Giveaway is Over/Signed Paperback and Bookmark/in the midst of darkness by Nicole Bailey

Posted: August 24, 2012 in fiction, giveaways, Interview, Paranormal or fantasy, reviews, Vampires
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Lets talk about in the midst of darkness by Nicole Bailey. After my review read further to enter the giveaway for a chance to win a signed paperback and one of Nicole’s pretty bookmarks, and I have a BONUS for you. Nicole is stopping by for an interview. So keep reading and get to know the author behind this story.

For the giveaway details, just look for the BOOKWORM at the bottom of the post.

In the Midst of Darkness (Book 1)

Waverly grew up in Yachats, Oregon. A small town. A really small town, Population: 617. As soon as she graduated high school she got out of there and landed in Portstewart, Ireland, close to the university she would be attending.

One day, while following her usual routine of heading to the beach for a walk, she quite literally bumped into Finn O’neill.  They both felt the rush of electricity between them upon contact.

They quickly became inseparable, feeling as if they had known each other for a long time.

But Finn is hiding a secret, a secret that if revealed could  put both of their lives in danger.

To complicate things, Waverly’s best friend Jess comes to visit and is caught up in the deadly game of cat and mouse between Finn and his cousin Kieran.

Will they risk all to be together and can they survive what is coming?

You’ll have to read the book to find out:)

I found this book to be fun and quick to read.  There is no love triangle here but there is some instant love. I found it to be believable as we all experienced this “puppy love” as young adults. For some, it lasted, for others, it faded with time. The attraction between Waverly and Finn goes beyond this, is almost spiritual and meant to be. It brought back a rush of tenderness.

As for Jess. She is the friend we all had that we called complicated. She is young and brash, diving headlong into whatever interests her at the moment. Sometimes she behaves selfishly, but didn’t we all when we were younger? She is also very loyal and steps up when needed.

Kieran is just plain bad. Selfish and cruel, he is  always about self-gratification and doesn’t care who he crushes in that pursuit. There is not one redeeming quality in him. His character is well written.

in the midst of darkness is what I would call a YA Fantasy or YA Paranormal Romance. I feel it is written for mature teens to adults and would recommend this to the young ladies out there.

The only thing that put me off was the use of the word Love. It was used as a term of endearment by Finn, and it was used often. But that is a small detail and maybe in Ireland, that is the norm. It did not take away from an enjoyable reading experience.

The story is a little slow in the beginning but once the characters and plot are established it gets rolling and builds to some interesting predicaments and the author wraps it up nicely, with an ending that leaves you wondering what comes next.

This is Nicole’s debut novel and she is hard at work writing the sequel. We will be hearing (and reading) more from this author. I look forward to the next chapter in the lives of Waverly and Finn.

  I really liked it and recommend it.

REceived this book from the author for my honest review. Thanks so much Nicole.

Please welcome Nicole Bailey

Hi Nicole. Thank you for stopping by. Lets get right to it!

What genre do you classify in the midst of darkness as, and is there another genre you would like to write?

I would consider it to be Young Adult Paranormal Romance. I don’t really think it’s for younger teens though, although it is pretty clean compared to a lot of the other stuff out there in my genre. I don’t know if I could ever write another genre. This genre has always been my favorite, so it’s what I’m most familiar with. My friends and family have told me I should write a book about the adventures of living with all boys after reading our family blog. Maybe one day.

Could you explain your writing process? Do you start with a character or does the plot come first?

This book actually started by itself one night. A friend on facebook posted, “So there I was…” That’s it. For some reason, that sparked an idea and within a few minutes, the prologue came to be. I wrote a couple of chapters within the next couple of weeks, and then it just sat there. I never really dreamed that it would turn into a book, though. After the prologue, I had to figure out some names. I have always loved the name Finn, and I researched names for Waverly. I wanted a three syllable name because when he’s calling to her in the prologue, that’s the way I imagined it. In the beginning, I had no plot. It literally came as I was writing. I had a few ideas of what I wanted to happen, but not a set plot. Last summer, I decided that I wanted to work on it, and I ended up writing the entire book during summer break.

I always want to ask this and keep forgetting. How do you choose the names for your characters?

As far as the other characters go, I wanted authentic Irish names, so I went online and looked up some names that sounded cool. Kieran’s name actually means “dark one,” so I thought that fit his character well. Jessie just popped in my head while I was writing. I’ve always liked those boy names that can be girl names also.

Where do you like to write, and do you use pencil and paper or write on the computer?

I wrote the book in my kitchen at our computer desk. The night I wrote the prologue, I grabbed a pen and paper quickly to write it down before I forgot and then put it on the computer.

What do you do for fun when you are not writing?

When I’m not writing, I enjoy hanging out with my family. I love to watch my boys play baseball and football. I like to scrapbook, but haven’t done any in forever. I enjoy watching movies with my husband as well.

I know you are very busy writing the sequel to in the midst of darkness. Is there anything you can share with us, perhaps a tease about what’s coming up?

I’m planning on posting the prologue to Return to Darkness on my blog soon. I will let you know that Jessie meets someone and there is a trip back to Ireland. We haven’t heard the last of Kieran or his father, Darcy either.

Now I am going to throw in some fun questions.

What is your dream vacation?

My dream vacation is Ireland of course! I always wanted to go to Paris. I dreamed of it for years. But then I started writing this book and fell in love with Portstewart. I would love to make enough money from the book sales to travel there with my husband someday.

What scares you?

I’m terrified of sharks. I grew up in California going to the beach. I saw “Jaws” as a young girl and have been afraid of them ever since.

Do you prefer watching movies or TV shows?

I love to watch both movies and TV. But if I had to choose, I would probably pick movies. My favorites are 80’s movies and Romantic Comedies.

Do you like swimming at the beach or a pool?

I love the beach. Waverly has a lot of my characteristics, including a love of the beach. I actually grew up going to Newport Beach all summer long. I loved to swim in the ocean and just got back this summer for a day during our vacation. It’s never long enough for me to get my fix.

What’s you favorite holiday?

Favorite holiday has always been Halloween. I love to dress up and who doesn’t love candy. But the last couple of years, I have decided I love Thanksgiving more. I love my husband’s fried turkey!

Thank you for stopping in Nicole. I know you are busy writing and I appreciate you taking time out from your schedule to share with us.

Thanks again Laura! I enjoy talking about the book and how it came to be. And I appreciate all of your help and interest.

And now for the giveaway!

Nicole has offered one Signed Paperback and one lovely bookmark of in the midst of darkness.

Isn’t that awesome!


As always it is easy to enter. Just leave your email and a comment for Nicole, or say something about the interview or this post.

Contest ends September 8th.

While it is not required, it is much appreciated if you would follow my blog.

Also you can follow Nicole here:

Contact: Nicole Bailey

Get to know Nicole

Nicole is a stay-at-home mother of four busy boys. When she isn’t at sporting events and chauffering the boys, she finds time to write. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature from Boise State University, and she recently rediscovered her passion for writing. In The Midst of Darkness is Nicole’s first novel and she is currently working on the sequel.

To purchase her book, just click on the cover image.

GOOD LUCK!!  If you liked this post please hit that twitter button.

  1. jannashay says:

    Great interview, ladies. In The Midst of Darkness sounds fascinating, and I loved the review. Wishing you much success with your book, Nicole.

  2. fundinmental says:

    Great interview. I like the reference to Jaws. I love sitting in front of the TV on a weekend when they are running them all. Good luck and thanks for the giveaway.

  3. Wow, great interview. I really like the sound of this book.

  4. Ritesh Kala says:

    Laura, you really make me want to read these books, and they just keep adding to my already long review pile. I can never say no to fantasy! As always, my email address is

  5. adelesymonds says:

    Would love to read this book, sounds great.

  6. Wow the cover looks extremely amazing. It was a great interview!

  7. Victoria Proctor says:

    This sounds like a good book. I like that the names are authentic irish names

  8. Tiffany Webb says:

    in the midst of darkness sounds great. I usually don’t like instant romances but you made me want to read this. 😀 Loved the review and interview.

    Thanks for the giveaway!!!!!

  9. This looks great! Would love to win a copy. 🙂

  10. Awesome interview! Sounds like a terrific read!

  11. Jolie says:

    Great interview. Book sounds fantastic!!

  12. Great review and interview. This book sounds fantastic! I’m putting it on my Goodreads list even if I don’t win! 🙂

  13. Awesome review and interview!
    I hope you do make enough sales from In the Midst of Darkness , Nicole, to go to Ireland.
    That be something.


  14. Elizabeth says:

    I really would love to give this to my younger sister. After I read it first of course!

  15. You mention that this is paranormal romance, I was wondering what variety of paranormal…I’m curious.

  16. I lived in Ireland and worked there as a bartender for a short spell a few years ago. I miss it and would love to relive it by reading this book! Love how you picked Kieran’s name – I believe it really adds to a story when there’s meaning behind a name.

  17. Thanks for the great feedback so far guys! I’m glad so many people are getting excited to read it. 🙂

  18. Emily :) says:

    Great interview, in the midst of darkness sounds good, cant wait to read it. 🙂

  19. Very good to see this interview! I hope you have a lot of success with your book Nicole and by the way… I’m terrified of sharks! HAHA!!! Thank you too Laura!!!! Always nice to read your blog, you do a great job! Take care, Emily

  20. Sandy says:

    Looks like a great book- thanks for the interview. I love how you are terrified of sharks but you love the beach and can never get enough of it. Interesting.

  21. Thanks for the compliment on the cover. I was very fortunate to discover it already completely done on a website called deviant art. I was very excited because it was exactly what I was picturing. And the girl who created it, let me use it for free!

  22. I enjoyed your post! Thanks for offering the great giveaway! 🙂 I’m a new follower 🙂

  23. Christina says:

    Loved the review! Book sounds really good! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy! Thanks!

  24. Excellent interview. I love, love, love this genre of book. I look forward to reading it!

  25. HI, your linky widget is not working!!

  26. Aurora says:

    Sounds like an awesome book! (:
    my e-mail is

  27. Jane Balanta says:

    Cool! I’ve always wanted to conduct interviews with good authors myself, and great job with the review Ms. Laura. The book is pretty interesting as well as Ms. Nicole Bailey, I’m really looking forward to your works Ms. Nicole, good job on your book. I’ll be waiting for your works in Nat’l Bookstore here in the Philippines. 😀

  28. Jane Balanta says:

    Cool! I’ve always wanted to conduct interviews with good authors myself, and great job with the review Ms. Laura. The book is pretty interesting as well as Ms. Nicole Bailey, I’m really looking forward to your works Ms. Nicole, good job on your book. I’ll be waiting for your works in Nat’l Bookstore here in the Philippines.

  29. @Laura, great interview!
    @Nicole, I am just in awe. I don’t know how you possibly find the time, for writing! I myself have four boys, however they differ slightly from yours! (Husband, son, puppy, cat) they are quite the handful! I can’t imagine how you haven’t pulled all your hair out. 🙂 Anyways, In the midst of darkness sounds amazing! Best regards to you, and this is for sure being put on my TBR list!
    P.s. I adore the name Kieran. I fell in love with it when I read Glow.

  30. Leigh says:

    Great interview! As always great giveaway! Looking forward to reading this one!

  31. Anne Helene says:

    Great interwiev, this book seams to be COOL!

  32. Elisabeth says:

    Oh, how can I resist anything Celtic!
    emwheatley @ netzero . net

  33. leaannw says:

    I’d love to receive a copy of the book and be apart of the paranormal romance…

  34. Francielle says:

    I am SO afraid of sharks!
    And I’d like to win the paperback 🙂

  35. Preston B says:

    This book sounds fun and interesting. I love love triangles!

  36. rachel m says:

    I’ve also always wanted to go to Ireland and I’ve found that when a book is set in Ireland, I always like it. I’m afraid of great white sharks and ticks, which most people find pretty funny.

  37. Andrea Diaz says:

    This book sounds great! I’d love to win a copy 🙂

  38. Esther says:

    Quite an interesting interview. Totally think this book is going to rock. 🙂 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway. 🙂

  39. Madison Calhoun says:

    This book sounds really good! I’d love to read it! I’m also excited that there isn’t a love triangle, haha. I feel like they are overused nowadays in young adult books.

  40. Leigh says:

    I will add this to my TBR list! Great giveaway!

  41. Scarlet Nova says:

    Thank you for sharing this interview with us.

  42. Thank you for writing a YA book I can suggest to my 13 year old niece — I am putting your book on my “To Read” list as well! (the “o” in Sanford is a zero)

  43. LD HINTZ says:

    Well, I’m a little bias since I’m Nicole’s father. As an educator, Nicole let me read the book as it was being written. I loved the development of the characters and that she used actual places in Oregon and Ireland as the settings for her novel. I actually read it in 48 hours when I was up for a visit in March and my former marine 80 year old father read it in 3 days. Guess what ladies and gentlemen, I have had the priviledge to read the first four chapters of her sequel, Return to Darkness.I’m not going to give away any secrets except to say,”Totally most excellent!”

    • fuonlyknew says:

      You are three times lucky. Lucky to have been able to read both of Nicoles books as they are being written and lucky to share her journey. And I am lucky to share some of her journey here.
      You really won’t share one tiny little thing?:) Just kidding! Thanks for stopping by.

    • Thanks for the support, Dad. It’s always nice to have cheerleaders.

  44. Wendy Unsworth - Author of The Palaver Tree says:

    Thanks for the invite – love that you are scared of sharks but like swimming in the ocean! Good luck with the book!

  45. 3psmama says:

    In The Midst of Darkness sounds fascinating, and I loved the review. Great interview too!

  46. Sam says:

    Great interview, I’m going to have to add this book to my reading list.

  47. wulfie76 says:

    Fun interview! Thank you to both Laura and Nicole for the giveaway. In the Midst of Darkness is right up my alley, I love paranormal and books set in Ireland. It’s a two-fer. 🙂

  48. […] Giveaway/Signed Paperback and Bookmark/in the midst of darkness by Nicole Bailey ( Rate this:Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this. […]

  49. jannashay says:

    Great interview, ladies. I loved the review. In the Midst of Darkness sounds intriguing.
    Thanks for sharing.

  50. sjziegler says:

    You are so sweet to do a giveaway! *fingers crossed*

  51. Great interview! I love Halloween also, and I still do. Wish I wasn’t too old to dress up, but I love dressing up my two kids and taking them out trick-or-treating. 🙂 thank you for the giveaway! 🙂

  52. I Love Halloween too! Thanksgiving is awesome in it’s own way, but I love getting the kids dressed up and taking them out trick-or-treating! 🙂 great interview, and the book sounds like a fun read!

  53. Flora says:

    sounds like a great read!

  54. Sari says:

    Great review, sounds like a good read, I’ve always wanted to go to Ireland! The interview with the author makes it all the better. Interesting how the names link to the Irish heritage – such awesome names too! Cannot wait to pick this one up, best of luck!

  55. Heather Alexander says:

    Thanks for the fantastic interview and giveaway!! Can’t wait to read the book.

  56. Hummmm going to have to pick this one up and read! Thanks, Laura!

  57. Eva Rosol says:

    Loved the interview! Another great book put into my TBR pile, thanks!

  58. Sounds like an interesting read. Also, has a nice cover.

  59. Rose says:

    Wow, great interview.Thank you for a chance to win.

  60. Betty Wang says:

    The cover looks really nice. Hehe I always like to judge my books by the cover first.
    Really awesome interview! I’m gonna try reading it. thanks! And thanks for the giveaway

  61. Justine says:

    I really love this cover!! It’s an eye catcher. Thanks for the awesome interview and the giveaway!!

  62. Erfa says:

    Sounds promising! 🙂 I just hope it’s nothing like Twilight! Really cool interview! 😀

  63. […] Giveaway/Signed Paperback and Bookmark/in the midst of darkness by Nicole Bailey ( […]

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