Posts Tagged ‘scorpents’

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Welcome to my stop on the tour for Keeper of Reign.

I fell in love with the cover art. Makes me think of lightning bugs and moths. Or maybe butterflies or dragonflys.

All are drawn to the light as I am drawn to this story.


Mrs. Potter’s Book Publicity Services Presents:

A Deluxe Blog Tour For:

“Keeper of Reign”

By: Emma Right



Book Description:

Books written in blood. Most are lost, their Keepers with them. A curse that befell a people. A Kingdom with no King. Life couldn’t get more harrowing for the Elfies, a blend of Elves and Fairies. Or for sixteen-year-old Jules Blaze. Or could it?

For Jules, the heir of a Keeper, no less, suspects his family hides a forgotten secret. It was bad enough that his people, the Elfies of Reign, triggered a curse which reduced the entire inhabitants to a mere inch centuries ago. All because of one Keeper who failed his purpose. Even the King’s Ancient Books, did not help ward off that anathema.

Now, Gehzurolle, the evil lord, and his armies of Scorpents, seem bent on destroying Jules and his family. Why? Gehzurolle’s agents hunt for Jules as he journeys into enemy land to find the truth. Truth that could save him and his family, and possibly even reverse the age-long curse. Provided Jules doesn’t get himself killed first.

Genre= YA Fantasy

Purchase Links:

Amazon / B&N / Twitter





Here’s a peek inside Keeper of Reign

Ralston said, “How’d Gehzurolle even know we’re Keepers? We were always so careful not to tell anyone.”

Jules looked over his shoulders. “Gehzurolle’s not supposed to be omniscient, but his spies lurk everywhere.”

“You mean the Scorpents?”

Jules lowered his voice. “Not just. Could be Handoverans, or Elfies who’ve been bought with a price. Then there’re three others. One looks like a red flame and his name is Rage. It‘s hard to notice him, especially during a fire, although some have seen him and lived!”

“So, he’s in charge of fire?”

“Rage lives up to his name. He’s in charge of anger. That’s what Grandpa said.”

“Who else?”

“Another resembles smoke: name is Whisperer. He whispers things in the air to influence people or the weather or such. He gives them suggestions. And the third is Sekt: he’s rumored to roam in fogs and mists, but he hides well and not much is known of him. Gehzurolle’ll do anything to make trouble for us. He can even manipulate birds for his end.”

“Birds?” Ralston made a face.

“Not all kinds. Prey birds. That’s why I think Gehzurolle’s involved. Our raven attack seemed too coincidental, especially with this.” He swept his arm about. “Did you hear anything last night?”

“Besides your snoring?”


Author Bio:

keper of reign headshot under trees

Emma Right is a happy wife and homeschooling mother of five. Besides running a busy home, she regularly reads and writes stories for children. An avid Christian, she enjoys writing stories with themes involving family-life, friendship, faithfulness, and seeking wisdom, all in an imaginary fantastical world. She has written several young adult novels and plans on writing many more. Right worked for two advertising agencies and has won several major awards, including the prestigious Clio Award. She currently resides in California where she takes care of her children and her many pets.

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