Posts Tagged ‘epic fantasy’



 When truths uncovered cannot be forgotten. Or forgiven.



Faeries Don’t Forgive

Heart of the Worlds Book 2

by TF Burke

Genre: YA Epic Fantasy


Returning to Nonderu,
the underworld court, to rescue her dad should have been simple after the
malevolent soul-sucking Boggleman fell to his presumable demise. They just need
to find a way in. And get past the Mockmen trolls.

Instead, Aunia is attacked by a fanatical soldier cult that seeks to kill or
capture her. Plus, her unmanageable magic notifies deadly wererats of her
location. It also hurls her into an evil sorceress’ study. If all this wasn’t
enough, she’s fighting a different battle with Mathias, her pegasus-riding
love. His insistence to keep her hidden is more infuriating than any of their
enemies. It leaves her determined to kick anyone who says first love is easy.

Worst of all are the truths she’s uncovering. Truths that can’t be forgotten.
Or forgiven.

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Chapter Seventeen


What makes a man something worth admiring and when will you doubt his worth? — Queen Didianne, in the reign of the mad queen

A buzzing brushed Aunia’s skin like a hive of bees as she lurched in a mad attempt to keep her footing. The smell of woods, perfumes, and herbs had disappeared and in its place was the stench of waste, unfamiliar food, and burning metal.

A village-full of voices swirled within the buzzing . . . one pulled at her plaintively, though she couldn’t make out the words. Dust skated over Aunia’s feet as she appeared in a long boxed-in area surrounded by bulging timber buildings covered in faded paint and smeared pitch. And pressed within this area were more people than she had seen in her entire life.

“I said let the child go,” a gruff voice said from behind her.

Aunia swiveled.

An older man with a broken-nose, well-muscled and tall, like Oskan from her village, stood in front of two men in red cloaks.

“We don’t take orders from you, Mason,” the shorter of the two red-cloaked men said. He yanked a small boy towards him by the arm and the child’s sandy-haired head bounced off his chest.

“He’s hungry is all,” the broken-nose man said. “I’ll pay for him.”

“Bugger off,” the red cloak said.

Aunia stepped forward. “You can’t let a child go hungry.”

Several of the people glared at her.

“Shut your mouth, rover,” said a pillar-built woman with a messy bun, brown hair streaked in gray. She stood in front of a building with large windows and a swinging sign, which read ‘Forged Tankard.’ “Ain’t no food he stole.”

“Brana,” the broken-nosed man growled.

The woman rolled her eyes and pushed past him, holding up a small ring with two finger-length keys. “Missing these?”

The larger of the two red-cloaked men reached under his cloak patted his side, and his face turned red. “It’s the stocks for ye, boy.”

The boy dropped to the cobblestones and the shorter, red-cloaked man yanked him back one-handed. Held his other hand high to strike.

“Stop it,” Aunia yelled.

The larger of the red-cloaked men turned in her direction.

“Not the stocks.” A bearded man in a long-sleeved patchwork tunic, white powder streaks along his sleeves, stepped forward. “You’ve the boy’s mother in custody already. She was an unbraceleted faeblood. He’d be the same. You know it. It’s prison he should go.”

Faces pressed against the glass windows of the Forged Tankard’s tavern. Some folk stepped forward. Others melted back, including the broken-nosed man.

Aunia shook. Taya was indeed right of cities being dangerous. If this was how they treated small children . . . but what could she do? She was only one in a crowd.

“Stop,” she slid back, beseeching the broken-nose man. “You have to help. He’s just a boy.”

But the man slid into a narrow alleyway between the tavern and another building, and past a pig rooting in a pile of broken barrels, jugs, food scraps, and rags.

“She ain’t my mom,” the child screamed. “Not my real one. She picked me out of the garbage. I was just a slave to her.”

The taller, red-cloaked man yanked the child’s sleeve up. “Unbraceleted. You. Run to the Yanna’s forge. Grab a cuff. Now.”

“Don’t be thinking of calling on any magic,” the shorter, red-cloaked man said, bending to sneer those words in the child’s face.

“I’m . . . not a faeblood.” The child stopped his struggling and with his wrist in the guard’s grip, pointed in Aunia’s direction. “That’s the one you want. A real faeblood. Didn’t you see? She just skipped out of nowhere.”

The larger man straightened. “You. Rover.”

Aunia backed away, nearly colliding with a press of people guarding her back. Rover? But of course, she was wearing their garb. And by their expression and harsh tone, they did not like rovers.

“Don’t think you’re going anywhere,” one woman in a dark gray gown said.

Faeblood . . . this is how the people saw Reina. “I’ve . . . I’m looking for flyers,” Aunia said. “I flew with them over the Grashbear. Mathias. Keston. Fallo. You’ve had to have seen them. This is Dalin, isn’t it?”

The scowls of the people deepened. They shuffled closer. People in front of her and behind her, but the alleyway . . . could she flee with that pig in the way? Pig. She blinked. It had a quilted cloth saddle fastened around its girth with knotted cloth straps. And stitched cloth saddlebags hanging along the pig’s side. Who would be riding a pig?

[for a 700+ word excerpt use the verbiage above OR include the rest of the chapter for just under 1500 words]

“Look alive,” a raspy voice sounded.

Aunia squinted. Amongst the broken wooden boxes and broken jars, two little men, shin-high, drank from a clay jar over half the size they were. Clurichauns with their rosy, weathered faces. They were solitary beings generally. The last time she saw one was in Gaitha’s basement lapping up a bit of spilled apple brandy.

Someone, the taller red-cloak, grabbed Aunia’s upper arm and a raw thrill, like a sharp nail, rose through her throat. “Leave me be.”

She yanked. He held her firm, his fingers pressing into her flesh like a vise.

The adrenaline spike landed against the pit of her stomach like a stone. Mygul. She sucked in a breath, squeezed her eyes shut, hoping to coax a pinching sensation in her temples. Nothing. Her mouth turned to dry paper. Did she even have her glowing blue globefire anymore? She hadn’t seen it since the Boggleman’s veil tendril lodged itself in her gut when she stood on Hebsolum’s palm. Did that mean Hebsolum had it? Hebsolum, the thief who took her mother’s amulet. The only good thing he had done was to help her cage the roiling blue storm cloud made of Edvaras’ magic . . . but her bit of magic . . . the one that caused mischief, made her an outcast, kept her safe. He must have taken it, too.

She squeezed her eyes shut. Prison. Was that where they were sending her? How would Mathias even find her? A soft mew escaped her and Aunia shook her head. She couldn’t show weakness. And there were clurichauns. Faeries often would help her. Would these?

She turned her head to the alleyway where the clurichauns swilled leftover booze from broken crockery. “Help me.”

One of the clurichauns looked her way, bright eyes going wide. “She sees us.” His voice, gravelly and sing-song, sounded over the clamor of human voices.

“She don’t.” The blonder of the two clapped the auburn one’s shoulder. “She do. Drat it. On our way, Sharpish.” He pointed to the pig.

“She be the one Mara made mention.”

“We can’t be making the Boggles mad now, can we, you know,” the blonde one said. “We go.”

The Boggles? Did he mean the Boggleman? Aunia struggled against her restraint. “I want to, too.”

“Want to what?” the red-cloaked man sneered.

“Want you to let go,” Aunia said between her teeth. “You’re hurting me.”

The man tightened his grip. “I’m barely holding you.”

Aunia struggled toward the alleyway. Saying please would cause possible faery aid to disappear but what poem could she utter? Aunia groaned. “Help me now it’s good folk fashion. Aid to for those who seek compassion.”

“You call that a poem,” the blonde clurichaun said. He shook his head then made a running jump onto the pig’s back. His green pants contrasted with the wine-stained saddle. “Come on, brother.”

“Brandy. I’ll bring you brandy,” Aunia yelled.

“No one bribes the guard.” The stinging heat from his slap rang into her cheekbones. “Where’s that Davis? Cuff her good and she can blubber whatever nonsense with the other lobheads.

“Don’t know,” the shorter of the red-cloaked men said. He still clutched the boy’s arm. “But that face is sweet even with your handprint.”

“Ah, that’s done it,” Sharply said. “Dismount, Gargle. Now.”

Gargle patted the saddle. “There’s another tavern were—”

“Certain things don’t get done. Now off brother, lest you go for a ride.”

The two clurichauns glared at each other while some of the townsfolk shuffled aside and a thin man with iron cuffs jogged forward.

Gargle dismounted. “It’s on you if this is a bad decision.”

“I’m always the one you blame.” Sharply scooped up the neck of a broken bottle, drew his arm back and made a mighty throw at the pig’s backside. It hit with a thunk and the pig gave a squeal. People standing at the mouth of the alleyway fell back as the pig pelted straight for Aunia and the red-cloaked man.

“Doxy-churl,” the guardsmen swore. He staggered back, pulling Aunia with him out of the way but Aunia yanked with everything she had in the other direction. The man’s fingers slid over her upper arm painfully. There was the sharp rip of fabric. And then she was free.

Aunia ran.



Faeries Don’t Lie

Heart of the Worlds Book 1


Can Two Worlds Survive an Augury?

Releasing a Chandarion’s god-like magic into the world isn’t what
sixteen-year-old Aunia, the village’s outcast, intends. She only wants to
impress Mathias, a visiting seventeen-year-old pegasus flyer, who fiercely
believes the choice—either Faery or Mortal world surviving—has come.

Her action calls forth the Boggleman, a soul-sucking ghoul, who abducts her
dad, eats her faery friends, and sets Dagel demons on her isolated village. And

The worlds of Ahnu-Endynia are full of faeries, pegasi flyers, myths, secrets,
and themes of belonging, despite being misunderstood. And if you don’t watch
carefully . . . You might be pulled into the Betwixt. . . the space between the

**On Sale
for Only .99cents!**




Explaining true love to a garden faery wasn’t easy. Aunia tapped her pitchfork against the stone-slabbed floor and wrinkled her nose against the golden dust while her faery friend, Jennium, landed between a nanny goat’s ears. The escaped animal froze in place in front of the long wooden goat pens while the faery sat cross-legged on her furry perch, folding her iridescent wings, purples, blues, and yellows.

Another of Jennium’s mind-pictures arose in Aunia’s head. This one was of the villagers, old and young, dancing arm-in-arm in twisting steps around a bonfire—fiery sparks rising to the stars.

“That’s the party afterwards. True love is how you feel. How your heart would give away every constellation to see your beloved smile.” Aunia flipped her blond braid over her shoulder and wished she could disappear into the slithering crack along the stable’s high-vaulted ceiling—or, better yet, fly away to the faery world . . .if that doorway wasn’t watched. “But like I said, there’s no one here for me.”

Unlike the two lovers exchanging mating beads this night, she would stand in the shadows as an outcast, too different to be accepted. At sixteen years of age, she needed to accept this would be her life. She scooped another pitchfork of dirty hay onto the dung heap.

Jennium propelled another image—Aunia’s father standing, back turned and shoulders slumped, at his favorite fishpond. The faery tipped her raven-haired head as if to ask, “And where’s your father’s true love?”

Aunia’s hands slid on the pitchfork. She couldn’t answer that. Her father refused to talk about her. But it was obvious he clung to her memory—whoever she was. And he had to have loved her real mom desperately. Why else would he have treated Nehla like a sister. A sister he couldn’t save from being skewered by a wild boar. An accident. An awful, terrible accident.

Stomping, Aunia passed the long pen of bleating goats and turned up the middle junction of horse stalls to the quadruple-sized hay-less stall that had been Nehla’s pottery work area. She frowned at the grain buckets lining the shoulder-high wall where clay boards used to stand. She padded to Nehla’s pottery wheel, draped with a green and yellow blanket, and pressed her knuckles against the scratchy wool. Three years later and it still hurt.

With a light jingle, Jennium landed on Aunia’s head and projected another image—a woman’s silhouette, but not Nehla.

Aunia pulled her hand away from the pottery wheel. For a moment, she made out the curve of the woman’s left cheek, so like her own. Then, the silhouette was gone.

“I don’t remember my mother,” Aunia said. “But she probably had faery sight like me. Maybe she could even see people’s glows.”

A whiny buzz brushed against Aunia’s hair and a shiny green bug dove behind the stall’s black walnut wood.

Jennium launched up, and Aunia winced at the tug, reaching to free the faery’s tiny feet from her braid. Jennium yanked through, chittering, and landed on an empty pottery shelf—one that rested on iron spikes nailed into the wall. Those spikes had been made from Nehla’s sacrificed pot hooks to keep faeries from breaking freshly made bowls.

“How are you—”

A screech from the stable’s front door sent Aunia crouching behind the pottery wheel.

“The bottle in the back ought to muffle the evening proper,” said Sigmus with his deep wheezy voice.

Aunia tensed. Her father’s closest friend would still be livid about the faeries shoving tadpoles in his boots from yesterday’s yesterday. But it had been his own fault. He had insulted the water fae.

Aunia tiptoed forward and peeked over the stall’s wall. These two were supposed to be stacking wood for the cooking fires. Her father’s head and shoulders, glowing with his usual brick-red aura, seem to float above the horse pen-wall—or did until he dodged a buzzing insect.

Sigmus swiveled, cracking his hands together, presumably squashing the bug. “Ain’t no grace-fall smushing your own pest.”

Dad jutted his jaw. “I can’t do that.”

“And you get a grumping every beading.”

Dad’s red glow dulled. “I am happy for them.”

“Sure. It makes all the sense you hankering to sneak off to the sheep cave.”

“Fish pond,” Dad clarified.

“Well, I’ve a better idea. Wait here.” Sigmus waddled up the middle aisle toward her.

Aunia ducked, pressing a hand over her mouth. Her sigh filled her palm when his footfalls veered toward the nearby tack and storage room.

Sheep-cave? No one was allowed near them. Dad himself had told her the Boggleman lived there now. She eased to a trousered knee and considered. Sigmus was probably just saying that for shock and her father was looking to wander off to be alone.

She had wanted to sneak away earlier, too. Sneak past the gate-minders to the woods for a game of tag with the moss-gnomes or maybe cajole a dryad into playing a whistle-tune. She had almost made it through the gate but got caught, so she ran and hid in the stable.

Aunia leaned against the chest-high wall. It would be better to stay with faery friends instead of being in the village.

The tack room door grumbled open, followed with chalky scuffles from dried leather and thud-clack of ceramics. Sigmus hooted. He probably stashed another bottle of the apothecary’s cider brandy.

Sigmus exited the tack room, popped the bottle, and shouted, “Figure you’ll get a fair healing, spilling out your sorrows.”

“There’s nothing to spill,” her father called back.

Stars. How long am I going to need to hide while they drink?

Sigmus pranced past her stall. Aunia inched forward. Her father stood about ten yards from her in the middle aisle and close to the dung heap.

“Ah, so you say,” Sigmus said. “But I knows these beading ceremonies remind you of yer Tamorian lady wife.”

Tamorian? Lightning crackled in Aunia’s belly and erupted against the back of her throat. “You’ll tell him about my mother but not me.”

Dad whirled in her direction, his glow retreating to a scant fingers-width around his head. She marched out of the pen while Sigmus stepped in her way.

“Move, Sigmus,” she said. “I’m talking to my father. My dad, not yours.”

Sigmus raised his hand. “You’re supposed to be stirring them stew pots.”

“Like you gathering wood?” Aunia tried sidestepping him but Sigmus’ elbow clipped the side of her head. She hunched-over, wishing she could melt Sigmus “Sourling-Beast” into pudding ash.


TF Burke currently
works with NYT David Farland’s Apex-Writers as an admin and marketing
specialist, where she schedules industry leaders for weekly multi-Zoom calls,
provides content for social posts, and hosts several writer-focused Zooms.

Her published works includes hundreds of newspaper articles, blog posts across
various platforms, anthologies, including MURDERBUGS, the second volume of the
Unhelpful Encyclopediam a collection of short stories in WHIRL OF THE FAE, and
the first book of the Heart of the Worlds Series, FAERIES DON’T LIE.

When not writing or wearing other hats, she can be found with a sword and a
dagger in her hands for medieval-style fencing tournaments and melees,
something she’s been doing since 2010.

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An elf afraid of opening his heart, and a human who is heir
to an awesome power:

Only by embracing their shared destiny can they save
Iceland…and each other.



by Robert Winter

Genre: Epic Fantasy

In modern-day Iceland, a place of glaciers, volcanoes, and
legends, the Norns have foretold a sorcerous invasion that could destroy
Magnús, an elf of the huldufólk, is driven by the murder of his human lover a
century ago to save those humans he can, and to figure out what is behind
recent troll attacks on tourists. But the Norns have spoken. He must protect
Altair, a young human from Boston, who is bringing a dangerous magical force to
Iceland. If Magnús fails to keep Altair safe, the country will fall to a
sorcerer called the Black Priest. Yet if Altair lives, Magnús will meet his
For his part, Altair is a graduate student bullied to visit Iceland by mentors
who seem to have their own agenda. He knows nothing of elves, sorcerers or
prophecies. Suddenly, the handsome, mysterious Magnús is guiding Altair around
Reykjavik and into danger. A witch, a berserker, and more elves are along for
the quest across Iceland’s forbidding landscape. And why does everyone keeps
calling Altair “the Falcon”?
An elf and a human with a shared destiny. Will they solve the mystery linking
their fates before it is too late for all Iceland?

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“Ah, the traitor pays a visit,” a voice sneered from behind Magnús, drawing him to an abrupt stop. “Killed any more of our native creatures? Are you here to find victims to persecute in your humans-first campaign?”

Magnús’s jaw tightened as he turned to face the speaker.  “Lars Berkisson. You must be desperate if you’re grubbing for supporters here.”

Lars gave Magnús a tight smile, his steel-gray eyes narrowing. “I came to offer comfort to Vörður, and to tend to his affairs while he rots in the cell where you put him. Tell me, Magnús. How many more of your own people will you try to destroy in your self-hatred?”

“Vörður put himself in that cell when he stole a human baby and tried to pass himself off as the infant. He ignored the edict laid down by Queen Hildur, risked violating the First Covenant, and in any event, the act was despicable. Changelings have been forbidden for decades.”

Lars laughed. “Of course, you and Bryndís are too modern to gather servants in the old ways. But we who honor the ancient customs have long known that if we must tolerate non-magical humans on our shores, then they are best taken as babes. Those raised from infancy make for superior attendants and retainers. The queen has been led astray by your misplaced devotion to mortals, but I have confidence she’ll return to tradition.”

Magnús clenched his jaw, determined to keep his temper. “A tradition of bigotry and false piety, pretending the gods want us to use humans as pets or chattel.”

“Well, isn’t that what Sigurjón was to you? A pet?”

The twist to Lars’s upper lip enraged Magnús. Although Lars had been back from his exile for nearly a fifth of a century, Magnús’s every encounter with him brought them close to battle. With a tremendous effort of will, Magnús refrained from pulling the dagger tucked in his belt.

“Sigurjón was as much a child of the gods as you once were, Lars,” he said through gritted teeth. “The path you follow leads to Hel’s sunless lands, though you lie to your followers and promise them Valhöll.”

Lars shook his head in a way that infuriated Magnús. “Álfheimur is the true home of our people. Those who hear my words long only for a return to the days before men invaded our shores. Before they killed our trees, stole our magic, and built their abominable cities.”

“The gods led mortals here to Iceland, Cousin. Your brand of fanaticism sets those who believe you against the will of the Æsir. And I, for one, look forward to a reckoning.”

With that, Magnús strode away. He didn’t trust himself to spend one more minute in the presence of the vile creature who had murdered his beloved Sigurjón.


**Get the first two chapters FREE here!



My Travels in Iceland


Falconsaga is based upon the folktales and legends of Iceland. The first time I visited the country was in December 2018. It was a short trip that promised a glimpse of the Northern Lights. Unfortunately, a brief glimpse is all we got that time! Plenty of snow and ice, though, including a glacier hike that awed me. I was in Iceland long enough to notice the country’s love of its own folktales, and to begin research them.

I returned in June 2021 because Iceland was the first country during the pandemic to allow tourism to resume. A volcano on the Reykanses Peninsula had recently erupted, so I was lucky enough to see the still-glowing lava field and to peer down at rivers of molten stone.


The contrast of those two visits – ice and fire – hooked me on the country. I delved more deeply into the Icelandic sagas and began reading all the folktales I could get my hands on. From those experiences, the initial idea of Falconsaga arose.

I knew I needed more context for the story I had in mind, though, so I went back to Iceland in 2023 by myself and spent a month driving around the perimeter of the country on what is called the Ring Road. That was an amazing journey, complete with nights of gazing up at the Northern Lights, driving past herds of wild horses, taking a ferry to an island that survived a volcanic eruption in the 1970s, exploring a lava tunnel filled with stalagmites made of ice, and trips to many hot springs and thermal baths. Along the way I amassed local legends, and visited towns and locations reputed to be the home of the huldufólk, or Hidden Folk.


These legends and locations all factor into my stories in different ways. But beneath all my prose and feeble attempts to weave ancient folktales into a modern fantasy, lies my desire to capture the magic of this strange landscape.


Robert Winter is a recovering lawyer who likes writing about
love and adventure much more than drafting a legal brief. Once upon a time, he
went to Georgetown University law school. Upon graduation, he moved to New York
to work in a large law firm, but later returned to Washington, DC. The legal
work was entertaining and Robert spent a lot of time in bankruptcy court,
usually representing either groups of creditor or the debtors themselves. But
legal work didn’t satisfy the urge Robert felt to tell stories.

When he turned 50, Robert left behind the (allegedly)
glamorous world of international law firms and bankruptcy court to pursue his
real passion. Now he lives in Montreal with his husband, studying French
between trips to exotic locations.

When Robert isn’t writing, he loves to cook Indian food. The
aromas of the spice blends excite and challenge him. Although he’s never been
to India, the food seems comforting and home-like. Add a trip to the Golden
Triangle to the bucket list!


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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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An elf afraid of opening his heart, and a human who is heir
to an awesome power: Only by embracing their shared destiny can they save
Iceland…and each other.



by Robert Winter

Genre: Epic Fantasy

In modern-day Iceland, a place of glaciers, volcanoes, and
legends, the Norns have foretold a sorcerous invasion that could destroy
Magnús, an elf of the huldufólk, is driven by the murder of his human lover a
century ago to save those humans he can, and to figure out what is behind
recent troll attacks on tourists. But the Norns have spoken. He must protect
Altair, a young human from Boston, who is bringing a dangerous magical force to
Iceland. If Magnús fails to keep Altair safe, the country will fall to a
sorcerer called the Black Priest. Yet if Altair lives, Magnús will meet his
For his part, Altair is a graduate student bullied to visit Iceland by mentors
who seem to have their own agenda. He knows nothing of elves, sorcerers or
prophecies. Suddenly, the handsome, mysterious Magnús is guiding Altair around
Reykjavik and into danger. A witch, a berserker, and more elves are along for
the quest across Iceland’s forbidding landscape. And why does everyone keeps
calling Altair “the Falcon”?
An elf and a human with a shared destiny. Will they solve the mystery linking
their fates before it is too late for all Iceland?

Jan 31st – Preorder Now!**

Amazon * Bookbub * Goodreads


Robert Winter is a recovering lawyer who likes writing about
love and adventure much more than drafting a legal brief. Once upon a time, he
went to Georgetown University law school. Upon graduation, he moved to New York
to work in a large law firm, but later returned to Washington, DC. The legal
work was entertaining and Robert spent a lot of time in bankruptcy court,
usually representing either groups of creditor or the debtors themselves. But
legal work didn’t satisfy the urge Robert felt to tell stories.

When he turned 50, Robert left behind the (allegedly)
glamorous world of international law firms and bankruptcy court to pursue his
real passion. Now he lives in Montreal with his husband, studying French
between trips to exotic locations.

When Robert isn’t writing, he loves to cook Indian food. The
aromas of the spice blends excite and challenge him. Although he’s never been
to India, the food seems comforting and home-like. Add a trip to the Golden
Triangle to the bucket list!



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The Gods may think they own the fire soldiers, but they have no idea of
the inferno that’s coming.



Fire Soldier


Throne of Gods Book 1


by J.A. Culican


Genre: Epic Fantasy, Paranormal Romance


Gods may think they own the fire soldiers, but they have no idea of
the inferno that’s coming.

I was born from Ares with the
fire given to him from his one true love. Though the Gods imprisoned
him as punishment for loving a woman that wasn’t his, he forged a
kingdom from the flames and made his children his soldiers.

Now that Ares is gone, the Gods
will stop at nothing to control the Kingdom of Fire and all who
inhabit it. But I was created to fight, so, in Ares name I’ll avenge
his murder and reduce them all to ashes for what they have done to my

The only problem is, my
brethren don’t fully understand what’s at stake, so I’m on my
own fighting a battle with a cursed trait no one knows about. When
Karim, a half centaur/half siren and my sworn enemy since birth takes
my side as I stand up to the Gods, I’m torn, but without anyone
else to help save the fire soldiers, I have to accept help from my
age old rival, with secrets of his own.

I might not like it, but he’s
the only thing between my eternal servitude and scorching the earth
with the bones of the Gods that enslave us. We are coming for the
thrones of the Gods, and I’m not going to let anything stand in my
way. Between us, we’ll set the heavens ablaze and watch the ashes

If you love Game of Thrones,
Greek mythology and enemies to lovers romance that’s guaranteed to
have your heart set to slow burn, grab book one of this sizzling
fantasy series now.

Bonus anime character art included in all formats.


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God Slayer


Throne of Gods Book 2


The gods have reigned in wickedness for too long. My brethren and
I will take their thrones—even if it means tearing everything


No one said that saving the world from the evil
Olympians would be easy. Our losses are beyond number, and our
peoples have been forced to endure unimaginable suffering. Every day,
it becomes harder for the common folk to hold on, to envision a
brighter future.

And to make matters worse, the evil gods
show no signs of backing down. The Olympians are converging on a new
vacuum of power, and the stage has been set for a massive battle in
the fortified city of Caepernus—a battle that will take everything
we’ve got. Will the walls of the city hold? Can we muster up the
manpower to drive back the mighty armies of Olympus?

is, we don’t have a choice but to succeed. If we fail, all will be

Even in the destruction and chaos, I’m finding more
and more to love and defend, though. Battle has a way of drawing
people together, and close-knit friendships are budding even as we
face these incredible odds. Strange as it may seem, in times of war
love may grow between former enemies…

Fans of Game of
Thrones, Greek mythology and love against all odds are sure to devour
God Slayer! If you’ve been looking for an action-packed,
enemies-to-lovers romance, you won’t want to miss this sizzling

Bonus anime character art in every format!


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Cursed Warrior


Throne of Gods Book 3


The war is coming to a close. But who will prevail?


brethren and I have given everything to destroy the rule of the old
gods, but the victory is not yet won. The remaining powers of Olympus
have their sights set on us, and the clash we’re preparing for will
shake the world to its very foundations.

And just when
things couldn’t get any more dangerous, our efforts are interrupted
by a vile betrayal.

The traitor in our midst threatens to
destroy the powerful bond between me and my brethren, and to give
scheming Apollo exactly what he needs to ruin us. More than that,
this betrayal could lead to the death of the one I love most before
our romance even has a chance to take root.

Dispirited and
exhausted, we have no choice but to pull through, and to prepare for
the largest battle the world has ever seen. Snatching the thrones
from the remaining Olympians will take us to the very limits of our
strength, and it’s possible that we won’t make it out alive. There
are no guarantees, even for a daughter of Ares…

If we
don’t do it, no one will. And if we can’t succeed, then no one

Cursed Warrior is sure to thrill and delight readers
looking for a simmering enemies-to-friends romance. Fans of Game of
Thrones and Greek myths won’t want to miss the pulse-pounding action
and mind-blowing twists of this third installment!

Bonus anime character art in every format!



Captured King


Throne of Gods Book 4


The war may be over, but the struggle has only just begun…


numerous Olympians out of the picture, my brethren and I will have a
chance to pick up the pieces and enjoy our new positions,

Wrong. Dead wrong.

In the
aftermath of a long and grueling campaign, the world is thrust once
more into darkness. The peace and healing we’d all hoped for is
threatened by a dark presence from the past—one who will bring our
war-weary world to the brink of conflict once again.

it gets worse. No one tells you what it’s like to wield real power,
to occupy the throne of a major kingdom. To say that my friends and I
will have to go through some growing pains and put our real desires
on the back-burner is an understatement. Old wounds still need
healing and old treacheries continue to bring pain into the

We gave our all to bring hope to the people of
the world, but holding onto our new thrones is going to prove more
difficult than gaining them ever was.

Fans of Game of
Thrones and Greek mythology will love Captured King, the fourth
installment in the exciting Throne of Gods series! If you’ve been
looking for a slow-burning friends-to-enemies romance with a generous
helping of action, look no further!

Bonus anime character art available in all formats!


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Eternal Kingdoms


Throne of Gods Book 5


Peace was almost in our grasp. Now, it couldn’t be further out of


A war-shattered world. The bonds of love and
friendship strained to the breaking point. A colossal evil
threatening to sow chaos.

When my brethren and I stepped
up to build a new world and challenged the corrupt Olympians, we
never expected that filling their thrones would be easy. Being forced
from one struggle to the next and made to shoulder great tensions has
been more punishing than expected, though. Worse, it’s only driven
some of us apart.

Stresses run high and relationships have
become choppy. The love I’d once pursued has been forced into the
background as more profound challenges loom ahead. A fight unlike
anything we’ve ever seen is brewing—a clash that threatens to
destroy everything we’ve worked so hard to accomplish.

what do we have left now that the end draws near? At this pivotal
moment, what can we rely upon?

As always, we only have
each other. Friends new and old will have to assemble to meet this
threat head-on.

The stakes have never been higher. If our
reign is to be eternal and the peaceful world we’ve dreamt of a
reality, then we have to come together and win.

Kingdoms marks the stunning finale of the Throne of Gods series! Fans
of Greek myths and Game of Thrones will find nail-biting twists,
ample action and a riveting slow-burn romance in its pages!

Anime character art included in every format!


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Hades Oath

Throne of Gods Prequel


The king of the underworld has been taken by surprise.

Since time immemorial, the
gods of Olympus have ruled. Now, a mysterious challenger emerges,
seeking their thrones…

Ares, god of war and ruler of
the powerful Fire Kingdom, discovers a threat to his empire. Arising
from obscurity, a maverick king of the eastern territories has
launched an attack in the valley of Hades. This enigmatic king,
Sisyphus, wields a mythical blade and begins to set his sights on
other Olympian strongholds, with plans to unite them all under his

When his requests for help fall
on deaf ears, the god of war takes matters into his own hands.

Eager to stamp out Sisyphus’
ambitions, Ares puts together a strike force, comprised of his most
promising Fire Kingdom warriors. Among them is Xira, a talented young
recruit and descendant of Ares. Relatively inexperienced, will the
fiery young warrior prove herself, or will she fail the god of war in
his hour of need?

This pulse-pounding prequel
novella sets the stage for the Throne of Gods series. Fans of Greek
mythology and blistering fantasy action won’t want to miss it!


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**Check out the companion Coloring Book!**



Throne of Gods Series:


The Official Coloring Book


 Dive into the captivating world of the “Throne of Gods”
series with this companion coloring book! Spanning all six books,
this collection brings to life the epic journey of Xira, a warrior
forged from fire and destined to challenge the gods. Relive the
adventures, battles, and romances from the series while adding your
own touch of color to the intricately designed illustrations.

Perfect for fans of Game of
Thrones and Greek mythology, this coloring book offers a new way to
experience the saga where forbidden love, vengeance, and power
collide. From fiery battles against the Olympians to heartwarming
moments of camaraderie, every page invites you to unleash your

Included Titles:






Oath (Prequel)

Whether you’re a seasoned
reader or new to the world of “Throne of Gods,” this
coloring book is a must-have addition to your collection. Grab your
favorite coloring tools and embark on a mythical adventure where you
control the hues of heroism and divinity.


* Goodreads




J.A. Culican is a USA Today Bestselling author of the middle grade
fantasy series Keeper of Dragons. Her first novel in the fictional
series catapulted a trajectory of titles and awards, including top
selling author on the USA Today bestsellers list and Amazon, and a
rightfully earned spot as an international best seller. Additional
accolades include Best Fantasy Book of 2016, Runner-up in Reality
Bites Book Awards, and 1st place for Best Coming of Age Book from the
Indie book Awards.

J.A. Culican holds a Master’s
degree in Special Education from Niagara University, in which she has
been teaching special education for over 13 years. She is also the
president of the autism awareness non-profit Puzzle Peace United.
J.A. Culican resides in Southern New Jersey with her husband and four
young children.


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Book Details:

​Book Title:  The Ghosts of Rathalla by Matthew K. Perkins
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  200 pages
GenreEpic fantasy
PublisherResource Publications
Release date:  February 2024
Content Rating:  PG-13: Some swearing and violence. 

Book Description:

Set in a world that is dominated by a vast desert, two friends are caught in the middle of a civil war. She’s a warrior. He’s a musician. When they discover that the crux of the war is a prophesied newborn baby that one side will do anything to destroy, they become the only people capable of saving the child’s life—all that stands in their way is an active volcano, a barbarian army, and a cunning assassin with motives of his own.

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Guest Post From Author Matthew K. Perkins:

Here’s something I’ve been struggling with as a writer: I strongly prefer to write my novels linearly (from beginning to end) and, even when I have great ideas for later in the story, I like to make a few notes about the ideas (so that I don’t forget them) and then put them on the backburner until I’m writing that part of the book.

I would really like to stop doing this! My advice to myself, and to anybody reading this is: WRITE IT WHEN YOU GET THE IDEA.

  1. You’re going to write it best when it’s fresh on your mind and you’re most excited about the idea.
  2. If you write it, and it turns out really well, it acts as a motivator to get you to that point in the story (i.e. I’m halfway through writing my book and having some writer’s block, BUT I wrote that one scene near the end that is AWESOME, and I need to get the story there.)
  3. Just because you write it down now, doesn’t mean it’s written in stone. You can get the full idea down and still make changes later!
  4. Having different portions of your novel written at the same time can help solidify themes/motifs that you’re trying to carry throughout, and it can also improve your organization as a writer.

Happy writing to everybody out there!


Meet Author Matthew K. Perkins:

Matthew K. Perkins is a proud Wyoming native, where he completed an MA in English Literature from the state’s lone university. He currently lives in Denver, Colorado, with his wife, three sons, and two dogs. He is the author of two novels, ‘Saint in Vain’ (2018) and ‘The Ghosts of Rathalla’ (2024).
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Publisher: Matador (May 21, 2018)
Publication Date: May 21, 2018
Language: English



“The book is exquisitely written, with good characterization and a compelling plot… Thoroughly recommended.” —Jennifer’s Reviews

“The novel is creative, sophisticated, brilliant! I couldn’t ask for a more Egyptian-esque book!” —Lauren, Books Beyond the Story


Akasha is a precocious young girl with dreams of motherhood. She lives in a fantastical world where most of the oceans circulate in the aquamarine sky waters.

Before she was born, the Helios, a tribe of angels from the sun, came to Earth to deliver the Surge, the next step in the evolution of an embryonic human race. Instead they spawned a race of hybrids and infected humanity with a hybrid seed.

Horque manifests on Earth with another tribe of angels, the Solarii, to rescue the genetic mix-up and release the Surge.

Akasha embarks on a journey from maiden to mother and from apprentice to priestess then has a premonition that a great flood is imminent. All three races – humans, hybrids and Solarii – face extinction.

With their world in crisis, Akasha and Horque meet, and a sublime love flashes between them. Is this a cause of hope for humanity and the Solarii? Or will the hybrids destroy them both? Will anyone survive the killing waters of the coming apocalypse?



Ancient Egypt has always fascinated me. I’ve watched many documentaries and fictionalized movies about it. And I’ve read up on it. It also fascinates me that a connection to aliens has been delved into. Their advanced technology would explain how the magnificent pyramids came to be.

Genes Of Isis pulled me in immediately. Set in Egypt thousands of years ago, the people are different and they’re ruled by beings that are more than human, aliens from the sun. In order to save humanity they only have a few choices to select from. One is a cataclysmic flood, unleashing the water that fills the skies. I kept trying to picture that. A sky filled with water.

I was caught up in the biblical aspects of the story. The mythological and alien. And the humanity. There’s loss, tragedy, political strife, hope, romance and the wonder of what we are here for.

The synopsis hooked me but I was worried if the plot could keep me intrigued and not get bogged down from the weight of the world the author created. I need not have feared. The short chapters, the intricacies of living in this long ago Egypt and the characters, human, more than human and alien all kept me zipping along. If the author chooses to continue with this story, I’d be happy to venture into this world again.



You can purchase The Genes of Isis at the following Retailers:
Photo Content from Justin Newland

JUSTIN NEWLAND’s novels represent an innovative blend of genres from historical adventure to supernatural thriller and magical realism. His stories explore the themes of war and religion, and speculate on the human’s spiritual place in the universe. 

Undeterred by the award of a Doctorate in Mathematics from Imperial College, London, he conceived his debut novel, The Genes of Isis (Matador, 2018), an epic fantasy set under Ancient Egyptian skies. 
The historical thriller, The Old Dragon’s Head (Matador, 2018), is set in Ming Dynasty China in the shadows of the Great Wall. 
The Coronation (Matador, 2019) was another historical adventure and speculates on the genesis of the most important event in the modern world – the Industrial Revolution. 
The Abdication (Matador, 2021) is a supernatural thriller in which a young woman confronts her faith in a higher purpose and what it means to abdicate that faith. 
His work in progress is a two-book series, The Island of Angels. Set in the Elizabethan era, it’s an epic tale of England’s coming of age. The Mark of the Salamander (to be published September 2023) takes us across the open seas of discovery with Sir Francis Drake while The Midnight of Eights culminates the series with the repulse of the Spanish Armada. 
Author, speaker and broadcaster, Justin appears on LitFest panels, gives talks to historical associations and libraries and enjoys giving radio interviews and making podcasts. 
Born three days before the end of 1953, he lives with his partner in plain sight of the Mendip Hills in Somerset, England.
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JULY 21st FRIDAY Crossroad Reviews REVIEW
JULY 24th MONDAY Laura’s Bookish Life REVIEW
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JULY 26th WEDNESDAY #BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee REVIEW
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The Bone Master

Book Two of The Sands of Achten Tan

by Debbie Iancu-Haddad

Genre: Epic Fantasy


Kaii Haku has lived his whole life in the shadow of his cruel father’s magic.
Rebelling against his father- the Bone Master- by drinking and sleeping around was Kaii’s main occupation for years.

But when one of his best friends is kidnapped by pirates, Kaii embarks on a perilous rescue mission with two retired pleasure house workers, a shy teen bookworm, and a feisty girl from the pirate crew.

The journey will take Kaii and his allies far from Achten Tan, to a sea ruled by dangerous conditions and ships that travel on the backs of monsters.

For the first time in his life, he has the power to make a difference, but if he wields his emerging bone magic to save the girl he loves, he risks losing himself and becoming like his father – a man who tried to kill him.

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Chapter 1 – Kaii

It’s cold beneath the bones.

I can feel them now, all around me.

When I first got my magic back, this awareness overwhelmed me. Sensing the ancient leviathan bones, the city is carved into, and the bones of its occupants. It took me a while to discern the living, breathing residents from the structures surrounding us. These fleeting specks of existence celebrate life today and are reduced to dust tomorrow.

Morbid, Kaii. Really morbid. Gast me. I’m turning into my dad. 

I stride through the Undercity, sensing the vertebrae all around me. Up ahead, I detect two (probably live) bodies before I see them, and one more, further away, the target of my visit.

“Who goes there?”

Long wooden staffs bar my way into the Undercity. Which is really gasting rude, all things considered. The tall sharp-faced elf who spoke is obviously one of Aislinn’s people, the Svaalti elves who moved into the Undercity the day after the cavern gnomes left. The two elves, one male, and one female, regard me with haughty expressions. Sporting long pale hair, braided in intricate patterns, their robes a fine silk rarely seen in Achten Tan. I’m relieved they haven’t replaced the bone weapons my father confiscated the day they arrived, seeking refuge after the destruction of Satama.

“Kaii Haku, to visit Opu Haku.” I state. Not that it’s any of their business. The elves nod and move aside, their expressions still just on the wrong side of respectful. Aislinn and her people have taken control of the Undercity like a rot growing into the marrow. They’ll need to be dealt with eventually, but it’s not my responsibility to do so. At least not yet.

Today I’m here to see my father, though I don’t know why I bother. I can already feel him up ahead. My ability to sense bones doesn’t tell me if he’s dead or alive, but something tells me he still lives. As I enter the passageway below the Undercity, an almost palpable wave of animosity floats my way. It must be my imagination.

Opu Haku hasn’t taken well to his imprisonment. The rock cage at the end of the tunnel is lit only by a flickering torch. The hunched figure in the shadows doesn’t stir as I approach, but I sense a subtle testing of my wards, searching for an opening. If he finds it, he could break my bones, hurl me across the tunnel, try to kill me. Again.

“Still can’t throw me down the hall.” I aim for glib, but my tone misses its mark, sliding off his hunched shoulders to land in a splat at his feet. He can’t attack me with bone magic. I’m shielded by the protection runes tattooed into my skin, so instead, he hurls sharp words, seeking to make a mark.

“Why are you here?” he snarls.

“The usual.” I approach the stone bars and slide the package of food through the narrow gap. Drizko engineered a device that provides a trickle of water. It flows through his cell, washing away waste, and enabling him to drink. The smell down here is foul. Body odor and refuse with a side of dirt and despair. Does he even bother to bathe himself anymore? He’s sunk so low, figuratively and literally. From the top of Chief’s Rib to the deepest hole in the Undercity.

“Any plans of getting me out of here?” he asks. His voice is close. I look up to discover he’s right up against the bars. Grey eyes, the same color as my own, stare me down, and for an instant, I see vulnerability in his granite gaze, but I blink and it’s gone.

“No. Nobody misses you, old man.”

Ok. That was cruel, but the guy tried to kill me, more than once. All my warm fuzzy feelings for him are long gone.

“Then why bother feeding me?” He hurls the package I just passed through at the bars, the loaves of algae bread and dried meat strips scattering on the dirty cell floor. “Why prolong my suffering?”

“Maybe I won’t come back then.” I turn and leave, his eyes stabbing my back like knives.

I don’t mean it. I won’t let my own father starve to death, even if the bastard deserves it. He blames me for his imprisonment, and for my part in the destruction of his bone staff, even though both result from his own actions. But I’m not the one who decided to leave him down here. That was the town council’s decision. Even his toady, Rapaccio Pallor, couldn’t sway them.

As I exit the Undercity, my feet turn right towards Jezebone’s. That’s where I always end up lately. It’s better than going back to my empty rooms.

I’m nursing my second or third drink when a wide smile and an An’cher uniform block my view of the bar.

“What are you drinking?” Kamal swings his large blond frame down onto the bench opposite me, patting the seat at his side for D’or to join him. D’or hesitates a moment, his green eyes swinging from me to Kamal.

“Do you want company?” D’or asks me, shoving back his mess of dark curls.

I wave my hand at his already seated boyfriend. “Sure.” I love being surrounded by sickeningly in-love couples. Nothing better. 

“Should you two even be in here?” I toss back the rest of my Xenthalor Venom and motion to the barmaid to hit me again. Hopefully not literally this time.

Kamal scrunches up his pale eyebrows like a confused dasu pup. “First of all, I’m almost seventeen now and I have An’cher privileges… And D’or…” he turns to his boyfriend, “do you get a Tar-tule rider discount?”

I’m just messing with him, anyway. I seriously doubt Jezebone’s gives a gast about a minimum age for drinking or for use of their other services.

“Where have you two been?” I mumble into my empty cup.

They exchange a look. “Oh, we were out of Achten Tan for a few days… Visiting my parents at the caverns,” Kamal responds.

He’s sweet, trying to spare my feelings, but I force the issue, relishing the prickle of discomfort. “Mila and Geb’s ceremony?”


I’m not bitter. They invited me and I wanted to go. I was just too busy with my ‘drinking myself stupid’ schedule… I’d built up a rhythm and couldn’t take a break for things like forever ceremonies, especially when it’s the girl who was supposed to be my future.

Kamal and D’or exchange another look.

“Can you two still read each other’s minds? Or mine?” I ask.

I really should have had them sign a non-disclosure agreement before I invited six people into my brain. They know too much. I’d make them disappear, but I kinda like the two brats.

“We can’t read your mind,” D’or says, his green eyes glinting with mischief. “Not since Mila’s mind-reading elixir wore off. And we still have enough material to work through from the night of the heist.”

“That was a long list,” Kamal smirks. The two boys nudge each other, practically giggling. It’s disgusting, in a cute, nauseatingly sweet kinda way.

The barmaid slams my drink down in front of me, sloshing some of the green liquid out of the glass to splash on my hand. I miss Kiva. How was I to know the new girl only tends the bar and doesn’t offer those services? I mean, it’s a pleasure house, for Gast’s sake.

I study my wet hand for a moment before lifting my eyes to her furious black ones and licking my fingers off slowly, one at a time. For a moment it looks like she’s going to hit me again, but then she huffs, throwing her dark tresses over her shoulder and stamping off towards the bar again.

“Actually, we wanted to order a drink…” Kamal calls after her.

D’or sighs and slides out of his seat. “I’ll get it. Your usual, babe?”

Kamal nods and unashamedly watches Do’r’s backside as he moves towards the bar. Not that I blame him. I’d watch too if I wasn’t worried about Kamal thumping me for ogling his boyfriend. Not that I care about being hit, but they are friends, sort of, and I don’t do it with friends. I don’t even think about doing it with friends. I made that mistake before and I’ve learned my lesson.

But as my eyes follow D’or towards the bar, I spot a girl who most certainly is not a friend. In fact, I’ve never seen her before. She’s leaning on the wall by the bar, holding a tankard the size of a pumble and wearing a frown that promises to burn this town to the ground. She’s definitely not from around here. Not to brag, but I’ve slept with every unattached, reasonably young, warm body around these parts, who ISN’T a friend. I’d love to add her to my list.

Her clothes are distinctly foreign and I use the term clothes lightly. Apparently, she thinks knives are a fashion accessory. I’ve counted five from this angle alone and I can only see one side of her. She’s not so much wearing a shirt as a type of leather halter with room for more knives, but it affords a very enticing view of her breasts. Before I think too hard about it, I’m out of my seat and crossing the bar in her direction.

I’m not quite into weaving territory yet, which is good, because this girl looks like she’ll require the use of at least part of my brain, not to mention other parts of me. I wonder if her tongue is as sharp as her knives. Still, I manage to walk a pretty straight line over to the bar, my fresh drink only slightly sloshing over my hand.

She watches me, locking her dark eyes with mine, a smirk lifting one side of her full lips. Challenge accepted. I make it across the room to her side, planting one hand on the wall by her head. Mostly for effect, but also a bit for support.

The girl turns towards me, wiping her luscious lips with the back of her hand, and slaps her tankard back onto the bar.

“Can I get you another?” I ask though I don’t know how she finished the first one.

“I’ll pass.” Her voice is deep and raspy. “It tastes like whale piss.” She scrapes a hand through her hair, pushing the short dark strands back behind her ear. One side is shaved short, while the other brushes her bare tattooed shoulder. Mmmmm, tattoos. No, wait. Tattoos are bad. I’m not into tattoos… anymore. Oh, Gast, who am I kidding?

“Well, if you hate the taste, why did you finish the first one?” Am I imagining it, or is she shifting closer?

She shrugs. “I was thirsty.” Yup, she’s definitely moving closer. Running her hand up my arm, she gives my bicep a squeeze, “but now I’m hungry for something else.” Then she licks those pink lips, my eyes following the motion with fascination.

I’ll admit, this has never worked quite so well on a complete stranger before. Maybe she’s heard about me. I lean in, testing the limits of this arrangement. She doesn’t give an inch, which places us chest to chest, and hers is just as pleasing up close as it was from across the room.

“Are you new in town?” I murmur.

Her dark eyes turn up to mine. I’m half a head taller than her, just the way I like it.

“I’m just passing through. Here today, gone tomorrow. So why don’t you show me a good time while I’m here?” She leans in to speak and her breath whispers along my cheek. Her hand is moving again, sliding across my chest and scraping my jaw. She pushes up on her toes, her mouth hovering close to mine.

“What’s the best view in Achten Tan?” she asks. Her scent is tantalizing. A salty, flowery combination I can’t place. I want to inhale her. Better yet, I want to taste her. I swallow, my mouth suddenly dry, and take the last gulp of my drink. She watches my mouth as I lick my lips, her pink tongue darting out to wet her bottom lip.

“Best view in Achten Tan is from the top of Chief’s Rib, where I live.”

She nods in a type of weird satisfaction, like I got the answer right. I look down again; she’s practically plastered to my front, which is good… or bad… because she’s going to feel…

Her smile widens and her hand is on the move again, sliding down, down, down…

I catch her wrist before her hand can reach its destination. I’d like to continue this, but not in the middle of Jezebone’s. They don’t allow that behavior here unless you’re paying for it.

“How about I give you the tour?” I ask.

“Of your rooms?” I thought she wanted to see the view from my father’s chambers, but apparently, she’s as eager as I am.

“Sure. Of my rooms. This way…” I pause, waiting for her name.

“Tara. Tara Phenix.”


Speechless in Achten Tan

Book 1 In The Sands of Achten Tan


Mila hasn’t spoken in the five years since she became an Onra, a first-level Everfall witch. After failing the test to reclaim her voice and control her magic, her mentor sends eighteen-year-old Mila to Achten Tan–City of Dust–a dangerous desert town, built in the massive ribcage of an extinct leviathan.

To reclaim her power, Mila must steal a magical staff capable of releasing it, from Bone Master Opu Haku’s sky-high lair.

Her only resources are the magical luminous elixirs of the cursed caverns where she grew up, and a band of unlikely allies; a quirky inventor, a giant-ant rider, a healer, a librarian’s assistant, a Tar-tule rider, and the chief’s playboy son.

But in the City of Bones, enemies & friends are not who they seem, and trusting the wrong person can be deadly.

If Mila fails, she will never speak again and her bones will be added to the desert.

This book includes a kick-ass tattooed witch who can’t speak, giant ants, first-person present-tense narration, magic, banter, lots of innuendoes, and cute boys kissing.

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**Don’t miss the FREE prequels!!**



In the Heart of the Storm

A Prequel to the Bone Master

Get it FREE here!



Pirate in the Desert

An Achten Tan short story

Get it FREE here!


Debbie Iancu-Haddad is a Jewish Israeli author living in Meitar in the Negev Desert. Author of Speechless in Achten Tan a YA fantasy novel. And The Bone Master, forthcoming.

She spends her time taking part in Anthologies (seven to date with three more on the way), writing VSS on Twitter, and buying way too much stuff online. Her goal is to promote body positive characters and include characters dealing with physical challenges. #ownvoices

For her day job, she gives lectures on humor, laughter yoga workshops, and chocolate workshops, and sees how often she can make her two teenagers roll their eyes.

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Not only do I have an amazing book to share with you all today, I’m also giving you a chance to enter for a chance to win a brand-new KINDLE FIRE HD 8!!!! Read more about Through Titan’s Trail by Austin Dragon and be sure to enter the giveaway at the end!

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Through Titan’s Trail (The Fabled Quest Chronicles #1)

Publication Date: April 2018

Genre: Epic Fantasy/ Adventure

Many die along the Trail, but to embark on such a magical adventure and behold its ultimate treasures, all shall be gladly risked!

Every three years it arrives—The Kings’ Caravan to the legendary city of Atlantea. From the far reaches of the Seven Empires of Pan-Earth, men travel from Avalonia—the sole gateway into the realm of the Magical Lands for the year-long journey along a path created by the ancient Titans themselves.

It is a journey like no other through unimaginable dangers, both mortal and magical, of men and monsters, by day and night—all to reach the limitless riches of the magic kingdom of Atlantea. Only under the protection of the Four Kings—the Kings’ Caravan—is such a journey possible. Or is it?

A new alliance forms under the stranger known as Traveler as the most fantastic and deadliest adventure of all time, this fable quest, begins!

Through Titan’s Trail is Book One of the Fabled Quest Chronicles.




The final book in The Fabled Quest Chronicles came it in May which means, you don’t have to stop at Through Titan’s Trail, you can binge the whole series- six book in all!

About the Author


Austin Dragon is the author of over 20 books in science fiction, fantasy, and classic horror. His works include the cyberpunk detective LIQUID COOL series, the epic fantasy FABLED QUEST CHRONICLES, the international epic AFTER EDEN Series, and the classic SLEEPY HOLLOW HORRORS. He is a native New Yorker but has called Los Angeles, California home for more than twenty years. Words to describe him, in no particular order: U.S. Army, English teacher, one-time resident of Paris, ex-political junkie, movie buff, Fortune 500 corporate recruiter, renaissance man, futurist, and dreamer.

Austin Dragon | Facebook | Pinterest | BookBub | VIP Readers Club

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Welcome to my stop during the blog tour for The Twelve Tasks by Katharine E. Wibell. The Twelve Tasks is the first book in a new epic fantasy series called The Djed Chronicles where the future of the twelve magicked worlds rests upon the shoulders of a girl from earth.

This blog tour is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from 18 till 31 January. See the tour schedule here. You can enter the tour wide giveaway at the bottom of this post!

The Twelve Tasks (The Djed Chronicles #1)
By Katharine E. Wibell
Genre: Epic Fantasy
Age category: Young Adult
Release Date: 13 November, 2020

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The precarious balance between two opposing forces has begun to shift and threatens the very existence of life throughout the universe. Only the Djed—the prophesied savior—has a chance of thwarting a catastrophe that could destroy the cosmos. And the next Djed is predicted to be a child of Earth.

Katie awakens on a world far from her own, a world bound in magic, one of twelve that hosts entities of vast power and might. She is suspected to be that savior. However, to be acclaimed Djed, difficult and dangerous tasks, one on each of the magicked worlds, must be completed. Katie and a menagerie of misfit companions—a precocious witch, a half-blood elf, and a humanoid pup—work together to discover her fate. If proven true, a terrible burden will be placed upon her, one that will link her destiny with war, a war led by a thirteen-year-old girl.
The Djed Chronicles follows Katie over her teenage years as she confronts dark forces and discovers that the right choices are not always apparent and wrong choices can have deadly consequences.


Katharine E WibellAbout the Author:
Katharine Wibell’s lifelong interest in mythology includes epic poetry like the Odyssey, Ramayana, Beowulf, and the Nibelungenlied. In addition, she is interested in all things animal whether training dogs, apprenticing at a children’s zoo, or caring for injured animals as a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. After receiving degrees from Mercer University in both art and psychology with an emphasis in animal behavior, Wibell moved to New Orleans with her dog, Alli, to kick start her career as an artist and a writer. Her literary works blend her knowledge of the animal world with the world of high fantasy.

Wibell grew up in a rural town in Georgia, and this series was inspired by her childhood play with her sister. Together, they set up the groundwork for the twelve magicked worlds, the Djed, and the plethora of characters that come to life in these books.

You can find and contact Katharine here:
Website blog


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Knights of the Dragon
Of Knights and Wizards Book 1
by A.J. Gallant
Genre: Epic Fantasy
In a fantasy land full of knights, dragons, kingdoms and wars, a boy is transformed into a sorcerer before his time.
To save his kingdom he must learn fast, but not a single spell has worked for him. As he sleepwalks, he conjures, driving people away from him and even transforming his father – the king – into a chicken. It might be too dangerous for King Darrius to allow his son to remain in Leeander.
He’s a Tarcranian Wizard of the highest power, and distracted enough without a female to grab his attention. But Raina’s beautiful face captures him, and after Marcus befriends one of the dragons, she discovers his quandary.
And so the adventure begins.
Knights of the Wizard
Of Knights and Wizards Book 2
Young Marcus is trying hard to become a respectable sorcerer, but he’s failing miserably… and casting spells while he sleepwalks doesn’t help either. But will he really be banished from his own kingdom?
Meanwhile, a grey dragon awakens from a four-hundred-year nap and discovers that there is a new and powerful wizard in existence – and that he just might be a danger to him. Ash must be killed.
With the Dwagord residing on the other side of the mountain range, never before able to venture into Leeander’s part of the world, their wizards have finally blown their way through the mountain, and are planning to conquer everyone and everything. But to the Dwagord, this new land is as puzzling as it is fascinating, with much more magic than exists in their homeland.
Knight of the Sword
Of Knights and Wizards Book 3
Marcus still hasn’t mastered his powers, he’s not the suave and in control wizard he would like to be. Now poor Marcus is now contending with courting and try as he may, is fumbling around in the dark, trying to win his lady’s favor. How long will Raina wait for his full attention? Is she being too demanding? Marcus has been warned that he must find and keep the Staff of Herding, a powerful magical tool for its owner out of the hands of three dark sorcerers. But is it too late? Who is the guardian that protects this staff? How can anyone get past such a powerful protector who has hidden it away deep where no one would dare to look.
Meanwhile, in a dragon cave, a young and powerful dragon wizard is growing into his powers, but what does he have to do with Marcus? In a world filled with magic, will their paths cross again? A powerful sword, that can only be handled by the pure of soul has become a quest for Princess Alexa as she sets off on a deadly quest to retrieve this sword and bring it home as a gift. Can the sword help win back the stolen staff? Will Marcus finally come into his own and get a handle on his magic or will evil overtake the world?
Knights of the Full Moon
Of Knights and Wizards Book 4
“A.J. Gallant is back and Knights of the Full Moon has got to be right up there as one of his best medieval fantasies to date.”
Who will be transformed into a new sorcerer? Who will perish?
The source of magic is releasing an excessive amount of magical ingredients into the world with dire consequences. Never before seen monsters, dragons with no wings and whales floating up and out of the sea. Marcus and his dragon friend who’s also a sorcerer tried but failed to contain the source.
What will happen to this magical world now?
An epic fantasy of sword and sorcery, medieval adventure, romance, and magic. Sprinkled with humor. Arthurian with lots of twists and turns. Ever changing enchantment makes life a complicated affair.
Knights of Ash
Of Knights and Wizards Book 5
Dragon fantasy and romance collide in this series of a coming of age wizard and his many trials and tribulations of suddenly being thrown into the wizarding world. A medieval world of dragons, wizards and wizards and of course knights. Did I mention talking dragons? And one dragon in particular that bonds with Marcus which is unheard of in this land. A wonderful series of great and unpredictable adventure.
Marcus always thought that dragons were at the top of the food chain, but crunchers are moving into the area and they kill dragons. The Tar-Cranian Wizard cannot imagine his land without dragons, but even the sorcerers, including Raina and Ash may have enough experience to stop them.
And Marcus must journey to the Upside-Down forest to replenish his magical ingredients, but at more than five hundred leagues away the chances of returning are not good.
Meanwhile, a hunter named Shaun has eyes for the woman that lives across from him, but his father is ready to sell her.
A. J. Gallant is the best selling author of several books, including Knights of the Dragon (of Knights and Wizards series) and Dracula Hearts series, the first book in the series is Dracula: Hearts of Stone.
Detective Olivia Brown Mysteries is also gaining in popularity. (Anita’s vacation in New York City ends tragically when she’s killed in Central Park, but instead of the end, it’s only the beginning. Her soul remains at the scene trying hard to process what happened. There are other ghosts that don’t seem to be much help. And,of course, the new reality of being a ghost does not sit well with Anita.
What is she supposed to do now?)
The author has two cats that make him rise at 5 each morning to keep him on his toes.
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