Giveaway and Review for Alpha Girl ~ The Wolfling Saga

Posted: May 21, 2013 in Blog Tour, giveaways, Paranormal or fantasy, Romance, Series, werewolves
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Welcome to my stop on the Blurb Blitz Tour for Alpha Girl!

The first thing I want to talk about is the cover art.

Isn’t it stunning?

I could look at it over and over again.

How could you resist picking up this book and diving into the story.

Now, the story was a surprise. Check out my review below to see why.

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway:)

Alpha Girl


Alpha Girl

by Kate Bloomfield




Seventeen year old Rose Goldman is highly unpopular in the little town of Halfway. Ever since the ‘attack’ when she was a girl, people and animals have been afraid of her. She gets bullied in school, and called ‘wet dog’ because of the way she smells, despite being extremely hygienic. However, life takes a turn when a new teacher starts at Halfway High. Mr. Stone, the quirky and charismatic English teacher is twice Rose’s age, but she feels an unexplainable pull towards him from day one. Despite her better judgement, Rose pursues a friendship with Mr. Stone, who seems unable to stay away from her.

What is pulling this unlikely pair together?

Alpha Girl is the first book of the Wolfling Saga, and is not intended for audiences younger than 15 years of age, as it contains scenes of a sexual nature, and coarse language.

Please do not read if you are easily offended.




(Chapter Eight)

Mr. Stone’s smile faltered. ‘I like my women to have a mind of their own – to be witty. Like you.’

My throat closed up. Like me?

‘You’re an amazing girl,’ he said suddenly.

His use of the word girl made my stomach twist painfully.

‘Am I?’ I asked.

‘Of course.’

‘A girl?’

He smiled knowingly. ‘An amazing woman,’ he corrected himself.

‘No one has ever told me that before,’ I said.

‘I don’t believe that,’ he smiled. ‘You’re clever, and beautiful, and damn witty.’

Mr. Stone’s jaw tensed as he realized what he was saying.

‘Beautiful?’ I asked, the word escaping as nothing more than a whisper.

‘Don’t you know?’ he asked.

My heart thundered as I stared at him. Oh please, my mind begged. Please tell me what is going on in that head of yours.

‘D-don’t I know what?’ I asked.

‘Don’t you know what you’re doing to me?’ He said as though I was torturing him.

‘What?’ My skin stung and my head swam with the possibilities.

‘Rose, I-’ He paused to collect his thoughts. ‘I’ve felt this … this pull towards you since day one. I can’t explain it.’

He didn’t need to explain it, because I felt it too. His eyes, his smile and his scent had me drawn in.

I placed a shaking hand over his, which was still on the steering wheel. He looked at our hands for a moment before allowing me to thread my fingers through his. I could feel his pulse in between each of my fingers.

Mr. Stone inhaled deeply. ‘Christ,’ he muttered, shutting his eyes tightly.

‘What’s the matter?’ I breathed.

‘That … that scent. The way you smell-’

I suddenly became very self-conscious. Bullies at school often accused me of smelling like wet dog. I sniffed my shirt, but I smelled perfectly normal.

‘What is it?’ I said defensively. ‘I showered this morning-’

Mr. Stone laughed, and I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

‘No,’ he said with a small smile. ‘You smell amazing.’

‘I do?’

‘Absolutely. You always do.’

I never wore perfume, only regular home brand antiperspirant.

‘It makes me dizzy,’ he confessed. ‘It’s intoxicating.’

‘What do I smell like?’ I asked, rather flushed.

Mr. Stone licked his lips as though he could taste me in the air. ‘Sweet,’ he said.

My cheeks burned crimson, and I wished he would look at me. I couldn’t believe this was happening.

‘I want to kiss you so very badly, Rose,’ Mr. Stone said under his breath. ‘But I can’t … and it’s killing me.’

My heart hammered so loudly against my ribcage that I was sure Mr. Stone could hear it from where he sat.

Suddenly, I felt powerful. He wanted me … and it terrified him.

‘Mr. Stone,’ I breathed, but he still didn’t look at me. ‘Tom.’

A small groan escaped him as though his name leaving my lips was taboo.

‘Look at me,’ I said, my eyes fixated on him.

‘I can’t,’ he said, shaking his head.


My Review

I tip my hat to Kate Bloomfield.

Alpha Girl is more than a coming of age novel. It is about a young girl on the verge of womanhood, struggling with the angst and sexual urges that come with it.

But, it’s also about her monthly cycle. Ever since she was attacked, once a month she has to be confined. Not just for her own good, but for the safety of others.

One time, when the change was upon her, she got loose. She came to the next day, covered in blood, with no memory of the night before.

That must never happen again.

“Mom, it’s starting,” I croaked.

“Come on sweetie, it’s time to take you downstairs.”

She was right. I couldn’t hold on much longer.

“You have to do it now, Mom,” I wheezed.

She secured the restraints around my wrists and tightened them…my father secured my ankles.

“It’s starting…”

My parents didn’t need telling twice. They left the basement before…

Any parent should have been proud of Rose. She’s bullied by her peers and saddled with an affliction that will be with her for the rest of her life.  So young yet so brave. Rose’s parents act like she doesn’t exist most of the time, but they do make sure to be there for her monthly cycle. Most of the time.

Rose is strongly attracted to her teacher, Mr. Stone, but that is taboo.

What dwells within Rose is much older and makes her mature beyond her years in some ways, while her naiveté and yearning for him are almost most than he can withstand. To give in would be disaster for both of them.

This story is not too long or too short, making it a fast read, but giving plenty of background about Rose, her affliction, and about Mr. Stone.

Keep an open mind while reading this story. There is much more going on than you at first think.

There’s also an excellent twist that I should have seen coming.

4 Stars


Kate will be awarding an autographed copy of ALPHA GIRL to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour (US ONLY).

Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found at the link below.

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Tour Schedule


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

alpha girl AuthorPic

Best-selling and independent Australian author, Kate Bloomfield, has successfully made a name for herself in the world of self-publishing at just twenty-three years old. Her newest and most precious book yet, Alpha Girl, is a controversial Paranormal Romance between a student and teacher. A book not for those easily offended.

Kate was born in Enfield, London in 1989, but has lived in Wollongong, Australia for most of her life.

Now working full time as an independent author, Kate has published four novels, and two short stories.

Her fifth novel ‘Alpha Girl’ is a paranormal romance that explores a complicated a student/teacher relationship. It is due for release on April 1st 2013.

For more information about Alpha Girl, please visit:









  1. I love the cover too. You are right, it is stunning. The book sounds interesting. Thanks for the great review and giveaway.

  2. Elisabeth says:

    Well, I guess if you think about it…there’s been a recent upsurge in teen love interests who are really A LOT older than they look and that makes the age difference here seem not so bad…maybe I’ll give this one a shot sometime…

    • fuonlyknew says:

      It’s more of a mature NA book. The sex is a bit graphic and the relationship is unsettling, but as you read on, you find out it isn’t what it appears. I like that it made me squirm a bit until the reason was revealed. I think that’s what made this book a great read.

  3. Emma says:

    Sounds so good.

  4. […] Giveaway and Review for Alpha Girl ~ The Wolfling Saga ( […]

  5. Rose Milligan says:

    Thanks for having the giveaway.


  6. […] You can read my review and enter the giveaway for Alpha Girl here. […]

  7. […] Giveaway and Review for Alpha Girl ~ The Wolfling Saga ( […]

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