Posts Tagged ‘Dracula’

I fell in love with the cover for Blood Monarch.

Looking for something new with some Vlad the Impaler, Dracula himself?

Draco’s new release has so much to offer.

Come on in.

Check out Blood Monarch and get to know a bit about the characters!


Blood Monarch

by Drako


A king’s duty never ends, even when his kingdom changes. Vladimir Dracula is one of the most famous and misunderstood figures in all of history. One thing is true, he is a king, and he is a vampire. He is the true king and enforcer of the vampire race. Feared by all of his own kind, he is perhaps the most lethal of the Black Dragon God’s mortal born servants. At the same time, he personifies sex. None can resist his charms, save one.

Vax King is the Chosen of Hecate, the Heir of Mjolnir, and has no plans on a mate. When he’s called on to enter Fae lands, he’s surprised to find the legendary vampire there. Looking to aid the beautiful Fae, Anaya, and her soul mate, Galen, Vax must enter a world of sex of violence with only Vlad to accompany him. Here, there can be no denial, no hesitation. Only truth….and dominance.

A war is brewing in the Fae lands, as the fallen angels rise to lay claim to the power of their goddess, Verlaine and topple their higher brethren. Older than most, Vlad must accustom himself to having a soul mate, and use all his legendary power to stop the forces of darkness long believed to be controlled by him. A new kingdom is the prize, and none knows better than the famed Dracula that the secret to power lies in the blood.

Book Links:

Goodreads I Amazon

Meet the Characters:

Vladimir Dracula

AKA: Vlad, Vlad the Impaler, Dracula

Height: 6’10”

Weight: 315 pounds

Hair: shoulder length, brown

Origin: A human follower of Jarel, the Black Dragon god. He was caught in the crossfire of Jarel’s disagreement with a demon god and the result changed him into one of the first vampires. 

More info: Contrary to popular belief, he has never sired another vampire. The entire race descends from the married couple, Vacker and Deidre. He has functioned as the final enforcer of the race since its creation. He is lethal in battle, being one of those fortunate enough to have had Jarel’s favor in mortal life first. He is also extremely sexual, with an appeal that draws others to him. He should not be confused with the prince who became known as Vlad the Impaler. He’s far older and earned the name in a far different manner. 


Height: 6’4”

Weight: 220 pounds

Hair: long, red

Origin: A mortal born witch, servant to Hecate, the patron goddess of witches. He was chosen by the goddess himself to wield the legendary hammer Mjolnir to expel Lucifer from the mortal world.

More info: Vax originally had a bit of a self-confidence issue. Because he’s mortal born, he is not used to the strength and power gifted to him by the goddess. He’s a quick learner, and in fact, had a bit of conflict with Vlad in his first story. He’s the first person to resist Vlad’s charm when the vampire is really pouring it on. 


Height: 5’3”

Hair: long, red

Origin: An orphaned Fae, she comes into contact with Brandon during his mortal life and the two have a son, Theo, who eventually becomes one of the Three Fates. She is actually the daughter of the Fae queen and the very first angel, Apollyon.

More info: Anaya was captured due to her softer and trusting nature in the second book, and the reasons are complicated. Her ties to the father of her child as well as her soul mate, in addition to her parentage, made her a target. But she’s certainly come into her own and is no damsel in distress


Height: 6’6”

Weight: 258 pounds

Eyes: blue

Hair: long, black

Origin: A warrior angel created by an ancient goddess, he has only known war and duty and has not adjusted to the idea of having a soul mate.

More info: Galen has loyalty that cannot be questioned, even falling from grace to aid in the fall of Lucifer. He’s powerful and ruthless in battle, but unfamiliar with the concept of love. It’s taken him a long time to accept Anaya.

About the Author:

Drako resides in his hometown of St. Louis, Missouri, which you may notice is part of the setting of this series. When he isn’t writing, he’s busy editing for other authors, reviewing books, working, going to college, and spending time with his friends and two nieces. He blogs often and is very active on Facebook while trying to readjust to activity on twitter. His subject matter varies as he likes to talk about more than just his writing. You can check out his posts at his website,



Author Links:

Facebook I Twitter

I don’t want you to miss out on a great read. C. David Murphy is offering his book free to download on Amazon March 8th and 9th.

Go here to get your copy now. Don’t wait! I got mine!

The Chronicles of Good and Evil - Dracula's Lair / The Darkest Tower


Dracula‘s Lair/The Dark Tower

the first book in the Epic Fantasy Trilogy

The Chronicles of Good And Evil

1450. Southwest Ireland. Daniel Milligan is born. And dies the same day. But his Life is not over. It’s just beginning. And he’s not a Vampire. Daniel Milligan has become an Angel. And a Warrior. The 13th in an elite legion of Angels. With a life and death mission: The preservation of Good and the death of Evil.
Their foe is the essence of evil incarnate. Satan. The Devil himself. Now allied with Dracula. Not Bram Stoker’s monster of Legend, Folklore and Myth, but the real flesh and blood creature. Will the Supernatural powers of their massed army of Demons, Werewolves and Vampires enable them to rule the World?
Earth’s landscape is soon to be reshaped. But for good? – Or evil? Magic and Wizards are powerless. Evil lingers in the abyss of night. And only the Epic Quest of Daniel and his Angel Warriors can challenge it.
But Daniel is torn between the family he never knew – and his duty to all mankind. Thrust into an unknown Paranormal World and time where the line between Fantasy and reality is vague – Daniel must choose between his Human family and his duty to all Humanity.
In the darkest tower of Draculas castle – an apocalyptic battle will decide the fate of all mankind. There can be only one victor. One who will write the final chapter in the Chronicles of Good and Evil.

Praise For Dracula’s Lair/TheDarkTower

“The American Tolkien has arrived” – Publishers Newsletter
“Judging from this book ‘The Chronicles of Good And Evil’seems destined to be one of the best fantasy series ever written.” – New York Book Salon
“If you can put this book down – check for a pulse!” – MustRead Reviews
“C. David Murphy has created a highly imaginative yet believeable Fantasy World that pulls us relentless into it’s orbit like a paranormal black hole” – Post Tribune Reviews
“This Author is a poet. Who tells a story with prose.” – Readers Choice Journal
“The unavoidable (and valid) comparisons with Tolkien not withstanding, Mr. Murphy has elevated the great Epic Fantasy tradition by several stratospheres. His characters pulse with authenticity. His multi-layered scenario entices us with every sentence. His vivid prose takes us prisoner. Willingly. Appreciatively.” – Lawrence Stanford – Criterion Reviews.

About C. David Murphy

C. David Murphy

Being raised in the mountains of North Carolina had a special influence on me. The dreams that invented these stories started there. Even at an early age, being all of six, my teachers saw the capacity in me to create stories with such depth – that they seemed to marvel at the tales which I wrote for my class assignments. While my devotion to and inspiration for writing continued to be strong through my teen age years, there was a force equally strong bearing it’s influence. Parents! My Father in particular. Who was, understandably, not “over the moon” with the idea of his son pursuing a career as perilous and uncertain as a writer.

And so, finally I embarked on a financial career. With my bachelor’s degree in accounting, I’ve spent the majority of my Adult life in both the retail and manufacturing industries. But I never stopped writing. Because that’s what and who I am. There is no greater joy I’ve found on this earth than to create characters with true and genuine emotions, feel their heartbeat through every word I write; their trails, their hopes and ambitions; to breathe life into their eyes and see their souls become one with me and the reader. It’s my hope that when someone picks up my stories and reads the full weight of them, that somehow I’ve affected change in their lives, brought them to places they could never have imagined before, and moved them to believe in humanity again – to go out into the world and create “goodwill towards all”.



