Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award! For me!!

Posted: July 12, 2012 in Awards

I was just nominated for this awesome award by fellow blogger Ella Medler. If you have not met her yet, you can find her on her blog . She has so many fun topics and discussions.

Thank you Ella!

I believe I am supposed to nominate 7 bloggers and tell you 7 things about myself.  I will try to make it entertaining.

1. I love cheesy B-movies. The lamer the better. I like to tear them apart.

2. This may seem weird, but I like the way my dog Quigley’s feet smell. They smell of the earth.

3. I am letting the gray show in my hair. There are so many now!

4. I can not cook on a grill. The food is either not cooked enough or burnt to a crisp.

5. I was in love with John Wayne. Had a dream where we were married.

6. I collect ink pens. It seems like I have thousands now.

7. I love to go to resale stores. I find amazing things there and some really great books too.

That is embarrassing:) I really revealed myself.

My nominees are:

Roberta :

Onisha :

Ginny :

Carlie :

Emaginette :

Emily :

Grace :

Enjoy my sisters!

  1. WOW!!! THANKS SO MUCH!!!!! So honored and will thank you properly in my blog this weekend!!!! I’m tickled pink!!!! Humbly, Emily
    PS We all have gray hair honey… it’s what you do with them that counts…!!! 😉

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I do not pluck my gray hairs. I do try to count them, but always give up and shrug. I earned them!
      You are welcome and I look forward to reading your reveals!

  2. Grace Elliot says:

    Dang- the internet crashed when I tryed to reply just now – hope this isnt duplicating.
    Thank you so much, how awesomely wonderful – I’m thrilled and flattered…and now off to check out the other blogs.
    Big cyber hugs and doing a happy dance,
    Grace x

  3. AHHH! Thanks Laura! it means a lot to me! Loved all the reveals you gave. 🙂 have a great weekend!

  4. onisha Ellis says:

    What fun! Some of those would have fit me too. Thanks for nominating me, now I need to think of someone.

  5. jannashay says:

    Congratulations. Thank you for sharing things about yourself. I really enjoyed reading them. Congratulations to all your nominees also.

  6. Melissa says:

    Congratulations on the award. I love collecting ink pens too, though I have slowed down a lot, lol.

  7. I love cheesy B movies too. And that zombie action pic you have on your blog is A M A Z I N G!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I am browsing Netflix for cheesy scary movies for tonight. It is Friday the 13th after all. Gotta have some Freddy Kruger and Jason Vorhees and Michael Meyers. Going to stay up late and eat lots of popcorn with extra butter!
      My zombies represent all of the #$&holes I have to deal with on the road to work!lol

  8. Congrats for the award. You’re not weird! I collect Mechanical pencils and get upset if I lose one. What’s up with that? I like the resale stores too. Feel we got enough clutter in this world, I think thirft stores are a great way of recycling others unused goods. (And I find a lot of history books no one wants anymore) Hugs and have a happy weekend!

  9. Emma says:

    Congrats. I love cheesy movies too.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Thank you Emma. B- movies are the greatest thing! You can sit and tear them apart and there is no thinking required. Just good old-fashioned fun!

  10. […] Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award! For me!! […]

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