Posts Tagged ‘books to read again’

Every now and then I like to go back and reread a book. Especially ones I loved. I find that I discover something new no matter how many times I’ve read the book. Just like when I watch a good movie again.  I also discovered that I don’t always enjoy some books as much the second time around. Usually this occurs with ones I read some time ago.

When I feel a reading slump coming on or I just can’t decide what to read next ( me being lazy) I stand in front of my book shelf that holds all of my most favorite books and choose one to read again. It allows me to just relax and enjoy the story instead of always thinking about the review that needs to be written after finishing a new one.

Here are some I have stacked and ready to read again over the summer. I’m sure I’ll be adding more to this. My son spied me standing, staring at my books, and thought something was wrong with me. I had this seriously screwed up look, he said. I told him that’s my I’m thinking face. He said I looked like I was in pain. I know I mentioned rereading a favorite is relaxing, but not choosing which one. LOL


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Most of these are a series and I’ll read every one. I do love to binge a series!


What about you. Do you read a book more than once?  Do you have a go to book that you read many times? And why do you reread a book?


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