I have a fantastic series to tell you about. The Undermountain Saga.
I’ll be reviewing Undermountain, Book One and Afterlife, Book Two. I tried not to put in any spoilers for book two. Just teased you a bit. And I also have a giveaway for you. US/Canada only. Details are after my reviews.
by Eric Edstrom

It starts normally enough. Six teen-agers and their guide, Harvin, are on a grand adventure, camping in the wilds of Canada. Harvin is gruff and unfriendly but very knowledgeable about the Rockies and its dangers. The kids are from all walks of life and couldn’t be more different. This trip is going to be interesting.
While collecting water Danny and Breyona see something amazing. Racing along is this two-headed creature with four pointy legs and right behind him is this huge hairy beast best described as a Bigfoot. When Danny tells the group what they witnessed, the other kids laugh it off as a joke.
When they discover giant footprints on the bank of the stream, their guide passes them off as bear tracks. But Shiv isn’t so sure of that. He has books on the flora and fauna of the Rockies and can’t find anything that matches the prints.

Danny and Breyona have another close encounter with the hairy bigfoot when it fishes Danny out of the stream, saving his life. They run away and hide in the woods, stopping to spy on the creature. It’s not chasing them. Instead it’s pacing back and forth on the bank, holding it’s hand to its head and muttering to itself. No wait, it’s talking into a cell phone and it’s speaking English.
It’s not long before everyone has a close encounter. The four-legged creatures, called Shriekers, which I visualize as the bugs from Starship Troopers, are hungry and they hunt as a pack. The kids are on the menu and running for their lives. Separated from their guide they are quickly surrounded and things look really bad. Seemingly from out of nowhere a bigfoot appears and quickly subdues several of the shriekers. He doesn’t kill them. Instead he calms them somehow.
Several more of the hairy creatures take care of the rest of the pack and turn their attention to the humans. Then, the one Danny recognizes from before speaks, “Be at ease. I cannot harm you.”
Definitely not a bigfoot!
Here are a couple quotes I really liked:
“I’m sorry I didn’t believe you about … bigfoot,” Wa said. “But you need to work on your delivery.”
– A barrage of swearing came flying in. Breyona. “I’m gonna kill you, and after I kill you, I’m gonna kill you again. I’m gonna keep on killing you until your dead. Do you hear me, you furball?”
Everyone will love this story. It’s action packed, you’ve got alien creatures and a huge secret. I wish I could tell you more. I really want to, but that would be spoiling it.
One scene in particular sticks in my mind. It ‘s when they base jump from a cliff and the cliff is inside the mountain. Can you just picture it?

The author does a beautiful job of describing this secret world, you’ll feel like you’re there. I’d love to visit.
Anyone looking for a grand adventure will love Undermountain. It’s so well written, flows seamlessly and rushes along to a great ending. There’s never a dull moment and I eagerly turned each page, excited to see what was coming next. That’s what makes this story so great. There’s always something new and surprising and it makes me wish I could be there.
I loved it and you will too.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8j926g4C1A]
And now for my next review.
Book two

I really love the cover art for these books. They compliment the stories and are just incredible.
All of my favorite characters are back, human and hairy. And of course, since there’s a second book, you know our hero’s will be seeing their alien friends and enemies again.
It’s been more than six months since they returned from the mountain, bringing something away with them that’s changed them forever.
Now they are having a reunion of sorts. All meeting up again at Danny’s grandma’s house.
I can’t wait for you to meet Grandma. She is amazing and I just love her. So much character in such a tiny, frail looking body. You’ll see what I mean.
Everyone is there except for Breyona. She’s running late. Then the doorbell rings.
Danny froze as a surge of excitement filled him. The doorbell rang again, followed by two sharp knocks.
“Are you going to stand there like a lump or are you going to open the door?” Grandma asked.
Danny smiled. It had to be Breyona. He turned the knob.
The door smashed into his face and sent him stumbling backward. He tripped and fell over the porcelain frog and landed hard on his back.
A man wearing a black track suit and gas mask barged in. “Okay, nobody move.”
Another man in a gas mask rushed in and pointed a spray can at Danny.
Grandma stepped forward and kneed Track Suit in the groin. He bent double, swearing in a high-pitched rasp.
“Sit on him, Bronson,” Grandma said.

Didn’t I tell you. You can’t help but want to hug her. She is such a tough old bird. But not tough enough. They all succumb to the gas.
Breyona is four hours late when she finally pulls up to Grandma’s house. Once everyone is awakened, they discover that Danny and Wa are missing.
The whole thing was caught on security cameras and they watched it play out on Grandmas computer. The men came there looking for something Danny had. Something they needed badly. And they got it. They take the unconscious Danny and bring Wa along for leverage.
It looks like the enemy isn’t done with them and it’s time to go back under the mountain.
This time they may not be so lucky.
Eric is at it again. Filling the pages with excitement, danger, intrigue and plenty of humor. This series is so addicting. And it just keeps getting better. He builds this incredible secret society, fills it with amazing creatures, and opens you up to a whole new world. I swear I can hear the sounds of this city and see all the wonders with my own eyes.
It’s a fast read from beginning to end, pulling you along with it. You won’t want to stop until you reach the conclusion, and maybe not even then.
Still lovin it!
Great news for you. There will be more!
And now for the giveaway. Eric is offering two paperback copies of Undermountain. US/Canada only.

To enter is easy. Just leave your email address and answer this question, “Do you believe bigfoot exists?”
Giveaway ends November 24th.
Not required but I’d love it if you followed me on twitter and my blog
You can find Eric’s contacts below.
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For all of my giveaways go here
About the Author
Eric is an author, songwriter, husband, father, and guitarist. He is the author of Undermountain and Afterlife, the first two entries in YA science fiction series The Undermountain Saga.
Eric loves working out with kettlebells and eating pretty much anything with peanut butter.
Eric has a featured article just published: http://www.kalkion.com/news/1736/scie…
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/ekedstrom
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To order any of these books, just click on the cover.

The photo and comments of Shaggy below, were copied from Eric Kent Edstrom’s blog.
Is This Hanameesovenama (aka Shaggy)?
The brilliant
concept artist Cristof Grobleski created this stunning conceptual image of Hanameesovenama, one of the villains from
The Undermountain Saga.
Hanameesovenama, of the bigfoot Council of the Strict (click for bigfoot sized view) |
View more of Christof’s wonderful artwork here.