Posts Tagged ‘romance’

Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Rose Mackie will be awarding a $30 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Heart Fire

by Rose Mackie


*The planet Falosia has an excess of females. The planet Verit has a surplus of males. The best of each have been put forward to start a new colony and find mates, in a last desperate attempt to save both worlds. A scorchingly hot sci fi, alien romance. *

Denara barely survived her disastrous first attempt at marriage; for years she threw herself into her research, giving herself time to heal. When the opportunity arises to take up a position on the colony, she decides to take a risk for the chance to live, and love, again. Lucius has spent his life under the heel of the ruthless Matriarchs of Verit. Tasked with leading the males of the new colony, he reluctantly accepts the assignment. The last thing he wants is to tie himself to a scheming female through mating, but nothing could have prepared him for meeting Denara. Sparks fly, but can they overcome their pasts to find love? With the political machinations of two planets vying for control over the colony, perhaps together, they can bridge the gap between their worlds.

What to expect: Glorious world building, spicy alien romance, friends to lovers, enthusiastic consent. Recommended 18+ due to sexual content.

Enjoy this peek inside:

“Would you like to see a trick?” He blinked in surprise. “What?”

“A trick? Something that Falosians don’t often show outsiders?” Not waiting for his reply, she stood up and walked to a nearby bush that bore large buds. “I have been analysing some of the flora that the bio teams have been bringing in, and if I’m not mistaken, this is a fruiting plant.”

She reached her hands out to cup one of the buds, and bent to place her lips next to it, whispering, bathing the bud in her breath. Lucius moved next to her, staring in rapt interest. He reminded her again of a huge jungle cat, eyes bright with curiosity. A few moments passed, and she opened her hands to show a peach-coloured fruit, covered in fuzzy blue hairs. She plucked the fruit, pulled her laser knife out, and sliced a section away to reveal the dark blue pearls within.

Lucius leaned in to sniff, his eyes flicking to hers at the sweet smell.

“Go on, it’s perfectly edible. They will start appearing on our normal food rotation soon, now that we’ve confirmed they are suitable for our digestion.”

He took the offered fruit and scooped out some of the pearls, dropping them into his mouth and popping them with his teeth. As he did, his mouth was flooded with a sweet, slightly spicy juice. “I suspect they will be very popular. This would make an excellent fermented spirit.”

Denara laughed. “I will start mixing hangover cures.”

“How did you do that?”

Denara smiled archly. “I said I’d show you a trick, not that I’d show you how I did it. You can’t expect me to show you all my secrets at once.”

About Author Rose Mackie:

Rose Mackie (she/her) is an Australian author who writes and loves sci-fi romance, paranormal romance and fantasy romance. Born in Scotland and living in Perth, Western Australia for the past 15 years, Rose loves nothing more than to hang out with her family and rescue cat, and create magical worlds of imagination.

All Rose Mackie books have an element of spice, kick-ass heroines, enthusiastic consent and happy endings. Rose has been writing for as long as she can remember, but has recently published her first book, Heart Fire. It still spins her out that people are reading the weird stories she makes up in her head!

Rose has fallen in love with writing, and loves seeing audiences connect with her work and characters, and hopes you’ll love them too!



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Mermaid of New York
Jincey Lumpkin
(Mermaid of Venice, #3)
Publication date: February 7th 2022
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance

Mermaid Gia Acquaviva’s thrilling adventures continue. She must travel to New York to fight a battle in the public arena with the powerful media moguls, Royce and Bronwyn Langley. Her casino empire is under attack, threatened by her Greek relatives. Meanwhile, Gia is paired up with a rising movie starlette to create the perceptions a tabloid romance tabloids. With tensions rising, will Gia survive after burning every bridge to get what she wants?

Fans of Killing Eve and Big Little Lies will love Mermaid of New York, a sexy psychological thriller with lush fantasy elements. The chic mystery of Patricia Highsmith’s The Talented Mr. Ripley with a juicy splash of the lavish lifestyle in E. L. James’s 50 Shades series. This is not the Little Mermaid you grew up with. Gia’s out for blood.

Mermaid of New York is the third installment of the Mermaid of Venice series, 6 novels about Gia Acquaviva.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo


Enjoy this peek inside:

“Park Avenue? Four bedrooms? No. I told you six bedrooms at a minimum. I need a room for my daughter and space for my security staff. I do not care what the price is. Find me the biggest, safest apart- ment in Manhattan.”

Gia hung up and slipped the phone in her bag, pulling her hat lower on her head.

As Gia waited to board her plane, her thoughts were occupied with her journey to New York—and her ensuing custody battle for Serena. Gia didn’t notice that the other plane inside the hangar bore a familiar name: Bisset. Bisset Industries to be specific.

It wasn’t until she saw a face from the past descending the airsteps of the other plane that she snapped out of her rumination.

“Bonjour, Gia,” the man said.

“Florent, is that you?” Shocked, Gia’s mouth dropped open.

Her security guards closed in around her, forming a protective circle, but she gave them the signal to back off.

“Gia,” Florent winked, “you have not aged a day.” He lightly

tugged on the neck of his cashmere turtleneck to let in a bit of fresh air. It was much too early to wear any kind of sweater, let alone cash- mere, but Florent had his reasons for the choice of wardrobe—and they had nothing to do with fashion.

Gia was dumbfounded, confused. She never thought she’d see him again—much less witness him stepping off of a jet emblazoned with his last name.

As he edged closer to her, she took a step backward. “It’s all right,” he cooed. “I heard about everything that happened to you in Sicily. I am just happy that I was able to help you.”

“Help me?” Gia shook her head, trying to process everything. “I do not understand. What do you mean?”

“We share a common friend… Awa Diop.”

“Awa? How do you know Awa? I am sorry, but this is all coming as quite a shock to me.”

On the other side of the hangar, Gia’s pilot radioed to the flight attendant that the jet was ready to depart for Teterboro airport. The flight attendant then approached Gia’s security team to begin the boarding protocol. The head of security murmured into an earpiece, relaying that Gia would be ready to board the plane shortly.

Florent continued speaking. “Awa asked me to help coordinate smuggling you out of that psychopath’s compound.”

“Why would you do that?” Gia demanded.

“We are old friends, aren’t we?” Florent’s eyes narrowed, and inside them, Gia could see her own reflection. The corners of her mouth turned down.

“I do not think that we are.” She felt tingling in her chest and a gnawing sense of anxiety. “I… I left you in St. Moritz.”

“Indeed, you did. You left me in the snow all alone.” He approached her, leaning close to her ear, whispering to her. “But I lived.” He yanked his turtleneck down, revealing a thick diagonal scar that ran from the bottom left of his chin to his right shoulder. “You tried to kill me, Gia, but I lived.”

Author Jincey Lumpkin:

JINCEY LUMPKIN is a writer and creative director in Luxury Beauty. She is the author of the Mermaid of Venice fantasy thriller series. Recognized as a thought leader on women and culture, Jincey has written more than 50 columns for the Huffington Post and Playboy. She headlined Sex Week at Harvard and gave an infamous TEDx talk, “Are Robots the Future of Sex?” She has been profiled by Dateline NBC, Vice, and GQ, among others. Out Magazine listed her in its “OUT 100”, naming her as one of the world’s most influential LGBTQ+ people, alongside celebrities like Laverne Cox and Ricky Martin.

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

In The Better to See You by Kate SeRine, fallen fairy godmother Lavender Seelie finds refuge in the arms of a wolf. Come check out this second novel in the Transplanted Tales series as we celebrate its 10-Year Anniversary. Be sure to enter both giveaways!

The Better To See You


Amazon | iBooks | Kobo | B&N

A fallen fairy godmother finds refuge in the arms of a wolf—until a series of murders threatens to break the spell—in this gritty paranormal romance.

Thanks to a spell mis-cast by Lavender Seelie, Cinderella’s former fairy godmother, Make Believe characters have been cast into the ordinary world. Now that the Tales are flesh and blood, their storybook lives aren’t so simple. But fortunately for Lavender, she’s about to get a second chance at a happy ending.

The Refuge, a sanctuary for wayward Tales, seems like the perfect place for Lavender to start a new life—especially when she discovers an unexpected ally in Seth, the brooding werewolf who’s been typecast as a villain ever since his run in with Little Red Riding Hood. But when humans from nearby towns start turning up dead, their bodies mutilated with archaic Tale symbols, Lavender wonders if Seth’s deep sensuality has blinded her to a deadly reality.

Check out this peek inside:


It was over.

I was going to be torn apart here in the middle of nowhere by some winged demon dog. I’d never get the chance to start over. I’d never get the chance to prove I was more than just a colossal failure in every regard—as a daughter, as a woman, as a fairy.

I couldn’t believe my unbelievably shitty luck.

Shaking violently from the pain wracking my body, I lay there, the raindrops mixing with my tears as I sobbed and watched helplessly as pine needles gathered together, creating a thick rope that wound itself around my arms and torso, pinning me to the ground.

Briefly, I wondered how people would remember me after I was gone. Would they speak the name Lavender Seelie and think of the fairy godmother who’d once wielded almost unparalleled power and skill? Or would they remember only the screwed-up fairy who’d ruined their lives when that same power had betrayed her?

After several agonizing moments, I finally heard the creature leap across the ravine and snapped out of my last-minute pity party, fear and panic once more flooding my veins.

There was no point in trying to summon my magic now—it had deserted me, that was pretty freaking clear. I just hoped like hell my death would be quick.

The creature prowled toward me, its massive bulk a mercifully indistinct silhouette, and I swear I thought I heard it chuckle, the sound sending chills down my spine. Then from behind me came the whisper-soft padding of paws on the underbrush. In the next instant, a great white wolf leaped over me and slammed into the shadow-creature. The two rolled end-over-end in a tangle of claws and teeth, coming to rest with the wolf on top, its lips peeled back in a vicious snarl.

I turned my head to get a better look just in time to see the wolf grab the creature’s throat in its teeth. The beast’s howl ended abruptly as the wolf gave a powerful shake of its head, tearing out a large section of demon dog’s throat.

The wolf flung the chunk of flesh into the underbrush then cautiously padded toward me, its head down between its shoulders, sizing me up. As it came closer, I realized it wasn’t an ordinary timber wolf. This animal was easily twice the size of any wolf I’d ever seen and had a distinctly human intelligence shining in its eyes.

I didn’t stand a chance.

It bit through the pine needle rope and shook its head, scattering the needles all over the ground. The rest of the needles instantly fell away, and the trees halted their brutal assault.

I raised a bloody, trembling hand, not sure if I’d just exchanged one predator for another. “Please,” I managed to gasp between the quick, shallow breathes that were all my punctured lung would now allow. “Please…”

In response, a soft shimmering light encased the wolf, and where the beautiful creature had stood, now crouched a man, his ice-green eyes still glowing. As he gently lifted me into his arms, I cried out, pain engulfing me.

“It’s all right,” he said softly, cradling me against him. “You’re safe now.”

I looked up into the grim face of my rescuer, now recognizing him. How could I not when I’d seen his face on Wanted posters and in the Tale news so often over the centuries?

As pain and nausea sent me careening toward a dark abyss, his name drifted to me:

Seth Wolf.



Transplanted Tales Series


Grimm Consequences

The Better to See You

Along Came A Spider

Ever After

Better Watch Out (Fall 2022)

About Author Kate SeRine:

Kate SeRine (pronounced “serene”) is a hopeless romantic who firmly believes in true love that lasts forever. So it’s no surprise that when she began writing her own stories, Kate vowed her characters would always have a happily ever after. She’s the author of the award-winning TRANSPLANTED TALES paranormal romance series as well as two romantic suspense series: PROTECT AND SERVE and DARK ALLIANCE.


Kate lives in a smallish, quintessentially Midwestern town with her husband and two sons, who share her love of storytelling. She never tires of creating new worlds to share and is even now working on her next project — probably while consuming way too much coffee.

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The Better To See You Blog Tour Giveaway

Enter to win a $25.00 eGift card from the retailer of your choice (Amazon, Apple, B&N or Kobo). Open to anyone who can receive a US eCard from listed merchants. Giveaway ends April 14, 2022.

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10-Year Anniversary Of The Transplanted Tales Giveaway


Join Kate SeRine’s newsletter for the chance to win a $100.00 Amazon eGift Card. Winner will be selected at random from her active subscriber list on December 16, 2022. Enter here ➡️


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


I am so excited that TOUCH OF
by Nara Jade is available now and that I get to share the news!


If you haven’t yet heard about this
wonderful book, be sure to check out all the details below.


This blitz also includes a giveaway
for a $10 Amazon GC courtesy of Nara & Rockstar Book Tours. So if you’d
like a chance to win, check out the giveaway info below.


About The Book:



Author: Nara Jade

Pub. Date: March 22, 2022

Publisher: Nara Jade

Formats: Paperback, eBook

Pages: 266

Find it: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle


An ancient vampire king seeks to claim his mate — a beautiful
mortal bound to him by fate itself.

Vampire king Vincent Strand spent centuries searching for his
mate, only to find her standing in front of him in his home — but she’s human.
That does not bode well for his kind, who can last an eternity. Yet, he is
drawn to her with a thirst he has not felt in centuries. As he struggles to
control his dark desires, he finds Mira has her own secrets, ones that hunt her
for their own purposes. He must convince Mira to accept him as her mate, or
else lose her forever… and doom them both.

Mira Khan moved to Scotland to escape a relentless enemy —
her parents. She didn’t expect to be swept up in the affairs of a dangerous
local mob boss on her first night there. Vincent ignites an irresistible
attraction in her that she can’t ignore, and she craves him in ways she can’t
explain. But there is something dark and mysterious about him, something 
When her past comes back to haunt her, he just might be the only one who can
protect her.


Touch of Night: Immortal Kiss book 2, a standalone, steamy
paranormal romance based on Norse myth. If you enjoy this, check out Immortal
Kiss book 1, Burning for the Beast.


Enjoy this peek inside:


Mira thought she caught a strange emotion as Vincent watched
her with those enigmatic red eyes. She brushed a finger against his temple. No
tell-tale curve of contact lenses even in this brighter setting, and they
looked just as they had the night before, so vibrant and beautiful. 

“I still can’t believe they’re real. They’re so

“Does the color displease you?” he asked. 

“No. Can’t imagine you had an easy time growing up, though. I
think most people would associate red eyes with demons or the devil.” 

“They’re not entirely wrong.” 

She looked at him past her lashes. “Pretty funny that the mob
boss who insists he obeys the law thinks of himself as a devil. You have an
identity issue.” 

A slow shake of his head. “I know exactly what I am.” The
words were spoken too seriously for the teasing tone of her comment. 

“And what’s that?” 

“Someone who wants you.” 

She lightly shoved at his chest. “You smooth-talker. Maybe
you are a devil come to tempt me.” 

“And are you tempted?” His gaze turned downwards, to her
lips. Her breath hitched, and immediately her mind went to indecent places. But
that wasn’t her fault, not when he was looking at her like that.

“Yeah, I’m tempted,” she murmured. Vincent leaned

She put her hand over his mouth before he could swoop down,
and he raised a brow in question. “You said there are cameras

Vincent grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand away, then
kissed her. Hard. 

Mira’s next protest was muffled against his claiming mouth,
and as she parted her lips to make her complaint, his tongue plundered past

She stilled. A moan escaped her and her eyelids fluttered
shut. He kissed good. He kissed really good. Enough that she didn’t mind
the cameras.

Damned man probably knew it, too.


About Nara Jade:


Nara Jade
writes paranormal romance novels, with one novel published and many more in her
head. Follow on social media or to get updates about upcoming
books! New work expected to be published Winter 2021.

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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Corpse Princess organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Jayce Carter will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

You can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Corpse Princess

by Jayce Carter

Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance (Mafia Romance – Reverse Harem)


Karma is a bitch—but then again, so am I.

Ten years ago, a group of men murdered my mother and thought they had killed me. I’ve spent every day since planning revenge against the man behind the attack—my father. As the head of a powerful crime family, he won’t be an easy target, but nothing matters more than making him pay for what he’s done.

Now, I return in disguise, only to end up on the radar of the Quad—the four most dangerous men in the city…men I’ve been desperately in love with since I was a teen. I have no idea if they were in on the plan to have me killed, but I can’t stop myself from craving their taste, their bodies and their rough, domineering touches. Even though I know the risks, I keep falling deeper into our twisted relationship.

My plan is simple—find and get rid of the people who carried out the attack, kill my father…and don’t fall in love with the men who might have betrayed me.

This world already killed me once—let it try again.

Enjoy this peek inside:

“That’s the thing, Nem, it hurt. It still hurts. That’s why I don’t like you, that’s why I act the way I do. I killed her even though I’m pretty sure my dumb ass still loved her, and I’d do it again if I had to. I’m pissed at you because I see it coming this time, someone who’s lying, who’s scheming, and even knowing that, I still want you. Doesn’t matter, though, because I’ll end you if I have to, just like I did her, knowing damn well it’s a wound that won’t ever heal. So, yeah, I hate you, because looking at you is like looking at an injury I just know is coming. It’s like seeing the bullet I’m going to put in you, knowing how much it’s going to hurt, but not being able to stop it. You, Nem, are nothing but heartbreak coming.”

I wanted to argue, but hell…he was right. Either he had something to do with what happened to me, in which case I’d kill him, or he didn’t, and he’d know by the end who I was and lose me all over again.

Maybe that was the truth, though—life was nothing but heartbreak coming.

About Author Jayce Carter:

Jayce Carter lives in Southern California with her husband and two spawns. She originally wanted to take over the world but realized that would require wearing pants. This led her to choosing writing, a completely pants-free occupation. She has a fear of heights yet rock climbs for fun and enjoys making up excuses for not going out and socializing.

Author Links: Website / Amazon / Instagram / Facebook

Purchase Link: Amazon



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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

A Warm Rainy Day in Tokyo
Kana Wu
Publication date: March 31st 2022
Genres: New Adult, Romance

Bella Bell lives a perfectly ordinary life with a perfectly ordinary office job in suburban California, where she longs to break free from her perfect sister’s shadow. So when Little Bear Café chooses her to train its new franchisee in Tokyo for the summer, she jumps at the chance.

But even a dream come true can get complicated. From the moment she steps on the plane, she annoys her pompous, handsome seatmate, insults her apartment manager, and gets caught up in her new neighbors’ drama. And everywhere she turns, she keeps running into the arrogant stranger from her flight—and she can’t seem to get him out of her head.

Ryo Yamada is at the top of his game: a high-powered job, no shortage of potential girlfriends. But his life is turned upside down when his family asks him to return to Tokyo for good because of his sister’s failing health. And now he finds himself avoiding his childhood friend whose feelings he doesn’t return. And bumping into the irritating, pretty redhead from his flight—who may not be so bad after all. The last thing he expects is to fall in love.

As the new café opening and the end of Bella’s time in Tokyo draw near, Bella and Ryo grow close—until they discover their circumstances may tear them apart. Can they find their way back to each other for good?

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble


Enjoy this peek inside:


“Bella, Bella,” The gorgeous stranger whispered.

I let out a quiet sigh because I loved the way he called my name. His voice was gentle, like rustling leaves on a breezy night. With a smile, I tipped my head toward him. The moon hid behind a thin cloud, but its light was enough for me to see his chiseled jaw, long nose, and full, sexy lips.

“I love your baby blue eyes, Bella Bell,” he whispered again, lowering his face to mine. “Do you love me?”

“Yes,” I whispered back, my heart thundering in my chest as his hazel eyes looked straight at me. Oh my, he is going to kiss me? Yes … yes … Wait, maybe I have to be bolder. Swallowing, I placed my hands on his muscular hips.

“Bella,” he said, caressing my red hair before his hand stopped on the back of my neck and pulled me closer.

I closed my eyes, waiting for his warm kiss to touch mine, but nothing came. Clenching my jaw, I cupped his face with my hands and coaxed it toward me. Oddly, instead of kissing me, he called out, “Bella! Bella! Bella!” At the same moment, I heard loud sounds, like someone banging on the door. What the …

As much as I wanted to ignore the annoying interruption, I opened my eyes to find that the handsome, chiseled-jaw guy had disappeared, and my hands clenched my pillow a few inches in front of my face. It wasn’t real … but who dared to disturb my dream? I couldn’t moan for too long because the banging became louder, followed by my mom’s irritated voice. “Bella, how many times do I have to wake you up?”

Ugh, couldn’t Mom have woken me up a bit later, at least after I got my kiss? I groaned.

Jumping out of my bed, I opened the door to see my mom glaring at me. She was wearing a blue blazer and pencil skirt, ready for work at a local library as the senior librarian. In her late fifties, she looked great. She had fair skin and no wrinkles, and was a bit heavy at almost five feet tall. Her new hairstyle, short with blonde highlights made her look younger. I could see a flicker of jealousy in my dad’s eyes whenever a man glanced at her in awe. How I wished I had inherited her fair skin and would look like her when I was older. However, my older sister got our mom’s looks and I looked more like our dad. But thanks to the height from my dad, I was three inches taller than my mom.

A whiff of jasmine from her perfume hit my nose like the fresh air of spring. But my mom’s eyes and expression were far from gentle: They were more like a brewing storm.

“Bellalina Elizabeth Bell.” Her voice was loud and high when she called my full name—which she did whenever she was super upset. “You aren’t a kid anymore. You are almost twenty-two, for God’s sake. Why can’t you wake up on your own? I can’t believe that I have to wake you up like this in the morning,” she scoffed, and turned her body toward the kitchen. “Wipe your drool and brush your hair before going out.”

The corner of my mouth was damp as I wiped it with the back of my hand. As I followed my mom down to the kitchen, I tied my shoulder-length hair back with the hairband that was always around my wrist.

“That’s your fault,” I grumbled, and sat on the tall chair at the kitchen island where she’d already put a half gallon of orange juice, a box of cereal, breakfast sausages, six boiled eggs, and a pile of toast, jam, and butter. “I found an effective way to wake up without your help, but you complain about that.”

My mom almost rolled her bright blue eyes at me, but she restrained herself. “You set five different alarm clocks to wake you up every day. Five alarms, Bella. You refused to use your phone alarms and bought five metal twin-bell alarm clocks instead. And those are loud enough to wake up the whole neighborhood.”

“But that’s effective,” I protested, helping myself to a glass of orange juice. “You know I’m not a morning person. Then when I found a way that works, you don’t like it.”

“Those damn alarm clocks can wake up the whole neighborhood,” she said slowly as if I didn’t comprehend her words the first time. I widened my eyes, and my mom sighed.

She opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by Mel’s entrance. Mel was willowy, five-ten with tan skin and freckles on her nose.


Author Kana Wu:

Kana Wu, an autodidact author, has loved writing since her childhood. She used to work as an analyst and later an accountant before deciding to be a writer in 2018.

Her debut novel, No Romance Allowed, was published in October 2019, and it received two awards as Finalist in the 2020 International Book Awards and Reader’s Favorite Awards. It was also a winner in the Romance category for the 2020 TCK Publishing Readers’ Choice Awards Contest.

She lives in Southern California with her husband and her two rescued Jindo dogs.

Be the first to know when Kana has a special offer or a new book by checking her website or following her on social media.

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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Mermaid of Venice
Jincey Lumpkin
(Mermaid of Venice, #1)
Publication date: March 15th 2021
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance

IndieReader Approved with 4.8 of 5 stars: “MERMAID OF VENICE is an electrifying series starter that immerses readers in a world filled with glamor, sex, murder, and mermaids.”

Dive into the extremely glamorous life of Gia Acquaviva, an ultra-rich Venetian mogul with a portfolio of clubs and casinos around the globe. Gia harbors dark secrets––and an underwater graveyard filled with the bones of her former lovers.

Her family’s roots descend from the mythological sirens of ancient Greece, but she’s taken every precaution to protect her anonymity and the existence of other mermaids. Gia lures in men with a beguiling façade, but inside lurks a deeply troubled soul, severely damaged by a mysterious past.

Despite her sinister desires, she longs for true intimacy and believes she may have found her match in Cameron Langley, a successful London-based banker and dead ringer for Chris Hemsworth. He offers Gia her first real opportunity for lasting love. They share an intensely passionate, deeply sensual connection… but is her growing affection for new lover enough to lull the murderous cravings she feels building within?

Fans of Killing Eve and Big Little Lies will love Mermaid of Venice, a sexy psychological thriller with lush fantasy elements. The setting is modern day Europe with all the chic locales, hot spots and vistas of Patricia Highsmith’s The Talented Mr. Ripley and a juicy splash of the lavish lifestyle in E. L. James’s 50 Shades series. This is not the Little Mermaid you grew up with. Gia’s out for blood.

Mermaid of Venice is the first installment in a series of 6 books about Gia Acquaviva.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo / Google Play


Enjoy this peek inside:

Gia closed up the house and locked every shutter before climbing aboard her sleek speed boat. The wooden vessel, while practically brand new, looked vintage. Its soft-top cover glided over Gia’s head with a clean, electronic hum. She steered through thick rain toward Marco Polo airport, with only a small black Hermès Kelly bag in the passenger seat. After pulling into her VIP boat slip, she sauntered to her jet, obscured from prying eyes by an ordinary black umbrella.

It was not until she was above the black storm clouds that she truly began to relax. Her demeanor prior to that, with the jet captain and the flight attendant, had been cool and aloof as usual, but it was an effort to appear so calm. She’d informed the flight attendant that she would not be needing anything on the two-hour trip to London. So, he sat in the front of the plane, in case the captain had any requirements. Gia was alone, on the other side of the curtain in the cream-colored cabin, resting in a suede recliner. She liked being alone, almost more than anything else.

The scene in Venice had become too frenzied. If the city had been busy during the festival, everything was three times as hectic now. Gia felt suffocated. They may as well have projected Nico’s face over the city like the Bat-Signal. Therefore, it was better for her to leave town.

When she arrived at her apartment in London, Gia poured herself a glass of Kentucky bourbon on the rocks—the cheap stuff, which in her opinion, was the best. This was maybe the one time in history when London was sunny while Venice got soaked. She slid the terrace’s huge glass doors into their pockets and invited fresh air into the space. Whisky in hand, she gazed out over the top of Harrods to Hyde Park. Kensington Palace sat on the horizon to the west, and Gia pondered where the Queen might be today and whether the old woman ever drank a strong whisky, or if it was tea all day, every day. Surely the Queen endured situations that called for stiff spirits?

Gia placed her nearly-empty glass on the Carrara marble that encased her bath. She drew steaming hot water from the tap and poured in the contents of a cylinder of French sea salt, as well as several drops of rose oil. She pressed a button that transitioned the window from opaque to clear, so that she might be able to spy on the Duke and Duchess a little longer.

Sinking into the bath, Gia stared out across the city as her tail came in scale by scale. The transformation from skin to scale tickled at first, and afterward had the intensely satisfying sensation of an itch that had scratched itself. She laid back, her tail swaying softly in the bathwater. Legs were fine, and hers were long and strong—good legs, if such a thing exists—but her tail… her tail was part of her soul. It’s what linked her to generations of mythical creatures through millennia. Man came from ape. Man, by nature, was competitive and clumsy and impulsive. Mermaid, however, had evolved in a completely different way. Certainly the sea had its brutality, but there was also much cooperation and an alien beauty that Man would never understand. The sea is in constant motion, while being on land is deceptive. The world itself changes all the time, but when you’re on bedrock, you feel that time stands still,as if the planet’s not moving, as if you’re the center of the fucking universe—and you’re not.

Many of the mermaids back in the colony were of the opinion that climate change was the ocean’s revenge, and that the days of Man were nearing their inevitable and welcome end.

Author Jincey Lumpkin:

JINCEY LUMPKIN is a writer and creative director in Luxury Beauty. She is the author of the Mermaid of Venice fantasy thriller series. Recognized as a thought leader on women and culture, Jincey has written more than 50 columns for the Huffington Post and Playboy. She headlined Sex Week at Harvard and gave an infamous TEDx talk, “Are Robots the Future of Sex?” She has been profiled by Dateline NBC, Vice, and GQ, among others. Out Magazine listed her in its “OUT 100”, naming her as one of the world’s most influential LGBTQ+ people, alongside celebrities like Laverne Cox and Ricky Martin.

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Snow and Red
Eileen Mueller & A.J. Ponder
(Dragon Shifters’ Hoard, #1)
Publication date: January 13th 2022
Genres: Paranormal, Romance, Urban Fantasy, Young Adult

Snow & Red have always had strange powers. When they collide with the Draki twins, their lives explode.

Red’s always liked playing with fire, and Snow’s so frosty, she’s nicknamed the Ice Queen. Mom’s warned them not to use their powers. To be careful not to reveal they’re freaks.

But when Snow and Red sneak out at night to have fun, they have no idea of the dangerous world they’re about to get dragged into—a world of dragon shifters, mages and deadly Fae.

Snow and Red are attacked in an alley by a local gang. They instinctively react with fire and ice. Two buff guys swoop in to rescue them. Insanely attractive, with shimmering gold and silver tattoos on their faces and arms, the Draki twins may be more dangerous than the girls’ attackers.

As the girls get to know them, they’re drawn deeper into the deadly underworld simmering beneath the thin veneer of Pinevale.

Snow and Red is the first heart-pounding adventure in the Dragon Shifters’ Hoard YA paranormal romance series. If you love sizzling attraction, magic, urban fantasy and dragon shifters, pre-order your next exciting adventure today.

Goodreads / Amazon


Enjoy this peek inside:

Red whirled to help Snow, fire racing through her veins. A guy yanked her leather backpack—hard. He lunged toward her. Red-hot anger flashed through her. She flung a hand up to defend herself. Flames sprang from her fingertips and shot out. Fire licked along the thug’s sleeve.

He screamed, dropping her arm, and backed off, batting at his jacket. The stench of burning fabric jammed up Red’s nose.

Snow wasn’t doing much better. Her clothes were glittering with ice as she dodged and kicked at a guy slashing at her with a wicked curved blade. “Red!”

A tall guy grabbed Red by the shoulders and slammed her against a building. Her head whacked the bricks. Sharp pain lanced through her skull. She struck out with her foot and kicked him in the shin.

He swore. A knife flashed, angling toward her neck.

She ducked, heart racing. Gods, were she and Snow going to die tonight in a stinking alley? She’d felt so alive, with fire running through her veins. And they’d just found that photo of Dad. They were onto something, she was sure.

“Give me your purse, lady.” The man’s leering eyes and stinking attitude made Red want to burn his face off.

Red’s legs trembled. Her feet were shaking. No, the ground itself was shaking. Wow, that was some weird anxiety reaction. Or maybe someone had spiked her juice while she’d been dancing. Surely not. They’d been with Snow’s cute I.T. guy and friends from school.

“So, think you can play with fire?” the tall man sneered, his blade at her throat. He had the cutest baby blues. And a face that could belong to an angel. Not much good when a guy was holding you at knife point.

Red gulped.

A rumble filled the air and two large dark figures in leather hoodies dashed down the alley. Another tremor ran through the ground. An earthquake at a time like this—whaddaya know, hyper crazy. What else could go wrong tonight?

One of the dark figures ran at them and swung a punch at the man holding the knife. The puncher’s fist, covered with gold tattoos, flashed past Red and connected with Angelface’s nose. There was a crunch. Angelface crumpled to his knees. His knife skittered across the asphalt and clanked against a trash can.

The dude in a leather hoodie towered over Angelface, his face deep in the folds of his hood.

Had the earth moved for him, too?

A freak gust of wind blasted the alley. The other hooded stranger tackled the thug harassing Snow.

The thug hit the ground, then rolled away and scrambled to his feet. “It’s the Draki twins. Let’s get out of here.” He raced off, two more of his gang following him.

The man who’d thrown the punch dragged Angelface up by the scruff of his neck and held him against the wall. “What did you want with these girls?” he growled. Dark hair peeked from the edge of his hood.

The other guy in the leather hoodie, a blond, crowded in, cracking his knuckles.

“Uh, n-nothing. Mr. Sparkles sent us.”

Snow dashed over to Red, clutching her flimsy purse against her body. Ice rimmed the hem of her sequined tank. She was shaking, lips white with rage.

The hoods were too busy questioning Angelface to notice.

Red grabbed Snow’s hand. “Come on. Let’s get outta here,” she hissed.

Snow blinked. “Who are they?” she asked. “The guys in the hoods? And that pretty gang? I mean, all those boys were so good looking it was crazy.”

So, she’d noticed their looks too. “Whoever they are, they’re dangerous as hell.” Red pulled Snow’s arm. “Let’s get to the car.” Together, they raced along the dingy alley past trash cans and dumpsters.

“Hey!” Boots pounded behind them. The two hoodies were on their heels.



Authors Eileen Mueller and A.J. Ponder:

Eileen Mueller is a USA Today-bestselling and multiple-award-winning author of heart-pounding fantasy novels that will keep you turning the page. Dive into her worlds, full of magic, love, adventure and dragons! Eileen lives in New Zealand, in a cave with her dragonets. She writes action-packed tales for young adults, children and everyone who loves adventure.

Visit her website for Eileen’s FREE books and new releases, follow Eileen on Amazon and BookBub and become a Rider of Fire in her Facebook group!

USA Today bestselling author A.J. Ponder has a head full of monsters, and recklessly spills them out onto the written page. Beware dragons, dreadbeasts, taniwha, and small children—all are equally dangerous, and capable of treading on your heart—or tearing it, still beating, from your chest.

Visit A.J. at or join A.J.’s mailing list to discover new releases and secret stories. Follow A.J. on Amazon and BookBub.



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For the Strange and Surprising: Where the Mongrels Are
M.F. Adele
(Where They Are, #1)
Publication date: August 27th 2021
Genres: Adult, Reverse Harem, Romance, Science Fiction

I’m a catastrophe waiting to happen—I always have been.

When a waterspout drops me on the shores of a seemingly deserted island, I soon realize that I’m not on Earth, and I’m not alone.

This new world is full of dangers, from sea monsters and feuding tribes to poisonous food and beasts that lurk in the shadows. None of those things are as dangerous as the Mongrel men appointed to guard and teach me.

All I want to do is go home, but the island has no intentions of letting me leave.

I’ll be forced to interact with total strangers to survive this perilous land surrounded by treacherous waters.

My dreams of happiness sink into the dark depths below as I struggle to save myself from certain death.

The Mongrels will learn that fear makes a person reckless.

My name is Adelaide Storm.
But they’ll call me Ada Stormbrave.

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Author’s Play List

  1. Spider in the Roses

Sonia Leigh, Daphne Willis, Rob the Man


  1. Swan



  1. Take me to Church



  1. Eyes Blue Like the Atlantic

Sista Prod, Subvrbs


  1. Cringe

Matt Maeson


  1. Deep Water

American Authors


  1. Stare



  1. Maybe, I’m Afraid



  1. Fire and the Flood

Vance Joy


  1.  Beast

 8 Graves


  1.  Man or a Monster

 Sam Tinnesz, Zayde Wølf


  1.  Are You Gonna Be My Girl



  1.  Paradise



  1.  I’m Not Okay



  1.  Black Sea

 Natasha Blume


  1.  Bitches Broken Hearts

 Billie Eilish


Link to For the Strange and Surprising Spotify Playlist


Link to For the Ghastly and Beautiful Spotify Playlist (watch me build it)


Link to MF Adele Spotify Account for access to other book playlists



Author M.F. Adele

M.F. Adele resides in the outskirts of the Rocket City in Alabama. She lives in her overactive imagination, often fueled by caffeine and no sleep. When she isn’t writing, M.F. is outdoors with her family, obsessing over spicy margaritas and cigars, or reading books by her favorite authors.

If you’re looking for M.F. Adele, you can find her on social media in her group:

M.F. Adele’s Hellacious Hybrids.

M.F. loves to interact with her readers, hear character theories, and share embarrassing stories.

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Love on the Run
Suzanne Rylee Ridolfi
Publication date: January 11th 2022
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Romance

Lily Hart is the semi-famous host of Love Lily, a podcast dedicated to love and relationships. Her bubbly enthusiasm for all things romance has caught the eye of a few swanky sponsors who offer her the chance to host a Valentine’s Day mega event. Unfortunately, Lily’s own happily-ever-after has hit a rocky patch. She’s not sure if Henry, her longtime boyfriend, is even the one. When they decide to discuss things over dinner, Lily’s left questioning everything she knows about love. She panics and calls for a getaway car.

Blaze Steel thinks the notion of love is a mythical fable made up to ruin his life. Instead of relationships he pours his energy into the opening of his new bar the Steel Taproom. Until it’s up and running, however, Blaze is forced to continue his duties as an Uber driver. When a frantic Lily jumps into the backseat of his car, Blaze doesn’t know what hit him. All he knows is he hopes he never has to lay eyes on this woman again.

Fate has different plans for them, as their paths continue to cross. When Lily realizes she can’t show up to her own event dateless, Blaze reluctantly agrees. No feelings, just a plus one. How hard could it be? After all, they’re the last couple in the world who would ever fall in love.

*For fans of sweet romance, Debbie Macomber books, and all things Hallmark. There is no steam, sweet short read.

Goodreads / Amazon


Enjoy this peek inside:

“It’s your counseling session, not mine. The dollars are adding up. Just let me know when you are ready to put me out of my misery and drop you off.”

“Well, that wasn’t very nice. I’m paying you handsomely so the least you could do is be nice.”

“I don’t do nice,” he says, gruffly.

I scrunch up my nose in an attempt to create an angry face at the grumpy driver. I inch my body forward to try to get a better look. It’s the first time I’ve actually looked at the man that I’ve spent the last few hours divulging my deepest insecurities to. The first thing I notice is the sandy colored hipster man-bun that sits on the back of his head. His chiseled jaw appears clenched. He does have a remarkable profile, with a nose sculpted to perfection. The five o’clock shadow hides just enough for intrigue. Beneath his thermal I see the shape of remarkably muscular biceps. The right sleeve is pushed up a bit, revealing tattoos covering his forearm. He is everything Henry is not. He can’t possibly digest the raw emotions of the situation. The front wheels hit an ice patch and the rear end swerves to the left. My body slams into the back of his seat. His muscular arms tug tight on the wheel to regain traction. In all my sobbing, I hadn’t paid much attention to the state of the roads or the crushing snowstorm barreling down on us.

My heart rises to my throat. It’s the first time that I have proof I still have a heart after my inexcusable actions. “I, I guess we could do a drive by first,” my voice struggles to eek out.

“Is that Kelly Drive?”

“Yes, that’s the address.”

And what does “drive by“ mean?” His eyes remain on the road. The car catches a slick slice of pavement, and we veer toward the curb.

The wheels struggle to gain traction on the icy pavement as my street comes into view. A wave of panic twists my stomach into a corset. “A drive by, I’m sure you did them a thousand times to see if a girl was home or had company etc. you know everyone does them.”

His blue eyes stretch under his raised eyebrows.

I continue, “I’ll lay down on the seat. You check if it’s safe to return.”

“What the hell does safe look like?” he barks.

“Tell me if Lola is in the window. If someone is home, she’s never in the window.”

“Who the hell is Lola?”

“She’s a white Shih tzu.” He shakes his head. I drop my body onto the seat. He pulls to a stop and the car continues to slide. “You can come up now. Your watch dog is still on duty. That will be $403.59.”

I’m propelled to an upright position. “You can’t be serious?”

“Dead serious. You hijacked my entire night. And I charge double in bad weather.”

Tears well up from deep inside, even though I was sure there were none left. “I, I’m sorry, you’re right. I messed up this whole night.” My fingers ruffle through my purse scrambling for money. I find a five in the zip front of the interior. A ten-dollar bill in my wallet and two crumpled dollar bills under my glass case.

“Oh, for God’s sake, just get out,” he barks.

“Take this. It’s all I have right now. If you come back tomorrow, I promise I’ll pay you the rest.”

“Lady, you couldn’t pay me enough to come back tomorrow.”

“Thank you, what did you say your name is?”

“I didn’t.”

I open the door and step out; ice engulfs my heel. One foot begins to slide to the left and the other heads right. Clinging mercilessly to the door handle, I struggle to get traction. My legs begin to delve into a straddle. He appears over me. He’s much taller than I expected. With one hand he scoops me up and props me onto my feet, then slams the door and heads to his side of the car.

My eyes meet his, I smile at his chivalry. With a half-crooked smile I say, “The weather is horrendous. Text me to let me know you got home okay.”

“Not gonna happen,” he says before jumping in the car, slamming his door, and driving away.

Author Suzanne Rylee Ridolfi:

Rylee is a hopeless romantic. She loves a cozy fireplace, a furry blanket and a romantic book. She strives to bring lovable characters to life.This has resulted in the creation of some of the most awkwardly charming heroines that are guaranteed to steal your heart. She’s a believer in happily ever after and is mildly addicted to fabulous shoes. She loves writing about her favorite things- Christmas, fashion, family, and the ability to go for your dream, no matter how grand. When not writing you can find her spending time with her husband and three children at their home in New Jersey.

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