This is such a great series and I’m so happy to share it with you!
Donna has some great news too. Her Element Trilogy is now on sale. She’s celebrating with a giveaway.
Check out my review.
Enjoy the Character Interview.
And don’t forget to enter the giveaway.
The Man in Black: Could You Trust The Man Who’s Watched You All Your Life?
by Donna Galanti
Meet the mysterious man in black from Donna Galanti’s paranormal suspense novel, A Human Element, and read an excerpt with him. He is a Watcher! Read how watchers are her favorite kind of characters.
Interview with the Man in Black
Where do you dream of traveling to and why?
I wish to go the place my natural father came from. A place thousands of light years away. Their planet is dying. Their sun is nearly burned out. But if I can be with my people, perhaps I can belong somewhere.
Tell us about your family.
I have none. I was a violent birth. I unknowingly ripped my mother to shreds. I was the only survivor of many government experiments. I was left to be raised in a government facility, and then ordered to do their undesirable work.
What was the scariest moment of your life?
Going outside for the first time. I was 18 years old when I left the facility. The walls in my windowless room had been painted yellow like the sun. But I had no idea how bright the outside world really was.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be with others of my kind. I see things that will happen in the future, bad things. I hoped to change those things, especially when it came to Laura; the one who I believe will save my people from extinction. Instead I am the government’s garbage man. I take out the trash. I do the dirty jobs others don’t want to do.
Do you play any sports?
The only sport I do is killing. It’s what I’m ordered to do or I will be killed. I would choose fencing if I had time for real sports. I would like for this mammoth body to learn to fight with grace not blunt force.
What are you passionate about these days?
Having my people go on, to save them from dying out. And Laura. I’ve always loved Laura, as deep as someone like me can love. I am not tempered by emotion. I feel things but not with the intensity you do. I am a dispassionate bystander who follows the authority that created me. It’s all I know, all I can do if I want to survive.
If you could apologize to someone in your past, who would it be?
Laura. I watched her parents die and did nothing. I watched her best friend die and did nothing. I had to, or our kind would not go on. I have to live with myself every day with this knowledge. I have to believe I made the right choices.
Who should play you in a film?
Marlon Brando. He was cool, hulking, tormented. Like me.
A Hidden Element
The Element Trilogy #2
by Donna Galanti
My Review
It started with the fateful meeting of two young people, Ben and Laura. Now they’re all grown up and have a teenage son, Charlie.
Charlie is different from other teens. Some of these differences are subtle ones on the outside. It’s on the inside that the differences are huge.
In another place, Caleb rebels against his father. He’s not interested in his father’s breeding plans. He wants out. But his father won’t let him go. Caleb witnesses his father’s cruelty towards humans. How he controls their minds and makes them do despicable things to each other and themselves. Escaping may mean dying.
Paths cross when Ben and Laura’s son, Charlie is abducted and Caleb may be their only hope of getting him back.
This book has more than one plot and several important characters, so I’ll be careful not to provide spoilers.
Charlie overheard his father say he wished his son was normal. As with most cases of eavesdropping, Charlie took this out of context and pulled away from his father.
I felt bad for Charlie. He’s different, inside and out, and isn’t getting an explanation from his parents. He turns to the mysterious Ghost Man for advice, someone who’s been there for him from a young age.
I couldn’t help but feel the Ghost Man had his own agenda. I wasn’t that surprised when I figured out who he was. I was right to feel he was untrustworthy. He plays on Charlies weaknesses.
And I sympathized with Caleb too. He never wanted anything to do with his father’s plans. He was dragged along unwillingly and feels that nothing but death could come from his father’s diabolical plans. Plans to conquer Earth’s government and control its destiny.
Wow. What a rush. I jumped right in and quickly got caught up with these characters again. The easy flow of the writing swept me away and I didn’t want to stop until I got all the answers I’d been waiting for.
I didn’t mention some key characters as I wanted you to meet and enjoy them in your own way. Good or bad, they add so much to the story.
There really is never a dull moment and I couldn’t be happier with this book.
I do want to mention that I’d recommend you start with A Human Element, the first book. If you haven’t read it, you’ll probably have difficulties following this one. It’s priced right so I hope you garb it.
5 Stars
Evil lurks within…
When Caleb Madroc is used against his will as part of his father’s plan to breed a secret alien community and infiltrate society with their unique powers, he vows to save his oppressed people and the two children kept from him.
Seven years later, Laura and Ben Fieldstone’s son is abducted and they are forced to trust a madman’s son who puts his life on the line to save them all. The enemy’s desire to own them—or destroy them—leads to a survival showdown.
Laura and Ben must risk everything to defeat a new nemesis that wants to rule the world with their son, and Caleb may be their only hope—if he survives. But must he sacrifice what he most desires to do so?
Enjoy this glimpse inside.
The man in black waited at the facility’s back door holding an envelope and a small bundle wrapped in a ragged towel. His long coat kept his muscular girth dry from the storm’s deluge. His wide-brimmed hat slung low over his jagged face, as water poured off its edge in a steady stream. This weather did not bother him. He waited patiently in the chilled spring night to deliver his packages and receive one in return. The door opened, spilling fluorescent light onto his feet. A plain-looking nurse held a crying bundle in her arms.
The man could hear the child’s bellowing cries coming from underneath the blanket covering it. She pushed the child into his arms as if eager to be rid of it. He reached down and hung his head lower, to shield the bundle from the rain and his own face from the glaring light. He took the bundle and handed the nurse his packages. The nurse grabbed the envelope but quickly placed the lump on the ground as if the contents were distasteful. The nurse began to close the door when he heard another far away cry.
The man wedged his foot in the door.
“What was that?” He had to nearly shout over the din of the rain.
“Nothing.” The nurse looked up.
The man risked looking her in the eye.
“The girl is in pain and won’t keep quiet.” She clutched the envelope and folded her arms across her sagging bosom.
“It sounded like another baby,” he said.
“It’s just the whimpering slut. Now she’s paid double for what she’s done.”
The nurse took a step back as if aware she had said too much already. She glared at him. “Now go on. You have what you wanted. And so do I.” She picked up the lump from the ground and shut the door in his face.
The man in black stood there for a long moment, considering the woman’s choice of words. He was sure he had heard another baby. What if another child had been delivered and the frigid woman and country doctor kept it secret? Fascinating. He decided to keep this information to himself. He would find the opportune time to use it. He was a patient man.
But first, he had to see for himself.
He peeled back the child’s bunting and looked for the first time into its yellow eyes. For that moment, the baby fell silent.
“Welcome to Earth X-10.”
The baby resumed its wailing.
The man turned with his noisy package and melted into the darkness satisfied, as the doctor had been, that the night’s events had provided him with more than he had asked for.
About A Human Element:
Evil comes in many forms…
One by one, Laura Armstrong’s friends and adoptive family members are being murdered, and despite her unique healing powers, she can do nothing to stop it. The savage killer haunts her dreams, tormenting her with the promise that she is next. Determined to find the killer, she follows her visions to the site of a crashed meteorite in her hometown. There, she meets Ben Fieldstone, who seeks answers about his parents’ death the night the meteorite struck. In a race to stop a madman, they unravel a frightening secret that binds them together. But the killer’s desire to destroy Laura face-to-face leads to a showdown that puts Laura and Ben’s emotional relationship and Laura’s pure spirit to the test. With the killer closing in, Laura discovers her destiny is linked to his, and she has two choices—redeem him or kill him.
Praise for the Element Trilogy:
“Unrelenting, devious but full of heart. Highly recommended.” —Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling author of Code Zero
“Chilling and dark…a twisty journey into another world.” —J.T. Ellison, New York Times bestselling author of When Shadows Fall
“Fascinating…a haunting story…”—Rebecca Cantrell, New York Times bestselling author of The World Beneath
Purchase the Element Trilogy on sale through December 15th.
Book 1 A HUMAN ELEMENT for $0.99
Book 2 A HIDDEN ELEMENT for $1.99
Author Donna Galanti

Donna Galanti is the author of the paranormal suspense Element Trilogy (Imajin Books) and the fantasy adventure Joshua and The Lightning Road series (Month9Books). Donna is a contributing editor for International Thriller Writers the Big Thrill magazine and blogs with other middle grade authors at Project Middle Grade Mayhem. She’s lived from England as a child, to Hawaii as a U.S. Navy photographer. She lives in Pennsylvania with her family in an old farmhouse that has lots of nooks and crannies, but sadly no ghosts. Visit her at and
Other books in the series.
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