Anthony Renfro is at it again.
He has three of his short horror stories free on Amazon today!
Come on in and check out Need To Feed and Killer Treads, plus his newest release, SHe.
If you ever wanted to read about Vampires who stalk you in the daylight, a monster who attacks only women, or a treadmill that thirsts for blood then today is your day. – Anthony Renfro
Need To Feed

My Review
Three great things in one story.
It’s a supernatural western setting.
There are vampires that hunt by day.
And werewolves that shift at sunrise.
All of these combined to make one rollicking bloody read.
Saltwater Junction, Northern California.
The night of the full moon.
Tomorrow they come. Like they do once every year.
The sheriff gathers the town folk and they get the town ready for the morning.
The werewolves will attack at dawn.
The vampires soon after.
This year will be different.
This year they will win.
No more men lost to the werewolves.
No more women and children bled out by the vampires.
If…. If the people do what the sheriff says. If they stand and fight. If…
I loved this idea. Instead of the moon and darkness being these monsters strengths, it’s sunrise and daylight.
You’d think it would be easier for the people to fight them, easier to survive.
Not so. The werewolves are numerous, mindless, feeding machines. The vampires are cunning, swift, and organized.
Right from the opening scene when the sheriff had a shootout with the Lizard brothers, I knew I was in for something different.
I’d love to see this as a movie. I almost could as the author did an excellent job describing the scenes and characters. My wish is he’d write more about this town and it’s characters. It ended too soon for me.
5 Stars
How terrified would you be if vampires stalked you in daylight or werewolves changed with the sunrise?
The Old West town of Saltwater Junction is about to find out again what that terror is all about.
Get your free copy at the links below.
Example from Need to Feed:
Dawn’s light was on the horizon.
A foul crispness filled the morning air, as the Vampires stood in a dusty patch of Earth, and stared off in the direction of Saltwater Junction.
These creatures stood about seven feet tall on thick muscular tree trunk sized legs. They wore dark pants over these legs and no shoes on their big ugly grey skinned feet. Claws hung off the ends of their toes like talons. Nothing covered their ripped and muscular grey skinned upper body. Their heads were bald, their fangs long and white, and their eyes were red and glowing. They had two pointy bat-like ears standing out on either side of their head, and this gave them superior immortal hearing.
On leashes at their sides, like dogs, were mutated human beings. They were shackled around the neck with big red collars that had metal loops on the end of them. Attached to these loops were leather lines that led up to the Vampire’s right or left hand. These mutated humans were on all fours with wide hypnotized eyes, foaming mouths, and bruised flesh. They were naked, and the punishment they had endured to become what they now were was clearly evident. Whipping scars covered them from head to toe.

My Review
It stalks the night in Tampa Bay.
Takes what it needs from women.
The taking kills them.
Just what is this monster?
I can’t tell you that.
I can say that it’s so evil, so deadly, and so bizarre.
Anthony took it to a new level with his newest monster.
When you find out what it takes, what it can do, what it is, you won’t believe it.
And neither will Detective Roberts.
A dash of horror that will shock you. It left me grinning. I loved how twisted and original it was.
4 Stars
A short story about a monster who stalks the city of Tampa Bay. This monster is only attacking women, taking only the one thing it needs. Tim Roberts, a detective, is hot on this monster’s trail. Will he catch this monster in time or will this monster feed until it has its fill? Be careful Tim, this monster has a secret yet to be revealed.
Get your free copy at the links below.
Killer Treads

My Review
Hey, look at that. A tread mill, like new, for only twenty bucks. What a steal.
He’s been meaning to get in shape, get rid of that spare tire around his middle.
He should have slowed down, caught the warning signs that something was seriously wrong with the deal. Not been so impulsive.
Alas, it’s too late now, and the deal is going to cost him much more than cold hard cash.
This story teaches you to never buy something when the deal seems too good to be true.
Kind of fun, kind of gory, and I liked it.
3 Stars
(Revised and Updated: 2015)
A short story about a man who sees a flashy ad online advertising a twenty dollar treadmill. He buys the machine, too cheap to be scared, and realizes much to his dismay that this machine has a taste for blood. Big Bob better run like his life depends on it, because in many ways it does.
Get your free copy at the links below.
Example from Killer Treads:
A face appeared on the video monitor. It wasn’t demonic or evil-looking, just a plain computer generated male face was all that it was. It had two eyes, two ears, a nose, mouth, and no hair. It had no body attached to it, just a free-floating head in the middle of the video screen.
The floating head looked at Bob. “Get on, take a spin. I’ll make you thin.”
Bob looked down at the face, as his ratty tee-shirt and sweat pants evaporated. In a flash, they were replaced with a shiny new set of running clothes. Wick away shirt, keeps you cool and dry. Running shorts that fit much like swimming trunks, net in the middle to hold your junk in place. Moisture controlling socks and a perfectly fitting pair of new running shoes. To top it off, a head band decided to rest itself around the top of Bob’s head. He was now suited up and ready to run.
The black belt on the treadmill started to move, rolling gently from top to bottom, inviting him to step up and get started.
“That’s it Bob, come along for the ride, take your stride,” the floating head replied, smiling up at him.
Caution, hello, caution! I don’t know about you guys reading this, but if a machine appeared in your garage, and started talking to you in rhyme, don’t you think you might run for the door or at least not climb on when it asked you to?
Coming Soon.
13 short stories of terror.
13 short stories that will have you reaching for the nightlight.

Thanks for the scares Anthony.
Keep them coming!