Posts Tagged ‘Carlie MA Cullen’

I’m so excited! Carlie M.A. Cullen is going to be my very first guest post!

Please make her feel welcome on this stop in her Heart Search Blog Tour!

For today Carlie has given us one of her Short Stories.

Take her away Carlie.

A Mirror Never Lies

Elena delved into her bag, grabbed her new glitter lip gloss and walked over to the mirror to apply it. She loved Fridays; clubbing with the girls was a weekly ritual. As she looked at her image, it appeared hazy around the edges. Raising her left hand, she stroked it down her sleek hairstyle to smooth it, but it made no difference to her reflection.

Elena reached for a tissue, moved closer and polished the mirror with it, removing a fine layer of dust. When she finished she stepped back and looked once more. Her eyes narrowed, furrows creased between her brows and her lips pursed; if anything her image was more blurred than before.

Walking from the bedroom Elena crossed the hall and entered the bathroom. She moved over to the mirror above the basin and studied her reflection. A gasp rocketed from her lips – not only were the edges fuzzy, her image had an ethereal quality. “What the hell?” The lip gloss slipped from her fingers and clattered on the porcelain as the blood in her veins turned to ice. Countless emotions trampled through her head like a stampeding herd.

Squeezing her eyes tightly together, she willed everything to be normal again. Elena slowly opened her eyes and looked at herself; there was less substance to the vision than before, it was as if she were fading away before her very eyes. She shook her head in denial. Somebody had to be playing a joke on her – surely.

Elena turned away. She left the room, ran downstairs and into the lounge, stopping in front of the large ornate mirror that had once belonged to her grandmother. No-one would dare mess with this mirror, she thought, then slowly raised her eyes to gaze on her countenance. “NO!” The word exploded from her lips. She dropped her face into her hands and turned away, but what she saw seared into her brain like a branding iron.

She stumbled across the room and flopped onto the sofa. Her eyes pricked with tears she could not shed and shivers coursed through her limbs. Her breath hitched in her throat, a sob shattered the silence. Elena inhaled deeply; it felt wrong somehow, but she began to drift toward calm. She steeled herself. She needed to find an explanation for why her latest reflection was so transparent she could see objects through the image.

A thought popped unbidden into her mind; was this strange phenomena connected to the enigmatic stranger she met at the club last Friday? She struggled to recall the events of the evening…

She remembered dancing with a gorgeous hunk, who had the most mesmerising eyes she’d ever seen, before leaving the club with him. He walked her home and arranged to meet the following evening. Stefan was a perfect gentleman; they went for a drive in the country arriving at a small wood with a lovely clearing edged with flowers. Stefan had spread a blanket on the grass and pulled out a picnic hamper containing various delicious pastries and a bottle of red wine.

Elena couldn’t recall him eating anything, but they consumed the delicious honeyed wine and opened a second bottle. He was good company and had an olde worlde charm. Their first kiss had been passionate yet sweet, as were the ones that followed. It was strange – she couldn’t remember the drive home – her next memory was waking the following morning.

She had seen Stefan the next night; he came to her house and brought more of the delectable wine. His kisses that night were so deep, so ardent, the spirit of his desire mingled with hers yet he remained a gentleman, leaving her wanting more.

Wednesday evening Stefan came over, again armed with the same wine. His embrace left her breathless as his lips travelled from her wrist to her shoulder, across her collarbone, up her neck and across to meet hers. Strangely, Elena couldn’t remember much else about that night. She did remember the light hurt her eyes the next morning, sending shooting pains through her head and compelling her to wear sunglasses all day for two days running. Yet now the day had drifted into dusk, her eyes were fine.

Elena pondered. Did Stefan have anything to do with this? A chuckle escaped her lips – how could he? He hadn’t done anything to her except kiss her. She stood and crossed to the mirror once more. She inhaled sharply. All she could see was the room reflected back and no sign of her at all.

A faint brush of fabric sounded in her ears and she whirled around. A startled cry rushed from her throat; Stefan stood behind her, a gentle smile gracing his lips. He opened his arms and drew her to him, enveloping her in his tight embrace. Elena snuggled into him as a sense of peace rolled through her.

“Oh, Stefan, I’ve been so scared. I don’t understand what’s happening to me,” her soft voice calmer than the words belied.

Hush, darling, you are with me now . . . forever.”

Thanks so much for sharing this with us Carlie. It’s a perfect pick to go along with your tour!

Don’t be late for the party! To find the complete tour list and catch all of the reviews, interviews, excerpts and a huge giveaway go here !

Carlie M A Cullen was born in London. She grew up in Hertfordshire where she first discovered her love of books and writing. She has been an administrator and marketer all her working life and is also a professional teacher of Ballroom and Latin American dancing.

Carlie has always written in some form or another, but Heart Search: Lost is her first novel. This is being launched 8th October 2012 through Myrddin Publishing Group and work has started on book two: Heart Search: Found. She writes mainly in the Fantasy/Paranormal Romance genres for YA, New Adult and Adult.

Carlie is also a professional editor.

Carlie also holds the reins of a writing group called Writebulb. Their first anthology was published September 2012.

Carlie currently lives in Essex, UK with her daughter.

You can purchase your copy of Heart Search (Book One: Lost) by clicking the links below.

Amazon US

Amazon UK

Welcome back to the blog tour! As I promised. It’s time for my review of Heart Search. There’s so much to tell you.

Heart Search: Lost (Heart Search, #1)

Only two weeks until the wedding. Joshua is anticipating Remy’s return tomorrow. This is the first time they’ve really been apart and he is looking forward to holding her in his arms again.

While walking through the country park, Joshua spies a secluded bench and stops to rest for a bit. The next thing he knows, it’s dark out and the park gates are locked. He’ll have to sleep in his car until the park rangers open up in the morning.

Remy disembarks from the plane and searches the crowd for Joshua.  Her heart leaps when she meets his warm gaze. Rushing to him, she’s crushed in his embrace. His enthusiastic kisses turn painful and sensing Remy’s discomfort, he apologizes for getting carried away.

After a passionate night of lovemaking, Remy awakens to unusual soreness. Her reflection in the mirror shows bruises all up and down her body. After the way they pounced on each other last night, she figures they both got a little crazy after two weeks apart. Then it happens again, only this time she has scratches and abrasions all over and she’s stiff and achy.

When Joshua sees what he’s done, he’s shattered. He would never hurt Remy. Why is this happening? Remy assures him she’s okay but Joshua won’t be consoled. He rushes out the front door, calling to Remy that he loves her and he’s sorry.

With little time to worry about Joshua’s sudden departure, Remy heads off to work. When she returns home later, she senses something is not right. She spots the letter on the table. She reaches for it with shaking hands, fearing what’s inside.  It’s goodbye. Calling himself a monster and a danger to her, Joshua has left, never to return. She races through their home and sure enough, all of his clothes and toiletries are gone.

Her world crumbles and she faints.  Some time later she awakens and finds the strength to call her twin sister Becky, who rushes right over. Becky consoles her through the long night.

By morning, Becky has a plan of action. She knows how much Remy and Joshua love each other and she urges Remy to fight for that love, to find Joshua and bring him home. It sounds like a good plan, but Remy has no way of knowing how long it will take, and what surprises lie in store on her path.

All Joshua knew was he couldn’t stay with Remy any longer. He was a danger to her.  Stopping at a rest area to collect himself after his emotional departure from what was once home, he starts to remember some of that day in the park. He’d donated blood and taken a peaceful walk in the park, resting on the park bench for a bit. He’d awakened in the dark, the arm he’d donated with hurting more than it should.  He peeled back the bandage to see not one, but two punctures.

He’d noticed changes in himself, many changes, but his conclusions about them couldn’t possibly be right. He goes to an internet cafe, goes on-line , finds the site he is searching for and compares his notes about his changes to what is listed on the web page.

Eyes sensitive to light, especially the sun

Skin much paler than normal

Incisors much sharper and more pointed

Eye colour changing

Excellent night vision

Normal food makes me sick

Prefer uncooked or barely cooked meat

Hearing so much sharper

Much stronger

He laid the pen next to the keyboard, put his hand on the mouse and moved it to click on another page. Cross-referencing the information on the screen with the list he had compiled, a new understanding swept over him, a huge wave crashing onto a cliff face in a storm. Now he knew what he was becoming . . . a vampire.

And this is just the beginning of Remy and Joshua’s story.

My heart went out to Remy. I’ve had my heart broken before and it still hurts when I think about it, even though it was long ago. She cries at the drop of a hat. Anything can set her off, which I find very believable.  Her decision to fight for Joshua, to hit the road and find him, bring him home, is quite brave. Remy drives from town to town, checking all of the places where he could be staying.  Soon the search starts to break her down. Each negative response she gets when she inquires as to whether they have seen him, is another dagger to her weary heart. But she won’t give up. She knows he is out there somewhere, and she will not stop until she finds him.

Poor Joshua. His visions of the future are not to be. He can’t be with Remy, can’t be her husband.  Especially now that he knows what he is becoming, a vampire. He will disappear from Remy’s life, let her forget him and find someone who can be the husband she deserves. He should have known she wouldn’t give up on him that easily.

A voice speaks to Joshua, speaks to him in his mind. It tells him to come home. What home? Where? He finds himself driving, heading to who knows where, with no conscious thought as he makes turns and exits. It’s like he is being guided to his destination.  He is anxious to get there. Anxious to have answers to his many questions. Why me? Now what do I do? Those are just some of the questions racing through his mind as he draws nearer.

I now understand why this book is titled Heart Search. But there are really two hearts searching in this story.

I can’t tell you much more than I have already. I can’t wait for you to read this book. You may think it is a love story, and you’d be correct. But lets not forget that Joshua is now a vampire, and the ones you meet in Heart Search are not vegetarians! I really loved how Carlie portrayed them and their lack of empathy for their victims. To them, they are just doing what they do, feeding to stay alive.

I cried at times, got mad, rolled my eyes, gasped and had some Oh, I see moments while reading. There is so much to entertain you in Heart Search. I am thrilled to know that this is just Book One in the  series.

I’ll warn you right now, the ending is a killer! Carlie better write fast.

After finishing Heart Search I was “gobsmacked” as Carlie puts it!

 Loved it!!

You can check out the other stops on the blog tour, catch all of the great reviews, excerpts, interviews and a huge giveaway here .

You can purchase your copy by clicking the links below.

Amazon US

Amazon UK

This tour is amazing!!There are so many events going on. And a huge giveaway with some awesome swag!

For today I have an excerpt of Carlie’s new release  Heart Search, Book One: Lost

This excerpt is going to grab you!

Joshua walked into the motorway service station and headed straight for a free terminal at the back of the Internet café. He made himself comfortable then paused for a moment staring at the search bar; having decided what to type, his fingers flew over the keys and in the time it took to blink, the results appeared on the screen. He carefully read each item before selecting the one he thought would give him the information sought, and clicked on the link.

He read the page through carefully then pulled a small notebook and pen from his pocket and started listing the changes he’d undergone since the day in the park:

Eyes sensitive to light, especially the sun

Skin much paler than normal

Incisors much sharper and more pointed

Eye colour changing

Excellent night vision

Normal food makes me sick

Prefer uncooked or barely cooked meat

Hearing so much sharper

Much stronger

He laid the pen next to the keyboard, put his hand on the mouse and moved it to click on another page. Cross-referencing the information on the screen with the list he had compiled, a new understanding swept over him, a huge wave crashing onto a cliff face in a storm. Now he knew what he was becoming . . . a vampire.

He looked down at the hand holding the little notebook and wasn’t altogether surprised to see it tremble a little. Picking up the pen, he stuffed it in his pocket along with the notebook and leaned back in the chair, staring at the screen, unexpectedly unruffled after his realisation. How did he feel about it? Astonishingly he wasn’t that upset – it hadn’t really sunk in yet that he would crave blood and wouldn’t be able to exist without it…

So what did you think? I bet you’re hooked!

Heart Search is now available on Amazon! You can purchase your copy at the links provided below.

Amazon US

Amazon UK

For the complete list of tour hosts go here

I can’t wait to tell you all about it in my review, which is coming on Thursday, October 11th.

Until then, for your viewing pleasure:)



Make sure you stop by on Halloween to read my interview with Carlie.

Until then you can learn about Carlie here.

Carlie M A Cullen was born in London. She grew up in Hertfordshire where she first discovered her love of books and writing. She has been an administrator and marketer all her working life and is also a professional teacher of Ballroom and Latin American dancing.

Carlie has always written in some form or another, but Heart Search: Lost is her first novel. This is being launched 8th October 2012 through Myrddin Publishing Group and work has started on book two: Heart Search: Found. She writes mainly in the Fantasy/Paranormal Romance genres for YA, New Adult and Adult.

Carlie is also a professional editor.

Carlie also holds the reins of a writing group called Writebulb. Their first anthology was published September 2012.

Carlie currently lives in Essex, UK with her daughter.

Click on the image below to get your copy!