Posts Tagged ‘review’

I can’t ever resist a zombie horror book. Got a good one to share with you today.

The Death Doll

by Brian P. White



Genre: Horror / Apocalypse / Zombies

 My Review

The Death Doll takes place two years after the zombie apocalypse went down. Now, bands of survivors struggle to survive the desolation.

One band is lead by Didi. In her previous life she was a porn star and looks the part. Statuesque and voluptuous, don’t let her looks deceive you. She’s a force to be reckoned with. Her mission. Provide for the community and keep everyone alive, at all costs. And the costs are high. The zombies aren’t the only thing they have to worry about. Other survivors want what they have. And the Death Doll stalks the unwitting.

I love Didi. She never shies away from danger. In fact, she steps right up to it. And her steadfast efforts to keep her band of survivors safe is incredible. Especially when there’s grumbling in the ranks and many aren’t so sure about their leader. And maybe they have reason to worry.

Right from the beginning you know Didi has secrets. The author peels them away slowly, surprising you in ways you never suspected. As the group learns her secrets, things go sideways and this is the part I loved the most. Group dynamics are fascinating. Put a bunch of people together, scare them, and you discover who steps up and who throws the monkey wrench in the works.

There’s plenty of action and intrigue to keep the story rolling in The Death Doll. And a lot of surprises await you. A fast read for me and one I’m glad I read.

4 Stars



Didi was once the darling of the porn industry, baring it all for the world on the silver screen. Then came the zombie apocalypse. Two years later, she’s killing every flesh-eating corpse in her path to protect a group of unlikely survivors in northwest Iowa. Unfortunately, she hides a terrifying secret that threatens every life she defends. For nothing left on Earth that creeps or crawls is as lethal as The Death Doll.



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Welcome to The Kid’s Korner.

I decided to do this feature as I have so many great children’s books to share. From picture books, to books for beginning readers, to middle graders, I have plenty of fun ones.

Today I’m sharing my reviews for the last two books in the Captain No Beard series by Carole P. Roman.

Be sure to check out the interview.

And there’s a giveaway for a chance to win signed print copies of the complete 10 book set of the Captain No Beard Series! So don’t forget to enter.


Enjoy my interview with Author Carole P. Roman

Of all the themes you could have chosen for your series, why pirates?

I love pirates. I used watch swashbucklers with my mom and was surprised how easily the story came to me. I have always been attracted to sailing ships and seaports. I’m a big Mystic Seaport fan. Just seemed there was a lot of things I could do on the high seas!

I adore the zany crew of the Flying Dragon and especially enjoy meeting each new character. Where did the idea for each of them come from?

Each of the human characters are based on my grandkids. I was surprised at how well Bonnie Lemaire captured their personalities. Alexander was just over two when we started, Hallie a few months old. Then when Cayla and Zach came along, I added them to the story. The stuffed animals in the story have some traits of various members of my family. I’m not telling who- but they’ll recognize themselves, I’m sure.

Could you share with us about the delightful illustrations in your books?

Createspace had four or five illustrator and I chose Bonnie because she had the whimsy I was looking for. We’ve never met, or spoken on the phone and all our notes were done through emails in the beginning. I think she is a genius. She took my descriptions and really captures the fun of the book.

Each of the adventures in your series teaches a valuable lesson. Did the ideas for the stories come first or the lessons?

The first book was simply a reflection of playtime with the kids. It’s sort of how we used to make up a story as we played. The rest of the books evolved from a conversation with someone in my family, Snake Island started with the most beautiful sunrise. I may have written the first line, but the characters took over from there. They really do speak to me.

Is there anything else you’d like to share about writing your series?

I had a great time doing it. I love reading the books to kids and watching them enjoy the “drama” of the story. I think there is not enough adventure in kids books today.

Five fun short questions.

Favorite holiday? Thanksgiving.

Sweet or salty snacks? Both!!

Hot or cold beverages? Hot- coffee.

If you could be any animal, what would you be? Probably a dog. A really cute one.

Early riser or repeatedly hit the snooze? Oh, crack of dawn for me. I hit the floor running and don’t stop until midnight.

Thanks for the thoughtful and fun questions!!!

And thank you, Carole, for this wonderful interview.


A Flag For The Flying Dragon

A Captain No Beard Story #9

by Carole P. Roman


Genre: Adventure / Children’s Book

 My Review

Oh boy. There’s a new crew member aboard the Flying Dragon and Mongo the monkey isn’t happy about it one bit. Zachary is too young to do most jobs and a whole lot of trouble to look after. When Captain No Beard decides the ship needs a flag, maybe Zachary has an idea for that? And Maybe he’s found his place on the ship.

I love this problem solving gang of pirates. And how Carole introduces the lesson to be learned and the solution to the problem is always a fun, delightful adventure.

It’s never too late to join the crew. Welcome aboard, Matey.

5  Stars



It’s business as usual on the Flying Dragon. Their mission is to find a flag for the ship. Captain No Beard sighs, “Being a captain is hard work,” as he watches the busy crew preparing the vessel for their next adventure. Polly is giving out pretzels; Linus is polishing a lamp. Matie is cracking coconuts, Cayla is stuffing holes, and Hallie is swabbing the deck. High overhead, trouble is brewing, and it is not the weather. Mongo does not want any help from the newest crew member, and it is creating a hurricane of a mess on board. The team must come together and find a task that will fit Zachary without interfering with their own fun. On the way, they acquire a flag that will unite them as both friends and crew. Join the problem-solving crew of the Flying Dragon as they find a flag for their ship and a job for Zach.



Being A Captain Is Hard Work

A Captain No Beard Story #10

by Carole P. Roman


Genre: Adventure / Children’s Book

 My Review

The last book in the series and it’s another fun adventure.

As the title says, being a captain is hard work. Capatin No Beard says this in all of his books. What he doesn’t realize and learns from his crew is that he makes it harder on himself.  Sometimes, listening to others and not always insisting his way is the only right way means smooth sailing.

Once again I’m taken away by the vivid, exciting illustrations. Carole has some fun, lovable characters in her band of pirates and it’s always fun to see how they work together to solve problems and help each other. How Captain No Beard learns to listen to others and comes to understand that being stubborn has consequences for his crew too is cleverly blended into another exciting adventure on the high seas.

I’ve loved all of the books in this series and can’t recommend them enough. They will make reading time such fun for parents, teachers, and kids and the life lessons are invaluable.

5  Stars



Captain No Beard is determined to travel to Dew Rite Volcano. He won’t listen when Mongo predicts a storm or Linus indicates they are headed in the wrong direction. He insists Polly cook in the galley even though the seas are getting rough. What’s a crew to do with a stubborn, know-it-all captain? Will they convince the captain he is barreling headlong into danger, or will Captain No Beard jeopardize both his safety and the crew’s with his single-minded determination to go where he wants?



Author Carole P. Roman

Carole P. Roman

Named to Kirkus Reviews’ Best of 2012 for her first book, award winning author Carole P. Roman started writing as a dare from one of her sons. Using an imaginary game she played with her grandson as a base, Captain No Beard was born.”Captain No Beard- An Imaginary Tale of a Pirate’s Life” has not only been named to Kirkus Best of 2012, it received the Star of Exceptional Merit, and won the Pinnacle Award for 2012. “Pepper Parrot’s Problem with Patience” Book 2 in the series, received 5 Stars from The ForeWord Review The Clarion Review. Strangers on the High Seas has won second place in the Rebecca’s Reads Choice Awards 2013. It has followed with six more books to the series. This year, Captain No Beard and the Aurora Borealis was named to Kirkus Best 2015. The entire cultural non-fiction series If You Were Me and Lived in… was named Best Series by Shelf Unbound. She has begun work on two new series that will be released in early 2016.
Motivated by her love of yoga, Roman has written a book that not only teaches four poses, but shows how easy and accessible yoga can be.
Her nonfiction series, “If You Were Me and Lived in…” combines her teaching past with her love of exploration and interest in the world around us. The debut book in the series, “If You Were Me and Lived in…Mexico” has won the Pinnacle Award for Best in Children’s Non Fiction 2012. France, South Korea, and Norway. Rebecca’s Reads has given If You Were Me and Lived in…Norway an honorable mention in the 2013 Choice Awards. If You Were Me and Lived in …France won second place. ForeWord Review has nominated If You Were Me and Lived in…France for best in children’s non fiction literature 2013. They will be followed with Kenya, Turkey, India, and Australia. She plans to do Portugal, Greece, and Argentina next year. There are now 22 books in the series and include a trip to Mars in 2054.
Carole was recently featured in a two part article on where her book, Navigating Indieworld was discussed along with her self-publishing success.
Writing for children has opened up a whole second act for her. While she is still working in her family business, this has enabled her to share her sense of humor as well as love for history and culture with the audience she adores. Roman lives on Long Island with her husband and near her children.

Goodreads / Website / Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Amazon


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Carole has a wonderful giveaway! One person will win signed print copies of the complete Captain No Beard series!

US Only.

I like to keep the giveaways easy so all you need to do is leave your email address so I can contact you and leave your answer to this question in the comment section:

What’s the first book you remember reading?

Giveaway ends December 6th.


And here are my reviews for the other books in the series. Just click on the covers to read my reviews.





Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE

Welcome to my Monday Minis where I share shorter reviews of books I’ve read.

I’m once again sharing some fun adventures with Carole P. Roman’s Captain No Beard series.


The Crew Goes Coconuts!

A Captain No Beard Story #6

by Carole P. Roman

Genre: Adventure / Children’s Book


My Review

It’s not always smooth sailing on the Flying Dragon and a storm is brewing aboard ship. All of the juice is gone and no matter where they search, none is to be found. When Matie the goat is blamed for their plight, the crew learns an important message about bullying and casting blame.

This was such a fun new adventure. And I loved the lesson to be learned. We all find it easy to cast blame, especially when it’s many against one. It’s our job to protect the underdog, not bully them. Matie was an easy target, being new to the crew, but soon proves her worth.

As with the previous books, I delighted in seeing the crew again. the illustrations were pure fun, and I was left smiling and feeling lighter at the end.  Perfect for the young pirates in the classroom or at home.

5 Stars



There is a storm brewing on the Flying Dragon, and it’s not about the weather. When the crew finds themselves parched and not enough juice to go around, blame falls on Matie the goat, Hallie’s friend. Divided, they square off, ready for a fight and Captain No Beard must teach his crew that not only is bullying wrong, they must learn to value and respect each and every member of the crew. Watch the crew of the Flying Dragon learn an important lesson about being a true friend.



Captain No Beard And The Aurora Borealis

A Captain No Beard Story #7

by Carole P. Roman

Genre: Adventure / Children’s Book


My Review

Has Captain No Beard gone to the dark side? The crew learns he’s using the North Star to track a coarse to the Arctic, where he plans to steal the Aurora Borealis. But the gang need not fear as the captain listens to reason, admitting it’s wrong to steal no matter what. Besides, you can’t steal the northern lights, silly pirate.

I enjoyed learning about navigation by stars. And I’ve only caught a glimpse of the northern lights before and imagine it’s quite a spectacle to behold. The illustrations in the book are spectacular. Bold and bright. Your kids will be astounded by them and have so many questions. All easily answered by reading the story.

Another charming learning experience with the Flying Dragon gang.

5 Stars



Captain No Beard and his crew of loyal pirates heave anchor for another adventure, this time in the icy waters of the Arctic. Captain No Beard’s steering a course due north, sailing by the light of the North Star. Everyone on the crew wonders what the captain’s up to, especially as he gets embarrassed when they ask. When the captain finally admits his plan, the crew discovers he plans to steal the aurora borealis, the beautiful northern lights that brighten the arctic sky. They’re all shocked. They may be pirates, but even they know stealing is bad. Besides, how can anyone steal the lights from the sky? A charming, engaging tale about doing what’s right, Captain No Beard and the Aurora Borealis is the latest installment in Carole P. Roman’s award-winning pirate series. The first book, Captain No Beard-an Imaginary Tale of a Pirate’s Life, received the Kirkus Reviews Best of 2012 award and the Star of Remarkable Achievement. The series presents real-life problems in an imaginary setting and encourages discussion with both parents and educators.



Fribbet The Frog And The Tadpoles

A Captain No Beard Story #8

by Carole P. Roman

Genre: Adventure / Children’s Book


My Review

It’s a rocky boat for the crew of the Flying Dragon and hard work for Captain No Beard. Cayla is getting bigger and that means getting into more trouble, And Fribbet the frog is crying puddle of green.

The captain has his hands full with Cayla and the crew are wringing theirs over Fribbet. But No Beard and Fribbet come to realize that families will grow and that’s a good thing as they’ll never be alone.

You’re children will be delighted to learn about Fribbet and how tadpoles become glorious green frogs. I loved the subtle narrative about new siblings in a household and how frightening that might be for kids.

Carole once again shows that learning and fun can be one and the same.

5 Stars



Fribbet the Frog and the Tadpoles is another great voyage into problem solving and friendship, as well as an adventurous trip into the imagination.

Join the Captain No Beard and his friends as they learn the value of sharing our troubles with others and that help is always there when we need it.



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Welcome to my Saturday Screams where I share books that, well, make you scream!

I’ve got a creepy little story to share today. Caught me by surprise.


Passing Strange: The Well

by P.W. Creighton


Genre: YA Mystery / Thriller


My Review

Aidan is spending his summer break volunteering at the archaeological dig located on the Parish Cove Historical Society property. Some interesting things are being discovered, especially in the well that was uncovered, and it beats sitting home. One night while walking past the property he catches sight of a light prowling around the site and that’s when he first meets Maddie. She’s a bit odd, but he can’t resist her attempts to draw him into the mystery of the towns dark history. And soon the entire town is in danger. Something has awoken in the well and it’s very, very angry.

I love stories about archaeology and couldn’t resist reading this book. Learning about the towns history and the evil that dwells in the well was exciting and got the creepy vibes going.

Aidan and Maddie are like oil and water. Their personalities don’t really mix. But they soon become friends and get themselves into the pickle of all pickles.

The author never once missed a step with his character’s. The young teens acted their age and as they dealt with the creeping horror from the well, I thought their actions were quite genuine. Their curious nature and acts of heroism rang true. No one can know how they’ll react to situations like this and I’d like to think I would act half as brave as these kids did.

I felt a sense of mystery right from the beginning of the story and once Aidan and Maddie started digging into past events the story flew by. I read it in one sitting, feeling the sense of adventure, the glee of discovery, and the terror of a threat that seems unstoppable.

The ending was an exciting showdown and leaves things somewhat open to interpretation. I went with my first impression.

While I think this might be aimed at a younger reading audience, it still managed to give me the willies. And if the ending is any clue, I’m sure we’ll be seeing more Passing Strange mysteries in the future.

5 Stars



For Fourteen-year-old Aidan Reynolds, the archaeological dig at the Parrish Cove historical society is the only thing making the summer interesting.

That is until he meets Maddie, an unusual girl who has just moved to town and is convinced that there is more to the local legends surrounding the historical society than even he knows. While Aidan may not believe her, the strange artifacts that are recovered from the dig force them into exploring the dark, twisted history of Parrish Cove and its strange doctor…a man who vanished over a century ago.

Together, they uncover a town secret that has been forgotten for centuries, and discover that there are some things that should stay buried.



Steal The Stars

by Nat Cassidy

based on the dramatic podcast by Mac Rogers

Paperback: 416 pages
Publisher: Tor Books (November 7, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1250172624
ISBN-13: 978-1250172624

Genre: Science Fiction


My Review

When I realized this was based on a podcast series I thought I’d listen to them first. Glad I didn’t so I can compare them now.

This is a very different take on discovering aliens exist. They’ve had Moss, the alien, hidden away for a long time. If you are chosen to work at the facility, you are an employee for life. No quitting allowed. And just going to work each day is a whole bunch of weird, complicated check points.

Dak won me over right away. She’s something else. You wouldn’t want to get on her bad side. But she’s also vulnerable, lonely. When Matt, a handsome, eager younger man joins her security team, she’s immediately smitten, as is he. But fraternizing between employees in any way is expressly forbidden and could get them sent to the far corners of the planet, or worse.

I know, sounds like insta love. Sure, they fall for each other quickly, but working for such a secretive project doesn’t allow you many opportunities to connect and the mushy stuff isn’t a focal point in the story.

Their decision to run away and take Moss with them isn’t as simple as it sounds. I got nervous just reading how they had to plan and sneak and lie. I felt for sure one or both would trip up.

Very suspenseful reading. And the ending isn’t anything I was prepared for. All I could think was I liked how it concluded and, it figures.

Great science fiction and now I must listen to the podcasts.

4 Stars



Dakota “Dak” Prentiss guards the biggest secret in the world.

They call it “Moss.” It’s your standard grey alien from innumerable abduction stories. Moss still sits at what looks like the controls of the spaceship it crash-landed twenty-five years ago. A secret military base was built around the crash site to study both Moss and the dangerous technology it brought to Earth.

The day Matt Salem joins her security team, Dak’s whole world changes.

It’s love at first sight—which is a problem, since they both signed ironclad contracts before joining the base security team, vowing not to fraternize with other military personnel. If they run away, they’ll be hunted for the secret they know. So Dak and Matt decide to escape to a better life on the wings of an incredibly dangerous plan: They’re going to steal the alien body they’ve been guarding and sell the secret of its existence.

And they can’t afford a single mistake.


Listen to the rest of the EPISODES HERE!


Nat Cassidy is an actor, director, musician, and playwright. He has appeared on shows such as The Following (Fox), The Affair (Showtime), Red Oaks (Amazon), High Maintenance (HBO), Law & Order: SVU (NBC), as well as on stage in numerous productions and workshops both Off- and Off-Off-Broadway. Nat’s plays have been nominated for a combined total of 17 New York Innovative Theatre Awards, including 3 times for Outstanding Full-Length Script (which he won in 2009, and in 2011 for Outstanding Solo Performance for his one man show about H.P. Lovecraft). In 2012 Nat was commissioned by The Kennedy Center to write the libretto for a world-premiere opera, and in 2014 his play Any Day Now was chosen to be part of Primary Stages’ ESPADrills (The Duke Theatre, directed by Tony-nominee Moritz von Stuelpnagel). He is also thrilled to be writing the novelization of Steal the Stars, which will be published by Tor Books in November 2017.


Mac Rogers is an award-winning audio dramatist and playwright. His audio/podcasts dramas The Message and LifeAfter have been downloaded over eight million times. His stageplays include The Honeycomb Trilogy (winner of the New York Innovative Theatre Award for Outstanding Premiere Production), Frankenstein Upstairs, God of Obsidian, Ligature Marks, Asymmetric, Viral, Universal Robots, Hail Satan (Outstanding Playwriting Winner at FringeNYC 2007), and Fleet Week: The Musical (co-written with Sean Williams and Jordana Williams; winner of Outstanding Musical at FringeNYC 2005). He has earned acclaim from The New York Times, The Guardian, Backstage, The Wall Street Journal, Time Out New York, New York Post, Flavorpill, io9, Fangoria,, Show Business Weekly, New York Press, and many others.



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Welcome to my Saturday Screams where I share books that, well, make you scream!

I’ve got a couple wicked ones to share today. How do you like your mermaids. Pretty and sweet…or dark and lethal?

Rolling In The Deep

Rolling In The Deep #0.5

   By Mira Grant



Genre:  Horror / Mermaids

My Review

What a rush. For a short story it sure came packing a lot of terror and bloody mayhem. And we like that, don’t we?

 I like how the story is presented. It’s like found footage, only in words instead of tapes. And you don’t miss a thing.

With failing ratings, Imagine Network discovers its golden ticket when they decide to do a documentary on mermaids. Many believe they exit and others scoff. Mermaid, myth or real? The Atargatis sets sail hoping to delve the depths and find answers. They travel to the an area far from land, anchoring over the deepest part of the ocean, in an place known for mysterious disappearances.

Along with Image Network members, scientists with studies in several areas, and a film crew to document everything, an unusual group is included. Professional performing mermaids. Partly for show and also to provide a mermaid sighting if the real ones deign to avail themselves. I really liked the gals with tails. The descriptions of the many colored mermaids was amazing. I could see them cavorting and dashing about in the water.

Just as visual was the description of the real mermaids. They claw up from the depths, scale the ship, and devour their bounty. Slimy, gray things with mouths full of needle sharp teeth and cold lifeless black eyes like a shark. I admit I have a fondness for the pretty, sparkly mermaids, but I’ll always go for the scary ones. The ones of nightmares. I feel if we ever do find real ones, they’ll be a lot more like these.

Knowing the outcome, that none survived, didn’t take away from my enjoyment while reading this book. In fact, it heightened my curiosity and excitement. I was going to get my evil mermaids and a high body count.

  What I didn’t expect was how easily I connected with some characters. This isn’t a long book but I came to know and care for several of them. And then there were those I felt deserved to become mermaid poop.

I was hooked before I even started reading Rolling In The Deep. Just look at that spectacular cover art. Read that thrilling blurb.  This was horror fodder for me and I read it in one bloody, happy gulp.

5 Stars



When the Imagine Network commissioned a documentary on mermaids, to be filmed from the cruise ship Atargatis, they expected what they had always received before: an assortment of eyewitness reports that proved nothing, some footage that proved even less, and the kind of ratings that only came from peddling imaginary creatures to the masses.

They didn’t expect actual mermaids. They certainly didn’t expect those mermaids to have teeth.

This is the story of the Atargatis, lost at sea with all hands. Some have called it a hoax; others have called it a maritime tragedy. Whatever the truth may be, it will only be found below the bathypelagic zone in the Mariana Trench…and the depths are very good at keeping secrets.



And now for more mermaids!

 Into The Drowning Deep

Rolling In The Deep #1

By Mira Grant



Genre: Horror / Mermaids

My Review

After devouring and loving Rolling In The Deep, I couldn’t wait to get on the ocean, set sail, and see how this next venture would wind up.

It’s been seven years since all were lost on the Atargatis. It’s no longer top news and many think it was a hoax. Imagine Network isn’t done yet. They commission a new ship, a much larger crew, security guards, and supposedly failproof systems to protect them from what they now know lives under the waves, deep in the Marianna Trench.

Among the crew is a girl who wants vengeance, a reporter trying to make her name, two big game hunters looking to add mermaid heads to their walls, more scientists than you can shake a stick at, and some who feel it’s their duty to be there.

There is a lot more character development in this second book. It’s a longer story and I needed that. Sure, I couldn’t wait for the mermaid scenes, and there were were plenty of crazy ones, but I wanted to care about the character’s, feel their hopes and fears, and worry for their safety. I also wanted to select the ones I’d feed to the mermaids. It’s fun to have some that you loathe. I imagine how they might meet their sticky ends. And Mira Grant doesn’t disappoint with any of this.

And the mermaids. We learn quite a bit about them. We already know they’re killers. Now we find out what they really are. What it might mean to mankind, and the world. Scary stuff, indeed.

If you like your mermaids dark and lethal, you’ll love this one. You don’t have to have read Rolling In The Deep to enjoy it. Mira does a great job of filling in the blanks without breaking the easy flow of the story. But why miss out on more fun. I’d recommend you read them both.

And I’m hoping for more in this series. That titillating ending has me crossing my fingers that the author hasn’t weighed anchor on these mermaids yet.

5 Stars



New York Times bestselling author Mira Grant, author of the renowned Newsflesh series, returns with a novel that takes us to a new world of ancient mysteries and mythological dangers come to life.

Seven years ago, the Atargatis set off on a voyage to the Mariana Trench to film a “mockumentary” bringing to life ancient sea creatures of legend. It was lost at sea with all hands. Some have called it a hoax; others have called it a maritime tragedy.

Now, a new crew has been assembled. But this time they’re not out to entertain. Some seek to validate their life’s work. Some seek the greatest hunt of all. Some seek the truth. But for the ambitious young scientist Victoria Stewart this is a voyage to uncover the fate of the sister she lost.

Whatever the truth may be, it will only be found below the waves.

But the secrets of the deep come with a price.



Did you happen to catch the Animal Planet Documentary, Mermaids The Body Found, when it came out? Here’s a short clip supposedly capturing a real mermaid on video from a deep sea submersible.

So, what do you think? Real or fake?


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For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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Moto Maddie BMX Portal series banner
This is my stop during the book blitz for the Moto Maddie BMX Portal series by Kat de Falla. This book blitz is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 6 till 19 November. See the tour schedule here.

Both books for only $0.99!
This series consist of two books so far Flying Mutant Zombie Rats and Slime Spewing Vampire Velociraptors. Both books are only $0.99 for a limited time only! Both books are in Kindle Unlimited!

Flying Mutant Zombie Rats (Moto Maddie BMX Portal #1)
By Kat de Falla
Genre: Fantasy
Age category: Middle Grade

Flying Mutant Zombie Rats

My Review

 I confess, the cool cover and title were the first things to catch my attention. Once I read the blurb, I was in for the fun.

Pea O’Neil is stoked. Summer vacation is starting today and the super cool new BMX track is open and calling his name. He’s been practicing his back flip and can’t wait to show off with his friends. He’s nailing it until…. something knocks him flying. He’s accidentally opened a portal to another dimension and nasty mutant zombie rats come pouring out, eyes glowing red, teeth gnashing, and they have wings.

It’s a race against time to stop the horde of rats, especially after his cranky neighbor gets bitten and starts to act strange.

This brought back so many memories for me. That last day of school, the last bell rings, and the mad dash to freedom. I lived on a dead end street and there were tons of kids in my neighborhood. Pea and his pals remind me many of the kids from back then. The camaraderie and competition between them brings on the excitement as they battle the otherworldly rats. I couldn’t help but laugh at some of the weapons they come up with.

Brave boys battling mutant zombie rats in order to save the world. And a smart aleck talking cat. What’s not to love?

4 Stars



Summer vacation is almost here! And Pea O’Neil is stoked to try out the new local BMX track which is finally open. He and his gang of friends can ride all summer long!

But when Pea tries a back flip, he unwittingly opens a portal to another dimension and hordes of flying mutant zombie rats are unleashed upon the city. With the help of an otherworldly talking cat sent to help prevent the demise of humankind, Pea and his friends must hunt down the hungry mutants and send them back before the portal closes.

But when the zombie rats attack a neighbor man, the boys have to enlist the help of a graveyard looney and the city’s stray cats. With time running out, Pea and his gang track the monsters to the city’s sewer system. But in the city sewer of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, it’s eat…or get eaten.

You can find Flying Mutant Zombie Rats on Goodreads

You can buy Flying Mutant Zombie Rats for only $0.99 on Amazon
Flying Mutant Zombie Rats is available to read with Kindle Unlimited.


Slime Spewing Vampire Velociraptors (Moto Maddie BMX Portal #2)
By Kat de Falla
Genre: Fantasy
Age category: Middle Grade

Slime Spewing Vampire Velociraptors

My Review

The boys are back in action. They thought it was all over when they closed the portal, stopping the mutant zombie rat invasion. But another strange events opens it again and out come some slime spewing vampire velociraptors, armed with huge fangs and a raging hunger.

After the previous invasion, most adults scoffed at the boys claims of zombie rats. But they can’t ignore the velociraptors rampaging through their streets leaving trails of glowing slime.

 Pea’s father is bitten while trying to capture the creatures and the infection is taking hold. Max, the talking cat, and now the O’Neil’s family pet, along with the boys and some believing adults must race against time to save Pea’s dad and stop another otherworldly invasion.

More fun and creative antics await you in this second installment in the Moto Maddie BMX series. Some of my favorite parts have to do with Pea’s two step-brothers They’re big bullies and love to torment Pea, taunting him, beating him up, and doing all this away from their parent’s prying eyes. Made me kind of wish the dinos would chomp them and reminded me, in a round about way, of Cinderella. LOL

Just like in the first book, there’s plenty of action and creative solution solving to keep you laughing and cheering on the characters. I hope the author keeps this series rolling.

4 Stars



When Pea opened a portal and the alien cat, Max Gigan, jumped through from another dimension, he certainly didn’t expect the talking tomcat to stay on as a family pet. He soon learns it can come in handy to have a fur ball from an alternate universe around when his friend re-opens the portal letting in vampire velociraptors who want to slime and eat the whole city!

Pea’s dad is one of the first infected. But his dear old dad isn’t the only one. The dinosaurs escape the museum where the portal opened, and rampage through Milwaukee. As Pea’s dad gets sicker, the BMX gang joins together with the feline army to corner the raptors and use them to develop an antidote. But Pea’s meddling step-monster brothers threaten to ruin everything! A city wide alert goes out for the misidentified “turkeys” while Pea and his gang try to stay ahead of the hunt.

Can the kids capture the dinos and get them home before they control everyone with their vampire powers? Will Pea’s dad remain infected forever?

Join Pea and his gang in their battle against the SLIME SPEWING VAMPIRE VELOCIRAPTORS.

You can find Slime Spewing Vampire Velociraptors on Goodreads

You can buy Slime Spewing Vampire Velociraptors for only $0.99 on Amazon
Slime Spewing Vampire Velociraptors is available to read with Kindle Unlimited.


Kat de FallaAbout the Author:
Author Kat de Falla was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where she learned to roller-skate, ride a banana seat bike, and love Shakespeare thanks to her high school English teacher. Four years at the UW-Madison wasn’t enough, so she returned to her beloved college town for her Doctor of Pharmacy degree and is happily employed as a retail pharmacist where she fills prescriptions and chats with her patients. She is married to her soulmate, classical guitarist, Lee de Falla and raising four kids together ala the Brady Bunch.

You can find and contact Kat de Falla here:


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My Review

I do love a good cozy and I’m always looking for a new one. The clever title and whimsical cover caught my attention immediately. I thought this could be a fun one.

Claire works with her grandfather at their shop, The Rescued Word. I love that name. It’s a typewriter repair shop and they also restore old books and sell paper supplies. Sounds like a place I could spend time in. And the location for their shop is fun too, Bygone Alley. We have some side streets like these in the town I live in and they have such unique little shops hidden in them.

When a man comes in demanding a typewriter be given to him that was earlier dropped off for repair by someone else, he gets irate and the police are called. They take a closer look at the typewriter and something is strange about it. Later the man is found dead and the mystery begins.

  I enjoyed visiting Star City. Who doesn’t want to spend time in a ski resort. The isolation made the mystery more intriguing too. Lots of strangers to add to the suspect list.

Many of the characters were a joy to meet and I loved the friendship between Claire and Jodie. Jodie’s her friend but also a cop and she could be one or the other as needed.

A fun, frisky cozy with genuine characters and a good spin on a mystery, I’m glad I read To Helvetica And Back. I’ll be back for more.

  4  Stars

 Read by Marguerite Gavin

Marguerite did a wonderful job telling this fun tale. I sat back and enjoyed her pleasing voice. And sat up when she got to the dicey parts. I hope she continues to tell this series.


Thanks so much to Tantor Audio and the author for the complimentary copy.

My review is voluntarily given.



Star City is known for its slopes and its powder. But nestled in the valley of this ski resort town is a side street full of shops that specialize in the simple charms of earlier eras. One of those shops is the Rescued Word, where Chester Henry and his adult granddaughter Clare lovingly repair old typewriters and restore old books. Who ever thought their quaint store would hold the key to some modern-day trouble?

When a stranger to town demands they turn over an antique Underwood typewriter they’re repairing for a customer, Clare fears she may need to be rescued. A call to the police scares the man off, but later Clare finds his dead body in the back alley. What about a dusty old typewriter could possibly be worth killing for?

Amazon / Tantor


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My Review

Rune is a bit of an oddball, sporting purple hair and packing lots of snark. Working at the video store isn’t usually exciting, but when she stumbles into the scene of a murder, she can’t let it go. The old man was a friend of hers and she’s sure that the video he kept renting over and over again ties into a crime committed many years ago. She dives head first into danger to avenge her friend.

Being a fan of Deaver’s darker, brooding thrillers like The Bone Collector, this lighter mystery caught me by surprise. Not that Deaver doesn’t throw in his usual curve balls to keep you off balance so the mystery eludes you til the end.

And I couldn’t have asked for a more delightful character than Rune. For a twenty-year-old, she’s fiercely independent and definitely not a wall flower. Throw in some more quirky people that join her in her endeavors and you get the fun character driven part of the story.

While this felt a bit different than his other writing, being an earlier work, I was glad I listened to it. And now I want to get to the rest of the series. I’m curious what our purple haired gal is going to get into next.

  4 Stars

Narrator Tanya Eby

I enjoyed the crisp, clean reading done by Tanya. She hits those high and low points and has a very pleasant voice.


Thanks so much to Tantor Audio and the author for the complimentary copy.

My review is voluntarily given.



Five feet two inches of slick repartee, near-purple hair, and poetic imagination, twenty-year-old Rune hasn’t been in Manhattan for very long. But she’s crafty enough to have found a squatter’s paradise in an empty TriBeca loft, and a video store job that feeds her passion for old movies. It’s a passion she shares with her favorite customer, Mr. Kelly, a lonely old man who rents the same video over and over. The flick is a noir classic based on a real-life unsolved bank heist and a million missing dollars. It’s called Manhattan Is My Beat.

That’s the tape Rune is picking up from Mr. Kelly’s shabby apartment when she finds him shot to death. The police suspect a robbery gone wrong, but Rune is certain the key to solving the murder is hidden somewhere in the hazy, black-and-white frames of Mr. Kelly’s beloved movie. But as Rune hits the mean streets of New York to find answers, she gets caught up in a dangerous adventure more chilling than anything Hollywood could dream up. As her story draws to its terrifying conclusion, Rune’s final close-up may include the killer of a costar.

Amazon / Tantor


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Boxed Book Set Details:

Book Title: Purple Turtle Graded Readers Level 3 (12 Titles)
Category: Children’s Fiction,
Genre: Educational
Publisher: Aadarsh Pvt. Ltd.
Release date: April 1, 2017
Tour dates: Oct 30 to Nov 24, 2017
Content Rating: G (informative content intended for and available to children & their parents/educators to enhance and support learning. Suitable for: Family audiences with younger children.)

My Review

The Purple Turtle Graded Reader set is sure to delight young ones as they strengthen their reading skills, learning new words and context and many other things. And parents and teachers will find them useful, fun teaching tools.

Each book focuses on different subjects and begins with a list of things to do. There’s read along, read aloud and read alone. The children mark off each task as it’s completed. And at the back of each book are some fun activities like connect the dot, find the object, matching pictures to words and other cool stuff.

The stories are fun adventures with vivid illustrations sure to bring a smile to kids faces. And they’re small books, the perfect size for little hands.

The saying, “Learning is fun,” rings true with these well crafted story books. Perfect for home or classroom.

5 Stars


Boxed Book Set Description:

A1 Edutainment is all set to take you on an adventurous journey to the amazing world of Purple Turtle and his friends. Purple Turtle Graded Readers by A1 Edutainment is a new reading program especially for emerging readers. The third level includes a set of 12 books with engaging stories and fun-filled activities. It is based on the Lexile and ATOS reading level system and has a word count of 250-350. This level is for learners who have started reading with confidence.

To read more reviews, please visit Purple Turtle’s page on iRead Book Tours.
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Meet the Publisher:

Purple Turtle is India’s 1st International brand with its educational content in several languages sold in more than 30 countries including Russia, China, US and UK. The character of Purple Turtle has delighted children across the globe through beautifully created Purple Turtle books, rhymes and videos available on YouTube.

Purple Turtle was created with the idea to spread education through a wide range of innovative books for children. To give them the experience of convenient online learning, Purple Turtle also brings both learning and entertainment on a common platform to give a wholesome learning experience to young minds.

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