Posts Tagged ‘The World Clicks’


The World Clicks by K.M. Breakey

I wish I had thought of this idea. Pure genius!
Lane, a computer software developer, comes up with an idea that is one of the biggest things to ever hit the internet. Along with some friends of his, he sets off to launch the most amazing program. As his “baby” grows as fast as greased lightning, he also is romancing Cat, a woman who I found to be witty, smart and fun.
K. M. Breakey’s story makes me wonder. Could it be made to work in real life? Shouldn’t someone be doing it? The concept makes me think of Zuckerberg and Facebook only much better.
The dialogue between Lane and his buddies is funny and true to life. I had many a laugh over the back and forth between them. I really liked the conversations between Lane and Cat. They seemed to almost feed off of each other. I was smiling a lot. Cat is my favorite character and someone I would wish to be like.
A few places were a bit slow. You get a crash course in computers, but it wasn’t hard to follow and did not hurt my enjoyment of the book.
The World Clicks was such a great surprise. So much to this story and a very engaging read. The author has written a winner and I would read anything else he writes.
I urge you to read the book and see for yourself.
Almost forgot. I would love to be a fly on the wall when you read the last sentence!
All I have to say is “When is the movie?”
This book earned every one of my 5 STARS!

To get your copy just click on the cover image or on this link:

For more about the author: