Posts Tagged ‘angels’

Check out this awesome Cover Reveal organized by AToMR Tours



Title: Spirit (Elemental, #5)

Author: Shauna Granger

Release date: April 30, 2013

Genre: Urban Fantasy

YA/New Adult/Adult: YA/New Adult

Cover Design: Mooney Designs

Cover reveal organized by: AToMR Tours

Book Description:

Not even a guardian angel is more powerful than Death.

Always careful to watch out for others, Shayna put too much trust her abilities to keep herself safe and has been cut down by crazed man. Now she is trapped in the land of the dead, watching as her two best friends suffer the consequences of her death; their powers are fading and soon they will too. Shayna is desperate to return to the land of the living to save them from a similar, cold fate. To save her friends Shayna must turn away from the Light and, in doing so, sacrifice her wings.

But the longer Shayna stays among the dead, the further she slips from sanity. If Shayna cannot find her way back she will be condemned and lost forever among the restless souls of the dead. With nothing left to lose, she will do whatever it takes to fight her way back, with or without her wings.

 About the Author

 shaunagranger spirit cover reveal

Like so many other writers, Shauna grew up as an avid reader, it was in high school that she realized she wanted to be a writer. Five years ago Shauna started work on her Elemental Series and released the first installment, Earth, on May 1, 2011. When not reading and writing, Shauna enjoys cooking and playing hostess whenever she can.

Shauna Granger| Facebook| Twitter


Today is a BIG day! I’ve finally got Emily Guido as a guest on my blog. She’s here to tell you about her Hero, Tabbruis and all about Charmeine and The Light Bearer Series.

I’ll also being doing my review and there’s a Giveaway!

Make yourselves comfortable and enjoy the post. Got some yummy pictures too!

Charmeine (The Light-Bearer, #1)

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Dark to Light

He woke up centuries ago on a rock in the barren desert by Mt. Sinai. Screaming in agony, his body was twisted, burnt and broken. Miraculously, it healed within a few hours. Nothing made sense; Tabbruis had no recollection of how he got there or even who he was. It was like his consciousness was wiped clean.

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A shepherd boy, named Joseph found and befriended him.

Tabbruis understood the boy’s language and could speak it with a perfect dialect.

Joseph showed every kindness a poor shepherd boy could. He gave Tabbruis water, food and even let him wear his colorful robe when the temperature dropped at night.

However, the food did not sit very well on Tabbruis’ stomach.

After nightfall on the third day, marauders stampeded the humble camp stealing the sheep, goats, and Joseph! They were surprised to see Tabbruis come out of the make shift tent. Intent to help his new friend, he took off the colorful robe and started to fight.

Joseph cried out, “Help me! My brothers mean to kill me!”

Just then a man on a horse knocked Tabbruis down and picked up the coat laughing at his achievement. He ordered the men to retreat.

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Tabbruis was angry, and his blood boiled with vengeance. To his surprise, fangs poked through his gums making him shocked and senseless. The blood he tasted from the fangs fueled his anger. He ripped a man off his horse and tore through the skin with his bare hands. As the spray of the man’s jugular coated Tabbruis’ face, he could taste the blood, and it was nothing but exquisite to him. For sheer hunger, he leaned down and drank. The liquid ran over his tongue, and the lavish taste was sublime. Tabbruis pulled on the man’s blood until all of the life force was drained.

By then, the other marauders had left. He sat by the corpse with the sanguine liquid dripping down his jaw. With hunger, he relented to his base needs and cried out, “Blood! I need more…Blood!”

That night was the beginning of a dark age for Tabbruis. He began taking life at an enormous rate. His savagery was unparalleled. He travelled from the Sinai desert into the jungles of Africa on the trail of human blood. He found no matter what happened to him, he could not be killed. If he was injured in the battle to secure more blood, he eventually healed. His strength and speed were unbelievable. He could wrestle an elephant to the ground for play, walk, run, and swim great distances.

Tabbruis thought he was invincible!


On a dark day, reckoning came in an instant when Tabbruis saw a young girl crying over her mother and father he slaughtered in his unrelenting thirst for blood. The pitiful sight made him realize what his barbarism was doing to not only the victims but to their families.

Never having a family, he hung his head and loathed his hunger. Now, this little girl had no one, just like he had no one. The village people rushed Tabbruis and began to beat him. He refused to protect himself. He saw the little girl being scooped up by an elderly villager.

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A woman’s voice whispered in his ear to run. Tabbruis did not know who or what it was, but immediately escaped. The self-hatred he felt was overpowering. He began to rebuke himself, “Why am I like this? Why?”

Tabbruis turned and ran for days. When he reached the ocean, he swam until it had been days since he had taken a life. On the brink of death, he crawled from the shore and looked to the blue sky. With his emaciated and chapped lips, Tabbruis prayed, “God, I will never take a life again. I surrender to your will.”

Suddenly, he saw a lion which was surrounded in a bright light. The woman’s voice whispered in his ear, “Drink.” He rubbed his head thinking the light and voice was a dream. He slowly got up. With the last bit of strength in his famished body, Tabbruis ran after the lion. In ravenous hunger, he caught the lion, broke its neck, and drank the blood. His need and want was satisfied. From then on, he only fed from animals.


For centuries after that, Tabbruis was a private individual. Solitude was best for him as blood raced in his brain when he was around humans. The scent of blood and the rush it gave him to pierce the jugular was exquisite. However, it was always with a price of a severe self-loathing and self-hatred. His determination to abstain was strong, and he vowed not to take another human life for the pleasure of their blood. He drank donated blood only when big game was unavailable to hunt.

“Why am I drawn to the United States, why the East Coast?” he muttered. Tabbruis had just killed a big stag taking all the life from it and sat back looking at the night sky. Like a star crashing into the Earth, he had an empty and lost feeling. He had been isolated for so long by choice; he was unsure what to think of his recent compulsion to venture out to the United States. He looked at the moon and roared a guttural, “Why?” Desperation overtook him again, which was an old friend and mumbled, “Where else do you want to go?”

Feeling unfocused, Tabbruis wandered until it was close to dawn. He needed a shower and change of clothes. With speed and accuracy, he found his car parked off US Interstate 80 in northwest New Jersey by the exit for Sparta. He looked around to make sure he was not being watched and walked up to his car. He took out of the passenger side a thin black leather jacket which he promptly put on over his blood-stained shirt. He cleaned his hands and face with a wet-nap, then kicked the mud and leaves from his shoes.

Tabbruis slid behind the wheel of his Dodge Charger SRT8 with a 6.4-liter Hemi V-8 engine. His muscle car roared to life with a push of the ignition button. He enjoyed the luxury and power of 465 horses under his hands driving down the open road. This car was a joy to drive, and he freely admitted to being attached to the Charger. He babied and took care of it. In his mind, European sports cars had nothing over his monster Charger with a Hemi.

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Thousands of years being on Earth with superpowers and skill had made him independently wealthy. Usually, Tabbruis denied himself luxuries and ‘roughed it,’ as he would like to call it. Unlike power-hungry men of the Earth, he wanted to stay out of the spotlight. He had hidden money around the globe in all sorts of currency and commodities. Determined if he was going to be alone, he would have stability. However, he wanted to be far from suspicion and very much under the radar of governments and media.

Tabbruis saw a sign for a Baymont Inn ahead and a rest stop for gasoline. It was not the best place he ever stayed in, but the thought of taking a nice hot shower was appealing to him. Seldom did he sleep, but he liked to close his eyes and have the world go away. He rarely went out during the day and preferred the night. However, there was nothing stopping him from enjoying a nice sunny day if he wanted; he just liked the stillness and the tranquility of the night.

After check-in, Tabbruis went to his room. With a heavy sigh, he started to undress. He walked into the bathroom, turned on the shower, and closed the door to create a steam bath. While he was taking off his clothes, he looked in the mirror as it was fogging up.


Suddenly, he saw a shadow of a woman’s face. At first, he was anxious. After reaching out with his senses, Tabbruis knew it was just an effect the steam had on the glass. It was beautiful, airy and calm which radiated a translucent quality. The woman’s face had eyes which were deep and dark. He felt them looking straight into his soul.


Tabbruis was extremely fascinated and strangely attracted to the face. His weariness overcame him as he reached out to touch it and dissipated into a powdery puff of steam. He wanted to see her again and chuckled, “You are losing it man.” However, an overwhelming wave of loneliness came rolling down on him.

The shower ran over his aching muscles, and the hot water made him feel better. Nevertheless, when Tabbruis got into bed, he started to think about the apparition in the steam and could not sleep. He studied her for hours with his eyes closed. Suddenly, he was lost in a dream watching the shadowy vision. “What do you want?” he asked.

She smiled at Tabbruis, and he began to feel a heat inside of him.

He reached out but could not touch her. “Who are you? Where are you?”

She was perfect, and peace emanated from her with a charming smile and deep brown eyes. Her gaze was sensual.

His desire went to a fever pitch. With a start, he awoke with his body covered in sweat. He yearned and ached to feel her skin in his hands. Tabbruis closed his eyes willing himself to continue dreaming, but he was not able to go back to sleep. In frustration, he growled out loud madly, “Who are you?”


At sundown the next day, Tabbruis was getting ready to get back on the road. He looked out the window of the second floor of the hotel. Below, the cars were parked in their little lines of order. Above, the blazing sun was turning gold as it set on the horizon.

He wondered if going into the most populated city in the United States was best. An urge to go to New York City troubled him. He closed his eyes and sighed, “This is ridiculous. I should drive to JFK, and fly to Europe. I have to get out of here. I am going insane.”

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When Tabbruis looked up once more at the sun, the face appeared in the clouds drifting around the setting sun. He could not believe it and wiped his eyes. He gripped the window seal. Not understanding the reason why this was happening, he questioned out loud, “What does this mean?” He knew Blood-Hunters were not the only supernatural race on Earth. “Why did you make me come here?” All of a sudden, she seemed frightened. His grip on the window seal increased and some drywall came loose in his hands. Her eyes were open with terror, and he wanted to reach her. His abdominal muscles tensed and body trembled. She was screaming, but he could not hear it. Desperately, he asked, “What are you trying to tell me? I will help you. Where are you?” Every cell in his body wanted to rescue and comfort her. In addition, his eyes were focused on her perfect beauty.

Within a minute, the sun disappeared, and so did she. He hung his head and felt utterly alone like he had for his whole existence on Earth. But it was a different kind of loneliness. Now, Tabbruis felt like he was half and not whole. He yearned for something else other than the want of blood. It was the need to protect, touch, and hold her in his hands. Now, he could not do without her. Tabbruis had to find…the face.

My Review

One thing I can tell you is Emily writes from the heart. I felt everything she intended for me to feel. Her love for her characters blooms from the pages.

Charmeine is innocent, sweet, and generous. Don’t let that fool ya though. She has a stubborn streak and plenty of courage and grit.

Her history is sad. She was found wandering the streets with no memory of who she was. She was sent to an orpanage and eventually earned a degree and became a teacher. She’s lived a quiet life until now.

Now someone wants to kill her, and a mysterious stranger, one who she immediately feels connected to, is offering his protection.

Tabbruis is the epitome of alpha male. Drop dead gorgeous and determined. He has a past similar to Charmeine’s in that he had no memory before he woke up lying on a rock. He has regained his memory and knows he is a Blood Hunter, requiring the drinking of blood to survive.

He spent a long time living on the dark side, but has since come to the light. The night he rescued Charmeine, he sensed another Blood Hunter getting ready to kill, but before he arrived at the scene he saw a flash of light. When he got there, the Blood Hunter was stunned and a woman lay on the ground. When her gaze tilted up to his, he was shocked. It was the face from his dreams, the one that’s been haunting him.

together they escape the hunter and Tabbruis persuades her to stay under his protection. He will have to tell her what she is if she’s to survive what’s coming. She is a light-bearer!

“They are opposite of our species. Their mission is to eradicate us as our mission is to eradicate them.” The Elders believe the Earth is ours and not to be shared.

“Light cannot have dark and dark cannot have light Tabbruis.”

Tabbruis is torn. He’s supposed to kill a light-bearer on site, but she’s the woman from his dreams, the one that’s stirred emotions and longings in him he’s never before experienced. Now that he’s found her, he can’t let her go.

Tabbruis closed his eyes and quietly screamed a curse, “Oh God! Why? Why did I meet this woman and never have a possibility of being with her?”

It seems like their love for each other happens in a heartbeat, but not really. Tabbruis was in love with Charmeine long before he met her and a shared dream reveals to her they’ve been connected in the past.

This is a sweet romance. They are both giddy in love, acting almost like teen-agers and puppy love. It’s the first time  either has  felt these feelings and their attraction is sizzling.

When you read this book, when you read this series, let yourself go. Escape into their world and believe.

If you were fated (created) to be together, wouldn’t it stand to reason you’re love and passion for each other would be immediate? Your souls would be mated. You would be the only one for each other, like magnets. Together they are as one essential being.

Charmeine is a wonderful beginning to the story of Charmeine and Tabbruis. You really need to read Mactus and Accendo to get all that Emily offers. The three books were intended to be one big book. The next two really ramp up the action and there are some characters, good and bad, that I can’t wait for you to meet!

Quotes I Loved

“You quiet me and stir my passion all at the same time. ~ Tabbruis

“What do you feel Tabbruis?” Tabbruis swallowed very hard and said, brushing his fingers over her hair, “Happiness, Charmeine.”

Four Stars for Charmeine. I’m a sucker for forever love!



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About the Author:

EmilyGuido_AuthorPic_3Emily Guido is a new Paranormal Romance Author. She was inspired to start writing “Charmeine” because one day she got an idea of two characters that needed to have their story told. Not ever dreaming a week later she would have over a 100,000 words written. When Emily writes, it is similar to you or I watching a movie. She pictures the characters in her head going through vivid descriptions of each scene. There are so many nuances going through her mind that she cannot type fast enough.  The novels “Mactus,” “Accendo,” “Seditious,” and “Ransom,” are the continuation of the wonderful adventures of the inhabitants of The Castle Charmeine!

Emily is currently writing “Conundrum” the Sixth Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series” She is currently working at a College full time, and pursuing her Master of Business Administration.

YA, PNR, Paranormal Romance, Vampire, Angels, Action and Adventure, Historical

Notes to Reviewers and Readers: First, the Blood-Hunter race or Elders have been on Earth for thousands of years. Because of this, they do not use contractions like I’m, don’t or can’t. They communicate in a more refined way because of their age.

Second, there are several OLD editions out in circulation of my books. Please leave a review on the current edition. Please feel free to contact me, Emily, at to check the edition you have is the recent edition.

Where to find/follow Emily:






Charmeine” First Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series”

“Mactus” Second Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series”

“Accendo” Third Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series”




“The Light-Bearer Series”

Can romance develop between a Heavenly Light-Bearer and a Hellish Vampire Blood-Hunter?

“Charmeine” the First Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series,” was released January 2012.

Tabbruis is a Blood-Hunter, he drinks blood to survive. Over millennia Tabbruis has wandered the Earth alone aimlessly living through many historical events.

Charmeine just came to the Earth in 1997, unable to remember anything.

When Tabbruis meets Charmeine the attraction is immediate and passionate. They are polar opposites and clash together in a strongly romantic and dramatic way. When she meets Tabbruis, Charmeine’s powers as a Light-Bearer, one who throws lightning, is triggered and grows exponentially.

Will Charmeine and Tabbruis fulfill their destinies?   Will they realize their importance in both the Blood-Hunter and Light-Bearer world? 


Mactus (The Light-Bearer Series, Book 2)“Mactus” is the Second Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series.”  The romance and action develop and deepens between our two ill-fated lovers, Tabbruis and Charmeine.

“Mactus” means well-done in Latin, and as our Tabbruis and Charmeine proclaim their love for one another, they are reminded of the daunting task before them.  However, their union is joyous and very romantic.  

Tabbruis and Charmeine’s love deepens and grows stronger.  However, they are both thrown when Charmeine is revealed to be the Queen of Light and Tabbruis is the King of Darkness!

Their son, Shane, brings an addition to the family, his fiancée, Sandra Gomez!  She bonds with Charmeine and Tabbruis instantly.  Can Charmeine and Sandra work together to defend themselves from the powerful Elder Council Blood-Hunter Pascal’s attack?

“Mactus” is a romantic and exciting book is a page turner from the beginning to end! 


Accendo (The Light-Bearer Series Book 3)“Accendo” is the Third Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series.”  Reality knocks our two star-crossed lovers, Tabbruis and Charmeine into the now when they have to plan to battle the Evil Blood-Hunter Elder Council.

Charmeine is cut to the core because of Tabbruis’ lack of faith in her ability to lead.  Will their love survive?  Will their faith in each other be tested as they begin their new life together? 

Tabbruis and Charmeine find their close relationship is challenged with unbelief and lack of trust.  The battle to freedom from the Dark and Evil forces which Lucifer has let loose on the Earth is harder than Tabbruis and Charmeine ever imagined.

Their family also suffers a serious loss.  Can they recover and pick up the pieces?   “Accendo” is a romantic and exciting book is a page turner from the beginning to end!


SeditiousThe Fourth Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series” is “Seditious.”  This book is the continuation of Tabbruis and Charmeine’s romantic and turbulent love story and mission on Earth to battle Lucifer’s minions!

Tabbruis and Charmeine’s life at the ‘Castle Charmeine’ is blissful until reality of the ruling the Elder Council Blood-Hunters hits them in the face.

In “Seditious” Tabbruis and Charmeine find that their love is tested in the most heinous way possible. 

Then, as a one-two punch, Lord Cromwell, one of the most deadly and powerful Blood-Hunter ever has escaped the Elder Council Prison.  Lord Cromwell sends his beautiful agent to cause trouble for Tabbruis and Charmeine and wants something that they have!

Charmeine runs away from the ‘Castle Charmeine’ to forget the betrayal of her most beloved husband Tabbruis. 

Can Tabbruis win Charmeine back?  How can he make her understand?

Exciting all the way to the end!  “Seditious” will have you turning page after page in this story of passion, betrayal and seduction.

 “Seditious” the fourth novel, will have you riveted from the beginning.


5Ransom new cover“Ransom” is the Fifth Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series” Can Tabbruis convince Charmeine, his love and soul-mate to take him back?  Will Charmeine be able to forget the pain of the past?

Tabbruis and Charmeine take their new family on a much needed and impromptu vacation; however, there is always a twist and turn for them to recover from.

The children of Dmitri are growing up fast and there is an addition to the ‘Castle Charmeine’.

Lord Cromwell, plans a deadly attack on the ‘Castle Charmeine’ and he takes something precious to Charmeine.  However, he wants something in exchange.

Can Charmeine and her family battle this deadly adversary?

Tabbruis and Charmeine’s family bond together to fight Lord Cromwell and more surprises are in store for the star-crossed lovers, Tabbruis and Charmeine!

A must read for all who have read “Charmeine,” “Mactus,” “Accendo,” and “Seditious” in “The Light-Bearer Series.” However, “Ransom” can be a stand-alone novel in its own right!


“Conundrum,” soon to be released in early 2013 will undoubtedly have more of Charmeine and Tabbruis’ adventures along with their family!




“The Light-Bearer Series”

Emily is giving  6 eBooks to those who want them.

Book one, two or three!

ALL she asks is to read more than book one!!

To enter, please leave your email and answer this question,

“Have you ever felt an instant connection to someone?”

Giveaway ends Feb. 25th.

Thank you and Good Luck!

It’s wonderful to be a part of this cover reveal and giveaway organized by AToMR Tours

Check out this awesome cover for Found, The Crescent Chronicles #3, Alyssa Rose Ivey’s upcoming new release.


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Title: Found (The Crescent Chronicles, # 3)

Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

Expected release date:  Summer 2013

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Age Group: New Adult

Cover Designer: Once Upon a Time Covers;

Cover reveal organized by: AToMR Tours

Book Description:

Levi might be hot, strong, and have a cool set of wings, but it’s not enough to make up for keeping Allie in the dark.

Allie’s tired of being left with more questions than answers. She’s tired of loving a guy who refuses to level with her.  Most of all, she’s tired of her life spinning out of control.

Desperate to save Jess no matter the personal cost, Allie has to face the possibility that the only one she can trust is herself.


This is going to be a fun giveaway. The winner has their choice of one of these e-books by Alyssa Rose Ivy!

Entry is easy. Please leave your email address and answer this question, “Which book would you choose?”

Your choice is not final. You can change it if you win.

The Crescent Chronicles Series

Flight (The Crescent Chronicles, #1)  Focus (The Crescent Chronicles, #2)

The Clayton Falls Series

Derailed (Clayton Falls, #1)  Veer (Clayton Falls, #2)

The Afterglow Trilogy

Beckoning Light (The Afterglow Trilogy, #1)  Perilous Light (The Afterglow Trilogy, #2)  Enduring Light (The Afterglow Trilogy, #3)

You can find descriptions for all of these books here.

The author will provide winners with a Smashwords coupon to receive the book.

Giveaway ends Feb. 7, 2013.

All  winners will be sent to the author at one time after Feb. 11th. The coupon code will come in your email from the author. It may take a few days.

About the author

Alyssa Rose Ivy

Alyssa Rose Ivy is a Young Adult and New Adult author who loves to weave stories with romance and a southern setting. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. After years as a perpetual student, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children, and she can usually be found with a cup of coffee in her hand.

Author contacts





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I’m so happy to be a part of this cover reveal organized by AToMR Tours

Woman in fairy forest

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Title:  Awaken (Patronus, #1)

Author:  Sarah M. Ross

Original release date: January 27, 2012

Age Group and Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy/Paranormal

Cover Designer:  Donna Dull of Sharp Cover Designs;

Cover reveal organized by: AToMR Tours

Links to find the book if available:


AWAKEN is on sale for .99! Go here to get yours.

Book Description:

Lucy Donovan was supposed to have a weekend of fun in the sun, celebrating her upcoming graduation from college. In a split second, everything changed. A drunk driver ended Lucy’s mortal life. Lucy opens her eyes to a world she never imagined possible and a new destiny: as a Patronus, a guardian of spirits. Adjusting to her new role and abilities while negotiating this confusing realm will test her limits and push her further than she ever dreamed she would go. From wayward spirits who don’t want her help to soul stealing vampires, and even a stuck-up British royal, Lucy must brave them all to save one spirit she can’t bear to lose. Further complicating her confusing life is an inexplicable yet growing connection she feels to a member of her team, Max, whose mysterious behavior leaves her both confused and intrigued. Waking up dead was just the beginning of her problems. Lucy’s death is about to become the greatest adventure of her life.

About the Author

Author Pic for awaken

I started my obsession with reading at an early age, getting in trouble for sneaking BabySitter Club and Nancy Drew books into math class in elementary school. I would read any fiction book I could get my hands on. I knew it was an addiction when instead of grounding me from TV or music, my mom would take away my books as punishment (The Horror!). My love of all things paranormal was inspired by my good friend Laurie, who convinced me that books with vampires, witches, and all things shifter were amazing. After a little reluctance, I gave it a shot with the Sookie Stackhouse books, realized she was right, and the rest was history.
I grew up in Pittsburgh, graduated from The University of Pittsburgh with my degree in English, and taught 8th graders to love reading as much as I do for several years. I will always be a proud member of the Steelers Nation, but I couldn’t take the cold and moved my frozen tush to Florida where I now live with my family and two cats. You will find me now with my trusty Kindle in hand and toes in the sand!

Sarah M. Ross| Facebook| Twitter

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Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.

Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page.
•Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
My teaser for today is from MACTUS, Book Two of The Light Bearer Series by Emily Guido
Mactus (The Light-Bearer, #2)
Dmitri cried out, “The Prophecy says the Queen of Light will sit on the throne, the King of Night will fight as her champion, and their family will rule the Elders with truth, wisdom and justice!”
Go here to learn more about the author and The Light Bearer Series
Somehow this got unpublished, sorry it’s late!


To join in, copy and paste these rules and the above banner into your Fanged Mania post and add your link to this week’s Fanged Mania post at Elisabeth Wheatley’s Blog. Fanged Mania is a Friday meme counting down to the release of Fanged Princess and displaying all things vampire and awesome. Fanged Mania posts can be a review of a vampire book, a quote from the latest Vampire Diaries episode, a showcase of a cool vampire book’s cover, or whatever you like so long as it is vampire related. Don’t forget, participants will be entered in the drawing to win a fanged-abulous prize pack!

The prize pack I mentioned includes Vampire Diaries and Breaking Dawn posters as well as a paperback copy of Erica Steven’s Captured (my review here) and the complete collection of The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter stories by Jennifer Malone Wright, in paperback, too! =D

Oh, and the contest is international. And the more Fanged Mania posts you have, the more entries you get! So what are you waiting for? Hop on the bandwagon!

My Fanged Mania post is going to be about The Light Bearer Series. Emily Guido has written a wonderful series.

The Light-Bearer Series by Emily Guido

Charmeine: Book One

Charmeine (The Light-Bearer, #1)

Now available. Click here to purchase.

Can romance develop between a heavenly Light-Bearer and a hellish vampire Blood-Hunter?

Tabbruis is a Blood-Hunter, he drinks blood to survive. Over millennia Tabbruis has wandered the Earth alone aimlessly living through many historical events.

Charmeine just came to the Earth in 1997. Little did she know her destiny was to be Queen of all the Light-Bearers?

When Tabbruis meets Charmeine the attraction is immediate and passionate. They are polar opposites and clash together in a strongly romantic and dramatic way. When she meets Tabbruis, Charmeine’s powers as a Light-Bearer, one who throws lightning, is triggered and grows exponentially.

Charmeine and Tabbruis soon find out they were made by God for each other; however, on the day God cast Lucifer out of Heaven, they were split up by some mistake. Charmeine sacrificed herself to save her Tabbruis but they were sent to Earth as total opposites and in different times. Tabbruis never remembered Heaven, Charmeine or their child. Until he met Charmeine, he did not know he was the King of Darkness and destined to be her Husband on Earth as he was in Heaven.

Once Tabbruis and Charmeine proclaim their love for one another, they have to battle their way to freedom from the evil forces on Earth.

MACTUS: Book Two

Mactus (The Light-Bearer Series, Book 2)

Now available. Click here to purchase.

As Charmeine and Tabbruis unite to proclaim their love for one another it becomes apparent that a new and dark task has presented itself for the lovers to overcome. Even with the beautiful union between Tabbruis and Charmeine, destiny will surely reveal itself.

Being the Queen of Light, Charmeine is fated to bring light and love into the world, but yet her personal life can in no way interfere. Devoted to Tabbruis and her son Shane, it is all she can do to focus only on them. As the rule of engagement commences, she must first step up to the plate and bring forth a change that will only start an endless feud that has already been acclaimed centuries into existence.

As King of Darkness, Tabbruis has been placed in his position for a purpose. His love for Charmeine has only brought peace and clarity to his existence. With his family now back together, he must now stand against his own kind, not only to protect what is right but also to protect the world from the impending darkness.

Family bonds only strengthen the ties. Shane introduces his proclaimed love into the picture and in a jaw dropping course of events love is tested and the family is torn apart. They say that love can span the planes of existence, but can this family hold tight until the end and keep it together just long enough to face forces of darkness that is so hell-bent on destroying the world?

Carly Ann Wallace Acclaimed Author of “Southern Summer” and “Concrete Angel

ACCENDO: Book Three

Accendo (The Light-Bearer Series Book 3)

Now available. Click here to purchase.

Reality throws our star-crossed lovers, Tabbruis and Charmeine, for a spin as they now are faced with the evil lurking at their door step. Family must hold strong or pay the ultimate price.

Charmeine must choose to prove her strength and strive for her destiny or watch her entire life crumble around her. Lost in painful emotions, Charmeine has to sort out her husband’s wavering faith in her and her abilities. Trust can build nations as lack of trust can only bring down the world of one unsuspecting heart.

Rekindled love between Charmeine and Tabbruis has been tried and tested and now will become the support beam for the next revelation. With the most powerful evil knocking at their door, Charmeine and her family now will be tested like never before. Will faith and love will hold it together? Unimaginable forces are to be fought with the Elder Council, hunting not only Charmeine but Tabbruis as well. He broke the rules and now must pay the ultimate price for allowing the Queen of Light to live.

A tragic loss sends a shock wave of pain and sorrow through the family. When everyone thought it couldn’t get any worse it unobjectively does but there is always a silver lining. With enough faith in their family, secrets begin reveal a new dawn for Charmeine and her family. New days are coming and a fresh start is on the horizon.



The Fourth Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series” is “Seditious.”  This book is the continuation of Tabbruis and Charmeine’s romantic and turbulent love story and mission on Earth to battle Lucifer’s minions! Tabbruis and Charmeine’s life at the ‘Castle Charmeine’ is blissful until reality of the ruling the Elder Council Blood-Hunters hits them in the face. In “Seditious” Tabbruis and Charmeine find that their love is tested in the most heinous way possible. Then, as a one-two punch, Lord Cromwell, one of the most deadly and powerful Blood-Hunter ever has escaped the Elder Council Prison.  Lord Cromwell sends his beautiful agent to cause trouble for Tabbruis and Charmeine and wants something that they have! Charmeine runs away from the ‘Castle Charmeine’ to forget the betrayal of her most beloved husband Tabbruis. Can Tabbruis win Charmeine back?  How can he make her understand?

RANSOM” Book Five

Ransom (The Light-Bearer, #5)

“Ransom” is the Fifth Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series” which is the continuation of Tabbruis and Charmeine’s romantic and turbulent love story and mission on Earth to battle Lucifer’s minions!

Tabbruis and Charmeine’s life at the ‘Castle Charmeine’ is blissful until the reality of ruling the Hellish Blood-Hunters’ Elder Council hits them in the face.  Then, as a one-two punch, Lord Cromwell, one of the most deadly and powerful Blood-Hunters on Earth has escaped the Elder Council Prison! Lord Cromwell sends a beautiful agent to cause trouble for Tabbruis and Charmeine! He also desperately wants something Tabbruis has!

There are more surprises in store for the inhabitants of the ‘Castle Charmeine’.

Will Tabbruis and Charmeine, two star-crossed and ill-fated lovers ever be at rest? Could this mean the end of harmony for Tabbruis and Charmeine’s family?

CONUMDRUM the sixth book in the series coming in 2013.



I will be posting my reviews for Charmeine and Mactus in January. Emily will be stopping by to tell you about Tabbruis and we are cooking up a surprise! Stay tuned.

I’m loving this series. Not only do we get to watch the characters grow, we also get to see Emily’s writing evolve as she writes her series.

About Emily Guido

Image of Emily Guido

Emily Guido is a very New Paranormal Romance Author.  She was inspired to start writing “The Light-Bearer Series” because one day she got an idea of two characters of light and dark who needed to have their epic romance story told.  Not ever dreaming a week later she would have over a 100,000 words written.  When Emily writes, it is similar to you or I watching a movie.  She pictures the characters in her head going through vivid descriptions of each scene.  There are so many nuances going through her mind that she cannot type fast enough. She has written five  novels, “Charmeine” “Mactus” “Accendo” “Seditious” and “Ransom”  The sixth novel in “The Light-Bearer Series.” is entitled “Conundrum” and will be released early 2013.

Where to find/follow Emily:





I  love this book. I have hosted two giveaways, done an interview with Danielle, gave it a Beyond 5 Stars rating and review, and now I get to tell you about this amazing deal.

For the next two weeks, Wormwood is on sale for 99 cents !


Against a devastated landscape, a legion of one hundred fierce half-angels is hell-bent on purging the Earth of all humans. But one of them, the tormented Tiamat, struggles against his mission, and when he rescues a beautiful woman named Kali, he finds the attraction as troubling as it is miraculous. Can Kali trust the one creature who could be responsible for her ultimate demise? Beautifully written and excitingly told, Wormwood creates a world that is as strange as it is compelling. Filled with brilliantly executed twists and turns on every page that are guaranteed to keep you guessing, Wormwood is one of the most exciting debuts of the year.

You can read my review and interview with DH Nevins here.

Check out this awesome Wormwood book trailer!



Danielle just reduced Wormwood’s price to 99 cents on both



in appreciation of all the lovely comments from  her readers. We had such a huge response to the giveaways and review post and I agree with Danielle that it was very special.  Just click on the links to get your copy! Here’s to ya’ll!

D. H. Nevins was born in Toronto and currently lives in a relatively remote area of Ontario, surrounded by forests and lakes. By day she is a personable, friendly school teacher. By night, she silently chuckles as she writes about angels destroying the world. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys hiking, camping, flying around on her motorcycle or dabbling in live theatre.

She loves to connect with others and can be contacted or followed a number of ways:





Another giveaway! I loved this book so much I asked the author if I could do another giveaway. And she said YES!!


Read my review

The first chapter introduces you to Kali. She is a trail guide at Pinecrest National Park. A quiet hike up to her favorite spot, Lookout Peak, starts out normally enough, but a light breeze quickly becomes a tree snapping gale. The once clear skies have turned a heavy grey-black, the clouds tumbling over each other as they race towards her.

This would not be so bad if the woods had not suddenly gone silent. Not a sound could be heard. The winds had stopped and all was still. Not even a bird song was heard. Into this silence came a rumbling that turned into a roar. The ground began to vibrate under her feet and she could see something was coming. The trees started to shake and then to fall, the ground began to roll. Kali ran.

The earth twists and buckles as she tries to reach the safety of Lookout Peak.  Trees and shrubs reach out as if to grab her. She sees her goal and rushes forward. Stillness. All around her the earth is raging. Great rents appear, lava flows up from below, the skies open up and rain and hail lash down, but from her vantage point all she feels is a mild tremor under her feet. How can this be?

Kali wants to move out from under the overhanging rocks and edges around them to a clear space. The rocks could fall at any moment.  There is a campfire burning. She is not alone up here. A quick look around reveals a figure standing on the cliffs edge, his arms stretched out towards the devastation that is still raging below.


I tell ya, I was not prepared for this.  I was exhausted from the tension I experienced following Kali’s mad dash to safety. My description is just a wee bit of what she goes through.

I am so excited just thinking about what I want to tell you. This happened and that happened! And what? I have never read a story quite like this. There is so much going on. The story raced to its conclusion, leaving me stunned.

At times I was scared. Other times I was so mad. And at one part, I realized I was crying, and it hurt.

D. H. Nevins has written a fantastic story of the end of the world and the last survivors. Perhaps this description is too simple, but I hesitate to tell much of the story. I want you to read it like I did. Unprepared and wide-eyed.  I want you to get to know each character and discover just what is really causing all the destruction.

I hope when you read Wormwood, you’ll tell me how it made you feel. Did you experience it like I did?

A huge Thank You to the author for an extremely well written story in which to immerse myself.

Beyond 5 STARS Still feeling it!

For my full review and interview with DH Nevins go here

Check out this amazing trailer!


Giveaway details

I have one paperback and 2 e-book copies of Wormwood to giveaway!

To enter, please leave your email address and answer this question: Do you believe in angels?

Bonus: For another chance to win Wormwood, check out Sherry’s post here.

Giveaway ends September 30th.

Not required, but you would make my day if you followed my blog and twitter.

If you like this post, make me smile and hit that Like and Tweet button:

You can find DH Nevins here:





About the Author

D.H. NevinsD.H. Nevins was born in Toronto and currently lives in a quiet area of Ontario, surrounded by forests and lakes. By day, she is a personable, friendly school teacher. By night, she silently chuckles as she writes about destroying the world. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys hiking, camping, flying around on her motorcycle or dabbling in live theatre.

You can purchase Wormwood by clicking on the image below

   Title: Awakening
Author: Mary Abshire
It was a great pleasure to read Awakening and I want to tell a little bit about the book and why I really enjoyed reading it.
One thing I find myself doing is forgetting to comment on the cover art for the book. I love the cover of Awakening. What do you think?



The Awakening

The Awakening

Description from Goodreads

She’s the only one of her kind. And she doesn’t even know her name.

Two investigators–one human, one vampire–find a young woman among a mass of dead bodies. She has no memories, and nothing but her clothes, two receipts and a mysterious dagger carved with the initials “SB”.

As she seeks her identity, SB realizes she’s unlike any other creature in the world, making her the most valuable person on the planet. And the most wanted.

I will warn you that there is strong language, violence and graphic sex in this book.

My thoughts

I don’t feel that the description for this book does it justice. When I read about her lost memories I thought, :Here we go again”. But I sure changed my tune when I got into the book.

First off , let me introduce you to the characters, at least the main ones.

Boss. That’s right. Just plain old Boss. He is the leader of the investigative group. He is the vampire and a sexy one at that. I like his need for privacy, but he has some trust issues. I guess I would be that way too if I had to deal with demons, vamps, Fae, werewolves, shifters and half-breeds.

Jonas. He is Boss’s right hand man and a human. A super human really. He has lived a lot longer than a normal human could, because Boss  injects his blood into him once a year to stop the aging process and allow Jonas to heal quickly and survive some horrific injuries. Their job is dangerous and can be deadly.

Tabby is a shapeshifter and a really sweet girl. She keeps the guys in line and does the mundane tasks in order to free up time for the others, and her shifting abilities come in handy. I enjoy the banter between her and Jonas. They are like brother and sister, baiting each other but also defending each other.

Then there is SB. Who is she? No one knows, yet.  I did discover what she is. Part demon, part vamp, part human and part angel. Wow, what a mix. At first she doesn’t believe she is a vamp, and can’t contemplate being one.

“Maybe I was special. A few things I knew for sure, (1) I wasn’t a killer, (2) I didn’t recall drinking blood, ever, and (3) I had yet to feel any sharp teeth. Weren’t vampires supposed to have fangs and lust after blood?”

She is in denial.

“The pain in my gut rose and died in spurts. For all I knew, the ache could’ve been for human food, or maybe I had an ulcer. Hell, maybe my period was due. God, I hope not.”

Then she got a good look at herself.

“For the first time I saw myself. I had jet-black hair with red streaks, and pallid skin like Boss’s. I had a small nose and light purple lips that needed a red tint. Enlarged pupils hid the true color of my eyes. The large centers reminded me of boss’s. My God, I was a vampire.”

“Jackson strolled in with a pleasant grin on his face. He looked just as sexy in casual clothes, T-shirt and jeans, as he did in uniform. His large muscles stood out, calling to women and intimidating men. My pulse spiked, watching his robust body move and briefly recalling his nakedness. I licked my lips. Yes, he was divine.”
Jackson is a cop and showed up when something bad was about to happen to SB. Not wanting to ruin his uniform, he stripped down and changed to wolf form. When he tackles SB, he changes back and is laying on top of her naked. He is not the least bit shy and she gets an eyeful. A funny first meeting.
See, I told ya. There is a heck of a lot going on in Awakenings and I really enjoyed myself. The ending answers all of my important questions and is quite satisfying, while making me want to know more.  I wonder if there will be more new supernatural creatures in the next book? The gargumen are truly nasty.
This book deserves my five stars and then some. I was pulled in from the opening scene and by Chapter 2 I was already getting a feel for the characters – engaging with and liking them.
The world Mary builds is believable and exciting, with some pretty nasty beings thrown in to add a good scare. You are going to like this book. I sure did. Can’t you tell?
About Mary Abshire
She lives with her daughter in Indianapolis, Indiana. She works as a government employee, but her real passion is writing.
In her free time, she creates worlds with dark, mysterious and dangerous creatures. Yes, there are noble and brave ones too.
To learn more about Mary and her books: