Archive for the ‘New Adult’ Category

GTR web button scavenger hunt

Welcome to my stop on the Release Blitz for Gateway to Reality by Becca Campbell. Becca has stopped by to tell us a little something about her newest release and her exciting giveaway and scavenger hunt! Please, enjoy her post, enter the giveaway and read on for details about bonus entries in the scavenger hunt!


GtR kindle cover final websize scavenger hunt


I’m thrilled to announce the publication of my second novel, Gateway to Reality, now available at Amazon US and Amazon UK and Barnes and Noble.  Keep reading for a chance to win one of three prize packs!

Gateway to Reality

Here’s a little more about the story:

Talented artists shouldn’t be waiting tables, scraping by, and living mediocre lives. But that’s exactly what art school graduate Wes Teague is doing.

Then he wakes from a bizarre dream, haunted by the sense that his life isn’t real. A harrowing truth presents itself—the real world lies in his dreams, not when he’s wide awake.

inception photo: likefluffy inception010.png

The dream world he enters each night is rich and vibrant. Chicago appears the same on the surface, but chaos runs rampant as gravity, physics, and other laws of nature become fluid, changing unexpectedly. There, Wes’s parents, brother, and sister are strangers. His girlfriend Emily doesn’t recognize him. Wes longs to return, to unlearn the truth about his dual reality.

Wes would sacrifice almost anything to get back to blissful ignorance in a false world.

But now he has feelings for the real Emily.

The Matrix Meets Inception

This book explores ideas similar to two of my favorite movies, though it wasn’t directly inspired by either. Dreams are key in the story, as is the idea of two worlds—one that’s real and one that isn’t. Gateway to Reality merges the two concepts and fuses them together with a good dose of romance in a way that is fresh and vibrant.

Genre-wise, Gateway to Reality is a New Adult novel that walks the line between Urban Fantasy and Science Fiction. It is a topsy-turvy, reality-bending, relationship-driven tale that explores the relationship between truth and fantasy.

the matrix photo: Matrix matrix.jpg


I’m giving away several prizes to celebrate the book’s release. The Grand Prize is a Chicago-theme prize pack and it will include:

  • An autographed paperback of Gateway to Reality
  • A journal with an artistic representation of Chicago on the cover
  • A Cloud Gate button
  • A Gateway to Reality button
  • Three postcards: Gateway to Reality, Cloud Gate, and Crown Fountain

The Second Prize is:

  • An autographed paperback of Gateway to Reality
  • Gateway to Reality postcard

The Third Prize is the full Becca J. Campbell ebook library (your choice of Kindle or ePub version):

  • Gateway to Reality ebook
  • Foreign Identity ebook
  • Not the Norm (Sub-Normal #1) ebook
  • Unmasked Alloy (Sub-Normal #2) ebook

You can view the prizes here.

Scavenger Hunt Blog Tour

detective photo: LEGO Series 5 Detective Detective_zps02188e7a.jpg

You can enter the giveaway now, but to really amp up your odds at snatching one of these prize packs, bookmark this page and come back in a week to check out each site along the blog tour. Follow the schedule below: collect a clue at each stop on the correct day and put them all together to reveal the answer. Plug that into the giveaway below to win TEN BONUS ENTRIES.

April 1st     Paranormal and Urban Fantasy Reviews

April 2nd     The Peasants Revolt

April 3rd     Catharsis of the Bogue

April 4th     The Pen and Whisk

April 5th     Write for Life

April 6th     S.M. Boyce

April 8th     Paranormal Lounge

April 9th     Lisa Is a Bookworm

April 10th     Jade Kerrion

April 11th     Paper Book Princess

April 12th     Now is Gone

April 13th     Worlds Away Book Blog

April 15th     FU Only Knew

April 17th     Sarcasm and Lemons

April 18th     Brandon R. Luffman

Good Luck!

Click on rafflecopter link below to enter.

Rafflecopter Giveaway

Where to find Becca

Becca J. Campbell

An avid lover of stories that tiptoe the line between fantasy and reality (even when they plunge off one side or the other), Becca J. Campbell looks for new angles on bridging the gap between the two. She holds a special place in her heart for any story that involves superpowers or time travel. Her passion is defying the limits of her own creativity.

Becca’s journey into writing began as many of her other creative endeavors do – by daring herself to try something new. The question “what if I wrote a novel?” and some hastily scribbled notes on a church handout were the inspirations that jump-started her first book. Since then, she has written three additional novels and several shorter works.

As the wife of a musician and mother of three young boys, Becca’s life is never dull. Whether it is writing, painting or knitting, she enjoys making stuff that wasn’t there before.

Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads

Author Blog | Pinterest | Amazon

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Hurt Like Hell banner


hlhcover hurts like hell

Title: Hurt Like HELL

Author:London Casey

Genre: New Adult Romance

Publisher: Hundred to Home

Format: Ebook

Length: 56000 words

Release Date: March 21st 2013

Buy Links:

Book Description:

The debut novel from London Casey

Available now on AMAZON / Barnes & Noble



Tessa Belle barely escaped her father’s abusive hands ten years ago, when she was just thirteen.

On her own now, in her own apartment, she tells herself it’s time to start living.  Her dating life has been lackluster as no boy or man could ever love her or protect her the way Jack Smithen had.  After all these years, she can still picture his face that fateful night.

When her deadly past comes crashing into the present, she feels too alone to do anything.  That’s when her long lost love, Jack, appears – literally – and takes hold of her life, and her heart.  It’s been ten years since their first kiss, ten years since their lives were changed forever.  But now they’re together again, adults now, able to help each other, able to love each other openly.  Jack’s the only person who understands what Tessa endured, because Jack endured the same from his own abusive mother.

Just when it feels they can share the life they always dreamed, Tessa’s father is released early from prison.  His sole mission is to finish what he started that night in their basement ten years ago…

Hand in hand, Tessa and Jack prepare to face Tessa’s father one last time… but this time, can they both make it out alive?

Tour Schedule:

Don’t you just love this cover art! I just had to be a part of the Virtual Book Tour  when I spotted this.

Thanks to Reading Addiction Blog Tours!

Wait until you read the description and excerpt. I know it’ll grab your attention!


Going Under by  S. Walden

New Adult

Date to be Published: March 19, 2013
Brooke Wright has only two goals her senior year at Charity Run High School: stay out of trouble and learn to forgive herself for the past. Forgiveness proves elusive, and trouble finds her anyway when she discovers a secret club at school connected to the death of her best friend. She learns that swim team members participate in a “Fantasy Slut League,” scoring points for their sexual acts with unsuspecting girls.
Brooke, wracked with guilt over her friend’s death, decides to infiltrate the league by becoming one of the “unsuspecting girls,” and exact revenge on the boys who stole away her best friend. An unexpected romance complicates her plans, and her dogged pursuit of justice turns her reckless as she underestimates just how far the boys will go to keep their sex club a secret.
(This is a New Adult fiction book with mature themes.  It contains explicit language and descriptions of sexual violence.)

I left the bathroom in a hurry, turning the corner for the foyer and slamming into him. The force of the hit was so great that I stumbled backwards, nearly falling on my bottom if not for his outstretched hand. I grabbed it before going down and wobbled on my too-high heels, clutching him as I worked to regain my balance.

“God, I’m sorry!” he exclaimed.

I looked at his face then, unprepared to see something so beautiful. I think I gasped. And then I averted my eyes out of sheer embarrassment.

“I really should watch where I’m going,” he said.

He still held my hand, and I let him. I couldn’t remember who I was or where I was going. I couldn’t remember where I had just been. I only knew that a very cute boy . . . no, he was more than cute. He was gorgeous. This very gorgeous boy was holding my hand, and I had only one thought. I wanted to make our handholding more intimate. I wanted to lace my fingers with his.

“I think I should,” I mumbled.

I chanced another look at him. I made a conscientious effort not to gasp as I took in his light blue eyes. I’d never seen eyes that color. Jared Leto had nothing on this guy’s eyes, and Jared’s eyes were the color of the Mediterranean. No, the eyes I looked into now were so light blue they looked translucent. I thought if I stared a little longer I could see right inside his head, to his brain, and I don’t know why that turned me on so much. I wanted to witness the workings of his mind, the firing synapses, information traveling safely inside neurons to different parts of his body. A few made it to his hand, and they must have told him to keep holding mine because he didn’t let go.

I stared shamelessly, licking my lips at one point. He stared back just as boldly. I wanted him to like what he saw. I wanted him to think I was sexy. I wanted him to feel the same instant attraction I did. I’d never felt it before. Not really. Not even with Finn. It was unsettling, and I wondered how people functioned after being smacked upside the head with it. Instant. Physical. Chemical.


Just rip my clothes off, I thought. Just rip my clothes off and do me right here in the hallway!

He smiled and released my hand. I thought he did it reluctantly, like his brain ordered him to and he finally acquiesced. I smiled back, a flirty grin. I pulled my ponytail forward over my shoulder and played with the strands. I bit my lower lip. And then reality came crashing down like a hailstorm, large lumps of ice banging my head and screaming at me in unison.


I looked at the gorgeous guy, and my face went white.

“Oh my God,” I whispered.

He stared at me for a moment before saying, “Are you okay?”

I shook my head and started towards the sanctuary doors. He followed behind.

“I’m awful, I’m awful, I’m awful,” I whispered over and over. I didn’t care if he could hear.

What the hell was I doing? Trying to flirt with a guy at my best friend’s funeral? How could I even forget for a second that I was at a funeral? I was supposed to be carrying around heavy, black sorrow to match my black dress and black heart, not batting lashes and fantasizing about sex with a stranger. Was I so ridiculous that a hot guy could make me forget to have any kind of decency? Or shame?

I rounded the corner and saw my mother waiting for me. And then I ran to her, threw myself into her arms, and burst into a fit of tears.

“Brooklyn,” she whispered, holding me in a tight hug. “It’s okay,” she cooed as she stroked my hair.

“I’m a terrible friend!” I wailed. I saw the fuzzy outline of a boy walking past us tentatively through the doors.

“No, you aren’t,” my mother replied.

“Yes, I am! I don’t even know why I’m here! Beth hated my guts! She wouldn’t talk to me all summer!”

“Brooke,” Mom said. “I want you to calm down. Now, we talked about this. You knew it would be hard, but she was your best friend for all those years. Do you think she wouldn’t have wanted you here?”

“No, I don’t!” I cried.

“Yes, she would,” Mom said. “Now we have to go in.”

“I can’t!”

“Brooke, Beth was your best friend,” Mom said, trying for patience.

“No she wasn’t! Not after what I did! I ruined everything! I’m a freaking slut!” I sobbed, shaking my head from side to side.

“Sweetheart, don’t say words like ‘freaking’ and ‘slut’ in a church,” Mom replied.

I only sobbed louder.

“You can do this,” Mom encouraged.

I stood my ground, shaking my head violently, refusing to go in.

“Brooklyn Wright!” Mom hissed, pushing me away and grabbing my upper arm. She squeezed too tightly, and I squeaked in discomfort. There was no more tenderness in her voice. “Get yourself together. This isn’t about you. So stop making it about you. You’re going into that sanctuary and you’re going to pay your respects to your friend, and you’re going to make it about Beth. Do you understand me?”

I swallowed hard and wiped my face.

“Do you understand me?” Mom repeated.

I nodded grudgingly, and she took my hand, leading me through the doors.

Visit all of the stops. All kinds of fun!

Virtual Book Tour Schedule March 19 -March 21
March 19th
1. Reading Addiction Blog Tours – Meet and Greet
March 20th
Review Stops
March 21st

S. Walden

Author Bio:
S. Walden used to teach English before making the best decision of her life by becoming a
full-time writer. She lives in Georgia with her very supportive husband who prefers physics
textbooks over fiction and has a difficult time understanding why her characters must have
personality flaws. She is wary of small children, so she has a Westie instead. Her dreams
include raising chickens and owning and operating a beachside inn on the Gulf Coast (chickens
included). When she’s not writing, she’s thinking about it.
She loves her fans and loves to hear from them. Email her at and
follow her blog at where you can get up-to-date information
on her current projects.
Welcome to my stop on the Sometimes Never Blog Tour organized by Good Choice Reading Promotions.


Hope and Mason’s playlist:

Wondering by: Good Charlotte

Dark Side by: Kelly Clarkson

Animal by: Neon Trees

Amazing by: Aerosmith

How to Love by: Lil Wayne

Crash into Me by: The Dave Mathews Band

More than Words by: Extreme

Looks like Love by: Needtobreathe

When She Begins by: Social Distortion

The Only Exception by: Paramore

Love Like Woe by: The Ready Set

Lost In You by: Three Days Grace

Down by: Blink 182

Truly Madly Deeply by: Savage Garden

After Midnight by: Blink 182

You Make Me Smile by: Uncle Kracker

Say When by: The Fray

I Wanna by: The All-American Rejects

Blackbird by: The Beatles

And Then He Kissed Me by: The Crystals

Paradise by: Craig Owens

Demons by: Imagine Dragons

Marry Me by: Train

Lovesong by: Adele


There is an awesome Giveaway. Check it out!

10 Paperbacks of Sometimes Never (with original book cover)

2 – $25 Amazon Gift Cards

12 Kindle ebooks of Sometimes Never.

To enter click on the rafflecopter link below.

Rafflecopter Giveaway

Thank you for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

Cheryl McIntyre is a
mother, author, and insomniac, as well as a reader, movie critic, and
incredibly bad singer. She’s lived in the same area of Ohio her whole life,
though she secretly has dreams of moving somewhere a little warmer—preferably
near a beach.
Her life revolves
around four things: family, music, books, and really bad scary movies. If she
doesn’t have a kid on her hip, an iPod in her hand, or a laptop in front of her
face, it’s one of those rare moments when she’s actually sleeping.
You can follow her
author page on Facebook where she lives part time. On Goodreads, which is like
crack for avid readers. Or on Twitter, though it’s rumored she has yet to
master the art of tweeting.
Enter the MEGA GIVEAWAY each day by visiting every stop.
This tour is brought to you by

Welcome to Sawyer Bennett’s Book Blitz for Offsides and a really great giveaway organized by AToMR Tours!

Off Sides Cover

Title:  Off Sides

Author:  Sawyer Bennett

Release date: February 21, 2013

Genre:  Contemporary Romance

Age Group:  New Adult

Event organized by: AToMR Tours

Links to the book:



Book Description:

“I’m not sure what possessed me to do it. Maybe it was the impossible expectations I faced, maybe it was my own self-loathing. But I just knew I needed something different to happen. I needed someone…something…to derail me from my current path. Otherwise, I would become lost…a hollowed out shell of a man. So I did it. I approached her, then I pursued her, then I made her mine. And my life was saved…” Ryan Burnham is the privileged son of a U.S. Congressman and captain of his university’s hockey team. While he is on the verge of fulfilling his dreams to play in the NHL, his parents want him on a different course. One he is expected to accept for the sake of his family’s public image. Forced to abandon her music career after the heart breaking death of her parents, Danny Cross exists on the opposite side of the tracks from Ryan. She is struggling to make her own way, working two jobs, attending college part time and volunteering in a homeless shelter. She is on a mission to build her own success. With a chance meeting, their vastly different worlds collide, causing each to evaluate whether they are truly on the correct path to self-fulfillment and happiness. Can their relationship survive? Particularly when others are against them every step of the way. A lot can happen in just ten short days…

A treat. Enjoy this excerpt


Ryan is waiting for me and as I get closer to him, I appreciate just how enormously tall he is in his skates. I sure hope he’s steady in them because just a few feet from him I launch myself into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist. He’s wearing too much gear for my legs to wrap all the way around him but his hands are firmly gripping my ass to hold me in place.  I plaster my mouth to his and he kisses me back with abandon, squeezing me tight.

I move my mouth to his neck and nibble there.  “I’m so proud of you, Ryan.”

He groans but says, “Danny…I’m all gross and sweaty.”

“I don’t care,” I say as I work my way back to his mouth. After kissing him lightly there, I murmur against his lips, “I plan on getting sweaty with you a lot in the future.”

Ryan whips around and crushes me to the wall with his body and thoroughly claims my lips with his. Eventually, he pulls back and I’m thankful no one has walked by us yet. “You know it makes me crazy in lust with you when you say things like that.”

I smile coyly at him and stroke his face. “Ryan…what are we waiting for?” I know my eyes are full of yearning and I hope he understands the depth of it.


  The winner gets their choice of one e-book of  Sawyer Bennett’s titles listed below.

Mobi and ePub formats only. Open International.

Easy to enter! Just leave your email address and tell me which title you choose.

Your choice isn’t final and you can change it if you win.

Giveaway titles available:

The books are getting new covers but they are not ready yet. I’m placing each book’s description under the title though.

Charlie Wright is an ordinary seventeen year old, high school girl. Well, if by ordinary you mean she can see demons and she likes to fight…a lot, then Charlie is your girl. Rather than taking a one-way trip to juvenile detention, Charlie chooses to join a mysterious group called The ForeverLand Alliance. And then her life gets really weird.

Charlie is magically transported to an alternate universe. In Semper Terra, no one ages, people fly and mermaids frolic in the translucent blue seas. But it’s not all fun and games. For Charlie is training to become an Annihilator, a select group of Semper Terrans who protect mankind from all of those things that go “bump in the night”.

It’s only when Charlie finds herself stuck in the middle of a prophecy that could bring about the end of the world that she truly begins to understand the deep sacrifices she will have to make.

War hardened and dangerously ruthless, Carrick Dunne, will stop at nothing to save his country from an evil sorceress who has usurped the royal throne. As he leads his army to battle against the darkest of blood magicks, he finds himself aligned with the passionate woman whose love he betrayed four years earlier.

Ava Clairmont lived a peaceful life in Wyoming, blissfully unaware that she was the heiress to a kingdom embroiled in a vicious war. Now, Carrick has brought her home. Fighting side by side with the sexy warrior that broke her heart is only complicated when their incendiary desire for each other re-ignites. Can the power of forgiveness overcome the hurt of betrayal?

Smokin’ hot and firmly entrenched in bachelorhood, Kieran Dunne has realized his life has become somewhat boring as of late. But after being recruited by his Queen to recover a stolen, magical artifact, his life gets turned upside down as he embarks on an adventure to catch a thief.

Nightclub owner, Annika Foss leads a solitary life in New York City and she wouldn’t have it any other way. Unfortunately, she is forced to help Kieran in his mission to recover the artifact and finds herself jumping dimensions with him as they work together to solve the crime.

See what happens when two fiercely independent people who shun love are thrown together in a daring mission to help save the world of Vyronas.

About the Author

Sawyer Bennett Small offsides


Sawyer Bennett is the pen name for a snarky southern woman and reformed trial lawyer who decided to finally start putting on paper all of the stories that were floating in her head. She is married to a mobster (well, a market researcher) and they have two big, furry dogs who hog the bed. Sawyer would like to report she doesn’t have many weaknesses but can be bribed with a nominal amount of milk chocolate.

Author social media links:


Enjoy this sneak peek into The Edge of Always by J. A. Redmerski.



Author: J.A. Redmerski

Publisher: Hachette Book Group

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Age Group: New Adult

Expected release date: November 5, 2013

Pre-order on Amazon  |Pre-order on iTunes



He was taking the long road. She was taking the road to nowhere. It just so happened that they led to the same place…

Five months ago, Camryn and Andrew, both dealing with personal hardships, met on a Greyhound bus. They fell in love and proved that when two people are meant to be together, fate will find a way to make it happen.

Now, in the highly anticipated sequel to THE EDGE OF NEVER, Camryn and Andrew are pursuing their love for music and living life to the fullest as they always swore to do. But when tragedy befalls them, their relationship is put to the ultimate test.

As Camryn tries to numb her pain, Andrew makes a bold decision: To get their life back on track, they’ll set out on another cross-country road trip. Together they find excitement, passion, adventure—and challenges they never could have anticipated.

Sexy. Daring. Dangerous. THE EDGE OF ALWAYS takes you on a ride you won’t forget .


Camryn shrieks and I start laughing as we dash away from the cows and toward the car.

“Awww, shiiiit!” I yell when I step in a huge pile of it.

Camryn cackles with laughter and we both practically stumble the rest of the way through the field, me trying to scrape the shit off the bottom of my shoe while running at the same time and Camryn’s flip-flops getting caught on the ground trying to keep up with her feet.

“I can’t believe that just happened!” Camryn laughs as we finally make it back to the car. She arches her body over forward and props her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath.

I’m out of breath, too, but I still relentlessly scrape the bottom of my shoe on the asphalt. “Dammit!” I say, rubbing my foot back and forth.

Camryn jumps up on the hood of the car, letting her legs hang over the front. “Can we finally say that we did it?” she asks with laughter in her voice.

I stand still finally and catch my breath. I look at her, at how beautiful and bright that smile of hers is and I say, “Yeah, babe, I think we can safely mark it off our list.”

“Good!” she says.

Then she points behind me. “Do it on the grass,” she says with one side of her mouth pinched into a hard line. “You’re just spreading it around doing it like that.”

I hop over into the grass and start rubbing my foot back and forth again. “Since when did you become an expert on shit?”

“Better watch your mouth,” she warns, getting into the driver’s seat.

“What are you going to do?” I taunt her.

She starts the Chevelle and revs the engine a few times pressing on the gas. There’s a cruel gleam in her eyes. She props her left arm across the top of the open window and next thing I know she’s driving slowly past me.

I give her the warning eye, but her grin just gets bigger.

“I know you won’t leave me here!” I shout as she goes past me.

Surely she wouldn’t….

She gets farther away and at first I call her bluff and just stand here, watching her get smaller and smaller…

Finally, I take off running after the car.


About the Author


J.A. Redmerski, New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of THE EDGE OF NEVER lives in North Little Rock, Arkansas with her three children and a Maltese. She is a lover of television and books that push boundaries and is a huge fan of AMC’s The Walking Dead.

Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook | Web Site


Check this out! Love the cover art and the synopsis has me thinking. It makes me wonder what these two friends have stumbled into.

Catalyst by Jennifer Snyder smallest


Title: Catalyst

Author: Jennifer Snyder

Expected release date: May 1, 2013

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Age Group: New Adult

Cover Designer:  Mae I Design;

Reveal organized by: AToMR Tours

Book Description:

Sometimes who we really are lies buried just beneath the surface…

After learning she’s inherited a house in the beachside town of Soul Harbor, Georgia, Addison Harmon and her best friend decided to take a much needed vacation before the pressures of life after high school suffocate them too heavily.

But what Addison finds isn’t a chance to recoup from a bad break up and hang out with her best friend while she decides what she wants to do with her future. What she finds is Kace Sullivan—a sexy guy she can’t seem to get enough of—someone who with one touch reveals a seductive world full of magick and secrets Addison isn’t sure she’s ready to be a part of.

About the Author

SAM_1626 catalyst author


Jennifer Snyder lives in North Carolina were she spends most of her time writing young adult fiction, reading, and struggling to stay on top of housework. She is an instant coffee lover with an obsession for spiral bound notebooks and smooth writing pens. Jennifer lives with her husband and two children, who endure listening to songs that spur inspiration on repeat and tolerate her love for all paranormal, teenage targeted TV shows.


Social Media Links:






Check out this awesome Cover Reveal organized by AToMR Tours



Title: Spirit (Elemental, #5)

Author: Shauna Granger

Release date: April 30, 2013

Genre: Urban Fantasy

YA/New Adult/Adult: YA/New Adult

Cover Design: Mooney Designs

Cover reveal organized by: AToMR Tours

Book Description:

Not even a guardian angel is more powerful than Death.

Always careful to watch out for others, Shayna put too much trust her abilities to keep herself safe and has been cut down by crazed man. Now she is trapped in the land of the dead, watching as her two best friends suffer the consequences of her death; their powers are fading and soon they will too. Shayna is desperate to return to the land of the living to save them from a similar, cold fate. To save her friends Shayna must turn away from the Light and, in doing so, sacrifice her wings.

But the longer Shayna stays among the dead, the further she slips from sanity. If Shayna cannot find her way back she will be condemned and lost forever among the restless souls of the dead. With nothing left to lose, she will do whatever it takes to fight her way back, with or without her wings.

 About the Author

 shaunagranger spirit cover reveal

Like so many other writers, Shauna grew up as an avid reader, it was in high school that she realized she wanted to be a writer. Five years ago Shauna started work on her Elemental Series and released the first installment, Earth, on May 1, 2011. When not reading and writing, Shauna enjoys cooking and playing hostess whenever she can.

Shauna Granger| Facebook| Twitter


I’m excited to be a part of this cover reveal organized by AToMR Tours!

Isn’t this a stunner?!

I’ve already added this to my TBR and can’t wait to read it!

Attractive young woman



Bitter Angel


Megan Hand

Expected release date:

April 1, 2013



Age Group:

New Adult

Cover Designer:

B Design  

Cover reveal organized by:

AToMR Tours

Book Description:

Torn between two realities.

A choice that will mean life or death.

She won’t know anything… until she wakes up.

College sophomore, Lila Spencer lived Friday night twice. She doesn’t know how or why, just that she did. As if she split in half and went in two different directions.

Out clubbing with her friends, Heather and Nilah, the girls rock it out and party hard. What begins as an innocent night will lead to a deadly fight for their lives, and Lila might be their only chance for survival.

In bed with her boyfriend, Jay, Lila is safe and warm as she drifts to sleep in the arms of the man she loves. Until she is sucked into a horrifying nightmare of her friends’ deaths.

As the sunlight warms her face on Saturday morning, the two scenarios collide. But there can be only one outcome. Will she wake up in her warm bed with Jay by her side, devastated and grieving for her friends? Or was she there to save them?

The answer is just the beginning.

About the Author

megan hand

At twelve, Megan decided to write a novel. A month later, she quit. A reading junkie by nature, she started writing again in her twenties as a way to get the voices out, because who wouldn’t want to create a Real Living Person out of thin air? Megan also plays the piano and sings. She teaches little kids and takes pictures of pretty butterflies. She eats way too much chocolate, is sort of a mad scientist with her blender, and spends an unhealthy amount of time LOLing on Facebook and Twitter. She lives in Ohio with her husband and very smiley son. Bitter Angel is her first published novel.




AToMR 2 badge

It’s that time again!

Time to announce the winner of A Song for Julia by Charles Sheehan – Miles

And the winner is:



All winners have been notified.

Thanks to everyone for your comments.

I do love reading them and hope you continue to visit fuonlyknew!

Thanks so much to Charles Sheehan – Miles for his wonderful book and for letting me host his giveaway.

*****For all of my giveaways go here*****

I’d love to keep telling ya’ll about some really great books.

Subscribe by email and lets talk!