Roff
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Adam St. James, software genius and savant Chief Technologist of the
massive American DataLab Project, had just returned to his home in
Barrows Bay, British Columbia from Tucson, Arizona. He had spent the
better part of the past month working on a pro bono assignment for
his father’s friend Peter Berg, Regional Director of the FBI,
working out of the Seattle field office. His favor for the FBI was to
secure the mother lode and Holy Grail of the FBI’s Joint Organized
Crime Task Force that Berg believed he had accidentally stumbled
upon. Mere fortuity had led him to what he thought was fifty years or
more of Mafia financial books and records detailing organized
criminality from Seattle to Miami and all points in between. 
What Adam found was nothing even remotely resembling what Regional
Director Berg was looking for. It had been a small clerical error
made by a temp transposing a letter or two in a last name that led
Adam St. James to his incredible discovery. But this discovery was
too incredible, too massive to even contemplate as being authentic.
Adam himself did not believe it could be true. Would he be proven
correct or was the truth too immeasurably stranger than fiction? 
If Adam had accidently stumbled upon a great discovery, it would mean
that he had fortuitously confirmed the existence of the cryptid of
all cryptids. Had Adam found scientific and verifiable proof of the
existence of an unknown species of creatures capable of transforming
to human form or was this some immense practical joke designed to
annoy and embarrass him and his father, noted forensic archeologist
and author, Edward St. James?
His journey will be fantastic. His discovery, if true, immense.
But will Adam and his eclectic family survive discovery? Will
Discovery chronicles the discovery of the Gens Collective, ancient
and primal beings previously unknown to humanity but living among
mankind as crypto humans.
They live among us.
Murder, intrigue, deception, treachery, lust and betrayal all come together
in the Cryptid Trilogy as mankind faces off against an unknown
species bent on its total destruction as the dominant species on the
Adam continues to develop his amazing natural abilities as he seeks to
understand and control them. How will this saga end?
Cryptid: Probe
Cryptid Trilogy Set 2
They live among us. 
Working with his father, renowned archeologist Edward St. James, and his new
wife, Misti Alarcon, Adam St. James continues his investigation into
the Gens Collective and its rival rebel faction, the Black Shirts.
Both factions seek the demise of homo sapiens and have developed the
means to destroy humanity in what they call the Great Cull. And they
seek to destroy each other.
As Adam continues his dialog with Paulo Fortizi, leader of the Gens
Collective, he is met with deceit and duplicity at every turn. The
Gens Collective desperately seeks to find Adam, who they call the
Human, and recover their lost Library.
Adam continues to develop extraordinary new mental abilities with a close
group of colleagues and finds his new abilities are more powerful and
frightening than he could possibly imagine. Can he control his powers
or will they be his undoing?
With the addition of the beautiful and mysterious Alana McCarthy, world
renowned NSA computer hacker, and the equally mysterious and lethal
Nocera “Noki” Lee, Adam confronts his adversaries uncovering the
depth and breadth of the plot against humanity. Can they succeed?
Only Adam holds the key to prevent unleashing total
The mysterious Cardinal Bellinelli plots against the Black Shirts and the
Gens Collective to spark a war between the Gens and humanity he
believes will eliminate the Gens species on the planet. Does the
Vatican hold the answers Adam seeks? Which side will the Vatican
choose and why?
Murder, treachery and betrayal combine with unexpected twists and turns, as
events pit friend against friend, family against family, and species
against species. Nothing is as it appears to be, and new discoveries
shed light upon old grievances.
The Black Shirts and their charismatic leader, Saldana Ri, develop the
means to destroy the rival Gens Collective and humanity, but will
they unleash the devastation? Can they? What explosive secrets does
Saldana hide that could destroy her leadership and shift the balance
of power back to her rival, Paulo Fortizi of the Gens Collective.
With the means of destruction of humanity complete, it’s a race against
time to prevent genocide on a global scale. Can Adam stop the
impending holocaust? Can anyone?
With the fate of mankind and the Gens Nation hanging in the balance,
forces array against Adam and his teams trying to prevent the
conflagration that could signal the demise of intelligent life on the
New tech, new weapons and new adversaries, along with new powers never
thought to exist, entertain the reader throughout the novel. New mind
journeys and psychic powers begin to reveal themselves as both the
savior and destructor of humanity.
Born in the United states, lived in Russia, the UK, Mexico, Costa Rica and
Canada. Citizen of the US and Canada. Worked for US and Canadian
governments as well as a long career in finance and trade finance. I
live in Latin America between countries on and off. I am retired and
now write novels full time.
I am single, have one son who was active in my first three novels, the
Cryptid Trilogy. I speak Spanish fluently. 
I have completed three other novels that are now in edit, and have two
more novels that are in various stages of completion, will be
finished in 2018 but will not be published until 2019.
I was targeted by the Russian government for arrest in retaliation for
the arrest of a Russian spy in the US.
I was never a spy, but was a visible American involved in trade
promotion. The Russian spy was released and I was left alone after
that. I left Russia in 1998.
I moved to Canada after that and spent over fifteen years in Vancouver,
BC. I lived in Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Mexico after leaving Canada.
I have traveled extensively around the world, largely with my son, and
extensively in my home country of the US.
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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!



by Michaelbrent Collings


Genre:  Horror / Thriller


My Review

When I was a young girl, I dreamed of going on safari in Africa. Then, I got older, read some books and saw some movies, and changed my mind. They say the odds are low you’ll get attacked by a shark while swimming in the ocean. I live on the Gulf Coast and have seen what lurks under the water and I don’t swim in open water anymore. I figure the same goes for trekking around Africa, especially after dark, when things come out to hunt. A diverse group of people do just that and get more than they bargained for.

I’m big on character driven stories and that’s what this was all about for me. Sure, something hunts them. But it’s how they react, who steps up and who turns tail that feeds this horror fan.

So, the characters. A father, along with his blind little girl and her grandmother. A washed up movie mogul and his aging trophy wife actress. A bully and his timid wife. The Maasai brother and sister tour guides. There’s more to them than meets the eye.

The author puts his characters into the worst possible situation and strips them down to the bare bones. As they try to get back to safety, they’re tracked, hunted by something that taunts them. Just out of sight, but always there. Then the attacks begin. It’s raw, brutal, and almost beautiful to see these character’s true colors come out.

Who survives? It’s anyone’s guess.

Did I enjoy this book? Most definitely. From the opening page to the final face off.  Would I recommend it? Sure enough. And I’m already reading The Haunted, another thrilling book by the author.





Evie Childs hoped the all-expense-paid trip to Africa would give her a chance at adventure. Maybe it would even let her forget a past that haunts her, and find safety from a husband who abuses her.


But when a group of “freedom fighters” kidnaps her safari tour group, intent on holding them for ransom, the adventure turns to nightmare.


Now, Evie and the rest of the survivors must travel across miles of the harshest, most dangerous environment on Earth. No food. No water. No communications.

And they’re being hunted.


A pack of Africa’s top predators have smelled the blood of the survivors, and will not stop until they have fed. Because in this place, you can be either one of the prey, or one of the…


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I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.