Posts Tagged ‘review’

Welcome to my Saturday Screams where I share books that thrill and chill!

Today I’m sharing Empty Eyes, another scary good book in the Spine Chillers Series by Nancy Gray.


Empty Eyes (Spine Chillers)
by Nancy Gray
Genre: Horror
Age category: Middle Grade
Release Date: October 26, 2018


My Review

Duane dealt with the beast of black pond. Now Ian has to deal with the creepy kids in the abandoned house in the woods. The Specter Investigator Club is going to be very busy.

It’s Halloween and Ian and Duane plan to make the most if it. Haul in a bunch of yummy candy and enjoy the school festival. Ian had promised his mom he’d not get into trouble, but trouble finds him when a pack of school bullies find him. Forced to run for it, he ducks into a ramshackle abandoned house. It’s supposed to be haunted and he figures they won’t follow him in. When someone does, he’s forced upstairs and encounters two strange kids. They say they want to be friends, but he didn’t need friends like them.

Ooh, this had some creepy atmosphere. The kids from the mirror haunt Ian. They do more harm than good. I easily pictured how creepy they looked and felt their menace.  I thought Ian handled things like any young boy would. He first doesn’t believe what they are. Then he has to figure out how to handle them with only the help of his friend, Duane. He knows anyone else he tells wouldn’t believe him. This rang true for me. I remember not telling adults about things in the dark that scared me. Sure, it was my imagination doing the scaring, but I also knew they wouldn’t take me seriously.

Things get pretty hairy between Ian and the ghostly boys. They are visiting him at night. Appear in his mirror. Then they pull him in to haunt others. He does and says things they make him do. Poor Ian. Some of things they made him do turned his friends against him. I raced to the end of the book to see how he resolved those issues and how he escaped the clutches of the strange boys.

This was creepy fun. I searched library shelves for stories like this when I was younger and still do. Never too old for some spooky adventures and the Spine Chillers Series provides plenty of that. I’ve read several of the books and plan to read any new ones that come out. No bad language or gory stuff so I’d recommend Empty Eyes to middle grade readers who like things that go bump in the night.




“You will face a difficult task in the future. The card is reminding you that every person has a part of themselves they like to hide. Even when times are hard, you must not lose yourself.”

Ian frowned as Mrs. Marcas read his fortune. The school Halloween carnival was supposed to be the highlight of Halloween, but something about the card he picked seemed ominous. As he headed for the storyteller, things quickly took a turn for the worst when the school bullies chased him into an abandoned house. Inside, the children with EMPTY EYES decided to make Ian their friend. A black living mass twisted and coiled in his chest and closed in on his heart. Time was ticking away with every infected beat, and if Ian didn’t act quickly he really would lose himself forever.

You can find the Empty Eyes on Goodreads

You can buy Empty Eyes on Amazon

About the Author:

Nancy Gray
Nancy Gray has published a number of works including her young adult fantasy series Blood Rain. Her short story “Chosen” appeared in Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal Author Quest: a Penguin Special from Grosset & Dunlap. Her work also appears in various anthologies.
Nancy Gray has been writing for over ten years. Gray lives in South Carolina with her husband and two daughters. She enjoys books, video games, anime, manga, and horror.

Other Works by Nancy Gray:
Blood Rain
Blood Moon
Blood God
Spine Chillers: The Scarecrow
Spine Chillers: Big Bad Wolf
Spine Chillers: The Beast of Black Pond
Spine Chillers: Empty Eyes
Spine Chillers: The Firefly

You can find and contact Nancy Gray here:

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Click on the covers for my reviews of other books in the Spine Chillers series.

The Beast of Black Pond  Spine Chillers Big Bad Wolf

And my reviews are coming soon for the newest releases.

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Welcome to my Saturday Screams where I share books that thrill and chill!

Today I’m sharing Erebus by Steven C. Bird.



by Steven C. Bird


Genre: Apocalyptic / Thriller


My Review

Antarctica. A desolate, frigid place at the bottom of the world. The scientists and students do their research and take their samples, unaware that something that appears so innocent will soon threaten all of humanity.

It’s almost the end of the season. Winter is coming and only the most dedicated stay at the station. The others head for warmer places. The rush is on to get their research and samples on the planes before they hightail it out of there. An accident happens. Something is unleashed, and people are turned into raging lunatics.  I know this sounds like a zombie story. It’s not. Bear with me here.

Once the contagion begins a small group of people try to hide while coming up with a way out. They have no idea how many have been turned. There’s no help coming. And this is one of my favorite parts of the plot. The group dynamics. Who steps up? How many sacrifice themselves? Who is the dissenter, the one who always takes the negative view and causes conflict? And who surprises me and steps up to wear the hero’s shoes?

The fight for survival is nail biting. They have to find ways stay alive in freezing temps. And now the infected are changing. They’re not like zombies. Instead of rotting away, they’re getting stronger. From mindless rabid beings, they’re now starting to act as a team. To strategize. Could the organism actually be sentient? It takes over the host and now it appears able to control them too.  The more they discovered about the infection, the more horrifying it gets. What if the organism can cross the species barrier. Could it infect animals? The cold and lack of life in Antarctica kept it contained under the frozen tundra. Once it reaches warmer climates, what’s to stop it.

You have to expect some deaths will happen to the group. At first I wasn’t too worried about it. I hadn’t really developed a strong bond with any of them. It was after the action really got going that I found a favorite. Vasily Fedorov, Russian ex-military but now a blue collar guy. He can make weapons out of anything. He’s super resourceful, haunted by horrors from his past and also a really good guy. I sure want him to survive! I love his quote – “No room for feelings in struggle to survive. Survival important, not pride.”

As the group is pursued from one station to the next., their food supply runs low and their options dwindle. It’s anyone’s guess who will survive, if any. And if they do, will there be a world to get back to? I couldn’t see how this would end. It seemed so bleak and hopeless. This excerpt explains how bad it is.

“And here we are, in our very own horror movie. Only, in the movies, I can usually guess where the ending is going. Here, though, I have no clue. I just can’t see it. It’s not like there is safety on the outskirts of town. There is nothing on the outskirts of town here but a cold, frozen death. And beyond that – more cold.”  Sums it up.

I grabbed this as a free download on Amazon. I’d seen it on another blog and the cover caught my eye. I crossed my fingers and started reading it. I read it straight through and I’m so happy I can give it a high recommendation. I’ll be checking out what else the author has to offer now.




After lying in wait for millions of years, deep within the Earth beneath Mount Erebus on the frozen continent of Antarctica, an unforeseen threat emerges, leaving a scientific research team to face the horrors that await them at the bottom of the world, alone.

Steven Bird is also the author of The New Homefront Series, as well as the Society Lost Series. His work can also be found in several Kindle Worlds novellas, including The Edge of Civility and JET: Dangerous Prey.

Amazon / B&N


The above cover is the one that is shown first on Goodreads.

Here is the cover I own.


Which do you like more?


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On Tour with Prism Book Tours

(Stitch Trilogy #3)
By Samantha Durante
YA Dystopian, SciFi
Paperback & ebook, 306 Pages
December 15, 2018

3, 2, 1… BOOM.

Things are finally looking up for the Resistance. Sure, Alessa is still processing the revelation that the best friend she’d presumed dead is miraculously alive, though far from well… And her boyfriend is being manipulated under threat of blackmail. But her quest for justice against those behind the systematic extermination of the world population is so close to victory she can taste it.

And then in a matter of seconds, everything Alessa believes in is shaken to the core. Months of preparation are obliterated. The people she cares for most are lost.

But Alessa is still standing. And Paragon must pay.

The odds are grim, but unexpected allies surface in the most unlikely of places: A new pair of citizens still under the colony’s rule who notice something amiss in the latest drama. An old adversary who realizes the error of her ways. And a veritable army of inhuman power and terrible strength, with an insatiable thirst for vengeance. The trustworthiness of each of these factions is yet to be proven, but without many other options, Alessa may have to take what she can get. Especially since the Engineers, never to be outdone, also have a few more tricks up their sleeves…

The long-awaited final installment in the riveting Stitch Trilogy, Stuck will have readers gripping their seats as Alessa and a handful of intrepid survivors usher their harrowing journey to a close, risking everything as they endeavor – once and for all – to set things right.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleSmashwordsKobo


My Review

I think the first sentence in the synopsis, 3, 2, 1 … Boom, describes this final book in the trilogy perfectly. There’s plenty of action, intrigue and betrayal. But there’s also bravery, romance and hope.

The pressure is on and Alessa pins her hopes on some new allies, an old friend, and a couple of strangers to bolster and make the final throes of the resistance successful. Humanity depends on it.

I have been waiting quite some time for Stuck. Even though I remember how much I loved the first books, I couldn’t recall some details so I pulled them off the shelf, gave them a second read, and fell in love with the series all over again. It’s the end of a spellbinding series and bittersweet. I didn’t want it to end but I couldn’t wait to see how it would. I wasn’t disappointed at any time and couldn’t stop reading once I started. I had to keep reminding myself to breathe, just breathe, as the suspense swept me up.

The action and suspense were palpable.  So many character’s stepped up to the plate. I felt the hope in my own veins. And I thrilled at the many surprises and answers that were revealed.

A perfect finale to a series that fueled my imagination and captured my heart.




Other Books in the Series


I love this series and wanted to show you why. I hope you don’t mind if I share my reviews of the previous books too!

My Review of Stitch

Stitch is Samantha Durante’s debut novel. I loved this story and can’t wait to see how she is going to top it.

You get a blend of many genres. First I was thinking paranormal, then dystopian, and finally, science fiction.

Another night. Another nightmare.

When Alessa started college, she thought it would help her to adjust, to move on after the death of her parents.

Now she’s having horrible nightmares and seeing the ghostly image of a man.

She picked the sorority because of the house. Something about it spoke to her, drew her to it.

Now her every thought is consumed with finding out who the ghost is that haunts the house and her mind.

In an attempt at normalcy, she goes to a dance with Nikhil. He’s the first guy she’s had any interest in.

“Alessa parted her lips and looked up at Nikhil, preparing to surrender to her body’s impulses.

But instead of the dark brown eyes she expected, she saw only blue. Unfathomable, sparkling blue…

Once again, a single word rose in the back of her throat – Isaac – and she knew the night was over.”

Isaac’s continued appearances and the fact that only she can see him becomes a quest to discover who he was and why he’s so sad.

What she finds is shocking. Was moving into the house her choice, what secrets are her friend Janie hiding, and does Alessa have a connection to Isaac, the ghost of her dreams and the house?

You’ll have an exciting time finding out just who or what Isaac is and what all of this has to do with Alessa.

This mixing of genres is brilliant and captivating.

While the beginning may be calm, slowly building this new world, the author fluidly takes you back and forth through time, filling in the answers to the mystery of Alessa and Isaac.

About halfway through, I started to see where this was going but with many twists and turns and what the’s, I was continually surprised.

One thing that I found very unique was how the author dealt with the communication between Alessa and Isaac. It was not what I was expecting and really had me going.  You’ll see.

The anticipation was nail-biting and the ending was out of this world. There was no cliff hanger and I finally had all of the answers.



My Review of Shudder

Alessa and Isaac set off to find a secure base for all of those wanting out of Paragon.

They worry that the virus may still be out there, but soon discover they are being stalked by creatures, swift moving things that remain in the shadows of the forest, shrieking their rage.

As they escape an attack, something happens to Alessa. She is frozen in place as her mind is overpowered with fear, frustration and fury. She doesn’t know how it’s happening, but she’s experiencing these creatures feelings and it terrifies her.

They have to hurry. People are waiting for them to return with a location for their safe haven and Alessa has to get her sister, Janie, out of the clutches of the Ruling Class.

I finished reading Shudder in one sitting, never taking a break.

I could feel it in the authors writing, I was nearing the end of the book. No, not yet!

I needed to know why Joe featured so strongly in Alessa’s mind, what happened to her sister, and where the virus came from.

Samantha started to wrap up the ending while subtly layering in leads to the finale, Stuck. the last book in this trilogy. I liked that. Sure, I didn’t get all of the answers I wanted, but I did get a lot of insight into what the ‘stitch’ was and why and how it was used.

I also learned about the Ruling Class and their reasoning behind the stitch, even though I suspect some, if not most, of them were lying.

It’s no surprise that humanity didn’t learn its lesson. You’d think after all that has been written and studied, all of the wealth of info there is, they would know better. But no, the Ruling Class do the same things as before, believing they know what’s good for all. They buy into their own lies and block out the moral compass screaming stop, and do whatever is necessary to benefit the greater good. And we wonder why we don’t trust our government. Too many chiefs.

I felt twinges of The Matrix and Aeon Flux while reading this. Shudder reads like a dystopian, post-apocalyptic science fiction story. The author did an amazing job of blending these genre into an exciting, addictive series.

It makes me wonder. If Stitch and Shudder are so great, what is Stuck going to be like? I’m sure it’ll be thrilling.



About the Author

Samantha lives in Westchester County, New York with four of the five loves of her life – her husband, son, younger daughter, and cat – and carries her fifth love, her stillborn daughter, in her heart. An avid reader herself, Samantha’s dream is to bring the same delight to readers that other authors have brought to her life. In addition to penning novels and writing candidly about grief, she is also a sometimes freelance writer/consultant – though more often than not these days she’s on full-time mom duty! A former software engineer, Samantha said goodbye to the corporate world in 2010 to pursue her entrepreneurial dreams and lifelong love of writing. Learn more at


Tour Schedule

December 10th:
Andi’s Young Adult Books
Mythical Books
December 11th:
Candrel’s Crafts, Cooks, and Characters
Paulette’s Papers
December 12th:
Lisa Loves Literature
December 13th:
Coffee, Books and Cakes
Why Not? Because I Said So!
December 14th:
Bri’s Book Nook
December 17th:
Hopelessly Devoted Bibliophile
December 18th:
Lovely Reads
Chapter Break
Words Are the Breath Of Life
December 19th:
Books & Such
Bri’s Book Nook
December 20th:
Coffee, Books and Cakes
December 21st:
Christy’s Cozy Corners
Oh Hey! Books.
December 22nd:
Grand Finale

Tour Giveaway

1 First Place Winner will receive: Signed Print Copies of All 3 Books in the Trilogy, a Limited-Edition Stitch Scarf, Bookmarks, and a $15 Amazon Gift Card
3 Second Place Winners will receive: eBook Copies of All 3 Books in the Trilogy for You *and* a Friend, plus a $5 Amazon Gift Card
– Open internationally
– Ends December 27th

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Scream Muddy Murder

Big Lake Murder Mysteries

by Lesley A. Diehl

Scream Muddy Murder (Big Lake Murder Mysteries)
Cozy Mystery
3rd in Series
Creekside Publishing (September 27, 2018)
Paperback: 352 pages
ISBN-10: 9780997234954
ISBN-13: 978-0997234954
Print Length: 272 pages
Digital ASIN: B07H2NZQ7C

My Review

Having read and enjoyed the first two books in this series, I was excited to see what these delightful character’s were up to next.

It’s been raining for days but that doesn’t stop the Seminole War reenactment from happening. And Emily and her daughter, Naomi, will play their part. At least the view is nice. Sexy Detective Stanton Lewis is right in front of them. Some lively banter and a lending hand leave Stanton and Emily face down in the muck. And they’re not alone. They’ve discovered the body of the local school principal, dead by a bullet wound. Someone better solve this quick before the town has a real war on their hands.

I could see it coming. Stanton puts his foot down, insisting the ladies stay out of police business. But the force of Emily, Naomi and Clara is one to be reckoned with. They team up to solve the murder, making a suspect list and checking it twice. I felt like I was part of the investigation as they debated who should be on the list and why. Definitely kept me invested in the outcome. I had to know if my choice was the right one.

My favorite part was the romance between Emily and Stanton. Or should I say almost romance. These two can deny and avoid all they want, I know they’ll do more than just hook up. Butting heads about the investigation just seem to heat things up between them. Me thinks they use it as a way to be together without admitting that’s what they really want. Too fun.

 I was hoping this would be as fun as the previous books, and Leslie didn’t let me down. Scream Muddy Murder was tons of laughs. And the mystery kept me clueless til right near the end.




EMILY RHODES DOES IT AGAIN! This time she nosedives into a mud puddle at a Seminole War battle reenactment and finds she’s sharing the muck with a dead body. As usual the hunky detective she loves to aggravate, Stanton Lewis, cautions her against getting involved in the case, and as usual she ignores him. Emily’s sleuthing pays off, revealing disturbing information about the victim’s past. Is it the reason behind his murder? With the help of her family and friends, Emily sets out to uncover secrets kept too long and puts herself and the people she loves in the killer’s path. Too late she realizes Detective Lewis was right. Her snoopiness proves to be a deadly idea.

Author Lesley A. Diehl

Lesley retired from her life as a professor of psychology and reclaimed her country roots by moving to a small cottage in the Butternut River Valley in Upstate New York.  In the winter she migrates to old Florida—cowboys, scrub palmetto, and open fields of grazing cattle, a place where spurs still jingle in the post office, and gators make golf a contact sport.  Back north, the shy ghost inhabiting the cottage serves as her literary muse.  When not writing, she gardens, cooks and renovates the 1874 cottage with the help of her husband, two cats and, of course, Fred the ghost, who gives artistic direction to their work. She’s presently interviewing for a coyote to serve as her muse for her books and stories set in rural Florida.

She is the author of a number of mystery series and mysteries as well as short stories, most featuring her quirky sense of humor and a few characters drawn from her peculiar family.

Author Links: Twitter / Facebook / Webpage / Blog

Purchase Links – Amazon   B&N  


I’ve read the first two books also and had a blast. Click on the covers to read my reviews.

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December 7 – Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

December 8 – Mallory Heart’s Cozies – REVIEW

December 9 – A Wytch’s Book Review Blog – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

December 10 – T’s Stuff – SPOTLIGHT, RECIPE POST

December 10 – Babs Book Bistro – SPOTLIGHT

December 11 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – CHARACTER GUEST POST

December 12 – A Blue Million Books – AUTHOR INTERVIEW


December 14 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

December 15 – MJB Reviewers – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

December 16 – Laura’s Interests – REVIEW

December 17 – Devilishly Delicious Book Reviews – REVIEW

December 18 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – CHARACTER GUEST POST

December 19 – I’m All About Books – SPOTLIGHT  

December 19 – Books Direct – GUEST POST

December 20 – Ruff Drafts – SPOTLIGHT

December 20 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

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It’s been too long since I’ve shared some horror and I have a good one for ya. I listened to The Beast Of Barcroft and it was a Cryptid treat.



My Review

Right from the beginning I felt almost like I was watching a movie. Cue the music as an ominous scene unfolds and the mystery of the The Beast Of Barcroft began.  I was hooked.

Ben is a sympathetic character. He thinks he’s finally moving up in the world. That his hard work has paid off. That’s until he discovers that his posh new digs are planted right alongside a rundown house riddled with rats and stray cats. His life begins to fall apart. And it changes forever when he sees the creature that killed his beloved dog.

Yep, I thought I should warn you, a dog dies in this story. But the author doesn’t describe it’s death. Just what happens afterwards. When Ben faces the beast, it’s so otherworldly yet so beautiful.

The story moves swiftly then. The mystery deepens, some vital characters are introduced and the horror of the beast takes over.

Wowser. I thought I knew what the beast was. But I was way off. It was something new to me and that’s a huge bonus. I love cryptids and this one prowled right out of folklore in all its shiny newness. Some scenes were more subtle. And some were so intense I couldn’t see how anyone would survive. Some didn’t. Some did, and they want after the beast. The final confrontation seemed hopeless. I braced myself and took what the author dished out. But, wait. It wasn’t over. There was one more violent confrontation. Then it was over.

Now, about the final battle. I thought about it for awhile. Then I decided it worked. Might not be what I wanted, but it worked.

Did I enjoy The Beast Of Barcroft? Yes I did. The audible is over seven hours long and I listened to it straight through. Would I recommend it? In a heartbeat.


 Narrated by Will Damron

This is the first time I listened to a narration by Will Damron and I’ll be watching for him now. He nailed the characters, male and female, his inflection was on point and his reading was smooth.



Ben McKelvie believes he’s moving up in the world when he and his fiancée buy a house in the cushy Washington, D.C., suburb of Barcroft. Instead, he’s moving down—way down—thanks to Madeleine Roux, the crazy neighbor whose vermin-infested property is a permanent eyesore and looming hazard to public health.

First, Ben’s fiancée leaves him; then, his dog dies, apparently killed by a predator drawn into Barcroft by Madeleine’s noxious menagerie. But the worst is yet to come for Ben, for he’s not dealing with any ordinary wild animal. This killer is something much, much worse. Something that couldn’t possibly exist—in this world.

Now, as a devilish creature stalks the locals, Ben resolves to take action. With some grudging assistance from a curator at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and the crackpot theories of a self-styled cryptozoologist, he discovers the sinister truth behind the attacks, but knowing the Beast of Barcroft and stopping it are two different animals.

Amazon / B&N / Tantor


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To see all of my giveaways go HERE

I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.



Slay Bells

A Christmas Village Mystery

by T.C. Wescott

Slay Bells (A Christmas Village Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
Brand New Series
Better Mousetrap Books (November 23, 2018)
Print Length: 273 pages
Digital ASIN: B07HGG7ZFR

 My Review

There are several ingredients I like in cozy mysteries.

The first is a small town setting. Christmas Village reminded me of Whoville come to life. It’s time for the annual Christmas Festival and the whole town jumps in to make it another magical experience. But the town has their own Grinch in the guise of a killer.

The second is a diverse cast of characters. You sure get those in Slay Bells. Welcome to Plum Cottage. The picturesque Inn is filled to capacity with a very unusual cast of character’s. Magicians, acrobats, psychics. It’s a cornucopia of suspects with abilities that make for a long list. Add to the mix, Mrs. Maribel Claus, a lodger with a huge dose of curiosity and a nose for crime and the plot thickens.

The third is the mystery. It needs to be investigated with vigor. And plenty of humor. As soon as the crimes began, I was hooked. So many colorful suspects and a fearful local legend and trail of false leads that left me tangled up in tinsel. I don’t think I’ve ever read a cozy mystery quite like this. I felt challenged directly by the author to untangle the clues, figure out why the crimes happened, and identify the killer. I jumped eagerly into the challenge, determined to be right in my conclusion.

Tis the season and Slay Bells was quite the holiday read. So much fun. Such an enchanting village. And whew, what a mystery to unravel. If you decide to accept the challenge and try to solve this one, you’ll be lead by the nose to a surprise ending. Enjoy the visit. And be sure to imbibe in the ht cider and tarts.


‘Twas the week before Christmas and all through the village, the night settled in over swirling-smoke chimneys; the air was alive with pine and holly, with sugar and cinnamon and cider, by golly!

Along snowy lanes and through shadows it crept, past windows behind which each villager slept, where sleeping dogs lie and cats rest a’purring—

Tonight, in Christmas Village, a killer is stirring.

Welcome to Christmas Village, a magical hamlet where even in December the roses hold their luster and bees buzz among the bluebells. You’re just in time for the week-long Christmas Festival, and nowhere is Christmas celebrated with such unrestrained merriment as the village which bears its name. Mayor Cobblestone and Sheriff Fell will be somewhere nearby, doing all they can to make sure you’re safe during your stay.

Provided you haven’t booked a room at Plum Cottage.

Nestled betwixt an opulent garden with meandering footpaths and an ancient grove of plum trees, Rose Willoughby’s boarding house is plum-full with lodgers. There are no vacancies, but just wait. Soon there will be one…and another…and another.

Presently lodging at the cottage are: the juggler, the acrobat, the magician, the psychic, the strongman, the manager, and the pretty assistant. In town as festival entertainment they’ve each brought their own bag of tricks. And a closetful of skeletons.

When the entertainers begin dying in inexplicable ways, some villagers believe a beast from old village lore is the culprit. The sheriff knows better, but he’s just as helpless to catch the invisible killer as are the town folk with their eyes to the sky in search of a flying creature. But our mysterious murderer hasn’t counted on yet another lodger coming to the cottage: Maribel Claus.

Short as a stump, round as a wheel, sweet as a candy cane, and a sharp as a whip, Maribel loves a good puzzle. But has she finally met her match at Plum Cottage?

Can you figure out whodunit before Maribel does? If you’re up to the challenge, here’s your first clue—the key to unlocking the secret of the murderer’s identity lies in figuring out how the murders were committed. Good luck!

About Author

T.C. Wescott was born in Missouri but has lived in Oklahoma most of his life. Like pretty much every author who has ever breathed, he is an avid reader. His favorites are classic mysteries from the Golden Age, as well as just before or just after that period (which is widely considered the period between the two World Wars). His first mystery novel, Running from Scissors, was published in July 2018 and will be the first of at least three books in the Running Store Mystery series.

The Christmas Village Mystery series will launch in November of the same year with the debut title Slay Bells. The formula for his books is simple – mixing the classic, traditional detective fiction standards with all the trappings of the modern cozy mystery.

Wescott is also (under another name) the author of two award-winning non-fiction books as well as a slew of essays and articles.

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November 23 – The Avid Reader – REVIEW

November 23 – Brooke Blogs – GUEST POST

November 24 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

November 24 – Mallory Heart’s Cozies – REVIEW

November 25 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW

November 25 – Moonlight Rendezvous – REVIEW, CHARACTER GUEST POST

November 26 – Laura’s Interests – REVIEW, CHARACTER GUEST POST

November 26 – My Devotional Thoughts – REVIEW, CHARACTER INTERVIEW

November 27 – The Book’s the Thing – REVIEW, GUEST POST

November 27 – Island Confidential – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

November 28 – Book Babble – REVIEW

November 28 – Bibliophile Reviews – REVIEW, GUEST POST

November 29 – View from the Birdhouse – GUEST POST

November 29 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

November 30 – A Blue Million Books – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

December 1 – Readeropolis – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

December 1 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – SPOTLIGHT

December 2 – Babs Book Bistro – SPOTLIGHT

December 3 – A Wytch’s Book Review Blog – REVIEW, CHARACTER INTERVIEW

December 3 – I’m All About Books – SPOTLIGHT  

December 4 – A Holland Reads – REVIEW*


December 5 – The Montana Bookaholic – REVIEW, CHARACTER GUEST POST

December 5 – StoreyBook Reviews – REVIEW

December 6 – Melina’s Book Blog – REVIEW

December 6 – Here’s How It Happened – REVIEW



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The Cozy Corgi Mysteries Banner


Welcome to my stop on the Virtual Book Tour for Mildred Abbott’s The Cozy Corgi Mysteries hosted by Pump Up Your Book from October 1 – November 30, 2018.

I sure had fun reading this series. Kind of addictive. LOL

Check out the books and the fun covers and I’ve included links to my reviews.

And the first four books are FREE on Amazon for a limited time. Click on the covers to grab a copy. Just be sure to check that they’re still free!



Title: CRUEL CANDY (Book 1)
Author: Mildred Abbott
Publisher: Wings of Ink Publications LLC
Pages: 282
Genre: Cozy Mystery

Go HERE for my review.


Estes Park, Colorado: picturesque mountains, charming shops, delightful bakeries, a cozy bookstore… and murder.
Winifred Page and her corgi, Watson, move to Estes Park to hit the Reset button on life. Fred is about to open her dream bookshop, and the only challenges she anticipates are adjusting to small-town life, tourists, and living close to her lovable mother, Phyllis, and hippy stepfather, Barry.
When Fred steps into her soon-to-be-bookshop for the first time, she expects dust bunnies and spiders… not the dead body in the upstairs kitchen. The local police have an easy suspect—Barry.

Determined to prove quirky Barry innocent of murder, Fred puts on her detective hat, and with Watson by her side, she explores her new town and gets acquainted with her fellow shopkeepers. Could one of her friendly neighbors be the real culprit? And what would be the motive for killing the owner of the Sinful Bites candy store? The secrets Fred discover put her at odds with the local police sergeant and threaten her cozy future in Estes.
With snow falling outside, all Fred wants to do is curl up by the fire with a good book and Watson snuggled at her feet. But before she can begin her new life and put her plans for her bookshop into action, Fred and Watson have a mystery to solve…





Author: Mildred Abbott
Publisher: Wings of Ink Publications LLC
Pages: 2278
Genre: Cozy Mystery

Go HERE for my review.


It’s Christmas in Estes Park, Colorado: cozy fires, twinkling lights, soft snowfall, and… murder.
The winter holidays in charming Estes Park lulls Winifred Page and her corgi, Watson, into thoughts of spiced chai and gingerbread as they settle into their new home. Fred’s dream bookshop is becoming a reality, and with Christmas only days away, her only concerns are spending time with family, enforcing Watson’s diet, and finding the perfect gifts.
The toy store beckons Fred and her friend Katie, who dash in out of the cold, during a shopping spree to discover handmade toys, cuddly stuffed animals… and a dying man on the floor.

When Katie’s desperate attempts to save the man ends in her being taken in for his murder, Fred once again dons her detective hat. She puts aside her Christmas list and—with Watson sniffing around—begins a list of suspects. But as quickly as clues point to one person, new discoveries shift the spotlight to another.
With Katie’s freedom in the balance, Fred has little time to think about gifts or to enjoy the holiday lights and music. A killer is on the loose, one who became violent in a picture-perfect Christmas toy shop, and Fred and Watson can’t begin to predict what might happen next…





Author: Mildred Abbott
Publisher: Wings of Ink Publications LLC
Pages: 280
Genre: Cozy Mystery

Go HERE for my review.


Rocky Mountain National Park has it all: rugged peaks, pine-scented forests, enchanting bird-watching locations, and… murder.

The Cozy Corgi bookshop finally opens, and Winifred Page and her headstrong corgi, Watson, are ready to welcome their first patrons. With her new best friend, Katie, creating heavenly pastries in the bakery on the top floor of the store, Fred’s dreams are all coming together in delicious and unexpected ways.

When Katie caters a meeting of the Feathered Friends Brigade and drags Fred along, they expect nothing more than loquacious chatter about birds as they endeavor to build a professional relationship with the owner of the wild bird shop. Fred and Katie are quickly roped into a moonlight snowshoeing hike in hopes of spotting a rare owl. While the endangered bird proves elusive… the murdered man in the snow is hard to miss.

Fred’s growing relationship with Sergeant Wexler hits a snag when he forbids her from donning her sleuth hat yet again. But Fred is a lot like her corgi—she doesn’t like being told what to do, even if it puts an end to a possible romance.

As Fred and Watson delve into the lives of the ornithological club members, the tangled birds’ nest of an investigation makes Fred wonder if she should have left this one to the police. But when feathers begin to fly, Fred has no choice but to flush out a killer…





Author: Mildred Abbott
Publisher: Wings of Ink Publications LLC
Pages: 296
Genre: Cozy Mystery

Go HERE for my review.


Opening the Cozy Corgi in Estes Park is a dream come true: small-town charm, fresh-baked bread, hours by the fire reading mysteries, and… murder.

For Winifred Page and her devoted corgi, Watson, the puzzle pieces of life are falling into place as they settle into their home in the Colorado mountains. Surrounded by family and friends, Fred begins to relax into the charm and beauty of being the owner of a bookshop and bakery.

The buzz of possible romance—though Fred wasn’t looking for a relationship—has quieted as one of her suitors is no longer a viable option while the other has moved into the friend zone. But all thoughts of romance, wanted or not, fly out the window when Fred finds a dead body in the Cozy Corgi bakery… again.

Things get stickier when Fred’s main suspect turns out to be a family member of one of the local police officers—the one who already despises Fred and her little dog. Determined not to let past grievances cloud her judgment, Fred tips her detective hat and pokes deeper into the murder investigation. But in a mystery that becomes smoke and mirrors, nothing is as it seems.

The revelations Fred unveils threaten not only her picture-perfect world but her very life….





Author: Mildred Abbott
Publisher: Wings of Ink Publications LLC
Pages: 302
Genre: Cozy Mystery

Go HERE for my review.


With summer approaching, Estes Park is abuzz with flowers, baking, tourists, and… murder.

Tourist season is about to begin, and the lovely weather has Winifred Page and her corgi sidekick, Watson, leaving the comfort of the Cozy Corgi Bookshop and Bakery to reluctantly attend a celebration at the Black Bear Roaster coffee shop. But a chill of uncertainty settles over Fred when a choking death doesn’t seem so accidental—despite the dry, hazardous scones.

As Fred and Police Sergeant Branson Wexler rekindle a possible romance, Fred shares her suspicions. But is she seeing murder at every turn? Learning to trust her gut feelings, Fred risks the ire of the coffee shop owner to investigate not one, but two, deaths.
As suspects and motives abound, old resentments are uncovered, and Fred and Watson build new friendships even as they follow the crumbs to find clues to a killer.





Title: CHAOTIC CORGIS (Book 6)
Author: Mildred Abbott
Publisher: Wings of Ink Publications LLC
Pages: 213
Genre: Cozy Mystery

Go HERE for my review.


At the height of the summer season, Estes Park explodes with people, wildlife, fireworks, and… murder.

The Cozy Corgi Bookshop and Bakery is buzzing with tourists, and Winifred Page and her quirky corgi, Watson, celebrate the Fourth of July picnicking with family and friends—of the human and four-legged variety. As summer blooms with romance for Fred and Sergeant Branson Wexler, murder lurks around the corner.

With a friend’s life in danger, Fred and Watson doggedly pursue the investigation, even as Fred finds herself once again at odds with the police department. But caring for two chaotic corgis while navigating emotions from the past in the midst of solving a mystery might be too much, and Fred hits a roadblock.

As relationships are tested and secrets exposed, Fred might lose more than one person she loves…





Author: Mildred Abbott
Publisher: Wings of Ink Publications LLC
Pages: 340
Genre: Cozy Mystery

Go HERE for my review.


A New Age conference comes to Estes Park, Colorado, bringing a cacophony of tie-dye, crystals, and murder…

As summer draws to a close, the Spirit, Health, and Heart Conference arrives, just in time for Winifred’s sisters to open their store next to the Cozy Corgi Bookshop. To Fred’s surprise, Chakras turns out to be a beautiful addition to the delightful mountain town. The shop even has a room so pleasing in its crystal tranquility that Fred’s corgi, Watson, approves—and hardly anything impresses him.

But not everyone is charmed by the crystals, tarot readings, and messages of personal enlightenment. When a famous spiritualist is found dead, Chakras and the entire town is plunged into a conflict that touches the lives of those closest to Fred.

Although she is hesitant to become involved, it is simply not in the cards for Fred to sit out the investigation. As she and Watson embark on a journey that forces them to take a look into the darker shadows of Estes Park, Fred soon finds herself digging into the secrets of those she loves…





Author: Mildred Abbott
Publisher: Wings of Ink Publications LLC
Pages: 217
Genre: Cozy Mystery


Poaching becomes an ever more pervasive problem within the National Park. When Fred discovers a body, of the human variety, while on a hike, she and Watson are pulled into another mystery. Over the days that follow, everything in Fred’s world gets turned on its head and the secrets that are revealed shake her to her core.




Meet the Author

Mildred Abbott

Reading the Cozy Corgi series is pretty much all you need to know about Mildred. In real life, she’s obsessed with everything she writes about: Corgis, Books, Cozy Mountain Towns, and Baked Goods.  She’s not obsessed with murder, however. At least not at her own hands (nor paid for… no contract killing here). But since childhood, starting with Nancy Drew, trying to figure out who-dun-it has played a formative role in her personality.  Having Fred and Watson stroll into her mind was a touch of kismet.

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I’m enjoying a long weekend due to the Thanksgiving holiday and movies are on the agenda. I just finished watching Big Legend. Have you seen it yet?

I’m a big fan of Sasquatch. I love the big hairy guy and I had high hopes for this movie. It didn’t disappoint.

Kevin Makely gives a great performance as a damaged man out for revenge after something takes his fiancee while camping in the woods. When he returns a year later to find out what  happened to her, it doesn’t take long for the answer to come calling. Todd A. Robinson plays a supporting role as Eli. He’s part comic relief and part the guy you’d want by your side in a fight.   The cameo appearances of Adrienne Barbeau and Lance Henriksen were good too. As Tyler’s mother, I loved that she supported him and backed his play. I watched this with my son and it was right near the end that we realized Lance hadn’t made an appearance. We were talking about that and then there he was. Playing the mystery character we’d just been pondering. It wouldn’t be a good Sasquatch movie without him.

The ending was a bonus. Got me thinking of some audible books in the dark suburban horror category I’m listening to by Bill Schweigart. This movie felt very similar.

The scenery was gorgeous. The acting was strong. And I didn’t really see any scenes that felt forced or lame. Plus, the creature was pretty terrifying. I liked what they came up with. Being always on the lookout for the next good creature feature, I was glad to find this one. If you’re a fan of this kind of movie, I’m thinking you’ll enjoy Big Legend. Not saying you’ll love it as much as I did, but you never know. I’m giving this a big thumbs up.



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I’m so happy to be sharing another of Lauren Carr’s thrilling mysteries. This one has so much going on, from a sixteen year old murder to some current ones, it could all be connected.

Enjoy my review of Crimes Past.

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

 Crimes Past by Lauren Carr
Series: A Mac Faraday Mystery (Volume 13)
Category: Adult fiction, 322 pages
Genre: Murder Mystery
Publisher: Acorn Book Services
Release date: October 16, 2018
Tour dates: Nov 12 to Dec 14, 2018
Content Rating: PG (mild violence and sexual suggestion)

My Review

So much happens in this book and I’m hard pressed to not spoil it for you when sharing my review.

Lauren gives you a mystery within a mystery, more suspects than you can shake a stick at, a cold case, and a cast of characters that will charm your pants off. Well, maybe not literally.

Mac Faraday feels guilty about not solving the murder of two police officers,, gunned down on their wedding day sixteen years ago. He made a promise to one of the murdered officer’s young daughter’s and he plans to keep it even now. So, when the daughter is set to be married, he offer’s up his five star resort for the ceremony and invites all of the people from that long ago wedding to attend. Surely he can find and nail down the killer.

Well, I sure didn’t see the killer coming. Lauren had me hopping from one likely suspect to the next. I’d feel like this one did it, then that one did it. When several more murders occurred, I gave up and let the author reveal things for me. I was having so much fun with other things and I just went with the flow.

As usual the characters are plenty and the author does this handy thing at the beginning of the book. She lists all of the main players and how they connect to each other, even the four legged ones. I do confess, I’m always excited when Mayor Gnarly shows up. Yes, he’s the mayor and a darn good one when he’s not stealing cell phones from purses or the food from your plate. He’s a hundred pound  German Shepherd, a hero and a lovable scamp. He stole my heart the first time I met him and still has it.

Being familiar with how Lauren springs surprises, I couldn’t wait to see what she offered up this time. There’s some doozies. She managed to make me feel giddy as each one was revealed. If I wasn’t holding the book to read it, I’d be clapping my hands.

Another fun, exciting mystery from Lauren that will have you using your brain pan. If you’ve read her books before, you’ll have fun settling in with these characters again. If you haven’t, jump in and meet them. You’ll be comfortable soon enough.




It’s a bittersweet reunion for Mac Faraday when members of his former homicide squad arrive at the Spencer Inn. While it is sweet to attend the wedding of a former colleague’s daughter, it is a bitter reminder that the mother of the bride had been the victim of a double homicide on her own wedding night.

The brutal slaying weighing heavy on his mind, Mac is anxious to explore every possibility for a break in the cold case—even a suggestion from disgraced former detective Louis Gannon that one of their former friends was the killer.

When the investigator is brutally slain, Mac Faraday rips open the cold case with a ruthless determination to reveal which of his friends was a cold-blooded murderer.


Buy Crimes Past:
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Praise for Lauren Carr’s books:

“Lauren Carr is a master storyteller who combines the humor of Janet Evanovich and the investigative skills of Patricia Cornwell. She is always at the top of my reading list.”
– Sherry Fundin, Fundinmental

“Lauren Carr could give Agatha Christie a run for her money!”
– Charlene Mabie-Gamble, Literary R&R

“Lauren Carr’s books are never boring, that’s for sure. They entertain, give us a good mystery to dig into, keep the reader guessing, give us a few good laughs and make us eager for the next book. Warning: Lauren Carr’s series are addictive, so be ready to read more than just one book!”
– Laura Fabiani, Library of Clean Reads

“She is an amazing author that draws you into the story, makes you fall in love with the characters (they feel like family!) and keeps you guessing right to the very end.”
– Working Mommy Journal

“Lauren Carr does a good job of moving the quirky storyline along nicely with an abundance of witty dialogue. And you have no idea who the good guys are and who the bad guys are until the end.”
– Every Free Chance Book Reviews

To read reviews, please visit Lauren Carr’s page on iRead Book Tours.

Meet the Author:

Lauren Carr is the international best-selling author of the Mac Faraday, Lovers in Crime, and Thorny Rose Mysteries—over twenty titles across three fast-paced mystery series filled with twists and turns!

Now, Lauren has added one more hit series to her list with the Chris Matheson Cold Case Mysteries. Set in the quaint West Virginia town of Harpers Ferry, Ice introduces Chris Matheson, a retired FBI agent, who joins forces with other law enforcement retirees to heat up those cold cases that keep them up at night.

Book reviewers and readers alike rave about how Lauren Carr’s seamlessly crosses genres to include mystery, suspense, crime fiction, police procedurals, romance, and humor.

​Lauren is a popular speaker who has made appearances at schools, youth groups, and on author panels at conventions. She lives with her husband, and three dogs on a mountain in Harpers Ferry, WV.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Instagram


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Ends Dec 22, 2018

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I’ve been reading Lauren’s books for a while now. Each series has genuine, fun characters that have charmed me from one book to the next. I’m thrilled to be able to share some short stories from her collection, Spring Thaw.

Enjoy my review.

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

Spring Thaw

by Lauren Carr

Category: Adult fiction, 237 pages
Genre: Murder Mystery, Short Stories
Publisher: Acorn Book Services
Release date: August 12, 2018
Tour dates: Nov 12 to Dec 14, 2018
Content Rating: PG (mild violence and sexual suggestion)

My Review

When I like a series, and Lauren has several that I’ve been enjoying, I also like to grab any side or short stories collections that go along with them. Spring Thaw dips into a couple of her series. Each one has a lot of characters and the author provides a list at the beginning of the books explaining who’s who . By the end of the first book in each series these characters were so memorable I no longer had to refer to her list to know who was who. So when I started reading each of these stories, the characters were familiar and I just dove in to see what was going to happen.

I quickly engaged with the character’s, human and critters. And the mystery was established without fanfare so the author get right to the meat of it. I enjoyed the dialogue, either cracking a grin or laughing while following along. And the critters are a huge bonus. They’re all shapes and sizes and have unique personalities. It’s common for them to steal the limelight.

I was hoping for and got an appearance from Mayor Gnarly, a mischief making German Shepherd that stole my heart the moment I met him. Yes, you read this right, he was actually elected Mayor. Lauren describes him so clearly it’s like I’m watching his scenes, not reading them. When he’s kidnapped by two bungling thieves, he actually made me snort and think, oh no, you didn’t. LOL

If you’ve read Lauren’s books, you’ll enjoy these fun nibbles. If you haven’t, you can easily read this collection and meet some of the stars. There’s plenty of humor, snark and twists to keep you entertained.




In today’s hectic world, many whodunit fans don’t have time to get their mystery fix diving into a whole novel. Lauren Carr’s SPRING THAW AND OTHER MYSTERY SHORT STORIES is for these fans—but that doesn’t mean whodunit fans who do have time can’t dive in as well.

A novella, Spring Thaw features retired federal agent Chris Matheson from Lauren Carr’s newest bestselling cold case series. When his late father’s former friend is indicted for the seven year old murder of a church bishop, Chris renews old broken friendships to thaw out the cold case.

Featuring Mac Faraday from Lauren Carr’s popular Mac Faraday Mysteries, an estate auction turns into a deadly affair after Gnarly’s antics cause Mac to purchase a gem of a dress, which isn’t his color in Killing Bid. (Previously published in Lauren Carr’s BEAUTY TO DIE FOR.)

Beauty to Die For features the Lovers in Crime, Joshua Thornton and Cameron Gates in a race against the Angel of Death to clear the name of a dying woman’s son, who was framed for murdering Miss Pennsylvania. (Previously published in BEAUTY TO DIE FOR.)

Countdown to Murder returns to the Lovers in Crime where Cameron and Joshua try to solve the murder of a young pregnant widow before it happens. (Previously published in BEAUTY TO DIE FOR.)

Mystery fans will see that every dog has his day, especially if that dog is Gnarly. In Lucky Dog, Gnarly helps Mac Faraday to solve the murder of a wealthy society girl. (Previously published in BEAUTY TO DIE FOR.)

Dog Loving Mystery Fans will get a special treat when they read The Gnarly Rehabilitation Program. In this Gnarly Mystery Short, Bert and Ernie learn the hard way that crime does not pay when they dog nap Gnarly. (Previously published as a bonus feature with A WEDDING AND A KILLING.)

Gnarly, the rambunctious German shepherd, is also featured in Lauren Carr’s Christmas short, A Gnarly Christmas. It is Christmas day and Gnarly has been up to his old tricks again. Now he’s in the dog house–or rather the boathouse–after stealing the Christmas feast! Moments after Archie and Mac leave Spencer Manor, Gnarly hears a call for help from Rocky, the Maltese down the street. Four assassins for hire have invaded the home of Rocky’s elderly owners. While the home invaders wait for instructions from a mysterious caller, Gnarly must plot to stop them. Can Gnarly save Christmas with only the help of an 8-pound Maltese dressed in an elf suit? (Previously published as a single short story by the same name.)

Buy Spring Thaw:
Praise for Lauren Carr’s books:

“Lauren Carr is a master storyteller who combines the humor of Janet Evanovich and the investigative skills of Patricia Cornwell. She is always at the top of my reading list.”
– Sherry Fundin, Fundinmental

“Lauren Carr could give Agatha Christie a run for her money!”
– Charlene Mabie-Gamble, Literary R&R

“Lauren Carr’s books are never boring, that’s for sure. They entertain, give us a good mystery to dig into, keep the reader guessing, give us a few good laughs and make us eager for the next book. Warning: Lauren Carr’s series are addictive, so be ready to read more than just one book!”
– Laura Fabiani, Library of Clean Reads

“She is an amazing author that draws you into the story, makes you fall in love with the characters (they feel like family!) and keeps you guessing right to the very end.”
– Working Mommy Journal

“Lauren Carr does a good job of moving the quirky storyline along nicely with an abundance of witty dialogue. And you have no idea who the good guys are and who the bad guys are until the end.”
– Every Free Chance Book Reviews

To read reviews, please visit Lauren Carr’s page on iRead Book Tours.

Meet the Author:

Lauren Carr is the international best-selling author of the Mac Faraday, Lovers in Crime, and Thorny Rose Mysteries—over twenty titles across three fast-paced mystery series filled with twists and turns!

Now, Lauren has added one more hit series to her list with the Chris Matheson Cold Case Mysteries. Set in the quaint West Virginia town of Harpers Ferry, Ice introduces Chris Matheson, a retired FBI agent, who joins forces with other law enforcement retirees to heat up those cold cases that keep them up at night.

Book reviewers and readers alike rave about how Lauren Carr’s seamlessly crosses genres to include mystery, suspense, crime fiction, police procedurals, romance, and humor.

Lauren is a popular speaker who has made appearances at schools, youth groups, and on author panels at conventions. She lives with her husband, and three dogs on a mountain in Harpers Ferry, WV.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Instagram


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Ends Dec 22, 2018

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For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

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