Posts Tagged ‘sci-fi’

Stitch by Samantha Durante is FREE on Kindle this Friday, June 7th, to Tuesday, June 11th.

A college ghost romance with a surprising dystopian sic-fi twist, Part One of this trilogy is sure to keep you on your toes! And better yet, Part Two – Shudder, launches on the 15th. You definitely don’t want to miss this innovative debut novel that will appeal to fans of the YA and New Adult genres.

Stitch (Stitch Trilogy #1)


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Stitch, Stitch Trilogy, Book One

by Samantha Durante

Genre: YA/NA Dystopian/Paranormal Romance

Rating: 4.3 Stars (100+Reviews)


My Review

Stitch is Samantha Durantes debut novel. I loved this story and can’t wait to see how she is going to top it.

You get a blend of many genres.

First I was thinking paranormal, then dystopian, and finally, science fiction.

As I don’t read other reviews until mine is published, I can’t wait to read with other readers thought.

Another night. Another nightmare.

When Alessa started college, she thought it would help her to adjust, to move on after the death of her parents.

Now she’s having horrible nightmares and seeing the ghostly image of a man.

She picked the sorority because of the house. Something about it spoke to her, drew her to it.

haunted houses photo: Miles Manor hayrideandhouses032.jpg

Now her every thought is consumed with finding out who the ghost is that haunts the house and her mind.

In an attempt at normalcy, she goes to a dance with Nikhil. He’s the first guy she’s had any interest in.

“Alessa parted her lips and looked up at Nikhil, preparing to surrender to her body’s impulses.

But instead of the dark brown eyes she expected, she saw only blue. Unfathomable, sparkling blue…

Once again, a single word rose in the back of her throat – Isaac – and she knew the night was over.”

Isaac’s continued appearances and the fact that only she can see him becomes a quest to discover who he was and why he’s so sad.

What she finds is shocking. Was moving into the house her choice, what secrets are her friend Janie hiding, and does Alessa have a connection to Isaac, the ghost of her dreams and the house?

My thoughts.

You’ll have an exciting time finding out just who or what Isaac is and what all of this has to do with Alessa.

This mixing of genres is brilliant and captivating.

While the beginning may be calm, slowly building this new world, the author fluidly takes you back and forth through time, filling in the answers to the mystery of Alessa and Isaac.

About halfway through, I started to see where this was going but with many twists and turns and what the’s, I was continually surprised.

One thing that I found very unique was how the author dealt with the communication between Alessa and Isaac. It was not what I was expecting and really had me going.  You’ll see.

The anticipation was nail-biting and the ending was out of this world. There was no cliff hanger and I finally had all of the answers.

5 Stars

Get your free copy today. Limited time only. June 7 – 11th.


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