Archive for the ‘reviews’ Category

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2024! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


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I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 Snowblind II

The Killing Grounds

by Michael McBride


Genre: Horror



I loved Snowblind so it was an easy decision to read the second book, Killing Grounds. First off, take a gander and the freakin’ cover. I love it.

Second. It’s a found footage story. John missed the ski trip and his buddies and girlfriend disappear. Seven years later the footage is discovered and points him in a direction to search for them.

Third. There are some interesting characters helping John in his search, including a tracker and her dog, a technician, and Sheriff Dayton. The footage was found at a cabin and the Sheriff has a connection with it. Something that occurred in the past.

Then things start to really ramp up. A snowstorm is on the way. They’re miles from help. And whatever caused the group’s disappearance seven years ago is now hunting them. Curious what it is. Take a look at the cover again. Bloody mayhem is fast approaching and I loved every word of this story.




There are some places man was never meant to go.

For the past seven years, John Avery has been combing the wilderness for any sign of his missing girlfriend, who set out upon the ski trip of a lifetime and was never seen again.

Regions utterly isolated by geography and time.

The discovery of a video camera prompts Sheriff Wayne Dayton to dispatch a search party into one of the most remote areas of the Rockies in hopes of learning her fate.

Where few species can survive.

When a freak blizzard strikes, they find themselves wandering blindly into the killing grounds of a predator they can’t even see.



Click on the covers for more Thrills And Chills reviews.




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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2024! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


Free Computer Seeks photo and picture


I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!



by Michael McBride


Genre: Horror



“They come at night.”

“And no one ever survives to betray their existence.”

Catch your attention yet? It sure caught mine. I ate this scenario up. Four guys go on their annual elk hunt in the Rocky Mountains. I love it when the environment of cold and snow plays a role in survival. There are some other hunters out there. But it’s not elk there after. The have a different trophy in mind. There’s a beast out there. Who’s hunting who?

I loved this book. From the first page I was rubbing my hands together, excited and eager. And the author didn’t let me down. I loved this book. It read so fast yet I still became familiar with the characters. Rollicking good fun.




They come at night.


A stranger staggers out of the wilderness under the cover of a blizzard and stumbles into a diner full of people. He collapses in the entryway, unzips his jacket, and allows the object hidden inside to fall out. Screaming commences.


Four old college buddies embark upon their annual elk hunting trip into the Rocky Mountains. This promises to be their last, for the passage of time is as merciless and unpredictable as the Colorado weather. And they’re not alone.


There are other hunters in the mountains, stalking game of a different breed. They know exactly what they’re doing, because they’ve been hunting in these woods for a long, long time. And no one ever survives to betray their existence.



Click on the covers for more Thrills And Chills reviews.



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For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2024! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


Free Computer Seeks photo and picture


I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!



by Shelley Katz


Genre: Horror



I love finding oldies like this when scouring the shelves at my favorite used book store. What a fun cover. Take a close look. It says $1.95.  You can’t purchase it anymore unless you’re lucky like I was.

The Everglades. An inhospitable swamp where it seems like everything wants to kill you. I love it when the location and nature are a character all their own. In the beginning… the author gives you carnage. A huge alligator is munching on people. Then you’re introduced to a bunch of characters. Some aren’t that important but some play a pivotal role in pushing the story forward. And forward it races like a bat out of…. you know what I mean.

Two men. The Everglades. Danger everywhere. And a giant crocodile hunting them. It’s them against nature. It’s man against man. And it’s freakin’ wild.




The Everglades – Florida’s Green Hell, a kingdom of infested swamps ruled by a hideous reptile king: ALLIGATOR!

The ‘gator was a twenty-foot giant. His jaws could crush a powerful man to pulp. His lashing tail could smash a tree to matchwood. And his brutal, mindless lust for killing was insatiable.

No man who had gone hunting the devil of the Everglades had come back alive. But Lee Ferris and Rye Whitman were different. Violent death to them was a challenge and they were drawn inexorably together by a mutual hatred and need that would give them no rest. Until they had met—and conquered—the most savage nightmare the swamps had ever known…

ALLIGATOR is a drama-filled saga of savage action and nerve-wrenching suspense—the greatest novel of courageous man against murderous beast since JAWS.


Click on the covers for more Thrills And Chills reviews.



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2024! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


Free Computer Seeks photo and picture


I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!



by Raymond Van Over

Genre: Horror



This one is a blast from the past. I scour the shelves at used book stores looking for ones like this. It was published in 1991 and has that old book smell. Yippee!

And the story. Yes! It was everything I’d hoped it would be. It started tragically. Brion, a young boy, saw his dog, Whisper, deliberately run over. But Whisper didn’t stay dead. He came back. But different. And deadly.

The cover caught my eye. The synopsis hooked me. The beginning reeled me in. I was wrapped up in it. Then I remembered I was standing in a bookstore. I took my treasure to the counter and made my purchase.  I wanted to start reading the moment I got home. I waited. If it was as good as I hoped, I wanted to have the time to read it straight through. Turns out the wait was the right move. I did read it straight through and it was a most satisfying read from beginning to end.




When Brion’s dog, Whisper, is hit by a car, ancient magic from a mysterious stranger seems to cure the pet’s wounds–but it also turns the animal into a predator with an insatiable thirst for human blood



Click on the covers for more Thrills And Chills reviews.



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2024! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!




Free Computer Seeks photo and picture


I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 Yuletide Invasion

by J.C. Moore


Genre: Horror / Short Stories / Science Fiction /



I could tell the author had the same love for B-movie horror and science fiction just by looking at the cover. Take a look at it. So cool!

The book is short so it’s going to be a short review. Don’t want to spoil it for you.

Baby, it’s cold outside. And the creature is stirring. I love wintry settings where the weather plays a pivotal role. And when the people gather together for warmth and safety. That’s where those group dynamics come out to play. I’m always into seeing who does what. And let’s not forget the creature. I probably shouldn’t tell you this but, I couldn’t wait for it to make an appearance and see what it would do.

Something fun. I was watching Dark Was The Night while writing this review. A blizzard is coming. The people gather for warmth and safety. And something monstrous is coming. Made this story even creepier. And I love creepy.




A blizzard pounds upstate New York. The wind moans and the never stopping snow…and blood…pile up.
The weather forces strangers from different walks of life to shelter from the storm as a monstrous creature crashes their festivities. The being inhabits the bodies of the slain like a malicious virus.

This isn’t a night for Santa and children’s smiles as evil delivers a whole new meaning to a “night before Christmas!”



Click on the covers for more Thrills And Chills reviews.



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For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Silver Bells organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Sandy Lender will award a $20 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


Silver Bells

by Sandy Lender



Genre: Horror


There’s more than the Christmas Spirit hovering around Reindeer Creek this holiday season.

An eerie backdrop to her dearest friend’s new home disturbs Ivy Light, but the Harris family’s personal security detail—the debonair John Knightley—intrigues her greatly. The handsome gentleman has his hands full with his client being stalked by more than unethical business moguls. There are hybrid wolf-bear creatures and a manipulative side chick to worry about, after all. It’ll take extra Christmas cheer for Ivy to bring comfort and joy back to her best friend amid the tragedies and paranormal threats this year.

Join in the festivities at Reindeer Creek! And help the families at the Harris house divine what’s reality, who’s a foe, and how to thwart the evil side of a spiritual war.



Silver bells. Silver bells. It’s Christmas time in Reindeer Creek. But all isn’t merry and bright. Nope. Far from it.

Ivy arrives in town to stay with her friend, Candy, who’s struggling to keep her marriage from falling apart. Her husband is hiding something from her and his business deals have attracted some unsavory attention.  He feels the need for protection and hires a body guard. One should do it. The house is filling up, but it isn’t a cheery gathering. Tensions are high and when things take a turn to the weird, it gets dangerous.

Christmas. A mystery. Something mythical. Some horror. How could I not enjoy this book. It kept me guessing. The weird thing with the big gnome lawn ornaments was super creepy. The mystery of the silver bells had me curious like a cat. Oh, I forgot. There was some romance sprinkled in. Put a silly grin on my face and made me hope for a happy ending.

If you like some scary with your holiday spirit, this would be a good one for ya. I had fun.



Enjoy this peek inside:

She clearly heard the click of the coat closet door as Harry finished depositing Professor Thackery’s outerwear and listened for their footsteps to join them. John would have a fit if he could see this. Each one of us lined up here at the window, exactly where he told me not to have us. Of course, John hadn’t indicated he was prone to fits of anger when his orders were balked. He rolled with the punches nicely. He’d probably smirk at her with that way too sexy mouth.

Enough of that thinking.

The snowman-gnome worker had made it half-way up the ladder and stopped. Because her attention was focused on Mr. Heggs, his plastic-looking hair, and the diminutive chainsaw he now fired up with a whine-and-whir, she lost track of his partner. Would that fellow try to approach the front door next? Try to breach the stronghold?

She wanted to move everyone to an interior room. “Maybe we should all—”

Lexie shrieked as a blur of gray wintery mix slammed into the worker outside. Both ladder and chunky gnome crashed over in a fast-motion slam to the ground.

Snow exploded along the footprint of the falling ladder. And as stark red sprayed up from the chainsaw’s grinding whir-and-scream against bone and metal, Ivy grabbed Lexie and spun her away from the gore. She buried the child’s face in her shoulder, away from the horrifying thrashing that ended long before the crimson shower.


About Author Sandy Lender:


Sandy Lender is an international best-selling poet and award-winning author of fantasy, literary fiction, poetry, and short story work. She’s a construction magazine editor by day and author of #GirlPower fantasy novels by night, living in Florida to help with sea turtle conservation and parrot rescue. You can follow her author page on Amazon, check her website at, or subscribe to her newsletter at

With a four-year degree in English and thirty-year career in publishing, Sandy’s successes include traditionally and self-published novels, hundreds of magazine articles, multiple short stories in competitive anthologies, a handful of technical writing awards, a handful of creative writing awards, and the 2023 Michael Knost Wings award. Sandy’s been writing stories since she was knee-high to a grasshopper when her great-grandmother shared her odd little tales of squeaky ghost-spiders around an apartment complex in Southern Illinois. The stories have developed to include strong young ladies working with dragons to save worlds from terrible fates, but those pesky spiders still show up from time to time.

There’s always something brewing at Sandy Lender Ink headquarters where some days, you just want the dragon to win.


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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2024! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


Free Computer Seeks photo and picture


I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 Don’t Let The Forest In

by C.G. Drews


Genre: Horror / Fantasy / YA/ LGBT / Gothic



So, I finished this amazing book. Then it was time to write my review. I thought about it before I fell asleep. It was the first thing I thought about when I woke up. When I was at work, all these thoughts rolled around in my head. When I got home I fired up my laptop and began typing. Before I knew it, I had a huge review written. Then, I began to read it. Oops, my review was full of spoilers and I’d basically related the entire story. Scrap that review. I started a new one. Same thing. Spoilers and too long.

Next attempt. I talked about the writing. Another long rambling review. I cut it down to this. When an author can write gruesome scenes that can make me cringe and then write scenes that make my heart hurt, I want others to read the book too. Experience it and tell me how it made them feel. That’s what made Don’t Let The Forest In a winner for me. So…. let the forest in. I’ll sum up my feelings about it with one word….





Once upon a time, Andrew had cut out his heart and given it to this boy, and he was very sure Thomas had no idea that Andrew would do anything for him.

Protect him. Lie for him. Kill for him.

High school senior Andrew Perrault finds refuge in the twisted fairytales that he writes for the only person who can ground him to reality—Thomas Rye, the boy with perpetually ink-stained hands and hair like autumn leaves. And with his twin sister, Dove, inexplicably keeping him at a cold distance upon their return to Wickwood Academy, Andrew finds himself leaning on his friend even more.

But something strange is going on with Thomas. His abusive parents have mysteriously vanished, and he arrives at school with blood on his sleeve. Thomas won’t say a word about it, and shuts down whenever Andrew tries to ask him questions. Stranger still, Thomas is haunted by something, and he seems to have lost interest in his artwork—whimsically macabre sketches of the monsters from Andrew’s wicked stories.

Desperate to figure out what’s wrong with his friend, Andrew follows Thomas into the off-limits forest one night and catches him fighting a nightmarish monster—Thomas’s drawings have come to life and are killing anyone close to him. To make sure no one else dies, the boys battle the monsters every night. But as their obsession with each other grows stronger, so do the monsters, and Andrew begins to fear that the only way to stop the creatures might be to destroy their creator…



Click on the covers for more Thrills And Chills reviews.


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


Free Computer Seeks photo and picture


I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!



21 Tales Of Terror

by Kevin Bachar


Genre: Short Stories / Horror



There are 21 stories in Kevin’s Creepy collection. Too many to review without it being a book itself. LOL So…. I’m going to talk about the writing. Which is excellent, to say the least.

I love horror. All kinds. Be it creature features, demonic, haunted or the evil done by mankind. Kevin chose to write about things that occur in our daily routine or grind. Like taking showers or subway commutes. Those things we do without really thinking about them. And this is where his writing takes on a life of it’s own. He introduces you to the subject of the story. You relate to it and the people or person. Recognize it, perhaps. Then he starts to guide you to where the story is going. You start to see what might happen. I love that part. My radar pings. Yes, it’s about to get creepy. And when it does, I’m in til the end.

After I finished these, they lingered in a way I didn’t expect. I started to notice what I was doing. Like on the ride to work. You know that drive you do all the time? You get there but don’t really remember the drive? I started to look around while driving. Almost expecting something I couldn’t easily explain to happen. That’s what Kevin did. He creeped me out.




A man who steals packages from people’s doorsteps takes a box he should have never stolen or opened.

When a couple goes on a weekend road trip and gets lost, they end up somewhere that isn’t on any map.

Scientists searching for the ‘God Particle’ that started the universe open a portal to a certain type of hell in one suburban neighborhood.

CREEP takes readers on a terrifying tour of our everyday lives. Wicked stories about the people and places we come in contact with each day that harbor terrible secrets and horrors. We walk through the world thinking we know where every step will lead but if the dark stars align, the commonplace can become shocking. It’s the type of horror that can CREEP up on you and leave you shaking with terror.

Kevin Bachar is an EMMY award-winning documentary filmmaker who has swum with sharks, climbed the peaks of mountains, and explored the darkest of forests. In CREEP, he leaves the wilds of the world to expose the twisted horrors of our daily lives.



About Author Kevin Bachar:


Kevin Bachar

Kevin Bachar is a national EMMY award-winning natural history documentary filmmaker and WGA writer. The elevated horror film he wrote – The Inhabitant –… – was released through Lionsgate and is available on most streaming services.

If you’ve watched National Geographic, PBS, or The Discovery Channel over the years you’ve seen his work. He’s the idiot in the water filming sharks or crawling into caves to photograph vampire bats. You can see Kevin at work filming sharks here –

The natural world has always captured his imagination and the supernatural world inspires his stories. Through his journeys, he’s interviewed scientists who’ve enlightened him, heard folk tales that have frightened him, and seen quite a few things that have challenged his skeptical mind.

His collection of short stories that weaves together the natural world and the supernatural world entitled, DREAD, is available on Amazon. He’s currently working on his second collection entitled – CREEP.

Complimenting his writing, Kevin has lectured and given presentations at prestigious institutions such as Rutgers University, American University, and the Rubin Museum of Art.
To keep up to date with Kevin’s movies, documentaries, and books –…


Click on the cover for my review of Dread.


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For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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Insensible Loss by Linda L. Richards Banner

by Linda L. Richards
September 9 – October 4, 2024 Virtual Book Tour



The Endings Series


Her life is over . . . yet somehow she carries on

After attempting to sever all ties to her life as a hired assassin, a woman struggles to understand who she has become. She knows she doesn’t want to kill again–but it proves to be a difficult habit to break, particularly in a world where people are after her and those she loves most. Adrift and disconnected, she meets an old woman: Imogen O’Brien, a world-famous artist who has spent the last three decades living a hermit-like existence on a rustic desert estate in a national forest. Imogen invites her to stay and work for her, offering mentorship in return as the woman deepens her own interest in art. What quickly becomes apparent is that elements of Imogen’s past are shrouded in danger, sorrow, and darkness. Rather than growing as an artist, the former hitwoman soon finds herself enmeshed in a dangerous mystery with strands that stretch decades into the past.

Praise for Insensible Loss:

“Deception, loss, and the past all collide in this propulsive thriller. A skillfully crafted plot combined with memorable characters makes Insensible Loss a must read.” ~ James L’Etoile, award-winning author of Face of Greed and the Detective Nathan Parker series


Book Details:

Genre: Thriller/Suspense

Published by: Oceanview Publishing Publication Date: September 17, 2024 Number of Pages: 320 ISBN: 978-1608095148 Series: The Endings Series, Book 4 | Each is a Stand-Alone

Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Goodreads



I’ve been wanting to try this series. My plan was to start at the beginning but, even though I started further into the series, this easily read as a stand alone. Mind you, I do plan to go back and start at the beginning now. The characters are so genuine and the main protagonist is an assassin trying to leave that world behind. Her name is never revealed. She’s been living in a forest with her dog. His name we do get to know, Phil.

Phil is the reason she’s where she is now. He took off and chasing after him led her to Imogene, an artist living in seclusion. The older woman offers her a job. Okay, that’s a good start. But Imogene lives secluded for a reason and the former assassin will have to use her talents once again.

In suspense thrillers I usually expect a whopping opening and loads of action throughout. Insensible loss didn’t go that way. It was quieter suspense and thrills. Sneaky ones the author made sure you might not see coming. I didn’t feel an urgency to keep reading, but in a way, I did. I’d think, okay, this is a good place to stop for now. Then, I’d keep reading. Like when you’re eating a snack and think I’ll just eat one more. This book made me hungry for more.



Enjoy this peek inside:
I am gazing into an abyss. When I plant my feet on the edge of the cliff, all I see is a canyon yawing below me. I see the canyon, and my feet, tightly laced into trail runners. Below and beyond my tidy feet, red rock can be seen everywhere, edges softened by millennia, but deadly still. And steep. Arcadia Bluff. It has a gentle sound, this location. But the reality is anything but gentle. A rough rawness that would seem to be able to accommodate anything one pitched in that direction. Wild west. There’s that, but also more. The secrets of an earth so raw and new, it doesn’t know what it wants to be when it grows up. It happens that the physical landscape matches what is going on in my heart, but this is mere coincidence. And anyway, everything is connected. I am in a remote part of one of the largest national parks in the United States, and I am all alone, but for my dog. Again, aside from that dog, I feel as if I have been alone for my whole life, but that isn’t true. What is true: everyone I’ve ever loved is dead. Some of them by my hand. But all of that was before. Here is now. I stand on Arcadia Bluff and the canyon below my feet seems to careen out endlessly. The aforementioned abyss. The red rock, dotted by trees and even the occasional cactus, seeming to sprout from the rock at odd angles, because the perpendicular drop doesn’t support normal growth. In the distance, far below me, I see a sliver of silvery blue. Maybe it’s a river or the edge of a lake, but when I look straight down, between my feet, I see nothing but rock and cactus and peril. It gives me a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach to look down, so I try to avoid doing that. We drove in my old Volvo to get here, the dog and I. The car is dear to me. I’ve had it a long time and it performs elegantly. Like a tank. An elegant tank. It is a premium car, or it was, but now it is ancient. In good condition, but unremarkable, one of the things about it that I’ve always cherished: it has never drawn comment. And no one would suspect that under the trunk’s false bottom they would find two Bersa Thunder 380 handguns and a whole lot of cash. The car is now my home, my armory, and my bank. Who needs anything more? Well, maybe I do. But never mind. The journey, that’s the thing. To get here, the path we traveled in that old Volvo is a forestry road. The road is marked on maps as little more than a trail. It is unpaved and unremarked. And putting it that way—the path we traveled—makes it sound like a destination. It wasn’t that. It is just the place where, for the moment, we have ended up. When this moment is complete, we’ll travel some more. Maybe come to something else. It’s what we have now, this life made of almost nothing. As you will have guessed, this state of near nothing didn’t happen overnight. A while ago I left behind the hollowed-out shell of the life I had created. The sham. The farce. The life in which I lived while I processed all of my grief. Tried to process all of my grief. Do you know what I discovered? You don’t process grief. It lives inside you, waiting for you to trot through the minefield that is life. Waiting for you to make just that one step and the grief explodes back into your face. If you were to process it—like cheese, like peanut butter—at a certain point it would be smooth and glossy and perfectly digestible. Consume it and forget it. But grief isn’t like that. It waits around because all it actually wants is to bite you in the ass. I sound bitter. The tonic in a vodka drink. I don’t mean to, but there you are. Sometimes what you feel overrides everything you know. After I left said reconstructed and hollowed-out life, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I was basically—entirely?—homeless. My dog. And me. Homeless and aimless. I had my car. Several handguns. A few small things that I had come to treasure. And a whole whack of cash. The cash was necessary, because this is what I no longer possessed: any form of identification or credit cards. Or anything that said I was a person at all. I had simply disappeared. You mostly can’t do that forever. A myriad of small things will trip you up. You can’t travel by air. You can’t book a motel. You can’t call an Uber. Or bank. When you start to think about it, there are more things you can’t do than what you can. After a while you need a landing spot. And you need a plan. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Here goes another run. Once upon a time—like a fairy story—I was a mom. A wife. A cornerstone of my community. I had a house. A pebble-tech pool. A minivan with leather seats and televised communication. I had all of the accoutrements of suburbia, right down to the suburb. Tree-lined streets that I traveled to get to my job and take my kid to his school. I had attractive but not fiendishly manicured lawns. A home. That’s what it was. My husband, my son. Me. We were a family. We had a home. One day there was an accident. People were killed. My child. Ultimately my husband, too. I was unexpectedly alone. All I had was a whole bunch of mortgaged crap I hadn’t even dreamed of wanting in the first place. After a while of being alone and having no money, I needed a new job and I started taking contracts to kill people. You see how my narrative breaks down right there? I mean, everything was going along well, from a storytelling standpoint. I’d engaged your sympathy. Maybe even your interest. And then— boom!—I blow all that goodwill with a simple revelation. Yes. Killing people. For money. What kind of nice lady does that? No kind, that’s what. But it let’s you know at least part of why I run. And so here we are. Standing on the edge of a cliff. And I’m not expecting to jump.


Lately I’ve noticed that I have become afraid of the dark. It doesn’t make sense to me. I am aware of no new trauma that might have led to this condition. Nyctophobia. I have read about it. I have googled, as they say. I’ve “done some research.” So I know a little about the condition that currently plagues me. I’ve read that it is fairly normal or, at least, not uncommon. I’ve read, also, that fear is healthy. In our natural state, I guess, fear is what keeps us alive and safe. For months, I have found myself waking from peaceful slumber and moving to instant terror when the dark is encountered. The dog smells the fear, or at least that is what I guess. When I wake in this way, I can hear him rustling about as he comes to me. He lays his muzzle on whatever part of me he can reach: my hand or my arm or even a bit of toe. And he’ll stay there like that, breathing quietly, until my demons have passed, or I turn on a light. Usually, I turn on a light. There are things you can do, that’s what I’ve read, as well. And there is evolved language around it. You can deal with your triggers or work at desensitizing yourself to darkness. This sort of healthy self-examination has never been my forte, and so after a while, I come up with my own solution: I begin to sleep with the light on. It keeps the demons at bay. All of this would probably be of more concern if we had a home anymore, the dog and I. But we don’t. As I said, we are traveling, no destination in mind other than a vague and distant future that at present has no shape. Every day, we cover many miles in the Volvo. The forestry roads in Arizona’s Cathedral National Park seem endless. The park itself seems endless, as well. We keep traveling, only occasionally surfacing for fuel or other supplies. We do that at small gas stations either within the park or just on the outskirts. Places that take cash and don’t ask questions. Then we delve right back into the depths of the park. We just drive and drive and drive, stopping only for calls of the body, as well as those infrequent times when I run out of steam. At those times, since we are out—literally and actually—in the middle of nowhere, I just stop the car, then pitch the small tent that lives over top of the false bottom of the trunk. And then I try to rest. The closest I ever get to actual rest is when the dog settles down somewhere near me, then gets to snoring peacefully. Something about that sound is hypnotic to me. I’ll surf behind it until, sometimes, falling under the spell of the simple, primal cadence, I fall asleep. In and out, in and out. I float away on a column of dog snores that lead to core sleep, when my subconscious scrambles to make up for time lost. In the morning we pack up and head out again. Where are we going? Why? I don’t have answers. I don’t even have questions. All I know is that everything is behind me. I’m not hopeful about what is in front of me, but it’s better than going back. Everyone knows that you can’t go back. *** Excerpt from Insensible Loss by Linda L. Richards. Copyright 2024 by Linda L. Richards. Reproduced with permission from Linda L. Richards. All rights reserved.



About Author Linda L. Richards:


.Linda L. Richards is the award-winning author of over a dozen books. The founder and publisher of January Magazine and a contributing editor to the crime fiction blog The Rap Sheet, she is best known for her strong female protagonists in the thriller genre. Richards is from Vancouver, Canada and currently makes her home in Phoenix, Arizona. New for 2024: INSENSIBLE LOSS, the fourth book in the Endings series featuring a reluctant hit woman struggling towards the light. Linda’s 2021 novel, the first in this series, ENDINGS, was recently optioned by a major studio for series production. Richards is an accomplished horsewoman and an avid tennis player, and is on the National Board of Sisters in Crime.

Catch Up With Linda L. Richards: Goodreads – @lindalrichards BookBub – @linda1841 Instagram – @lindalrichards Threads – @lindalrichards Twitter/X – @lindalrichards Facebook – @lindalrichardsauthor



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I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the FOREVER BOY by
Michael J. Bowler Blog Tour hosted by 
Book Tours


Check out my review and make sure to
enter the giveaway!



by Michael J. Bowler



Pub. Date: September 24, 2024

Publisher: Michael J. Bowler Publishing

Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook

Pages: 296


Find it:  Goodreads 


Outcast Isaac and popular Stephanie have barely spoken in all their years in school.
Now, in the ninth grade, their lives become intertwined with a strange boy from
eastern Europe named Drágan Albescu.


Everything about Drágan is exotic, from his vintage style of dress to his
flowing long hair and delicate features. But he’s also shrouded in great

He reveals that he’s a fashion model, so Stephanie searches his image on the
internet and discovers modeling photos dating back to the 1920’s. Then there’s
the valise Drágan carries that’s so heavy Isaac can’t lift it.

Drágan also possesses more knowledge and wisdom than all the teachers at
school, coupled with the uncanny ability to discern what others long to keep
private, a power that particularly frightens Stephanie due to her own dark

Who is this enigmatic boy who becomes the best friend Isaac ever had? Why do
bullies at school suddenly stop their bullying? And what about the dead deer
found torn to shreds in the woods?

When Isaac and Stephanie learn the full truth about their new friend, they’ll
almost wish they hadn’t.




This one was right up my alley. I enjoy mysterious and eerie stories written for the younger crowd. I’d love to have had more books like this to read when I was younger. I still enjoy them even though I’m an adult.

Isaac isn’t popular. He’s almost invisible to the other ninth graders in his school. Except for the bullies, unfortunately. That all changes when he meets Dragan. A strange boy. He acts much older than his age. Talks like someone much older. Dresses odd too. They form a friendship. Right from the beginning Dragan stands out. And people are drawn to him. Isaac is no longer alone. He’s got friends. And Dragan is his best one. He stands up for Isaac and others who are targets.

But, Isaac knows there’s more to Dragan than meets the eye. And one day Dragan shares his secret. And Isaac’s world is forever changed…. by the Forever Boy.

I read this straight through. I really wanted to know where the author was taking things. I had no idea and that made it hard to stop until I found out. And I loved the characters. How they formed a tight knit friendship. Supported and encouraged each other.  I’m hoping their stories continue as it’s listed as book one.





Enjoy this peek inside:



Isaac spotted a boy
he’d never seen watching him as he wrangled a flying disc from high up in a
maple tree. He gripped the flying disc and squinted against the setting sun,
his gaze drawn to the new boy, who sported brown hair that fell in waves down
his back. His old-fashioned ankle-length coat had a cloak attached, and it
fluttered in the breeze. The boy looked back at Isaac, his eyes seemingly fixed
on him to the exclusion of all else.

Slightly disconcerted, Isaac slid the ring-shaped disc over one arm and
clambered down branch by branch. As soon as he dropped to the ground, two eager
young boys grabbed the disc and scampered away toward town without a word of

“That was most inconsiderate of those youngsters,” said the strange boy as
he approached, “to not express gratitude for your assistance, especially after
you volunteered to retrieve their disc.” He stopped in front of Isaac and set
down his leather bag, a valise—at least that’s what Isaac thought it was
called. It looked like an antique gym bag.

“That’s how it is.” Isaac shrugged, then after a moment added, “Wait, you
saw what happened?”

“Yes,” the boy replied. “I’ve been observing you.” He wasn’t tall, about
Isaac’s height of five six. His voice, much like Isaac’s own, sounded on the
verge of adolescence, having perhaps just begun the change, but still boyish,
and he had an accent of some sort Isaac couldn’t place. It had traces of
British, but something else was mixed in.

“Why were you watching me?” Isaac shifted uncomfortably. The other boy’s
light brown eyes seemed to peer right through him.

“I was quite impressed when you assisted those young children. Most boys
our age would dismiss them with a curt word or two.” He extended his right
hand. “I am Drágan Albescu.”

“Your name is Dragon? That’s epic.”

“Sorry to disappoint, but it is spelled D-R-A-G-A-N, with an accent over
the first A.”

“Still, it’s the coolest name in Millwood,” Isaac gushed. “I’m Isaac

They shook hands and Isaac felt the boy’s strong grip, but he couldn’t take
his eyes off Drágan’s hair. He tilted his head and almost gasped at how long it
was—nearly to the boy’s waist.

“Your hair is amazing,” he gushed.

“Thank you. It has not been cut in some years.”

“No kidding.” Isaac chuckled. “I never had my hair real long. I don’t think
I’d want to spend so much time washing it.”

“It can be a burden, but there are reasons I keep it the way I do.”

Isaac could tell Drágan would provide no more details on that subject.

“I like your accent,” Drágan said in a conversational tone.

Isaac pulled a face. “I didn’t know I had one.”

“Oh, yes,” Drágan replied. “You pronounce the letter R at the end of a word
as an ah sound. For example, instead of Foster, it sounded like Fostah.
I like it.”

Isaac smiled. Drágan was unlike anyone he’d ever met. “Did you just move
here? Where’s your parents?”

“I’m new to Maine, but, alas, I am an orphan.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, man. Who you here with?”

“I’m traveling alone.”

“Yeah? You look my age.”

“I am fourteen as of my last birthday.”

Isaac grinned. “Cool. I just turned fourteen last week.”

“Congratulations on your birthday.”


“Perhaps you know of a boarding house in town where I may lodge during my

Everything about Drágan confused Isaac, and yet everything also intrigued

“Um, yeah, I do, but, uh, if you, you know, want company, I have an extra
bed in my room. My mom used to have foster kids, for which I got made fun of at
school cause my last name is Foster, but, um, anyway, I bet my mom would love
to have you stay, and I know I’d like the company. You wanna have dinner at my
house and we can ask?”

Drágan’s perfectly trimmed eyebrows rose in surprise. “We have only just
become acquainted, and yet you would have me in your home?”

Isaac shrugged. “My mom says I’m a good judge of people.”

“I am, as well,” Drágan replied, “and I shall be honored to dine with you.”
He picked up his large valise from the ground. “Truth be told, I’m rather

“Follow me.”

The boys left behind the expanse of tall, deciduous trees and strolled
across a bridge overlooking the placid Abenaki River, named, Isaac explained,
after one of the five Native American tribes to still live in Maine. After
passing over the river, they headed up a street fronting a row of houses, most
in the Victorian style and quite old. The narrow street, which had no room for
parking in front of the houses, wound around into the downtown area.

“There’s my house,” Isaac said, pointing to a white, two-story Victorian
without fancy adornments or cupolas. In back sat a large barn, which was
painted a dark red color and rose to the height of the house. With the onset of
dusk, tall trees cast long shadows across the roof.

“That barn is a garage on the bottom, and on the top floor is a rec room.
My mom holds parties there sometimes, but mostly it’s for me to play games in.”

Drágan’s eyes surveyed the house and barn appraisingly as a car drove past.
The driver waved to Isaac, and he waved back.

“A friend of yours?”

“Naw. He works at the drugstore. In this town, everyone pretty much knows

“Much like the village where I was born.”

Isaac was about to ask where, but they’d arrived at his house. He steered
Drágan up the cracked driveway to a side door and they entered.

“Mom? I’m home.”

“In the kitchen, honey” came his mom’s voice.

Just inside the door, there was a hallway leading around past an adjacent
sitting room to the kitchen. Directly in front as they entered were numerous
coat hooks on the wall, very useful during snowy winters. Isaac shrugged off
his parka and slipped it onto a hook with ease.

“You can leave your coat here.”

Drágan slipped out of his overcoat and hung it on a hook.

Isaac felt the material. It was thick and rough, and he liked the
ankle-length style.

“I have owned this coat for many years.”

Isaac stopped admiring the coat to gaze questioningly at Drágan. How many
years could he have had it since it fit him perfectly?

“I hear voices, Isaac,” his mother called from the kitchen. “Who’s with

“A friend, Mom.”

He gestured for Drágan to follow. They rounded a corner and passed through
the sitting room with an old wood burning stove. Beside it was Isaac’s favorite
reclining chair. On cold, snowy days, he’d curl up within its comforting
softness and devour book after book.

He led Drágan into the kitchen, where his mom stood at the counter chopping
vegetables. She wore an apron and had her shoulder-length brunette hair tied
back off her pleasant face. She broke into a warm smile.

“Mom, this is Drágan Albescu.”

Drágan stepped forward and bowed gallantly. “It is my great pleasure to
meet you, Mrs. Foster.”

She was taken aback by his greeting, but her smile grew ever broader. “Why
thank you, Drágan. What an exotic name and your clothes are amazing. Your whole
appearance, really.”

“Thank you,” Drágan replied.

“I invited Drágan for dinner,” Isaac interjected. “Is that okay?”

“Of course it is,” Penelope replied. “Your friends are always welcome.”

“Except I don’t have any,” mumbled Isaac.

Drágan eyed him but focused on his mom. “I am an accomplished chef if you’d
like some assistance.”

Penelope’s eyebrows rose in astonishment, and Isaac gazed at Drágan with

“No thank you, Drágan,” Penelope replied. “But I appreciate the offer. Why
don’t you boys hang out in Isaac’s room, and I’ll call when dinner’s ready.”

“Thank you.” Drágan bowed once more.

Isaac tugged his arm. “C’mon, I wanna show you my room.” Flush with
excitement, he hurried from the kitchen, Drágan in tow.

They passed through the sitting room and out into the main hall. The floors
were hardwood, but the stairs leading up to the second floor were covered in
thick sky-blue carpet.

Isaac showed Drágan the two hallways on the second floor. One led to his
mom’s bedroom and the study, which she used as her home office. The other
passed the guest bedroom and a large bathroom before ending in Isaac’s room at
the rear of the house. It was the largest bedroom and had always been perfect
for Isaac to share when a foster child was a boy. Bunk beds rested against
Isaac’s back wall with chests of drawers along the adjoining wall overlooking
the driveway; a large wooden desk sat across the room beside a window looking
out at tall, majestic maple trees.

Drágan’s eyes swept the room, settling on the bookshelves above the twin
chests of drawers. Lining the shelves were meticulously detailed hand-painted
models of famous movie monsters, which Isaac had spent countless hours
crafting. With long slender fingers, Drágan picked up a model of the original
Wolfman from the 1940 Universal film. The monster bared its fangs at a lovely
young woman cowering before him.

Normally unsettled if anyone touched his models, Isaac instinctively sensed
that Drágan revered them as much as he did.

Drágan turned with the model in hand. “Do you believe Larry would’ve killed
Gwen when he grabbed her in the woods?”

Isaac was shocked that this boy would ask such a movie-geek question, but
figured Drágan must also love The Wolfman, so he dove right in with his
answer. “No. He loved her too much.”

“At long last, someone who agrees with me.” Drágan lovingly replaced the
figure on the shelf and studied the others.

Isaac gazed at him in surprise. “You’re a geek?”

“A what?”

“A geek. You know, someone who’s into pop culture stuff like horror

A look of understanding enlightened Drágan’s face. “Ah, I understand. I
love the horror genre. In fact, Larry Talbot is my favorite character. His
struggles as the wolfman brought me near to tears on several occasions.”

Isaac’s heart pounded with excitement. “Me too! Especially when he was
finally cured. But those were tears of joy.”

Drágan regarded him as though doing a complete reevaluation. “You are the
first I’ve met to feel as I do. How fortuitous that we’ve made each other’s

Isaac felt stupid listening to the other boy speak and, if he were
honest—which he had no intention of being at that moment—he didn’t understand
half of what Drágan said to him. The boy was a walking dictionary!

“Uh, wanna sit down?” Isaac pointed to a beige-colored couch against one

Drágan nodded and lowered himself onto the couch, looking stiff and formal
while Isaac sat in his desk chair.

“Is the couch uncomfortable?” Isaac asked, worried he might have offended
the other boy.

“No,” replied Drágan, but his face looked tight and strained. “It’s merely
that I’ve never been in the bedroom of a youth my age. I’m accustomed to the
company of adults.”

Isaac’s mouth dropped open. He was appalled, but suddenly the other boy’s
high vocabulary made more sense. “Never? What about your friends?”

Still sitting up as though in a straight-backed chair, Drágan placed both
hands in his lap. “I’ve never had a real friend my age, at least not for any
significant period of time.”

Isaac was speechless. “I’m sorry, man. I mean, I have no friends either,
mainly cause I’m a geek and they all like sports and stuff. Plus, I wear
hearing aids, which makes playing sports suck big time.” He reached behind one
ear and slipped off a small hearing aid, holding it out to Drágan.

“I’ve heard of these small devices but have never known anyone who wore
them.” He turned the aid over in his hand. The unit was small with a tiny tube
leading to an earmold. “Are they effective at improving your hearing?”

He handed the aid back to Isaac, who deftly slipped it back onto his ear.
“First of all, thank you for not shouting. Every time I tell someone I’m hard
of hearing, they start yelling. Drives me crazy. Anyway, these work pretty
well. I control ’em with an app on my phone. But in noisy places or big sports
fields they aren’t so good. I can always hear the PE coach yelling at me, but I
don’t understand what he’s saying. Then he gets mad afterward and says I didn’t

“My hearing is excellent, so I have no notion of how your life has been.”

Isaac shrugged. “I was born this way and have no idea what it’s like to
have perfect hearing, so I guess we’re even.”

Drágan nodded.

Now that they weren’t moving, he studied Drágan’s features and clothing
with greater scrutiny.

Drágan’s long, wavy hair was a light brown color and framed his soft
features, draped over his small ears, parted in the middle, and brushed across
both sides of his smooth forehead. His skin reminded Isaac of some dolls his
mother used to collect. What were those made of? Oh, yeah, porcelain. Drágan’s
skin was like perfect, unblemished porcelain, white to the point of being pale,
without the slightest indication that he’d ever had acne, which thankfully
Isaac hadn’t experienced yet either. Drágan’s eyebrows, the same color as his
hair, were slender and looked professionally trimmed. His lips were full, with
a slight reddish tint, really the only visible coloration on his face.

But it was Drágan’s eyes that held Isaac’s attention. The color of
hazelnuts, they seemed to dance with power. As they fixed on him, Isaac felt
himself sliding into oblivion. The sensation lasted only a split second, but he
would not soon forget it.

“Your clothes are cool, Drágan. Get ’em at a vintage clothes place?”

The boy’s long-sleeve shirt was baggy, almost like a pirate shirt, with a
small collar encircled by an old-fashioned tie that looked to be made of
leather. Over the shirt he wore a dark brown vest that looked quite old. Over
that was a suit jacket with the styling of an era long past. His pants were
navy blue, and his brown leather boots looked antique.

“With no disrespect to your own clothing, I prefer attire from past eras.”

Isaac wore jeans, a long-sleeve hoodie shirt and sneakers.

“I think you look great.”

Looking slightly more relaxed, Drágan asked about the film camera on
Isaac’s desk that rested beside a twenty-seven-inch iMac computer.

Happy to talk about something to break the awkwardness, Isaac picked up the
camera, a high-end model with a powerful lens.

“I plan to make my own movie. A horror film, of course.” Isaac realized
he’d begun rambling but couldn’t stop. “There’s this film festival in Bangor at
the end of next month, Halloween weekend, in fact, and there’s a category for
student filmmakers under eighteen. Big prize money too. But the best part is,
one of the judges of the horror films will be Stephen King. He lives in Bangor
and he’s my favorite horror writer. Ever read any of his books?” Out of breath,
he finally stopped and laughed. “Sorry, I get carried away.”

Drágan replied, “I’ve read many of Mr. King’s works. My favorite is Salem’s
. I have an affinity for vampires, I suppose, in addition to

Isaac broke into a huge grin. “That’s my favorite too. It really must be
fortui … what you said before that we met.”

“Fortuitous,” Drágan repeated without any condescension. “It means
fortunate. How many performers will be in your film?”

Isaac frowned. “Well, that’s the tricky part. There’s two leads and a few
smaller parts, but I don’t have any friends at school, so I’m thinking of going
to the next town over to audition strangers.”

“I have performing experience in my past,” Drágan commented without
boasting. “Alas, all on the stage, but I’d enjoy being of assistance.”

Isaac’s heart nearly burst. “That would be fantastic.”

“What does your story entail?”

“Well, you’d be playing a guy like Larry Talbot, except a kid, who’s a

“And how would you create the transformations?”

Isaac indicated his computer. “I got some cool AI programs that can do
amazing stuff. Let me show

“Boys, dinner’s ready!” came his mother’s voice from downstairs.

“I’ll show you after dinner.”


About Michael J. Bowler:


Michael J. Bowler is an award-winning author
who grew up in Northern California. He majored in English/Theatre at Santa
Clara University, earned a master’s in film production from Loyola Marymount
University, a teaching credential in English from LMU, and a master’s in
Special Education from Cal State University Dominguez Hills. Michael taught
high school in Hawthorne, California, both in general education and to students
with disabilities. When Michael is not writing, he serves as a youth mentor
with the Big Brothers Big Sisters program and a volunteer within the juvenile
justice system in Los Angeles, but mostly he takes care of his recently adopted
son. He is a passionate advocate for the fair treatment of children and teens
in California and hopes that his books can show young people they are not alone
in their struggles.

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Tour Schedule:

Week One:



Lady Hawkeye

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Fire and Ice Reads

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Two Chicks on Books

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Daily Waffle



Book Review Virginia Lee Blog

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The Momma Spot



Edith’s Little Free Library

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Week Two:



Kim’s Book Reviews and Writing

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Rajiv’s reviews

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A Blue Box Full of Books

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IG Review



IG Review



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Country Mamas With Kids

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