Archive for June 17, 2013

Drasmyr Banner

I just had to be a part of this tour!

Mathew D. Ryan is a new author for me. While I didn’t have time to read Drasmyr before the tour, you can be sure I’ll be reading and reviewing it soon!

I left the book cover art large so you could take it all in.

Drasmyr cover


by Matthew D. Ryan




We vampires do not make easy prey. Our weaknesses are few, our strengths many. Fear is something we do not know, and death but a distant memory. So tread softly, pray to your god, and gird yourself with silver when the moons arise and night’s dark prince awakens. We fear not the wizard, nor the warrior, neither rogue, nor priest; our strength is timeless, drawn from darkness and we know no master save the hot lust of our unending hunger. We long for blood, your blood and no blade, nor spell, nor clever artifice, can keep us long from our prize. Feel our teeth at your throat, your life ebb from you, and know as darkness comes to claim you that the price of your folly is your everlasting soul.


Drasmyr Book Cover Banner


“Condemn me, then. Howl my sins to the heavens and shriek my crimes to the wind. I am evil, my love. Your pronouncements mean nothing.”

Silence greets my words. She does not know how to respond to someone who embraces his villainy. Irritated with my remark, she crosses her arms and purposely looks away. At last, she speaks. “Why do you keep calling me that? My name is Clarissa, not ‘love.’”

“Because I care for you so deeply.” My chuckle does little to lighten her mood. “In truth, I call you that because it amuses me and annoys you… there is no other reason.”

“Well, stop it, Lucian. I don’t like it.” She seems almost sad, in a human sort of way, almost as if she were reminiscing about an old romance.

An irritated smile crawls across my face. I have grown weary with her petty human mannerisms and her conviction that what happens to her actually matters. She will learn her place. “You have little choice in what title I call you by, my dear. I, however, have much in mine. By you, I prefer the term ‘master’ to my name. It has a much more pleasing ring to it.”

Suddenly, her eyes flash in angry rebellion. “I will never call you mas—”

A moment’s worth of concentration and she is on her knees gripping her skull. Her head bends back, eyes bulging, and she begins to shriek in an inhuman voice. The Children of the Forest go silent as she starts to writhe on the castle stones.



AUTHOR Bio and Links:

authorPic drasmar

Matthew D. Ryan is a published author living in upstate New York on the shores of Lake Champlain. He has a background in philosophy, mathematics, and computer science. He also has a black belt in the martial arts and studies yoga. He has been deeply involved in the fantasy genre for most of his life as a reader, writer, and game designer. He believes he saw the legendary Lake Champlain Monster (a.k.a Champy) once and he has a cat named Confucius.


Matthew D. Ryan

Author of Drasmyr:

Check Out My Blog:



Matthew D. Ryan can be found on the Internet at the following sites:

Author’s Smashwords Page:

Author’s Book Page:

Author’s Blog:

Author’s Facebook Page:

Author’s Facebook Fan Page:

Author’s Twitter Handle: @MatthewDRyan1


Matthew will be awarding a Reaper “Dracula” Miniature from the Dark Heaven Legends line to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour (US only).

Go here to follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning.

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

magnifying glass photo: Magnifying Glass magnifying-glass.jpg

Welcome to My Monday Minis.

This is where I review very short stories and flash fiction.

For today I’ll be telling you about To Disturb The Dead by Brandon Berntson.

To Disturb the Dead


My Review

I used to listen to this broadcast on the radio when I was teenager. I think it was called Macabre Theatre, not sure. I would lie in bed with the lights out and listen to stories told by one or two actors. There would be sound effects to go along with their narration, like creaking floorboards and squealing hinges as a door slowly creeps open. They were deliciously frightful and scared me but good.

This would have been a great story to listen to on that program. I think I would have been too creeped out to run over and turn the light on. I’d probably have pulled the covers up to my eyes and lay flat on my back, hoping nothing yelled “Boo!”

Kathy Mender is 16 years old and thinks she knows it all.

A typical teenager. But she’s not. She is obsessed with death and digging up a dead body.

Her life at home is miserable and she spends all of her time in classes reading dark, disturbing books. That’s where she’d rather be.

She doesn’t know where she belongs.

One morning, between classes, a thought blossoms in her mind.

“Don’t make us perform these grisly deeds ourselves. Help us build a monument, erect a found action for the dead. We can give you that education you desire, honey. Along with a loving upbringing.”

This had me thinking. Did something just speak to her, encourage her strange desire to dig up a body, or is she deranged. Because, she is now determined to do this deed. She’s not going to wait any longer.

Poor Bobby Farks. He is so in love with Kathy, he will blindly follow her descent into the world of the dead.

Maybe popcorn and movie would have been a better first date for these two. I mean, digging up a dead body! This boy is head over heels, stupid blind, in love.

Nothing good will come of this union.

I had a creeping feeling all through this story. It’s ghoulish and keeps you wondering. I especially liked the ending the author gave me. Not what I was expecting.

4 Stars

About the author

Brandon Berntson

Brandon Berntson has been writing speculative fiction for more than twenty years.  He has been featured in various anthologies and has published several novellas along with a collection of horror stories called Body of Immorality.  He is also the author of Castle Juliet and When We Were Dragons, enchanting, magical reads for all ages.  “A really great story has a little bit of everything in it, and should do so much more than just entertain.  It should be an experience.  Those are the tales that have lasting power.”  Brandon loves horror, fantasy, the classics, YA, and incorporates a little of each into his tales.  A fan of ice hockey, Bugs Bunny cartoons, long walks, and classic movies, he makes his home in Boulder, Colorado.  Visit him at