Archive for the ‘Zombies’ Category

This is a special day. Not only will I be reviewing ZED by Stehen Herfst, he has also graciously accepted my invitation for an interview.

My review:


First let me give you a brief synopsis from Goodreads.

The story revolves around a teenage girl’s promise to save Zed from the human hordes.

Zed is not your typical zombie. He is cursed with the affliction of thought…although he tries to make the best of a bad situation. The goals for his unrest are simple: to improve his stride, to taste a lightly-seared pork loin once again and avoid Activists at all costs.

His life was predictable, controlled and good until chaos crashed the party. In just one day his world is destroyed and his ability to survive is tested. Would he be able to get through this in one piece? And would he somehow be able to survive the unstoppable force that goes by the name of Chase?

I am at a loss to describe how much I enjoyed this book. I did a blog post just about getting ready to review it, and then I reread it so that Zed would be fresh in my mind. So much is wanting to be said.

Imagine being the only zombie that can think. Do you belong with other zombies, or should you avoid them? You would have to wonder, why me? Why  am I the only one, and where do I belong?

Zed chooses a life of seclusion, away from zombies and humans alike. That is until one eventful night when he encounters Chase. Thrown together by chance, they stay together to survive. There is danger for a young girl in these times, especially one traveling alone. Not to mention the human horde that wants to kill and mount all zombies they come across. Maybe, if they work together, Chase and Zed can make it to a safe zone and live their lives in peace.

I am still struggling to tell you about this story. It is much more than the gratuitous zombies eating people scenes, which there are some doozies. It is also funny, like when Zed goes to the maul.  And Chase, man is she a firecracker. She provides the spark and sets this book on fire. You can not help but love her.

Let me tell you, this book is an amazing read. There are so many ups and downs, spins and teeth-clenching thrills inside. It is unlike any other zombie book you have read and you should not miss out. Get Zed and get reading. I hear there are two more books to come.

I gave this 5 STARS and then some.

Now I have a special treat for you. Today I was supposed to be interviewing Stephen Herfst. Alas, he was unable to attend, so he sent Zed in his stead.

To those of you who have not met Zed, Stephen has written a whole book about him. The book is called ZED.

Now, Zed is a zombie and we all know they don’t like to be kept waiting, so I better get to the interview. I have had to change the questions a bit to accommodate Zed, and I was told not to interject while he was commenting.

Would you prefer eating brains from a man or a woman?

Hmm…it would be relative to what I am in the mood for; the flavour of a woman’s brain is intense, sweet and decidedly complex with hidden nuances that require my full attention. A man’s brain is musky, with a strong flavour that underlies the overall demeanor of the host. Of course, certain nationalities would result in some differences, for example, Italians/Spanish are prone to irrational bursts of flavour.

Could you describe what brains taste like?

First of all, the texture deserves some focus: a combination I would best describe as between broiled cauliflower and pate. A pert outer-shell that gives way to a smooth creamy centre. The flavour of the brain is subtle, and its most basic flavour tastes similar to pureed fatty chicken bathed in a brine of embryonic fluid. The flavour is also influenced by the hosts’ diet, with a wine-favouring host being the most delectable. I do like a good red wine marinade.

Would you date another zombie?

If the right female zombie came along…maybe. I take a pride in my appearance and so my partner would need to follow suit. There is a certain predictability to the female of my species, and so, they simply require no more than the offering of some human flesh to win their heart. It is true what they say about the way to one’s heart.

Do you want to remember who you were before?

It does irritate that the information does not come to me. All of my knowledge I have gained since my rebirth. Sometimes something triggers what might be a glimpse into what I think is the past. I am not sure but I have time so, when it happens, it will be one more thing that I can tick off my list.

What pet would you prefer?

I already have many pets. My books are house-trained, silent and speak to me when prompted and they can be silenced just as easily.

Do you floss?

Yes. Personal hygiene is important. I certainly would not want to suffer from gingivitis(or gum-disease)- certainly  do not want to exacerbate any additional flesh rot.

Where would you like to live?

Wherever I can be left to my own devices. Humans are a troublesome horde, always wanting to kill me, mount me, or worse, rescue me. It irritates me that they would somehow think my present situation would require rescuing.

If you were like most zombies that can only mutter brains and could say something else, what would you say?

I have to admit, I do use the classic call of brains when enticing my antagonists into one of my traps. I believe it is best to play to expectation until their realisation comes too late. Alternatively, I prefer saying nothing. Why would you want your prey knowing ahead of time of their impending doom, anyway?

Now, I think I have answered more than enough questions. It is a good thing that I am in a good mood(and do not have my Zombie Kit with me). You caught me at a moment of weakness…and I do not like it. Now be off before I find reason to change my mind…zombies are known for that, after all.

Well, I beat a hasty exit, glad to still be one piece. My thanks to Zed for being so obliging and to Stephen for allowing this interview.

Since Stephen could not make it today, here is a little bit about him.

If I had to define myself in a few words, it would be:

“Reserved, outgoing, thinking, reflective, driven, lazy, observant, competitive, confident, doubtful.”

Depending on my mood, the topic and the people around me, I can be many things. When I began life I wanted to be a programmer but now I just want to be independent. I am always open to trying new things and have always made it a habit of doing things I haven’t done before.

I was born in Germany, from Dutch-South African descent and live in Australia although I’m currently working in California and my family lives in Malaysia. I don’t believe that I can define one country as my home and hope to travel the rest of my life.

I am a Software Engineer by trade but have always loved books. During my early years I would read 5-10 books every two weeks and have always had a fertile imagination. My world was novels but in later years I find it harder to spare the time. I have always had side projects along-side my formal work and have always wanted to write but haven’t found a topic that has interested me until now.

I released my first novel on February 18. It took one month to write, followed by three months of editing. I am proud of this novel, although I am not yet finished. I have two more novels to write in this series, as well as a number of pet projects in the works that I feel “have legs”.

My hobbies include Tennis, Squash, Texas Hold’em, Restaurants(yes, that’s a hobby), watching good movies and reading good books.

I am staying tuned for more about Zed and am curious about those “legs”.

For a prologue of Zed you can go here:

You can find Stephen here:

To purchase ZED just click on the cover image at beginning of the post.

I am rereading Zed by Stephen Herfst in order to refresh my memory before I do my review. I feel that if I am going to do this story justice, I need to pick Zed’s brain for thoughts.


Written from Zed’s point of view, he tells his own story about survival, which I find very unique and fun. Ever wonder what a zombie thinks?  This book will definitely make you wonder some more.


The gun barrel points at me; no mention of surrender accompanies it.

Well that is just dandy.

He does not intend on taking me prisoner and who can blame him? I have given them many for mercy to be an afterthought. It seems only fitting that I would be shown the same level of empathy.

I attempt to find peace as the barrel stares me down. I feel like I have every right to exist, even if my existence contradicts their traditional view of life. It is funny that the gun also contradicts: from its meticulous clinical creation to its final purpose to mindlessly destroy. The gun involuntarily triggers flashbacks of earlier days.

I remember the first time I was almost killed:

The buckshot pierces my shoulder, although the brunt of the shot hits my brother. He flies backwards with most of his face missing. I am unfazed by the loss – I have many brothers left to fill the void. I shrug off the shot and turn back to the bloods that look tired and vulnerable although their guns still have bite.

Ya cotton-pickin’ zees. We ain’t gonna let -“

We silence their noises and then we all fight for a share of the prize – it feels good to be back with my own kind. I remember the horrible food and tests they subjected me to. It is sheer luck that I am free, although my mind is now infected by demons that agitate to be unleashed. I attempt to quell their restlessness by claiming my share of the spoils.

My brain quivers.

A wave of nausea overcomes me as I lose control of my world. I am a captive to these proceedings – the demons rule my mind now.

They scheme together as they massage new thoughts into being. I cannot help thinking why, as I look over the drama that unfolds. I wonder why just a few moments earlier I would have given anything to be among my own kind. Why was I so fixated on blood and brains just moments earlier?

Why do I think?

The demons whisper and now I hunger for something else.

Here is a synopsis borrowed from Goodreads

The story revolves around a teenage girl’s promise to save Zed from the human hordes.

Zed is not your typical zombie. He is cursed with the affliction of thought … although he tries to make the best of a bad situation. The goals for his unrest are simple: to improve his stride, to taste a lightly-seared pork loin once again and avoid Activists at all costs.

His life was predictable, controlled and good until chaos crashed the party. In just one day his world is destroyed and his ability to survive is tested. Would he be able to get through this in one piece? And would he somehow be able to survive the unstoppable force that goes by the name of Chase?

Now I am off to finish reading about Zed. You are not going to believe what happens!

    They Were Hungry! 


Aftereffects: Zombie Therapy (From the Case Files of Dr. Victor Frenzel)

  Description borrowed from Goodreads
One day you are an average citizen, carrying on with everyday mundane tasks, the next, you are a fiendish zombie looking to tear off and eat the flesh of every family member, friend, neighbor and stranger you come in contact with.  That’s where your story ends, right? You’re destined to live out your remaining days as a blood-thirsty zombie until deprivation or some un-infected vigilante lays you to rest.
Wrong. The government creates a cure for your cannibalistic condition. Unfortunately, you remember  every gory detail of your killing sprees. Can you cope with the fact that you ingested your fellow human beings? Good news: psychiatrist Dr. Victor Frenzel has devoted himself to treating the psychological aspects of living life after being a flesh-eating zombie. He’s accepting new clients and wants to help you get on with your life. Unless he suspects that you are one of the infected cannibalistic fiends who ate his lovely young wife, Barbara. In that case, you might be a particularly prime candidate for one of his more cutting-edge treatments. Either way you will be cured…..
My Review
I am always looking for a new twist on an old idea and boy did I find it.  Be prepared for some horrific scenes of carnage. Zane pulls no punches here.
I liked how the story covers both sides, the infected and the un-infected. It starts after the event has already taken place and the infected have been cured. You will feel like you are in their head, feeling all of the psychological tension and rage. It comes alive in the pages, and while I found most of the characters unlikable, they really rang true as to how we would react.
Described in vividly bloody detail, some scenes left me squirming. The author places you at the scene of the violent feeding frenzy and it will feel like you are the one eating. Here is a little bit to whet your appetite.
“So, you killed the child?”
“I don’t remember.”
“Sure you do, I mean you’ve recalled everything else with such great detail. Did you kill the boy? It is important information that will help me design a clear and effective treatment for you.”
“Yes,” she replied, her voice quiet and distant.
“Yes, what?”
“I killed him! I killed the boy. Is that what you want to hear? I ate him, all of him. I even ate his goddamn bones!”
I wasn’t hungry after that conversation!
With everything for zombie fans along with a unique new twist, Zombie Therapy will pull you from page to page,  cringing but unable to stop reading.
Thanks for the scare Zane. It is not easy to make me squirm, but you got me with this one!
About Zane Bradey
I was born in Michigan, just outside of East Lansing, where I still live with my beautiful wife and six little zombies. Horror has always been my genre. I grew up waiting for the Saturday-morning creature feature. While other kids were watching Scooby-Doo, I was soaking up Vincent Price films. I like the new stuff, but I love the classics. I remember watching George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead in black-and-white and thinking  “that’s” what I want to write! My early writings were short stories, published in anthologies and young fiction magazines. I was even more successful with literary fiction, but my heart has always been in the horror classics and my mind has always been on zombies. In 2011, I set out to write my first zombie novel, Aftereffects: Zombie Therapy. I currently work in a mental health setting – observing the cases of those suffering from post traumatic stress disorder gave me the basic concept of living life as a cured zombie. With memories of terrifying events relived through flashbacks and nightmares, how do you live life after having been a zombie? You’ll have to read Aftereffects to find out.
For more about Zane:
How do you like your zombie?  Would you want to be cured?

Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island

Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Title: Wanted: Dead or Undead (The Zombie West Series, Book 1)

Author: Angela Scott

Published by: Evolved Publishing

WANTED: Dead or Undead (The Zombie West Series, #1)


I received this ARC from the author in exchange for my review.

Wanted: Dead or Undead. I have to admit I started reading this expecting a zombie western with lots of eating and being eaten along with some humor. What I got was so much more.

The story starts with a nail-biting scene that leaves you with no choice but to continue reading.

Trace is an opportunist, a card shark, and a bit of a trickster. All he wants is to stroll through life with no complications. That wasn’t hard until the zombies started moving westward.

Red is a no-nonsense woman on a mission.  Traveling west towards California, she is hoping to find her brother. He joined the cavalry to fight the zombies and she hasn’t heard from him since.

The zombie plague has consumed the larger cities on either coast and is rapidly extending to the midwest.

Thrown together by a chance encounter, Trace and Red slowly begin to trust each other. They will have to in order to survive. As they travel westward their group of two slowly grows along with their attraction for each other. They both have secrets kept to themselves for fear they will shatter the tenuous bond growing between them.

Angela Scott takes her time developing the characters and establishing her story, weaving in new characters along with their stories and building genuine relationships. The scenes were so well written I could swear I was there. I shuddered in horror, feared the worst, and sighed in delight.

The cliff-hanger ending left my jaw dropping in surprise, already anticipating more. This ending is very satisfying and one of the best I have read.

I gave this book 5 stars and recommend it to anyone looking for a great read and a new series.

I will be watching for Survivor Roundup (The Zombie West Series, Book 2)


Angela Scott

deadplains angela scott

I hear voices. Tiny fictional people sit on my shoulders and whisper their stories in my ear. Instead of medicating myself, I decided to pick up a pen, write down everything those voices tell me, and turn it into a book. I’m not crazy. I’m an author. For the most part, I write contemporary Young Adult novels. However, through a writing exercise that spiraled out of control, I found myself writing about zombies terrorizing the Wild Wild West—and loving it. My zombies don’t sparkle, and they definitely don’t cuddle. At least, I wouldn’t suggest it. I live on the benches of the beautiful Wasatch Mountains with two lovely children, one teenager, and a very patient husband. I graduated from Utah State University with a B.A. degree in English, not because of my love for the written word, but because it was the only major that didn’t require math. I can’t spell, and grammar is my arch nemesis. But they gave me the degree, and there are no take backs. As a child, I never sucked on a pacifier; I chewed on a pencil. I’ve been writing that long. It has only been the past few years that I’ve pursued it professionally, forged relationships with other like-minded individuals, and determined to make a career out of it. You can subscribe and follow me on my website, where I blog obsessively about my writing process and post updates on my current works. I’m also on Twitter and Facebook, but be forewarned, I tweet and post more than a normal person.

I down loaded these two short stories from smashwords and decided to do both reviews together.

Title:  Make A Wish

Author:  Shauna Klein

Copyright:  2011 by Shauna Klein

Smashwords Edition

Michelle’s life is not what she imagined it would be. Then again, who could imagine a zombie apocalypse.

The virus spread quickly, affecting some while others stayed dead. The good thing was they didn’t eat you. The bad thing was, if bitten you became one.

Her husbands cancer was slowly killing him and Michelle feared having to survive her new world alone.

In a limited amount of words, Shauna Klein makes you feel like you are a part of this  desparate tale of survival and keeps the story flowing rapidly to its conclusion.

A dark tale of  desperation and its consequences. A must read.

And now for the next book.


Title:  Peaceable Kingdom

Author:  Shaun Klein

Copyright:  2011 by Shaun Klein

Smashwords Edition

Krista  is fired from her job at the veterinary clinic for refusing to euthanize a Pug  just because the owner was tired of it.

She then brings Piper home and things get real messy.

A wicked, fast read with an ending you never see coming. I sure didn’t and I didn’t think I could be surprised.

You sure will be.

I had a scary good time reading these books and will be sure to read any more that Shauna writes.  Head on over to Smashwords and start reading them today.

I gave 5 stars for each story.

You can find the author at