Posts Tagged ‘review’

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


Spot & Smudge

by Robert Udulutch


Genre:  Horror / Science Fiction


My Review

A family looking for a fresh start, a town with dark secrets, and two very special pups.

Since I’d read this quite a while ago, I figured I’d better read it again to refresh my memory before writing a review.  The first thing I remembered was that this is not a children’s book. You’re hit in the face with some strong curse words right in the beginning. Don’t let that stop you. Once you get to the meat of the story, you’ll see how this actually worked as the town has some nasty character’s.

But then, there’s Spot and Smudge. two of the most adorable puppies ever. They’ll wiggle their way into your heart. These puppies are special. They have abilities far beyond a normal dog, or a human for that matter. They’re the Dr. Dolittle of dogs.  And their human family is one you’d love to call your own.

A blend of science fiction and horror is always interesting. I knew about the sci fi part just by looking at the cover. And the horror didn’t take long to enter the picture either. Sure this is a dark story. But it’s also joyful, fills you with wonder, and makes you laugh out loud.

I should warn you though, there is some animal abuse. It’s tough to read, but it makes the story stronger. And it’s not a large part of the book.

I could go on and on. In fact, my review was way too long. I wanted to tell you about so many things. But, the spoiler thing. So I deleted almost all of it and will leave you with this shorter review and my recommendation.

Don’t miss out on a terrific story. Read Spot and Smudge if it appeals to you even a tiny bit. You’ll get way more than you bargained for.



The speculative fiction thriller that masterfully kicks off the series! This darkly humorous, wonderfully twisted, ‘boy and his dogs’ tale has been bitten, kicked in the crotch, attacked by a pack of wild dogs, and genetically modified into a superbly crafted story.
The Spot and Smudge series explores the love of a unique family, the loyalty of their very special dogs, and the perils of underestimating them. These smart, imaginative stories weave together elements of horror, thriller, mystery, espionage, crime, medical drama, and genetic engineering.
Note: This series contains some colorful language and mature themes.

“Shove over brother, let me show you the proper bloody way to strangle someone.”

The Hogans weren’t looking to start a war. They just wanted to leave their troubles behind, move closer to grandma, and let their kids adopt some damn puppies.

But their quaint new town is harboring some gruesome secrets…

…and their strange new pups are not what they appear to be.

There’s a dark connection between these mysterious orphaned canines and the town’s twisted criminals…and that connection is dragging the Hogans into a ruthless fight they aren’t prepared to win.

But the grit of a devoted family, like the loyalty of a faithful pair of dogs, shouldn’t be underestimated…

…Especially when those cunning dogs are the most significant leap forward in the forty million years of canine evolution.



Other books in the series.

The Glasgow Gray: Spot and Smudge - Book Two by [Udulutch, Robert]  Let Slip the Pups of War: Spot and Smudge - Book Three by [Udulutch, Robert]  Of Rogues and Revenge: Spot and Smudge - Book Four by [Udulutch, Robert]


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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


Cell 11

by William Wickman


Genre:  Horror


My Review

The Department Of Anomalous Activity is only called in when a case meets certain parameters. Cell 11 at the Blackburn Penitentiary meets those parameters. Prisoners placed in the cell, located in solitary confinement, go in and never come out. They simply vanish. That’s the least messy part the investigation. When they discover where the prisoner’s go it gets very messy.

  Each character in the DAA team was well written. They’re a mixed bag and they all carry something from their past with them. This will either be their salvation or their downfall when they enter Cell 11.

 Cell 11 really had some creepy atmosphere going on. And while it might have felt familiar and I could kind of see the ending coming, I didn’t know how the author would get his character’s there. It was a straight through read for me and I had a bloody good time.




Cell 11 of the solitary confinement ward in Blackburn Penitentiary seemed just like any other cell.. but then inexplicably strange things began to occur within its confines. Inmates occupying it disappeared into thin air during the nights…. and then things got worse and far more gruesome..

After all conventional investigations failed, it was time to call in an unconventional team: the DAA – Department of Anomalous Activity; a shadowy government agency specializing in the bizarre and unnatural. It’s up to a team led by Agent Sam Stewart to crack the mysterious case – but not even their expertise is enough to prepare them for the horrors of cell 11.



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


Inferno Park

J.L. Bryan


Genre:  Horror


My Review

Life in Conch City was good for Carter. He lived by the beach and Starland Amusement Park was but a stone’s throw away. But, good things come to a swift and tragic end when a sinkhole opens up under Starland. So many injuries, so much death. Carter survived but he’ll never be the same.

I went into this book cold. I didn’t read the blurb or skim any reviews. I just knew from that spectacular cover that I was in for a ride.  The bestest, scariest kind of ride, where you squeeze your eyes shut, hold on tight as you can, and kiss your…Well, you know. Kind of like riding a rollercoaster, only so much more terrifying.

I’ve always thought a run down, abandoned amusement park would be the perfect setting for a horror story. I was once at our county fair and it was closing time. Most everyone was gone, the lights were going out one by one, faint laughter and shouts could be heard. I was alone but for a moment and I was terrified. I felt that while reading this book. Bryan breathed life into his characters, let me walk among them, and then let the evil seep in.

Having read the author’s Ghost Trapper series. I know he can write some dark stuff, but I guess I was lulled into letting my guard down. It was just some teens exploring the rusted hulk of a park. Ha! Shame on me for thinking like a teenager. You know how they think they’ll live forever. Well, the author puts a stop to that myth in such chilling ways. Amusement parks have so many attractions and games and I thought the author got really creative with how to use them for the best scares. And when I read the last page, the last word, I was left thinking, now that’s a horror story.

Grab your tickets. Choose a ride. But be warned. The ride ain’t over til it’s bloody well over.

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Carter was only twelve when he witnessed the disaster that killed more than a hundred people at Starland Amusement Park. Five years later, Carter’s hometown is no longer a busy Florida panhandle resort, but a slowly dying town full of empty motels and attractions rusting behind chains and padlocks.

Now something evil stirs in the ruins of the old amusement park…something with an alluring siren song drawing visitors into the dark mysteries of the forbidden world behind the gate. Something with an appetite for restless, yearning souls.

Carter reluctantly returns to the old park in the company of a new girl in town, who is obsessed with urban decay and pop-culture ruins, and discovers the evil at work. To stop it, and protect the children of the town, Carter will have to face his oldest and deepest fears.



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

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I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


Through A Mirror, Darkly

by Kevin Lucia

Genre:  Horror / Supernatural Thriller Collection


My Review

I was very happy with these stories. Kevin writes the kind of macabre, eerie and atmospheric horror that I crave.

I would loosely call this a story that embraces four shorter ones. Kevin inherits the Arcane Delights bookstore from his father. After a flood, it’s in need of TLC. In the midst of this work a strange box shows up on his desk. Upon opening it he discovers a journal or diary of sorts, containing four stories that, while separate, also tie into each other and the town.

How Kevin’s story is connected to these entries is very well handled. And the town of Clifton Heights was actually a bit of a story in itself. Which I became to appreciate even more after I finished the book.

Included are  Suffer The Children Come Unto Me, Yellow Cab, Admit One and I Watered It, With Tears. Each of these entries has it’s own atmosphere. Some more macabre than horrific. And I liked all of them, with a couple standing out that extra bit more from the rest.

Reading this straight through worked best for me. I was kept enthralled throughout and it created a bigger picture and more connection for me. Whether you read it in parts are all at once, I’m sure it’ll capture you too.




Crystal Lake Publishing presents…

Through a Mirror, Darkly is a Supernatural Thriller collection masked as a novel. With elements of mystery, suspense, and otherworldly horror, Through a Mirror, Darkly successfully delves into the worlds of Lovecraft, Grant, and the mysterious Carcosa.

“Arcane Delights. Clifton Heights’ premier rare and used bookstore. In it, new owner Kevin Ellison has inherited far more than a family legacy, for inside are tales that will amaze, astound, thrill…and terrify.

An ancient evil thirsty for lost souls. A very different kind of taxi service with destinations not on any known map. Three coins that grant the bearer’s fondest wish, and a father whose crippling grief gives birth to something dark and hungry.

Every town harbors secrets. Kevin Ellison is about to discover those that lurk in the shadows of Clifton Heights.”

Through a Mirror, Darkly follows on the success of Lucia’s Things Slip Through collection.

Amazon / B&N


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I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!



by James Byron Huggins


Genre:  Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction


My Review

In a hidden facility deep underground, something terrible seeks escape. It could be a world ending event if it escapes confinement. Above ground, the many men and their families who keep the facility in operation are clueless to what is coming. Leviathan is awake. Hungry. And very, very angry.

I bought this book back when there used to be Book Of The Month Clubs. Remember those. You had a selection offered each month and you chose which ones you wanted sent? This was one of my choices and it became a favorite I returned to more times than I can remember.

Jackson Connor is the kind of man I’d want in my corner. He’s honest, hard working and loves his family and friends fiercely. He put them before everything else. And he put himself in front of the monster down below. It would have to get past him and that wasn’t going to happen.

It was a toss up on who was my favorite character. Jackson was a star. But, so was his best friend, Thor, a viking giant who, along with his magnificent stallion, resides in the ruins of a castle on the other end of the island. He’s jolly, intelligent and lonely, and finds the company of Jackson and the others a blessing. I was very curious how he came to be all alone on the island. And there was something almost mythical at play with his situation. Almost like he was meant to be there, at that moment, to fight the monster about to emerge. I mentioned he was jolly. I’ll explain. He has this big booming laugh and there’s this scene where he’s on top of a hill and the men are trying to topple him. He laughs as he shrugs them off, tossing them to the muddy bottom. I could so easily picture this and laughed out loud.

Now for the creature. It’s ancient. Shouldn’t exist. And with modern DNA tampering, the scientists don’t know what they’ve created, or what it’s about to unleash on everyone on the island. It’s not just one or two scenes that leave you trembling. It’s so many you become almost as exhausted in mind as the character’s must be in body and spirit. I have to say, the action in this book is the most I’ve ever read and not for one moment was I bored or thinking enough is enough. It’s an epic battle, and nerve wracking as it seems so hopeless.

Will they conquer the beast? Who will survive Grimwald Island? Will Jackson and his family ever have that dream ranch back home? It’s not looking too good. From the first paragraph to the last word, I was completely trapped in this story.

My recommendation is a shout from the roof tops, read this book!




Not long ago, Jackson Connor was an honest, hardworking electrician. Then came the opportunity of a lifetime–financial security for life in exchange for three years work at a top secret research facility deep beneath desolate Grimwald Island. The reality is more awful than Connor’s wildest imaginations. It is Leviathan, a deadly beast–and it’s loose. Now, only Connor and his mysterious friend Thor stands between it and the destruction of everyone on the island.

Amazon / B&N


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I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!



Hell Divers #3

by Nicholas Sansbury Smith

Genre:  Dystopian / Science Fiction / Post Apocalyptic


My Review

X is still wandering radiation soaked Earth after being betrayed and left stranded. He’s trying to stay alive while all kinds of carnivorous mutant creatures seek his flesh. But he’s not alone. Man’s best friend is by his side.

I adored Miles and thought it was so cool how X made him a doggie suit to protect him from deadly radiation. I did have some fun times imaging how Miles went pottie. LOL  There are so many important character’s in this series. All play major roles in making this the mind blowing adventure it is. And X is still my favorite. For him to have such a brave, loyal companion at his side, keeping him from being all alone, made my heart grow.

Commander Everhart, Tin, and his team found Deliverance, a new airship, and they’re tracking X, following the cryptic messages he had managed to send to the Hive. They are closing in but fear they might not get their in time. How long can a man, alone, live on such an inhospitable planet? And if he is alive, will he be sane?

Tin and his team are a well oiled machine. They each know what they must do and get to it. But they also have their own demons that haunt them. The closer they get to X, the worst things become, and I wanted to yell at them to hurry. With the Sirens, huge monster fish, and man eating plants attacking them every step of the way, I just knew someone wouldn’t make it. Feared they wouldn’t.

So many villains. Man and monster. Some you’ll fear. Some you’ll hate. All pose huge threats to our Hell Divers.

Told from two timelines, one for X and one for Tin and his team, the author bout drove me crazy as the times grew closer together and everything started to fall apart. And sharing so many different POVs, instead of being confusing, made the suspense so taut I was gritting my teeth.

Want  to read something that will make you feel? Read this series. You’ll feel dread, hopelessness and heartbreak, but you’ll also feel happiness, exhilaration and hope. The author’s choice of ending promises more feels and I say bring it on.




Left for dead on the nightmarish surface of the planet, Commander Michael Everhart and his team of Hell Divers barely escape with their lives aboard a new airship called Deliverance. After learning that Xavier “X” Rodriguez may still be alive, they mount a rescue mission for the long-lost hero.

In the skies, the Hive is falling apart, but Captain Jordan is more determined than ever to keep humanity in their outdated lifeboat. He will do whatever it takes to keep the ship in the air—even murder. But when he learns the Hell Divers he exiled have found Deliverance, he changes course for a new mission—find the divers, kill them, and make their new ship his own.

In the third installment of the USA Today bestselling Hell Divers series, Michael and his fellow divers fight across the mutated landscape in search of X. But what they find will change everything.

Amazon / B&N / Kobo


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You can find a list of my reviews HERE.

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I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


Doorbells At Dusk

Edited by Evans Light


Genre:  Horror


My Review

I would have grabbed this collection just because of the creepy cool cover. But I didn’t. I grabbed it because I love spooky and this has some of my go to authors in it. Also some new ones I want to try.

I was hooked right by the third paragraph in the first story. If the scene had been from a movie I would have done a double take and said what the???? This is also when I knew it was going to be a late night. No way could I stop at just one. So I read several. And then some more. And that’s how it went until I finished them all.

I go into collections figuring I probably won’t love every story. And I won’t play favorites here. I can tell you that I enjoyed all of them, with many standing out from the pack. And now I have some new authors to keep my eye on.

If you like unpredictable, monstrous and out and out terrifying stories, then you’ll want to read these.




Halloween has always gone hand-in-hand with horror. The holiday gives many children their first taste of terror, the discovery and overcoming of fears. For those who find they love a good scare, that first taste can grow into a voracious appetite.

That might be why you’re looking at this book right now. If so, you’ve come to the right place. Doorbells at Dusk is a treasury of brand-new Halloween tales from both modern masters and rising stars of dark fiction, horror and suspense.

These are the thrills you crave, packed into a collection of stories that’s pure Halloween.

Carve your pumpkins and turn on the porch light, Halloween frights begin with the sound of…DOORBELLS AT DUSK.

Featuring stories by

Charles Gramlich

Curtis M. Lawson

Amber Fallon

Evans Light

Josh Malerman

Jason Parent

Chad Lutzke

Gregor Xane

Ian Welke

Thomas Vaughn

Sean Eads & Joshua Viola

Adam Light

Joanna Koch

Lisa Lepovetsky

Amazon / B&N / Kobo


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You can find a list of my reviews HERE.

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Designed For Haunting

An Aurora Anderson Mystery

by Sybil Johnson


Designed for Haunting (Aurora Anderson Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
4th in Series
Henery Press (October 9, 2018)
Hardcover: 276 pages
ISBN-10: 1635114055
ISBN-13: 978-1635114058
Paperback: 276 pages
ISBN-10: 1635114020
ISBN-13: 978-1635114027
Digital ASIN: B07FSYFM8Q

My Review

For Rory Anderson, Halloween keeps her very busy. Things are about to get even busier. She receives a strange email from a company called Beyond The Grave. They send out notices when someone dies and the email is in reference to her friend Zelena. All attempts by Rory to track down her friend leave her empty handed. It appears Zelena is either missing or could be dead.

Despite being told to stay out of the investigation by her boyfriend, Detective Martin Green, Rory and her friend, Liz, start digging around for answers. But maybe she should have listened to his warnings. If something bad happened to Zelena, who’s to say it can’t happen to them. Especially if they get close to discovering the who and why.

I’ve been known to jump into a series anywhere and that’s what happened here. My worries about reading this book out of order in the series were put to rest fairly quickly. The author easily filled me in on the character’s and their associations with each other without slowing down my reading experience. I settled in for some fun antics, delightful romance, Rory and Martin are so cute together, and a mystery that I couldn’t figure out until it was revealed to me.

So, whether you’ve read the previous books in this series, or you choose to jump in here, I can tell you it’ll be fun. And, you’ll need your detecting skills.




October brings a message from Beyond The Grave…

Halloween is fast approaching in the quiet Los Angeles County city of Vista Beach, home of computer programmer and tole-painting enthusiast Rory Anderson. While her painting chapter prepares to open its annual boutique house, Rory receives an unexpected email from Beyond The Grave, a company that automatically sends out messages when someone dies.

“I think I have a stalker,” the message reads. “If you’re reading this I’m either missing or dead. My life may depend on what you do. Please find out what happened to me.”

Haunted by her friend’s disappearance and possible death, Rory begins her search with the help of best friend and fellow painter, Liz Dexter. Can they discover who has designs on the missing woman and uncover the truth before one of them becomes the stalker’s next victim?

About Author Sybil Johnson

Sybil Johnson’s love affair with reading began in kindergarten with “The Three Little Pigs.” Visits to the library introduced her to Encyclopedia Brown, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle and a host of other characters. Fast forward to college where she continued reading while studying Computer Science. After a rewarding career in the computer industry, Sybil decided to try her hand at writing mysteries. Her short fiction has appeared in Mysterical-E and Spinetingler Magazine, among others. Originally from the Pacific Northwest, she now lives in Southern California where she enjoys tole painting, studying ancient languages and spending time with friends and family.

Author Links: Website / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads / Publisher

 Purchase Links 

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October 9 – Carstairs Considers – REVIEW

October 9 – Babs Book Bistro – SPOTLIGHT

October 10 – A Cozy Experience – REVIEW

October 11 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too! – SPOTLIGHT

October 11 – I’m All About Books – SPOTLIGHT

October 12 – Socrates’ Book Reviews – REVIEW

October 13 – MJB Reviewers – REVIEW

October 14 – Readeropolis – SPOTLIGHT

October 15 – Laura’s Interests – REVIEW

October 16 – fundinmental – SPOTLIGHT

October 16 – Cozy Up With Kathy – GUEST POST

October 17 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

October 17 – The Montana Bookaholic – GUEST POST

October 18 – A Chick Who Reads – REVIEW


October 19 – Ruff Drafts – SPOTLIGHT

October 20 – Community Bookstop – REVIEW

October 20 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT

October 21 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW

October 22 – StoreyBook Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

October 22 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – REVIEW



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

You can find a list of my reviews HERE.

For a list of free eBooks go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE

I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!



by Kristi DeMeester


Genre:  Horror


My Review

I won a book of choice giveaway and chose Beneath. The title is intriguing. The cover is chilling. And the synopsis sold me.

I started the book and couldn’t get into it so I set it aside. But unfinished books haunt me so, later, I tried again. And I couldn’t stop reading it. A snake handling cult in a backwater town in Appalachia. Cora, a reporter needing a top story. And a whole lot of strange goings on.

Once Cora gets her bearings, she begins to investigate. But she’s really out of her element and some things just don’t make sense. The story changes and she’s drawn deeper and deeper. There may be no way out.

I’m so glad I gave this book another go. It slowly pulled me in as Cora sees something sinister in the preacher and chases that angle. But soon, the story changes again and that’s where the horror really begins. I didn’t have a clue what I was in for as I kept reading. The author threw me for a loop with the direction she took, buried me in atmospheric evil, and then ripped the ground open and let the dark come out to play..

All I can say about struggling with this book the first time I started to read it is, must have been my mood. I sure was in the right mood when I picked it up again.

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When reporter Cora Mayburn is assigned to cover a story about a snake-handling cult in rural Appalachia, she is dismayed, for the world of cruel fundamentalist stricture, repression, glossolalia, and abuse is something she has long since put behind her in favor of a more tolerant urban existence. But she accepts the assignment, dredging up long-buried memories as she seeks the truth.

As Cora begins to uncover the secrets concealed by a veneer of faith and tradition, something ancient and long concealed begins to awaken. What secrets do the townsfolk know? What might the handsome young pastor be hiding? What will happen when occulted horrors writhe to the surface, when pallid and forgotten things rise to reclaim the Earth?

Will Cora–and the earth–survive? The answers–and pure terror–can only be found in one place: Beneath.

Amazon / B&N / Kobo


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

You can find a list of my reviews HERE.

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE

I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Beneath The River by Alexandrea Weiss and Lucas Astor Banner

Death By The River

by Alexandrea Weis and Lucas Astor

on Tour October 1 thru November 30, 2018


Genre: Young Adult, Horror, Thriller
Published by: Vesuvian Books
Publication Date: October 2, 2018
Number of Pages: 389
ISBN: 1944109145 (ISBN13: 9781944109141)
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads


My Review

So, I knew going in that golden boy, Beau Devareaux, was a cruel twist. Being a star football quarterback, dating a popular cheerleader and having a bright future waiting for him should have been his dream come true. Bit he had other dreams. Much darker ones. And then he dared to make one of those dreams come true. And then another. There was no turning back, even if he wanted to. Which he didn’t.

Twin sisters, Dawn and Leslie, are both involved with Beau. Dawn dates him and thinks he hung the moon. Leslie sees through his mask. He stalks her, wanting the sister he can’t ever have. And Leslie wants her sister to open her eyes and see him for what he is.

A story that could be ripped from the front pages can really get under my skin. It’s been said you can’t really know a person. You can’t recognize evil.  Now that scares me.

This was a bit slow in the beginning, but once Beau’s facade started to crumble it really picked up. And the ending. It’s one of those you won’t see coming. Twisted good.




A High School “American Psycho


Along the banks of the Bogue Falaya River, sits the abandoned St. Francis Seminary. Beneath a canopy of oaks, blocked from prying eyes, the teens of St. Benedict High gather here on Fridays. The rest of the week belongs to school and family—but weekends belong to the river.

And the river belongs to Beau Devereaux.

The only child of a powerful family, Beau can do no wrong. Handsome. Charming. Intelligent. The star quarterback of the football team. The “prince” of St. Benedict is the ultimate catch.

He is also a psychopath.

A dirty family secret buried for years, Beau’s evil grows unchecked. In the shadows of the ruined St. Francis Abbey, he commits unspeakable acts on his victims and ensures their silence with threats and intimidation. Senior year, Beau sets his sights on his girlfriend’s headstrong twin sister, Leslie, who hates him. Everything he wants but cannot have, she will be his ultimate prize.

As the victim toll mounts, it becomes crystal clear that someone has to stop Beau Devereaux.

And that someone will pay with their life.


Check out the excerpt:

Crickets chirped and mist curled around him as Beau eased out of the crack in the wall to the cells. The chill in the air teased his sweaty skin, but the surge of power pounding through his blood was like liquid fire.

The rush consumed him. He knew in that instant he would find another victim, but his rational mind begged him to be careful.

Don’t get caught.

He chuckled. Besides the money, his father still had hefty political clout in Baton Rouge, thanks to his notorious grandfather and years of murky business dealings. The family name had spared him in the past from legal proceedings and institutions. It would again.

Heading toward the fountain across the grassy field, Beau considered his next night of fun. Before he reached the forgotten angel, a flash in the corner of his eye made him turn.

Amid the trees, crowding the edge of the property, something darted in and out. He could just make out a long, white hooded cloak, fluttering and billowing at the edge of the woods. Then it disappeared.

His heart rocketed to his throat. It can’t be!

All the stories he’d heard of the lady in white of The Abbey came rushing back at once, intensifying his panic.

Then he calmed. Someone had to be messing with him. It wasn’t the girl. Kelly had taken off, a bawling mess, across the field several minutes before and he’d heard the slam of the iron gate. He was alone. Unless … the guys had pulled a fast one on him.

But the guys don’t know about your room in the cells.

Beau cut across the grass, anxious to get to the iron gate and back to the party. Almost to the path, he glanced back over his shoulder to the patch of trees where he had seen the ghostly presence. Nothing was there.

It was just your imagination. Or was it?

He made it to the party at the beach, relieved to be back among people, but the incident with the ghost had eradicated his high.

He hungered for it to return but would have to wait.


Alexandrea Weis

Alexandrea Weis

Alexandrea Weis, RN-CS, CRRN, ONC, PhD, is a multi award-winning author of twenty-five novels, a screenwriter, ICU Nurse, and historian who was born and raised in the French Quarter of New Orleans. Having grown up in the motion picture industry as the daughter of a director, she learned to tell stories from a different perspective and began writing at the age of eight.

Infusing the rich tapestry of her hometown into her novels, she believes that creating vivid characters makes a story moving and memorable.

A permitted/certified wildlife rehabber with the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries, Weis rescues orphaned and injured animals. She lives with her husband and pets in New Orleans. Weis writes paranormal, suspense, thrillers, horror, crime fiction, and romance.

Author Links: Website / Goodreads / Twitter / Facebook


Lucas Astor

Lucas Astor

Lucas Astor is from New York, has resided in Central America and the Middle East, and traveled through Europe. He lives a very private, virtually reclusive lifestyle, preferring to spend time with a close-knit group of friends than be in the spotlight.

He is an author and poet with a penchant for telling stories that delve into the dark side of the human psyche. He likes to explore the evil that exists, not just in the world, but right next door behind a smiling face.

Photography, making wine, and helping endangered species are just some of his interests. Lucas is an expert archer and enjoys jazz, blues, and classical music.

One of his favorite quotes is: “It’s better to be silent than be a fool.” ~Harper Lee (To Kill a Mockingbird)


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