This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

I’m also linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
Some chit chat.
I know I’ve been sharing a lot about how tired I’ve been. Like a broken record. LOL Thought it was time I told you a bit about my jobs. I worked as an auto detailer for 17 years. Basically, I transform the inside of nasty autos into something as close to new as possible. It’s dirty, nasty and hard work. Often entailing taking out everything, including the carpet to get it cleaned thoroughly. When I finally decided I was too tired and old for the job, I got a new one and gave my notice. I worked out my two weeks while also training for the new one. Then my boss begged me to continue working for them on a part time basis and I agreed. About my new job. I’m getting closer to retirement and wanted something close to home, inside and fun. I chose Walmart. I like retail work and interacting with people and having less responsibility. Thought it would be an easy job as a Self Checkout Host. Let me tell you, it’s hard work. You are on your feet for 8 hours a shift, have to keep your work area clean, which means every few minutes it’s dirty again, LOL, and help customers when something isn’t working right. And there’s lots of problem solving trying to figure out why something won’t ring up, why the machines refuse to accept items or payments, and having to figure it out yourself when it’s super busy and management can’t get there in a timely manner. I’m usually running from customer to customer to help them and it’s a large area. I come home with aching feet, knees, hips and back most times. I did finally find a pair of shoes that really works and I bought every pair they had in my size! I’ve met some really great folks and made some new friends, something I’d really been wanting to do. And I now have a best friend! She’s awesome and we are so much alike. We text and talk on the phone when not working together. I always said if I quit my old job, I wanted to work at Walmart. It’s only 5 minutes from my house and since I shopped there all the time, I already new many of the employees. It’s fun and I love it. It will be my last job before I retire and I’m lucky I got it.
One quick note. I am finally ready to quit my old job for good. It’s a hard decision as it’s a family owned business and we are all really tight. But, it’s time. I don’t need the money and they have things in place for when I’m not there anymore.
And about Covid-19. While at work last night, they announced school closings in our area. It had been insanely nuts at work and I braced myself for more madness. Sure enough, people came in droves, often coming to my area with 4 or 5 buggies packed with stuff. Toilet paper and paper towels sell out faster than we can put them out and the same with water and nonperishables. I finally got off of work at 11 last night and walked the grocery aisles to see what it looked like. Barren shelves everywhere! It felt like a scene from The Walking Dead! I’m not panicked about the virus, but I’m worried about being able to get the things I need for normal day to day living as people are buying everything in bulk, leaving nothing but empty shelves. I was lucky with one thing. I’d just updated my hurricane preparedness stuff and have plenty of supplies. I just don’t want to have to dip into them and not have them later. Is it the same where you live? Are people panicking?
One more update. We now have some confirmed cases in our county. Our store is now closing earlier and we are being offered to work as much overtime as we want. I guess it’s in case they have to close for a couple of weeks. We will also get paid if they close. I hope it doesn’t come to that.
Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
My new books this week.
![The Aviary (The Uncaged Series Book 1) by [Shore, Emily]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41GiofRRpRL._SY346_.jpg)
![In for a Penny: A Humorous Amateur Sleuth Cozy Mystery (Seasoned Southern Sleuths Cozy Mystery Book 1) by [Browning, Kelsey, Naigle, Nancy]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51pdtTotw1L._SY346_.jpg)
And here are some FREEBIES for ya.
Click on the covers to get your copies. Remember to make sure they’re still free before you hit that buy button.
![The Goliath Code: A Post-Apocalyptic Thriller by [Leonhard, Suzanne]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51EVSlwblRL._SY346_.jpg)
![One Summer: ...at Charlie's Diner (Baker Girl Trilogy - Cozy Romantic Mystery Book 1) by [Forbes, Mary Jane]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51F-I6HwLTL._SY346_.jpg)
Other posts on my blog this week.
Lavender Blue Murder by Laura Childs ~ Spotlight and Giveaway
Spotlight and Giveaway ~ Big Cranky by James Pyne
Spotlight on Clearing In The Woods by Phyllis M. Newman
Books From The Back Log #36 ~ WBI: Witches Bureau Of Investigation
Dirty Old Town by Gabriel Valjan ~ Spotlight and Giveaway
Easter Hair Hunt by Nancy J. Cohen ~ Spotlight and Giveaway
Leave your link and I’ll come visit you.
Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!
For a list of my reviews go HERE.
For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE
To see all of my giveaways go HERE.
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