A Scary Merry Christmas!

Posted: December 5, 2012 in Creatures, horror, movies, Videos
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I know it’s a time to eat, drink and be merry. For me that means popcorn, iced tea and movies with some friends!!

Here are some Scary Merry Christmas movies I’ll be watching.

Haven’t seen this one yet. New one to watch!

This one is creepy fun.

Santa has an attitude!

What’s Christmas without zombies?

Self explanatory:)

Ooh! Pretty scary!

One of my favorites.

I may be lame, but I just loved these. Killer snowman and killer snowballs! Plus, it snows in the tropics! There’s hope for me and a white Christmas!

And Christmas just wouldn’t be right without some gremlins!


I still find it hard to believe that the santa at the top of the post came from this one!

Any movies I missed? Open to suggestions!

  1. Sherry says:

    As always, you drag out some of the creepiest movies. LOL I love the gremllins.

  2. Emma says:

    I think I like my Christmases as safe and unscary as possible 🙂

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Good for you Emma. I. on the other hand, do love horror! If you read my other post, those movies were much different. I’ll probably not be able to watch every one!

  3. Whoooeeeee! My kind of holiday viewing! My adult daughter has always loved the first Jack Frost; I didn’t know there was a sequel. Which version of Black Christmas? The 2006 one, I watched on Christmas Day 2006, while my daughter, son-in-law, then 3 grands, and daughter’s dad and estranged stepmom did the gift-thing. 🙂

  4. jannashay says:

    That’s quite a gruesome list of Christmas movies. Enjoy your viewing.

  5. Krystal says:

    You are missing one of the best one’s! Santa’s Slay because not only is it scary but freakin hilarious! It’s one of the best creepy Christmas movies! You have to watch it.

  6. […] A Scary Merry Christmas! (fuonlyknew.com) […]

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