Posts Tagged ‘Zane Bradey’

    They Were Hungry! 


Aftereffects: Zombie Therapy (From the Case Files of Dr. Victor Frenzel)

  Description borrowed from Goodreads
One day you are an average citizen, carrying on with everyday mundane tasks, the next, you are a fiendish zombie looking to tear off and eat the flesh of every family member, friend, neighbor and stranger you come in contact with.  That’s where your story ends, right? You’re destined to live out your remaining days as a blood-thirsty zombie until deprivation or some un-infected vigilante lays you to rest.
Wrong. The government creates a cure for your cannibalistic condition. Unfortunately, you remember  every gory detail of your killing sprees. Can you cope with the fact that you ingested your fellow human beings? Good news: psychiatrist Dr. Victor Frenzel has devoted himself to treating the psychological aspects of living life after being a flesh-eating zombie. He’s accepting new clients and wants to help you get on with your life. Unless he suspects that you are one of the infected cannibalistic fiends who ate his lovely young wife, Barbara. In that case, you might be a particularly prime candidate for one of his more cutting-edge treatments. Either way you will be cured…..
My Review
I am always looking for a new twist on an old idea and boy did I find it.  Be prepared for some horrific scenes of carnage. Zane pulls no punches here.
I liked how the story covers both sides, the infected and the un-infected. It starts after the event has already taken place and the infected have been cured. You will feel like you are in their head, feeling all of the psychological tension and rage. It comes alive in the pages, and while I found most of the characters unlikable, they really rang true as to how we would react.
Described in vividly bloody detail, some scenes left me squirming. The author places you at the scene of the violent feeding frenzy and it will feel like you are the one eating. Here is a little bit to whet your appetite.
“So, you killed the child?”
“I don’t remember.”
“Sure you do, I mean you’ve recalled everything else with such great detail. Did you kill the boy? It is important information that will help me design a clear and effective treatment for you.”
“Yes,” she replied, her voice quiet and distant.
“Yes, what?”
“I killed him! I killed the boy. Is that what you want to hear? I ate him, all of him. I even ate his goddamn bones!”
I wasn’t hungry after that conversation!
With everything for zombie fans along with a unique new twist, Zombie Therapy will pull you from page to page,  cringing but unable to stop reading.
Thanks for the scare Zane. It is not easy to make me squirm, but you got me with this one!
About Zane Bradey
I was born in Michigan, just outside of East Lansing, where I still live with my beautiful wife and six little zombies. Horror has always been my genre. I grew up waiting for the Saturday-morning creature feature. While other kids were watching Scooby-Doo, I was soaking up Vincent Price films. I like the new stuff, but I love the classics. I remember watching George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead in black-and-white and thinking  “that’s” what I want to write! My early writings were short stories, published in anthologies and young fiction magazines. I was even more successful with literary fiction, but my heart has always been in the horror classics and my mind has always been on zombies. In 2011, I set out to write my first zombie novel, Aftereffects: Zombie Therapy. I currently work in a mental health setting – observing the cases of those suffering from post traumatic stress disorder gave me the basic concept of living life as a cured zombie. With memories of terrifying events relived through flashbacks and nightmares, how do you live life after having been a zombie? You’ll have to read Aftereffects to find out.
For more about Zane:
How do you like your zombie?  Would you want to be cured?

Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island

Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island (Photo credit: Wikipedia)