Posts Tagged ‘tecno thriller’

Welcome to my Monday Minis where I share shorter reviews of books I’ve read.

Today it’s all about thrills in the African bush.



  by Alexander Plansky



Genre: Techno Thriller

My Review

The synopsis mentions a comparison to The Island Of Doctor Moreau. Got me all kinds of curious so I gave this a go.

Couldn’t help but feel sorry for these characters. They think they struck gold when asked to assist in a study for the rich and powerful Billy Sans. Things change fairly quickly as they realize it’s actually a killing ground with a mad man as the puppeteer.

While this was fairly predictable, I still had a good read. Couldn’t wait to see what kind of creatures emerged and who would be picked off. Things moved quickly, people were torn to pieces, and I loved how some got a well deserved comeuppance.

A good ending too. Made me appreciate the thrilling cover.




The Island of Dr. Moreau meets “The Most Dangerous Game” by way of Michael Crichton in this suspenseful new technothriller about the dark potential of genetic engineering.

For Sydney Marlowe, getting a coveted research position with enigmatic biotech CEO Billy Sans seems like a dream come true. She and three other interns are flown halfway around the world to a remote private game reserve in Tanzania, where they will implement new zoological technologies and analyze field data over the course of two weeks.

But when local animal behavior becomes increasingly unnatural and people begin to go missing, Sydney and the others realize that something sinister is lurking beneath this paradise. The truth, however, is more horrifying than any of them could have imagined.

Amazon / B&N


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