
To join in, copy and paste these rules and the above banner into your Fanged Mania post and add your link to this week’s Fanged Mania post at Elisabeth Wheatley’s Blog. Fanged Mania is a Friday meme counting down to the release of Fanged Princess and displaying all things vampire and awesome. Fanged Mania posts can be a review of a vampire book, a quote from the latest Vampire Diaries episode, a showcase of a cool vampire book’s cover, or whatever you like so long as it is vampire related. Don’t forget, participants will be entered in the drawing to win a fanged-abulous prize pack!

The prize pack I mentioned includes Vampire Diaries and Breaking Dawn posters as well as a paperback copy of Erica Steven’s Captured (my review here) and the complete collection of The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter stories by Jennifer Malone Wright, in paperback, too! =D

Oh, and the contest is international. And the more Fanged Mania posts you have, the more entries you get! So what are you waiting for? Hop on the bandwagon!

My Fanged Mania post is going to be about The Light Bearer Series. Emily Guido has written a wonderful series.

The Light-Bearer Series by Emily Guido

Charmeine: Book One

Charmeine (The Light-Bearer, #1)

Now available. Click here to purchase.

Can romance develop between a heavenly Light-Bearer and a hellish vampire Blood-Hunter?

Tabbruis is a Blood-Hunter, he drinks blood to survive. Over millennia Tabbruis has wandered the Earth alone aimlessly living through many historical events.

Charmeine just came to the Earth in 1997. Little did she know her destiny was to be Queen of all the Light-Bearers?

When Tabbruis meets Charmeine the attraction is immediate and passionate. They are polar opposites and clash together in a strongly romantic and dramatic way. When she meets Tabbruis, Charmeine’s powers as a Light-Bearer, one who throws lightning, is triggered and grows exponentially.

Charmeine and Tabbruis soon find out they were made by God for each other; however, on the day God cast Lucifer out of Heaven, they were split up by some mistake. Charmeine sacrificed herself to save her Tabbruis but they were sent to Earth as total opposites and in different times. Tabbruis never remembered Heaven, Charmeine or their child. Until he met Charmeine, he did not know he was the King of Darkness and destined to be her Husband on Earth as he was in Heaven.

Once Tabbruis and Charmeine proclaim their love for one another, they have to battle their way to freedom from the evil forces on Earth.

MACTUS: Book Two

Mactus (The Light-Bearer Series, Book 2)

Now available. Click here to purchase.

As Charmeine and Tabbruis unite to proclaim their love for one another it becomes apparent that a new and dark task has presented itself for the lovers to overcome. Even with the beautiful union between Tabbruis and Charmeine, destiny will surely reveal itself.

Being the Queen of Light, Charmeine is fated to bring light and love into the world, but yet her personal life can in no way interfere. Devoted to Tabbruis and her son Shane, it is all she can do to focus only on them. As the rule of engagement commences, she must first step up to the plate and bring forth a change that will only start an endless feud that has already been acclaimed centuries into existence.

As King of Darkness, Tabbruis has been placed in his position for a purpose. His love for Charmeine has only brought peace and clarity to his existence. With his family now back together, he must now stand against his own kind, not only to protect what is right but also to protect the world from the impending darkness.

Family bonds only strengthen the ties. Shane introduces his proclaimed love into the picture and in a jaw dropping course of events love is tested and the family is torn apart. They say that love can span the planes of existence, but can this family hold tight until the end and keep it together just long enough to face forces of darkness that is so hell-bent on destroying the world?

Carly Ann Wallace Acclaimed Author of “Southern Summer” and “Concrete Angel

ACCENDO: Book Three

Accendo (The Light-Bearer Series Book 3)

Now available. Click here to purchase.

Reality throws our star-crossed lovers, Tabbruis and Charmeine, for a spin as they now are faced with the evil lurking at their door step. Family must hold strong or pay the ultimate price.

Charmeine must choose to prove her strength and strive for her destiny or watch her entire life crumble around her. Lost in painful emotions, Charmeine has to sort out her husband’s wavering faith in her and her abilities. Trust can build nations as lack of trust can only bring down the world of one unsuspecting heart.

Rekindled love between Charmeine and Tabbruis has been tried and tested and now will become the support beam for the next revelation. With the most powerful evil knocking at their door, Charmeine and her family now will be tested like never before. Will faith and love will hold it together? Unimaginable forces are to be fought with the Elder Council, hunting not only Charmeine but Tabbruis as well. He broke the rules and now must pay the ultimate price for allowing the Queen of Light to live.

A tragic loss sends a shock wave of pain and sorrow through the family. When everyone thought it couldn’t get any worse it unobjectively does but there is always a silver lining. With enough faith in their family, secrets begin reveal a new dawn for Charmeine and her family. New days are coming and a fresh start is on the horizon.



The Fourth Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series” is “Seditious.”  This book is the continuation of Tabbruis and Charmeine’s romantic and turbulent love story and mission on Earth to battle Lucifer’s minions! Tabbruis and Charmeine’s life at the ‘Castle Charmeine’ is blissful until reality of the ruling the Elder Council Blood-Hunters hits them in the face. In “Seditious” Tabbruis and Charmeine find that their love is tested in the most heinous way possible. Then, as a one-two punch, Lord Cromwell, one of the most deadly and powerful Blood-Hunter ever has escaped the Elder Council Prison.  Lord Cromwell sends his beautiful agent to cause trouble for Tabbruis and Charmeine and wants something that they have! Charmeine runs away from the ‘Castle Charmeine’ to forget the betrayal of her most beloved husband Tabbruis. Can Tabbruis win Charmeine back?  How can he make her understand?

RANSOM” Book Five

Ransom (The Light-Bearer, #5)

“Ransom” is the Fifth Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series” which is the continuation of Tabbruis and Charmeine’s romantic and turbulent love story and mission on Earth to battle Lucifer’s minions!

Tabbruis and Charmeine’s life at the ‘Castle Charmeine’ is blissful until the reality of ruling the Hellish Blood-Hunters’ Elder Council hits them in the face.  Then, as a one-two punch, Lord Cromwell, one of the most deadly and powerful Blood-Hunters on Earth has escaped the Elder Council Prison! Lord Cromwell sends a beautiful agent to cause trouble for Tabbruis and Charmeine! He also desperately wants something Tabbruis has!

There are more surprises in store for the inhabitants of the ‘Castle Charmeine’.

Will Tabbruis and Charmeine, two star-crossed and ill-fated lovers ever be at rest? Could this mean the end of harmony for Tabbruis and Charmeine’s family?

CONUMDRUM the sixth book in the series coming in 2013.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOiaAGKlEN0]


I will be posting my reviews for Charmeine and Mactus in January. Emily will be stopping by to tell you about Tabbruis and we are cooking up a surprise! Stay tuned.

I’m loving this series. Not only do we get to watch the characters grow, we also get to see Emily’s writing evolve as she writes her series.

About Emily Guido

Image of Emily Guido

Emily Guido is a very New Paranormal Romance Author.  She was inspired to start writing “The Light-Bearer Series” because one day she got an idea of two characters of light and dark who needed to have their epic romance story told.  Not ever dreaming a week later she would have over a 100,000 words written.  When Emily writes, it is similar to you or I watching a movie.  She pictures the characters in her head going through vivid descriptions of each scene.  There are so many nuances going through her mind that she cannot type fast enough. She has written five  novels, “Charmeine” “Mactus” “Accendo” “Seditious” and “Ransom”  The sixth novel in “The Light-Bearer Series.” is entitled “Conundrum” and will be released early 2013.

Where to find/follow Emily:

Website: http://authoremilyguido.com/

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5764521.Emily_Guido

Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/Emily__Guido

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelightbearernovelist

  1. WOW!!! THANK YOU!!! When you go out! YOU GO OUT!!! I will be re-blogging this tomorrow and spreading the word around Facebook! Thanks, Emily

  2. Sherry says:

    Awesome Laura. I love the post and I have yet to read the books, but they are high on my TBR list. I can hardly wait to see what you have cooking. lol

  3. I haven’t read this series yet. Will look out for your reviews in january 🙂

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