Posts Tagged ‘Gunshoe Ghost Mystery #2’

Welcome to The Friday 56 hosted by Freda’s Voice.


This is a really fun meme!

The only rules are to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader and find a sentence or a few (no spoilers) that grabs you and post it.

Then go over to Freda’s Voice and leave your link so we can visit your 56!

My 56 for this week is from

Dying For The Past

Gumshoe Ghost Mystery #2

by TJ O’Connor


My 56

What bothered me the most was that despite all of my neat spirit-tricks and snappy detective skills, I had no idea what was going on.



Dying is not for the faint of heart . . . . . . Neither is the murder of a mysterious philanthropist with ties to the Russian mob and 1939 gangsters.

At an A-list charity ball organized by his wife, Angela, former detective Oliver “Tuck” Tucker is doing his best to prove that ghosts know how to have a good time–until a man is murdered in cold blood on the dance floor.

Never one to let a mystery go unsolved, Tuck is on the case with help from Angela and his former police-detective partners. Together, they must be the first to read “the book”–deceased gangster Vincent Calabrese’s journal that names names and reveals the dirty secrets of several modern-day spies.

As Tuck learns the book’s secrets, he begins to unravel his own family’s wayward past, leading to the question–is being a ghost hereditary? Even while chasing a killer, the biggest challenge Tuck must conquer is how to be back amongst the living . . . but not one of them.


I’m not going to be reviewing this until June but I don’t think I can wait much longer to start reading it.

A detective who’s a ghost. Sounds fun.

And while I was getting my 56 quote, I ran into plenty of characters and they have such fun names.

Looks like it’s going to be very good.


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

Leave your link and I’ll drop by your 56.