Legend Unleashed

by M Latimer Ridley

Pretty cover isn’t it? Wait until you read the story!

Tick Tock, Tick Tock. That’s all that Ted hears as he rushes through the deserted streets of Carwick, heading for the Town Hall, where his office is located. He must hurry.

Carwick is a small, quiet town. The kind where people don’t lock their doors. It’s Ted’s job to keep it that way.

He reaches the building and enters his tiny office. It’s more like a broom closet, but hidden in the floor is a stairway down. Down there. Down to a hidden city time has forgotten.

Ted enters the underground city and rushes through the dark streets. Tick Tock, he must reach the old grandfather clock. He can’t let it wind down.

He finally reaches the clock, but it’s stopped ticking. When he dares to opens its door, it’s empty.What was inside is now behind him, it’s hot breath moist on his neck. He couldn’t turn around. He doesn’t want to see what’s coming.


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INjvvOIV38Q]


In the unsuspecting town of Carwick, Christmas is coming. Temperance works with her father Pratchett, decorating their bookstore. The Haven is always the first shop to do it.

Her father has gotten out the spider web decoration for Boris, a ghost spider. Temp thinks it’s a convenient story that he’s a ghost, as only her father can see him.

They banter back and forth as they decorate, her father mentioning that his friend Cyprian has a nephew coming to stay with him. Alastair is right around Temp’s age, a not so subtle hint.

“Anyway, I’ve put the mistletoe over the door in case he comes while you’re in the shop.” Pratchett wiggled his eyebrows at her.

“Sometimes I wonder what age you really are,” Temperance sighed.

Her parents are always meddling in her love life, or lack of it, and it adds humor to this story.

It’s almost time for her classes at the university so Temp heads out. When she arrives the doors are still locked so she settles on a bench to wait.

She’s soon joined by a tall, handsome man who introduces himself as Alastair. She quickly learns how he knows her. Her father’s been busy. He gave her picture to Cyprian to pass on to Alastair. She doesn’t want to know what might be written on it.

The doors to the school open and out steps Cyprian followed by an older man with a walking stick. They seem to be arguing and when the older man bangs his stick on the ground, something strange and unnatural happens. But Alastair denies noticing anything.

Soon after, the man leaves and Cyprian comes to join them. He invites Temp to dinner and an evening at his place. At first she’s tempted to refuse, but then she remembers it’s the night of winter solstice.

Her parents were having friends over for a winter solstice gathering. She didn’t think she could face another of her mother’s versions of a Wiccan party. It would be crowded with menopausal women dancing naked around plastic cauldrons on the hill behind their house.

She sighed. “It’s true. I wouldn’t mind missing jangling crystals and saggy bits this year.”

She accepts the invitation, not knowing that life is about to take a dangerous turn. There are many strange things out and about in Carwick, some not human. After this night, people will huddle behind bolted doors in fear of the dark and what’s in it.


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSOZxhN4vXU]


When I started reading Legend Unleashed, I was so engaged, I only stopped reading because my kindle battery died. Got to remember to charge it more often. When I resumed reading, I was held captive to the end. It’s not a long book, and with the mystery, humor and romance, not to mention the creatures, it’s very engaging and easy to follow.

If you like all of the above and reading about witchy, magical, and hairy things, you’ll enjoy Legend Unleashed. I sure did and can’t wait for more in this series.

           Magically Delicious.


Great news. There’s a great tour going on right now for Legend Unleashed with lots of prizes and great posts. Go here to check it out. Keep reading to find out how to enter a giveaway here!

I was too late for the tour but these great ladies have offered 4 e-books to giveaway here on FUONLYKNEW! Thanks so much Karen and Rachel.

Entry is easy. Leave your email address and answer this question, ” What legend do you wish was real?”

Giveaway ends December 22nd.

About the authors

M. Latimer-Ridley

Latimer (Karen) and Ridley (Rachel) are two eccentric best friends with far too many obsessions and a frightening addiction to tea. When they aren’t reading stories filled with magic, passion and adventure, they’re writing them. A writing duo for the last nine years, they’ve always dreamed of sharing their imaginary worlds and quirky characters with others. While they live in Ireland, they would love to spend their lives travelling the world. But for now, they can be found happily wandering the internet.




Get yours by clicking on the cover! A copy is waiting for you.

  1. Sherry says:

    I love the old timie feel of the trailer and it is a cool book cover. I love the sound of the book. On to the giveaway.

  2. Sherry says:

    What legend do I wish was real? Bigfoot? I love reading about bigfeet (lol) but don’t believe they are real. Seems like there would be some find of proof by now, them being so big and all. I checked out there tour site, thanks Laura.

  3. bn100 says:

    the legend of the fountain of youth


  4. This is truly amazing and it sounds great! The way the cover is old but intriguing, it’s the kind of stuff I’d go for.

  5. emaginette says:

    The book cover is wonderful. I would definitely pick it up and read more. 🙂

  6. Mia says:

    During this season? Santa. That way, adults could get gifts too

  7. Juana says:

    I would say Santa Claus.

  8. I would love it if fairies were real… Little wee folk full of magic.


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  11. ddrespling says:

    It’d be cool if unicorns were real. They’re always depicted as such beautiful and gentle creatures!

  12. Unicorns 🙂 Tee hee hee!!!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. Carmen says:

    Would love to meet a leprachan! Follow him to the pot of gold over the rainbow. 🙂

  14. ashima1 says:

    I wish Genie was real..I would wish for a whole library 😀

  15. […] Reviews – Review/Interview December 7 – Pure Textuality – Guest Post/PROMO December 8 – Fuonlyknew – Review/PROMO (Thank you to Laura for having us and letting us do a giveaway! ) December 10 – A […]

  16. […] and Reviews – Review/Interview December 7 – Pure Textuality – Guest Post/PROMO December 8 – Fuonlyknew – Review/PROMO (Thank you to Laura for having us and letting us do a giveaway! ) December 10 – A […]

  17. Layssa Hart says:

    Atlantis (sigh) probably because I’m a water sign born in the Chinese year of the dragon (another legend).

  18. Legend Unleashed Giveaway. Does Sherlock Holmes count as a legend? Probably not 🙂

  19. Rana says:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    I’d like to believe the Holy Grail is real, among other aspects of Arthurian legend… or of Monty Python legend 🙂


    • fuonlyknew says:

      There is those that believe it’s real. Maybe it is! As for Monty, Heaven help us if those guys get their hands on it! I just watched it a few weeks ago. Still makes me crack up even though I know it all by heart.

  20. Penumbra says:

    You know, I don’t know. So many legends, myths and fairytales end up tragic so that eliminates a lot of them in my mind. I think I have to agree with the person who said “The Fountain of Youth” or another one is not necessarily a legend, but the ability to do “Magic,” because I love magic stories 🙂


  21. Lacey says:

    I absolutely love Greek Mythology. If any of the gods or creatures from there were real that would be pretty interesting.

  22. I have always been sad that the Norse myths were not real.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Maybe way back they were. Where does all this come from if not from some kind of historical record?

      • Lori Hayes says:

        I agree..this all comes from somewhere,lengends, myths…if any are true i want bitten by a vampire.i don’t no if I’d much like drinking blood but i can adapt. Alsono killing ppl I’d be a vegetarian vampire.

  23. Wow, so many fantastic answers!! Laura, thanks a million for holding this and thanks to everyone who took the time to comment! 😀

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I know. Some were very surprising. Ones I wouldn’t have thought of. I think I’m partial to unicorns:) So pure and beautiful. But then the savage werewolves and other beasties are favs too!

  24. Lori Hayes says:

    I like the legends of the Fae who can think of what they want to look like and do. plus your young forever.who doesnt want that.i love the faries too but someone beat me to it.

  25. raingirl46 says:

    The book sounds amazing! Thanks for the chance to win! As for which legend I wish was true…since it is Christmas I would have to say Santa! We could all use the magic and love that he symbolizes.

  26. […] Legend Unleashed Giveaway! (fuonlyknew.com) […]

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