Posts Tagged ‘series’

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of A Daily Rhythm.


Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page.
•Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!


My Tease for this week is from


A Short Story Companion to the Flawed Series

Today is the release for Constricted, a brand new short story related to Becca J. Campbell’s Flawed series. This story coincides with the events in Empath (Flawed #1), and takes place in Logan’s point of view. You’ll need to read Empath first to thoroughly enjoy this story.

If you haven’t already, download a free copy of Empath (links below). Read on to find out more about Constricted.

Constricted (A Flawed Short Story)


My Tease from 21% in the eBook ARC

Logan strode forward and peeled away the tent door, the zipper protesting in a squealing sound. Inside, two young women turned their tousled heads toward him. Wide, frantic eyes met his, and then darted across the tent at something near the opening.

My Review

I loved getting Logan’s story. I like when the author wraps up those little questions that nag at you when you finish a book.

Logan runs. It’s all he’s ever known. From foster home to foster home. And now from job to job.

Jade got to him. Left him feeling exposed and vulnerable in a way he’d never felt before. She knew his secret. He new hers.  Could he let her in? Dare he?

This was a wonderful insight into Logan’s story. The guy is a jumble of pent up frustration and would prefer to live a hermit’s life, cut off from emotional entanglements.

While I felt for him when a particularly nasty woman from his past entered his life again and brought up all the reasons why he should run, I was hoping Logan would man up and stop running.

I felt he and Jade might be good together.

This companion to Empath reveals a side of Logan that’s very personal. Now that I’ve felt his pain, his conflict, I like him even more.

You really need to read Empath to be able to follow Logan’s story here. I hope you do.

Rebecca is a gifted writer. Her characters are genuine, flaws and all. The world they live in appears normal, but what’s really normal. Lots going on to keep you turning pages and wanting more.

4 Stars



Logan’s secret has been exposed. When Jade—a beautiful student at the college where he teaches—discovered the truth, he spilled the whole repulsive story. Jade’s empathetic kindness flooded him with emotions he didn’t know he had and isn’t sure he wants to deal with.

It would be the easiest thing in the world to leave and let Jade be a whisper in his past. He can exit now and regain his anonymity, or he can risk everything to stay and face her again.

It’s not an easy choice, and when he’s about to decide, a woman from his past shows up, making his decision even more difficult.

What really happened when Logan disappeared during Empath? Find out in this short story companion piece to Flawed #1.

Get your copy now:

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA

iBooks | Kobo


Get Empath for Free

Empath eBook cover WEB

Read My Review HERE

Supernatural empathy isn’t a gift, it’s a curse. Anywhere she goes, Jade’s emotions are replaced by those of the people around her.

Jade grew up in a suburb of Colorado Springs, protected from other people by her parents. Now she faces college—and the world—with nothing to shield her from unwanted feelings.

When Cam, a classmate with a major crush on her, unintentionally hijacks her emotions, Jade struggles to keep from being carried away in feelings of attraction. When Ethan, a psychopath with a thirst for fear, fixates on her, the emotional impact could be lethal.

Caught in a deadly trap, Jade must untangle the emotions and find a way to use her empathic curse to overcome this killer or be overcome by him.

Empath is now FREE on most sales channels.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA

iBooks | Barnes & Noble | Kobo


Other books in the series.


Read My Review HERE



Read My Review HERE


More About Becca J. Campbell

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Becca J. Campbell writes New Adult (twenty-somethings) fiction that varies from Urban Fantasy to Thriller to Science Fiction. Her stories typically blend a taste of the fantastical with real-world settings and add a dash of romance for good measure.

She’s always looking for a great speculative fiction read, and she holds a special place in her heart for any story that involves superpowers or time travel. Her passion is defying the limits of her own creativity.

Becca is also the co-creator of, where you can join a vibrant community and write a novel during June.

To join Becca’s writing journey and be notified when her next book is released, sign up for her author newsletter.

Connect Online:

Author Blog | Amazon | Goodreads
Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram | Google +


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How about you? Got a tease? Tell me!

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Risen II banner


Title: Risen II: The Progeny
Author: Krystal Lawrence
Publisher: Telemachus Press
Pages: 281
Genre: Horror/Suspense
Format: Hardcover/Kindle

Risen II 2

goodreads-badge-add-plus for awaken

My Review

When I first starting reading this I was worried becuase it’s the second book in the series and I hadn’t read the first one yet.

It made no difference as the author wove in the back story seamlessly in all the right places.

Imagine this. Lorna is only seven years old. She doesn’t remember much about her abduction by Francis Barclay, the vampire who wreaked vengeance on the town until he was finally destroyed..

Now she’s changing. She has a craving for raw meat, for blood. Being so small, without the strength to take down victims, she must get creative and get her blood with surprise attacks and while the prey is sleeping. Feeding off her baby brother isn’t enough and he’s so tiny she worries she’ll hurt him. Drinking from the homeless drunks in the park works for a while until something finally goes very wrong and Lorna could be exposed for what she is, or arrested for murder.

Risen from the ashes, and now mostly ash himself, Francis is coming back to rescue his progeny, little Lorna. His time is short and he senses she’s out of control. She’s waiting for him, but it might already be too late.

This book is so good. The writing is excellent, the back story is slipped in without slowing the reading momentum, and the characters are real. You can almost picture them.

Lorna is scary. She’s just a little slip of a girl, but her blood lust makes her a monster. With no guidance, she’s vicious, dangerous. She feels no remorse for what she does to get the blood, and she’s so close to reaching the point of no return.

Her mother notices her starnge cravings for raw meat and her change in character, but hasn’t quite connected the dots yet.

Her father is an adulterer. A real loser. Every time it seems like he’ll follow the right path, his other brain lands him in another affair, risking losing his family. I wouldn’t have minded if Lorna had fed on the loser.

New to Alder Lake, Beatrice moved there and opened a small antique shop, looking for a fresh start after her divorce. She begins a tentative romance with Detective Blaze. and she’s soon drawn into the madness when Lorna shows up at hetr door in the middle of the night covered in blood.

Blaze is lead detective in the murders and sees a connection to Francis Barclay. Could the vampire have risen? Was he back?

All of these characters are connected to each other through the murders that are popping up all over town. Each has flaws, some have secrets, and all of them fear Francis Barclay.

I’m always looking for something new in this genre and I got it. Have you ever heard of a vampire dog? I wonder if they can turn other dogs or humans? Lots to learn.

And the ending. Oh boy, it was a bonus all by itself.

You’d think vampire stories would get old, but not for me. Especially with Risen II. I drained this book in a matter of hours, much like a thirsty vamp, and loved every drop of it!

5 Stars


Sharing some parts I loved!

She fed as quickly as possible, then wiped her lips with the back of her hand. Backing away from the snoring figure, she said softly, “Thank you, sir.”


“Oh, you have to be kidding me,” he groaned. “Just what the hell is he doing with her?”

“If you have dolls, I can show you,” Bebe spat with pure venom.



Producers take note! Francis Barclay is back and he’s ready for prime time.


Fans of horror/suspense masters Stephen King and Dean Koontz are sure to delight in the return of Francis Barclay, the vengeful and bloodthirsty vampire resurrected from the dead after 200 years, in RISEN, by the “Mistress of Macabre,” Krystal Lawrence. Barclay, cremated at the end of RISEN, has once again returned from the ashes — and this time he’s not alone!

In Lawrence’s riveting sequel, RISEN II: THE PROGENY, Barclay is working his slow and agonizing way back to Alder Lake, determined to save the child he accidentally sired.

RISEN began the tale of Francis Barclay’s return to Alder Lake to avenge the centuries old

murder of his family. In this spellbinding sequel, Barclay is determined to save his progeny. When last we left Alder Lake, seven year-old Lorna was waiting patiently by the window for her blood-father’s return. Her wait is now over. She has inherited Francis Barclay’s luminous glowing eyes as well as his taste for blood.

Alder Lake is once again plagued by murder. Only this time, the suspect will surprise everyone!

The “Risen” books may remind readers of the SOOKIE STACKHOUSE NOVELS by Charlaine Harris or Stephenie Meyer’s TWILIGHT series, but Lawrence reaches farther back for inspiration in the undead genre. She calls her novels “vampires for grownups,” in the manner of Bram Stoker’s DRACULA, the most famous bloodsucker of them all.

The main similarity of the RISEN novels to Harris’ and Meyer’s books lies in their rich potential to be adapted into the kind of theatrical or television films that can’t miss in attracting hordes of dedicated fans.

For More Information

Risen II 3

Book Excerpt:

The sun was sinking behind the mountains as the dead boy walked on, every bone in his

over-taxed body aching from strain. The constant cloud of dust and ash that floated about

him like a grimy halo made flagging down car rides impossible. This journey would be

made on foot, and there was a very long way to go, especially for a boy who should have

been resting peacefully in his grave for some three hundred years.


As the boy felt the rising breeze lift his long hair from his brow, he raised his hands

to his face and groaned. He watched in silent horror, as his fingers dissolved into fine

grains of ash and floated off into the mild California evening. If he did not find shelter for

the night soon, there wouldn’t be much of him left to lie down tonight at all.


Five years before, Francis Barclay had been cremated and interred in a vault one

hundred miles east of his hometown. Though he was no stranger to rising from the dead,

the first time around he was given a fully formed body to work with. This time he was

comprised of hundreds of thousands of tiny flakes of burned ash, and they didn’t stay put

when the wind grew restless. Worse was the odor clinging to him like an unwanted lover.

He smelled like a poorly tamped-out brush fire, lingering cinders smoldering on his skin.


Francis stumbled. He watched with dismay as his left foot began evaporating into

fine powder, swirling in the air before him. It turned to mist, and rose into the sky above

him like a departing soul, taking that miserable burnt smell with it.


Author Krystal Lawrence

Risen II Krystal Lawrence

Krystal Lawrence was born and raised in Southern California, where she was a child actress. In her late teens and early twenties she redirected her creative energy into radio, and hosted a successful talk show in Las Vegas for many years. She is the author of two previous books and numerous short stories. She now lives in Seattle where she is working on her fourth novel, PHONE CALL FROM HELL.


Her latest book is the horror/suspense, Risen II.

For More Information


Tour Schedule

Monday, March 2

Interview at The Writer’s Life

Tuesday, March 3

Book Feature at My Life, Loves and Passion

Wednesday, March 4

Book Feature at Laurie’s Thoughts and Reviews

Thursday, March 5

Book Feature at Confessions of a Reader

Friday, March 6

Book Feature at Bound 2 Escape

Monday, March 9

Character Interview at The Literary Nook

Tuesday, March 10

Guest Blogging at Bookingly Yours

Wednesday, March 11

Interview at As the Page Turns

Thursday, March 12

Book Review at Books, Reviews, ETC

Monday, March 16

Character Interview at Pimp That Character

Tuesday, March 17

Book Feature at CBY Book Club

Wednesday, March 18

Guest Blogging at Mythical Books

Thursday, March 19

Guest Blogging at Lori’s Reading Corner

Monday, March 23

Interview at Examiner

Tuesday, March 24

Book Feature at Undercover Book Reviews

Wednesday, March 25

Book Review at My Tangled Skeins Book Reviews

Book Review at fuonlyknew

Thursday, March 26

Book Review at Kristy Centeno

Friday, March 27

Book Review at Quirky Book Reviews




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Bring you stakes, your cross bows, or your weapon of choice. We’re going vampire hunting!

Author Nikki Jefford has her eBook Aurora Sky : Vampire Hunter free February 23rd thru 27th, so hurry and get it now.

Links to get your free copy are further down in the post.

And don’t forget to enter the International Giveaway for a chance to win an audible copy!

Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter

Volume 1

Nikki Jefford



Genre: New Adult, Paranormal Romance,

Urban Fantasy

Date of Publication: November 27, 2012

ISBN: 1939997488 / ASIN: B00AEGD5XY

Number of pages: 260 pages / Word Count: 62,000 words

Cover Artist: Phatpuppy Art


Book Description:


If there is one thing eighteen-year-old Aurora Sky wants, it’s to get off the iceberg she calls home. Being kissed before she graduates wouldn’t hurt either.

Then a near-fatal car wreck changes everything. Government agents step in and save Aurora’s life in exchange for her services as a vampire hunter. In Alaska. Basically she’s a glorified chew toy. All thanks to her rare blood type, which sends a vampire into temporary paralysis right before she has to finish the job… by hand.

Now Aurora’s only friends are groupies of the undead and the only boy she can think about may very well be a vampire.





Available at Amazon US   Amazon UK BN   iBooks


Google Play   Kobo   Smashwords   Audible



Volleyball had been replaced by badminton while I was in the hospital. Mr. Mooney let me get away with sitting out class the first two days, but by the third he decided to diagnose me as fit for participation.

“Sky, ready to jump back in?”

I paused on my way to the bleachers. “I’m not dressed.”

Besides, everyone was already paired up.

“Fane!” Mr. Mooney called. “Get out here. You can be Aurora’s partner.”

I tried not to flinch or show signs of distress. My last memory of Fane involved his tongue tracing his upper lip in lewd gesture.

Fane stood up and gave Mr. Mooney a glare so dark it sent a shiver down my spine. It was the first real sensation I’d experienced since the accident. When his eyes moved to me I momentarily forgot to breathe.

Fane held my gaze a moment longer then slipped out of his leather jacket. I watched, transfixed. This was history in the making. Fane Donado taking off his coat.

All of his imperfections breezed out the door as soon as I got my first look at the six-pack straining against his cotton tee. My eyes must have been playing tricks on me. For a guy with such a slender build, Fane was surprisingly muscled.

Fane took deliberate steps down the aisle of the bench, straight to the edge. He jumped from the bleachers, causing them to rock in his wake.

I swore I felt a thud inside the pit of my stomach when he landed.

Mr. Mooney nodded at Fane. “You two are playing Clayton and Tyler.”

Fane walked past me and took two rackets off the floor. He handed me one. I took it from his outstretched hand then followed several steps behind.

Part of me was relieved he didn’t say anything. All I could think about was the obscene gesture he’d made right before my world turned up-side-down. I hardly noticed his hair. I was too distracted by his lips. And now his abs. Luckily, I wouldn’t have to look at either while we played side by side.

At the far court, Clayton and Tyler bounced birdies up and down on the strings of their rackets.

Clayton nudged Tyler as we approached. “Oh great. Goth boy and zombie girl. This should be fun.”

I took my place beside Fane. He held his racket loose and lazy. I barely held mine at all. Clayton pelted the birdie at me. I tried to shield my face and ended up dropping my racket.

“Oh, come on!” Clayton shouted.

I picked up the birdie and threw it over the net.

Clayton served the birdie to Fane, who smacked it over the net with the flick of a wrist. Tyler launched the birdie at me. It hit me on the shoulder, but I swung anyway as it bounced to the floor.

“Hello? Earth to Aurora,” Tyler called across the net.

“I think she’s still in a coma,” Clayton said.

“That’s game,” Tyler said. “Your serve.”

I picked up the birdie and handed it to Fane. It’s a good thing it wasn’t a real bird. Fane crushed it in his hand. Only for a moment. Only I saw. He relaxed and looked across the net. I felt that odd shiver return.

Fane smacked the birdie as though it were a fly. He walloped it right between Tyler and Clayton so fast neither boy had time to react. When they did manage a return hit, Fane gracefully flicked away any stray birds that came at me. I watched in fascination, fully engaged for the first time since the accident.

The boys tried to hit the birdie back. Fane had them racing across every corner of their court. By the end of the period they were out of breath. They took off without a backwards glance when Mr. Mooney blew his whistle signaling the end of gym.

As I walked past Fane I felt a twitch. Not my own. I felt the twitch of his hand wanting to stop me.

“Hey, you. Are you okay?”

If I had any emotion left I’d laugh. He didn’t even know my name—that or it wasn’t worth saying.

He studied me carefully. “I’ve seen that look before.”

Now I was curious.

Valerie jumped down from the bleachers. “Fane!”

He didn’t pay attention to her. I held my breath waiting for him to tell me what he saw.

Valerie sashayed her way over to Fane, red hair blazing down her shoulders. She held out his jacket. “I’m ready to blow this joint. Let’s get a bite.”

Her last words grabbed his attention, and he forgot me completely. Valerie looped her arm around Fane’s and they walked toward the double doors. I was right behind them, silent as a ghost. When I reached the hall entrance leading to the locker rooms I stopped. I saw his head start to turn. I knew he was going to look back, but by the time he did I’d be gone.


About the Author:

Nikki Jefford


Nikki Jefford loves fictional bad boys and heroines who kick butt. Books, travel, TV series, hiking, writing and motorcycle riding are her favorite escapes. She loves meeting people from all walks of life, from around the globe, and wouldn’t trade her French husband in for anyone – not even Spike!

She’s a third generation Alaskan, born & raised in Anchorage, now living in northern Washington. Crazy about her dog, Cosmo. (Writer’s best friend.) The dark side of humanity fascinates her, so long as it’s balanced by humor and romance.



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Tour giveaway

1 Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter Audiobook (INT)

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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

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Welcome to the Cover Reveal for

Gods of Chaos (Daughter of Chaos #2) by Jen McConnel

presented by Month9Books!

Be sure to enter the giveaway found at the end of the post!


Gods of Chaos

The gods of chaos cannot be trusted.

When Darlena Agara declared to follow Red Magic last fall, she had no idea what she was getting into. Since then, however, she’s had a crash course in danger, deceit, and destruction. In an effort to gain an ally, Darlena heads to Scotland in search of another Red Witch, but she didn’t count on the new obstacles (and crazy gods) that await her.


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Title: Gods of Chaos (Daughter of Chaos #2)
Publication date: March 31, 2015
Publisher: Month9Books, LLC.
Author: Jen McConnel


Jen McConnel

Jen McConnel now lives and writes in the beautiful state of North Carolina. When she isn’t crafting worlds of fiction, she teaches writing composition at a community college. Once upon a time, she was a middle school teacher, a librarian, and a bookseller, but those are stories for another time.


Author Links: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads



Complete the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win!

(Winners will receive their book on release day)

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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

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One of my goals for 2015 is to read and review the books I’ve won in giveaways and books I’ve picked up for free from Amazon. So I’m starting now.

Today I’m sharing two books.

I won Ice Massacre in a giveaway some time ago.

The other book, Evil Beach, was a free book from Amazon.

You can click on the covers to buy them.


Ice Massacre

by Tiana Warner



My Review

How could I resist a book about mermaids, especially some deadly ones.

This isn’t a whimsical, romantic tale of beautiful mermaids. Yes, they can be beautiful, but when they  change to feed, their true nature is unmasked and they become monsters with red eyes, scaly skin, and teeth like pointed daggers.

No one knows why the mermaids came to the island of Eriana Kwai or why they started to attack the sailors. For many years now, the islanders have sent out ships filled with warriors to try to destroy the mermaids. Year after year the ships don’t return and the mermaids continue to rule the seas, cutting them off from the bounties of the deep, forcing them into poverty and desperation.

No matter what they tried, even training the men to fight blind to resist the hypnotic eyes of the sirens, fails.  Then, what was tossed out as a futile suggestion was implemented and a new ship set sail, armed with twenty young girls, maiden warriors that will not fall to the sirens call of the mermaids.

All hope rests on these maidens. Hope they will succeed. Hope the fishermen can return to the seas. Hope for freedom once again.

I read this book in one evening, completely captured by the characters and action.

A young girl, defying the edicts of her people, ventures to the beach and rescues a young female mermaid. The two become secret friends until a betrayal brings Meela back to earth. These creatures killed her brother, killed so many brave young men. They are a parasite that must be destroyed.

Meela is wise for her years and becomes a fierce warrior. When they maidens set sail to the the mermaids nest, I was confident they would succeed. Until the first encounter.

These mermaids are smart, working together and using the seas resources to battle the humans, and they are relentless.

Some of the descriptions of their change from alluring to lethal really chilled me and the battles were bloody and cold-hearted on both sides, the seas red with blood There’s no room for mercy or humanity against them.

evil mermaids photo: damn,thats soo hott! Mermaids-2.jpg

There’s emotional conflict too. Meela isn’t heartless and is torn between protecting her people and what she can do to change things.

As the girls battle the mermaids, they also battle each other. Being trapped on a ship together in the vast ocean, they are bound to clash and leaderships will be challenged.

 Girls become women become warriors in a bloody battle for survival.

The war is ongoing and I’m looking forward to more high seas action.

5 Stars



A mermaid’s supernatural beauty serves one purpose: to lure a sailor to his death.

The Massacre is supposed to bring peace to Eriana Kwai. Every year, the island sends its warriors to battle these hostile sea demons. Every year, the warriors fail to return. Desperate for survival, the island must decide on a new strategy. Now, the fate of Eriana Kwai lies in the hands of twenty battle-trained girls and their resistance to a mermaid’s allure.

Eighteen-year-old Meela has already lost her brother to the Massacre, and she has lived with a secret that’s haunted her since childhood. For any hope of survival, she must overcome the demons of her past and become a ruthless mermaid killer.

For the first time, Eriana Kwai’s Massacre warriors are female, and Meela must fight for her people’s freedom on the Pacific Ocean’s deadliest battleground.


Evil Beach

by Anthony Renfro



My Review

This is written as a story in a story.

The author opens with an old man sitting in his rocking chair sharing a story with his two grandsons. A story about two young boys and an evil beach.

Seth and Junior stumble upon a cave, and being boys, they dare each other to enter. Inside, it is dark and creepy, but as they continue further into the cave they see light and step through to an isolated strip of pristine beach.

beach cave photo: Cave cave.jpg

At first, they are thrilled to have their own secret beach but when they turn around, something written on the rocks invites and warns them. It’s almost like a dare, so of course the boys attempt to do what it says, building something in the sand.

What seemed like a lark became their worst nightmare and and soon they had to return to the cave and the beach, pursued by something out of their nightmares.

I’m very much into character driven stories and am amazed at how well the author developed his in so few words. The old man and grandsons didn’t even have names, yet I could see them sitting on that porch, the boys rapt as their grandfather spun his tale.

And Seth and Junior, the two boys in the tale, reacted just like you’d expect them too. They believe they are invincible and grow up fast when they discover they aren’t.

A well written short story that captured me from beginning, to middle, to end.

The author ‘pulled my leg’ with his twist at the end, tying the two tales together.

4 Stars



A short story about two boys who discover a hidden beach and the evil deadly secrets that lie within its soft white grains of sand.


Scary is as scary does!

Happy New year and thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew.

Welcome to my tour stop for Nero’s Fiddle by A.W.Exley. This is the third book in the Artifact Hunters series.
This is a New Adult Mystery Steampunk series with a good dose of adventure and romance.  The tour runs Dec. 15-19. Check out the tour page for the full schedule.
I truly enjoyed this series and will be reviewing Nero’s Fiddle today. I’ve also included links to my reviews of Nefertiti’s Heart and Hatshepsut’s Collar.
And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

Artifact Hunters 3: Nero’s Fiddle

One death by spontaneous human combustion is a rare act of God.
Two… is surely a freakish coincidence.
Three… well, that’s starting to look deliberate.

Cara has a new role as Queen Victoria’s artifact hunter, she’s adapting to married life and living in a country manor that more closely resembles a mausoleum.

In London, Inspector Fraser investigates a series of strange deaths by divine fire – except he doesn’t believe in coincidences. Despite himself, he enlists Cara’s help to identify what artifact could cause such a hideous death while his desire to bring her husband to justice burns unabated.Someone’s intent on making sure a decades old secret stays hidden and Cara must figure out who is responsible before this case consumes her family and rocks the entire realm to its foundations.
More steam punk fun with Nero’s Fiddle.
Just a warning that this is the third book in the series so there may be some small spoilers.
Cara and Nate are settling in as newlyweds and doing what they love, hunting for more artifacts.
The enigmatic and Inspector Frasier is also back and the bizarre deaths by spontaneous combustion bring these characters together again.
The fiddle is being wielded to kill and these three must combine their skills to catch the killer and maintain a startling secret.
I enjoyed the mystery in the first book, Nefertiti’s Heart. It was the second book, Hatshepsut’s Collar the blew me away. It was more of a thriller.
And Nero’s Fiddle, while also more of a mystery, is very much character driven. Something I look for in my reads.
There are many returning characters and some new ones.
Cara’s body guard, Brick, is a hoot and how perfect is his name?
Then, enter the Curator. He gave me the creeps. The story leads me to believe we’ll be dealing with him again in Moseh’s Staff, which will conclude this series.
I’m sure the author will stun us with the finale. I’m hoping all of the character’s, good and bad, will return to thrill me one last time.
4 Stars
Click on the covers for my reviews of the first two books.
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Author-s-Foto-Anita-ExleyAnita Exley’s Biography: 
Books and writing have always been an enormous part of A.W. Exley’s life.
She survived school by hiding out in the library, with several thousand fictional characters for company. At university, she overcame the boredom of studying accountancy by squeezing in Egyptology papers and learning to read hieroglyphics.
Today, Anita writes steampunk novels with a sexy edge and an Egyptian twist. She lives in rural New Zealand surrounded by an assortment of weird and wonderful equines, felines, canine and homicidal chickens.

Author Links:

Facebook | Goodreads | Twitter 


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One winner gets a 3 ebook set of The Artifact Hunters series by A.W. Exley: Nefertiti’s Heart, Hatshepsut’s Collar and Nero’s Fiddle.
Open Worldwide
Ends 12/24
This tour was organized by CBB Book Promotions.

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For all of my giveaways click on the  Southern Christmas Charm below.

christmas sleigh photo: Christmas abulb22.gif

Divinicus nex BannerH

I have a great guest post for ya. We’ll be hearing all about the cover art for The Divinicus Nex Chronicles. Who did it? Were there others to choose from?  Did you have a specific image in mind for each book? Do the covers closely relate to the stories inside?

There’s also several giveaways, so don’t forget to enter!




Man, oh, man, are we happy with our covers! Our many thanks goe to the amazing artist Elena Dudina. She must also be a part-time saint to so patiently handle our back and forth when we request adjustments.

Alyssa: I had a specific idea for Demons at Deadnight’s cover since I was halfway through writing it! I wanted a girl falling through the sky in a gorgeous dress, some creepy hands reaching up to catch her. I did a not-half-bad photoshop mock-up. But that got lost when my computer crashed 2 years ago.

Divinicus nex Demons at deadnight OLD cover

Luckily, that crash was after I sent the mock-up to the artist who did our original cover.

When we were doing our second cover, we wanted to up our game and found Elena on Deviant art.

Divinicux nex Drop Dead Demons Mock Up guest post

She’s actually in Spain! We discussed what we wanted, made a second mockup, sent it to her, and she came back with her creation for Drop Dead Demons. We tried several different colors for the dress, but settled on green again. It just jumps out better and we like the consistency between the covers. We had her revamp Demons at Deadnight for us too so the artistry is similar.

Divinicus nex Drop Cover White Dress No Skulls guest post


The covers indeed relate to the stories inside! We plan to have every cover do so. That was actually something we wanted to accomplish because we found some YA covers while gorgeous, didn’t always have anything to do with an aspect of the story.

Demons at Deadnight’s cover depicts Aurora’s first trip to the Waiting World. Some rather nasty creatures are trying to grab her as she ends up falling from the sky due to…well you know. Or you will when you read it!

For Drop Dead Demons, the cover shows another of Aurora’s trips to the delightfully deadly Waiting World. Aurora has to climb high and fast if she’s going to survive. You can see the fiery, lava-soaked landscape below. Adding the skulls was Elena’s genius idea. Once we saw this cover, we realized that Aurora and a friend could find some creative uses for those skulls. So we went back and wrote that in.

Divinicus nex Background

We’ve already got some ideas for Divinicus Nex 3’s cover. It will definitely illustrate a scene Aurora’s gotten herself into in the Waiting World. We’re excited to see what Elena creates! But first we’re dying to finish writing the book and seeing what Aurora and the Hex Boys do!!

Thanks for having us. Love talking on this subject. We’re total cover junkies! How about you?



Divinicus nex Demons at Deadnight nook kindle

Goodreads ~ Amazon

About Demons at Deadnight


For seventeen-year-old Aurora Lahey, survival is a lifestyle.


Aurora has the crappiest superpower on the planet. And it’s just unleashed a hit squad from hell. Demons are on the hunt, salivating to carve her carcass into confetti.


The Hex Boys—mysterious, hunky, and notorious for their trails of destruction—have the answers Aurora needs to survive. But their overload of deadly secrets and suspicious motives makes trusting them a potentially fatal move.


The battle to save her family, herself, and stop demonic domination may cost Aurora everything worth living for, and force her to reveal her own dark secrets. But no worries. She needs the Hex Boys to pull this off, and, chances are, teaming up with these guys will get her killed anyway.


Divinicus nex Drop Dead Demons Official Front Cover

Goodreads ~ Amazon

About Drop Dead Demons:


Survival. It’s an on-going battle.


Aurora Lahey finally knows why supernatural slayers salivate to slaughter her, but how to stop them? Not so much. Sure, she’s discovered her own lethal powers, and has six sexy, super-charged, demon hunting Hex Boys watching her back–the hottest one watching every part of her. But when a seductive stranger delivers a deadly ultimatum, Aurora and the Hex Boys plunge into a do-or-die hunt for a legendary Mandatum treasure, which will finally shift power in their favor. Or unleash hell on earth.


Pursued by demons of mythical proportions, Aurora and the Hex Boys race deeper into the shadowy world of a centuries-old mystery and brutal conspiracy, where no one and nothing is what it seems. Where love and betrayal go hand-in-hand, and trusting the wrong person not only breaks your heart, but gets you killed.


Uncovering shocking secrets from the Hex Boys’ past, hiding her Divinicus Nex identity, lying to her pretend-wish-he-were-real boyfriend, dodging demons, breaking into ancient tombs, taking the unexpected side trip to the dark depths of the Waiting World, tracking a traitor, and passing Physics…Aurora could do that in her sleep. Or more likely, die trying.



About A&E Kirk:

A&E Kirk

Website | Twitter Alyssa | Twitter Eileen | Facebook | Pinterest

This mother-daughter duo were in and out of inter-dimensional paranormal prisons until they finally quit making up cover stories for secret societies and started writing novels. The Supernatural Continuum Warlords of the Supernatural Continuum Warlordian High Command had pity upon them, and instead of having them slaughtered by the slow, tortuous flesh eating underwater, earthworm squid, they transported them into a habitationally friendly dimension called OOARCHTOHUTHLAMADILFRUMP, also known as 21st Century Earth.

Due to a demon infestation in their sleepy mountain California town, and a lack of sexy Hex Boys to stop them, Alyssa and Eileen were forced to relocate to Los Angeles. The Amazon best seller, DEMONS AT DEADNIGHT, is book one in the DIVINICUS NEX CHRONICLES series, and the first of their exclusive re-creations of supernatural society secrets. You can uncover more paranormal, inter-dimensional classified information at and

Citizens of Earth, you are welcome.


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Each week of this tour will feature a unique Divinicus Nex prize package giveaway, so be sure to follow along for more chances to win! The weekly prize packs:

WEEK 1: Choice of ebook (book 1 or 2), celtic cross necklace, feather hair clips

WEEK 2: Choice of ebook, (1 or 2), Signed Hex Boy Heaven Poster, Love letter from a Hex boy

WEEK 3: Choice of ebook (1 or 2), Signed Hex Boy Poster, Divinicus Nex earrings

WEEK 4: Choice of ebook (1 or 2), Hex Boy Heaven Mug

Tour-Wide Giveaway: One lucky winner will receive a grand prize package consisting of a $100 Amazon gift card AND the chance to name a character in the third installment!

At each tour stop you will find a daily question. To be eligible to win the grand prize, you must answer at least 4 different daily questions. So go and visit the other tour stops, check the amazing content and answer the daily question!

Please enter via the Rafflecopter form. Giveaway is open internationally.

Daily Question:

**The Hex Boys parents have powers too. If your parent had a super power, what would it be?**

Click on the rafflecopter below to enter.

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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

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Tour Schedule:

Monday, October 13th Curling Up With A Good Book Author Interview


Tuesday, October 114th Books and Things Character interview


Wednesday, October 15th Blissful Book Reviews Guest Post


Thursday, October 16th Book Lovers Life Guest Post


Friday, October 17th Watcha Reading Author Interview


Monday, October 20th Her Book Thoughts! Guest Post


Tuesday, October 21st Sassy Book Lovers Guest Post


Wednesday, October 22nd fuonlyknew ~ Laura’s ramblins and reviews Guest Post


Thursday, October 23rd Forever Obsession Character Interview


Friday, October 24th Sweet Southern Home Guest Post


Monday, October 27th The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia Author Interview

Tuesday, October 28th Bad Bird Reads Guest Post


Wednesday, October 29th Supernatural Snark Guest Post


Thursday, October 30th Unabridged Bookshelf Author Interview


Friday, October 31st Auggie-Talk Character Interview


Monday, November 3rd Penny For Them… Guest Post


Tuesday, November 4th Bewitched Bookworms Guest Post


Wednesday, November 5th That Girl With Books Teaser/Excerpt

Thursday, November 6th Addicted Readers Guest Post

Friday, November 7th Romancing the Dark Side Character Interview

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.


Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page.
•Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!


My Teasers for today are from

Kitty Hawk and the Curse of the Yukon Gold



First tease from page 30 of the paperback

“A hawk,” I whispered, barely able to talk. I was too choked up with emotion and tears.

“A hawk,” my mother whispered back. “Just like you.” 

Just like me.

Second tease from page 110 of the paperback

“I don’t understand,” Will said, finally recovered enough from his shock to speak. “Who is she? Where did she come from?”

Charlie answered coldly. “All I know is that I saw her sneaking down here from up by the bridge, so I followed her to just there, outside the camp where she’s been listening to the three of you for the last half hour.”

“So what?” Buck asked. “We didn’t say anything. Why would you grab her like this?”



Kitty Hawk and the Curse of the Yukon Gold is the thrilling first installment in a new series of adventure mystery stories that are one part travel, one part history and five parts adventure. This first book of the Kitty Hawk Flying Detective Agency Series introduces Kitty Hawk, an intrepid teenage pilot with her own De Havilland Beaver seaplane and a nose for mystery and intrigue. A cross between Amelia Earhart, Nancy Drew and Pippi Longstocking, Kitty is a quirky young heroine with boundless curiosity and a knack for getting herself into all kinds of precarious situations.

After leaving her home in the western Canadian fishing village of Tofino to spend the summer in Alaska studying humpback whales Kitty finds herself caught up in an unforgettable adventure involving stolen gold, devious criminals, ghostly shipwrecks, and bone-chilling curses. Kitty’s adventure begins with the lingering mystery of a sunken ship called the Clara Nevada and as the plot continues to unfold this spirited story will have armchair explorers and amateur detectives alike anxiously following every twist and turn as they are swept along through the history of the Klondike Gold Rush to a suspenseful final climatic chase across the rugged terrain of Canada’s Yukon, the harsh land made famous in the stories and poems of such writers as Jack London, Robert Service and Pierre Berton. It is a riveting tale that brings to glorious life the landscape and history of Alaska’s inside passage and Canada’s Yukon, as Kitty is caught up in an epic mystery set against the backdrop of the scenery of the Klondike Gold Rush.

Kitty Hawk and the Curse of the Yukon Gold is a perfect book to fire the imagination of readers of all ages. Filled with fascinating and highly Google-able locations and history this book will inspire anyone to learn and experience more for themselves as Kitty prepares for her next adventure – flying around the world!


I won this book in a giveaway. I’m having such a grand time with it. Action, adventure, and lots of it!

I also love the quirky cover art. I’m always drawn to these kind.

The writing is exciting and I’m sure I’ll be following this series.


How about you? Got a tease? Tell me!

stick out tongue photo: rr-sticking-out-tongue roadrunner-stick-out-tongue.gif

The Legend of the Chupacabra is now available! Today is Release Day!

This is the third book in a six book series and the last one to take place in this era. The author will be taking us to new territory as the series continues.

Michael has provided an exciting excerpt from the book and you can click on the link below the book cover for my 5 Star review.

After checking out Michael’s fantastic cover art and learning all about his series, you can find purchase links, news about his upcoming release of the audible books, and catch a fun chuppie video!

Legend of the Chupacabra correct  cover (RGB)

Author: Michael Hebler

Style: Series

Theme: Dark Fiction / Horror / Western

Length: 372 pages (print) / 85,500 words

Binding: Perfect bound, digital (.mobi, .epub, .pdf ), & audiobook

Retail: $17.95 (print) / $9.99 (audible) / $4.99 (e-book)

Click HERE for my 5 Star Review


chupacabra photo: chupacabra chupacabra.jpg


Legend of the Chupacabra finds Jessie and Suzanne living peacefully in Portland, Oregon six years after they believed to have put an end to the curse of the chupacabra. But the women come to learn of their failure, and the futility of their sacrifices, when a remarkable reunion brings horror back into their lives; only this time, what they face will be unlike any creature they’ve encountered. Legend of the Chupacabra marks the end of a trilogy, but the continuation of a saga that will leave this moment of history drenched in blood.

Earlier this year, Hebler’s first volume in his Chupacabra Series, Night of the Chupacabra, earned him top honors in the category of “Horror” from the National Indie Excellence Awards. The NIEA was founded by Ellen Reid, the current President and CEO. Reid comments, “The awards celebrate the best of books in print, and represent a diverse group of first-time authors and seasoned authors.” Hebler was extremely honored to have received such extraordinary recognition for a story that had lived within his mind and heart for 20 years before its 2012 release.

In reference to Legend of the Chupacabra, Hebler hopes his fans and readers will enjoy their reunion with Jessie and Suzanne. There is no shortage of action, mystery, humor, drama, romance, or, of course, horror. And as usual, there are surprises around every turn. “I’m especially excited about including a little piece of Oregon’s scandalous history with the Portland underground,” states Hebler. “I think that particular element rivals the callousness of the chupacabra itself and examines the similarities between monster and man.”

In addition to the release of Legend of the Chupacabra in trade paperback and eBook on July 29, 2014, Hebler will also release an audiobook of his reading, which will accompany the release of the audiobooks of the first two series novels, Night of the Chupacabra and Curse of the Chupacabra.



Blood poured out of the chief’s wound, cueing the squaws to form a ceremonious line at Eagle Claw’s feet. With their jars ready, each dancing warrior paired with a woman. It was Raven Child and Mighty Wind who were the first to concoct the sacrificial mixture. Raven Child caught Eagle Claw’s blood with her jar, while Mighty Wind poured the mountain goat’s blood out of the beast’s skull into the same, creating a broth that Eagle Claw lifted into the air, once ready. He presented the bequest to the spirits, calling the goat spirit forth with the offering of its own powers of agility and energy joined with his powers as chief, and then spouted, “Goat, I give sacrifice for your wisdom.”

Eagle Claw took a sip from the jar and swallowed. He, then, poured the rest of the contents into the fire.

Storm Cloud stood at the edge of the platform. He gazed down at the flames still flipping about as the burning mixture sizzled and sparked.

With bated breath, everybody watched to see if the goat spirit had been properly deceived. Eagle Claw did exactly as instructed by Atraco. The Pniese’s instructions were to simply ask the spirits for their wisdom and protection; making sure to keep all truth from them. Deceit from a heart filled with rage and hatred was the only way to conjure revenge; the requests for help needing to be as treacherous as the act of revenge itself. The one responsible for Loud Fire’s death would suffer mercilessly before dying.

The strength of the fire changed; the flames whipped about like a blistering weapon, and the escaping smoke blackened. It was happening; the goat spirit had been fooled into accepting the offering.

Storm Cloud continued to gaze over the edge as the thick smoke began to take the shape of a mountain goat. It rose into the air–as common smoke would–but gave the illusion of the goat charging towards him. Once he and the entity met, Storm Cloud took a deep breath and inhaled the smoldering spirit. The moment the possessed fumes filled his lungs, it took every ounce of self-restraint to suppress his urge to cough, but Atraco had warned him ahead of time of this egregious mistake as it would release the spirit back into the universe, never to return. He only needed to wait a short time before the smoke spirit would find its path and seep into his body like a cancer; and the old Pniese had been right. He could feel his need subside as the spirit began to take control.

The moment the smoke spirit had been born, the black stallion became restless. He and Tree Cradle had lived most of their years together, and she thought of Black Wild as family, as he did the same of her. So it was with considerable ease that she was able to calm her four-legged brother by stroking his elongated nose and looking him in the eye to let him know all would be fine.

Tree Cradle twisted her head back to the ritual, saw that the smoke spirit was gone, and Storm Cloud’s body was beginning to relax. She wondered if Black Wild would continue to listen to her when the next eight spirits were called.

Water Stone and Talking Bear were next. As before, Eagle Claw’s blood seeped into the jar while Talking Bear poured the blood from his bear’s head.

Eagle Claw lifted the jar containing the powers of defense and transformation, calling to the bear spirit, “Bear, I give sacrifice for your wisdom.”

He swallowed a single mouthful of the blood mixture then threw the remainder into the fire. Again, the blood spoke as it burned and the waves of the flames grew more intense.

Storm Cloud readied himself, now with the understanding of what was to come next should the bear spirit accept the offering.

It did.

The flames released another cloud of smoke that transformed into an earthly bear. Once more, the spirit rose towards the sky, charging at Storm Cloud as though he were its prey, only to be sucked into the young man’s body with one long breath.

Tree Cradle had guessed correctly; Black Wild did not like the bear spirit’s summoning, and he had not been as easy to tame the second time, but they both would have to endure since they were bound and could not leave. Each had a purpose for being there, as the wandering shaman had previously inculcated.


For all of you who like audio books, great news!

Michael has a tentative release date of Sunday, August 10th for all three chupacabra books. And he’s priced them at a steal for around $10 each. So keep on the lookout.

Purchase Links

Amazon ~ B&N ~ Booksamillion


Author Michael Hebler

chup Author, Michael Hebler

Prior to becoming an award-winning author of his dark fiction Chupacabra Series, Michael was a full-time international film publicist who had worked on multiple titles for Walt Disney, Pixar, Lionsgate, Lakeshore Entertainment, Warner Bros., Summit Entertainment, and the 2013 Academy Award-winning Best Forgein Language Film, “La grande bellezza” (The Great Beauty).

Born in the early 1970′s in Los Angeles County to a salesman and a homemaker, Michael dreamed of following his passions for entertainment and storytelling by becoming an actor. It was while studying theatre arts at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, California, did he realize his penchant for stories were better suited on the page rather than the stage. However, creating tales with suspense, laughter, and heart is not Michael’s only love. Hebler also enjoys volunteering in his local community for Meals on Wheels, as well as aid in the capture/spay/neuter/release feral program.

To date, Michael’s publications include Chupacabra Series Novels, “Night of the Chupacabra,” “Curse of the Chupacabra,” and now “Legend of the Chupacabra,” the first three of his six-part series, as well as his first publication, “The Night After Christmas,” a holiday picture book for believers of any age. Michael also authored the micro story, “Hunt for the Chupacabra,” (currently unavailable) preceding the events of Book I, and will release his first novella, “The Ghost of Christmas Past” on October 7, 2014. [Ghost] is a spiritual story placing the popular Dickens character in the center of its own afterlife, and life, while aiding a woman’s complicated past.


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Fun short chupacabra footage.


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!



Title: Demons

Author: K.F. Breene

Series: Darkness #4

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Publication: July 21st, 2014

It’s been a long road, but Sasha has finally claimed her role as the least knowledge mage in history. She’s also acquired a new, incredibly grumpy bodyguard, and a spunky new BFF. With her team by her side, she learns the ropes of this new profession.

Her experience level is about to be fast-tracked, however.

On a routine trip to check out a perimeter breach, she encounters a hideous demon called by an experienced magic worker. It is this terrifying discovery that unlocks a deeper problem: Stefan’s troubled past and the reason he gravely mistrusts the Mata.

While Sasha struggles to fight the physical demons, Stefan struggles to fight the demons of his past. If he fails, his future in Sasha will be lost.


As I got halfway through the open
space, a vulgar feeling began to crawl up my skin like tiny insects scrabbling
under my clothes. The sickly-sweet smell of rotting flesh tickled my nose.
“I’ve never felt anything like this
before,” I said quietly, passing my hands through the air. “Although, granted,
I haven’t had a lot of experience.”
Shapes took form within the shadows
toward the back wall the closer I got. On the right, near the corner of the
building, lay a pile of grayish sticks, charred and blackened by fire. Scorched
fabric was glued to the various elements of the pile.
Three more steps had me halting,
sucking in a huge breath. 
It was a body! They weren’t sticks,
they were bones coated in masticated skin!
Did that moan come from me?
A face, twisted in an endless scream
of agony, lay on the backside of his calves. One arm had been ripped out of the
socket and lay flat under his back. One leg, obviously broken at the thigh, lay
over the other. He was broken and twisted, as if he’d been made of match-sticks
and sporadically snapped and tossed to the ground.
“No human could have done this,” I
whispered. “His back was broken in half.”
“A bear could have,” Jonas’ voice
echoed around the crouching walls.
“Not without opposable thumbs,” I
retorted into the hush.
A few more steps and I could see
another fire site, only this time, there was a large black pot overturned
against the wall. A round camping stove, smudged with soot, half lay under it.
“This has got to be a few days old,
at least…”
“You’re not here to investigate,”
Jonas growled. “You’re here to feel for ma
gic. We have experienced clan that’ll
go over this site and give us more conclusive findings.”
 “Oh. Well, you could’ve made
that more clear before I looked at the body.”
I let my magic drift, sensing for
spells and pitfalls within the area. This was something I practiced every day
per Toa’s instruction. A large part of my job was sensing other magic and
possible dangers. 
I still had trouble doing this on the fly, but here, in the
quiet settings, the building almost feeling as if it was holding its breath, I
had nothing else to do but concentrate.
The black glow of my magic, hardly
discernable in the gloom of the warehouse, drifted over the overturned pot.
Like a match to kerosene, a circular fire lit up, climbing into the sky like
fairy lights. Sparkles danced and played in a shimmering orange halo lazily
drifting toward the right. Toward the body.
I could not help that squeak. Or holding
my breath afterwards.
Still it drifted. Reaching for that
death. What would it do when it got there?
I don’t want to know!
A blast of rotten flesh crawled up my
nose, prompting a gag. That smell didn’t come from the body, it came from the
disgusting magic corroding this area. Magic that was still active. Lingering,
waiting. But for what? Whatever spells had been laid, they weren’t used to
create rainbows. They were also extensive and intricate. Beyond my training.
“Not good magic over here…” I
My magic spread like a fog over the
body. For a second, nothing happened.
“Sasha?” Tim asked into the din.
“Don’t go in there, mong—“
Jonas’ voice cut off as my magic
started to sizzle and pop. Like water splashing into hot grease.
“What’s it doing?” I asked Jonas with
a quiver in my voice.
“This isn’t normal…” Jonas’ voice
drifted away.
“Back out of there, Sasha,” Tim urged
from the door.
Something tugged at my magical
senses. It was like undertow, rolling and fierce, sucking. Consuming. As fast
as magic surged into my body, elements desperate to get in, something in that
area stole it again, using my draw to fuel itself.
But what the hell kind of spell was
 “Oh shit,” I mumbled,
scrabbling to pull my power back.
“What is it?” Jonas asked, stepping
into the building, his tattoos lighting up like a Christmas tree. A great,
gleaming sword swung into his hand, the blade glowing orange.
“Get out of here, Jonas! I need to
tie off this weird spell. It’s sucking magic to it.”
Jonas took a hasty step back, his
body once again receding out of the doorway. Tim backed out with him, but
I got to work, sweat beading my brow,
fighting the draw both of that corner, and from the elements fighting to rush
into my body.
 “Nasty spell-working, this,” I
said under my breath, sensing the elements within the casting. “They’re, like,reaching for me. Feeding off my magic. I’ve
never dealt with a spell like this. I didn’t even know this was possible.”
“Dark magic,” Jonas whispered. “Hard
to work. Harder to control. Someone has balls of steel.”
“Well, it’s not me,” I wheezed.
I snubbed out the elements that made
up the spell, like soldering wires, closing the spell in a sort of circuit. The
question was, did I just lock all that power in, or would it fray and
disintegrate like it had been, needing someone with magic to come along and fan
it higher?
“I don’t think the wielder knew
exactly what he was doing,” I murmured, analyzing the lacy structure of the
orangy incantation. It hovered within a shaky line spilled on the cement floor. Spilled because it looked suspiciously like blood,
sticky and slick, gleaming in the soft light from the window.
As I was about to turn away toward
Jonas, wanting to talk about what I’d done and see what he thought—we’d
probably have to go get Toa—the lacy spell cleared away like mist. In its place
grinned the head of a black monster, staring at me like a hungry lion would a
fresh steak.
“You did not call me.” Sharp, ragged
teeth filled a mouth too big for its face.
Terror jolted me back as a stringy
leg stepped forward.
“Sasha?” Jonas’ voice held hard
fibers of alarm.
The monster slapped into an invisible
barrier. Orange sparks rained down on its head. It glanced up, and then around,
noticing the hazy orange circle trapping it. And then its face straightened
out, staring right at me out of black pits instead of eyes.  “We can rule,
you and I. Our power, combined, will be indestructible. Join me.”
“Oh lovely, one of you. Fantastic.”
I eyed his cage as it did, sensing
the weakness of it. The shaky spell, barely held together. Even as I stood
there, the thing was starting to eat away at its cage.
Was this terrible spell by design, or
some sort of failed attempt?
“We gotta get out of here!” I
roared at Jonas, backing away as quickly as possible. “This thing is way, waystronger than other Dulcha I’ve seen. It’s feeding off of the
magic containing it, somehow. We need Toa for this one.”

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Hosted by Good Choice Reading Blog Tours


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

To see all of my giveaways click on the lucky horseshoe below!

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