What A Wonderful World!!

Posted: December 23, 2012 in Awards
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I met Emily some time ago and she has become a dear friend. We may not have met YET in person, but I feel a sisterhood connection with her.  She is extremely busy with getting her B.S. Degree and going for her MBA Degree while also writing and publishing her Light Bearer Series at the speed of light! How she still finds time to visit so many blogs and leave her heart-warming comments and encouragement is beyond me.

This is for you Emily!

Since trying to do all of the requirements for these awards would make this post endless, I’m going to just say a few things about this past year and nominate some worthy blogger friends!

Since I started blogging, I’ve met some awesome people and made some genuine friends. It has been an amazing adventure and I’m loving every minute of it.

I’ve met some awesome writers, read so many great books, and been welcomed to this community with open arms.

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine how my little blog would become such an important part of my life. It has been a difficult year and powering up my computer and seeing my overflowing Inbox makes my endorphins take off and I can’t wait to see what’s going on.

I can’t nominate everyone, wish I could. So I’m sending my Love out to everyone. Thanks for making this year a better, brighter one!

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My Nominees Are:

Emma: http://emmameade.com

Carlie: http://carliemacullen.com

Anna: http://emaginette.wordpress.com

Tina: http://eyesforgaia.wordpress.com

Kriss: http://cabingoddess.com

Emma & the gang: http://thehorrificallyhorrifyinghorrorblog.com

Elisabeth: http://elisabethwheatley.wordpress.com

Michael: http://parlorofhorror.wordpress.com

Mercy: http://mercyamare.blogspot.com

Charles: http://charlesacornell.com

Please except these awards in the spirit they were given.  If your blog is award free or you do not post awards, just know I am happy to share with you.

  1. Thanks so much Laura, I appreciate the acknowledgement. Here’s to the coming year! Cheers!

  2. Aww I’m blushing and really not that good! But YOU ARE!!! You deserve each and everyone of those awards. You always have time for others on your wonderful blog and always give us such good finds!!!! Lots of love to you and to your sis! I think my sis and I would have been this way if she would have lived. Hugs and more hugs. Have a wonderful Christmas and a very prosperous New Year! Lots of love, Emily

  3. Emma says:

    Aw, thanks so much, Laura. Hope you are enjoying the festive season.

  4. […] month, and since we’re about to run out of 2012, I thought I had better write up this post. Laura Thomas and Felicia Wetzig also passed the same award to me. So thank you girls. Hope you are having a […]

  5. […] would like to thank Laura from FUONLYKNEW, Xavigeis from The Xavi’s Photoblog and Ajaytao from  Ajaytao 2010 for nominating me with […]

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