Archive for October, 2012

Last Chance (Blood Run SeriesBook Three)

by Christine Dougherty

Last Chance

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Another great cover.

Promise has returned to Wereberg.

Promise and Peter left, seeking a cure for vampirism. After losing her parents to the vampires, she lost her little brother, Chance, just one week later. He was bitten and turned.

Her promise to Chance, “I’ll make it alright.”

She’s went through hell trying to keep that promise. Her and Peter may have found the cure. But it has never been tested on a human subject. It could turn half-and-halfs into full vampires and just might kill one that’s fully turned. Could she risk using it on Chance? Should she?

That question will have to wait. That twit, Deidre, who’s so jealous of Promise, has let Chance go. Now they have to find him again. She pays dearly for her foolishness.

It’s great to be back in Willow’s End. So nice to see Lea and Mark, and they’re  very much a couple now. What they’ve done for Promise, keeping Chance alive, shows their love for her and their courage. It’s dangerous to feed a vampire.

There is one character who’s stolen my heart, Evans. He’s like a big brother. Always there to protect you from the bad things. I could read more about him. My hero.

The vampires are more dangerous than ever, the battles are bloodier and the characters are at their best. I was sad to see it end.  Christine wastes no words, the story builds and builds and rushes to a great ending. She puts you right in it!

          Loved it! Loved it!

And a bonus rating for these two!

Tribute to Snow and Ash. No animals were injured during the writing of these books!

You can read my review of First Promise – Book One here .

My review of Two Riders – Book Two is here .

A special treat for you. I have Christine here for an interview and she is letting me host a fantastic giveaway!

I’m so glad to have your here on my blog Christine. I love your books and want everyone to meet you. So let’s get started!
I love the cover art for your Blood Run series. They make me think “Classics.” How did you choose them?
They were a real struggle. My husband helps me with the covers and by ‘helps’ I mean ‘pushes’. He never lets me get away with anything that looks lazy (but it’s hard because with some things, I AM lazy!). We were back and forth with putting Promise on there. People respond to faces, so it can be a good way to get a book looked at. But I also had the idea of this very elegant cover with just a hint of the menace in the story. I think they worked out okay and they look great as a set!
Your characters are so easy to relate to. Do you have a favorite? I won’t tell the others:)
It’s difficult because I relate to each of them. Promise for her fighting, bullheaded nature. Lea because I understand her shy reticence. Mark because of how much he comes to appreciate Lea. Peter for his conflicted nature. And Evans, well, I love Evans, but it might take a reader some time to find out why.
How did you feel after finishing this series? Was it hard to say goodbye to your characters?
I hate finishing books. Hate it. My husband always tries to do something to cheer me up because I usually cry and then drag around like a lost dog for a while. I think about the characters and in a weird way, I always wonder what they are up to after the book ends. Which is probably borderline psychotic, right?
I am reading your collection “Darkness Within” right now. Where do you get your ideas from?
The ideas come from everywhere. Half or more from my husband (are you seeing the theme?) and the rest are usually based off my personal fears. I am easily spooked and I find the world a hard, scary place to be.
I’m also reading The Boat. I know, it’s crazy to read two books at once! The story line and the zombies are quite unique. What inspired this book?
I usually have a few books going at once as a reader. It’s a mood thing, isn’t it? The Boat sprang from a conversation my husband and I had in the grocery store. (I’m lucky to have him, aren’t I?)
You have written many books. Do you have a favorite?
I don’t have a favorite. But there are some characters that keep popping into my mind as though they have more to say.
Are you working on anything now, and if so, can you share something about it?
I am finishing up short stories for a new collection which will be out soon. Hopefully some time in November. I am very proud of the stories going into this book. I think it’s some of the best writing I’ve ever done. I am grateful to my short story teacher, Season, because even though I’m not taking classes anymore, she is still teaching me!
Five Fun Shorts!
1) favorite genre (to read or write)?
My favorite genre as a reader is general, character driven fiction. And I am a re-reader. I’ll read the same books over and over. Freaky, right?
2) creepiest monster?
Creepiest ‘monsters’ to me are the real life serial killers. They make my blood run very, very cold.
3) Why did the chicken cross the road?
Curiosity. Which he better be careful of. Just ask the cat.
4) favorite TV show?
The Walking Dead and HGTV’s House Hunters.
5) worst movie you’ve watched?
God, so many. We watch movies constantly so it would be hard to say. Joe Dirt comes to mind, though I watch it occasionally now. I have such a high tolerance!
This has been fun. Thanks so much for answering my questions Christine. I look forward to having you back soon!
Thank you, Laura.  I’m glad you gave me this opportunity to be on your blog. Although I still don’t know how you have the time to do all the wonderful things you do. All the best.

And now for the giveaway!

The first place winner will receive e-books of the complete Blood Run Series! That’s right. You will win First Promise, Two Riders and Last Chance!

And that’s not all. Two more lucky winners will get an e-book of First Promise, the first book in the Blood Run Series! Isn’t that awesome?!

Entry is easy. Just leave your email address and answer this question, “How would you feed a vampire?”

Giveaway ends November 4th.

It’s not required, but it would make my day if you followed me on twitter and my blog.

You can find Christine Dougherty here:






If you think this giveaway is awesome, please hit that like and tweet button:)

With Halloween coming soon I decided to have a little fun!

Top Ten Scary Clown Pictures!

Let’s begin the countdown. I’m sure you will recognize some of these clowns! No pun intended.











I love it, a vampire clown. And what about the baby? Too creepy!

Ronald has never looked deader, I mean better.

Of course, I had to have IT and Jigsaw. They are so famous.

But number one had to go to the zombie clown!

Are you afraid of clowns?

Which one is your favorite scary clown?

HALLOWEEN is right around the corner!

My night will be very busy. I’ll be sitting in the dark with a giant bowl of popcorn(with extra butter, thank you) and watching some favorite scary movies. It’s going to be a marathon of chills, thrills, kills and copious screaming.

First up is this guy. I’m sure he needs no introductions!

Freddy Kruger never gets old for me. I have the complete Nightmare on Elm Street collection and watch them every October without fail!

One, two, Freddy’s coming for you.

Three, four, better lock your doors.

Five, six. grab a crucifix.

Seven, eight, gotta stay up late.

Nine. ten, never sleep again!

Next up is this well-known gent.

When Halloween came out I went to see it at the drive-in. I watched to whole movie through my fingers! I’d never seen a film like it before and was so unprepared for it!

Michael Myers is another one that visits me in my nightmares now and then. That huge knife of his, well, it’s just huge! And his dead looking eyes and that creepy mask. It all adds up to grotesque!

Here is another legend.

Anybody wanting to go camping? Jason Vorhees is unstoppable.

Did you notice how his mask gets more gory as each movie progresses. What is it with these guys and their masks. Gives me the shivers!

And they seem to really like large, shiny things. Things that kill ya dead in a gruesome manner!

Jason has even been in outer space! I loved the cyborg chick. She really kicked Jason’s butt before she lost her head!

And this is a classic that some of you may not have seen.

My son and I both love this one.

It’s campy and grotesque. I mean, look at these Klowns!

What’s not to love. Alien klowns come to drink us up like slurpies! There are some great scares and lots of hilarious dialogue. Their spaceship looks like a giant circus tent, how cool is that!

I’m sure by the time I finish this marathon I’ll be having pleasant dreams. Yeah, right!

So what are ya’ll going to be watching on Halloween?

Earlier today I posted my review of Night of the Chupacabra by Michael Hebler.

The Chupacabra Series – Book One

Night of the Chupacabra

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You can read my review here .

As soon as I hit the publish button it said 200th Post!

I’ve come a long way this year in the blogging world. I’ve met some awesome people and authors, read some amazing books and made some new friends! And I feel like celebrating.

And so does Michael! His new book Night of the Chupacabra was released today.

What better way to celebrate than with a giveaway! Michael is offering one Signed paperback and one e-book copy of Night of the Chupacabra and he is stopping by to chat.

Thanks for stopping by Michael. I don’t want to keep you from your celebration for the release of Night of the Chupacabra, so let’s get started.

Are you kidding? This IS part of the celebration! Of course, no celebration would be complete without champagne.

Why the Chupacabra? There are many mythical creatures and I’m curious as to how you picked it for your story.

Actually, this story started before the chupacabra became involved. I had wanted to do a heavily character-driven type horror-western tale. When the story first started, it was going to be a serial killer in the Old West, but somewhere along the way, it took more of a supernatural turn and I birthed a monster from my imagination. Then one day, I was heading to the fridge(no surprise there) and noticed one of my roommates had  posted an article from the Orange County Register about a Santa Ana man blaming the death of his newborn on a “chupacabra”, which I had never heard of. The roommate thought the article was hilarious – she was disturbed that way – and the article managed to hang on the fridge door for a year.  I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but then I sat down to watch one of my favorite TV shows, “The X-Files“(yes, this was in the 1990’s), and they did an episode on the chupcabra and I was suddenly fascinated by it. It was scary how many similarities there were to my completely manufactured monster. I did as much research as I could, but there wasn’t much at the time…and I’m glad too! Dial-up on the internet was SO SLOW! And so I decided to replace my monster with the chupacabra.

Your story takes place in western times. Did the era come first or the creature when you decided to write this book?
Oh, definitely the western first. When I started this story, Clint Eastwood‘s dark western “Unforgiven” had recently won a Best Picture Academy Award, thus sparking my love for the genre – it’s still one of my Top 10 favorite films to this day. Then, a friend of mine in college, Eric Person, had written a one-act play about a group of cowboys and civilians trapped inside a saloon while werewolves were trying to claw their way inside. I was instantly inspired. I loved this new concept of crossing genres! So, once I had decided to give the creature I created the pink slip and hand the part over to the chupacabra, I knew it had been the right choice because I then had the Old West as a setting to create an origin story. But as things transpired and back stories were created, I found I had more than enough to hold off on a true “beginning” story, which will now be book four in this anthology, “Dawn of the Chupacabra”, and is most definitely my Greek tragedy of the series.

What do you think makes a good story?

Well, really, all the elements need to work together. I think they are all equally important, but what I tend to gravitate to more than theme, plot, or pacing is characters. Like I mentioned before, I wanted this story to be character-driven and I wanted compelling relationships and situations that were not only scary, grotesque, and intense, but funny, heart-warming AND heart-wrenching. I wanted to make sure there was a little bit of everything; a little something for everyone with an emphasis on the scary and grotesque, of  course.

What is your favorite scene in Night of the Chupacabra?

If I said, “That’s like asking me which of my children I liked best”, would you hate me for being cliche? But in all actuality, I kinda/sorta do have one. In the 15+times I rewrote and rewrote, and then rewrote my editor’s rewrites, one scene always felt magical to me. It’s around Chapter VI or VII when Jessie is in the basement making her case to Sheriff Dillmore and Miss Christie about the monster they just missed seeing, then Suzanne suddenly comes to Jessie’s aide. I think what I like most about that scene is that it really tells a lot about the web of relationships of the four characters who were  juggled  around in a way that – at least to me – flowed at an even pace. The dialogue is fiery,as is Miss Christie, one of my favorite characters in the entire series. She really shines in that scene.

Is there a deleted scene that you liked but it didn’t work?

Yeah, just about the entire 1995 first draft! But actually there was this one scene that took place inside a church where a group of townspeople huddled because they were convinced God would protect them from the “devil”, and when they discovered they were wrong, it became quite chaotic. Unfortunately, the character dynamics were completely different then. Jessie had a do-gooder, older brother, Clarence, whom she was trying to save. Unfortunately, she couldn’t save him from me because she is now an only child. Plus, I also wanted to steer clear of the sensitive subject of religion when this book was supposed to be just a form of entertainment.

What was the most challenging thing in writing your book?

Well, it doesn’t help being mildly OCD. There’s a certain amount of perfectionism that I expect from myself and learning to finally drop the pen and let my baby fly the coop took a lot of deep breaths… and some alcohol. If you haven’t done the math yet, the end result did take about 20 years.

Can you tell us something more about this series, maybe what we can expect?

You can expect at least four more books. The first three(Night, Curse, and Legend) are their own trilogy but will have a different protagonist for each. As mentioned, the fourth(Dawn) is an origin story and the fifth(Return) will take place around the 1970’s – 1980’s. I do have a story I’m very, very excited about for the fifth book, but it’s still undecided if there’s enough for another trilogy. I don’t want to squeeze it out; it has to come naturally. And I promise not to take 20 years between each story. Curse and Legend are already written and on my editor’s computer screen now, and Dawn is half outlined. In fact, if all goes well, I expect Curse of the Chupacabra to be released around September 15, 2013 and then each one a year later.

Is there anything you would like to share with your readers?

Well… I expect the first round of readers will be avid dark thriller/horror fans and chupacabra fans, so I guess I would like to share a disclaimer for those who believe in the chupacabra:  There are many theories out there about what the chupacabra is and where it comes from. Everything from an alien pet left behind to a toxic mutation of an extinct animal from the Roman Empire. The Chupacabra Series is for entertainment purposes only. I am not trying to lay the ground work for its mythology or an explanation of its existence. This is purely a creative work of supernatural fiction. But if you wish to have a discussion, you can always email me:

Five Fun Shorts!

1) favorite beverage? Alcoholic – Pineapple Upside Down Cake (I wrote a whole thing about it on my blog). Non-alcoholic – milk.

2) swim in the ocean or a pool? POOL!!!! Unless the water is crystal clear, I can see that shark a mile away.

3) phobia? You would think sharks, wouldn’t you? But no… heights.

4) favorite movie? The Color Purple.

5) hardcopy or e-book? Hard copy.

That’s a wrap! Thanks so much for sharing with us Michael. I look forward to having you back soon.

Thank you. I hope to be back for the Curse! (that didn’t sound quite right, did it?)



So let’s celebrate shall we?
To Enter the Giveaway
Just leave you email address and answer this question, “What monster scares you?”
That’s all it takes and you’re entered for a chance to win a paperback or an e-book copy of Night of the Chupacabra.
Contest ends November 1st.
US only
While it’s not required, it would be nice if you followed me on twitter and my blog.
You can find Michael here:

If you could peek into the future, would you?

KM Breakey gives much more than that with this story.

The year is 2083. Of the 16 billion people who inhabited Earth, only a little over one billion remain.

This extermination was not done by the Hand of God, nor was it done by Mother Nature. No. this was done by men.

That’s no surprise. We are one of the few living creatures on the planet who regularly wage war on each other. But this was not caused by war. Rather, it was by design. One man’s attempt to stave off humanity’s very extinction.

There were too many people on the planet. people were starving, wars were rampant and the violence and corruption were pandemic. Something had to be done. Hence the culling. Fifteen billion lives were extinguished in the name of Earthism – The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number.

But greatest for who? If you were a P-Classer(slang for the People), you can say ignorance is bliss. They have no idea of the existence of C-Classers(the Creator Class). However, the C-Classers are very aware of the People. They keep close tabs on all of them, using PST’s or Personal Safety Trackers, which all P-Classers are required to have.

There are one million C-Classers and one billion P-Classers. The C’s keep the People ignorant of their existence. They look on them as necessary to keep the gene pool fresh. To ensure man’s survival.  And the C’s have it pretty good. Living large, enjoying  all of the benefits of the upper class. Enjoying freedom. Sound familiar? Not all of man’s foibles were left behind.

For the P-Class, life is much different. Creative thinking is discouraged. There are no competitive activities, no one is allowed to stand out, stand apart. The Creators fear we would just make the same mistakes all over again.

The population in all of the 450 Areas, spread world-wide, are tightly policed. Culling is done to keep the ratios of boy, girl, and young to older in balance. Pregnancy is controlled and encouraged, as long as you don’t go over your quota. If you do, the offender is culled. Nice word, eh?

One young man is breaking all of the rules in P-Class. Shawn, a perfect male specimen, athletically built, handsome, and intelligent, is cursed. He’s cursed with a curious and questioning nature. He’s also a bit of a rebel as he thinks for himself. Free thinking is a big no-no. He’s already been flagged numerous times for his damning statements. Too many more, and he’ll be subject to termination, but he just can’t help himself. Curiosity killed the cat. Satisfaction brought him back. But does Shawn have nine lives?

The specter of a dull life loomed. A life of meaningless tedium was impossible to embrace, but his recklessness wouldn’t be tolerated forever. Others had vanished without a trace. The risk of termination was real. Or worse. The rumors were discussed in whispers. Conscription into dentured servitude. Slavery. But for whom? The mystery (and fear) ate into his soul.

Was his restlessness intrinsic? Or the result of careless commentary by an anachronistic grandmother? Didn’t matter. It was there. And strong. Not to be denied.

In a few weeks, Academy would start. Not less than two years, not more than four. His window was closing. Wheels were turning. A spouse would arrive(okay, there was a thrilling aspect to that; he had an eye trained on multiple candidates). Then children, middle age, and….

There had to be more.

Didn’t there?

Shawn is soon to find out the answer to that very question. Two men are waiting for him in his house. Pedro and Sarge are from Protective Services. They are there for Shawn. But this is an unusual task for the two men. Their orders were explicit. Do not terminate. Extract the subject and transport him safely to C-Class. He is being relocated.

Good for Shawn. He’s not being terminated. Bad also. He has to leave right now, taking only what he can carry. He does manage to leave a hidden message for his family stating that he is alive and will be okay. Not much, but all he could do at the time.

Now Shawn will see what he knew deep down inside. There is more to this world. So much more. Will this be the happiness he wished for, or the crushing of his soul?

This is the second book by KM Breakey I’ve read. The World Clicks was fascinating. You can read my review here .

I had no idea what this book was about when KM sent it to me. I loved his first book, so I didn’t hesitate to read this one.

This is not my usual genre to read. It’s Action/Adventure, Science Fiction and YA all rolled up in one.  I got into the swing of it and was captivated.

KM does a superb job of world building. It’s amazing how he was able to make me visual it and become involved in each different class they live in. His story has a ring of truth to it. Our society is guilty of many of the prejudices and indulgences that occur in this book. The politics are not too far-fetched either. I could see it happening.

Shawn was my favorite. He is the main character in this story and quite the rebel. The author weaves many colorful characters into this adventure. Some of them are self-centered and act entitled and snobby, some are quite funny and made me laugh a lot, and some of them were despicable and dirty dealers.

It’s odd that I was drawn to two of the characters, Pedro and Sarge. They are Protective Services Officers and, for the most part, the bad guys. I must have connected to them because of how well the author wrote them in.

There is something for everyone in Creator Class. It is very unique and fresh. There are dark periods in it, but also much humor and empathy. This book reads like real life. Life in a near future.

It makes one ask the question, “Will man ever learn?”

  5 Stars because I loved it! Super writing, super world building!

I don’t usually use the book blurbs, but I feel this will add to my review and pique your interest even more!

Book Summary

Decades have elapsed since The Creators inflicted their vision on the planet. The population menace is tamed, resources are plentiful, and climate concerns abate. A sustainable world order has been achieved.
But Shawn Lowe chafes at P-Class restrictions. Movements are tracked, conversations scrutinized, conformity enforced. It’s wrong. The Laws of Earthism are wrong. When a treasonous outburst cements Shawn’s fate, an unexpected communication from Creator Class sparks changes he could never have imagined.
A new life. A new family. Boundless opportunity. Destiny, it seems, has been rewritten. But an evil nemesis emerges, and a lust for vengeance points Shawn down a treacherous path.
Creator Class is the first book in The Creator Class Series.

Author Bio

K.M. Breakey was born in Toronto, Ontario, and educated at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia. He is an IT professional, writer and dreamer. He is the author of Creator Class and The World Clicks. To learn more, visit

Creator Class is now available. Click on images below to purchase K M Breakey’s books.


Special Offers by M. L. Ryan

Special Offers Cover

I was curious about this story after reading the synopsis. I don’t usually use one in my reviews but I’ll let you read this one.

Synopsis from Goodreads

Hailey Parrish is quick-witted, irreverent, and hasn’t had a date in three years. She only wanted an eBook reader because her collection of paperbacks threatened to take over her small living space. Little did she know that the “special offers” that prompted the purchase included much more than a reduced price in exchange for a few ads. The device came pre-loaded with the essence of Sebastian Kess, an erudite womanizer with magical abilities from a parallel dimension. When she inadvertently releases him and he inhabits her body, she finally has a man inside her, just not in the way she imagined. And soon her predicament introduces her to yet another supernatural, the handsome could-be-the-man-of-her-dreams Alex Sunderland. Can Alex and Hailey find a way to return Sebastian to his own body, stay one step ahead of the criminals who want to keep him where he is, and not lose their sense of humor?

It’s something new for me and naturally I had to read Special Offers. I really like the title. It ties in neatly with the book.

The first thing that popped into my head when I read it was a genie in a magic lamp!

magic lamp photo: A magic lamp topmaqnipulationmagik.jpg

I thought, Wow, a new take for an old tale. I thought it was quite creative. Don’t know if that was the authors basis, but it works for me.

From the beginning I knew I liked Hailey. She is so normal and genuine. I could relate to her, right down to her eating habits. I too stand at the kitchen sink and chow down sometimes. When you are cooking for one, why make a mess at the table to clean up. And her daily routines. I also feel like a robot going through the motions half awake.

Her life is anything but routine when she purchases the Kindle and presses the on button. It came fully loaded. Loaded with the essence, or spirit, of Sebastian, a Coursodon from another dimension. And now he’s inside her. She can hear him in her head.

Along comes Alex. He’s another Coursodon and he has been tracking Sebastian, trying to return him to his body. He comes clean about who and what he is to Hailey. He’ll be needing her help. This part made me laugh!

I knew you were too good  looking to be in insurance,” I remarked flippantly and he shot me a reproachful glare. “Hey, when I get nervous, the smart-ass just comes cascading out of my mouth,” I shrugged. “It’s a character flaw. Get over it.”

What Hailey lacks in size, she makes up for with her snarky, tough as nails attitude.  I ‘d enjoy hanging with her.

Sebastian and Alex can communicate with each other when Alex is in physical contact with Hailey. They will be holding hands a lot. The plan is to find where Sebastian’s body has been taken, and return his essence to it. That means Hailey will have to be present.

Hailey adjusts to having Sebastian in her head, but she doesn’t have to like it. He is a very sexual male and his frustrations are very front and center at times.  Hailey’s have none of his suggestion that she bed someone to satisfy his needs. She’s not going to be his “psychic f!!k buddie.”

Hailey is slow in trusting Alex. She had a shitty marriage with a low down cheating husband and her heart took a major hit. She is very attracted to Alex, but will take it slow and easy. I like how the author keeps the heat of their relationship for the end. I thoroughly enjoyed the getting to know you parts.

My connection to Alex was gradual, but became very strong near the end. His revelations to Hailey made me want to hug him. And this scene is just to heart melting:

Alex was already in my bed under the covers, and I paused for a moment when I saw he had claimed the left side. Since as far back as I can remember, I’ve always slept on the left side of any bed bigger than a twin. It’s probably just habit, and after my initial hesitation, I started over to the opposite side, because, really, what’s the big deal about one side over another? As I pulled back the covers, however, Alex stopped me.

“Wait,” he said as he scooted over to his right. “I was just warming up your side for you.”

He held up the covers in the spot he had just vacated and I dutifully moved around the bed and climbed in. The sheets were, indeed, warm and cozy, a far cry from the chilliness that winter usually imparts to bedding.

That is the most considerate thing anyone has ever done for me,” I said softly. “I really don’t deserve you.”

Alex is a keeper.

As their feelings for each grow so does the danger and intrigue. Sebastian’s body is being held as a trophy by his nemesis and it won’t be easy to get it back.

Thumbs up to Special Offers. M. L. Ryan has a winner for originality and her quality of writing. She took what could have been heavy reading and made it light and fun.  Throughout the book, tidbits of everyday things in life made it very real.

And the comedy kept me laughing. I had many laugh out loud moments, like when Hailey teases Sebastian with a view of her sexy friend Rachel, and about her job – she milks Chinchillas. And the back and forth with Sebastian, in her head, is too funny!

Special Offers came along at a low point, and it was a perfect cure for my blues. It will make you laugh and smile, cheering you up.

Here are some scenes I really cracked up at:

“By the way, how did you get my number?”

“Men’s bathroom wall, second stall,” he stated matter-of-factly.

“Excuse me?”

“Just trying to lighten the mood…”

And this one:

I really had enough of Sebastian at the moment. “Hey Sebastard,” I sputtered. “Yumago! Do prdele! Haista paska! Jabiesz jeze! Foda-se!”

“What was all that?”

I stood and huffed out, Korean, Czech, Finnish, Polish and Portugese!”

I started this book with a peek. Next thing I knew I was on Chapter 4. I fell asleep reading it the first night. Couldn’t stay awake. Tried to finish it the next night, and so tired from work I fell asleep again. Getting frustrated! I had a surprise day off the next morning and finished it while my son was in the dentist’s chair. People were giving me funny looks when I chuckled. I ended up talking to two women in the waiting room, and they said they were going to check it out.

You should check it out too. It’s a perfect book to lighten your mood and make you smile.

  I loved it and so did my Kindle!


The girl on the cover is the perfect choice to represent Hailey. I have two men who popped into my head to represent Sebastian and Alex.

Here is Alex

And here is Sebastian

Melissa has sent me a picture of who she sees Alex as!

I’m excited to tell you that M L Ryan has accepted my request for an interview and she’s also offering one paperback and two e-books for a giveaway!!

I’m so happy to have you here today Melissa! I loved Special Offers and I want everyone to get to know the author behind the story. Let’s get started shall we?

1) What “possessed” you to write this story and where did the idea come from?

*Laughing*  I had just purchased my full-priced Kindle when I saw Amazon was selling less expensive versions that came with “special offers.”  For some reason, my warped brain thought it would be amusing if what made the cheaper Kindles special was that they came with some fiendish spirit.  Originally, I imagined something like a havoc-wrecking poltergeist, but that quickly changed into the annoying, yet ingratiating Sebastian Kess.

2) I laughed so much reading Special Offers and fell in love with Hailey. Was it your plan all along for her to be so funny, and does she resemble you in any way?

 When it comes to snark, Hailey and I have a lot in common.  No matter what’s happening – good or bad – I seem to always find something humorous in the situation (often to the consternation of those around me).  Because humor is so much a part of who I am, I don’t think I could write something without it.  Aside from that, Hailey and I share the same out-of-control hair, a love of tequila and the tendency to swear like a sailor.

3) Where did the idea for Coursodons come from? I’m always curious when I discover new beings.

 The magically-inclined folks from a parallel dimension developed easily from the main premise that Hailey’s eBook Reader came with a little something extra.  It didn’t make sense for the inhabitant to be a vamp or a werewolf, and a demon or a witch wasn’t exactly right either.  So, I came up with a whole new world instead.  I’m really enjoying the world-building, it’s one of the most satisfying parts of the process.

4) I loved the ending and I’m so happy this is going to be a series. Can you tell us when we might expect book two and how many books there may be in the series?

 The second book should be out in another month or so.  I have ideas for five books in this series, and hopefully I will get a chance to write them!  Unfortunately, the day-job tends to get in the way.

5) Your book has travelers from other dimensions in it and it’s made me curious. Do you like to travel and if you could go any place you wanted, where would it be?

 I love to be someplace different, but I despise traveling. If I could just snap my fingers and instantly be transported, I’d be hopping all over the world.  The thought of flying, however, makes me crazy.  I do it, but it’s a struggle every time.  That said, I’ve always wanted to go to Nepal.  I think it’s because I like the sound of Katmandu.

6) Do you prefer reading print or digital books and what kind of e-reader do you have?

 I have a Kindle, and when I first got it, I was concerned that I would miss the feel of a real book.  Was I wrong!  I love almost everything about the eBook format; the ease of obtaining books, the ability to change the font size, having thousands of books crammed into one, compact device.  The one aspect that annoys me, however, is how traditional publishers charge the same amount for an eBook as for a print book.  Really?  What a rip-off.

7) You mentioned you adopted two desert tortoises. Did you name them, and if so, how did you choose their names? I love turtles.

 I inherited my mother’s tortoises when she moved to a much smaller home, so they came pre-named.  Spurge – she’s 30 years old – got her name because she loves to munch on the eponymous weed which grows abundantly here.  Dunny, 25, got his moniker because my mother thought another tortoise was “redundant”.  They have very distinct personalities – Spurge comes when she’s called and Dunny loves to climb.  Because they are so long-lived, I expect that one day,  my son will inherit them from me.


Five fun shorts!

1) If you could be any creature in the sea, what would you be? 

A nudibranch.  They have such beautiful colors.

 2) What is your favorite movie to watch on Halloween? 

I love the original Bela Lugosi Dracula movies.  Something about the bad acting and the lack of color makes them really creepy.

 3) If you could have dinner with a sexy movie actor, who would you choose?

  Ryan Reynolds.  He’s sexy and funny.

 4) Are you an early riser or do you hit the snooze button?

I hate getting up. That’s where the comment in Special Offers – If god wanted us to get up when it was dark out, he wouldn’t have given us eyelids – came from.

 5) What is your birthstone? 


Thanks so much for doing this interview with me Melissa. It’s been really fun getting to know you. And a huge thank you for allowing me to host this giveaway.

To Enter The Giveaway

For todays giveaway there will be three winners. I have one paperback and two e-books of Special Offers to giveaway!

Entry is easy. Just leave your email address along with the answer to this question: Who would you like to find in your Kindle?

While it’s not required, it makes me smile when you follow me on twitter and my blog. You can find Melissa’s contacts below. Thanks so much and good luck everyone!

This contest ends on November 1st.

You can purchase Special Offers by clicking on the image below.

Other Purchase links:


Barnes and Noble:


For more about M L Ryan and where to find her:

Author’s web site:


Twitter:  @MLRyan1


Night of the Chupacabra

The Chupacabra Series – Book One



Author:  Michael Hebler

Style:  Anthology

Theme:  Dark Fantasy / Thriller / Western

Length:  300 pages (print) / 68,000 words

Binding:  Perfect bound & digital (.mobi, .epub, .pdf, .rtf, .lrf, .pdb


I’m thrilled to be able to tell you about this brand new release!

The men huddle around the campire. The glow from the flames refelcts on their faces. A friendly game of poker between the two brothers is interupted by little Jessica, Drake‘s daughter.  Gavin grins, knowing Drake still can’t figure out how she is sneaking out of the wagon.

Fearing Lucy’s wrath, Drake tucks Jessica back in bed and then stops to talk with his wife. That’s when it starts. The animals are an early warning. They jerk loose and tear off into the desert. Then an unholy roar comes from one of the wagons, soon accompanied by screams of terror.

The brothers race to get their guns, but before they can reach the wagon, something too fast to follow leaps from one wagon to the next and the screaming starts again. The chupacabra easily leaps from wagon to wagon, killing in a blood lust. All goes quite.

Then they get their first look at the creature. It’s the size of a man, but there the resemblance ends. It’s covered in brown fur, it’s spiked tail flicks back and forth, it’s red eyes glow, and it’s stench can be smelled from across the fire.

Then it leaps into Drake’s wagan. He dives in after it. The wagon shakes, rocks and bursts into  flames. The creature bursts forth, engulfed in flames, and runs right into Gavin, pinning him to the ground. Gavin is being burned alive.

chupacabra photo: Chupacabra chupacabra.png

Impossibly, the thing is alive and leaps up to run off into the darkness, leaving Gavin mortally wounded. Lucy runs away into the night, driven hysterical by the loss of her daughter.

All this Drake sees as he lies helpless on the ground, horribly burned.

I can’t believe this all takes place at the beginning of the book. From the first sentence, you get to meet the Chupacabra and by the second chapter, he gets up close and personal.

If this story didn’t take place in western days, say it took place now, I still don’t know what could have been done. The thing is just too fast.

Drake did survive the attack. He’s horribly disfigured, his face a fright to gaze upon. He  has traveled from dusty town to dusty town looking for his Lucy. Each time he thinks he’s found her, it’s a false lead.Then he enters Dillmore Valley, A Fine Community. A strange welcome as the town is hidden in a valley, away from view.

He’s not alone. Something has followed him. He doesn’t want it dead. It has it’s uses.

I just can’t resist this kind of tale. I love scary stories of creatures in the night. I have for as long as I can remember.

Michael Hebler is a fine writer. I can feel the heat of the flames, smell the reek of the Chupacabra, and taste the dust of the trail in my mouth.

When Drake rides into Dillmore Valley it reminded me of Clint Eastwood appearing out of the desert and riding into town in the movie High Plains Drifter. Drake has that same aurora around him. No one in their right mind would mess with him, it’s better to avoid his attention.

I can’t tell you a whole lot about the characters as it would reveal too much of the plot. What I can tell you is they are a diverse lot, just like any small town. You have your nosy parkers, the town drunk, the belligerent bully and then you have the ladies. Each character brings a genuineness to the story, keeping you engrossed and curious. I love character driven stories.

Of course, let’s not forget the Chupacabra. He is something else! You don’t just get a little bit of him here and there. He is very busy, rending, ripping and terrorizing throughtout the book.

Okay. I’ll stop here. I could ramble on and on, but then I’d be telling everything. I don’t want to ruin it for you.

Michael Hebler gave me more than I ever expected. I’m thrilled to know he is making this a series. It will be interesting to see where it goes next.

  I loved it and need more!

Check out this great trailer!




Press Release

Newport Beach, CA, XXXX XX, 2012 —On October 17, Fiction writer Michael Hebler, author of the acclaimed crypto-zoological short storyHunt for the Chupacabra” publishes his first novel entitled, “Night of the Chupacabra” about a scarred man – on the inside and out – who searches endlessly for his missing family while the creature that separated them is never far behind.

Synopsis:  There is a creature that lurks in the vast open deserts of the west.  It can only survive on blood and, although it prefers to prey on the weak and young, it will slaughter anyone or anything, once provoked.  It is unnatural, deceptive, and difficult to kill.  Word about the existence of this elusive beast has not spread since anyone who has crossed paths with it did not live long enough to tell of their account.

Night of the Chupacabra” is a profoundly moving story about one man’s determination to reunite with his beloved family while the lethal creature that separated them, the mysterious and ravenous chupacabra, is on his trail.  “Night of the Chupacabra” is not only a gruesome regale of carnage, but also a unique combination of science fiction bloodshed with a more poignant tale of lost love set against a Western backdrop.  The plot is an unflinching look at the impossible choices that are made for love, while knowing the consequences would ultimately lead to a fate worse than death.

Recently made famous by reports of sightings throughout the western United States, “Night of the Chupacabra” is the first novel in a new dark fantasy/thriller anthology that will span from the Old West to modern times, based on the cultural phenomenon, el chupacabra.  “The chupacabra has always fascinated me because nobody can explain exactly what the chupacabra is.  Is it an animal or a monster?  A mutant or an alien?  Where did it come from?  The only agreement there seems to be is that it feeds on blood.  Even the name ‘chupacabra’ translates to ‘goat-sucker’,” states Hebler.  “I love genre fusing but the reason why I decided to begin this soft horror anthology in the Old West was to go back in time far enough to give the chupacabra some roots.”

Author Hebler is already hard at work completing Curse of the Chupacabra, the second novel in the Chupacabra Series, which he would like to publish in 2013, and currently has plans to extend his anthology to five novels, with additional side short stories.

Night of the Chupacabra” will be available in print and eBook formats.  More information can be found at Michael Hebler’s official author page,


Michael Hebler was raised and lived all of his life in beautiful Southern California.  He spent a handful of years as an international film publicist before guiding his career path towards writing.  To date, Hebler’s previous published works include, “The Night After Christmas,” a timeless holiday picture book for believers of all ages, and the free Chupacabra Series short story, “Hunt for the Chupacabra“.  In addition to writing his series of chupacabra thrillers, Hebler also runs a blog, “My Little Obsessions” where he likes to muse about what distractions life has to offer.







You can purchase all of Michael Hebler’s books by clicking on the images below.

Other places to purchase his books:

Two Riders (Blood Run Trilogy, Book Two) by Christine Dougherty

Two Riders

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I love the title for this book. It really is about two riders.

In First Promise (Book One) Promise has a sleek black stallion named Ash and Peter (half-vampire also called half-and-half) has a stocky white mare named Snow. You can read my review here .

In Two Riders (Book Two) Promise and Peter join a group of soldiers from the National Guard. They are being escorted to New Jersey.  There is a scientist working on a cure for vampirism, and Promise is hoping to bring that cure back for her little brother, Chance.

She lost her parents to vampires and not long after her brother was turned after being bitten.  She is doing everything she can to keep her promise to him. To make everything alright again.

The soldiers are a mixed bag of volunteers and enlisted. There is one that is causing lots of problems for Peter. Evans is drawn to Promise, but despises Peter and uses every opportunity to make this known. He is always one step away from putting an arrow through Peter. As Peter is finding it more and more difficult to resist the dark urges of the virus running through his veins, the journey is fraught with tension. These two are dangerously close to killing each other.

The trip is slow and arduous, the soldiers having to keep their humvees moving at a pace that the horses can maintain. With the vampires getting more brazen, it wouldn’t do for the riders, Promise and Peter, to be left behind.

Without giving too much away, I’ll tell you that not everyone makes it to Jersey. Three will fall, but I won’t tell you who.

Of course, I’m very fond of Peter and I love Promise. She is young and vulnerable, and recognizes this. She’s also intuitive and very quick thinking. She is growing up fast.

Evans, the cantankerous, gruff soldier, really got on my nerves at first. I was thinking, this is the bad apple. There is one in every story, the one you love to hate.

But that changed over time. I learned his story as he revealed it to Promise. He actually became likeable, someone I would want on my side. I would love to read a book about him.

The writing is smooth, with no wasted words. The vampires are more vicious, the scenes more bloody, and the characters are becoming my friends. I am completely involved in this series.

Christine wraps it up nicely. I like how she gives you an ending in each book and also a lead in to the next one. I guess you could read each one by itself, as she gives a recap at the beginning of the second and third book. But I recommend you read them in order and get the complete experience. I wouldn’t want you to miss out on that.

  Still loving this series!!

I’m finished reading Last Chance (Blood Run Trilogy, Book Three), the last book in this series. I’ll be back to tell you about it soon!

About Christine Dougherty and where to find her.

Christine Dougherty

Christine Dougherty is at home in South Jersey with a husband, dog, and two cats. She has published short stories in The Absent Willow Review, Necrotic Tissue, Fiction at Work, and Niteblade.

Christine’s greatest influences are Stephen King, Margaret Atwood, Anne Tyler, Dean Koontz, Wally Lamb and a fascination with the scarier aspects of life, be they paranormal or criminal.

Christine writes in the genres of horror, paranormal, and psychological thriller and is never happier than when she is tackling the undead, the walking dead, werewolves, vampires, zombies, ghosts, aliens, spooky scenes, scary characters, psychics, demons, devils, and quirky heroes and heroines.






To purchase the Blood Run Trilogy click on the images below.

Christine has written many books. You can find them all here .

Clouds by Matt McAvoy

I spotted this on Amazon as a free download. Seeing it was only 10 pages long, I thought why not, and nabbed this puppy.

You can purchase it by clicking on the cover image.

Being only 10 pages, I figured it would be quick and over. Those 10 pages felt like an eternity!

Imagine waking up and you’re falling. Falling from the sky. The rate of your fall causes the friction to rip at you, trying to tear out your hair and rip off your eyelids. It’s freezing cold, so cold it burns. Have you ever felt that burning sensation when your hands are wet and freezing? Imagine feeling that all over your body.

Your body tumbles from the sky in an out of control descent, making it hard to tell if you’re falling up or down to the clouds that are looming closer. And you have no parachute!

You have the insane hope the clouds will buffer your fall, maybe cradle you. It’s irrational, but your mind races for a solution, a way to change the inevitable.

Most people have had that dream where you’re falling and you jerk awake before you hit the ground. That’s how I felt while reading Clouds, but I couldn’t wake up, I didn’t wake up.

If you’re looking for a quick, intense story, I recommend you grab Clouds. There are no wasted words, it’s well written, and don’t you want to know how  this could happen and what the end is?

  Terrifyingly good!

Go get Clouds now. I don’t know how long it will be free to download. Just click here and it’s yours.

Matt has written two more stories I plan to read really soon.

One of Matt McAvoy’s “Modern Tales of Horror”, available as a complete works,
and the author’s first foray into supernatural horror.

Modern day London
– a proud day for a very proud man, and why shouldn’t he be? Boris has worked so
very hard, and is now launching his new driver-less tube train on the pioneering
Tower Line. But while some consider the line a triumph, not all are as pleased;
in fact some, the more spiritually-attuned perhaps, are downright terrified.

For the line, along with its creators, hides a secret… a secret darker
than the tunnels under the Thames, and darker than the stories around the bodies
buried there. As dark as the blackest evil of which man is capable. Bear witness
– in the tunnel there is no way out.


I can’t wait to read this one! It’s around 60 pages and sounds like it’s packed with scary goodness, or I guess you’d say badness. And it’s only 99 cents or free for Prime members. Click on the cover to buy a copy.

Meet Ollie. Well-educated and spoilt – a rich kid, fun-loving party-goer and
brutal sociopath.

Ruthlessly arrogant Ollie takes what he wants, when he
wants it. But Ollie’s going to learn, the hard way, that for every action
there’s a consequence, and for every bounty a price.

Because living with
Granjy isn’t the bed of roses he thought it was going to be; the blind old lady
sees everything – sees him – and most of all sees the monster he is becoming, in
a way that nobody else can. And that strange and terrible perception that surely
only she has frightens Ollie more than he’ll ever admit.

It was she that
spoilt him rotten-to-the-core, and now his payment is due. Her sightless eyes
and her creepy, knowing smile will compel him to tear apart his own dark

Granjy will teach him new meaning of the word ‘remorse’.

Ooh! Scary! I can’t wait to read this one either! It’s a bit longer than the others, around 100 pages Click on the cover to buy it. Only 99 cents or free for Prime members.

This contains all three of the tales from Matt McAvoy. Click on the cover to get your copy. It’s less than three dollars.

About the Author

Matt McAvoy was born in Hertfordshire in 1974. As a child he moved with his family to Devon where he attended the Torquay Grammar School for Boys and started writing fiction at an early age. He has studied screen-writing and production, and has graduated from the Open University (which he recommends highly) in psychology, social policy and criminology. Although he originally undertook the studies, he says, to make him a better writer in his favoured subject, since their completion he has spent many years working with young offenders as a mentor/project worker, and adult offenders as an officer with the public protection team; he is also the founder and chairman of the web-based organization for victims of violent crime, which he uses as a platform to campaign for changes in the criminal justice system.ting fiction at an early age. Matt enjoys writing dark, often comical, usually violent and sometimes even romantic fiction in the drama and thriller genres (though recently departed temporarily into horror, after being bought a cool, gothic, bound parchment journal as a gift); he writes in a variety of formats, including short stories, novels and screenplays. He is equally content publishing theses and essays on criminal behaviour and the British criminal justice system. All of his diverse work can be downloaded from his website – most of it for free. Matt lives in London with his wife Katherine.
You can visit Matt here .

I’m so excited! Carlie M.A. Cullen is going to be my very first guest post!

Please make her feel welcome on this stop in her Heart Search Blog Tour!

For today Carlie has given us one of her Short Stories.

Take her away Carlie.

A Mirror Never Lies

Elena delved into her bag, grabbed her new glitter lip gloss and walked over to the mirror to apply it. She loved Fridays; clubbing with the girls was a weekly ritual. As she looked at her image, it appeared hazy around the edges. Raising her left hand, she stroked it down her sleek hairstyle to smooth it, but it made no difference to her reflection.

Elena reached for a tissue, moved closer and polished the mirror with it, removing a fine layer of dust. When she finished she stepped back and looked once more. Her eyes narrowed, furrows creased between her brows and her lips pursed; if anything her image was more blurred than before.

Walking from the bedroom Elena crossed the hall and entered the bathroom. She moved over to the mirror above the basin and studied her reflection. A gasp rocketed from her lips – not only were the edges fuzzy, her image had an ethereal quality. “What the hell?” The lip gloss slipped from her fingers and clattered on the porcelain as the blood in her veins turned to ice. Countless emotions trampled through her head like a stampeding herd.

Squeezing her eyes tightly together, she willed everything to be normal again. Elena slowly opened her eyes and looked at herself; there was less substance to the vision than before, it was as if she were fading away before her very eyes. She shook her head in denial. Somebody had to be playing a joke on her – surely.

Elena turned away. She left the room, ran downstairs and into the lounge, stopping in front of the large ornate mirror that had once belonged to her grandmother. No-one would dare mess with this mirror, she thought, then slowly raised her eyes to gaze on her countenance. “NO!” The word exploded from her lips. She dropped her face into her hands and turned away, but what she saw seared into her brain like a branding iron.

She stumbled across the room and flopped onto the sofa. Her eyes pricked with tears she could not shed and shivers coursed through her limbs. Her breath hitched in her throat, a sob shattered the silence. Elena inhaled deeply; it felt wrong somehow, but she began to drift toward calm. She steeled herself. She needed to find an explanation for why her latest reflection was so transparent she could see objects through the image.

A thought popped unbidden into her mind; was this strange phenomena connected to the enigmatic stranger she met at the club last Friday? She struggled to recall the events of the evening…

She remembered dancing with a gorgeous hunk, who had the most mesmerising eyes she’d ever seen, before leaving the club with him. He walked her home and arranged to meet the following evening. Stefan was a perfect gentleman; they went for a drive in the country arriving at a small wood with a lovely clearing edged with flowers. Stefan had spread a blanket on the grass and pulled out a picnic hamper containing various delicious pastries and a bottle of red wine.

Elena couldn’t recall him eating anything, but they consumed the delicious honeyed wine and opened a second bottle. He was good company and had an olde worlde charm. Their first kiss had been passionate yet sweet, as were the ones that followed. It was strange – she couldn’t remember the drive home – her next memory was waking the following morning.

She had seen Stefan the next night; he came to her house and brought more of the delectable wine. His kisses that night were so deep, so ardent, the spirit of his desire mingled with hers yet he remained a gentleman, leaving her wanting more.

Wednesday evening Stefan came over, again armed with the same wine. His embrace left her breathless as his lips travelled from her wrist to her shoulder, across her collarbone, up her neck and across to meet hers. Strangely, Elena couldn’t remember much else about that night. She did remember the light hurt her eyes the next morning, sending shooting pains through her head and compelling her to wear sunglasses all day for two days running. Yet now the day had drifted into dusk, her eyes were fine.

Elena pondered. Did Stefan have anything to do with this? A chuckle escaped her lips – how could he? He hadn’t done anything to her except kiss her. She stood and crossed to the mirror once more. She inhaled sharply. All she could see was the room reflected back and no sign of her at all.

A faint brush of fabric sounded in her ears and she whirled around. A startled cry rushed from her throat; Stefan stood behind her, a gentle smile gracing his lips. He opened his arms and drew her to him, enveloping her in his tight embrace. Elena snuggled into him as a sense of peace rolled through her.

“Oh, Stefan, I’ve been so scared. I don’t understand what’s happening to me,” her soft voice calmer than the words belied.

Hush, darling, you are with me now . . . forever.”

Thanks so much for sharing this with us Carlie. It’s a perfect pick to go along with your tour!

Don’t be late for the party! To find the complete tour list and catch all of the reviews, interviews, excerpts and a huge giveaway go here !

Carlie M A Cullen was born in London. She grew up in Hertfordshire where she first discovered her love of books and writing. She has been an administrator and marketer all her working life and is also a professional teacher of Ballroom and Latin American dancing.

Carlie has always written in some form or another, but Heart Search: Lost is her first novel. This is being launched 8th October 2012 through Myrddin Publishing Group and work has started on book two: Heart Search: Found. She writes mainly in the Fantasy/Paranormal Romance genres for YA, New Adult and Adult.

Carlie is also a professional editor.

Carlie also holds the reins of a writing group called Writebulb. Their first anthology was published September 2012.

Carlie currently lives in Essex, UK with her daughter.

You can purchase your copy of Heart Search (Book One: Lost) by clicking the links below.

Amazon US

Amazon UK