Posts Tagged ‘dark fantasy/horror’

I’m so excited.

Emma Meade has a brand new release!

The minute I got this in my Kindle, I opened it and started reading.

It’s a short story, so it didn’t take long.

Check out Dark Whiskey.




Jesse senses something off about the nightclub. She wants to leave, but  her best friend, Tasha, is determined to have a night to remember.  There’s no way Tasha’s turning down an invite to the VIP section.
Against Jesse’s better judgement, she follows Tasha up the ivory staircase to  the mysterious room above. The whiskey and champagne are flowing, and  pretty soon the blood will be too.
(A Short Story, approx 7,100 words)

My Review

Jesse’s best friend Tasha has just been dumped and her motto is, to get over it, get under someone else.

That’s just what she plans on doing when she drags Jesse into the nightclub.

It’s a bit out-of-the-way, but better to do the nasty where no one finds out.

Jesse immediately senses something isn’t right. Goosebumps stand up on her body. She wants to high-tail it out of there, but Tasha is having none of it and merrily trips up the stairs to the VIP room.

It’s going to be a night to remember, or not.

My Thoughts

I’ve had a friend like Tasha. Very emotional and sometimes a bit selfish, but usually pretty loyal. I expect that’s why Jesse stayed and watched out for her.

Being the more level-headed of the two, Jesse stays sober. Maybe that’s why she recognizes that somethings off.

I almost liked Eli. Almost. He’s a tall drink of water on a hot night, charming and darkly dangerous. But, nope. He says and does some things that turns me off. Gives off a bad vibe. Pretty much how Jesse feels too.

The best thing about Emma’s writing is I felt the bad vibes, the warning hairs standing up on the back of my neck.

I’ve been in a situation where that happened and luckily I was able to leave. Who knows what might have happened.

Dark Whiskey is like its name. Subtly alluring, with hints of sexual tension, and icy dread.

I would love for Emma to write more about Jesse, especially now that I know what she’s going to be like.

She may be figuring it out and they may think it’s going to be easy, but they messed with the wrong chick!

5 Stars


I’ve read all of Emma’s stories and am so excited whenever I get my hands on a new one.

Click on the titles below to read more of my reviews of Emma’s books.

End of the Line

End of the Line

Under the Desert Moon

Under the Desert Moon

Night Sighs

Night Sighs

The Awakening & Other Stories

Awakening and Other Stories

The Dead Beats

The Old Vampire (Short Story)

Dead Beats and The Old Vampire

About the Author
Emma Meade
Emma Meade lives in rainy Ireland. She loves reading and writing supernatural fiction.
Links to purchase Dark Whiskey
Emma’s Ramblings on Supernatural Ficion blog: